Author Topic: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook (June11)  (Read 199303 times)

Offline Lilygirl

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2011, 10:47:16 PM »
Wunn: Week 4

It seems I hardly get to fish much these days, only when everyone is settled into bed do I find time for some early morning fishing at the graveyard. The garden is also suffering this week. What has us so busy?

Two precious baby boys! They aged up to toddlers early in the week. First little Tu.

Then little Theo.

The boys seem nearly identical except for Tu has my hair colour and Theo has Lolly's hair colour.

They love playing with the doll house. Best investment ever!

I get potty training duty since Lolly is back to work at the Bistro.

Twins are great - there's one for each of us. Not only do Theo and Lolly share hair colour, they also share a favorite colour - red.

Lolly takes Tu to the library for some quality time reading books about painting.

I help Theo master his wobbly legs for a faster form of locomotion.

Lolly then takes charge of Tu's walking lessons.

Tu's first word have me wondering about his future destiny - shoes, really? He looks cutely confused as well.

Theo's first word leaves me sad - he probably won't get the honour of a wife and marriage.


Marc finds time between portraits and ice sculptures to have dinner with his son, Ronald, [I think] the middle brother.

Next week: The boys go to school.
You've played too much TS3 when ... your 13 month old's babble sounds like Simlish!

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2011, 11:02:17 PM »
The twins are so cute!

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Offline Esther1981

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2011, 11:49:15 PM »
Ah, so cute!

Offline ratchie

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #18 on: January 03, 2011, 04:51:16 AM »
Aw poor Theo he cannot get married but he could still have children.

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Offline Lilygirl

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2011, 10:35:37 PM »
Wunn: Week 5

The boys have another birthday; they're getting so big! Tu is supposed to sit for another ice sculpture attempt by Marc.

That gives new meaning to growing pains!

For some unknown reason Theo is a day younger than Tu so we have to help him out with a cake.

Oops, looks like he prefers his pajamas.

We get rid of the cribs and buy the boys a grown-up bed. They still sleep in the living room though.

The boys head out for their first day of school.

Lolly helps Tu out with his homework.

Before heading out for her run.

During one of his daily trips to the consignment shop, Marc picks up a harvester. The clerk there says it works like a vacuum. Marc thinks I'd like to use it in the garden.


When the manufacturers say the shrinkomatic fish bowl shrinks anything to fit - they aren't kidding!

Lolly has her adult birthday while out collecting butterflies.

And I was told girls were the worst for this! What is it with my boys and shoes?

Next up: I buy and upgrade Hollowlog Springs.
You've played too much TS3 when ... your 13 month old's babble sounds like Simlish!

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Offline Lilygirl

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #20 on: January 03, 2011, 11:28:45 PM »
Wunn: Still Week 5 - Hollowlog Springs gets bought and upgraded!

So I accidentally buy the wrong fishing pond! Serves me right for trusting the real estate agent and buying a property sight unseen. I mean to buy Guppy Gills Pond because it has two fishing spots, is home to both Alley Catfish and Angelfish, and I have lost track of the hours I have spent fishing there. Instead, I buy Hollowlog Springs, up by the Military Base. I have never even been there!

On the other hand, I currently have perfect specimens of the species of fish found at Guppy Gills Pond so there is no need for me to go back there. I do not have perfect specimens of most of the fish found at Hollowlog Springs, so my purchase will see much use after I have caught and sold enough Deathfish to launch me to the height of self-employed fishing.

Welcome to Wunn Stop Fishing Pond.

Lovely stone entrance complete with picnic area.

To the left of the entrance is a marshmallow roasting while watching the stars area.

Further up the path from the entrance is the second picnic area, with a better view. Note the bathrooms - they are camouflaged quite nicely.

Lastly is a small children's play area. It is well lit so parents can keep a close eye on their young ones.

It is quite safe, I assure you.

Next week: Boys become teens.
You've played too much TS3 when ... your 13 month old's babble sounds like Simlish!

