Author Topic: A Girl's Garden--A Farmacy Story (COMPLETED)  (Read 118881 times)

Offline deedee_828

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Entry 208: Trio of Firsts
« Reply #270 on: June 22, 2022, 12:12:19 AM »

After what seemed like ages, Lacey stood up and glanced into the living room window, spotting me on the couch inside.

I expected her to come in since it was already late and a school night, but she just turned away and stared across the lawn.

I went out onto the porch only to find that she was no longer there, but giving Lawrence a good bye hug on the side lawn between our homes.

With the night so cold and still, I heard Lawrence murmur, "I'm not sure this is a good idea, Lace…your dad's on the porch…"

But that didn't stop him from hugging her back and kissing her again!

When Lawrence pulled away and started running towards his home, Lacey stood staring after him her hand on one hip.

First love, young love…

Boy, do those two have it bad!

Just when I was getting ready to head off to bed, I heard the sound of ghostly music and peeked into the kitchen to see which one of our family ghosts was visiting.

To my shock, it wasn't a ghost I was expecting at all.

It was the ghost of Grandpa Leonard's mother, Karie Kindle, my great-grandmother, who's daughters had brought her urn along when they relocated here to AP!

She wasn't the typical family ghost but an active one since she'd been partly restored to life by the science center.

A process that hasn't been quite refined yet.

And, by the looks of it, she was starving.

With a plate of ambrosia on the counter just waiting for a hungry ghost, it was perfect timing!

I watched silently from the corner of the dining table as she dug in and ate with gusto.

But when she was finished, she just floated up, the same gray ghost as before…

I closed my eyes and rubbed the back of my neck in disappointment thinking it didn't work.

Then a burst of bright light accompanied by a sizzling snap had me spinning around!

To see my great-grandmother restored to the living and doing a double fist pump!

She spun to face me, shot her hand up, and I gave her a high five asking, "How do you feel!?!"

"A bit sleepy but otherwise pretty darn good for being dead so long!"

We chatted for some time, too pumped by the success of my ambrosia to sleep, and by the time the maid arrived we'd become friends.

"I better head back home and get some sleep before I go visiting the rest of the family."

"And I better make some phone calls and prepare them for the shock of seeing you alive!"

"Well, it was through them that I heard about your experiment with life fruit and death fish, so they shouldn't be too surprised. With half of the family being immortal vampires with some mermaid genes thrown in to boot, an active ghost brought back to life probably won't cause much of a stir!"

Thinking back on Terrin and Iris's issues as PlantSims and Iris and her abduction by aliens I nodded and said, "I guess it all depends on what you're used to. Something shocking to one family can seem pretty normal to others!"

With that we hugged and both headed off to get some sleep.

Late in the afternoon, I woke up to find Terrin practicing his guitar for his first gig this evening at Performance Park.

He'd almost maxed his guitar skill and sounded amazing.

I kept my surprise to myself and just listened to him play.

Terrin headed to the Park early.

So early not even the proprietor was there yet!

But he took advantage of the time to warm up his voice.

Then cousin Claire Loveland interrupted him a few minutes later.

But it was a welcome interruption as she asked for his autograph!

And the proprietor arrived then too, clapping her hands and saying, "I have a good feeling about your show Terrin! Just be yourself and share your love of music with the crowd!"

Terrin set up his stage props and smiled as his Aunt Bella arrived and waved to him, "Good luck, Terrin! Break a leg!"

Then others started arriving and shouting the same good wishes which had Terrin shouting back, "Thanks everyone! Having the support of my family and friends, of my hometown, well, it means a lot to me! So I'm dedicating this show to all of you! The ones that have supported me, listened to my guitar playing and singing, and hired me for all those ridiculous sing-a-grams! The life of a singer doesn't start off very glamorously, so without all of you and your continued support, I wouldn't be here! Now, on with the show!"

Terrin pulled out his acoustic guitar and started strumming and singing as flames burst from the right of the stage in the back, while glittering sparkles showered down from the front left!

The crowd gave a collective gasp at this auspicious beginning and knew this performance would be far better than the sing-a-grams they'd heard this past week.

And we all knew the instant Terrin saw his surprise as his voice deepened and grew stronger as he spotted Iris!

She was front and center in the small crowd, cheering and clapping louder than the rest of us!

Terrin went through his small repertoire of songs, interspersing verses with choruses at whim, as the stage lit up with the snap and crack of double electric flashes!

My smile grew and grew as I watched and listened, seeing him come alive, not only to the music within, but to the response of the small, but enthusiastic, crowd.

I finally couldn't hold back any longer and pumped my own fist high into the air shouting, "Sing it loud, son! Sing it loud!"

It wasn't Lawrence that kept Lacey from Terrin's first gig but an afterschool job opportunity.

But she managed to arrive and catch the last song of his show that started with another plume of fire and more brilliant flashes of light and sound!

Terrin took his bow at the end like a pro as we all cheered, clapped, and stomped our feet.

In appreciation for his awesome performance, but also to keep warm in the brisk winter air!

After Terrin left the stage, the shouts and cheers were directed at me as my adult birthday hit!

Terrin shouted birthday wishes as Keri and Lacey twirled noise makers and Iris blew a party horn.

Terrin noticed the proprietor seemed impressed by Lacey but that was only a fleeting thought.

Because he only had eyes for Iris!

"Iris!!! Can you believe the response I got!?! The proprietor said I could consider this a steady gig from now on!"

"Congratulations, Terrin! But it's no wonder as you just ooze talent! The crowd loved you and your songs, the whole package!"

"But you didn't tell me YOU were going to be here!?! How did you even find out? Wait! Let me guess…Lacey or Dad!?!"

"Your dad! I hear Lacey's been a bit busy since she started high school…"

"Yeah, a new family moved in next door, the Lum family, and she and Lawrence fell head over heels, fast!"

"It happens that way sometimes…"

Staring into Iris's face like he was committing it to memory, Terrin nodded and said, "It does. How long can you stay?"

Iris placed her hand on his shoulder and said, "I have to head straight back, finals tomorrow."

"So you came all the way to AP just to see my show right before finals!?!"

"Of course, I came Terrin! I wouldn't have missed it for anything!"

But before Terrin could read too much into it, she added, "Friends are always there for one another! Besides it was me who put the idea into your head to think bigger so what kind of a friend would I be if I didn't come to your first show and show my support!?!"

Terrin said, "You've always done that, Iris, gone above and beyond for family and…friends."

It was obvious to me that Terrin still wanted more than friendship, much more, but if that's all he could have with Iris, he wasn't going to ruin what they had by pushing for more.

"So have you taken Uni by storm? Another brilliant Wainwright for other students to live up to!?!"

Iris said with a grin, "If by that you mean am I keeping my nose to the grindstone and my grades up, then yes. But not in a way that makes me unwelcome at parties! We've attended quite a few and I've made a lot of new friends."

At the word 'we' Terrin's smile fell a bit, which coincided with the blare of a cabby's horn and had Iris saying, "That's my ride!"

Iris gave Terrin a hug goodbye which seemed to go on way too long for 'just friends'.

That's the way it looked to me anyway.

Iris promised, "After finals, I'll send you all some photos so you can see what life is like on campus."

With a teasing note in her voice that had something else behind it she added, "Who knows, maybe it will prompt you to check out Uni for yourself!"

They say important things happen in threes and they seem to be doing that a lot lately in AP.

Lacey's experiencing first love with Lawrence Lum.

I've had my first successful resurrection of a ghost; my great-grandmother, Karie Kindle.

And Terrin put on an awesome first show!

One that Iris managed to attend which makes me wonder if I shouldn't have mentioned it as Terrin seems even more lovestruck than he did when they were teens.

Why is it when I try to help out my children I seem to put my foot in things and make them worse!?!

I guess one of the pitfalls of being a parent is always trying to 'fix' things for them.

So much of life must be experienced for oneself, triumphs or tribulations.

Maybe Iris's promise of photos will give Terrin some insight into her life at Uni and help him make some decisions for his future.

Offline deedee_828

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Entry 209: Iris's Uni Life
« Reply #271 on: June 26, 2022, 02:02:08 PM »


Here are those photos of Uni I promised.

At first, my dorm room seemed okay, but I quickly realized it wasn't going to work for two students.

So, I made a call to my mom, which had her telling me 'I told you so', but when I explained she used the Wainwright name to snag the last rental home available, a 2-story, 3-bedroom place.

It's huge for just the two of us but we love it.

Professor Noetal gave us the tour of the Student Union. She's been on the SimsU campus for ages, since my parents went to school here!

Being a vampire, she'll probably be here to teach my grandchildren!

The Meet 'N' Greet went well and the first sim I met, Miles Forthright, who's been on campus almost as long as Prof Noetal, flirted with me outrageously!

Especially considering he's old enough to be by father!

In fact, a lot of the students my parents went to Uni with are still here and teaching now.

But along with so many familiar sims, there are new names and faces as well.

Abigail Best is from Starlight Shores.

I'm not sure where Ye is from but being a werewolf, I'm guessing Moonlight Falls!

I didn't have the nerve to face those teeth and ask!

Werewolves are scary!

At a party, we met Keely, who's a vampire.

Don't look directly into her eyes!

We've even met a few PlantSims this term!

Well, not full PlantSims, but they do have one PlantSim parent!

That's Karam Hollis on the left and his younger brother, Vervain Hollis, on the right.

Karam takes after his mother, Asala Karam, and he's even a witch like her, but his PlantSim hair comes from his father, Shea Hollis!

Whereas Vervain has his mothers' human hair but his father's green skin tone.

They both have girlfriend's here with them too.

Karam's girlfriend is Petal Frio, and she has gorgeous hair, a minty green with pinky/purple tips!

We have several Frio families in Sunset Valley, and she says she's related to them but was born in Monte Vista.

She certainly doesn’t look like a Frio, a native of MV, or have PlantSim hair or skin, but she says her mother is one!

It's a genetic mystery I'd love to research!

Vervain's girlfriend, Barbara Dorsey-Barbs, has gorgeous hair too, a vibrant green that she got from her mother, PlantSim Sharon Dorsey, who actually attended SimsU and is now here as a guest professor.

Barbara's father is Tommy Barbs, another former SimsU student that gives lectures on safety as he's a law enforcement officer.

But having a mother who's a PlantSim isn't Barbara's claim to fame.

She wants to be a Vocal Legend, just like you do Terrin!

She started her singing career in Monte Vista and goes by the name of Babs Ballad.

She's become quite famous around campus as she performed while her housemates were busy with classes.

Check out the crowd around her at the Coffee Shop!

She's risen several levels during the term.

Reaching level 4 before the end of it!

But it's not all hanging out and partying as we study a lot!

You have to if you want to make Dean's list, which I did and I have!

I have a couple of hours between my classes, so I take advantage of the time and study between them.

Then there's listening to lectures and taking notes in class.

Professor Dorsey even requires students to give presentations.

Petal did well.

Especially having to look at Professor's Dorsey's critical stare throughout her presentation!

I ended up having to do a presentation on the white board.

With all of my experience at the Science Lab, I was pretty sure of my work.

But Professor Dorsey's praise after class was a boon to my confidence!

She said she hoped that when Barbara's younger siblings attend Uni, they show the same passion for their chosen fields as I do for mine!

I hadn't realized Professor Dorsey had other children besides Barbara, so naturally I asked about them.

And found out that Professor Dorsey has five children with her husband Tommy and four more that are full PlantSims!

Turns out that quite a few students paired up at Uni and moved to Monte Vista after graduation and they all have children becoming young adults soon, as well as younger ones.

