Author Topic: A Girl's Garden--A Farmacy Story (COMPLETED)  (Read 118874 times)

Offline deedee_828

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Journal Entry 137: My Special Friend
« Reply #195 on: March 14, 2021, 09:12:55 PM »
Hi, I'm Mia Swanson, you know the older twin, by a few minutes, but hey, older is older.

Don't worry that I'm the one writing in the family journal, nothing bad has happened, and Dad is fine!

He was just a bit freaked out, like I was after meeting Pat, which was compounded by seeing something truly bizarre outside!

He was so freaked out that I found him just sitting on the couch and staring worriedly at the TV, which was on the cooking channel.

That was my first clue that Dad was upset about something. He loved watching the fishing channel, but cooking, not so much.

And  before I could even tell him the odd things that happened that evening, Dad just came out and asked, "Mia, was that your doll you were chatting with in the bedroom earlier? Has it become an imaginary friend!?! Or is one of us losing our mind!?!"

I assured Dad that neither one of us was crazy and after I explained what had happened, he decided that I would be the best one to tell this, since it's my doll after all.

See Dad was right about it being my special doll friend, well, sort of…

Wait, this IS making me sound crazy, but frankly, the whole thing is a bit odd, to say the least.

But it's probably best if I start at the beginning…no, not when I got my special doll in the mail after I was born, I don't have any memories that far back.

And truthfully, just like they did with Scott, our dolls were forgotten in the mailbox until someone grabbed the mail when we were toddlers, and then I played with Patterns every chance I got, and Bella did the same with her Lucky.

And grade school didn't stop us, as we went from just playing with them to singing to them, and we could even have tea parties!

Then, right after Scott's toddler birthday, we all went to visit our maternal grandparents and uncles in Monte Vista.

We were so busy meeting Mom's side of the family for the first time that we didn't play with our dolls right away, but after we did, Grandma Myra warned Mom that they were magical and prone to odd behavior!

That's when we found out that Mom's 3rd brother, Patrick, who her parents officially adopted, was actually one of those special dolls that our Uncle Jake, Mom's oldest younger brother, had befriended.

And he'd made his doll real with a special potion Grandma Myra made at the chemistry table, without even telling her until it was too late and the deed was done!

I know that sounds pretty farfetched, but none of Mom's family is insane, unstable, or even neurotic, and the whole idea sounded pretty cool to me and Bella, who was crazy for learning new things, especially if they have anything to do with logic.

The other thing we found out was that traveling to different worlds can have a negative effect on these dolls, it can actually break them, change them so they're not the friend you knew, even after they are made real, so Uncle Patrick didn't dare come and visit us.

But traveling TO MV didn't change our dolls, they were still our beloved Lucky and Patterns.

It was traveling back home that broke them, instead of being Lucky and Patterns, Bella's doll became Jelly Bean and mine became Pat, close to Patterns but not quite the same, which made me very sad, as though I still played with Pat until my teen birthday, my friendship with her wasn't nearly as high as my friendship with Patterns had been as we'd had a much shorter time together.

I didn't even notice it at the time, but now looking at the photo of me and my doll right before my teen birthday, Pat was a totally different color, varying shades of blues with yellow, instead of Pattern's cream colored head and black body!

So it's a good thing I knew a little about what had happened with Uncle Jake and Uncle Patrick in MV or I probably WOULD have thought I was crazy.

Especially when Bella and I both heard the same message about how our friends would like to come out and play a week after our teen birthdays.

We went through our backpacks and set Lucky and Patterns down on the floor of the front porch, and just shrugged in disappointment when nothing happened.

That's when we noticed that both of us had two dolls!

Lucky and Patterns had actually been replaced with Jelly Bean and Pat, two totally different dolls altogether!

We both shared a wide-eyed look and gently place each one on the floor.

To our shock, Bella's Jelly Bean just vanished!!!

But my doll just sat there like a regular old doll, nothing special happened at all.

We were both kind of mad we'd heard those messages that got our hopes up for nothing, and that's when I went to my great-grandparents' bedroom to practice charisma in the mirror.

And got the shock of my life when, a few minutes later, a high-pitched voice greeted me enthusiastically!

"Mia, Mia, it's me Pat! I'm big like you! Well, almost like you! Hopefully, I'll grow and catch up with you now!"

I just stared at Pat, totally stunned, my mind racing.

And the only conclusion I could come up with was that all that traveling had really broken the other three dolls, but my feelings for Pat had been strong enough to make her an imaginary friend, someone I could actually see and who could actually speak with me!

Pat and I talked for a bit then Pat laughed, tapped my arm, and said "You're it!"

It was game on and I quickly tagged Pat back and ran outside, my heart almost bursting with happiness when Pat trotted after me, skipping and singing, holding an umbrella because it was raining.

I didn't even care about the rain at all, I mean what was rain compared to Pat becoming an imaginary friend!?!

But then something even weirder happened, more weird?

Not sure if either of those is correct, but it sure seemed like something to be worried about.

Fareshine and Ripley had become some strange intertwined beast!

It was at that point that I ran inside and found Dad in the living room and decided keeping Pat a secret wasn't a good idea.

Especially since he thought one or both of us was crazy!

Dad wasn't sure what to do about our beloved horses, but he said that Pat becoming an imaginary friend would definitely require a phone call to MV, to discuss the situation with Uncle Jake and Uncle Patrick.

So as soon as it was a reasonable hour in MV, Dad called and spoke with Uncle Jake.

By the look on Dad's face, what he was hearing wasn't alleviating his worries at all.

Unfortunately, Uncle Patrick wasn't home so Uncle Jake told dad that he'd fill him in when he returned and call us back after they discussed the situation.

In the meantime, Uncle Jake told Dad that I should keep Pat out of my inventory and interact with Pat as much as possible, to allow Pat to age to teen like I was and continue building up our friendship, and hopefully not break the connection Pat had to this world.

When dad told me this, I knew what that worried face had been about; Dad was seriously considering whether additional contact with Pat was good for me, or even the wisest course of action, and that maybe breaking Pat's connection to this world would be the best thing we could do!

But I pleaded with Dad to heed Uncle Jake's suggestion as I didn't want to lose another one of my special friends so, a bit reluctantly, Dad gave in to my request.

And to my astonishment, as we continued our interrupted game of tag outside, Pat did indeed become teen-size!

I'm sure that fairy paparazzi thought I was completely nuts, playing tag outside in the rain by myself, since she couldn't see Pat.

That thought made me laugh even louder, sounding even more like a loon, but nothing else mattered to me as much as having Pat as my imaginary friend.

But by this time I was exhausted and I had school in the morning, so I headed off to bed.

Pat even followed me to my room when I was crawling under my covers.

And sleepy as I was, my heart was thrilled by the sight of seeing Pat bopping into the room; my only concern that I would wake in the morning to find it had all been a dream!

Especially as Pat transformed back to doll-size just as I fell asleep!

But it wasn't a dream at all, because when I awoke, Pat popped back to teen size!

After my shower, I found Pat relaxing on one of the twin beds in Scott's room.

It was absolutely incredible to me that Pat could do so many things that a normal Sim could do.

Uncle Jake and Uncle Patrick called and spoke with Dad before the bus came, and they were happy to hear that Pat had indeed aged up to teen, as Pat being a child-size imaginary friend when I was already a teen had concerned them a bit.

But the choices they gave us had Dad throwing up his arm in dismay, as he repeated, "So it's either ignore the doll by putting it back in Mia's backpack, or keeping it out and letting her interact with it but only as an imaginary friend, or either buying or making that potion that would make it real?! And whichever one we choose could still result in magical glitches that could affect the doll or our town? I'm not sure I like any of those options!!!"

I, of course, preferred the last option, as I'd wanted to make my doll real as soon as I'd learned it was possible when I was a child.

So I pleaded with Dad again, and though he didn't agree to allowing me to do that, he did agree to discuss it with Mom, before making a final decision.

I even got to hear a bit of that discussion, and though Mom was a bit shocked to hear that Pat had become an imaginary friend, her words filled me with hope!

"Under the circumstances Diwan, we can't be the only ones making this decision, just dismissing Mia's, or Pat's, feelings in this, wouldn't be proper. Patrick has shown us that the magical properties these dolls possess is one that allows them to not only feel friendship and love, but to be self-aware, sentient, once they become an imaginary friend. I think that only leaves us with one choice."

But it was right then that the bus arrived and I had to leave for school!

School seemed to take absolutely forever that day, and all I could think about was poor Pat, home alone without me.

To make matters worse, Bella asked me to do homework right there on the school steps, and Dad had asked me to keep Pat a secret until we'd decided on what course of action we were going to take, so I couldn't even explain why I was in a rush to get home.

So homework it was!

But being outside on the school steps wasn't all that bad as it was a beautiful day.

And we got treated to some eye-candy as well when Kyle Loveland headed inside the school, joining the ranks of teachers now that he was a young adult.

Bella looked at me and winked and I knew she was thinking the same thing I was when she said, "This is so much better than riding the bus home!"

When our homework was done, Bella suggested we work on our extra credit projects for science class.

She needed to catch a fish, which she could have done from our own pond, but since I needed to find some special insects, which were mostly found by Cinnamon Crest Falls, I found myself joining her there, instead of heading home to be with Pat.

When we finally made it home, we found Scott chatting with his schoolmate Alysa Wilks, while his friend Dequan Boston had a paper bag over his head!

That's when we found out Dequan loved robots and had started making his own bot costume to wear.

I found that a bit odd, but Bella was intrigued, of course, because robotics was one of the sciences after all!

Then Kari showed up and asked Scott to tell her another ghost story, which Mom eagerly listened to as well.

I was hoping that would mean I could get some time in with Pat, but then Dequan asked me to read him a bedtime story.

He was such a nice boy, I couldn't refuse.

But to my surprise, Pat actually joined us and listened as avidly as Dequan!

Once Scott's friends had said their goodbyes, I found Mom and Dad and by the smiles on their faces, I knew that they were going to go along with my wishes and see if we could make Pat real!

If that was what Pat wanted too, as Mom had helped Dad see that this had to be Pat's choice just as much as mine.

So I brought Pat back into Grandpa's bedroom and we discussed it lying down on the bed.

Just seeing Pat there, chatting away with me, so relaxed, so at ease, made me smile, and there wasn't a doubt in my mind what Pat's choice would be.

And I was right, Pat wanted to become real and join our family just like Uncle Patrick!

"I would be just like you and this would be my real home and all of you my family!?! Oh, yes, yes, Mia! I never even dreamed that was possible. But now that I know, I want to be real more than anything!"

But then I had to burst Pat's bubble as I explained that to do that, Bella would have to discover the potion required, and that could take some time, and we only had a week left before our YA birthdays and leaving for Uni.

So I got to fill Bella in on Pat actually becoming an imaginary friend, and she was just as thrilled as I was about trying to make Pat real!

I think the only thing that could have thrilled her more would have been if one of her dolls had become an imaginary friend too, but I could see she was happy for me despite that.

With Bella on board, we bought a chemistry table, placing it in the alcove between the stairs and the bathroom, and she went to work immediately!

Even with Bella's current logic skill, she couldn't just make the potion, she had to discover it, and since there were almost a dozen potions to discover, there was no telling when that would happen.

In fact, not all of her experiments were even successful in discovering a potion, which added to Bella's difficulties.

Because some combinations were so volatile they exploded, catching her clothes and hair on fire, and leaving her covered in soot and ash!

Luckily, a quick shower would restore her to her normal self, but it was rather alarming to see the consequences of a failed experiment, especially that first time.

So there you have it!

The story of Pat from my point of view, which is the only one where Pat can be seen, so though others may question my sanity, I know in my heart that Pat is not a figment of my imagination.

And if Bella can discover the right potion, then one day, hopefully soon, Pat will actually be real and I can show all of those doubters out there that I'm not crazy!

Just like Uncle Jake did when he made his Patterns real, and gained a new brother, our Uncle Patrick.

Hopefully Mom and Dad will be just as thrilled about Pat becoming part of our family as Grandma and Grandpa Frio were in making Uncle Patrick part of their family.

At least they know what's going on and gave us permission, and it won't be such a surprise if and when it happens!

I'm sure Dad will keep you posted on further developments in the next entry.

Offline deedee_828

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Journal Entry 138: Friendships
« Reply #196 on: March 18, 2021, 01:39:05 PM »

Dad had a couple of reasons for letting me continue writing in the family journal.

The first one was because Bella and I were spending time with boys, something he didn't even want to think about, let alone write down!

Secondly, he's almost as uncomfortable talking about Pat, especially when my preoccupation with Pat led to an unfortunate incident!

Though Pat and I are the best of friends, Pat loves cats while my preference is for horses, and I love the cold while Pat prefers hot, sunny days, two things we've agreed to disagree on.

But the disagreement had me losing track of the time…

And though Bella pleaded with the bus driver to wait for me, she had to keep to her schedule, so I missed the bus!

Dad let me drive to school in one of the farm trucks, but I did have to listen to his lecture on time management.

Thankfully he kept it short so I could get to school before the bell.

While we were all at school, Mom focused on nectar making and reached her goal of making 100 bottles of nectar and mastering the skill!

But that made her want to make even more, so now she's set her sights on 200, even though we have more nectar on hand than most vineyards!

If we ever sold great-grandpa Nolan's nectar we'd more than double our cash on hand as it's worth over $652,000 simoleans, a great fortune all by itself!

For someone who hated the outdoors, great-grandpa Nolan definitely made his mark on the family farm, and left us with a very valuable legacy.

But Mom's so frugal she's decided that saving it for future generations is the best course of action, especially since we're not hurting for funds in the least.

Dad even shared this photo he caught of Mom in a moment of playfulness.

Mom doesn't let loose that often, but when she does, she goes all out.

Just looking at her playing on the slip 'n' slide, I can almost hear her laughter and I know she's giving it her all.

But with Mom busy making nectar and taking time for recreation, Kimo's found another friend in Grandpa Leonard.

I'm glad because Grandpa seems a little lost sometimes, with Grandma gone.

We all thought she'd pop in to see us but so far we haven't been blessed with a visit.

After school, Scott invited his friends over again, and not only had Dequan had his teen birthday, he'd also completed his bot costume and wore it over to show it off.

It still made me laugh, but Bella was more intrigued than ever by Dequan's ingenuity.

I grabbed a quick bite with Scott and his friends, and knowing I wanted to leave, Kari said she'd take care of my plate.

She's such a sweet girl that I'm glad Scott befriended her, like Bella and I befriended her older sisters, Claire and Lynn.

Why did I want to leave?

Well, they'd made an announcement today at school that there would be a prom this weekend and I wanted to go!

Bella couldn't care less about going to prom, but I didn't want to go alone and, since Bella hadn't had any luck yet discovering that special potion for Pat, that meant I needed a date!

There was only one choice as far as date material went as all the other teens in town were much older or related to me.

And going to prom with one of my cousins was out of the question!

I was so nervous I almost changed my mind, before walking resolutely back up the steps and knocking on the Marshal's front door.

To my relief, Blaine welcomed me with a big smile and invited me inside!

But I wasn't so sure Eric, his older brother, was as happy about my visit, as I caught him peeking curiously around the corner at us a few times.

Maybe it was just because he was disappointed our date hadn't worked out, with him aging up.

Whatever the reason, it was a bit awkward with me here to see Blaine and not him.
(F Gen4 N 242)

But as Blaine and I continued to chat about school, I forgot all about Eric.

And the stories Blaine told me about his new part-time job with the local sheriff's office were so fascinating I lost track of time, which is becoming a rather unfortunate habit.

But as I heard the warning whistle for curfew, I got back to my original purpose and asked Blaine the big question, even though Eric and Mr. Marshall were chatting right in back of me.

"So have you been seeing anyone? Do you have any plans for prom?"

Blaine's smile grew bigger as he replied, "No, I haven't met anyone special yet and hadn't planned on going to prom. But if you're asking me to, I'd love to go with you!"

As I smiled back and nodded happily, Blaine added, "But the aliens might abduct me before the dance, so there's a chance I might not make it! I'd still love to go with you, but I wanted you to know it could happen at any time now!"

Aliens!!!! And I thought Dequan was a bit eccentric wearing his bot costume!!!

What had I gotten myself into!?!

Since it was late, I had a good excuse, so I quickly said goodbye and headed home.

That's when Bella clued me in on her evening, which started off routinely enough with her trying to discover that special potion for Pat, something she's been doing in every moment of her spare time.

So I couldn't really blame her for taking a break when she was interrupted by a phone call asking her out on a date!

And the twin thing Bella and I share worked against her for her first date too, as when Bella met up with Brock Fox he was no longer a teen!

Not sure why the guys in town were waiting too long to show interest in us, but it was rather disheartening.

As friendly as Bella is, she made the most of it and chatted away with him.

And she was thrilled when she found out he loved chemistry too, so she told him all about all the potions she'd already discovered, but not about Pat, which was still a family secret.

But the curfew whistle ended her outing as well, so she headed back to the farm.

While Bella got back to work at her chemistry table, I did a little gardening to build up my skill set to earn some scholarship money.

Pat wasn't able to help out in the garden, but I did enjoy having the company.

Especially when I heard a half familiar sound, the one that meant a family ghost was popping in for a visit.

I peeked into the barn and was thrilled to see ghostly Grandma Rielle!

But when she floated towards the barn door, I backed off, way off.

It was my Grandma Rielle, but it was a bit spooky seeing her all ghostly.

Especially since she didn't speak, just drifted off towards the house, looking sleepy.