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Offline Anushka

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #21 on: January 04, 2011, 04:07:27 AM »
I only get to see little red Xes instead of pictures, and I'm shore they are great so I'm sad not to see twins, or house. Anyway, I'm glad you are progressing so good, and it is one of the good things with restart, you get to plan ahead and develop much better strategy! Please do something with pics, I'd love to see them!

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Offline ratchie

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #22 on: January 04, 2011, 05:07:23 AM »
I can see the pictures fine. I love the children's playground maybe advertise it as a waterslide and charge people extra to use it.

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Offline Esther1981

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #23 on: January 04, 2011, 10:47:12 AM »
I can see the pics too. Awesome job Lily! I'm going for a restart too. At least we got our strategies down better this time around!  ;D

Offline Lilygirl

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #24 on: January 04, 2011, 01:14:26 PM »
@ Anushka: Is it all of the pics in this thread that you can't see or just the last update? I haven't done anything different with the pics so I don't know what could be wrong. Sorry.

@ Rachel: I never thought of it being a water slide. Awesome idea! I shall have Wunn move the slide.

@ Esther: I do have a better strategy this time but I'm still finding it a little boring because, even though the second generation is male this time, nothing much seems to have changed. Playing with Marc is fun though. Good luck on your restart.

Thanks for reading gals!
You've played too much TS3 when ... your 13 month old's babble sounds like Simlish!

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Offline Esther1981

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #25 on: January 04, 2011, 04:07:03 PM »
Thanks Lily! I find it boring too, I'm not even taking as many pics as I did the first time. It's all too much deja-vu for my taste! But I have taken a few, and once I figure out what to do with the pics on here and the gallery, I'll be starting another thread!  ;D

Offline Lilygirl

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #26 on: January 05, 2011, 04:34:19 PM »
Wunn: Week 6

I have taken Rachel's suggestion and redesigned the slide at Wunn Stop Fishing Pond into a water slide. The boys haven't had time yet to go test it for me, and since apparently this adult cannot use a child's slide, I will have to post pictures of it next time.

We also had the builders over to create a master en-suite for Lolly and I. I was going to include some pictures but we've done some renovations already so I'll add them next time.


At home, the boys are growing ever bigger. Oh, and older too! Theo puts in a good argument for a second bathroom.

Then the boys have their birthday party. I actually invite some guests this time around.

Here they are in their formal attire, looking quite sharp. First Tu, then Theo. They're not as similar anymore.

Marc continues to sculpt and paint the days away.

He demands a picture with his first ever masterpiece ice sculpture! Lucky for us it's a museum piece.

The boys spend as much time together as teens as they did as children. Working out, having breakfast, and of course painting.

Tu also spends some days making friends after school. This chap is Moses Bull, Marc's son. Amy and the children have moved into the old Pidgin place.

Marc and Amy find an afternoon now and again for a movie date.

Alas, it is time for my last birthday. The boys are at school and Marc is out with Amy. Lolly helps me celebrate at home.

Not really different from last time, eh?

I finally find time to stock my pond with 10 perfect Deathfish.

And on Saturday, I achieve my lifetime wish. Seems I do most of my requirements after dark.

Next week: Marc tries to complete my Elder and Tu's Teen museum pieces before he dies. Fingers crossed!
You've played too much TS3 when ... your 13 month old's babble sounds like Simlish!

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Offline Esther1981

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #27 on: January 05, 2011, 04:37:25 PM »
Congrats Wunn for completing your LTW!  ;D

Offline ratchie

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #28 on: January 05, 2011, 05:41:57 PM »
Congratulations on passing your LTW that's Wun down seven more to go. Sorry could not resist.

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Offline Esther1981

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Re: Sunburst Dynasty - Shining Forever in Twinbrook
« Reply #29 on: January 05, 2011, 06:54:05 PM »
Congratulations on passing your LTW that's Wun down seven more to go. Sorry could not resist.


That's a good one!! Hehe.