I would have liked to ask for more details but that seemed too personal, but I did find out that quite a few of them will be attending Uni next term along with Barbara, Vervain, Karam, and Petal!

I can't wait to meet other PlantSims my age!

If we're able to rent the same house, maybe we'll have a few PlantSim roommates!

And all my studying and hard work, and okay, a bit of sucking up to my professors, paid off!

I aced the term with an A!

After Terrin shared Iris's photo story, he asked, "So what do you think of all that?"

"Well, the mystery of Petal Frio is easy to solve. With that hair color and living in MV, she's got to be my cousin, your grandmother's niece as she and my Uncle Jake got that hair color from their mother Myra. And Uncle Jake did marry a PlantSim, Thistle Riverhawk. We've lost touch though and I hadn't realized they had grown children, but since I do, it makes sense…"

"Not that part, Dad!"

Keri gave me a look that had me asking, "Then what's wrong Terrin? It sounds like Iris had a great time and did well at SimsU."

Terrin said, "Throughout the whole thing, even with all those 'we' references, there's not one photo of Cameron!"

"Who's Cameron?"

Terrin sighed and said huffily, "Her boyfriend! The reason we are just friends! Iris didn't give me many details but with him in the picture, and with them having their futures all planned out going to SimsU together…"

"And you being younger as well as her patient…"

"Yeah! That! But now I'm a young adult too and my feelings haven't changed, if anything, they've gotten stronger, especially after seeing her at my show!"

"That was my fault, Terrin! I'm sorry I even mentioned it to her…"

"No! I loved seeing her, having her watch me perform. But since she's been at Uni, well, since she went back home to Sunset Valley really, she's not mentioned Cameron at all. And now, all these photos and he's not even in one of them. Something's going on Dad! I just know it!"

Keri sat back on the couch a serious look on her face as she tried to soften her words, "Maybe Iris was just trying to spare you, Terrin. It's not a secret that you like her more than just a friend and talking about Cameron, showing off photos of him, would just add salt to the wound."

"Maybe…but it still seems odd to me."

Just then Terrin's phone rang, and he said, "Another sing-a-gram request. At least my career is moving forward despite my love life being non-existent!"

When Keri and I were alone, I decided it was time to broach the subject of having another child.

"I've been wondering for a while now, Keri, if you feel like our family is incomplete?"

Keri looked at me and said, "If you'd asked me that right after Joran's last birthday I would have said, 'yes', with no doubts at all. But now with Terrin in such turmoil, Lacey obsessed with Lawrence, and Joran's teen birthday tomorrow, the answer is definitely 'no'! Our children may think they no longer need parenting, but our job is far from over!"

"But every time I try to help Terrin out, I seem to make things worse for him. And Lacey, well, after hovering in the living room and on the front porch, she's not even speaking to me! When Joran becomes a teen, I'll probably muck things up for him too!"

Keri smiled and said, "Probably. But that's part of parenting too, knowing when to step in and knowing when to let them make their own mistakes. And you're learning that Scott, slowly but surely."

"I'm sure our kids think much too slowly! But with you by my side, I'll keep plugging away!"

Keri hugged me tightly saying, "I'll always be by your side." 

With Keri in my arms, I was struck by the thought of how my life might have been if she chose someone else.

And my heart went out to Terrin all the more.

Iris's photo collage showed a happy student just loving the life at Uni, meeting and having fun with new friends, but studying hard and acing her finals.

But, with no mention or photos of her boyfriend, Cameron, Terrin thinks that something is wrong.

Keri believes Iris is just trying to spare Terrin's feelings.

I'm not sure what to believe, but I'll definitely be showing Mom the photos of her niece, my cousin, Petal Frio, since we've lost touch over the years.

You know how it is, life gets in the way!

But, for me and Keri, things are better than ever as our relationship is rock solid, and we've decided to focus on the three kids we have rather than add another child to our family.

With that in mind, I've got a huge party planned for Joran's teen birthday!

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Entry 210: Party and Parenting
« Reply #272 on: July 02, 2022, 08:50:10 AM »

I found Lacey looking lovestruck as she penned a love letter to Lawrence the next morning.

But at least she didn't glare and stalk from the room when I entered, so that was progress.

I found Keri upstairs trying to discover another potion.

Apparently without much success as she kept mumbling, "No, that's not right…maybe more of the…

Then she almost fumbled the beaker when I asked, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Oh, Scott, you startled me! Help? Um, no, not really. Chemistry is not like Alchemy where there are specific formulas that use produce, precious metals or gems, or even insects. In fact, there aren't even any Chemistry formulas at all! A clear oversight in my opinion, but nothing to do about it except plug away at discovering them willy nilly! So illogical!"

"Then I'll leave you to it. Do you think you'll be finished by 3? I wanted to get an early start on Joran's party before it gets too cold."

Keri was already focused back on her project, but she nodded and said, "Sure. 3 pm sounds good."

With the party arrangements made, I went down to my Chef's kitchen and baked a birthday cake for Joran.

He loves chocolate frosting, so a homemade baked cake was right up his alley.

Just as I finished decorating it, my sister, Bella, showed up, "Perfect timing, Scott. That cake looks delicious but I'm not sure it's going to feed that crowd in the yard!"

"Crowd? I only invited family."

"With my four kids, Mia's four, and Catrice's three, family is a crowd! But don't worry, several of us brought food. There's a raspberry pie that smelled divine!"

"In that case, I'll have pie and save my piece of cake for Joran to eat later."

"Good idea."

As Joran made his wish, I joined the family surrounding him.

Bella was right.

Our family has certainly grown into a crowd!

But today was Joran's day, so we were all focused on him when the birthday sparkles hit.

Party horns were twirled, noise makers were blown, and birthday wishes were shouted so loud that half the town probably heard us.

And the youngest member of our family became a teen!

With his cousin Jasmine Dean blowing a party horn right in his ear!

But that didn't stop our genius son.

In fact, he just clapped louder and added his own cheer.

By the time I made it through the crowd to ask him how the cake was, he'd already eaten most of it!

As he forked up another huge bite he said, "The chocolate frosting is amazing Dad! Thanks for making it for me."

"You're welcome son. I'm glad you like it. So, a genius like your mother…I thought maybe you'd choose fishing or gardening…"

"One of those for sure on my next birthday, Dad! But I figured genius would help me out better for high school. Less study time and more time outside, enjoying the warm weather that's on its way."

He didn't say it, but I figured more time for girls too!

Though I wasn't sure there were any unrelated ones in town.

But I'm going to let Joran handle that on his own!

As Keri said, I learn, slowly, but I learn.

I was only speaking to Joran for a few minutes but when I wandered back to the crowd, his birthday cake was gone!

Mom was chatting with her grandchildren, Joy Moon who's a young adult now, and Catrice's youngest, Dirk Bluegill, who was still wearing that caftan with tennis shoes.

Jordan Dean, Bella and Jeffery's youngest son, was thrilled to get Terrin's autograph.

Seeing Terrin in his singer costume, I knew someone had already asked him to perform.

And it wasn't long before he had a crowd of family around him.

Family with a new member since Keanu had recently married Candice Bunch.

She's the pretty young woman standing next to Bella with her hair in a braid down her back.

And seeing those hearts over Lawrence's head, I have a feeling Lacey's going to be chomping at the bit to get married right after high school graduation, just like Keanu and Candice!

I finally found Joran standing back from the crowd, with a hairstyle that made him look more like himself and new clothes courtesy of his grandmother, but he didn't look happy.

He was looking at the crowd with a slight frown and I thought maybe he felt slighted having his older brother steal the limelight at his birthday party.

Before I could ask, he revealed his thoughts saying, "I feel like such a wimp compared to Terrin and my cousins. Kamaya and Joy have better builds than I do!"

"They get that from their father, Anoki, and their Island ancestors. A lot of us take after Grandma Brooke rather than Grandpa Jerad but a few workouts can do wonders, Joran. I'll take you to the gym this weekend and you can see for yourself."

"Thanks, dad!"

"Don't thank me yet! When your muscles are screaming, you'll re-think that!"

Joran said, "Maybe I should ask Mom about using the Chemistry table and discover some potions instead.

"Instead of screaming muscles that can lead to blowing yourself up. But why choose when you can do both?"

"Do you think I could?"

"You can accomplish anything you want to Joran! After all, I'm a fisherman, a gardener, and a chef! But don't expect things like muscles and potions to happen overnight. It takes time, dedication, and perseverance to learn most skills and a lifetime to master them. But as far as the muscles go, I wouldn't worry about it, you're pretty much the same size I was when I became a teen."

"Thanks, Dad. That makes me feel a little better."

After all the guests had headed home, Lacey was half finished eating a slice of raspberry pie when Joran sat down with a piece of his birthday cake.

Lacey eyed his cake and asked, "Where did you get that!?! By the time I got to the cake it was gone!"

Joran smiled and said, "Dad saved me his piece! He knows how much I like chocolate frosting. Besides, it's MY birthday."

Lacey shrugged and said, "So it is, little brother. Any big plans for this weekend?"

"Dad said he would take me to the gym to work out a bit and I'm hoping to convince him to let me drive!"

"But I'm older and no one's offered to teach me to drive yet!"

"Have you asked?"

"No. But I've been busy!"

"With Lawrence! Lacey and Lawrence sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G!"

"For a brainiac you are so juvenile! But at least I have a boyfriend!"

Lacey's shot hit home and the two finished their desserts in silence.

Then they went off to do their own things.

Out on the back porch, watching the stars, Keri and I were glad for the peace and quiet after hearing that exchange.

Keri said firmly, "Yes. I stand by my decision that are family is complete. We still need to teach both Lacey and Joran to drive. And prom will be coming up soon."

"True, but let's just enjoy the evening and think about those things tomorrow."

Keri shivered and said, "It's still a bit cold for star gazing," and cuddled closer.

I put my arm around her and said suggestively, "I'll warm you up!"

Things were heating up nicely when Keri pulled back and said, "We have a visitor."

Sure enough, ghostly Kobe was floating across the lawn!

I thought he was heading for the nectary basement, so I rushed down and placed a plate of ambrosia on the floor.

Only to find, not Kobe, but Grandpa Brooke heading for a rocker.

I watched and waited hoping one of them would eat the ambrosia.

But Kobe never showed up and Grandma Brooke just rocked the night away.

Maybe active ghosts like my great-grandmother, Keri Kindle, are more attracted to it?

Or maybe, our family ghosts are happy being ghosts?

I'll keep trying for a while longer and see what happens.

Early the next morning, before six, Joran and I were up fishing in the pond.

Something he'd wanted to do since his child birthday, and it finally happened with the spring thaw.

When the sun came up, Keri took Joran out for his first driving lesson.

I offered to teach Lacey, hoping to mend some fences in the process.

She accepted and I breathed a sigh of relief that was short-lived as she took her eyes off the road, and we almost hit the gardener's parked truck!

I said shakily, "A bit of a rocky start, but take a deep breath, back up, and pull out slowly around it."

It didn't seem to faze Lacey a bit as she said brightly, "Got it, Dad!"

Lacey's brave but me, not so much, not in a car with an inexperienced teen anyway.

So, I tried to stay calm as I said, "Slowly, slowly. That's good."

It was a nerve-wracking 30 minutes before my phone rang and I was given a reprieve.

Leo was graduating today, and Mia invited us to celebrate with them!

But when we arrived at City Hall things were in chaos.

Kamaya had decided to ride to town on Riley and Farley followed them!