Imagine that, a ghost being tired, I would never have thought of that possibility if I hadn't seen it plain as day.

As I followed at a discreet distance, she headed straight for the nursery and a rocker!

Now that explained why ghosts rocked so much, to restore their energy!

I couldn't wait to share that theory with Bella as I knew she'd be a bit jealous that it was something I found out first!

But then Grandma stood up and looked right at me, saying, "Care to try out the water slide with me, Mia?"

That's when I realized she'd changed into her swimsuit!

Ghosts could change clothes too!

Boy, this was a night for revelations.

But Grandma forgot all about her offer when she met Grandpa out in the hall.

I can't blame her really because Grandpa is irresistible and if a guy ever looked at me the way Grandpa looked at Grandma, I would have swooned too, just like she did!

I left them to their romantic reunion and headed outside.

I found Pat chilling on the garden bench by the fishing pond, just enjoying the summer evening.

So I took the opportunity to give that Uni aptitude test another try, without an audience this time.

And with my additional skill points in gardening, cooking, charisma, and handiness, I scored 1505 and got a partial scholarship, 1000 simoleans per term!

It also gave me +6 credits towards Technology, Science & Medicine, and Fine Arts degrees, though I was happiest with the +18 credits towards an Athletic degree that I'd earned the first time.

But thinking about degrees had me thinking about all the new sims I'd meet at Uni and though I wasn't naturally friendly like Bella and Scott, I suddenly yearned to be super popular and have lots and lots of friends!

I could still race horses as a career, even if it wasn't my ultimate goal in life.

And if I played my cards right, complete a super popular lifetime goal while I was still a young adult, maybe even at Uni.

Then I could focus on love and family after that.

I'm not sure what made all of those pieces fall into place, maybe it was my new friendships with Pat and Blaine, or maybe it was seeing Grandma and Grandpa back together.

Whatever had caused it, I suddenly felt like I had my future mapped out and couldn't wait to share my news with someone.

I went looking for Pat, but only found Riley in the back yard so I whispered my plans to him, ending with, "What do you think, boy? Want to start racing in earnest when I get back from Uni?"

I doubt he understood, but the sound of my voice and the word 'racing' had him nickering and nuzzling me so I took that as agreement.

Then Pat showed up and I revealed all of my plans.

Pat was excited too, and asked, "If I was real, could I actually play video games with other sims!?!"

"Of course! You could do everything I can do, even attend classes and get a degree!"

Then Pat's face fell and the mist turned into a downpour, mimicking Pat's mood, as Pat's words echoed around us, "But only if Bella can make the potion in time…"

Prom is only days away.

Will Blaine be my date or get abducted by aliens!!! (Even Bella snickered when I told her about that!)

And soon after prom it will be time for our young adult birthdays and heading off to Uni.

Will Bella discover that special potion for Pat in time?

I hope so, as traveling to Uni might not be good for Pat, could change her just like Patterns before her!

But having Pat made real and be able to attend Uni with us, well that would be wonderful!!!

Before all that happens, we have another birthday to celebrate.

Scott becomes a teen tomorrow, so he'll be joining us in high school!

I've really enjoyed being the author of the last two entries, so I may continue, if Dad doesn't want to take over the reigns.

Until next time.

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Offline deedee_828

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Journal Entry 139: Another Birthday, Another Teen
« Reply #197 on: March 28, 2021, 03:40:10 PM »
Since it was Scott's teen birthday the next day, we gave him permission to have a friend sleep over.

He'd wanted that for some time now and since two of his best friends were girls, I figured better at the grade school age than when they were teens!

And unlike some guests, who wander around all night or nap in rockers, Keri slept in one of the bunk beds in Scott's room.

She's not only polite, cleaning up after herself, but she's smart too!

Then Keri enjoyed one of Scott's homemade muffins for her breakfast.

And the smile he gave her when she praised his baking left no doubt as to the growing friendship between them.

Then Keri headed home to get ready for Scott's party.

Since Scott was becoming a teen, a milestone in every kid's life, Marley went all out and served some of her nectar.

And then she placed both trays on a table near the cake table.

With cake and drinks all set up, we chatted together waiting for our guests to arrive.

And arrive they did!

First Scott's friend, new teen Dequan Boston, who made a bee-line for Bella.

And seeing Bella's obvious interest in the young man, as they chatted away, I was glad we'd be focusing on Scott soon!

Then, as Scott approached his cake, we started gathering around, with Alysia blowing the first party horn.

And then a special guest showed up, watching from the rockers near the back corner of the room.

It was Mom, here for Scott's birthday!

At the sight of her I thought my heart would burst.

Mia had told us all about her visit the night before and Mom's reunion with Dad.

But seeing her for myself, knowing she was still present here on the farm, well, it made Scott's birthday all the more perfect.

And everyone was cheering for Scott as he blew out his candles.

The noise from several party horns blaring along with the clapping, cheers, and birthday wishes.

And just as the sparkles hit him and he began his birthday spin, Keri Loveland came running in to join the party.

"Sorry I'm late Scott, there's a crush on the stairs!" Keri blurted.

And she was right, Deanna Gallo and Claire Loveland were trying to come down the stairs, with Mia behind them, urging them on.

While Karina's youngest, Claire Schmidt, was trying to go up!

By the looks the teens were giving her, they weren't happy that she was causing a traffic jam.

But traffic jam or not, birthday sparkles wait for no one, and Scott become a teen!

In the most ridiculous everyday outfit ever!

I mean a suit coat and fancy bow tie for a friendly boy who loves the outdoors and fishing?

And now is a natural cook?

Even his hair was slicked back in a style that would take some upkeep, not suitable for Scott's laid-back personality at all!

Our Watcher Lady worked her magic though and got Scott fixed up with a decent hair style and more appropriate clothes.

Even letting Scott's preference for violet be part of his outfits, which didn't look bad with gray and black.

Then Scott grabbed the first piece of cake, per tradition, while others still blew party horns and cheered birthday wishes.

And that's when some of the others noticed Mom's ghostly presence, though instead of being pleased like I was, both Bella and Eric Marshall were a little dismayed at their first sight of her.

Then Eric went from dismayed to terrified in no time flat!

He bit his nails, let out one terrified bleat…

And then he hit the floor, passed out cold!

My niece, Deanna, didn't even notice him as, finally down stairs,  she was totally focused on Bella and joining the party.

While everyone else just kept on blowing party horns and yelling, "Happy Birthday, Scott!"

The older teens in the family, both my sisters' kids, Chad Gallo, Karie Schmidt, Brianna Gallo, and Bryce Schmidt were all in a group and really getting into the party spirit.

Though Scott's school friend, Alysia Wilks, seemed a bit disappointed that Scott was now a teen.

On our side of the room, Jessica Schmidt, Karina's middle daughter, had become a teen as well, but her hair…

There was just so much of it, and her clothes…well, it looked like Founder Jerad had been rummaging through a bag of cast offs, just like he had when our family was just starting out and short of funds!

Worse than Scott's age up hair and clothes.

Here, I'll let you judge that for yourself.

Our Watcher Lady came to the rescue again and under all that hair and odd clothing, we found a stunning teen that looked very much like my sister Karina, but with her father Ben's brown hair.

Jessica was so thrilled with her formal look that we chose that photo for the family journal.

And so as not to play favorites, even though Jess's sister Karie's look was perfectly okay, she did a bit of tweaking for Karie.

Giving her a new hairstyle and recoloring her outfit to match her shoe color.

Karie looks a lot like Karina too, but she has raven-black hair, just like her baby sister, Claire.

I know Mom was a bit disappointed that none of Karina's kids inherited Grandma Brina's hair color, but at least Kindle's eldest son, Evan had.

I sat down with Scott to eat my cake and couldn't help thinking that the last of our babies was almost grown!

My son would be a young adult and take over the farm as heir in just two weeks!

And the twins would be heading off to Uni after their young adult birthdays in only four days!

But instead of making me panic, the thought was oddly comforting as we'd get a little more time with Scott while the girls took over the family journal during their time at Uni.

I'd been thinking about that idea for awhile and Mia did such a great job on the last two entries, I felt confident that,  between the two of them, they could handle the journal entries as well as their studies, and still have some free time for fun on campus.

That thought, my baby girls let loose on campus made me a bit queasy, so I pushed it aside and focused on Scott.

"Happy Birthday, son! Enjoying your party?"

Scott nodded, and before he forked up another bite of cake, said, "It's a great party Dad! I knew we had a large family, but just seeing so many of our cousins here really shows how much family we have!"

"And we kept it simple! Mostly just the younger gen so you could all get to know each other better. Our families are large and busy, but we'd like all of you to be friends and stay close."

"Why the smirk?"

"Well, there's close and then there's CLOSE, Dad! It might have been nice to let other families contribute to the town so I wasn't related to 90% of the girls in town!'

Ruefully, I said, "Yeah, your mother pointed that out when your sisters reached grade school and all their friends were relatives! Not that I'm sorry about that, where your sisters are concerned. No father I know of wants his little girl to grow up and date! Besides, the Loveland crew is even larger than your Aunt Kindle and Uncle Trevor's brood of five, with seven kids! And with four girls, plenty of lovelies for you and your cousins to choose from!"

I saw the blush rise up along Scott's jaw and knew I'd struck a nerve, as Keri Loveland was the youngest of those girls.

So I took pity on my young son and didn't press the issue. I might be an adult now, but I still remember the embarrassments of my teens years like they were yesterday.

But Scott's party was just getting started and the young people, my three teens and all their guests, were definitely ready to get to know one another.

I'm not sure how ready I am to start seeing them pair up, but ready or not, the time is upon us.

I'll try not to freak out, especially where the twins are concerned, but prom's coming up too and that brings worries of it's own, knowing Mia asked the youngest Marshall boy to be her date!

I'd feel better if she was going with Bella or a group of girlfriends, but Marley has assured me that, in our day and age, it's perfectly proper for a girl to ask a boy out.

I wanted to disagree, but the look that Marley gave me had me realizing it would be better to keep my mouth shut.

I'll definitely be keeping track of all the happenings between the young folks over the next few days.

And I'll tell you all about it in my next entry.

Even if it kills me!

Offline deedee_828

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Journal Entry 140: Pairing Up Begins
« Reply #198 on: April 04, 2021, 03:31:42 PM »

The first young couple I saw together was Lynn Loveland and Dequan Boston as they were right by my table.

Lynn's the twins age though and Dequan is just a few days older than Scott so I don't think that they'd pair up, though Dequan and Bella had been talking pretty closely together earlier in the evening.

Maybe Dequan was into older girls?

More likely it was because, like Scott reminded me, the ages of the young people in town aren't lined up very well.

But then my attention focused on Mia, who was chatting away animatedly to a boy I didn't know!

Turns out, he was the youngest Marshall boy, Blaine, who was Mia's prom date, which was actually something of a relief as he looked safe enough.

He really didn't seem like Mia's type at all with his pale indoor skin and studious thick black glasses.

In fact, he seemed more like the brainy, geeky, science type that would appeal to Bella!

But I've never been big on romance, or even thought about others having romances, until my children were teens and it was staring me in the face, so what young girls found attractive or appealing, frankly, I had no idea!

But when Mia started talking to Blaine about babies, my heart nearly flipped out of my chest!

Until I calmed down enough to realize she was talking about a chapter from their biology class that focused on caring for young of different species.

Then Blaine mentioned something about aliens and their young, and the boy was so serious about it, you knew he actually believed what he was saying! (I really though Mia had been joking about Blaine's abduction comment when she asked him to prom, but apparently, not.)

But my attention was drawn to Eric Marshall, Blaine's older brother, giving my niece, Claire Schmidt, Karina's youngest child, and odd look and a snarky comment!

Even more disdainful than the one that Deanna had given Claire earlier on the stairs.

I didn't see Claire do anything to warrant such a look this time though, Claire was just trying to say her goodbyes, like Keri Loveland, as it was 10 o'clock and time for our younger guests to head home.

But I got the feeling Claire had smiled about Chad mocking Eric's kilt and I couldn't really blame either of them for doing that as the guy looked ridiculous in it!

Eric's entire outfit was truly bizarre, a red formal jacket with a vest, that wild green plaid kilt, right down to his bright blue sneakers.

Wear something like that and you are bound to be mocked! Blaine was looking better by the minute!

That's when I spotted my nephew, Tyler Gallo, and Claire Loveland slow dancing.

I made my way over for a closer look, you know, to make sure everything stayed above board.

And to snap a photo or two!

That made me smile as taking photos for the family journal had become old hat and I felt like I was actually getting better at it after all this time.

Turns out Tyler and Claire have been dating for a bit and he asked her to go steady tonight.

So it was no surprise that Claire thought our party was terrific!

What was surprising was that Claire's twin, Lynn, and my nephew, Bryce Schmidt, were also going steady.

Looks like I was pretty close to the mark when I said our male family members had their pick of the pretty Loveland girls!

The only two left were Ariel, their eldest child, who was older than Evan Gallo, Kindle's oldest son, and Scott's friend, young Keri, who was still in grade school, but would be a teen soon.

I was a little worried when I didn't see Bella in the crowd, but then I found her doing homework at a table in the corner.

She's not one to use a party as an excuse for not getting her homework done, that's for sure.

Though Jessica was doing her best to cajole Bella into joining her on the water slide.

"Come on cuz! A few of us want to give it a try before it gets put away for the season!"

And Marley caught others following Bella's example while I was chatting to Dad.

Seeing this photo made me realize that we have great kids who take the responsibility of homework very seriously.

But it was a school night so the teens started saying their goodbyes and telling Scott was a great party it was.

But the party guests weren't only young ones, as Dad's sisters, Grace and Julia, came to the party too.

Aunt Grace was relaxing in a rocker, after checking out the water slide, even though the temperature had dipped severely over the last day or so.

Apparently, she wanted to give it a try just like Jessica.

And Aunt Julia was still in rare form, whispering a joke to Dad that I overheard enough of to make me blush!

But the two of them just laughed hysterically and I decided to leave them to their fun.

That's when I went upstairs and found Bella chatting with Dequan in the very dark backyard!

They'd both changed into swimsuits and had been using the water slide, but they were standing way to close for my piece of mind.

Then I heard Bella tell him that maybe they could get together over the weekend as the Fall Festival had come to town!

I couldn't help thinking that Dequan is close to Scott's age…and Bella's almost a young adult…so I'd never dreamed that the two of them would pair up, though she's always been fascinated by his bot costume!

To my relief, Dequan said, "I would really have loved to go to the festival with you this weekend Bella but I start my new job Saturday. Maybe later in the week?"

Bella sighed and said, "Mia and I celebrate our young adult birthdays on Monday, I guess my timing was just as bad as Eric's and Brock's!"

Dequan seemed puzzled by the reference, but I happily interrupted with, "Did someone mention a birthday coming up? We'll have to start planning that special day this weekend! Bella, most of the guests have left and your mother could use some help cleaning up."

"Sure thing Dad! I'll just go change out of this wet suit. It's a bit chilly for water sliding this time of year. Probably time to put it way until next summer."

I followed Bella back down to the nectary basement, where only a few family members and guests lingered over last minute pieces of cake.

Bella quickly grabbed some dirty plates and started washing up while Chad gathered up a few more.

Dad was looking at all his grandkids and I could tell he was proud as punch at how well they'd all turned out.

And he had a right to be proud.

He'd raised me and my sisters, helped raise Kindle and Trevor's, Evan, well into toddlerhood, then mine and Marley's three from the time they were born, and was here to see Scott become a teen.

I did a quick calculation and realized that Dad was now 115!

With the late night, our teens were a bit rushed the next morning, and all I got was a photo of Scott rushing down the stairs!

"Bye Dad! Don't have time to talk, running late!" And with a quick glance over his shoulder, he added, "Bye Mom, bye Grandpa!"

But what was even more concerning was that only the twins came home that afternoon!

While they worked on homework, they quickly explained that Scott was fine but had gotten an opportunity to work for the afternoon at a local steakhouse and do a paper on the experience, which would give him some extra credit at school and improve his grade.

After homework, Mia spent some time with Riley and got in a little riding.

Between school, homework and learning skills for Uni, she'd not had much of an opportunity and she was determined to build up their friendship as well as her riding skill.

Bella got back to work trying to discover that potion for Pat.

Her experiment was successful and she did discover a potion, just not the right one.

But Bella was thrilled with her success.

And so was I, not because I was as gung ho as the twins were to make Pat real, but because unsuccessful experiments blew up and had Bella rushing to shower off the soot and ash!

Something I had been careful not to let on that I knew about to stop Marley from worrying, though I did enough worrying for the both of us!

Scott finally made it home, but not until late, and he was exhausted and starving.

The first thing he did was grab some leftover pizza and gobble it down.

Then he worked on homework while Bella made a late night snack of a piece of strawberry pie.

"So any luck on getting Mia's imaginary friend to join the household?"

"Not yet. But I feel like I'm getting closer. And when it happens, I'm sure you'll know. Both Mia and I will be yelling our heads off, and I'm sure Pat will be too!"

"About Pat, is she…he.. Um…you know, a girl or a boy?"

"That we don't know. From what Uncle Jake and Uncle Patrick told us, if you rename your doll you can choose a gender specific name, but we just left our dolls their original names, all four of them, since different ones appeared after we got back from MV. Then only Pat became an imaginary friend. So we won't find out Pat's gender until we can make Pat real."

"Don't you mean if?"

