Author Topic: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook (June11)  (Read 200989 times)

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #615 on: October 06, 2012, 09:42:03 AM »
I just caught up, and can I say that I was so nervous for you in the end. 97 days! Wow.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #616 on: October 09, 2012, 07:23:41 PM »

97, whew! I guess all that exercise helped keep his heart healthy. Thank goodness. Also, an ice sculpture of Grim? Awesome!

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Offline Lilygirl

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #617 on: October 26, 2012, 04:26:41 PM »
Sevinn: Week 45

Hi everyone. This is my first week providing the updates from our family for your reading pleasure. I just want to state for the record: Thank-you Dad for finally getting your act together so that I can do the awesome things I'm doing with my life!

Since the household is full to the brim there's really no rush for me to get my "act together" other than to be better than my Dad. Although his example won't be hard to beat! I spend an afternoon singing karaoke with Wunn. It is a blast! ;D

We both love the colour purple so we match. Except that he's old and I'm definitely not.

I'm riding Shelby is a couple races today so Shadow is all alone when his appointment with the Grimm comes up. At least he has a townie Sim for company. I'm so sorry I wasn't there, buddy. :'(

I did go and pick up his tombstone though. Now I just have to find a great place to put it.

Now that Dad's retired, him and Mom keep throwing up wished left and right to be all lovey-dovey with one another. There relationship has been at like zero for weeks now.

One of the ghosts came out and haunted the weirdest thing ever!

Not the music box but the dancing mummy inside the music box! ???

Oh yes, now that there is a spot in the animal portion of the household, I have Shelby bred at the Equestrian Center. [I wanted Lihua to die so that I could breed Shadow and Shelby. Bah!] Sorry, sweetheart, twins is not happening, it's just not in the coding. although a second foal? Hmmm ... I'll have to do the math first, girl.

My Dad insisted I just had to include this picture; I have no idea why, it doesn't offer any real value to our story. Anybody have a catchy caption for this one? [I wish Metro was still running the caption contests, this picture would have been great!] It's my Dad and a paparazzi.

In the dusk of Twinbrook, in our front yard, a young foal is born. Everyone please meet Peeyacht Horse! He is the product of Shelby and a white stallion at the Eq. Center.

A close-up. We'll see him better in the morning.

Here he is in the daylight. Isn't he gorgeous?! I love the spotted coat! :D

In other news, Tu has a new girlfriend. This is Dusty Sylvester, the daughter of Sue Sylvester.

And my Mom and Dad go on another date. Honestly, those two are so weird!

Next week: Will the Grimm finally come for Lihua? Peeyacht grows up.
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Offline ladyaya

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #618 on: October 26, 2012, 05:08:10 PM »
Yessss! A new Sunburst update, when I was just thinking about them yesterday!
Will you update your first post with Sciks' stats, and Sevinn's?
How's life with your nooboo, doing well?

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #619 on: October 26, 2012, 06:37:02 PM »

What a fun and bizarre update! Haunting the mummy in the music box? I have no idea what to caption that picture with the paparazzi and harvester. Too funny! I also like the Grim coming for the horse. I haven't actually played with the horses or riding skill yet, so I'd never seen it. Very cool.

Offline Lilygirl

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #620 on: October 26, 2012, 07:17:50 PM »
Yessss! A new Sunburst update, when I was just thinking about them yesterday!
Will you update your first post with Sciks' stats, and Sevinn's?
How's life with your nooboo, doing well?

I will update the first post as soon as I remember.  :P  Thanks for the reminder.

My nooboo is doing well most days. I'm currently trying to get her interested in crawling. She's quite happy to just sit and play with the carpet if that's the only thing she can reach.

What a fun and bizarre update! Haunting the mummy in the music box? I have no idea what to caption that picture with the paparazzi and harvester. Too funny! I also like the Grim coming for the horse. I haven't actually played with the horses or riding skill yet, so I'd never seen it. Very cool.

When my camera panned to Shadow's Grimm appointment, I completely ignored my other Sims because I was curious about a horse death. It was pretty neat.
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Offline ladyaya

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #621 on: October 26, 2012, 07:34:11 PM »
I will update the first post as soon as I remember.  :P  Thanks for the reminder.

My nooboo is doing well most days. I'm currently trying to get her interested in crawling. She's quite happy to just sit and play with the carpet if that's the only thing she can reach.

When my camera panned to Shadow's Grimm appointment, I completely ignored my other Sims because I was curious about a horse death. It was pretty neat.

Sometimes nooboos hate to crawl, I actually have a cousin that half crawled, half walked on her hands and feet, and another refused, absolutely refused to ever be on his belly, he would cry whenever he accidentally flipped himself or fell over, so he never crawled....went straight to walking.
You're absolutely welcome for the reminder, it must be hard to remember when the information isn't at the very top and you flip to the last page so fast to update or reply to comments.  :)

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #622 on: October 30, 2012, 07:05:27 PM »
RIP Shadow. D:

Oh my goodness, I need to play with the pets more just for cute foals like that.

I thought it was really sweet to see Tu have a girlfriend. She's no Zo, but whatever makes him happy.