The two horses provided quite the blockade on the walkway of City Hall with families arriving for graduation.

But Joy helped Kamaya lead the horses away and everyone made it inside for the ceremony.

Leo was the first graduate outside proudly clutching his diploma.

Lacey was right behind him, looking a bit envious and sounding even more so as she said, "Congratulations, Leo. Lucky you, no more school, and you can do whatever you want now. Move out, go to Uni, get married, live your life instead of being told what to do!"

Boy, Lacey was trying to rush through her teen years and grow up so fast.

Too fast!

Joran overheard Lacey's comment and couldn't resist replying, "But along with adulthood comes responsibility; a job, paying rent or a having a mortgage, buying a car, providing for your family. And you can't even remember to feed one small kitten let alone take care of all that!"

"You filled Elwood's food dish one time, Joran, one time!"

Leo tried to play peacemaker and said, "That's why it's nice to have family to help out. Everyone does a little bit to lighten the load."

But Lacey wasn't in the mood to be appeased and said sarcastically, "Like slobby Kamaya picks up her clothes and does laundry or snobby Joy condescends to muck out the horse stalls!?!"

Joran understood his sister being snarky with him, it was part of their dynamic.

But he was confused by Lacey's attack on Leo, "But you don't do any of those things either Lace…we don't even have a horse…"

Lacey stomped her foot and said, "Boys are just impossible…"

The two boys in question fell silent trying to come up with a response.

I stepped in before they could, which would just make things worse, as it was clear Lacey wasn't in the mood to be reasonable.

"Why don't you head back inside Leo? I'm sure your family wants to have graduation photos taken."

Leo said with relief, "Sure thing, Uncle Scott! I think Mom mentioned something about that…"

"As for you two, I'm going to remind you both that you still need to learn how to drive and I'm not getting in a truck with a teen that's in a bad mood and out to prove something! Understood!?!"

To my surprise I got two very meek replies.

"Yes, sir," from Joran and, "Yes, daddy," from Lacey.

Now that was more like it!

Keri was right on both counts!

Two moody teens in the house were more than enough for us to deal with!

And I was learning when to step in and parent my kids!

Now if I could just figure out why the family ghosts were ignoring my ambrosia, all would be right in my little world here on the farm.

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Entry 211: Accomplishments and Disappointments
« Reply #273 on: July 06, 2022, 12:56:08 AM »

With a non-existent love life Terrin made the best of it and kept on performing sing-a-grams to boost his career.

The majority of recipients worked at the Fire Station and, with so much down time, their family and friends wanted to keep them entertained.

Grandpa Leonard's brother-in-law, Ian Kindle, was popular.

And so was Cousin Deanna Gallo.

"Again!?! I mean…thanks."

Others were recipients for the first time, like distant cousin, Deena Kindle, and were much more enthusiastic.

"For me!?! Why isn't it just the cutest thing! And you are too, Terrin! You've made my day!"

But sometimes even family didn't respond well, as Terrin's cousin, James Dean, was ticked when he was trying to get home and Terrin's performance blocked his way.

Though maybe James' nose was out of joint because his cousin, Leo Moon, got a sing-a-gram and he didn't!

But since we were related to most of the town, Terrin did get to see a lot of family.

Aunt Kindle's son Tyler got a sing-a-gram for his retirement.

I was shocked to realize he was old enough to retire!

Lynn Schmidt was family on both sides as she was my sister-in-law as well as my cousin Bryce's wife!

They're both elders now too, time does march on.

Since he spent so much of his time at the Fire Station, Terrin played for tips there too!

"Awesome sound, Terrin! You should record some of your songs!"

So, Terrin put together a CD of his most popular songs.

And the fire station personnel just snapped them up!

"Now I can listen to you all the time and not just at work!"

"For me? Oh, and you signed it too! I'll be able to show this off when you're rich and famous in Bridgeport!"

With the pond thawed, I got in some fishing.

When I wasn't making ambrosia and waiting for a family ghost to eat it.

Keri was curious to see the transformation too.

Grandpa Leonard chatted with us for a bit, ignored the ambrosia, and went back to his urn.

I wondered if it would help leaving a plate of ambrosia outside.

While Keri mused, "Maybe the ghosts want to stay ghosts or maybe they just aren't hungry…"

Grandma Rielle even switched from the nursery rocker to the one in the basement.

But she still ignored the ambrosia!

Joran's scientific mind had him hanging around too, but he finally gave up and said, "Since it's Sunday and there's no school, I'm going fishing! It's more productive than staring at rocking ghosts!"

Keri said, "I'm with Joran! It may be slow, but at least you get results from fishing."

I heard the creak of the rocker and thought maybe Grandma Rielle was getting up to grab the ambrosia!

But it was just her golden essence dispersing back to her urn!

Quite the disappointment to have both Grandpa Leonard and Grandma Rielle show up on the same night and have both of them ignore my ambrosia.

I got outside by the pond just in time to see Joran catch his first toad!

And it was a big one!

But I'd offered to take him to the gym today and I wanted to get there before it got busy.

So, we headed into town and had the pick of the equipment.

I told Joran it was best to start on the treadmill, so he hopped on.

"You said working out would hurt, Dad! This is easy!"

Then he miss-stepped and fell but caught himself on the control panel before he hit the moving belt!

"Careful, Joran, that belt will tear you up! Just take it easy and watch your step. Everyone's a little wobbly at first."

As Joran struggled to stand upright, my great-grandmother Karie Kindle, who was recently brought back from the dead with ambrosia, jumped on the machine in front of him and ran like the wind!

Joran moaned and said, "I can't even keep up with my great-great grandmother! I'm hopeless!"

"Don't give up that easily, boy! I'd been working out for years before I met Grim! Just pace yourself!"

Joran took her advice and towards the end of our session he was running confidently.

You could even see the start of some muscle in his arms and legs!

I was still busy on the workout bench when Terrin showed up and performed a sing-a-gram for Blaine Marshall, my cousin Karie's husband.

Blaine's easily impressed but prone to saying inappropriate things, so I was a bit surprised when he commented, "The boys got talent, Scott! You should be proud."

"He does, Blaine, and I am! I'm proud of all my children."

Blaine smirked and said, "You have to say that, especially with your younger son standing right there! But it's going to be quite the task for the younger two to surpass their talented older brother!"

The comment irked me, but I just shook my head and said, "It's not a competition between them, Blaine. They each have their own talents and goals and they support each other."

Blaine's smirk just grew bigger, and he said, "If you say so."

Joran said, "I've exercised all I can today, Dad. Are you ready to head back home?"

Shooting Blaine one last look, I said, "More than ready, son. In fact, I'm so tired, I'll let you drive!"

Joran grinned, shouted, "Sweet," and headed for the door!

On the ride home, I mulled over Blaine's comments and came to the conclusion that he was way off base.

And that my own words were true, I am proud of all my children and their accomplishments.

Terrin's become a fine young man and he is talented, artistically and musically.

His early success in his career left no doubt about that!

As for Lacey and Joran, they're both still teens figuring out what they want to do with their lives.

Even with Lacey being head over heels for Lawrence, she's at the top of her class and has decided to keep her part-time job at the Science Center.

Joran's learning about running the farm, focused on fishing since the ponds thawed but the plants are still dormant.

And though he's not athletic, he persevered today even after falling first thing, and not only gained athletic skill, but the start of some muscles.

All in all, there was no reason NOT to be proud of my children.

With a satisfied smile and feeling all was right in my world, we arrived at the farm.

Only to find a crowd of squealing teenage girls in sleepwear on the front porch cooing over Elwood!

Joran grimaced and said, "I guess Lacey talked Mom into having that slumber party! I'll be out back. Hopefully the noise won't scare all the fish!"

"I'm right behind you son!"

I've survived the stress of Terrin's bladder and hunger issues, a blazing birthday cake, and even teenage mood swings.

But I'm not sure I can handle a house full of teenage girls overnight!

What on earth was Keri thinking allowing Lacey to throw a slumber party on a Sunday night with school in the morning!?!

Joran's first day of high school, no less.

If we can manage it, I'm with Joran on hiding out by the pond until the whole thing is over!

Wish me luck!

Offline deedee_828

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Entry 212: Slumber Party
« Reply #274 on: August 13, 2022, 02:01:08 PM »

Turns out all the shouting over Elwood was because it was his birthday!

And though Joran took off like a shot for the pond, Keri asked me to hang around and get photos.

My best advantage point was from the side of the porch but between Elwood's small size and gray coloring, you could barely see him.

He's that small gray speck between the 3rd and 4th balusters from the side of the house!

He was a little easier to spot when it got a bit darker and the sparkles hit him, but so was the glow from one of the girls' eyes!

I didn't feel threatened by occults, but it unnerved me a bit having those eyes staring straight at me!

Keri wasn't fazed by some of the teens being occults either, but the behavior of two of Lacey's guests had annoyed her.

Before Joran and I got home, our niece, Jasmine Dean, and a distant cousin, Allie Kindle, started making fun of one of the girls' hairstyles.

And they didn't hide their ridicule at all as the laughed loudly and pointed at the poor girl!

Keri was afraid that this party might not have been a good idea at all.

When I asked why she'd allowed it on a Sunday night, she explained that quite a few of the girls actually had birthdays soon, so wouldn't be eligible to come to a teen party.

But seeing how the older girls were treating some of the younger ones, she was having second thoughts before they'd even stepped through the door!

Thankfully, Elwood's' birthday seemed to have stopped that behavior from continuing and as the girls streamed inside, Lacey had already turned on the stereo and stared dancing.

With the ringing of the doorbell, Lacey shouted, "Pizza's here," and rushed to answer it.

The pizza delivery woman seemed impressed with Lacey's grown-up attitude as she paid for the pizza.

But I think it was the nice tip that Lacey included that had her declaring, "Thanks a lot Ms. Swanson! Anytime you want pizza out this way, I'll make sure it gets here hot!"

With the pizza's arrival, I stepped out onto the back porch to call those who'd wandered outside in so they could grab a slice too.

Which is where I found Elwood being brushed by a girl with an elaborate head wrap.

It had to be the girl, Nellie Wilkerson, that Jasmine and Allie had ridiculed, but Elwood obviously had no issues with her as he stared at her adoringly as she brushed his fur.

"You've certainly made a friend there, but don't take too long or the pizza will be gone."

"Tanisha mentioned it was here. But he's just so adorable and…non-judgmental…not like his two-legged counterparts, that's for sure! And I much prefer his company to girls like that anyway!"

"Well don't let them keep you from enjoying the party. Is anyone else out here?"

"Tanisha went to tell Kami as she's soaking in the hot tub to rehydrate. And she was going out to the pond to tell the boy fishing it was here."

"I think he was hoping he wouldn't be noticed."

Nellie laughed and added, "He was trying to be quiet but not much escapes the attention of a vampire."

I stepped around the corner of the house and, sure enough, there was a girl relaxing in the hot tub.

She looked so content; I didn't disturb her.

I was half-way to the pond when I halted in my tracks as Joran had spotted Tanisha Parrot walking towards him.

He raised his hand in a self-conscious wave and couldn't take his eyes off her!
I don't blame him as the girl is striking!

Her grandparents are the late Grace Kindle and Ian Kindle, who was Grandpa Leonard's brother-in-law before Grace passed away.

She inherited Grace's dark hair and Ian's blue skin.

She also possesses his vampiric abilities passed down through her mother, Deena.

She's also distantly related to us and, being one of the older girls attending the party, she'll be aging up soon.

I'd hate for Joran to get his heart set on someone so unattainable.