"No, I mean when! There's no way I'm stopping until I discover that potion. This is the scientific opportunity of a lifetime!"

"Speaking of scientific opportunities, did Mom mention to you that she wants to grow a forbidden fruit?"

"Yes, I've already done some research on that and the best way to obtain one is via a science station through gene splicing. I've already told Mom I'll try my best but I'll need to build up my science skill first so the experiment will be successful. Just like the chemistry table and discovering the potion for Pat, science experiments can fail."

"Better you than me! I'll stick to fishing, gardening, and cooking, things that don't blow up!"

"I don't think science experiments blow up, they just ruin the specimen. Besides, you can catch the stove on fire cooking."

"That's why I'm going to study it from books first."

"Smart brother, very smart."

Friday was a much more relaxing morning, Mia was up early enough to enjoy some of Dad's apple pancakes, and considerate enough to thank him for them afterward.

"Your pancakes were absolutely delicious Grandpa! I didn't even know you could cook!"

"I've had a bit of spare time Mia, with all the rain and colder temps, so I've exchanged my fishing pole for a cook book! It helps having fresh apples of perfect quality, and they'd be even better with some fresh cinnamon!"

"Oooohh, that does sound good Grandpa! You'll have to share that cooking secret with Scott. He's been talking about learning cooking from books and the cooking channel, so he can build up some skill and not burn the house down, but I'm sure he'd love any tips to make his meals tastier when he starts cooking. That late shift he worked at the Steakhouse really opened his eyes at just how intense cooking can be and how much he has to learn, even being a natural cook!"

I was chatting with Dad when Scott headed out the door to the bus, his cheerful goodbye, "Bus is here, see you this afternoon!" reminding me of something I wanted to do.

Get a photo of all three of our teens on the bus.

With their age difference, Scott only had two more days of school with his sisters, today and Monday, but we were glad they were there to show him the ropes.

High School is stressful enough without having to make it through totally on your own and with his only teen friend a boy who liked to dress up in a bot costume, having two pretty older sisters to ease you in couldn't hurt!

And seeing the twins in their new outfits, outfits that were meant to keep them warm, but also covered up a lot more skin, made me feel better too.

The twins were popular enough without getting THAT kind of attention!

With the kids off to school, Marley and I spent some alone time together, chatting and taking some time to stay connected as a couple.

After all, just because we were parent of three teens, teens that were thinking of their own love lives, certainly didn't mean we needed to ignore the romantic side of our relationship.

Even if the very thought of their parents having a romantic life grossed our teenagers out!

So…with all three of them out of the house, we indulged in hugs and quite a few kisses.

But duty called, soon enough, and I spent the rest of the day gathering our harvestable produce before winter descended upon us.

Our gardening service handled the routine care of the gardens, watering and weeding, but we still harvested and replanted all our produce ourselves.

Dad and I focused on the main gardens and Marley focused on the nectary gardens, since she knew so much more about the specialty grapes.

Marley took the time to get in one of her exercise routines, and then headed to the consignment store to see if they had  a Forbidden Fruit seed on hand.

The new consignment specialist didn't give her much hope of finding one there though as they were so rare that they were hard to come by.

She did mention that students in the science classes at Uni were having better luck discovering them, which went along with Bella's information, so Marley resigned herself to waiting.

In Marley's absence, Dad gave Kimo a good belly rub, something that Kimo loved.

Kimo was so devoted to Dad, that he followed him out to the stables to check on the horses, especially Fareshine.

Though Mia was able to fit Ripley into her busy schedule, it was difficult for her to care for both horses, so Dad picked up the slack, making sure Fareshine got brushed, had clean hooves, and plenty of attention.

As much as the calls asking Dad out had made him smile, he never took anyone one of the ladies up on their offer.
I wouldn't have blamed him if he had gone out and about a bit, after being part of a couple since he was a teen, it must have been pretty lonely being on his own now.

Mom's ghost had visited us a few times now, but when her ghostly self wasn't around, Dad liked being in the barn, with her beloved horses, and Mom's memorial and urn close by.

It was actually quite romantic, him staying devoted to Mom like that, but bittersweet too, knowing how much he must miss her.

I know the rest of us did, something crazy, but Dad was handling it really well, keeping busy.

Speaking of busy, when the kids got home from school Friday afternoon, I knew things were going to be rushed.

With graduation looming ever closer, Bella would be busy trying to discover that potion for Pat.

Scott was trying to build up his skills and he was focusing on cooking and charisma currently.

He wanted to be proficient in so many aspects of the farm, fishing and gardening, plus cooking, with all those fresh fish and farm fresh ingredients, that he was getting a head start in his teen years.

For Mia, she had prom to go to!

Something that had filled me with dread, until I'd actually met Blaine Marshall, a studious boy who was so obsessed with aliens he really thought he could be abducted any time.

That suited me just fine, obsessed with aliens meant he wasn't focused on my daughter!

At least I hope not!

I'll tell you all about their teen adventures, or maybe let them tell it themselves, in the next entry.

Offline deedee_828

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Journal Entry 141: Prom And More Teens
« Reply #199 on: April 09, 2021, 04:02:05 PM »
Since I was the one who had a date for prom, Dad let me have the honor of writing this entry.

With time running short, I took care of Ripley right after school, getting him brushed and cleaning his hooves.

Then Pat joined us and we spent some time chatting.

I avoided the subject of prom since Pat couldn't attend and I didn't want to make Pat feel bad.

But before I knew it, the limo had arrived and I was heading out the door all gussied up!

Then, to my pleasant surprise, I saw Bella all dressed up too and running towards the waiting limo.

She didn't have a date but she'd decided that she didn't want to pass up the teen milestone of prom.

Leave it to Bella to have a reason, besides having fun, to attend prom!

I was glad as, even though I had a date, I felt more comfortable knowing my twin would be sharing the event with me.

But what was even more surprising was that Scott decided to come too, even though he'd only been a teen for two days and didn't have a date either, though that was because both the close friends he had that were girls were still in grade school.

And he really looked handsome, all spruced up in a tux with a violet colored vest.

For a farm boy, he really cleaned up well!

The limo was such a smooth ride and so luxurious that we were almost sad to reach the school!

I had been hoping Blaine would come to the house and ride in the limo with me, but I hadn't heard from him since Scott's birthday party. (Hopefully, he hasn't been abducted by aliens!) **snicker/snort**

As we headed across the grassy lawn to the front entrance of the school, Bella and I eagerly checked out the other prom attendees all dressed in their finery.

One of the paparazzi was on the front walk, taking careful notes of names and outfits for her article, and her formal dress that looked so out of place when she came to the farm actually looked perfect for this occasion.

But it was the dark-haired girl by the steps that caught my eye as I exclaimed, "Claire!?! Is that you? Wow, you had your teen birthday and just in time for prom!"

A bit nervously, Claire asked, "You don't think it's too much? It seems such a drastic change from pigtails and jeans to this!!! I could tell Dad was pretty shocked and if Bryce, Karie, and Jessica hadn't been attending prom, I'm not sure he would have let me come! They're already inside, I'm not used to these heels at all and can barely walk!"

Bella and I assured her she looked absolutely amazing and just right for prom, but we didn't tell her just how much attention she'd draw with her new teen look as we didn't want to make her any more nervous than she was.

Bella even said, "You stick with me cousin, I can't wait to introduce you around, we'll take this prom by storm!"

Claire shot Bella a thankful look and joined our group as we headed inside.

And Claire wasn't the only one who'd ditched her pigtails for prom, as Deanna Gallo had changed hers out for a much more sophisticated style, a long pony tail with flirty bangs.

I know Dad thought Bella and I were beautiful, but our Gallo and Schmidt female cousins were all just gorgeous!

Deanna, the only blonde in the family, really stood out as her golden locks contrasted amazingly  against the beautiful honey-tone of her skin!

She would have fit in perfectly on any west coast beach.

Prom was a wonderful experience!

Bella captured the Queen's crown, and to his surprise, Scott was crowned King, which was a little awkward with siblings sharing the first dance as the royal couple, but since they look nothing alike, they made striking couple!

Was I disappointed with that? Not really as Blaine hadn't been abducted by aliens and stayed by my side all evening.

He got me refreshing punch after every dance set and during a slow song we shared our first kiss!

My head was in the clouds with the thrill of my first romance, but I came back to earth fast when Blaine asked me to go steady!

Part of me really wanted to say, "yes", but we'd only known each other for a few days and I didn't think it was fair to either of us to make that kind of commitment when our relationship was so new and with me leaving for Uni soon.

When I explained all that, Blaine looked a little disappointed but he understood, and was attentive as ever the rest of the evening.

But we were so excited afterwards that Scott worked on homework with our cousin Chad, while Bella and I discussed the wonderful time we'd had.

Chad's sisters, Brianna and Deanna, hung around too, not wanting the evening to end any more than we did.

Then Tyler, Chad's twin, came out with a big smile plastered all over his face, which was no surprise as he and his girlfriend, Claire Loveland, had spent most of the evening in a secluded corner!

Apparently Claire didn't mind that Tyler had opted for a nice jacket and sweater to go with his dress pants, instead of a more formal tux, because, as he put it, "I'm just not the monkey-suit type!"

Then our cousin Karie came out, looking elegant in her long formal gown.

But the pointed glance that she shot towards the town clock had us all realizing it was getting late, and even with no curfew on the weekend, we all headed home, thrilled with prom but exhausted from a full day of school followed by all that dancing.

First thing Saturday morning, Bella got to work on discovering another potion.

She'd decided that part of the issue was that the alcove was so dark it was hard to discern the proper chemical combination, so Dad had installed a bright light over her work station.

And it seemed to help as she was getting close to discovering the formula for another potion.

Scott got homework out of the way so he'd have the rest of the weekend free for fun things.

Then, as he'd earned a couple of cooking skill points already, he made a large breakfast calzone in the wood fire oven, while I worked on my homework.

I was watching TV with Pat and playing around with the new multi tab Grandpa had bought for me as a surprise.

It was the best present ever.

Not only could you read books on it, but you could listen to tab casts on different subjects while you were doing other activities, a multi-tasker's dream!

I even finished up my homework in what seemed like only a few minutes as it was so easy having all your resources at your fingertips, and it was fun too, an added bonus.

Not long after that a yell from upstairs clued us in on another successful potion being discovered.

Just not the one for Pat, though with all Bella's research, she did know it's name now, Imaginary Friend Metamorphium, and she was determined to discover it!

Our new maid seemed less than thrilled by her new hobby, though that was probably because he figured if any of Bella's experiments failed, he'd have a big mess to clean up.

Bella took a break from chemistry to invite Claire Loveland over for a game of chess.

She might not have been working on potions but she was still learning logic, not much of a break as far as I'm concerned, but I do admire her dedication.

Dad took Scott out driving while the roads were still clear and free from ice and snow.

I learned to drive in one of the farm trucks, which ended up being pretty stressful, so they chose a motive mobile which makes it a lot easier, for both the new driver and the teacher!

Then Bella gave in to Claire's urging to do something fun and they decided to check out the Fall Festival.

When they arrived it was raining pretty hard so the place was empty and then Claire was called in to work as another part-timer had called in sick.

Bella wasn't sure about hanging around on her own, but on impulse she decided to get her face painted.

She was quite disappointed with the results as it wasn't what she'd chosen at all, and decided the face painter might want to look into a different career.

But when Bella came out of the booth, the rain had stopped, so spotting a garden full of pumpkins just ripe for picking, she quickly harvested a few, and then headed home.

I'd gone to the consignment store to check if they had any new items.

But nothing piqued my interest so I was just heading out the door when I ran into the Loveland family.

Oliver and Lynn were just coming in the door, while their mother, Gracie, had just turned around to chat with Kyle.

Seeing the uncomfortable look on Kyle's face as he stood on the porch complaining of being outdoors, I realized I love the outdoors too much to spend my life inside, so he wouldn't have been a good partner for me, even if he'd been closer to my age.

And Oliver? The sneer on his face as he perused the shop confirmed just what a snob he was, so a farm girl would have been beneath his notice!

The size of our home and bank account would have probably appealed to him, but I want to be loved for myself not for what my family owns, and with Scott being heir, the farm won't be mine anyway.

Ariel and Keri were outside on the porch waiting for Kyle to get inside.

Keri was all dressed up and happily told me it was her birthday tonight and they were there to pick up a special present.

I couldn't wait to tell Scott the news, but when I walked in the door at home, Scott was already on the phone talking to her!

Apparently Keri wasn't leaving anything to chance and called Scott right after her birthday party!

I wasn't at all surprised when Scott asked, "Do you think your mom would let you come over tonight?"

And the way Scott's eyes lit up, I guess Keri's mom said it was okay, though I wonder if she even asked!

It took Keri longer than I expected to come over, considering how excited she'd been to chat with Scott, but when Scott greeted her on the front porch, I saw why.

Keri had gussied up quite a bit for this all important first-time-as-teens meeting and she looked incredible, definitely not like the little girl in the blue party dress that I'd bumped into early this evening!

By the way these two were looking at each other, I had a feeling that another male family member had fallen for another Loveland daughter!

Prom was incredible and I shared my first kiss with Blaine Marshall, and though he asked me to go steady, I wasn't ready for that yet and declined.

The youngest one of our cousins, Claire Schmidt, had become a teen and got to attend prom looking all grown up and gorgeous.

And Scott's friend, Keri Loveland, celebrated her teen birthday too and came to visit Scott that very night.

Bella's getting closer and closer to discovering the special potion for Pat, Imaginary Friend Metamorphium, with only three potions left for her to discover.

But it's Saturday, and almost midnight, so time is running out!

Bella and I become young adults Monday night and then we leave for Uni right after.

I'm afraid that traveling to Uni will change Pat or break her completely!

Can Bella make the potion in time!?!

I'll be sure and write all the details down, and my fingers are crossed that the news will be in Pat's favor.

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Journal Entry 142: A Potion For Pat!
« Reply #200 on: April 13, 2021, 04:18:29 PM »

Bella was determined to discover Pat's potion this very day, even if it took all night.

Luckily we'd both used motive mobiles Saturday evening, so we were both wide awake.

I think it was easier for Bella, though she was under pressure to discover the potion, at least she was too busy to worry.

But I did enough worrying for both of us!

To take my mind off it, I hung out with Scott and Keri for a bit, hearing Keri say, "It's getting late, I should probably head home and get some sleep."

That's when Scott invited her to stay over and, suddenly, Keri didn't seem quite so sleepy anymore!

Scott invited her to play chess and they both sat down at the chess table with Keri saying, "It's going to be so much fun staying over, just like when we were in grade school!"

I doubted that as the way they kept looking at each other when they thought the other wasn't looking made me feel very much like a third wheel.

So when Pat found me and wanted to pillow fight, I leapt at the chance, thinking that would surely burn off some of my built-up tension.

Since my parents and Grandpa Leonard were asleep, we headed outside to the garden.

Soon Pat and I were laughing hysterically as we pummeled each other with feathers flying everywhere!

But then we heard an excited yell from the house, and though we couldn't hear the words distinctly, Bella had yelled, "Eureka! I've discovered Imaginary Friend Metamorphium! We can make Pat real!"

Pat and I headed towards the house to see what was going on, not daring to get our hopes up.

But seeing Bella running towards us had both of us rooted to the spot.

Pat turned to me, the expression on that dear face making me say, "I don't think she's trying to be funny Pat, a joke like that wouldn't be funny at all and Bella's not mean like that!"

Bella reached us a bit breathless, and then, with a big smile, she handed me a gift!

I clutched my heart with one hand and took the gift with the other, asking, "Really, Bella, the potion!?!"

"Yes! I finally discovered it, a golden brown potion just like Uncle Jake and Uncle Patrick described it to me!"

I was so happy that I squeezed Bella tight, saying, "Thank you, thank you, thank you! You just can't imagine what this means to me!"

Bella squeezed me back saying, "Oh, I think I can twinnie. I'm almost as excited for you as if it was my own imaginary friend and I can't wait to meet Pat!"

I stepped back and said, "Oh, you'll just love Pat, Bella! She's the best imaginary friend ever. She loves the heat and is just crazy for cats! Aren't you Pat?"

When Pat didn't answer, I realized she was no longer by my side!

"Pat? Pat!?! Where did you go?"

A sad whisper from around the back of the house caught my ear, "I'm over here Mia."

Bella and I caught up with Pat just before she stepped onto the back porch and I asked, "Why did you leave? Bella made the potion!"

"But…she gave you the gift not me…I thought it was supposed to be MY potion!"

"It is your potion silly, but Bella can't see you to give it to you! Besides, the potion has to come from me, I'm your best friend, it's our bond that made you my imaginary friend!"

"It has to come from you?"

I pulled out the sparkling potion and held it out to Pat and said, "Yes, I have to be the one to offer to make you real!"

Pat took the bottle carefully, watching the fumes curl like mist around the top.

While Bella said, "I can see the bottle just floating in air. Is that Pat holding it!?!"

"Yes, Pat's holding the potion Bella. But this is a big deal, give Pat a moment to take it in!"

"Be ready to get photos of this Mia!"

"I'm counting on that Watcher Lady to do that Bella, I'm so nervous I wouldn't be able to even hold a camera right now!"

And as soon as Pat started drinking the potion, sparkles appeared all around Pat's form.

"Oh, birthday sparkles, Bella, but brighter, more magical!"

Bella said, "It's science, not magic!" But as the sparkles dazzled Bella, she exclaimed, "Wow, this will be an amazing paper!"

