Author Topic: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook (June11)  (Read 204143 times)

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #555 on: December 22, 2011, 04:47:28 AM »
Does the pink bunny gnome come from pets? I've never seen one before, it's pretty cute. :D
I can answer that. Yes. You can find it by having a dog bark at the fridge. There is a chance one will spawn.
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Offline Sunnysabjes

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #556 on: December 23, 2011, 07:48:44 AM »
Merry Christmas to you too. I love the picture!

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #557 on: December 23, 2011, 09:04:14 AM »
Thank you everyone! Off for one more day of work before we leave for the snowy wilds of northern Canada!

About the dog gnome: I have no idea what caused it to show up. Sami does her own thing when I don't send her out sniffing for stuff, so she may very well have barked at an appliance or two. :)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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Offline Lilygirl

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #558 on: January 05, 2012, 03:40:08 PM »
Sciks: Week 37

This has turned into a very short update compared to the usual as I spend most of my time this week chained to my inventing table. Here are a few random pictures from this week for your enjoyment.

This is our new gnome, s/he shows up early in the week and quickly becomes one of the gang.

Both of our small animal pets die on the same day, only hours apart. First Wunn's African Grey Parrot, and then Grandma Fhore's turtle. The bird's death is kind of unsettling: he gives a squawk and falls backwards off his perch, landing with a quiet thud amongst the newspaper shreds in the tray. The turtle's death? Well, he lives up in Grandma Fhore's bedroom and no one is a round to witness it's death so we may never know.

Mom spends one of her afternoons after work down at the gym handing out losses during an official chess tournament. She comes home with a few more best friends, even though she doesn't need to keep track anymore, and she beats them all soundly!

She also hangs out at the park on her day off and challenges a few extended family members to a game of chess. This lovely elder is Haeju Tracy, long time girlfriend of Marty Nowak (Grandma Fhore's brother Franklin's oldest son). [The extended family has been very bad at producing any off-spring! :(]

Tu seems to roll a number of socializing wishes this week (seems he's a little bored waiting for my next birthday or a new baby to arrive so he has reason to paint and sculpt again). He even ventures out to socialize with random people in town. This one takes the cake though: he wants to tell a ghost story! Wunn and I indulge him one night, Mom's too busy chatting it up with someone online to pay attention. I'm not sure where he heard this story though, our family has never been to Egypt and he has never time-traveled. Hmmm.

Tu also takes over training Sami for me. This one is called "Play Dead" and has Sami quite confused and perhaps a little apprehensive - adult Sims in the house don't normally just fall over on the floor!

Saturday, part of the family wanders down to The Brightmore for some fun and relaxation. Mom gets there first and no sooner does she finish her onion rings but the mixologist decides it's his time to go. Mom isn't impressed!

Me? Well, I spend my week playing with the coolest thing EVER!! You know that Life Core I picked up from the Science Center? Well, I would like you to meet my 3 Simbot children! And yes, they are actually and truly alive!

And with that, my friends, my Life Time Wish is complete!


Next Week: A wedding, definitely a wedding. Maybe a trip if the plane will actually drop us off at our destination.
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Offline kattiq

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #559 on: January 05, 2012, 04:20:01 PM »
Those Simbots are awesome! I've only had one Simbot but he didn't look like any of those.
And maybe Tu has been reading some books on Egyptian History? Haha

Offline Sunnysabjes

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #560 on: January 05, 2012, 04:22:17 PM »
Nice new update! I like the play dead, poor Sami :P. Awesome gnome I hope it will show up in my game one day too. So far I've just been having a plague of vampire gnomes XD

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #561 on: January 12, 2012, 01:55:47 PM »
I just read this all the way through. How did you get the waterslide to work? Was it a building cheat?

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #562 on: January 12, 2012, 02:26:35 PM »
Awesome updates! Love the simbots!

Offline Lilygirl

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #563 on: January 25, 2012, 09:18:17 AM »
Hello everybody!

I'm very sad to say that this story is going on the back burner for a while, for 2 reasons.

1) I've had to replay the end of the last week I've already posted more times than I can count and I have 2 Sims (Wunn and Therie) that keep getting bugged, preventing me from ever playing Sunday. I'm quite sick of replaying days I've already posted on. Next time I'm in the mood to play these guys I think I have to back up even further and maybe replay the entire week! Bah!

2) I'm expecting my baby in the next week or 2 and so there will be a major priority shift in my life at that point. I'm not sure how much Sim time I will have between the forum and the building contests.

Cheers everyone and take care!
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Offline kattiq

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #564 on: January 26, 2012, 12:08:35 AM »
Hello everybody!

I'm very sad to say that this story is going on the back burner for a while, for 2 reasons.

1) I've had to replay the end of the last week I've already posted more times than I can count and I have 2 Sims (Wunn and Therie) that keep getting bugged, preventing me from ever playing Sunday. I'm quite sick of replaying days I've already posted on. Next time I'm in the mood to play these guys I think I have to back up even further and maybe replay the entire week! Bah!