My mind immediately flashed to Terrin and Iris, but I shook the thought away to focus on Joran.

But I needn't have worried because after telling Joran the pizza had arrived, the two teens stood awkwardly together.

Joran being tongue-tied just like I was at that age in the presence of a pretty girl and not having a clue how to break the ice!

And Tanisha just as silent with Joran continuing to stare at her.

With them being distant cousins, and Tanisha so much older, it's probably a good thing there was no connection.

I ended the stare-off by saying, "There won't be any pizza left if you two don't hurry up!"

Joran seemed a lot more comfortable scarfing down pizza next to his cousin Jasmine.

And with the crowd all waiting, Tanisha stood their contemplating which slice of pizza she wanted!

While her younger sister, Loretta, was quickly heading for the empty chair at the end of the table.

Loretta is also a vampire, something she inherited from her mother, along with Deena's lighter skin tone and red hair, but her facial features come from her father Matua Parrot.

Looking at them, you wouldn't even think Tanisha and Loretta were sisters!

But seeing Kami trying to stave off exhaustion by playing with magic, I realized that she was also a witch and, though the soak in the hot tub rehydrated her, it hadn't done a thing for her energy level, and it was getting late.

That's when I noticed the flippers and was glad I was on the other side of the window as I couldn't stop a laugh.

Flippers make me laugh anyway but seeing them on a mermaid seemed twice as ridiculous.

But boy was I glad Jasmine and Allie were too preoccupied with pizza to notice!

And that Keri hadn't heard me laugh either as she would think I was as bad as the teen girls!

When Allie impatiently stepped in front of Tanisha to snatch a slice of pizza, the two of them looked more like sisters with their blue skin and dark hair, than Tanisha and Loretta.

But they're actually first cousins as Tanisha's mother, Deena and Allie's father, Irving, are brother and sister.

And yes, I had to go back though the family records to get all the names and relationships straight!

But when Loretta sat down at the table, hearts flying, and said, "Lacey, why didn't you tell us that you were hiding a cute brother at home!?!

And Joran responded with those same hearts, saying, "And why haven't you invited Loretta over sooner!?!"

I realized the family connection was distant enough that a relationship between Joran and Loretta was quite possible!

Lacey, Tanisha, Nellie, and one of the girls I hadn't met, finally got their pizza and chatted together as they gobbled it up.

The girls who had finished eating started bedding down in their sleeping bags in the hall.

Elwood was intrigued by the girls sleeping on the floor and kept watch over them.

Unfortunately, it was his own mistress he should have been protecting.

Lacey was just apologizing to Nellie for her cousins' behavior when she changed into her outerwear and said, "What's that noise!?! I'm going outside to check it out!"

Before I could stop her, she'd run out into the front yard, and I watched an all-to-familiar scene play out before my eyes!

But this time it was my own daughter being abducted!

She wasn't gone long, just long enough for me to panic.

And her return was the same as it was with Iris.

A spaceship hovered over the road and an alien appeared next to Lacey but was quickly engulfed in a flash of light.

Then both the alien and spaceship disappeared.

The next thing I knew, I had my arms wrapped around Lacey as she sobbed into my chest.

"Oh, Daddy, they took me to their ship and…and…"

"Did they hurt you!?! I swear if they did, I'll…"

Lacey went still in my arms and said, "No, they didn't actually do anything that hurt. They just hooked me up to some machines and recorded my readings. For their database, I guess. But then another alien came in and I heard the name 'Wainwright' and then they were pulling all the tubes away like they couldn't get rid of me fast enough! The next thing I knew I was standing in the road and then you were holding me. Why would the Wainwright name make them return me, Daddy?"

I held Lacey tighter and said, "I have a feeling that Iris and her family have much more experience with aliens than we'll ever know about. But the only thing I'm concerned with is that they did return you! Are you sure you're okay?"

"A little shaky and very tired…but otherwise, I'm fine."

"Why don't you go sleep in your own bed. I'm sure the girls would understand…"

I broke off in mid-sentence as would teenage girls really believe such an outlandish story. Would anyone who hadn't seen it with their own eyes or experienced it like Iris and Lacey?

Lacey gulped and said bravely, "No. It's late and some of them were already asleep when I…left. I'll just pull out a sleeping bag and crash on the floor with the rest of them. No need to tell anyone about this at all!"

Then Lacey read my mind as she added, "Who would believe it anyway!?!"

On our way inside, I noticed that several of the teens had opted to sleep in the garden, even though it was pretty cold.

None of them had been disturbed by Lacey's abduction, not even the vampire, so Lacey would be spared explanations at least.

Lacey tiptoed quietly through her sleeping friends and found an open spot in the hall.

I wanted to make sure she was okay and peeked in to check on her.

Only to find I wasn't the only one concerned about her as Grandma Brooke was hovering near her sleeping form!

But the presence of a ghost did what it always does and woke up all the girl in the immediate area.

Lacey struggled to stand and murmured, "What's going on?"

Irene Funke, the new girl in town, said sleepily, "I'm not sure. One minute I was asleep and the next I was standing here awake…"

But the babysitter, Evelyn Potts, her vampiric eyes glowing in the dark said, "It was a spirit. I can sense other occults. This one doesn't mean us any harm, so we can all go back to sleep."

Lacey and Evelyn crawled back into their sleeping bags, but Irene was so tired she just crashed on the floor.

Then Terrin arrived home and must have woken up Allie Kindle as she stood there, hand on her hip and asked, "Are you just getting home? Wait 'til I tell everyone I got to meet you in person in the middle of the night!"

Terrin smiled and said, "I can provide a signed copy of my songs too, especially for a pretty girl!"

At least I wasn't the only one noticing how striking some of our distant cousins are!

The raven hair with the blue skin was definitely an attractive combo.

But distant cousins, no matter how striking, weren't my focus right now.

With Grandma Brooke visiting, I headed for the kitchen to make another plate of ambrosia.

A couple of plates actually.

I even put one down on the nectary floor near where she was rocking.

My hopes went up as she stood up, but then she just floated on by it like it wasn't even there.

And went inside the house and watched Terrin paint!

I'm really starting to wonder if Lacey was right, and our family ghosts are happy watching over us as ghosts.

I sighed, said goodnight to Terrin and Grandma Brooke, and headed off to bed.

Lacey's slumber party was filled with unexpected events.

One annoying, Jasmine and Allie's mocking Nellie's hairstyle.

One happy, Elwood is now an adult cat!

One surprising, Joran and Loretta's attraction to one another.

One terrifying, Lacey's abduction, but thankfully she was returned quickly with no harm done to her.

And one completely disappointing, as even Grandma Brooke ignored my ambrosia.

But Monday begins another week with Joran starting high school, so who knows what events that may bring about.

I might even get a chance to fish!

Offline deedee_828

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Entry 213: Taking a Chance on Love
« Reply #275 on: August 26, 2022, 02:05:18 PM »

The teens were all in a rush the next morning as they all had to get ready for school.

But that didn't stop Joran from taking another peek at Loretta as he headed to the hall bath.

I mean why use the bathroom upstairs next to his room that's empty when you might catch a glimpse of a cute girl in her pj's downstairs?

That's a no brainer for any teenage boy!

There were so many teens that it was a bit of a crush at the front door.

I'm not sure if she'd planned it, but Loretta was the only one by the road when Joran ran by.

She said, "I'll see you at school, Joran. If we don't have any classes together, I'll save you a seat in the cafeteria and we can eat lunch together."

Her words made Joran run even faster, to make sure he didn't miss the bus, as he called back, "I'll save you one if I get their first!"

There's nothing like young love, first love, especially in Springtime!

With the house quiet, I relaxed on the couch watching the fishing channel, while Terrin read the paper.

He seemed agitated as he flipped from the front page to an inner article and back again, rereading it over and over.

"What's so interesting in the paper? Did they spell your name wrong or give you a bad review?"

"No. Cameron Bloom was named MVP for the Sunset Valley Llamas!"

"Since when have you followed sports?"

"I don't follow sports."

 "So, what's the big deal with the Bloom guy?"

Terrin folded the paper and said patiently, like he was explaining to a child, "Cameron is Iris's boyfriend, Dad! His full name is Cameron Bloom. But this must be a mistake, he can't be MVP for the Llamas."

"Why not? Is he bad at sports?"

"No. He's very athletic and terrific at sports!"

"So, what's the problem?"

"He's supposed to be at SimU with Iris! That was all part of her big future plan; both of them attending SimU, Iris in Science and Medicine and Cameron in Athletics and then pursuing their careers in whatever town Cameron made the team. Iris was hoping for a bigger city, like Roaring Heights or Bridgeport, but she had plans to travel all over Simland."

"Sounds like Cameron's plans changed if he's with the Llamas."

"I knew there was a reason he wasn't in any of those SimU photos! But why wouldn't Iris have told me that!"

Abruptly Terrin stood up and said, "I've got to go!"

"A sing-a-gram scheduled this early?"

"No, Dad! I've got to track down Iris and find out what's going on!"

"But what if nothing's going on except Cameron's with the Llamas? They could still be a couple."

Terrin shook his head firmly, "Iris doesn't do long-distance relationships."

"She's been pretty good at keeping in touch with you."

Terrin smiled and said, "A point in my favor and even more reason to talk to her in person and get to the bottom of this! Find out if we have a future together or if it's just wishful thinking on my part."

As much as I wanted to watch my show, I needed to talk to Terrin more.

I turned off the tv, scooted over, and pulled Terrin back down on the couch.

"Let's talk this through before you go running off without a plan. You were a teen when you met Iris. She was not only the first PlantSim you ever met, but a girl your own age. And you met under difficult circumstances. Sometimes that…"

Terrin smiled and his eyes and face lit up as he talked about Iris, "I'm not under a Florence Nightingale spell, Dad. And it's not that's she's a PlantSim, either. Not just that anyway, but Iris being a Plantsim, well, it's all a part of who she is. She's comfortable, confident, and brilliant! At first, I just loved spending time with another PlantSim, but then I started loving all her qualities. Then I realized it wasn't just her qualities, but that I loved her! Since Iris left, I've been focusing on my career. Sure, I've noticed other girls, women too now that I've been performing, and some of them have even noticed me back! But not once have I ever had the desire to get to know them better, to go beyond harmless flirting when I sing to a crowd. And when I saw Iris at my first performance, well, it was like no one else was there but her! My world just isn't complete without Iris! Even if she just wants to stay friends, I want her in my life. But if there's even the smallest chance it could be more than that, I have to take that chance."

I sat there stunned at Terrin's words.

My son wasn't just a young man still hung up on a teenage crush but a young man that was in love with his best friend.

For him it was a young love, a first love, that could become a forever love…if he took a chance.

"Well, you've convinced me that this isn't a whim but something you have to do. So, where is Iris right now?"

Terrin thought a moment and said, "Not home in Sunset Valley, she should be back at SimU to complete her degree as the new term is just about to start. So, the first thing I need to do is make travel arrangements to SimU! I've made some money, so I could probably afford a coach ticket and to stay a few days."

"You won't find cheap tickets last minute, but money's not a problem Terrin! You just call the travel agency and book the first flight, non-stop, to SimU. If this is what you have your heart set on, we'll help you anyway we can."

"Thanks, Dad! Having your support means a lot."

"But taking a chance on Iris means more, so you would have gone anyway, wouldn't you?"

"Absolutely. But it's easier to leave knowing you don't think I'm going on a fool's errand!"

As Terrin spoke with a travel agent, I hoped I wasn't helping my son make the biggest mistake of his life.