Then Pat was enveloped in a bright pink cloud with sparks popping all over it and she, SHE, said, "Oh, Scott is very handsome! I should like to get to know him better!"

Bella mused, "Wow, she's not even fully transformed yet and she's already experiencing attraction! That's definitely something to note in my paper! Probably a hormonal pubescent phenomenon."

I excitedly clapped my hands, and said, "You heard Pat speak! It's really working Bella!"

The bright cloud seemed to take forever to clear, but when it did, Pat, real live Pat was standing in front of us!

Her clothes were a bit different and her hair was a dark green, curly and bouncing on her shoulders.

Bella headed inside saying, "I'll give you two some privacy, this is a big moment for both of you!"

I grinned and said, "And it gives you the chance to start working on your paper with all the details fresh in your mind!"

Bella laughed ruefully, and said, "You know me too well, sis!"

I couldn't stand it a moment longer and pulled her in for a hug, saying, "Pat, Pat, you're real at last!"

And Pat was hugging me back, almost tearful as she said, "Oh, Mia, I never dreamed it would really happen. And I have you and Bella to thank for it! You for your love and friendship that made me into an imaginary friend and Bella for making that magical potion!"

I laughed and said, "Don't let Bella hear you call it magical, she's totally convinced it's all due to science!"

Pat laughed with me, "Magic, science, however it happened, I'm just so happy to be a real part of your family now!"

As I handed Pat a gift, I said, "I think you're going to need this more than I am to get up to speed before Uni Monday!"

"Another gift? But the potion was my gift!"

"The potion made you real and was a gift from Bella for me to give to you. This is just for you!"

Pat opened the present and as she stared at the multi tab said, "Oh, it's a wonderful gift! I love it so much! What is it?"

I laughed again, my happiness growing hearing Pat's sweet innocence, and said, "It's a device that will help you learn skills. Skills you'll need to live in this world, like cooking, logic, and handiness."

"Oh, what are those? They sound hard."

"You'll be doing all of them in no time. Bella and I will clue you in on everything you'll need to do. And I'm sure my parents and Grandpa Leonard will help you too."

With a bit of longing in her voice Pat asked, "And Scott?"

"I'm sure Scott will help you too, but you're a lot older than Scott and he's already spending time with a special friend. Besides, you need to learn a lot of other important things before you get caught up in romance. Trust me, you are definitely not ready for that yet!"

Right after that, the Watcher Lady kindly helped us out by taking Pat into Stylist so we could get a formal photo of her original look, and show off her deep green hair and eyebrows.

Once she was in the light, we noticed that Pat's hair wasn't just a deep green, it also had dark brown highlights streaked through it and that same dark brown color on the tips.

After checking out several new hairstyles, she chose a cute one that made her look sweet and adorable!

And even though she'd missed prom, I couldn't help indulge her wish to try on a formal teen dress.

Pat's favorite color is pink and she chose a coral shade that was gorgeous against her rich, warm, brown skin tone!

We even got a close-up of her new look and added her bio so we could place it in this journal as a remembrance of when Pat became real and joined our family, early a.m. Sunday morning, Week 8, Day 1!

Pat Swanson --Imaginary Friend Made Real (teen--2 days to young adult)
Fav's: French music, Mac & Cheese, and Pink
Traits: Loves the Heat, Cat Person, Angler, and Loser
LTW: Not chosen yet
RI: Attracted to Scott even though they've not met and she's much too old for him!

But Pat's last trait was the one that had me concerned, so concerned I blurted out, "Loser!?! How did that happen Pat?"

Pat looked sadly down at her new tablet and said, "It happened when I became a child without becoming an imaginary friend. That was a very low point in my existence. But I've never even heard that dolls like us can become imaginary friends after that stage, so it was quite a surprise when it happened when you'd been a teen for a week!"

"For us too! Even Uncle Jake and Uncle Patrick were surprised about it, especially since you were still a child at first, while I was a teen. They think our age gap had something to do with traveling, which affects your species adversely."

"Yes, my species has a very precarious existence, our magical, umm, scientific, properties are highly sensitive and can be disrupted easily. But how is it that your Uncles know so much about us?"

With a smile I answered, "Because Uncle Patrick is my Uncle Jake's Imaginary Friend Made Real, just like you are mine!"

"So you have another like me in your family!?!"

"Yes, but you are female, while my Uncle Patrick is male. His original name was Patterns, but he chose to rename himself Patrick, a name that is more traditional among our kind."

"Is Pat a traditional name? Should I choose another name like your Uncle Patrick did?"

"Pat is an acceptable name, typically a shortened form of Patrick for a male, or Patricia, for a female. And though you aren't related by blood, you already carry the Swanson last name. But you can choose any name you'd like, there are a lot of variations for Pat. In fact, you don't even have to choose anything close to Pat if you'd prefer something totally different. But you should probably decide before you officially enroll at Uni, so they have the correct records for you. Speaking of Uni, I'll show you how to use that tablet so you can start learning some basic skills. And with you only getting to attend High School for one day, Bella will definitely have to tutor you and get your grade up so you can choose your final trait and not have it chosen for you."

Pat's voice saddened again, "It won't matter, with my loser trait my life will probably not be a very successful one…"

"That's not true at all Pat! You've become real, the crucial part of your species' existence, so your REAL life has just begun! You can't possibly be considered a loser now!"

Pat and I found another bed in storage that matched Bella's and mine, so we got it put in our room as quietly as we could.

We were too excited to be sleepy ourselves, but Mom, Dad, and Grandpa Leonard, were still sleeping.

And Keri had finally settled into the lower bunk in Scott's room, the same bed she'd slept in as a child, and was fast asleep as well.

I was on cloud nine thinking about introducing Pat to the rest of the family when they woke up!

But I wasn't sure what Dad was going to be more concerned about, Pat actually being real now and part of our family, or that pretty teen Keri Loveland had stayed over, and even slept in Scott's room!

Dad will probably freak over both events, while Mom's focus will be on how improper it was for Keri  to sleep in Scott's room.

I can relieve Mom of her impropriety concerns as Scott stayed downstairs after Keri went up to bed; I'd spotted him when I was hugging Pat.

With Keri in the house and a teen now, I don't think Scott even noticed Pat, so he'll get to meet her tomorrow, along with the rest of the family.

Just think, everything Pat does in the next few days will be firsts for her, something that has me seeing the world with fresh eyes as well!

I'm sure Dad will have lots to report in his next entry.

All his worries and concerns, of course, but hopefully, he'll be happy for me and Scott and our new relationships, my best friend status with a real Pat, and Scott's developing relationship with Keri Loveland.

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Journal Entry 143: New Teens in the House
« Reply #201 on: April 18, 2021, 03:34:26 PM »
The next morning seemed like it was going to be a typical day on the farm.

I found Marley exercising in the living room, while Dad was relaxing on the couch.

But from that point on things changed and they weren't typical things at all!

First, ghostly founder great-grandma Brooke was dancing in the living room to Marley's exercise music.

She had some amazing moves, but it was a more than a little disturbing watching an elderly ghost get her groove on!

If that wasn't strange enough, Dad pulled me aside and explained that Bella had discovered the correct potion and Mia's imaginary friend Pat was now real!

No amount of preparation could have prepared me to see the two-toned headed teen girl sitting in the computer chair.

I mean it's one thing to talk about letting your daughter's imaginary friend becoming real and quite another to have it actually happen!

She looked so much like one of us, sitting there reading a book, that if I hadn't known better, I would have just thought she was a school friend of the twins.

I shouldn't have been surprised as Marley's brother Patrick looked like any other sim too, even with his deep red hair.

Pat's hair being a dark green with brown tips wasn't as shocking as it could have been for some as our family already possessed unique hair colors.

Mom having Grandma Brina's pale blonde with bright pink tips and Marley having her distinctive aqua green with purple tips and highlights that she'd inherited from her mother, Myra.

Before I'd even fully taken in Pat being real, things got even more crazy when another teen girl came downstairs, one I didn't think I'd met before.

Until she shook Marley's hand and said, "I know you're Scott's mother, Marley Swanson, I'm Keri Loveland.  I had my birthday last night so I look a bit different than I did as a child. Thanks so much for letting me stay the night. The bed in Scott's room is so comfortable that I slept much later than usual. With eight of us crammed into our tiny house, I was grateful just to have a bed!"

That's little Keri Loveland!?! And she slept in Scott's room!?!

That boy is in a mess of trouble!

Marley didn't let on that we'd had no idea Keri had even been invited over, let alone invited to sleep over, and in Scott's own room!

I couldn't see her face, but she said, "Doing things properly is something I've always been a stickler about, Ms. Loveland. That's one area I've always been firm on with my children."

Instead of looking guilty about her actions, Keri mulled over Marley's words.

Then Keri surprised me saying, "Oh, I've always wondered what it would be like to act appropriately, Marley.  My parents have pretty much given up on me in that regard! Do you think you could teach me?"

Marley's pause left no doubt as to her own surprise, whether at such a revealing admission, or just because Keri was using her first name, but she quickly recovered and addressed the name issue first, "Why, I'd love to take up that challenge Ms. Loveland, and we can start by you addressing me as Mrs. Swanson! You should never call an unfamiliar adult by their first name, it's very rude."

"Oh, well that's easy enough, Marley, um, Mrs. Swanson," beaming Keri added, "I think I'm going to get the hang of being proper in no time!"

I wasn't so sure about that and was really glad it was Marley taking on that daunting task instead of me!

But the situation diffused quite a bit when Scott came out of my grandparents bedroom, obviously just having woken up.

Not only had Scott not slept in the same room with Keri, he hadn't even slept on the same floor!

That satisfied Marley so much, knowing that Scott hadn't thrown all her teachings out the window, that she didn't even lecture him.

Instead, Marley turned her attention to Kimo, stroking his fur, checking to see if he needed brushing, and letting Scott chat with his now teen best friend, who just happened to be a girl.

And a pretty one at that, though I'm sure Marley was much more concerned with behavior than looks.

But Scott was very much aware of Keri and focused all his attention on her!

Speaking of teaching, Bella had settled down on the floor to tutor Pat, to bring Pat's grade up quickly since her time in high school would be very short.

The girls had originally thought that Monday would be their last day, but they actually have two days of school before their birthdays.

Even so, Bella was determined to help Pat earn an 'A' as quickly as possible.

I'd glanced around and realized Mia wasn't there, which was odd with Pat just becoming real.

But Bella quickly explained that with Pat busy learning everything she could today, and Bella being Pat's tutor, Mia had accepted Blaine's invitation to spend the day with him.

First Scott asks a teen girl to stay over without asking us first, then Mia goes on a date with a boy without our permission?

Now that they are all teens, I'm beginning to think that Marley and I are fast losing control over our children.

But then I reminded myself that the twins would be young adults in two days and I needed to cut them some slack, as they wouldn't be children much longer.

So I went to do something more constructive, upgrade the brain enhancing device that was down in the nectary basement.

It wouldn't have been first choice of upgrades, but Grandpa Nolan had been handy and he'd upgraded everything in the house, plus all the sprinklers in the main garden.

And according to the instruction manual, an upgrade would add more skills to the menu, something that I was sure the teens would all appreciate, especially Bella with her thirst for knowledge.

When I was finished, I found Pat sitting on the couch eating cake as she watched TV with Dad.
She had such a big smile on her face that I figured they were watching a comedy until she said, "Wow! Cake is amazing!"

And then it dawned on me that Pat was much like a nooboo, experiencing so many things for the first time!

Mia had told us that as an imaginary friend Pat could nap on the beds, watch TV, and even pillow fight with her, but eating must be a novelty.

Dad's grin showed he agreed with Pat's assessment of cake, and his words confirmed it, "Cake is amazing! I eat it every chance I get! And with all the birthdays, we always have plenty in the fridge."

With Pat enjoying her cake so much, I didn't bother with a lecture on proper nutrition.

I'm sure Marley will address that if it becomes a habit!

Scott and Keri opted for a more traditional breakfast of pancakes, even though it was well after noon.

Marley didn't protest though as Sunday brunch is quite proper.

Scott even waited while Keri grab the first plate, showing that Marley's lessons had not fallen on deaf ears after all.

Or more likely that he was really trying to impress Keri!

Then Dad called to Scott telling him a cooking show was coming on if he wanted to watch it.

Scott grabbed a plate and told Keri it was okay to join him, but she said she'd better stay at the table as it was the proper thing to do.

Marley was nearby and I saw her nod in satisfaction at her new pupil's remark.

Scott joined his grandfather on the couch eager to learn new cooking tips.

"Do the pancakes taste okay Scott? I made that batch with apples, but I was thinking maybe adding a pinch of cinnamon would make them even better."

"That sounds like a great idea grandpa! I'll see if we have any cinnamon in storage. Otherwise I'll try to buy some at the store. I was thinking that I'd really like to start experimenting with herbs when I take over the farm, and maybe a berry garden too. I'd like to treat everyone to farm fresh food and special desserts. Farm to table is big right now and we might even be able to make some deals with local restaurants or sell items directly from fruit and veggie stands."

"Those are quite ambitious plans Scott and here I thought all you wanted to do was cook and learn new recipes! I'll do my best to help you out for as long as I can!"

"You've done plenty of work on the farm and you've earned some down time, but I'd appreciate any help you wanted to provide, Grandpa. "

Keri had finished her breakfast and picked up her plate, giving Marley an inquiring look as she asked, "Do you just put the plates in the dishwasher or rinse them first, Mrs. Swanson?"

Marley nodded again, not only pleased that Keri was willing to clean up after herself but that she'd asked about proper procedure, "Directly into the dishwasher is fine if you've cleaned your plate. Otherwise, scraps go into the compost bin."

Maybe Marely won't have such a hard time teaching Keri the difference between inappropriate and proper after all.

Scott and Keri hung out for the rest of the day, while Bella continued to tutor Pat.

I'm sure they would have preferred venturing outside, but a steady rain had continued throughout the day.

Which had me wondering how Mia's day with Blaine was going since the weather wasn't the best.

But I didn't have to wonder much as Mia was getting the hang of journal keeping and had provided me with photos of her day, though I wasn't very comfortable with the idea of notating the happenings between her and a boy.

Again, I put a firm hold on those thoughts, and reminded myself that my daughters would soon be young adults, and out on their own.

And seeing as Blaine had Mia meet him at Cinnamon Crest Falls in the pouring rain, well the boy's mind is definitely not focused on practical matters!

Mia loves the outdoor, but being soaked isn't at the top of anyone's list, so she persuaded Blaine to take in a movie.

Blaine was a bit reluctant at first, but when they arrived and he found out there was a special showing of Starship: Incredulous!, complete with extra footage about creating aliens, he was more than eager to take in a show.

That boy grew up on a ranch, with cats, dogs, and horses, yet his mind is totally focused on aliens and space, talk about head in the clouds, Blaine has certainly gone above and beyond his upbringing.

Which is the reason he's taken on the job with the sheriff's office, as he's determined to prove that aliens already live among us, some of us actually having alien DNA!

He explained all of that to Mia, during the movie of course, and nearly got them thrown out as other movie goers weren't as tolerant of his comments.

Me? I was just happy he wasn't taking advantage of being with Mia in the dark!

Then the photos got a bit romantic, as expected between teens, and seeing Blaine hold Mia's hands didn't bother me too much.

Holding hands was safe enough.

But seeing Mia kiss Blaine goodbye was a little more unnerving.

Mia had assured me that, with her plans for Uni, she's not looking for a permanent relationship with Blaine or any other boy right now.

But kisses, even goodbye kisses, could lead to stronger feelings and cause hurt if those feelings weren't reciprocated.

I hoped Mia knew that playing with fire could lead to pain and tragedy for everyone involved, even if that wasn't the intention.

Mia came home after that to find Keri indulging in pancakes again, even though it was now dinner time.

But Mia's words were a bit pointed as she asked, "Have you been here all day? Since last night?"

I'm sure Marley would have scolded her for being so ungracious to a guest, and Scott wasn't his mothers' son for nothing, as he called her out saying, "Keri was invited Mia, you know that and since it was Sunday, she hung around. Didn't you spend the entire day with Blaine? Not much difference!"

Mia's eyes widened as she realized she was being rude and she said, "Sorry Keri, that came out all wrong! I was just surprised to see you still here. I didn't mean anything bad."

Keri forked up another bite of pancakes and said, "I'm a little surprised that I've been here all day myself. The time has just flown, but I probably should head home."

But Scott persuaded Keri to stay a bit longer when he asked her to watch the stars.

With it dark and raining and them being under the back porch roof, I doubt there were many stars to see.

But we all know that 'star watching' is just an excuse to cuddle up with a special someone and whisper sweet nothings into each others ears!

Then Keri decided she really should head home.

"It's been wonderful spending time with you Scott. Your family is so nice and I just love being here on the farm. All this space, the big house, and wonderful company. But I should get going, we have school tomorrow. It'll be my first day in high school."

But instead of saying goodbye on the back porch, the two of them came inside and held hands in the kitchen.

Seeing Scott's love struck eyes I had no doubt he was already head over heels for this girl.

Then they slowly strolled out to the front porch.

Where Scott prolonged their goodbye by giving Keri a birthday present before.

By the way she exclaimed over it, he's racking up brownie points big time!

Keri didn't stop with just a thank you, she gave Scott a big hug.

But that's all I got see as when Marley realized I was watching them, she pulled me away from the window and told me to stop spying!

I was just about to protest that accusation when she said, "Give them some privacy Diwan. It's only proper."

My protest died in my throat as once Marley mentions proper, there's no way I'm changing her mind!