Offline Lilygirl

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #623 on: November 17, 2012, 01:32:20 PM »
So, apparently I've been so busy thinking I needed to play this Sim week so I could have an update to post only to realize I haven't updated the previous Sim week! That means, as I get the time this weekend, you guys get 2, yes 2, updates. And I have enough pictures for like 3-4 updates on my Misc story but my nooboo doesn't give me enough time to write one of those updates in one sitting so I keep having to reread and restart.

Since my husband is away for a couple more days I don't have to fight him for the computer, so, hopefully, I can get a couple updates up before he gets home.

Well, on with it then shall we. (Before the said nooboo decides she hates her swing too.)


Sevinn: Week 46

So the upstairs landing gets another redo. We now have a pool table instead of the arcade games and a dominoes table. Four of the elders sit down for a game, something about "achievements" or some such nonsense. And when they all get a skill point in Logic, Fyve's unique supermax skill, the Dominoes table gets sold promptly! Fyve now has to find somewhere else to play her 4-player Dominoes games.

I spend time with my new baby, Peeyacht. He is so adorable!

Here's a full body picture of him after his adult birthday. You can see his super neat spotted coat! His mom is Shelby - cream with a white mane and tail, and his dad is an Equestrian Centre stud - white with a black mane and tail. He is an interesting half-and-half mix of both his parents.

I finally get impatient waiting for the Grimm to come for my Mom (don't get me wrong I love that my Mom is still alive) and in order to have the household space to adopt the 3 wild horses I need to supermax the riding skill, I saddle up and sell my Shelby. Good-bye girl, thank you for Peeyacht.

Peeyacht gets started on finishing maxing the racing and jumping skills at the pony grounds. He aged up with a couple points in jumping and level 7 or 8 of racing.

Tu spends time with his son, Leopoldo [something like that] before the kid grows up and heads off to school.

Outside the Equestrian Centre, I have my adult birthday. Remind me to get my hair done tomorrow. I suddenly find myself overly obsessed with my new wrinkles, the fact that I don't have a car, and a need for more expensive things in our house.

Tu invites Leopoldo over every day after school to spend time with his son and make sure his son gets his homework done.

I finally get lucky and am able to adopt my first wild horse. I then ride her over to the Equestrian Center and sell her to make room for the next one.

Oh, the elders? They have nothing better to do with their time so they laze around in the hot tub at the pool.

Me? I'm always busy with something riding related to get that skill supermaxed. I am now Horsewoman level 10! Hooray for me!

And that's the end of this week. Come back soon for the report on next week.


[Time to rescue the nooboo from her swing and then go to the mall.]
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Offline Gogowars329

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #624 on: November 17, 2012, 02:37:49 PM »
Comeon Lihua! Maybe you should make her shop till she drops. Lol

Glad Sevinn is doing well with her requirements. Wouldn't want a repeat of Sciks.
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Offline Lilygirl

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #625 on: November 17, 2012, 04:30:26 PM »
Comeon Lihua! Maybe you should make her shop till she drops. Lol

Glad Sevinn is doing well with her requirements. Wouldn't want a repeat of Sciks.

Haha! That's actually funnier/more funny (?) then you know. At about 100 days old, Lihua started getting the nauseated moodlet after every time she ate. During every inevitable vomiting episode I'd tell her: your body's trying to tell you something, just give in already!
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Offline Esther1981

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #626 on: November 19, 2012, 06:26:37 PM »
Wow, you've come so far! 97 days would have made me so panicked! I get panicky when they get close to the 90 day mark!! Awesome updates, RIP Shadow and bad for me to say, but die Lihua!  :-[ What was the cause of her getting sick everytime she ate?? I've never heard of that unless the food was spoiled? 

Offline Lilygirl

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #627 on: November 20, 2012, 11:47:51 AM »
Wow, you've come so far! 97 days would have made me so panicked! I get panicky when they get close to the 90 day mark!! Awesome updates, RIP Shadow and bad for me to say, but die Lihua!  :-[ What was the cause of her getting sick everytime she ate?? I've never heard of that unless the food was spoiled? 

Thanks for the comment, Esther.

I have no idea why eating made her sick, the food was fine (unless the latest patch made food in the Kelvin fridge spoil?) Since I installed Supernatural and Seasons everyone is getting sick after eating. Maybe I should throw out all the food in the fridge and have Therie spend a day cooking new food. I just thought it was funny her being so old that she couldn't even eat in peace anymore.
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Offline Gogowars329

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #628 on: November 20, 2012, 04:27:48 PM »
Thanks for the comment, Esther.

I have no idea why eating made her sick, the food was fine (unless the latest patch made food in the Kelvin fridge spoil?) Since I installed Supernatural and Seasons everyone is getting sick after eating. Maybe I should throw out all the food in the fridge and have Therie spend a day cooking new food. I just thought it was funny her being so old that she couldn't even eat in peace anymore.
Sometimes the food does spoil with a new patch.
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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #629 on: November 20, 2012, 04:30:34 PM »
It was something from the Supernatual patch. I never got the problem, but too bad for the Sunbursts. Vomiting isn't an integral part of a happy eternal life.