But knowing how Terrin felt about Iris, I realized it was something he had to do.

When we filled her in, Keri was a bit skeptical of the plans, asking, "Are you sure about this, Scott?"

"No. But a man's got to do what a man's got to do, Keri. This isn't my call, it's Terrin's. He's decided to follow his heart and I'm not going to stop him."

Terrin's voice filled with pride as he said, "Thanks, for supporting me, Dad! And Mom, I promise I won't do anything stupid. If Iris is still with Cameron and friendship is all she wants, then I'll accept her decision and come straight home. But if not, and I'm really hoping for that, I'll be the happiest guy in the world!"

The smile never left Terrin's face as he headed out the door.

Even with his future with Iris being on the line, he was happier than I'd seen him in months.

I guess having a definite direction, a plan of action, was better than just living a half-life and pining away.

And he eased Keri's mind a bit when he said, "I know you're worried, Mom, but I'll call and give you a play by play once I get to campus."

True to his word, Terrin started sending us photos and texts as soon as he arrived.


The flight was fine, and I got a taxi to SimU with no difficulties.

I was heading towards the St. John Administration building when I spotted Iris running down a sidewalk in the distance!

Seeing her first thing like that gave me hope that this was going to turn out well.

I took off running to catch up with her, but that girl is fast!

I stopped to catch my breath and checked the campus digital map on my tablet to see if I could figure out where Iris was headed.

There were several buildings nearby but which one to choose?

Then it dawned on me, I needed to think like Iris.

Where would Iris Wainwright go the minute she was settled in on campus?

When it hit me, I couldn't help but shout, "The library, of course!"

So, imagine my surprise when a PlantSim sitting on a bench nearby said, "If you turn around, the library is the big building
on the left. Just keep going down this path and you can't miss it."

"Thanks! I owe you one! I'm Terrin Swanson."

"Shawn Dorsey-Hollis. And you don't owe me anything. Just doing a favor for a fellow PlantSim. This campus is huge until you get your bearings."

I turned around and stood there stunned as, not only was the library close, but Iris was sitting outside reading on a bench!

I didn't even keep to the pavement but headed straight for Iris!

I stopped at the bench and just watched her read for a moment as I caught my breathe, then I said, "Hi, Iris!"

At the sound of my voice, Iris leaped up and hugged me saying, "I can't believe you're here! You're actually here!"

"Yes. I'm here. I'm not a brainiac like you Iris, so it took me a while to put the pieces together. No mention of Cameron in your texts or calls, not even one photo of him in all those pictures you sent me. Why didn't you tell me that Cameron signed with the Llamas and wasn't here with you at SimU? I had to read about it in the paper!"

I must have done a better job than I thought, hiding my smile, because the next thing I knew…

Iris was apologizing!

"I'm sorry I kept that a secret, Terrin! It just felt wrong to have your plans revolve around me."

"Especially when you left AP and went back to Sunset Valley and Cameron…"

"And he signed with the Llamas, and we broke up. Not right away, but I just couldn't tell you. It didn't feel right. But then your dad called and told me about your first gig… and seeing you again, both of us grown up..."

Iris finally noticed my smile and said, "You're not really mad at me, are you?"

"No, Iris I'm not mad."

"So, did you decide to sign up for classes after all? Go for a degree in Fine Arts? Or are you going to perform here, like Barbara?"

"I'm not here for classes and a Fine Arts Degree wouldn't really do much for my singing career. Performing here depends."

"Depends on what?"

"On this!"

And I took her in my arms and kissed her!

When we broke apart, Iris just stood there her eyes wide and her mouth open, at a loss for words!

I was about to fill what I thought was going to be an awkward gap when…

Iris pulled me towards her and kissed me back!

And it wasn't the kiss of a friend either, but the best kiss of my life!

Long story short, Iris is now my girlfriend!

And I'm the happiest guy in all of SimU, maybe even the entirety of Simland!

Here's the first official photo of us as a couple!

Joran's experiencing his first crush with distant cousin, Loretta Parrot.

But Terrin took a chance on love and tracked Iris down at SimU.

Turns out he was right and Cameron's no longer in the picture.

And seeing the first official photo of Terrin and Iris as a couple, it's easy to see that they are both very much in love!

But will that mean Terrin staying at SimU for the rest of the term?

I guess we'll find out soon enough.

For now, I'm just happy that my son got the girl of his dreams, Iris Wainwright!

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Entry 214: Splendor of Spring
« Reply #276 on: September 08, 2022, 12:19:26 AM »

It wasn't much of a surprise that Terrin decided to stay at SimU with Iris since they were now a couple.

But he kept us up to date with plenty of snapshots and explanations of who was who.

Iris took Terrin on a tour of the campus first thing, starting with the Student Union's Meet 'n' Greet.

Then Iris introduced him to the student who was the other half of 'we' from Iris's newsy photo journal she'd sent him her first term at SimU.

Her imaginary friend made real, who was not only a fellow student but her housemate and best friend, Patches Wainwright!

Iris explained that without Cameron attending SimU, she'd felt a bit lonely on her own, and made Patches real.

Iris's only regret being that she hadn't done so much, much earlier!

But even aging up as an imaginary friend, Patches had done alright for herself, being lucky, a gatherer, and a computer whiz, though a bit over-emotional and shy.

As a computer whiz, Patches was here to complete her Technology degree to give her a head start in law enforcement.

Next, Terrin met fellow singer Barbara Hollis, formerly Dorsey-Barbs, who was back at SimU to continue her singing career while her new husband, Vervain Hollis, completed his Technology degree.

And though competitors in the field, the two of them hit it off well, chatting together and laughing over some of their less than stellar sing-a-gram encounters.

Barbara even encouraged Terrin to sing a song!

Which Iris, Barbara, and quite a few other students listened to with pleasure.

Including PlantSim Shawn Dorsey-Hollis, Barbara's half-brother, Shawn's PlantSim sister, Shasta, and several more of their housemates.

Terrin wasn't the only one showing off his performance skills as Karam Hollis pulled out his guitar and put on his own show!

Karam had recently married Petal Frio, who was Mom's niece, and they're Iris's housemates too.

Karam and Petal were both finishing up Uni degrees, Karam in Fine Arts and Petal in Physical Education.

Vervain Hollis, though not musical, was impressed by both performances, tapping his foot and keeping time to the beat.

The house that Iris and her friends had rented was spacious enough for Terrin to stay there, so after the Meet 'n' Greet they headed over to get Terrin settled in.

First thing Terrin saw when he walked in was another PlantSim using the computer in the spacious living room.

Turns out she's Shereen Dorsey-Hollis, Shawn and Shasta's other full-blooded sibling, and another housemate.

Shereen's not attending classes at SimU but is a budding writer, hence the focus on the computer, as she's starting her first novel.

So, of all the housemates, three of them, Terrin, Barbara, and Shereen, are focusing on careers, singing and writing, respectively.

While Iris, Patches, Karam, Petal, and Vervain will all be focusing on completing their degrees, which means attending classes and lots of skilling and studying.

But the University students weren't the only ones focused on school.

Here in AP, Lacey and Lawrence met after school to work on homework together before Lacey headed off to her part-time job at the Science Center.

While Joran and Loretta headed off to the library after school to work on a project together.

Keri was a bit at loose ends with her lifetime wish completed and Lacey and Joran both being teenagers now.

So, she turned her attention to discovering all the potions.

Me? I just took advantage of the nice weather and fished in the pond.

When I wasn't chatting with family ghosts and crossing my fingers they would eat my ambrosia!

But even with both Grampa Leonard and Great-Great Grandfather Jerad visiting, still no takers.

Then Terrin sent us another batch of photos.

Petal heading off to an early class.

Iris and Patches playing chess to help build Patches' logic skill before their classes.

And, of course, Barbara performing.

What a stunner that girl is with her vibrant green hair!

And the clip Terrin sent made it clear that her voice is even more amazing.

She certainly knew how to draw a crowd and earn plenty of tips!

Terrin was no slouch in that department either and had both students and professors listening appreciatively and tossing in their own contributions.

Being shy, Patches kept to herself a lot, but Iris and Shereen spent their down time chatting and getting to know one another, exchanging story after story of growing up as a PlantSim in their respective towns.

One big difference was that in Monte Vista the Hollis, Frio, and Dorsey-Barbs families were a thriving PlantSim community.

While in Sunset Valley and Appaloosa Plains, Terrin and Iris had grown up as the only PlantSims in their towns, until they'd met as teens.

That's why Shereen was making PlantSims the focus of her books; to make SimLand aware of a small but vital group that could enrich any community.

With no need to eat or eliminate, as long as they didn't drive around in motive mobiles, and being able to restore energy and hydration through photosynthesis, PlantSims had some definite advantages.

Couple that with their natural affinity with plants, just one of them could establish an amazing garden, a group of them, a garden that could sustain a sizable town.

Of course, Terrin and Iris spent time alone together as well.

Even if it was something as simple as watching the stars out on the lawn.

With Spring, came warmer weather and Joran was up early getting our red berry bean patch re-established.

Lacey helped out by watering some of the plants as we hadn't set up the sprinklers yet.

Even though she loved the outdoors, Lacey's part-time job at the Science Center had shown her that she really wasn't all that fond of gardening.

That knowledge wasn't really a surprise to the rest of us as much it was to Lacey, who seemed to be struggling with what she actually wanted to do with her life after high school.

I told Lacey that she had plenty of time to decide and to just enjoy her teen years.

Once Lacey and Joran headed off to school, I started re-planting some of the uncommon fruit trees as Joran wasn't skilled enough to plant those yet.

But glancing over to the red berry bean patch, I could see that several of Joran's new plantings had already sprouted.

The boy was a natural gardener!

Taking a break, I stepped inside the house just in time to hear Keri's gasp of surprise.

"What's wrong, Keri?"

"Nothing's wrong. In fact, it's great news! Terrin just called and he, Iris, and some of their housemates, are coming to visit over Spring Break!"

Terrin's kept us up to date on what's happening at SimU.

Lacey's focusing on finishing up her teen years, though she's not sure of her future plans.

Joran's taken to both high school and gardening with enthusiasm.

And Terrin's coming home to visit and bringing Iris and some of their friends!

Not a bad way to start the Spring season at all.

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Entry 215: Visitors, Expected and Unexpected
« Reply #277 on: September 13, 2022, 12:16:03 PM »
Terrin, Iris, and their friends, showed up first thing in the morning.

With Iris already on the phone, saying, "Yes, Mom, our flight was fine and on time. Yes, I remembered to bring my new uniform for my internship at the hospital. In fact, I'm wearing it now as I'm on the early morning rotation."

It may have been Spring Break and party time for a lot of Uni students, but this group was staying focused on their studies and career tracks.

Joran didn't waste a moment to chat away with fellow genius Karam!

Petal and Iris just smiled at Joran's eagerness.

We'd missed Iris so much that I couldn't resist getting a close-up of the budding doctor-to-be!

It wasn't hard to see why Terrin had lost his heart to someone as brilliant and beautiful as Iris!

Just look at that sweet smile!

Iris's best friend, Patches, being shy, took a break in the living room to compose herself.

But when her carpool arrived, she looked pleased as punch dressed in her new uniform.

Even Petal was getting in some practice with the local team and took off running like a shot that afternoon.

That evening, Karam had been hoping to play for tips down by the theater, but there wasn't much of a crowd.

So, he practiced his magic instead, first casting a fire blast spell!

Then using an ice blast spell to quickly put it out!