But when we got a trick-or-treater, I got the opportunity to join them on the porch anyway.

Looks like the powers that be, unlike Marley, don't mind a little parental spying!

Karina's youngest daughter, Claire, made a lovely princess, but it drove home the fact that all of our children were growing up.

Company seemed to break the mood between Scott and Keri and Scott finally wrapped up their prolonged goodbye, saying, "I'll see you in school tomorrow Keri. We have a project coming up in world history and I need a partner. Will you be mine?"

Keri almost shouted, "Yes!"

Making it crystal clear that she would love to be his partner, school project or not!

Even I got that message, loud and clear.

Pat, Mia's imaginary friend, is now real and has joined our household, so now we have four teens living in the house!

And if today is anything to go by, I think Scott's friend, Keri Loveland, who just became a teen herself, and a very pretty one at that, will also be spending most of her spare time here!

But the house won't be full for long as Bella, Mia, and Pat will be celebrating their young adult birthdays in two days!

Bella is determined that Pat graduate with an 'A' so I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more tutoring sessions.

Then it will be a whirlwind of school, a triple birthday, and graduation!

It's hard to believe my little girls are graduating!

The time's gone by so fast and I'm not sure I'm ready, but ready or not, I'll soon be the father of young adults.

I'll tell you all about in my next entry.

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Journal Entry 144: A New Identity
« Reply #202 on: April 22, 2021, 04:12:47 PM »
The skies had cleared overnight, with sun peeking through the kitchen windows and casting it's rays over all three girls the next morning.

It was early but Bella and Pat had eaten, showered, and dressed and were already hitting the books.

Mia was doing her part and helping out with laundry, especially with another teen in the house.

Scott grabbed waffles for his breakfast and finally notices the green-haired teen being tutored by Bella.

"A new friend, Bella? She's here pretty early, you could have warned me to dress before coming down!"

Bella laughs and says, "She's been here all along Scott, though she's only been real since early Sunday morning! You were so besotted with Keri Loveland and her new teen self that you just haven't noticed. This is Pat, Mia's imaginary friend that we made real with a potion!"

"Pat!?! Really!?!"

Pat keeps her attention on her lessons but says, "In the flesh! Nice to meet you Scott."

"You too. Welcome to our home. Is Bella being a slave driver?"

"Oh, no. She's been very helpful. I've already gained 3 logic skill points and my school grade is a 'B' now!

"Wow! You must be a quick study! Bella's a genius but it wouldn't help if you weren't putting effort into it."

Pat sadly replies, "I'm not even close to being smart, in fact, I'm a loser!"

Bella and Scott both object, saying in unison, "You're not a loser, Pat, you're a Swanson!"

Bella adds, "You have a family now Pat, one that will support you and love you. You're real and you're no longer alone. You're one of us and Swanson's stick together."

To my surprise, it was Mia rather than Bella who tried out the newly upgraded brain enhancing device.

It wasn't crucial, or even needed, but Mia felt like she should still put some effort into getting a full scholarship to Uni.

So she powered it up and within just a few minutes she'd gained a 3rd drum skill point to boost her Fine Arts marks.

Pat was thrilled to be joining the twins on the school bus for her first day of school.

But the twins weren't happy that the bus driver insisted they take their regular seats and assigned Pat to one further back, by herself.

It was the seat Scott usually occupied but he'd given it up so Pat could ride the bus.

The bus driver was being a stickler about the rules and insisted that since his list only showed three Swanson teenagers, he could only pick up three, not four of them!

Mia's eyes were all shiny as she held back tears about Pat having to sit alone.

Bella tried to reassure Pat, "It's okay. We're right here, not far away at all."

But Pat was too excited to be bothered about where she sat, saying, "I'm fine! I just can't get over that I'm finally getting to ride on the bus!"

Scott didn't mind having to drive himself to school and he met the girls on the sidewalk, saying, "Race you!"

Pat was so full of energy that she put on a burst of speed and soon gained the lead, calling over to Scott, "Like this?"

Bella and Mia laughed as Scott faltered a bit, seeing Pat outpace him so effortlessly.

Mia said, "She's had a lot of practice playing tag Scott. And now that her legs are real she can really move!"

With all the teens at school, I went down to the nectary basement to check on my perfect fish and found Dad already feeding them.

He sure stayed on top of things here on the farm, even being as old as he was.

I hope I'm as dedicated as he is when I'm his age, though I don't know if I'll be as lucky as Dad with all his extra time.

It's odd, Grandpa Nolan and Mom were both athletic and stayed fit and super healthy, yet they both met Grim before their spouses, with Dad 119 now and Grandma Summer living to be 131 days old!

With Dad busy, I decided it was the perfect time for my surprise, something I'd been thinking about for some time.

But it was a little more work than I expected, as the first placement for our new hot tub had the underground part of the unit smack dab in the middle of the basement, right near one of the grow stations that nurtured some of Marley's specialty grapes!

There was no way that was going to be acceptable.

I'd no idea the unit I'd chosen would require so much space underneath, so it was back to the drawing board, or rather the underground layout of the farm, so as to avoid that happening again.

After school, Mia snapped a quick photo of Pat in her career outfit as she'd gotten a part-time job at the bookstore.

She wouldn't have it for very long, but she wanted to live her teen years to the full and experience everything she could, well, everything she could cram into 3 days!

She even got to go on a field trip today, which was fun for Pat but didn't increase her academic performance much at all, it was now just shy of an 'A', so it's a good thing the girls have one more day of school before their birthdays!

With their last assignments finished for high school, Bella got in some chess practice, while Mia decided that making a few more friends would be the best use of her time.

She called Keri Loveland, saying, "I really need to apologize again for that thoughtless remark yesterday! You're one of Scott's closest friends, and it's none of my business how much time you two spend together. In fact, I'd like to count you as one of my own friends."

I was glad Mia was taking the initiative to get to know Keri better, because if yesterday was anything to go by, Keri was the most likely candidate to become her sister-in-law!

But when Scott came in after taking Kimo for a walk, he was a bit perturbed when he used his phone, saying, "That's the third time I've tried to call Keri and her line is still busy! Who could she be talking to all this time!?! I hope it's not some other guy!?!"

Mia said, "Oops that's my fault! I called her to apologize and we've been chatting since then. I'll say goodbye so you two can chat!"

Scott was actually relieved to find out that it was Mia Keri was talking to rather than another boy, solidifying my thoughts on just how much he cared for her.

It was dark by the time I'd found the perfect place for our hot tub and I'd hoped to try it out with Marley, but I was grubby and needed a shower before inviting her to share it with me.

But when I got back outside to check the water temp, Dad was already using it, just lying back soaking up the heat and bubbles while he listened to his favorite tunes!

Well, with all the work Dad's done on the farm all these years, I couldn't really begrudge him some time to relax.

I'd just bring Marley out when Dad's finished.

But later I found Bella sighing as she enjoyed the warm water and steamy heat.

Well, at least I wasn't wrong in choosing a hot tub for my surprise.

I might not have gotten the first chance to use it, but it certainly looked like it was going to be a welcome addition to the farm.

When Pat got home, Marley decided they better grab the opportunity while they could and offered to teach Pat how to drive.

It started off well enough, with the evening crisp and clear.

But after they reached town, it started to snow!

Luckily the motive mobile is a wonderous vehicle, keeping motives high as well as having good traction!

So it wasn't long before Pat got her driving certificate, though Marley made the decision to drive home as the light snow had turned heavy and visibility would be even lower out by the farm.

I couldn't really blame Bella for taking the opportunity to relax in the hot tub for a bit as when Pat got home from her driving lesson, they hit the books again.

Pat should get the last bit of academic performance attending school tomorrow, but Bella was determined to be the one helping her get that 'A'.

And though Pat loves the heat, she wanted to continue enjoying the snow, so they donned outerwear and studied on the back porch.

With the hot tub finally free of other family members, I asked Marley if she wanted to join me but she said she'd had enough of the cold and snow for one night.

I was disappointed at her response until she mentioned that with the teens studying on the back porch, it wouldn't be proper for any serious romance so close by anyway.

And then she smiled and said, "Dance with me instead? We haven't got to dance together in quite some time."

I never could resist a request from Marley, especially when she flashed her lovely smile, and soon we were dancing together like we were teenagers.

Showing off wild moves, laughing, and having the best time together.

When the girls were done studying, Pat surprised Marley by volunteering to do laundry.

"Pat you've got such a short time to be a teen, there's no need for you to do chores."

"I don't mind, Mrs. Swanson! I love experiencing all these new things. I've only got to watch others doing them before, except for cleaning up dishes and mopping up puddles. My kind can do those simple things when we're imaginary friends. But now that I can do everything, I love helping out my new family, even if we're not really related."

Marley stared at Pat as the words touched her heart, knowing just how Pat felt after all those years as a foster child.

She couldn't bear to have Pat feeling that way for the rest of her life, and quickly said, "Pat, you're our daughter! Maybe not by blood, but in name and heart, the ways that truly matter, you're part of our family and you'll always be! We'll fill out the adoption papers first thing tomorrow if you're in agreement! And Pat, our children call us 'Mom' and 'Dad'!"

I'd wondered just how to address that issue and Marley's words solved the problem as soon as the words left her mouth.

But is that what Pat wanted?

Pat gasped, gulping back tears as she nodded, barely able to get the words out, as she said, "Yes, Mom!"

In that instant, we no longer had three children, but were the parents of four!

I have to confess, I had to turn away and wipe my own eyes after witnessing that scene.

When I felt able to be seen without embarrassing myself, I returned to the living room to find Marley and Pat sitting together on the couch.

Marley was checking the paper for coupons to clip, which made me smile, as saving a few simoleans wasn't really necessary, but I'd learned early on not to come between Marley and a coupon!

Pat was looking at her multi-tab, and I figured she was trying to decide which skill to learn when she asked, "I've been trying to think of a good name to choose for myself. Pat is so common and Mia said I could choose any name I wanted. But there are just so many, I can't decide! What do you think would be a good name for me to pick, Dad?"

I almost had to leave the room again, with Pat calling me 'dad' for the first time, but I cleared my throat, and said, "I'm not the best one for choosing names. We usually…"

Then stopped myself when I realized I'd been about to say, 'honor other family members with the names we choose', putting my foot in it just like I had done with Marley before she found her adopted and birth families!

Marley stepped in and saved me, "You've got a unique opportunity Pat, most of us don't get to choose our own name, it's given to us at birth. From what I understand, IF dolls have a much smaller pool of names that are bestowed upon them when they are given to a newborn child, so many of you share the same name. So maybe choose something that means something to you, something special?"

"I liked the snow but I prefer the heat, but 'Sunshine' doesn't really appeal to me as Mia told me that Fareshine's dam bears that name. I'm not overly fond of horses so that wouldn't work. I do have the angler trait but I've never fished…and I'm not sure a fish name is appealing either. But I am a cat person! I haven't seen one yet, but I've read about them and I'm hoping to have one of my own someday."

Marley thought a moment longer and said, "Then check your tablet for names that have 'cat' in them, there's bound to be one you really like."

Pat said, "That a great idea, Mom!" And soon her fingers were flying as she checked out the list of names her search brought up.

Not long after, Pat called us all to the living room, all excited as she announced, "I filled out the form on-line and my request for a name change was approved right away. My official name is now Catrice Swanson!"

Mia exclaimed, "Catrice! What a wonderful blend of Patrice and your love for cats! It's perfect Pat, I mean, Catrice!"

We all laughed, as though her new name was perfect, it was going to take some time for all of us to get used to using it.

I, for one, had barely gotten used to having another daughter named Pat!

Tomorrow is the girls last day of high school, so we'll be busy celebrating birthdays again.

And not just the two we’d planned on just a few days ago, for the twins, Mia and Bella, but a third with our new daughter, Catrice, added to the birthday plans.

What a momentous occasion, not only all of them becoming young adults, but Catrice getting to have her very first birthday cake!

Time has certainly flown here on the farm, and though the girls are totally excited about embarking on this new stage of their lives, for me and Marley it's bittersweet.

If we've done our job properly, our birds will take flight and fly high, making us proud of the young women they're destined to be.

And yet, there's a part of us that would like to hold them back, keep them with us, love them and protect them from all the hurts, both big and small, that are part of life and growing up.

I'll note all the highpoints and take lots of photos for Journal Entry 145: My Little Girls All Grown Up

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Journal Entry 145: My Little Girls All Grown Up
« Reply #203 on: April 27, 2021, 09:04:10 PM »

Once the teens were all off to school the next morning, Marley happily joined me in the hot tub.

We didn't even mind the snowflakes that started falling around us as they gave us even more of an excuse to indulge in a cuddle, the hot steamy water and bubbles adding their own touch of excitement to the wonderfully romantic experience.

Hot Tub. Best. Idea. Ever.

Our romantic interlude in the hot tub had the morning speeding by and before we knew it the crucial time was upon us.

Birthday time.

The twins let…Catrice go first, as it was the first time she was getting cake.

Catrice had only been with us a short time and her helpful and cheerful attitude, along with her determination to succeed and get the most out of her three short teen days, filled us with not only love, but admiration.

So when Marley and I twirled noise makers, our cheers for our unexpected third daughter were loud and heartfelt!

Yes, ever proper Marley decided that it was such a huge milestone for all our girls that she wasn't holding back, proper or not!

Catrice smiled at Marley and then at me, the excitement of this moment showing clearly on her face.

"I just blow out all the candles at once?"

Scott laughed, "If you can! But make a wish first!"

Catrice made a wish, took a deep breathe, and when all the candles snuffed out, clapped enthusiastically.

Along with the rest of us.

We'd kept it small, just the household and Mia had invited Blaine, who'd celebrated his own young adult birthday the day before.

And one of the gardeners wandered in to join the celebration, but we didn't mind, as with three birthday cakes, there was going to be plenty for everyone!

The birthday sparkles hit Catrice but they had an extra bright glow about them.

Catrice laughed and said, "It tickles just like when I became real!"

Bella observed, "I'll have to note that in my paper. Continued effervescence even once real! Fascinating!"

I was hoping to get a nice age up photo of Catrice, but she turned away and grabbed a party horn, shouting, "Now you Mia! Quick! Blow out your candles, but don't forget to make a wish!"

So Mia stepped to her cake and we all joined in with Catrice, some of us blowing party horns, and some of us just clapping or cheering.

Though the gardener and Blaine were a little overzealous and sounded more like they were jeering.

They'll regret that if Marley noticed as she's not one who likes catcalls and others being petty, even if it is in fun.

She definitely noticed!

I saw her stiffen and go rigid in indignation at someone daring to ruin Mia's big moment!

Thankfully, Mia was engrossed in making her wish and blowing out her candles.

But seeing that Mia didn't notice anything amiss, Marley let it go, and as the birthday sparkles worked their magic, she grabbed a noise maker and celebrated with the rest of us.

Though I felt Bella stiffen a bit beside me and saw Catrice do the same, so Blaine was going to be in for a rough time if he didn't stop with his catcalls soon!

Mia urged Bella forward once Dad had placed the chocolate cake on the table.

And the final birthday girl made her wish.

The sparkles took her by surprise as Dad and I cheered and Catrice sobered in anticipation of Bella's new self.

I tried to ignore Blaine's jeering but it was becoming rather annoying.

I would have liked nothing better than to 'accidentally' knock him side the head with my noise maker.

But I too refrained from ruining the moment.

Bella put up a brave front, as her age up clothes left a lot to be desired, even for someone like me.

But with Blaine's continued laughter behind her I'm sure it wasn't easy.

Catrice's age up outfit was great compared to Bella's!

And Mia?

Well, Mia won the age up clothes jackpot as she was wearing a cute black dress.

Bella and Catrice oohed and aahed over it, though, personally, I thought it was much to short!

But with Blaine still jeering, Marley's expression had turned to stone.

Mia eyed Blaine, grabbed a piece of her cake and tried to lighten the mood, "Dig in everyone! Don't be shy, we have three cakes to eat!"

Mia had told us that Catrice planned on choosing virtuoso for her young adult trait, so we surprised her with a guitar.

Catrice immediately started strumming, while Mia, Blaine, and Kimo watched and listened.

But with the look Mia was giving Blaine, I wondered if she'd changed her mind about not forming a romantic relationship!?!

I hoped not as Blaine's actions had shown me that this young man just wasn't what I wanted for my daughter.

Dad had some surprise gifts of his own, and he gave Mia her gift first.

Though I had to do a double take to realize it was Mia as she was wearing a different outfit!

When had she changed? Was that supposed to be outerwear?

Oh, well, clothes are Marley's department, not mine.

I turned my attention back to Mia and Dad to find Mia saying, "Another multi-tab? But we already have one!"

Dad chuckled and said, "If I'm not mistaken, you gave that one to Pat when she became real. I know, I know, her name is Catrice now, but when you gave it to her she was Pat! Since you were so generous, and these little gizmos are so handy, I got one for each of you. I'm sure you'll appreciate having your own!"

"Definitely Grandpa! Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome. Though I hope you won't be sharing this one with your friend Blaine at Uni?"

Mia was still checking out her present as we waited for her answer, and to our relief, she said, "Oh, no, I won't be sharing it with Blaine. He's staying in town for now, some project at the Sherriff's Office, ships from outer space, markings on a farmer's field, something like that. He was pretty excited about it."

If it meant Blaine would be staying in town while Mia went to Uni, I was definitely catching his excitement!

Better yet, if Blaine was right and aliens did exist, maybe they'd beam him up and take him far, far, away!

