Fhore: Week 25[This one's pretty long but I think we've earned it. Enjoy. Thanks Rachel and Esther!]
We are back! The teenage years of my lovely daughter Fyve can finally begin. Oh boy. First, though, I'll check in with Franklin. Remember how last week I made a note to ask him about his relationship with Sandi, well I got my answer. Apparently, with the demands of starting his new job at the police station, he's been so busy working Sandi actually got mad enough to break up with my brother. No girl likes feeling neglected. Needles to say I have a long talk with him and basically tell him he needs to decide whether Sandi is important enough to him for him to fight for her. He invites her over on Sunday and they talk.
I guess things are going well. I hope my little brother will be happier now.
Fyve also invites a guest over on Sunday, none other than young Patrick. They become best friends even with incompatible traits, I guess he doesn't have the love of sports that she does. [His eyebrows look familiar!]
And because my girl knows what she wants and isn't afraid to ask for it, she has her first kiss with Patrick.
After supper, Ernesto takes it upon himself to put Patrick through his paces. Maybe it's a potential father-in-law thing? The kid could definitely use some fashion advice.
Monday it is, in fact, the dishwasher that breaks down. It's either too close to my bedtime or the dishwasher is extra ornery today because it wins this round. Man, that hurt!
Tuesday afternoon, Ernesto prods me out of my meditation to ask if a white belt is good enough to spar against for my MA requirements. I guess he did the math and realizes a trip to China might not come before we age up again so he hit the wooden dummy in my MA garden. Have I mentioned how awesome my husband is to me?
I try my very best not to steamroll him during our first spar but it felt so good to get back into the groove. His white belt skills are no match for my black belt flips and kicks and I hand him loss after loss this afternoon. At about round 10 he asks how many I still need. Like 25 or so dear. He's such a good sport and even manages to win one before the carpool arrives for him. Man that feels good! Too bad he has to go to work. *Wink*
Fyve meets up with Patrick after her swimming lesson and, after doing their homework together, they spend the rest of the evening playing Gnubb in the park. Plenty of chaperons there.
Franklin runs into Sandi at the Salon after work while he's there interviewing the lovely ladies and gentlemen getting new Fresh for Spring looks. She has some exciting news to share.
After saying hello to his coming soon nooboo, Franklin takes Sandi out for supper at the Bistro just down the street. They have a lovely time and Franklin doesn't get home until very late.
Wednesday, Grandpa Wunn decides to give Grandpa Tu's miner a spin. I guess it's tougher to drive than it looks!
He has a blast with it and decides it would be fun to jump into the glowing tunnel entrance the miner reveals. Yup, super smart idea. I suppose if he doesn't come back we can take a crack at being a normal family, without this Immortality thing.
Fyve comes home from school just long enough to do her homework before heading to the theater to take in a movie with her newest best friends, the Drudge girls (Grandpa Theo's granddaughters). The dark haired one is Joline but I can't remember the name of the other one, *looking it up* oh, her name is Willow.
Mom, Therie, catches up with young Patrick outside the movie theater and they join up with the girls for a late supper at the Diner, before they each head for their respective homes for the night. Looks like Patrick is super excited about having dinner with his girlfriend, her grandma, and 2 of her best friends. I'm starting to like this kid.
Thursday, Fyve's swimming lessons are canceled when an elderly gentleman leaves his suit behind when he jumps into the pool. Before I get there to pick her up, Fyve steals one rare moment to be a teenager. I have to fight back a smile. How am I suppose to punish her for the very few moments she spends just being a kid?
Ernesto takes a moment to help Fyve out with her homework. I think she asks him just for a chance to spend some time with her dad, she's definitely smart enough to do her homework on her own.
Friday evening I get invited to my cousin Dora Jones-Brown's casual party. I'm super excited about getting the Sunburst's first ever party invite! Other than the lack of food the party is awesome. Until Franklin finds out that Sandi got invited too and comes over to crash the party. We get thrown out after they get caught in the upstairs bedroom. See, he's never that excited about plain old Autumn Salad. Oh, brother!
Saturday, the family splits up and hits the town looking for some serious fun. Franklin heads over to Sandi's place to spend quality time with his son, Marty.
Grandpas Wunn and Tu participate in the protest at City Hall.
Fyve joins the town's chess league in search of winning the top prize. Her first challenger is a brilliant doctor, one of my Step-dad Wilbert's co-workers from way back. Fyve manages to sneak out a win!
Mom Therie stops in to meet her grandson, Marty, and heads home to paint this masterpiece before heading to work. I'm starting to see the real benefit to having two master painters in the house.
I, of course, spend the day in front of the fish tank showing off my latest meditation skills (same old really) for the Deathfish.
Ernesto spends the day taking pictures of the family before meeting up with Fyve at the park. He shows Patrick a few of his dance moves.
Next Week: More teenage fun, a new family member or two, and birthdays.
[So far I have 2 Vampires in Twinbrook and am of the mind that only YA, Adults, or Elders get turned by story progression. I hope I'm right about that. I have the whole family making friends with Patrick so the moment he ages up we can move him in.]