I'm thinking the young man could always fall back on his magic, if he ever gets tired of music.

Terrin even managed to snag a few sing-a-grams that evening.

Ending with one for Matua Parrot, Loretta's dad, giving Matua a present for his retirement with a flourish.

Along with balloons and shower of confetti!

All too soon, it was time for Terrin, Iris and their friends to head back to Uni and finish up the term.

All of them had done well with their internships and Shereen even worked on another novel while she was here.

Once it hit the shelves, she promised us all copies of her campy sci-fi adventure, "PlantSims Take Over AP!"

But we weren't done with visitors.

After we'd all gone to bed that evening, an unscrupulous one was creeping towards our farmhouse!

It wasn't the burglar but Great-Great Grandma Brooke's ghost that had Max on alert.

Luckily, Joran was just crawling into bed when he heard the creak of the sliding doors in the kitchen below.

But Lacey had woken up moments before and was already calling the police!

In a hushed but determined tone she said, "Yes, officer, Swanson Farm! Our dogs not tied up, but I doubt he'd hurt a fly! I'll go down and… I understand, wait for a trained officer. In that case, please hurry!"

Downstairs, the burglar had crept through the kitchen and Great-Great Grandma Brooke was panicking!

Holding out her hands helplessly as she realized we didn't have a burglar alarm installed!

Strangely enough, the burglar hadn't stolen anything yet and was making his way out onto the front porch.

Then things got really weird.

Instead of freaking at the sight of a ghost floating ominously by him, he stood there thinking about Love Day!

That's when I finally wandered out to the entry.

Not realizing there was a burglar behind the door, and spotting ghostly red Kobe, I thought it was the cat that had woken me.

Then Joran and Lacey were scrambling down the stairs and pushing pell-mell past me, to watch in complete satisfaction as the police officer arrived and attacked the burglar!

Max hadn't even let out a single bark, just sniffed the air as Great-Great Grandma Brooke's ghost drifted closer to watch the officer in action.

That's when the door closed in my face.

But I could hear the officer plain as day as she said, "Hands over your head, buddy! I'm taking you in!"

Joran was congratulating the officer as Lacey admonished Max for not alerting us to the burglar's presence.

With the burglar safely in the hands of the police, Great-Great Grandma Brooke's only concern was ghostly Kobe.

Because Kobe was spitting and hissing at the burglar, so loud and so viciously, it was obvious we had a better Watch Cat, than a Watch Dog, even if she was a ghost!

As Joran and Lacey came inside, I saw the burglar safely in handcuffs with the officer keeping a close eye on him.

Great-Great Grandma Brooke was floating down the porch steps in front of them, but they didn't seem to be aware of her presence.

Maybe that's a good thing?

But I didn't think about it long, my main concern was that my kids were okay.

Lacey's brave and Joran's a genius but I think they need to be reminded of the consequences of rushing headlong into a dangerous situation without being properly trained!

If I'd only waited a moment more before closing the door, I would have heard what Great-Grandma Brooke heard, "Thank the Watcher you arrived when you did officer, who knows what would have happened to me in this haunted place!"

"Stop whining! I have to go back in and take a final look around for my report."

"But, but…you can't leave me at the mercy of that red ghost cat and the creepy ghostly old woman!"

"That cat did sound vicious! Probably could tear you up pretty good if it wanted to…that'll teach you to go around robbing strange houses!"

"Who's to say it won't attack you when you go back inside!?!"

"True. Maybe we should just head into the station and call it a night. I mean, who would believe us? Just get both of us locked up in the psych ward!"

Despite her words, the officer did return and do a final inspection to make sure nothing was stolen and none of us were hurt.

But the look on her face when she was commending Lacey for her quick thinking made it plain that she'd been more than a bit freaked out by the ghosts.

As I headed back to bed, I noticed that Terrin had left us with another finished painting.

I took in the romantic scene; a stylized version of a couple atop a bridge sharing a tender moment, with a large city down below them.

Is this just a random painting or is Terrin showing us what's in his heart?

A whirlwind visit from Terrin, Iris, and a few of their friends.

An unexpected visit from a criminal that was stopped by Lacey's quick call to the police.

A couple more family ghosts show up making me even more determined to have one eat my ambrosia.

And Terrin's latest painting may be an indication of his hopes for the future, living in the big city with his girl!

Have I set my goals too high?

Has Terrin?

I guess we'll both find out in the weeks ahead.

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Re: A Girl's Garden--A Farmacy Story
« Reply #278 on: September 19, 2022, 01:26:18 PM »
After a long break from the board and TS3 I just caught up on your story. I just want to say for the record I adore your take on and inclusion of Iris in your story. You have her character down so well! It's also cool to see turned-real Patches, since she's still just imaginary in my game! I'm so glad you gave her life, so to speak! :D

All of the occults in this story are so much fun as well. The burglar and the ghost interaction was just so very sims. Overall, it was great to come back to so much of this to read!
Stories Archived on the Forum:
Brilliant Minds: The Wainwrights of Sunset Valley
Happy Campers
Wainwrights and Wrongs

These are also archived in full, and will be continued at my blog of Sims-related things below!
Cheezey Sims: My repository for various projects related to The Sims 3 and the Sims 4

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Re: A Girl's Garden--A Farmacy Story
« Reply #279 on: September 19, 2022, 11:00:23 PM »
Your post made my day! I'm always nervous using other players' sims, especially when they've been featured as much as Iris is in your Brilliant Minds story. But my take on her character actually comes from how much of Iris's personality comes through in your writing, as well as all of the others in your cast of characters! You have made them 'real'! So much so that the Random Legacy I started where my founder's last name is Boyd, makes me think of your Boyd every time I write it. :)

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Entry 216: Love Day
« Reply #280 on: September 21, 2022, 09:02:18 AM »

Lucky for us, after our interrupted night, today was Love Day, and the teens had the day off!

Which prompted all four of us to head across the road to the Spring Festival.

Lacey spotted Lawrence collecting eggs.

And she went over to join him first thing.

It wasn't long before the two of them were hot footing it to the music on the dance floor.

Our family outing had already turned into a date for the two of them!

Joran had opted to get his face painted, but it didn't turn out anything like he'd planned.

A second attempt went much better and gave him the confidence to call a friend of his own.

In the meantime, Lacey and Lawrence had ducked into the photo booth.

And it they don't want a lecture, it had better be to have a photo taken!

It was for a photo and a pretty good one of the two of them.

They weren't even holding hands so I really couldn't complain.

But when they headed for the Love Inspector straight afterward, I almost had a heart attack.

Especially when the two of them set off all the bells and whistles and startled Aunt Karina's young filly, Spritzer!

I wanted to jump and snort too, but since Keri took it so calmly, I contained myself.

To distract me, and save Lacey from embarrassment, Keri asked me to dance.

While Joran waited for Loretta to show up, he played horseshoes with his distant cousins, Rosemarie and Kaine Marshall.

Rosemarie seemed to be an outdoor lover like most of us Swansons, but Kaine looked more than a little nervous being outside.

When Blaine saw me watching his children he stopped dancing, shook his head, and said, "I'm not sure what I'm going to do with that boy! He's such a fraidy cat he doesn't like to try anything new; it was a big deal just to convince him to come to the festival."

I just nodded and said, "Maybe he'll grow out of. I wouldn't press him on it too much Blaine. It might just make it worse."

Blaine nodded, adding, "You could be right. He has been acting out a bit, setting traps and pulling pranks, so maybe he's finally developing some backbone. Blaire's braver than he is and she's still in grade school! Makes me wonder if he picked up such a sissy attitude from my brother, Eric!"

I just turned back to Keri and never said a word about Great-Great Grandpa Jerad being on the skittish side too.

No need for Blaine to have something else to hold against our family.

A few minutes later, Joran had gone over to introduce himself to another classmate.

I didn't recognize the girl at first, since she'd toned down her wild hair, but it was Irene Funke, from Lacey's slumber party.

The two teens chatted for a bit and seemed to be hitting it off okay.

I wondered if Joran was going to be something of a lady's man, dating two girls at once…that could be trouble!

But that thought didn't last long because as soon as Joran started talking about our Spring planting, Irene didn't even bother trying to hide her bored yawn!

Irene might have changed her hair and clothes to look like the family-oriented girl next door, but her manners sure could use some work.

A quick call across the festival grounds had Joran hurrying to Loretta's side and there was no doubt about the attraction between the two of them.

Loretta might be a vampire and act tough, but the girl wore her heart on her sleeve when it came to Joran.

And the feeling was definitely mutual!

The four of us headed back to the dance floor for the last dance of the night.

But instead of dancing, Lacey was asking Lawrence to the prom!

Lawrence is a genius but, like so many of them, he can be a bit clueless about relationships.

He was so stunned by Lacey's invitation his first response was, "Are you pranking me!?!"

But when he realized Lacey was sincere, he quickly added, "I'm so happy you asked me, and I'll go with you for sure! Be prepared to have an awesome pose for our prom picture!"

With the Festival winding down for the day, Joran and Loretta, who were now best friends and on their first official date, headed over to give the Love Inspector a whirl.

Seeing Irene walking by trying to look casual as the two of them chatted and laughed together, I wondered if she felt like she'd missed out by snubbing Joran.

Even though Love Inspector's prediction wasn't the bells and whistles that Lacey and Lawrence got, Joran took a chance and asked Loretta to prom.

Her reply was an enthusiastic, "Definitely!"

But then she qualified it with, "Just make sure you look good, or I might have to ditch you at the dance!"

I guess Irene's not the only snarky teen in town, but on the plus side, Joran did snag a prom date.

Lacey caught Joran sending a love letter to Loretta, which embarrassed them both a bit.

But I couldn't help but think like Mom would, that writing a love letter to your first crush on Love Day was the proper thing to do.

Though Terrin hadn't been there for our family outing, he did send us a few more photos from SimU.

Spring Break had really taken a toll on some of the students, but Iris diligently took notes as she tried to ignore the snores and grumbling tummies filling the room.

After class, Iris caught the eye of Leo Vicco, son of Ludo Vicco and retired professor Billy Jean Sparks.

"Hey, Iris, care to come to a party at our place sometime?"

"Maybe after finals, Leo. I'm sure my boyfriend would love a chance to perform at a party!"

The hopeful look on Leo's face was probably crushed by those words!

No wonder Terrin stayed at SimU; Iris attracts guys as easily as blossoms attract bees.

While Iris was busy with classes, Terrin took a break from performing and relaxed by painting.

Vervain's idea of relaxing was playing chess on the computer.

Brainiacs have strange ideas about relaxation.

But once Iris got home, flower kisses filled the air!

Terrin's definitely improved since that one lone petal back in high school.

Since Petal had a late afternoon class, Karam spent some time with his sister, Vervain's twin, Petunia.

They eagerly caught each other up on family and Uni happenings including progress in their magical abilities, since they'd both inherited the occult state from their mother, Asala Karam.

When Petal got home from class, she'd brought Shawn and Shasta over to hang out.

Petal and Shawn spent the time reviewing their anatomy skeletons, while Shasta relaxed playing guitar.

But it was at nightfall that cupid struck when Patches arrived home and met Shawn!

Another proper ending for Love Day!

We had a wonderful Love Day at the Spring Festival in Appaloosa Plains.

Lacey and Joran both went on dates and have partners for prom.

And Love Day at SimU had hearts flying!

I wonder what else Spring has in store for us.

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Entry 217: All Things Magical
« Reply #281 on: September 24, 2022, 09:34:43 AM »

Lucky for Lacey and Joran that'd they had the free time on Love Day to find dates for the prom because it was only two days later on Friday evening.