I'd showered and gotten comfortable and was just ready to settle down on the couch, when Blaine stole my spot!

Unfortunately, Marley caught that when she snapped this photo of Dad giving Bella her birthday present.

Even with me so far away, you can plainly see I'm irritated by everything this young man does!

So seeing Mia back in that little black dress she was wearing earlier and acting all coy when Blaine asked her to watch the stars did not improve my mood one little bit!

I couldn't even stop myself from saying, "It's too cold out! You wouldn't want to catch a chill and miss your graduation tomorrow. In fact, we should all probably get some sleep, tomorrow is going to be a busy day!"

As oblivious as Blaine is my words made it more than obvious that it was time for him to leave.

What I wasn't prepared for was Mia clutching him tightly, and almost sobbing, "I'm really going to miss you Blaine! Maybe…"

I wasn't sure what Mia was going to say but I wasn't taking any chances so I interrupted with, "You'd better let Blaine head home Mia, the temperatures dropping and they're calling for more snow. We wouldn't want an accident on his way home."

Mia pulled back and said, "No. I definitely wouldn't want that! Goodbye Blaine!"

I hated causing my little girl hurt but as far as I was concerned this would be a much smaller pain than the one she'd have if she stayed here with Blaine.

He just wasn't for her and I doubt much could change my mind on that score.

With Blaine's departure, we all headed off to bed.

Well, it's official, my little girls are all grown up!

Blaine's attendance and childish actions not withstanding, their birthday parties made for a fun-filled evening, complete with cake and presents.

A guitar for Catrice and multi-tabs of their own for Mia and Bella.

The only thing left to complete this stage of their lives is their high school graduation.

I'll tell you all about it in Journal Entry 146: Graduation Times Three

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Journal Entry 146: Graduation Times Three
« Reply #204 on: May 04, 2021, 12:52:17 PM »

First thing in the morning the girls were up, fussing over their new wardrobes.

Marley assured me that though the girls had all taken photos of their age up sleepwear, this photo of Bella was the only one that was proper to include in the family journal.

I almost asked her what she meant by that, but the look she gave me made it clear that I really didn't want to know.

The girls all gave me close-up photos of their new looks along with bios and a photo of their favorite outfit.

Since Catrice just recently had a make-over, she kept the same hairstyle.

She still loved pink, though they all insisted that Catrice's 'signature color' was coral.

I didn't even know what that was!

To me, pink is pink, just a girly color, but seeing my puzzled look the girls explained that coral is a soft peachy pink.

They even pointed out that Catrice had chosen cat earrings in the same coral, to tie in her favorite color with new name, which is a good thing as I would have never thought to mention them!

Catrice Swanson---young adult IFMR (That's Imaginary Friend Made Real for those who don't do initials! Like me!)
Fav's: French Music, Mac & Cheese, 'Coral' Pink
Traits: Angler, Loves the Heat, Cat Person, Loser changed to Charismatic, Virtuoso
LTW: Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers (Master Charisma and Guitar)
Uni Major: Fine Arts
Intended career: Music

Favorite Outfit: Formal

Mia surprised us by choosing to cut her long hair and, though I think it will take some getting used to, it suits her.

I know I'm biased, but she's become a beautiful young woman, having her mother's eyes and her own gentle spirit.

Mia Swanson--young adult
Fav's: Pop Music, Dim Sum, Grey
Traits: Loves the Outdoors and the Cold, Family-Oriented, Equestrian, Friendly
LTW: Super Popular (20 best friends--she already has 12!)
Uni Major: Athletic
Intended career: Horsewoman

Favorite Outfit: Outerwear

But Bella surprised us even more when she not only let her hair hang loose down her back, held in place by a headband, but donned a pair of glasses!

She said she'd been doing a lot of reading, and would even need to do more at Uni, and things had been getting a little blurry lately.

Mia laughed and asked, "Since they make you look like a very serious student, that's a plus too, isn't it!?!"

Bella nodded and grinned, "It's definitely the image I want to portray! You may be a hopeless romantic and have time for love and kisses, but I'll be focusing on my studies before I start thinking about a serious relationship!"

Mia just smirked, saying, "Wait until the love bug bites you sis, you won't even know what hit you!"

Bella tossed her hair and said, "That's what you think! I'm completely in control of my baser instincts!"

I let out a strangled, "Uuuhhh," which had the girls dropping the subject, but not before letting loose with girlish giggles at the blush covering my face!

Myrabella (Bella) Swanson--young adult
Fav's: Dark Wave, Veg. Lobster Thermidor, Lilac
Traits: Friendly, Easily Impressed, Genius, Perfectionist, Bookworm
LTW: Perfect Student (earn a degree with a perfect GPA)
Uni Major: Science and Medicine
Intended career: Medical

Favorite Outfit: Formal

The girls told me that they'd all chosen several other outfits, and multiples of some of them, but I was spared the entire fashion show.

For which I was grateful, as I was already uncomfortable just thinking about having to dress up in a suit and tie and listen to a graduation that would probably last hours, but there was no way I was going to miss seeing my three girls, all grown up now, getting their high school diplomas!

With the pond frozen, at least I wouldn't be missing out on a good fishing day.

Dad and Scott would have to endure it too, which actually made me feel better; I guess misery does love company!

But Marley's calling, so I better go get myself gussied up.

That might not be my favorite thing, but it's a proud moment for any parent when a child graduates high school, and I had three beautiful daughters doing just that today!

Before we knew it, it was time to head over to City Hall for graduation!

Bella changed into her cap and gown and showed it off to Marley in the kitchen.

Mia added to the moment by tossing a handful of confetti over her sister just as I took the photo, but she wasn't quite quick enough to avoid being in the shot.

Catrice quickly changed into hers in the bathroom and when she called out that she was ready, Mia rushed in to shower her with confetti and take her photo.

Mia's taken up photography as a hobby so she's snapping photos every chance she gets with the fancy new camera her Grandma Myra gave her on her birthday.

But it was the paparazzi that were snapping photos left and right as graduates and their families arrived at City Hall.

Paparazzi aren't allowed in the building as they're too disruptive, but I thought the photos they took were pretty good.

One was of Mia and Catrice as the arrived, which was special, considering their relationship, and you could even see Bella in the background.

Then another paparazzi took one of Bella and Dad.

That one was special too as Dad getting to see the girls graduate was something none of us had expected, especially him!

By the time we got to the entry doors, we all removed winter coats and looked quite nice with the three girls in their caps and gowns and the rest of us in formalwear.

Though we all looked pretty sober, lost in our own thoughts and feelings, this being another bittersweet moment for the family.

Marley looked particularly subdued as, though she's brave and proper, it does take you back when your first child graduates from high school, and we had three of them doing that today!

Scott tried to lighten the mood, saying, "It'll be okay Mom. You still have me to lecture and fuss over!"

But his quip fell a bit flat and we filed silently through the doors and into the building.

We could still hear the paparazzi behind us shouting questions, asking for comments, and snapping last minute photos before Eric Marshall made it passed them and the doors closed.

The ceremony itself was definitely as long and boring as I expected.

Except for when our girls got their diplomas and Bella gave the Valedictorian address!

No surprise on that score, but we were surprised that she was voted 'Most Likely to Write a Best-Seller'!

And it was even more shocking that even though Mia graduated with highest honors, she was voted, 'Most Likely To Burn Down her Own House'!

Apparently, the Dean family's penchant for fire was still known, even here in Appaloosa Plains, as all of us Swanson's still carried the hidden trait, compliments of our ancestor George Dean!

But Mia took it in stride, laughing it off, and tossing her diploma with a cheer, "I've done it! With honors too!"

Catrice graduated with highest honors as well, which had Bella swelling with pride for her star pupil.

And when her classmates of only two days voted Catrice, 'Most Likely to Become a Rock Star', Catrice threw her diploma up in the air right then and there!

She was still wearing a huge smile when she came outside, though she'd already turned in her cap and gown.

Thankfully, we'd gotten a graduation photo before we came outside.

The limit was 6 family members, due to space, so Scott bowed out and let his grandfather have the honor.

Everyone was smiling this time with Bella unable to contain her happiness as she'd achieved her high school goal of perfect student, and couldn't wait to do the same at Uni!

When we got home, Marley gave the girls a graduation card filled with confetti and three tickets to China for three days!

(Apparently great minds think alike, though I'm sure the maid will be grumbling as he cleans up all that confetti.)

The twins had mentioned wanting to go China a few weeks ago, while Catrice didn't care where they went, she just wanted to travel, but we'd not given the girls any indication it could really happen.

It had been really hard keeping it a secret, that's for sure!

Mia and Bella were completely stunned by the news, but Catrice just squealed and ran to pack!

Marley smiled at the twins and said, "You better follow Catrice's example as your plane leaves in just a few hours!

That information got the girls moving, fast!

While they packed we gave them important details for the trip.

That lodging was included at what they called a base camp, which was like a youth hostel but for travelers aged teen and up, with mostly single beds in individual tiny rooms as the culture respected privacy.

It also had a kitchen and dining room for travelers to cook their own meals, as well as a library and chess table in case of inclement weather.

But the lodgings came with a warning that there were several flights of stairs to reach the camp that was located at the top of a steep summit.

And many more steps, or steep walking paths, to reach some of the famous temples, landmarks, and Chinese gardens for which the area is known.

We cautioned the girls about the rugged terrain and told them to pack accordingly.

And before we knew it, they were heading out the door, all excited about the adventure they were about to embark on!

Unfortunately, their flight was delayed by the thickening snow, so they didn't board their plane until the storm had passed in the morning.

Mia sent us this photo she'd taken as the plane left and it was a stunning aerial shot that showed off the beauty of Appaloosa Plains, the town and mountains glistening under a blanket of new fallen snow!

Marley and I are now the parents of three beautiful young adult daughters who've proved, without a doubt, that beauty can go hand and hand with brains, as they've all graduated with highest honors, Bella receiving the accolades of being named class valedictorian!

And now they are venturing out on their own for the first time!

Not straight to Uni as they'd expected, but on their first trip out of town, and far away at that!

I'll be sure to include the highlights of their trip in Journal Entry 147: China Adventure

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Journal Entry 147: China Adventure
« Reply #205 on: May 09, 2021, 04:28:22 PM »

The girls were good about letting us know that they'd arrived safely, which was a good thing, as after they left I started worrying that maybe it was a mistake to let the three of them go off alone, so far away.

Marley talked me down and firmly told me that it was proper for young adults to practice their independence and that this trip would be a good experience and prepare them, and us, for their time at Uni.

But we were both relieved to get all the photos they sent to our phones, along with text, over the next few days.

Weather gorgeous! They weren't kidding about the steps! Catrice already regretting heels but is loving the heat and getting to play her guitar outdoors! Off to explore!

Our first stop, the market in the Forbidden City where Catrice discovered you could swim in the pools!

Catrice got a perfect photo of both me and Bella chatting with local residents.

Catrice stopped swimming long enough to put her new charisma trait to use and introduced herself to a local. Everyone's so friendly!

Some more than others! As the Book Merchant, Ho Sung Kim, taught Bella a Chinese love song.

She picked it up very fast!

Then he shocked her with the traditional ending! Turns out if you sing it back, you get kissed! Bella's first kiss and the guy's a book merchant, how fitting! Though the paparazzi guy looked less than pleased!

Mia decided to go for a swim too but waited for the sun to go down to protect her fair skin.

When Bella joined Catrice and I as we studied the egg roll recipes she'd purchased earlier from the book merchant, the paparazzi followed, and neither of them hid their attraction to the other. You could feel the zing in the air! Kissed by one guy and attracted to another all in the same day! So much for controlling her baser instincts!  LOL

Turnabout is fair play, so I was hoping to catch Mia and Catrice flirting as well, but they stuck with 'safe' activities, continuing to meet and chat with locals.

Trying out the local cuisine. Mia said the authentic stir-fry was amazing, though the chopsticks were tricky!

Catrice loved stir-fry, as she ravenously dug into a plate after another swim in one of the market pools. She was a natural with the chopsticks!

Then Mia learned a song called 'Ping and His Checkers' from the food store merchant. She sure surprised me with how serious she was about not getting involved with anyone, even though vacation would be the perfect time to indulge in a bit of romance. Nevertheless, she stuck with chatting with children and local women and, by the time we left the market, she'd made four new friends, bringing her total to 15!

But I got a wake up call when the paparazzi, Shen Su, took me aside afterward and warned me that kissing someone after singing the Chinese love song is NOT traditional! And that Ho Sung Kim is married! His actual words were, 'The man is a blackguard and not to be trusted! I apologize for his outrageous behavior and will stick close by to make sure it doesn't happen again!'

And stick close by he did! Shen Su showed up soon after we arrived at the Scholar's Garden and didn't bother hiding his appreciation for Bella's form as she tried using the martial arts training dummy for the first time. He's a paparazzi, so I'm not sure his motives are any better than the book merchants, but Bella didn't seem to mind having his complete attention!

It wasn't long before Bella earned her first belt!

I took a photo of Mia working with the training dummy and Catrice trying to catch some Koi, as there are several native species in China. But after spotting Shen Su in the background, flashing them a smile, it was plain that he wasn't just there to spend time with me. Can't blame him much though, what guy wouldn't want to spread the charm among three gorgeous girls

Mia earned her first belt just as quickly as I did.

So I couldn't resist taking Shen Su up on his offer to take photos of us while we sparred.

I got in some good hits and blocked most of Mia's, so I won the match, 2-0! I think my fierce face put Mia off, but I'll take it!

We stayed late into the evening building up our martial arts skill, using the training dummies and the board breaker, while Catrice fished, catching fish after fish, including this enormous Koi!

But when it started to pour, Catrice came inside and relaxed, listening to another tab cast on her multi-tab. Speaking of multi-tabs, both of ours have come in handy, Mia mastered photography and I'm close to doing so myself! Thanks again, Grandpa Leonard for giving us such great gifts!

After three days of non-stop sight-seeing and skilling, especially after learning martial arts, we were all exhausted, so we retired to the base camp to get a good night's sleep before our flight home. At breakfast, Jonah Parrot introduced himself! Imagine going all the way to China and meeting a resident of Appaloosa Plains! Turned out he was traveling with his two brothers and hoped we could all explore Shang Simla together. He looked really disappointed that our trip was over just as theirs had started, but he said we should get together when we all got back home.

A downpour kept us at base camp until we headed to the airport later that day. I'd kept my promise to myself to steer clear of any romantic entanglements while we were in China, but I caught Bella writing a love letter! But beg as I might, she would not tell me which of her two admirers she'd written to!

The girls trip to China was more than they could have hoped for, seeing new sights, meeting new sims, and adding to their skill sets.

Though seeing Bella's first kiss, given to her by a married man no less, was a bit disturbing.

Marley was outraged about the impropriety of it, while my anger stemmed from having a guy taking advantage of an innocent young woman, one of my daughters!

Of course seeing that beautiful koi that Catrice caught put everything else out of my mind!
The ponds are still frozen here and warm weather coupled with catching fish like that, well, it filled me with envy and had me wishing I'd gone to China.

With a bit of luck, and patience, I might be able to catch a perfect one to add to my collection, and if I caught enough of any one variety, I could stock the pond here on the farm with impressive Chinese koi!

Now I just need to talk Marley into the trip…though maybe two would be better?

China for me, then a trip to France where she could visit an authentic nectary, and who knows maybe France has some unique fish too!

Suddenly the idea of Scott taking over the farm soon was much more appealing as it would allow Marely and I the time to indulge in our favorite hobbies in other lands!

But that time isn't here quite yet as the girls will be leaving for Uni soon and Scott will be finishing up high school.

Even with the anticipation of fishing in China, saying goodbye, even temporarily, to the girls is going to be tough, something I'm not looking forward to at all.

But we'll get through it and I'll note everything down in Journal Entry 148: Uni Farewells

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Journal Entry 148: Uni Farewells
« Reply #206 on: May 15, 2021, 03:06:51 PM »

The girls flight home was uneventful and they'd had a great time, but they were all happy to be home.

Though feeling the bite of cold air after the warmth of China had them shivering a bit, even in their winterwear.

I suggested warmer coats that actually covered them up and provided a bit more protection but my suggestion seem to fall on deaf ears.

Except Bella's as she nodded and said, "Fashion's nice, but I agree, a warmer coat would be a lot more practical!"

Mia added, "Not for me, I love that nip in the air! I can't wait to play in the snow!"

The first thing Catrice did is take the Uni aptitude test and she looked a little worried.

But her diligence as a teen, coupled with her focus on skills in China, paid off!

She scored 1604/2400, earning a partial $1000 scholarship, +6 credits towards Technology and Science and Medicine degrees, but more importantly, +18 credits towards Fine Arts, her chosen field of study!

Not bad for someone who'd only been a teen for three days and a young adult for three more!

We all congratulated her on a job well done.

Mia headed straight to the backyard to spend some time with Ripley and it was plain to see that they'd both missed each other.

That girl sure was crazy about horses!

Then she showed her love of all things winter by building an igloo.

When the igloo was complete, Mia gave Fareshine a pat and received a welcome home nuzzle in return, becoming best friends with Fareshine too, another spot in her tender heart to ache when she left the farm.

I had the feeling that going to Uni and leaving her horses was going to be just as hard for Mia as leaving us as she loves horses almost as much as her family!

Bella was greeted at the door by Kimo, who'd missed all the girls, and she gave him a loving pat.

She might not be an animal lover of any kind, but she was friendly to all, no matter their species.