2) I'm expecting my baby in the next week or 2 and so there will be a major priority shift in my life at that point. I'm not sure how much Sim time I will have between the forum and the building contests.

Cheers everyone and take care!

I totally know the feeling! I hate to reply stuff OVER and OVER!

And a big Congratulations to you! I hope everything goes smoothly. Do you know if it's a girl or boy??

Offline Katluvr

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #565 on: January 26, 2012, 12:38:46 AM »
Yay, a real-life nooboo on the way!  I hope your labor and delivery is easy and that you will share pics of your nooboo when he or she arrives!  Treasure every moment because they are only babies once.   :)

Offline Lilygirl

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #566 on: January 26, 2012, 01:14:33 PM »
@ kattiq: We'll know whether it's a boy or girl when the baby arrives, right now it's still his/her little secret.

@ Katluvr: If we remember to bring our camera there should be a picture I could share.

Thank you both for your well-wishes, they are greatly appreciated!
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Offline kattiq

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #567 on: January 26, 2012, 09:19:54 PM »
@ kattiq: We'll know whether it's a boy or girl when the baby arrives, right now it's still his/her little secret.
Oh that will be fun! My parents did they same thing before I was born. They thought I was a boy though, but to their surprise I was indeed a girl! Haha

Offline Sunnysabjes

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #568 on: February 02, 2012, 05:15:18 AM »
Good luck with your new family life, enjoy it!

Offline Lilygirl

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #569 on: February 10, 2012, 02:45:18 PM »
Alright, so I've managed to play through another week - the baby's still playing hide-and-seek - so I have an update for you all!

Sciks: Week 38

Well, this week is much more exciting than the last! Lihua and I finally get married. We've been trying to fly to China for the wedding so her family could be a part of it but so such luck. So we "settle" for inviting all her family members (all 3 of them) to Twinbrook for a visit and then throwing the wedding at Wunn's fishing park. It's been a while since we had a family get together there and Lihua really wants a nature wedding, similar to what we would have done in China.

Lihua wears a traditional Chinese gown in her favorite colour, Turquoise, and I wear my best suit. There, under the stars and a beautiful wedding arch, with bubbles and the sounds of pond life floating around us, with our family cheering us on, we get married!

You'll notice, in this picture of us cutting the cake, none of Lihua's family members actually make it to the wedding. In fact none of our guests do other than my immediate family! Even the paparrazzi show up too late to take pictures of the ceremony. Lihua is, understandably, a little broken up about it but the cake and dancing under the stars manage to keep her smiling all night.

When we all get home in the wee hours of the morning, we find a party guest of another sort that obviously got the location mixed up. Wunn takes care of the situation while the rest of us head for our beds.

A couple days later, Lihua receives some good news! Generation 7 is on her way!

When the family breaks the hot tub at the local pool they call me up wondering if I still want a few more appliances to fix. After about 5-6 rounds of this:

I finally give up and head back home to my inventing table. Somethings are just not meant to be!

One of the neighbourhood dogs, Ginger, decides to come on in and make herself at home at our house. She belongs to the Nowaks who live just up the street (Uncle Franklin's family) and I guess she wants to meet the extended family. Sami gets along famously with her and she stays for a couple days making friends. Sami isn't keen on sharing her bed though, so Ginger sleeps up on Tu's bed.

Friday morning breakfast is a hair-raising, dance around waving your arms above your head, panic filled moment induced by the only thing that makes all Sims - except the one that is the cause of it all - lose their mind!

Lihua's labour begins in the kitchen and, after seeing just how much help all of us will be, she takes herself back up to our room and labours in private.

Please welcome Sevinn Sunburst! She marks the beginning of change in our household and is a delight adored by all.

I take it upon myself to call dibs for bedtime. There is just nothing more precious and amazing to me than tucking my little one into her bed every night and watching her fall asleep. Her favorite colour is purple just like Wunn, she shares her mother's love of Roots music, and will be stealing my favorite Fruit Parfait at meal times when she's a little older. Her traits start with Loves the Outdoors and Neurotic. Sleep soundly, my little one, life is just beginning.

Two questions remain: Will she have my purple eyes or take after her mother? What will she grow up to be?


I have 3 more pictures of our week that I would like to share:

1) This is my beautiful baby girl just hanging out on the floor in the living room like all the rest of us, enjoying the positive moodlets of incense, music, and Therie's fabulous fridge.

2) Therie fills her days playing with this stray cat that wanders into our yard one day in hopes of adopting it. After some research, she decides to send the cat back "home" in hopes that when it returns the adoption option will be available.

3) We have a new nooboo gnome: Nooboo Sechs (6). Anybody else see the Pets EP hint in this Generations EP item?


Next week: 2 birthdays, toddler cuteness, and maybe the cat comes back!
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