Lawrence looked a bit nervous when he showed up to pick up Lacey, so I tried to put him at ease saying, "Nice suit, Lawrence. I'm sure Lacey will appreciate the extra effort."

Lawrence fidgeted a bit and said, "You think so, sir? Mom said this was a classic look for prom, but since it's my first one, I'm not sure. Maybe I should have gone with something a bit flashier?"

Before I could answer, Loretta showed up, with Lacey right behind her dressed in a very eye-catching lime green dress.

A very short, very revealing, dress!

When Lawrence turned and saw her, he was rooted to the spot.

If Loretta hadn't distracted me by asking if Joran was ready yet, I'm sure I would have suggested a change of clothes.

Maybe something that covered a little more, something similar to what Loretta was wearing?

Though I was puzzled by the umbrella she was clutching as there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

But when Loretta went running for the limo that was impatiently tooting its horn, I realized the umbrella, as well as the modest dress, were for the practical purpose of keeping the harsh sun off her vampiric skin!

I may not be a brainiac but sometimes I'm just as clueless.

Joran was indeed waiting in the limo, and to my relief, Lawrence sat next to him instead of next to Lacey.

Though Lawrence did seem to be giving Lacey a rather appreciative smile.

I wish I'd taken the time to remind Lawrence of gentlemanly behavior rather than compliment his suit!

Loretta was too fast for me as she rushed inside to avoid the last rays of the setting sun.

But I was able to catch a quick photo of Joran and Lacey before they headed inside the school.

Joran looked confident and Lacey looked beautiful, but more grown up than I would have liked.

Not surprising with her birthday coming up this weekend!

I hadn't planned on hanging around long, but the fairy paparazzi looked so out of place with his mismatched clothes, I couldn't resist a photo.

Then as the sun went down and the full moon rose, a flash and howl behind me had me looking around with a startled jerk.

Werewolf transformation! Oh, boy!

Makes me glad I didn't laugh, that's for sure.

And glad that Loretta's only a vampire.

I don't know if it was caused by magic, but back on the farm a rip-roaring fight was going on.

Seeing the bright pink wings, a fairy was definitely involved, and by the squawking, so was Charles the Evil Chicken!

Apparently, Charles doesn't like strangers too close to his baby chicks!

Good to know.

With the teens at prom and Charles the Evil Chicken keeping things under control in the barnyard, I eagerly checked out Terrin's latest batch of photos.

Lectures were being attended regularly with varying degrees of attentiveness.

Students participated in class activities.

This technology activity using the brain enhancement machine looked a bit scary, but Patches didn’t seem to mind it.

Barbara was still performing and sounding better than ever.

Terrin was performing too, but he'd become so popular that he was interrupted frequently to give autographs.

Even though they hadn't taken their finals yet, Iris took Leo up on his invitation and brought all her housemates along.

They all looked their best in their formalwear.

True to her word, Iris brought Terrin and he did perform!

Patches even overcame her shyness enough to grab some juice.

Petal and Barbara, despite being dressed in their finery, were caught up in a video game.

Iris even managed to study despite all the noise!

Shereen ran across a fan who she happily gave an autograph to.

By the looks of things, these two have more than a love of good literature in common!

The magic of chemistry!

Before I knew it, the teens were home from prom and raiding the refrigerator.

Luckily, I keep it stocked with their favorites, firecracker shrimp for Lacey, and classic hamburgers for Joran.

In between bites, they both provided details for prom with both Lacey and Joran winning crowns.

Dancing with their partners to their favorite songs and both of them being asked to go steady!

No doubt about it, prom magic really is a thing.

Now if I could just get my ambrosia to work its magic.

Seeing ghostly red Kobe appear to check out Elwood, I quickly placed a plate of it on the floor, for one more attempt.

It was a full moon after all, a night ghosts were known to be out.

But she just floated on by it like it didn't exist heading for the cat toy.

I think Elwood was a little disappointed too as he was hoping for a playmate.

It was late so, I headed off to bed with a disappointed sigh.

But a noise behind me had me turning around to see a sight I'd thought I'd never see.

One of the family ghosts, dear Grandpa Leonard, had picked up my plate of ambrosia!

Its magical mist wafted through the air behind him as he drifted towards the kitchen.

I watched with bated breath as Grandpa Leonard ate bite after bite.

The ambrosia's magic surrounded him in a burst of colors so bright I had to shield my eyes!

The power of it was so intense Grandpa Leonard levitated off the floor!

My heart was filled to bursting at having Grandpa Leonard back in the family!

My reaction seemed tame as Grandpa Leonard did an exuberant dance of joy and shouted, "I'm back! I'm back!"

But before I could welcome him back with a hug…I woke up!

Lacey and Joran had a magical prom, danced the night away, won crowns, and both of their dates asked them to go steady!

The moon's magic had a fairy paparazzi transforming into a werewolf with a howl of feral rage.

While another fairy paparazzi got the beating of a lifetime after getting too close to Charles the Evil Chicken's latest chicks!

Terrin, Iris, and their Uni friends are still focused on careers and completing their degrees, but love's magic still finds them.

Me? I'm so obsessed with having the family ghosts eat my magical ambrosia, I'm dreaming about it!

I need to get my head out of the clouds and my feet back on the solid ground of the farm.

Planting season is well under way, and I should be focusing on practical things, not magical ones!

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Entry 218: Double Take
« Reply #282 on: December 19, 2022, 04:21:06 PM »

But early the next morning, I found ghostly Grandpa Leonard in the kitchen picking up a plate of my ambrosia.

Boy, that dream sure is persistent.

And predictable.
As he sat down at the kitchen table and ate every bite.


Then he stood and the unearthly glow of the ambrosia worked its magic.

The dance of joy was repeated at his return to the earthly plane as he shouted, "I'm back, I'm back!"

Then I did a double take as Great-Great Grandpa Jerad sat down to his own plate of ambrosia!

And Grandpa Leonard turned, waved, and said, "Glad you're joining me old friend!"

That's when it occurred to me that maybe I wasn't dreaming!

I rushed across the room and gave Grandpa Leonard a tight hug and felt his arms around me, solid and real.

He laughed softly in my ear as he said, "I missed you too! And thanks for not giving up on us, Scott. I know it took some time for one of us to eat your ambrosia, but it takes a lot of control and effort to actually pick up a plate when you're a ghost!"

As we parted, he glanced at Great-Great Grandpa Jerad's glowing form and added, "And your perseverance paid off as it looks like you're getting two of us back on the same day!"

Moments later, just as Joran walked into the kitchen, Great-Great Grandpa Jerad was patting himself all over exclaiming, "It worked, it worked! I'm not a ghost anymore!"

Joran stood staring at the three of us and finally blurted, "You did it, Dad! You brought them back!"

Grandpa Leonard smiled and gave me an appreciative look saying, "He did indeed! And we won't forget all the effort that went into it. Being brought back from the Netherworld isn't a gift you can ever repay! But now that we're back, it's time to take care of personal needs again. I'm going to freshen up with a hot shower!"

"Me too, Leonard! And these overalls need a wash!"

Alone in the kitchen, Joran gave me a high five, saying, "Congratulations, Dad! All that fishing, gardening, and cooking paid off and we've got two family members back because you stuck with it! You're the best example anyone could have, and I promise to do the same when it's my time to run the farm."

I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I said, "Hearing you say that is a reward in itself, Joran! A father always wants his son to look up to him, and I'm glad you feel that way about me. But I have to confess, I was pretty close to giving up a few times…"

Joran interrupted me, saying, "That's what impressed me most, Dad! You felt so low at times, but you kept on going, despite the setbacks."

As Joran settled down to practice his chess moves, I chatted with Great-Great Grandpa Jerad, "I've started re-planting the orchards this Spring and Joran's been working on the vegetable gardens. He's even taken over care of the Red Berry Bean patch, our cash crop!"

Knowing that he was a perfectionist as well as frugal, I added, "And we've made sure to keep plenty of perfect specimens on hand for re-planting, storing a good supply of them in the family chests, Great-Great Grandpa Jerad! "

I wasn't sure if our work would pass his standards, but my heart filled with pride when he said, "You've surpassed all our expectations, Scott! No need to worry on that score, son. You don't mind if I call you son, do you? Having to say great-great-grandson every time could get tiresome."

"Not at all, Great-Great…"

"The same goes for me! Grandpa Jerad is sufficient! Just Jerad if you prefer as I know Leonard is your actual grandfather."

With a wry smirk I said, "I think I'll stick with Grandpa Jerad. My mom's a stickler for being proper and would probably give me one of her looks and a lecture if I called you by your given name without a title!"

Grandpa Jerad couldn't hold back his own smile as he said, "Another wise choice, son!"

I made pancakes after that floating on cloud nine!

Flipping them with panache and grinning like a fool!

Just as I plated them for serving, Lacey wandered in to grab some leftover Firecracker Shrimp.

"You're up early on a Saturday."

"I wanted to work in the garden before it got too hot."

As she saw me eyeing her swimsuit she added, "I still got warm and cooled off in one of the sprinklers. I promise to work in the garden again after I eat!"

"Lace, we know it's not something you enjoy doing. Joran and I can handle the replanting and the hired gardeners can do the watering and weeding. You focus on you and figure out your own passion."

"Really, Dad? You wouldn't mind?"

"Of course not. We want you to be happy doing something you love, just like we do. And with two grandpas back in the house, we've got plenty of helping hands! Grandpa Leonard and Grandpa Jerad ate my ambrosia this morning!"

"It actually worked!?! And that elderly man in overalls in the living room used to be one of our family ghosts!?!"

"It did! And he was! He's several generations back, our male founder actually, but he's asked that we call him Grandpa Jerad, without the extra greats."

"That'll be easier. Joran's pained look makes a lot more sense now. I thought the guy was a local farmer trying to sell him something!"

A quick peek into the living room and I saw plainly what Lacey was referring to.

Both Grandpa Jerad and Joran did look uncomfortable, but at least they were bonding a bit over a fishing show.

Keri kept shooting them glances as she exercised but left them to handle getting to know one another without interfering so I did the same.

But we weren't the only ones enjoying success.

Terrin's paintings were bringing in top dollar and he was very close to realizing his dream of painting a masterpiece!

He was also drawing bigger crowds whenever he performed.

So was Barbara!

Not just young students either as her sweet voice appealed to all ages.

Those attending classes weren't slacking off either.

Finals were passed with flying colors with Vervain smiling as Patches overcame her shyness to give a loud cheer!

Iris and Shasta settled on confident smiles.

And so did Shawn.

Petal's look was a bit more pensive.

But Karam expressed himself with a burst of magic!

Shereen had finished another novel and when she got the news it was a best-seller, she cheered as loud as Patches!

On the farm, my ambrosia's brought back two of the family ghosts, Grandpa Leonard and Grandpa Jerad.

At Uni, Terrin, Barbara, and Shereen are all progressing in their chosen professions, while all seven students have passed all their finals with flying colors!

So, they've all got a lot to celebrate with final grades coming out soon and graduations for all the seniors.

While we have Lacey and Lawrence's young adult birthdays this weekend!

I'm a little nervous about what choices they'll make.

Will they decide to head off to Uni or jump right into careers?

Lacey and Lawrence may even decide to get married!

That thought made me panic, especially when I realized Terrin and Iris could make that choice too.

I wasn't even sure if they were going to live in AP for a bit or head straight to Bridgeport after graduation!