Then Bella got back to work discovering another potion.

She only had two more to discover and she'd know them all and she only needed about half a skill point to master logic.

That girl is dedicated and won't settle for anything less than perfection!

Having the girls back home, safe and sound, was such a relief that I grabbed Marley's hands and squeezed them tight.

"Giving them the opportunity to assert their independence is all well and good but I'm happy their all safely back home!"

Marley smiled and nodded, "Me too! I'm brave when it comes to most situations but where my children are concerned, I like having all my chicks safely inside the nest! But now that they are, let's get some dinner. I'm sure everyone's starving."

The girls and Scott grabbed plates of food and headed for the nectary basement as they told Scott all about China, while Marley, Dad, and I opted for a quiet meal at the kitchen table.

Marley had been experimenting with the wood fire oven and her lasagna sopresa was delicious!

Dad was a bit surprised that we were dining alone, asking, "Just us? With the girls just back from their trip, I'd thought we'd have a nice family dinner."

Marley, still concerned about her weight, had limited herself to one serving, while Dad and I were digging into seconds, so she was already cleaning up her plate as she answered, "The girls mentioned a surprise for us, one that apparently requires Scott's help, and the secrecy of the nectary. We are under explicit instructions not to peek until whatever they're doing is ready!"

The next day, Bella surprised me with a present.

"For me!?! I thought you all had a surprise for us down in the nectary?"

"We do! But it's not quite ready yet. It's taken a bit longer than we expected to put it all together. But it'll be finished before we leave this afternoon. Besides, this present is for you, though I'm sure you'll share it with Grandpa Leonard and Scott, once you're done!"

Bella's words had me more intrigued than ever and I quickly undid the wrapping to find three books about fish indigenous to China!

"What a great gift, Bella! Thank you so much!"

"It's not just from me, but Mia and Catrice too. It was Catrice's idea actually, after she caught one of those beautiful koi. She knew that another avid fisherman would just love knowing the bait for them! Though that would mean you'd have to go to China to catch them."

Eagerly I asked, "Unless Catrice caught at least 10 of one specific kind? We could stock the pond here on the farm with that many!"

Bella shook her head sadly, "I'm afraid not. Catrice caught 10 koi in total, but 8 were Kawarimono and 2 were Doitsu. She was a bit disappointed not catching any of the others, especially Dragon Fish, but she was thrilled that they let her keep the ones she caught."

"That's okay because it gives me the excuse to take your Mom to China and catch them myself in their native habitat!"

"Do you think Mom would go for that?"

"If I mentioned that we'd also go to France and check out the nectary there, I'm thinking I could persuade her! But neither of those trips will happen until after Scott takes over the running of the farm. Which gives me plenty of time to read these books, but isn't going to stop me from looking them over now!"

Then the girls headed to the nectary to continue working on their surprise.

By the time they were done, it was almost time for Scott to get home so Mia took the aptitude test one last time.

And with all her new skills added to her current ones, she earned a full scholarship, scoring 2,040/2400, with +6 credits in Business, Technology, and S & M, and +18 credits in not only Phys Ed, but in Fine Arts and Communications too!

Quite the feat for one who is more at home with nature and horses rather than books.

I'd spent most of the day reading about Chinese fish, totally absorbed in the books.

Bella joined me after a bit of exercise, relaxing while she read an e-book.

Dad's gifts weren't going to waste that's for sure as the girls used them every chance they got, if they weren't listening to tab casts, they were reading the latest novels!

Those little devices sure were handy.

Bella agreed, saying, "Learning those new skills in China, directly or through our multi-tabs helped out a lot Dad. Catrice got the +18 credits she wanted in Fine Arts, Mia got her full scholarship, and I managed to score a more than respectable 2263/2400 on my final try, so not quite perfection yet, but I'm more concerned about getting a perfect GPA in Science and Medicine!"

"I don't think you'll fall short of that goal, but just remember to have some fun too and don't chain yourself to a chess board!"

Bella laughed, "Playing chess is my idea of fun dad! But since I've almost maxed logic, I'll be focusing on learning science and trying to obtain a forbidden fruit for Mom."

"Worthy goals, but no matter how busy you are, keep in touch. You know how your mother worries!"

"Mom just worries about money and being proper, and I think she's given us strong foundations in both of those areas.  But I promise to be a bit more careful where guys are concerned and not take what they say at face value! A married book merchant and a flirty paparazzi taught me that lesson!"

"Then you'd better share that information with your mother as she's giving your sister an earful on just that subject!"

"Care to join me for moral support?"

"Maybe after I finish this book…"

"Good idea…I'll just let Mom wind down a bit more."

Marley was definitely still upset about that event as her raised voice could be heard throughout the house.

"But…a married man! What nerve to take advantage of a young girl, one traveling in his country. It's just so…improper!"

Mia paused, trying to think of the right words to say to diffuse the situation, while I could hear Dad unsuccessfully trying to hide his chuckle.

Dad's reaction didn't surprise me as he'd gotten his share of attention throughout the years, but he'd stayed true to Mom since they were teens, and focused his romantic attentions solely on her.

But Dad knew some men weren't as faithful and were quick to take advantage of any willing girl, and though it wasn't very nice, he felt that stealing a kiss wasn't the end of the world.

Apparently Mia agreed with Dad as she said, "Mom, you're making too much out of it!  Where's your sense of romance, adventure!?! It was just a heat of the moment kiss with a handsome stranger and Bella enjoyed it immensely! In fact, truth be told, I think she might have initiated the whole encounter, thinking it was pretty safe since he was married. The more I think about it, that sounds just like something Bella would do, have her first romantic experiences be with guys so far away they won't interfere with her plans for Uni. And it's not like she kept pursuing him, trying to get him to break up with his wife, so all's well that ends well."

Marley's gasp on that take of the whole incident left us knowing she was more horrified than ever by Bella's actions!

And when I saw the rueful smirk on Bella's face, I realized Mia's words were probably true.

Bella confirmed that when she said, "I was hoping Mia hadn't picked up on that but my twin knows me too well!"

With her cake finished and hearing Scott come in the front door, Mia began saying her goodbyes.

She started off with Dad and they gave each other a tight hug.

"You take care of yourself Grandpa! Leave the nectary to Mom, Dad and the hired gardeners and enjoy the leisure of winter. You've earned some down time!"

"Don't worry about me child, I've got a set date with a rocker each afternoon! Taking care of Kimo and the horses will be the focus of my winter tasks."

"Are you sure Grandpa? I could always ask Aunt Karina and Uncle Ben to board the horses until we return from Uni…"

"Nonsense child! Taking care of the horses is a task I enjoy as not only does it increase my friendship with them, but it keeps your grandmother close in my thoughts and heart!"

"It does doesn't it Grandpa!?! Every time I'm near the horses, especially Fareshine, I feel Grandma's arms around me like a warm hug!"

Then Mia threw her arms around her mother as they both started tearing up!

"I'll text and send photos, Mom, I promise!"

Marley's lips trembled as she said, "You'd better! I miss all of you already! I told your father this was a natural step towards growing up but parting is more difficult than I thought!"

"With the three of us together, we'll be there for each Mom! And though I had doubts about going to Uni when Bella first mentioned it, I'm really looking forward to my classes and meeting others, making new friends!"

"Just be careful Mia! You have such a tender heart and though it's one of your best qualities, it could lead to heartache."

"I'll do my best Mom. But the heart is a fickle thing, you never know who it will choose or when love will strike. Sometimes when you least expect it and with the most inappropriate sim! Especially if it's not reciprocated…"

"The very heartache I was thinking of…so look before you let your heart leap, or at least get to know them a bit better before committing yourself."

Catrice said her goodbyes to Dad and Marley, who responded with even more tears.

Blubbering, "We just got you and now you're leaving!"

"I know, Mom. But like Mia said, we'll keep in touch, we all have our cell phones, so we'll be sending photos and texting every chance we get! I won't forget about my new family back home, no matter how busy I am with classes."

At Catrice's words, Dad couldn't keep the huge grin off his face as Catrice had become a loved and valued member of our family though our time with her had been so short.

Bella hugged Scott first, saying, "You won't know what to do not having three older sisters here to boss you around!"

Scott laughed and said, "I'll try to endure it!" But he hugged her back tightly despite their flippant words.

Mia waited patiently for her turn, not giving up a chance to spend a few moments with every member of the family.

Then the three girls descended on me in the kitchen.

As I hugged a tearful Bella, Mia smiled and said, "Don't be afraid to shed a tear or two Dad! I think we even made Grandpa and Scott cry a bit!"

Catrice said, "I think Mia's right, this is not a time to be stoic but to share our emotions! To let every one in the family know how much we love them and how much we'll miss them."

Bella sniffed and added, "Well, I've added my share of tears, that's for sure, which I didn't expect at all. I'm not usually the emotional one!"

I squeezed her tight and said, "Me neither, but today with all three of you leaving, I guess we're making an exception to that rule."

Then I hugged Catrice.

Seeing my sad face as we parted, our newly adopted daughter reached out and gently patted my arm, her own eyes bright with unshed tears, "I know. I feel the same way. But we'll be home for Winter Break before you know it, Dad! I can't wait to celebrate my first Snow Flake Day with all of my new family!"

"Then we'll make it one to remember, Catrice! A huge party to introduce you to all the family you're related to. But be warned, that's almost half the town now!"

"Oh, that sounds wonderful Dad! It makes me want Snowflake Day to come even sooner!"

"With all of you taking a full load of classes, the time will pass quickly and you'll be back home before you know it."

I turned to say goodbye to Mia but she shook her head and said, "It's not time for that just yet. First there's something in the nectary basement we want to show all of you."

Marley, Dad and I followed the girls and Scott not quite knowing what to expect but it wasn't anything we were prepared for.

The girls had put together a memory wall of all their photographs, some from home, all the ones they'd taken in China, and they'd included a Chinese incense holder, plus the martial arts equipment they'd purchased there!

It was quite the display with three panoramic photographs, four portrait-sized ones, and a dozen small framed pictures on a huge two-tiered display case, with several on smaller stands in front.

Stepping closer, the middle panoramic view turned out to be a night time photo of Catrice fishing, while the small framed photographs underneath included two of Catrice playing guitar, and one of Mia.

One photo was black and white and looked like a large doll, seeing my frown Mia said, "That's Catrice when she was an imaginary friend! I'd forgotten all about that photo and just had to include it here, it's part of her heritage!"

Then Mia said, "This one is a sepia-toned photo of Scott, when I was playing around with the camera settings. I don't think it came out half bad for a beginner."

"Not bad at all, Mia! These will be memories we treasure for a long time! Thank you!"

With that my eldest daughter flew into my arms and hugged me tightly.

"Don't worry, Dad! You, Mom, Grandpa, and Grandma, have done a great job of raising us right and we won't forget all the lessons you've both taught us."

Then we heard a loud horn, the moving van was here to take the girls off to the airport to catch their plane for Uni!

We all hurried out front, waving and yelling our final goodbyes, while Bella carried the last suitcase.

Her phone was blaring but she ignored it saying, "I'll call whoever that is back in the van. I'm not waiting one more second to get to Uni!"

Mia grinned while Catrice ran towards the van, all three of them eagerly anticipating their next big adventure!

The girls came home from China exhausted but excited about the experience.

Then it was final aptitude tests, packing, and farewell hugs after Scott got home from school the next day.

They also surprised us with a beautiful photographic display in the nectary basement.
The next journal entries will be filled with all the photos and news they send us now that they're off for an even bigger adventure at University!

Offline deedee_828

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Journal Entry 149: Welcome to Uni!
« Reply #207 on: May 18, 2021, 03:26:14 PM »

The girls long flight to the University Campus went smoothly and they shared momentous events as they happened.

As full daylight arrived, we got our first view of campus! Being across the country it's no longer winter so instead of snow blanketing the whole area, we saw green in every direction.

Green grass, green trees, even a blue-green lake far to the south of campus. It's so beautiful!

The airport van brought us straight to our rental home. A huge 4 bedroom/2 bath 2-story home with a garage. It took a few hours to unpack and get all our stuff settled in, but the time flew by fast.

Once she was done unpacking, Bella read a book in the bedroom she'd chosen. No surprise there!

Catrice listened to a charisma tab cast and played her guitar out on the front lawn, just soaking up the warm weather, just like she did in China.

But it wasn't long before we all got texts from our advisors that as Freshman it was recommended we attend the Meet 'N' Greet being held at the Student Union Building, which started at noon. And meet other students we did! Catrice jumped right in and chatted away with the first cute guy she saw and hearts were flying! His name is Skip Taylor and he made a point of asking Catrice her favorite hobbies. Of course she mentioned how much she enjoyed swimming so he told her about the huge outdoor pool on campus and said maybe they could meet up there sometime soon!

But seeing the way Skip reacted when he spotted Mia, it's easy to see he spreads his charm around! Typical for a communications major! But Mia just laughed and said, "I'm here to learn Mr. Suave, so you can just start looking in another direction!"

The guy dressed up as the Llama mascot laughed as he lobbed the ball across the table, saying, "She's already got you pegged Taylor, might as well give up now!"

Catrice was soon chatting, well, flirting, with another guy, Walter Fullman, while Mia played a video game in the corner.

Mia and Bella tried getting drinks out of the soda machines after the machines stole their money, but no amount of shoving released their drinks. Luckily neither one of them was crushed by the heavy machines! Something Walter told me could happen, when he saw them, so I made them stop! I would never have dreamed something like that could happen at Uni and I wasn't losing my sisters now that I had them!

Mia didn't have any trouble making friends with Skip either and she was thrilled to add to her friend count!

With that in mind, Mia headed across the room and quickly  introduced herself to Matthew Tellmer, and made another friend!

Mia even took advantage of a paparazzi covering the event, Derrell Numbers, and had no trouble adding him to her growing list of friends.

Then Mia noticed a barista behind the snack bar and within moments of introducing herself to Garrison Fort, she'd made her 20th friend and completed her lifetime wish! And she'd just gotten to Uni; what a fabulous way to start her first term!

While Mia was chatting with Garrison, Catrice played foosball with Matthew and Ayana Yuki.

We decided to explore the first floor of the Student Union as according to our agendas, we'd all be having our open lectures in this building. But as soon as Bella found the Science Lab, she couldn't resist playing with it.

Unfortunately, with her skill so low, her first gene splicing experiment failed!

But you know Bella never gives up, and her 2nd attempt was successful, she turned a Maui bean seed into a basil seed! Don't ask me how, as I haven't a clue, but Bella was more than thrilled!

With Mia completing her lifetime wish and Bella still on cloud nine from her successful experiment, we headed over to the Bowlarama. And to Bella's shock, there was a female Plantsim standing right in the lobby! While Mia introduced herself to another student, Bella took the opportunity to talk with Sharon Dorsey.

Bella chatted with Sharon for quite some time, telling her that our Uncle Jake's wife, Thistle Riverhawk, was a Plantsim herself. And then she asked question after question about Sharon's genetic make-up to learn as much as she could for her next gene splicing experiment. Bella explained to Sharon that our family farm was fourth generation, and that our Mom hoped to grow a Forbidden Fruit, something she considered the ultimate goal for a gardener!  Sharon was not only impressed by Bella's knowledge and Mom's  goal, but grateful to be not only accepted but considered special, and she happily gave Bella some herbs.

Then I found Mia chatting away with Kyle Heilman and it looked like love at first sight!

Within moments they were good friends and chatting away like they'd known each other forever.

They spent the rest of the evening together. Talking about their majors, Phys Ed for Mia and Fine Arts for Kyle.

Their hobbies, where Mia totally impressed Kyle when he found out she'd mastered photography as he couldn't take a decent photo to save his life!

And even family, as Mia explained that Bella was her twin but that I was adopted, which only took looking at us to figure that out! Though my true origins were not mentioned. By the end of the evening, they were best friends, though by the stars in Mia's eyes it wouldn't take much to turn friendship into romance.

Bella met a guy too, Richard Randall and though they were both nerds and attracted to one another, they soon discovered an incompatible trait. Bella was easily impressed while Richard was a snob! They chatted for a bit longer but soon realized that being nerds wasn't enough to overcome their underlying differences.

We ended the evening listening to Catrice play a few tunes on her guitar for tips. But it was close to midnight and we all had classes at 8 am, so we decided to call it a night.

Wow! The girls not only got settled into their new place, but Mia made enough friends at the campus Meet 'N' Greet to complete her lifetime wish of Super Popular!

Bella's already learning Science and even had a successful gene splicing experiment and met a Plantsim!

And Catrice is holding her own, meeting new sims, playing her guitar, and just soaking up Uni life!

I could do without all the hearts and romance as so many of those guys, like that Skip Taylor, aren't planning on serious relationships at this time in their lives, they just want to have fun, no matter who might get hurt.

But that's a lesson all of my girls will have to learn on their own as no one can save another from heartbreak, much as we might want to.

Hopefully, they'll be too busy with classes and their studies to allow that to happen.

Marley, Dad, Scott, and I are looking forward to hearing from the girls throughout the term.

I'll be keeping track of everything, of course, in my next entry.

Offline deedee_828

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Journal Entry 150: First Days At Uni
« Reply #208 on: May 24, 2021, 07:03:27 AM »

We were still pretty pumped from meeting everyone so Mia and Bella played some kicky bag which Mia discovered increases athletic skill, a boon for a Phys Ed major.

Then Bella gave in to her nerd self and played video games.

While Mia opted to dabble in street art, christening our driveway with a sample of her work.