Definitely some life-changing events on the horizon…

Offline deedee_828

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Entry 219: A New Life Path
« Reply #283 on: February 19, 2023, 11:49:41 PM »

The moment I was half-dreading was here; my little girl was about to age up to a young adult!

But seeing her eyes sparkling with anticipation, looking so grown up, I knew she was ready for this moment, even if I wasn't.

And almost everybody else was really getting into the birthday spirit.

Beside me, Grandpa Leonard was blowing a party horn, while behind Lacey, Lawrence and a gardener were doing the same.

Keri was twirling a noise maker and adding her cheers of encouragement to Grandpa Jerad's, Terran's and Iris's.

Joran seem preoccupied as Loretta hadn't show up yet.

And Lawrence's mother, Lily, well she just stood there with a look of total disapproval on her face; nothing new for her when she was observing others having fun.

Not wanting to be identified with her sour mood, I quickly tooted on a party horn as Lacey clapped in her excitement.

I couldn't resist getting one last close-up as Lacey made her wish.

She blew out the candles and the sparkles hit her, just as one of the Schmidt horses raced up in back of the cheering crowd!

I tried to hide my smile as that horse finally got a shout out of Lily!

Mom was front and center by then, standing right in back of Lacey.

Joran had finally stopped looking for Loretta and was following Terran's example, blowing loudly on a party horn of his own.

When the sparkles disappeared, Lacey was a young adult, proudly showing off her new status with her hands on her hips.

And the same braids she'd had when she aged to teen were back, but I was sure they wouldn't last long.

Neither her blouse nor pants were in her signature color, but it looked way better than most age up outfits.

Lacey grabbed the first piece of cake and others quickly followed suit.

But some spent their time taking celebrity shots of Iris!

Then Lawrence stepped up to his cake and the cheering began again.

Lily even participated this time, twirling a noise maker, while Lawrence's dad, Theodore, blew on a party horn.

Lawrence's little brother was too young to attend, so his parents were the only family he had there.

But, if things progress between him and Lacey, with all of us Swansons here in AP, he'll have plenty of us to call family!

Lawrence thoughtfully made his wish.

And became a young adult with Lacey joining the crowd cheering him on.

Lawrence's age up outfit turned out to be an Asian style royal blue jacket over black trousers.

Lawrence has always had political aspirations, but I hope he's not planning on being the new Ambassador to China!

And taking Lacey halfway 'round the world!

Mom and Dad did have some fascinating stories and photos from their trip, but an Ambassadorship could mean years away from AP!

I took a deep breath and tried to stop my thoughts from running away with me.

It's just an age up outfit, and better than most!

But it wasn't Lacey or Lawrence that stole the spotlight at the party.

Or even Max.

Everyone's attention was fixed on Joran and Loretta making out right there in front of everyone!

In full sunshine too!

Maybe it's Joran I need to have a talk with…

Before Mom starts lecturing both of us on proper party etiquette!

Not to mention the dangers of keeping a vampire out in the sun!

Luckily for both of us, Mom was busy helping Lacey with her new wardrobe.

Though when I saw her everyday outfit and I raised my eyebrows, they both assured me that it was both tasteful and proper for a young woman her age.

At least she put her hair back in the style I was used to, so something stayed the same.

But the next morning, when Lacey called me into the living room and I saw the wild look on Keri's face, I was sure Lacey was going to spring some awful news on me!

My thoughts raced, as usual, to worst possible scenarios…Lawrence really was going to be the Ambassador to China!

Or maybe an unplanned pregnancy requiring a shotgun wedding! (I know, I know, they don't happen these days! But I'm her father and I panicked!)

What if she had an incurable disease!

But Lacey just smiled and said, "You know I love the outdoors, Dad! The trees, fishing in the pond, soaking up the sun, and running through the sprinkler. But you're right, I'm just not cut out to be a gardener or fisherman. Those things don't make me eager for a new day or fulfill me."

I nodded, wondering where this was going and why Keri looked so stricken.

Lacey continued, "So I took your advice and really thought about what I wanted to do. I even took the Uni aptitude test to see if that would give me other options. But the only thing concrete was the t-shirt."

"Then I checked job listings, and everything just fell into place!"

I was so confused by then that I blurted, "So this is about a job? You're not moving to China, having a baby, getting married, or dying!?!"

Lacey frowned and said, "No, Dad!!! Not any of those things! But I never want to feel helpless and frightened like I did during that burglar attempt!!! I want to be able to take care of myself, keep myself, and others, safe! They had an opening at the Police Academy, so I submitted an application!"

I couldn't help but gasp as my hand went to my heart.

My little girl taking on big bad criminals!!!

That burglar we had was inept true, but Lacey would be putting herself in danger every day!

But as Lacey talked about the Police Academy, how it would be months before she'd even get to ride in a squad car, and then only if she passed all the training and exams, I saw Keri's face relax a bit, and that helped me to stay calm as well.

And then I really listened to the passion in Lacey's voice and realized she hadn't sounded that excited about anything since she'd met Lawrence.

Keri must have heard it too, because she stood and said, "You really sound sure of this decision."

"Oh, I am, Mom! I started thinking about how that policewoman said to stay in my room and let trained officers handle the situation, and then I thought about actually BECOMING one of those officers. And seeing that opening at the Academy, I knew it was meant to be!"

Keri reached out and rubbed Lacey's shoulder, "If this is what you want, Sweetie, you know we're behind you 100%! We'll always be concerned for your safety, but that's how it works with families who have members in Public Service."

"Well, my applications not even been processed yet, and I'll have to pass the training and exams. It's a pretty tough course."

I smiled for the first time since the conversation began and said, "And we have a pretty tough daughter! I'd be happy to join you at the gym if you need any extra training and your grandmother's a pretty tough coach, if you need one!"

A few days later, Lacey got the call she'd been waiting for and quickly dressed to impress as she ran for the door saying, "I'm so nervous, could you drive me down to the station, Dad?"

Joran piped up, "I'll drive you, sis!"

Lacey laughed and said, "That won't help my nerves one bit!"

I waited for what seemed like an eternity, and just as she came out the doors, her phone rang and she excitedly said, "I got in, Lawrence, I got in! I start my Academy training on Monday!"

Seeing Lacey look so happy and excited, I knew she was following her heart, and had finally found her passion.

Lacey and Lawrence have celebrated their young adult birthdays.

Our little girl is all grown up and has chosen a career in Law Enforcement as her life's path.

It was a shock when she first told us, and I know I'll always worry once she's graduated from the Academy and starts actually having to deal with criminals, but at least she's staying here in AP and living with us for a bit longer.

I know she'll leave home one day, so I'm going to live in the now and enjoy having her around for as long as possible.

I know I'm tempting fate, but I can't help but wonder what's going to happen next here on the farm!

You know I'll tell you all about it…

Offline deedee_828

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Entry 220: Welcome Back
« Reply #284 on: May 16, 2023, 11:20:31 AM »

That afternoon Keri and I fished together in our pond, just enjoying the day and getting to spend some time together.

I was especially relaxed as Lawrence had confirmed his own plans for the future.

Following in his mother's footsteps, he'd taken up a position on the town counsel to launch his political career.

Not only would he be staying right here in AP, he was still living right next door, and not taking our little girl anywhere!

Not yet anyway.

Knowing our family wasn't changing just yet had Keri and I settling down to watch the stars before bed.

Inside, Max was trying to make up for his poor performance with the burglar by standing guard over his food dish.

Just a calm evening on the Swanson farm…

Until Keri got up to get a drink of water and found ghost cat Kobe eating ambrosia!

Keri was afraid she'd scare Kobe off, so she stood rooted to the spot.

And breathed a sigh of relief when the transformation was complete.

Kobe, solid and real, purring and licking her whiskers over the empty plate!

But before Keri could welcome Kobe back, a noise from the kitchen had Keri taking a peek around the corner.

To see the plate of ambrosia on the kitchen counter being picked up by none other than Founder Brooke!

Was my Great-Great Grandmother ready to come back to our family?

If the gusto she ate the ambrosia with was any indication, she sure was!

As the life-giving green mist and rejuvenating sparkles surrounded her, she floated off the floor, a smile on her face.

Then her ghostly form shuddered and stiffened as the ambrosia worked it's magic!

It came to it's full power with a burst of bright white light!

Like both my resurrected grandpas before her, the first thing she did was feel her restored body.

One hand to her flushed face and one on her once again beating heart!

Then, pumping both fists into the air, came the resounding cheer, "I'm alive again! Alive!"

Grandpa Jerad was the first one to welcome her back, pulling her into a warm hug.

Seeing the bashful, almost shy, look on Grandma Brooke's face had us giving them another moment of privacy.

But before we could offer up our own hugs and greetings, ghostly music announced the arrival of another lost soul.

In the hall, ghost cat Flynn had materialized!

Grandma Brooke didn't waste a moment, but quickly called Flynn to another dish of ambrosia on the floor.

With Grandma Brooke's urging, Flynn ate every bite!

The ambrosia worked it's magic again, sparkling and flashing around Flynn.

And as soon as he was back to his old self, he was being petted and brushed.

Grandma Brooke showing all her love with each tender stroke.

While Grandma Brooke snuggled Flynn, I caught her up on all our latest gardening news.

Grandpa Jerad walked by smiling, saying, "While you two talk about gardening, I'm going to go tend to the plants before it gets too hot!"

From gardening talk, we moved on to my next favorite topic, food.

Debating the merits of grilled salmon over vegetarian grilled salmon, both our favorites.

Flynn was exhausted after his resurrection experience, so Grandma put him down, and I finally got in my welcome hug.

"It's so good to have you back, Grandma! Really back! I know you've been watching over all of us all these years, but that's not the same!"

"No, its' not! And I'm glad to be back too! I never even hoped for such a thing until you, Scott! You with all your big dreams of being not only a gardener, but a fisherman and a chef, too. A PlantSim son, the ultimate achievement for a gardener, along with life fruit and death fish from our own pond, and your miraculous ambrosia…The Swanson farm has certainly come a long way! Not just my pitiful plants in the dirt, that's for sure!"

"Everyone has to start somewhere, Grandma. You sure taught all of us that! From your simple start back in Aggie's Corner to our farm-to-table operation here in Appaloosa Plains. A legacy that Joren plans to continue, along with the rest of us, far into the future with death flowers and ambrosia on hand."

At the mention of the rest of us, Grandma Brooke headed for the living room to meet the rest of the family.

She chatted with Keri, about food of course, while Joran read a book on his multitab.

Keri explained that Lacey wasn't home from work yet, her new job keeping her busy.

"Scott told me that Joran's planning to keep the farm going and I can see he's quite the dedicated young man. Studying even on the weekend."

A bit embarrassed at being talked about while he was right there in the room, Joran stayed focused on his tablet, mumbling, "It's just a novel, not really homework…"

Grandma Brooke laughed and said, "You'll have to show me how it works! The only books I've ever read were at the library when I was struggling to learn the basics of…everything! And from that old bookcase there. I can't believe you've kept that old thing all this time."

With a smirk, Keri quipped, "We've kept a lot of 'old' things, Founder Brooke, and added five of you back to the family!"

"So, you have, my dear, so you have! And please call me Grandma. No sense standing on ceremony with family."

We've added three more family ghosts back into active members of the family!

Our founder, Grandma Brooke, along with cats, Kobe and Flynn.

Joran's focused on his last days of high school and his teen years.

While Lacey's focused on her new career on the local police force.

But other big events are coming up. Graduation!

Lacey's from high school along with many from SimU, including Iris and Patches!