She found it so much fun she tagged one of the walls in the living room! Though I'm sure she won't find cleaning it off before our landlord sees it nearly as much fun.

Monday morning brought a day full of classes for all of us. Afterward, we all worked on skills to build our academic performance. Bella focused on Science of course, while listening to a fishing tab cast, and to her delight her third gene splicing attempt resulted in a Forbidden Fruit! A discovery that paparazzi Darrell Numbers found noteworthy as well!

Bella's success had her calling Mom with the news straight away and she excitedly proclaimed, "I did it Mom! I've got that Forbidden Fruit for you to plant! It's a nice quality and a real gem!"

Then I followed Mia to the gym and watched her exercise for a bit. An activity that not only boosted her academic performance since it built up her athletic skill, but also helped towards completing two Ops, one to work out for four hours and another to work out for eight! So she was building academic performance even faster than Bella!

After Bella and I finished up with our respective skills, we tracked down Catrice at the University Quad where she had been playing her guitar for hours. So our first day had us all gaining a respectable amount of academic progress.

Catrice was so high on such a successful first day that she decided to give streaking a shot, something she'd heard could build cred with the rebels on campus!

Unfortunately, she was caught by a police officer and arrested!

Since it was her first offense, the police officer brought her home and gave her a stern lecture, telling her that such stunts would not be tolerated. Catrice was so stunned by the whole ordeal that she asked with some trepidation, "Will I be kicked out of Uni and sent home!?!' Seeing Catrice's quick repentance, the officer told her that  she wouldn't be expelled, but her name would be on the list as a trouble maker, though it was possible to clear it if she performed a community service, like volunteering at the Science Center.

On the social side of Uni life, Garrison Fort asked Mia out on a date. One that rather reminded us of Mia's date with Blaine Marshall as it was at a park in the pouring rain! Why the guys Mia meets seem to think she loves getting drenched is beyond us!

Even though Mia's date with Garrison was kind of bland, she did meet someone new, Scot Macklamoor, and made another friend!

Tuesdays and Thursdays were either a lecture or class activity, but not until later in the day, leaving our morning free, so Bella got in some exercise to limber up after all of yesterdays sitting.

She got so wrapped up in her exercise routine that she was almost late for her lecture and went in her athletic gear, forgetting her glasses. But she still asked lots of questions and took copious notes to study from!

Then she put her new knowledge to work and studied anatomy.

Which is the same thing Mia got to do in her class activity that day! She kept that skeleton hopping, putting him through his paces going from a walk to a full out run! That made more sense when Bella explained that knowing your body and how it works best would be essential for Phys Ed majors to keep them from injuring themselves.

Catrice had a lecture Tuesday as well, and she loved learning from her Fine Arts professor, Madeleine Noetal.  She took notes and even felt confident enough to ask a question or two, though her desk mate slept through the whole lecture!

Wednesday was another full day of classes for all three of us, and afterwards we focused on skills related to our major. Bella did her usual work in the science lab, while listening to a tab-cast on gardening this time, and managed to repeat her earlier success and obtain a second Forbidden Fruit!

She actually celebrated with a glass of juice!

Mia was working out at the gym when she got a call from Kyle asking her to meet him at the Bowlarama, where I was playing guitar and hanging out with friends. Mia was expecting it to be another date, her first with Kyle, but she was shocked to find out he wanted to tell his 'bestie' all about his new girlfriend! "She doesn't share our love of the outdoors, but when our eyes met, it was love at first sight, Mia!" Mia tried to cover up her own hurt as best she could, as she'd thought that's what she and Kyle had shared earlier that week. But the look on Mia's face had Kyle looking uncomfortable as he finally clued in to his mistake. They parted as friends but I don't think they'll keep in touch.

After my devastating non-date with Kyle, I joined Catrice and her group of friends as she tried to cheer me up with a song.

But I really wasn't into being around others with my heart feeling crushed, so Catrice brought me home. I immediately began a ferocious game of kicky bag, hoping that focusing on my physical being would take my mind off the hurt. Once Catrice explained what had happened with Kyle, Bella said, "That's the spirit Mia! Focus on something else and I'm sure your heart's desire will show up when you least expect it. There are plenty of other fish in the sea!" I didn't respond because it hurt too much. I'd thought Kyle was 'the one' and it was over before it even started. Maybe it's a good thing I haven't totally broken off with Blaine?

But a knock at the door had me changing my mind because, when I glanced out the window, I saw the cutest guy standing on our front porch! With a shock I remembered that I'd signed up to host a study group with other Phys Ed students. And this guy sure looked like he worked out regularly. He was tall, dark, and handsome! But would he feel the same way about me as I did him? Love at first sight sure hadn't worked out with Kyle!

But the voice on the other side of the door said, "I saw you signing up to host a study group and I was the first one on your list. I definitely want to get to know you better Mia!" That sounded so promising that my newly bruised heart suddenly didn't hurt quite so much. Bella was right, not only were there plenty of other fish in the sea, but one had come to me! And a cute one at that!

We were thrilled that all the girls had taken to Uni so easily, going to classes, participating in lectures and their class activities.

We'd expected it of Bella as she's been eager to learn since she was a child, but having Mia and Catrice enjoying it so much and doing so well was good to hear.

Catrice's streaking and subsequent arrest had us realizing just how easily she could be swayed by others so we were thankful for the officers leniency and hoped she'd learned a valuable lesson and would be able to clear her name.

Mia's tender heart was a cause for concern, having her fall so quickly for Kyle and when it doesn't work out, she's focused back on Blaine, forbid the thought, only to be immediately attracted to a guy she's not even met yet!

I have a feeling I won't be sleeping much until I hear how all that turns out.

Will Mia get her heart broken again?

Hopefully, they'll  focus on their studies for the rest of their term and get through finals.

I'll be waiting for the girls to send more photos and keep us posted on their progress, anything so I can put my worries to rest!

Offline deedee_828

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Journal Entry 151: First Term Surprises
« Reply #209 on: May 30, 2021, 03:43:21 PM »
Things moved really fast between Mia and Anoki Moon, which is what his name turned out to be! They studied for a bit but then stepped outside and their conversation turned personal. Mia was unusually blunt as she asked, "Are you married or engaged? Do you have a girlfriend or are you interested in anyone in the least little bit? I've just been burned by one guy and I'm not setting myself up for that with another!"

Anoki smiled and said, "I don't even have a best friend, or any friend actually, on the entire campus! And I'm not sorry it didn't work out with what's-his-face! His loss!"

Then he wrapped his arms around Mia, saying, "But I think you could use a hug and a shoulder to cry on. I don't mind in the least, just don't make me your rebound guy! I want to be around a lot longer than that!"

Mia broke down at his comforting words and blubbered into his shoulder, "And…there's no…girl…back home? Honest?"

Anoki stiffened and his voice caught as he answered, "No girl, no home, no family…"

And that big tough guy held back a sob, quickly masking it, rubbing Mia's back and saying soothingly, "Let's just focus on you right now."

Before Mia could follow up on Anoki's information, he swayed and almost fell, and Mia pulled back, instantly concerned, "Are you sure you're okay? Maybe I should take you to the campus health center?"

Anoki just shook his head, "I'm just tired, it's been a rough week. I got the news…Monday afternoon…and I haven't slept since. I've been like a zombie in my classes, through all my workouts and games at the stadium."

Mia was horrified, "But it's Wednesday, well, Thursday morning now! We've got several empty beds in this big house, you go get a shower and get some sleep, we can talk more in the morning," With a watery smile she added, "That's an order from your study group host, Mister!"

When Anoki staggered again, he turned toward the front porch steps, almost stumbling over his feet, saying, "I think I'll take you up on your offer. Thanks for being so kind, thinking of my welfare even through your own hurt. We'll definitely need to talk later this morning. There's a lot I need to explain."

"I like to do what I can for anyone, but especially for my friends, Anoki, and I'm really happy to call you one already. As for talking, that's up to you. Whenever you're ready to talk, I'm hear to listen."

"I've not told anyone what's happened! Only the Dean knows, as he was the one the authorities got in touch with after it happened. I've been in shock, I guess, and with no friends here, I haven't felt like sharing the bad news with anyone. But I really want to tell you. It feels right somehow, even though we've just met."

"I know what you mean. It's like we've known each other all our lives, somehow."

Later that morning, after a good night's sleep, I found Mia and Anoki studying together in the kitchen with Catrice playing soft melodies on her guitar so as not to disturb their studying. Catrice was on cloud nine as she'd done her stint of community service at the Science Center and cleared her name!

Even though we knew things were going pretty fast between Mia and Anoki it was still a surprise when Mia said, "After my lecture, I'll meet you at your dorm and help you pack up your things. You need to be with a friend now and we've got plenty of room."

"If you're sure your sisters won't mind, I'd really like that. I feel a little better after sharing what's happened to my family, my home. It still hurts a lot though…"

"Of course it still hurts, Anoki! Losing your family, your home, the entire island village to that tsunami, I can't even imagine the pain you're in! But I can be your friend and support you, do my best to be there to help you through it."

"They were my family, so I loved them, of course, but I never realized how important they all were, until they were gone! I'll tell you all about them….someday Mia…it's just too soon for that…."

"I understand Anoki. Take all the time you need because I'll be ready and waiting whenever the moment arrives."

Hearing just that little bit about Anoki's past had me and Catrice realizing Mia was right about inviting him to move in. Our hearts went out to Anoki, and we knew we all had to support him as no one should have to endure such grief all on their own.

That afternoon Mia made it to her lecture, but her notes were rather sketchy as her mind was focused on Anoki. His loss, his pain, his friendship, and all that could come in the future.

Catrice got to use her new sketch pad for her class activity and really enjoyed sitting out on the grass near a fountain soaking up the sunshine. But my focus was totally on the cute dark-haired guy in the leather jacket! Catrice told us his name is Jeffery Dean, he lives at the Frat house and is taking fine arts classes this term, though he's thinking of changing to Science and Medicine and becoming a doctor. That information was intriguing! A frat boy that wanted to be a doctor? I'm thinking that he may just be someone I need to meet! I'll wait until after finals though, so socializing doesn't get in the way of my studies!

Catrice joined me after her class activity to grab some photos of my Science projects. I'd advanced far enough in the skill to analyze and obtain samples of different things. Minerals were easily found around campus, so I began with those and soon had a viable sample for later experiments.

Plants were easily obtained as well, so I analyzed a few of them and obtained more samples to add to my growing sample collection.

After we got back home that afternoon, we found Mia and Anoki chatting in the living room. With Mia asking, "So you'd much rather plant, grow, and eat your own homegrown vegetables? Then why are you a Phys Ed major!?!"

Anoki paused before answering and said, "It's a long story but the short version is that I earned an athletics scholarship when a college rep saw me playing rugby on the mainland. My family was so thrilled by the idea that their only son would have the chance to become a superstar athlete that I couldn't disappointment them. Now that they're gone…I'm doing it in their memory. Honoring them the only way I can."

Gently Mia said, "But Anoki, what about what you want? Your own dreams? I would think that if your family loved you, then they would want you to be living your life in the way that makes you happy!"

Anoki said, "You know, I've been thinking about that a lot during my games recently, playing just doesn't mean all that much to me anymore. I thought that I was just being selfish but if you really feel that I should be following my own dreams then maybe I should be! I've been wanting to dig in rich soil so badly…" With a huge smile he added, "I even dreamt of my garden back home last night!" But then Anoki's excitement waned as he said sadly, "But that garden's gone, wiped from existence, along with my family and my home! I forget for a moment, then it all comes roaring back and I'm devastated all over again!"

"It'll take a long time for your loss not to be overwhelming Anoki. But someday…maybe you'll be ready to start a garden and…a family… of your own. Share with them their heritage, one they can embrace much like a beloved teddy bear."

The look on Anoki's face at Mia's words was bittersweet. Hurt at the thought of his own lost family, but hope that someday he could be part of one again.

His words were full of both as he replied, "Children of my own…that's definitely a comforting thought. Passing on my love for my family, my village, my knowledge of the island way of life, and growing and harvesting produce. You've given me a lot to think about Mia.'

His look became intense as he added, "Especially who I would want to be my partner, my wife, and the mother of my children!"

Mia didn't reply but, as she swayed closer towards him, it was more than obvious she was thinking along the very same lines as Anoki!

But with a full day of finals tomorrow, Anoki decided to focus on building his academic performance, working out to a fitness program on the TV.

But Mia interrupted him with some good news, "I just spoke with your academic advisor and he confirmed it with the Dean, due to your circumstances and your state of mind at the beginning of the term, they're going to allow your term grade to be determined by your finals! So if we cram you could still earn an 'A'!"

"But that would mean none of getting any sleep tonight! How would that help any of us?"

"We don't need to sleep at all, we have a secret weapon! I should have thought of that the other night, instead of sending you off to bed."

"A secret weapon that would make it so we don't need sleep? I'm a vegetarian Mia, but I don't do herbs!"

"Not herbs silly! It's called a Motive Mobile. My family lent us one to use at Uni in case of emergency. And this situation certainly calls for it! But it's easier to show you than to explain."

So Mia and Anoki drove over to the gym lot in the Motive Mobile, which maxed their every need almost as soon as they left our home lot. Full of energy, they swam in the outdoor pool, which was not only refreshingly cool, but kept building Anoki's athletic skill and his academic performance.

When they arrived home, their needs full again, Anoki caressed Mia's arm and kissed her for the first time!

Anoki said, "I know we haven't known each other very long Mia but you've become very special to me. I hope you feel the same way?"

I knew if Mia answered in the affirmative the whole night of studying would be lost, so I interrupted and said, "No time for romance now lover boy! Grab your tablet and get ready to cram!"

Mia grimaced and said, "Bella's right, you need to study. But we will definitely continue this conversation after finals!"

Anoki and Bella settled onto the couch, with Anoki eagerly perusing his text books and picking out main points for Bella to notate on his new tablet, making quick study guides for each of his three classes. And they were still at it when the sun rose in the morning! Though Anoki looked pretty shell-shocked by then, his head crammed with anatomy diagrams and filled with an entire term of information.

We all felt super confident when it was time to leave for our 8 am final. Anoki even more so when he realized we were taking advantage of the motive mobile to start off our day. "That vehicle is amazing Mia! Between it and the multi-tab, it really makes Uni much easier, though I wish we'd had time to follow up on our conversation last night!"

"Me too! But my twin is a slave driver when it comes to learning and good grades. Just ask Catrice how her short time as a teen was spent!

Anoki halted in mid-step, "Short-time as a teen?" he queried. "Doesn't everyone have the same time being a teen?"

Realizing her error, Mia thought quickly saying, "She was adopted near the end of her teen years, so she didn't have the advantages that most teens have. I'll tell you the whole story one day, it's too long to go into right now!"

It was no surprise, that with all our studying and skilling we all aced our finals! What was surprising was that when Catrice got an invite from Jeffery Dean for an after-finals frat party, Bella tagged along and introduced herself to Jeffery first thing!

With introductions out of the way, Bella didn't beat around the bush about her reason for attending, asking Jeffery his sign. Not that she put much store in such things, but it was a known opener to break the romantic ice. And she quickly followed that up asking if he was in a serious relationship, not wanting to fall into the same trap that Mia had with Kyle.

Catrice used the same strategy with another frat member, Harrold Assange, but found out that, though they had a compatible sign, he had a girlfriend.

But Bella's question was answered in the negative, and soon Bella and Jeffery headed outside for a little more privacy. Chatting about their hopes and dreams. Bella telling him all about her aspiration to write something so outstanding that it would earn her a Simlitzer prize! While Jeffery revealed that though he enjoyed art, he was thinking of changing his major to Science and Medicine and following his dream of becoming a World Renowned Surgeon!

Bella was glad he'd brought up the subject and said, "I think you should go for it! Don't give up on your dreams without giving them a chance!"

Jeffery was surprised at Bella's attitude saying, "You're a refreshing change from most of the other students I know Bella! Most of them are only focused on partying which I could give up without a qualm. But I love dares, the bigger and more dangerous the better!"

"Then take up the biggest challenge of all and fulfill your dreams!' With a grin she added, "I dare you!"

Jeffery laughed at her audacity and looked at her intently saying, "I'd rather focus on something I've been thinking about since you introduced yourself!"

"And what would that be?"

Jeffery pulled her to his side, placing his warm hand against her flat stomach, and encircling her with his other arm, saying, "Kissing the most beautiful girl on campus!"

Bella pulled out her phone, and just before their lips met in an electric kiss, she said, "We've got to record this for posterity, the top nerd and the top rebel becoming an item!"

I thought Mia's relationship with Anoki was moving along too fast and then Bella wraps up the term starting a romance of her own and kissing the guy almost as soon as they'd met!

But hearing what we did of Anoki's story had us all feeling badly for him, especially Marley, who knew what it was like to be without family until she was re-united with her birth parents.

And Marley was even more distraught as she'd received a call from her mother, Myra, that her father, Jared, hadn't been able to shake off a flu he'd caught recently and his health was deteriorating rapidly!

Their was so much loss lately, first Mom, then hearing about Anoki's family, his entire village gone, and now my father-in-law at Grim's door!

And Dad! He was 122 now! We knew he could be taken from us any day as well.

The only bright spots lately were the photos and texts from the girls, knowing they aced all their finals.

Grades shouldn't be an issue and once the girls get them, they'll be home soon after.

Which is definitely something happy to look forward to!

I'll keep this journal updated and hope our news is more good than bad.