Author Topic: Grow as You Go Farmacy - The Story of Evie Nirel  (Read 23753 times)

Offline Sonshine

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Grow as You Go Farmacy - The Story of Evie Nirel
« on: July 16, 2019, 11:47:40 PM »
Hi, it's been a little bit since I came in here. I was browsing over at MTS and found this challenge. Here is the link:

For anybody else who has trouble going to the link, here are the rules:

To Begin:

-In CAS, build a YA, any gender. Give them any appearance and traits you like, but try to stay away from skill traits like Handy and Green Thumb. Later generations can have those, but your first sim lived in a big city and didn't know they would be stuck on a farm after all.
-Start off with the biggest lot you can find in your particular town. Appaloosa Plains is a great one for this challenge, but any town will do as long as it has a huge lot.
-Build a small farmhouse, with just two bedrooms, a tiny living area, a small bathroom, and a kitchen. Make it as rundown looking as you can manage, with bad wallpaper/paint, ugly furniture, you name it. ONLY the worst appliances to begin with. You MUST have only a clothesline in the beginning, no dryer, but you DO have to have laundry on the lot. Cover the lot in weeds and rocks if you like.
-Once your done with your ugly masterpiece, lower the household funds to 500 simoleons (NRAAS Master Controller is a great mod for this).
-Start farming! Gain seeds from anywhere, either planting what's in the fridge, seeds found, or produce from the supermarket.


-The obvious, NO CHEATS unless you glitch out of course.
-Normal Lifespan
-No Inheritance/No Bills Ever/Young Again/Age Freeze lifetime rewards.
-You can ONLY make money by farming, no professions or real job (gardening career is fine). Sell all your produce and goods to the consignment shop or supermarket, no dragging and dropping from your inventory. Nectar, crops, eggs, beeswax, honey, anything you make on your farm is free game. No painting, sculpting, inventing, those sorts of things. You have too many chores to depend on that nonsense. Horse competitions are also fine.
-Build ONLY TWO expansions each generation (in detail farther down). The first generation can build any, but a garden of some sort is needed.
-Marry a cute townie! (If you hate all the townies, move in a cute sim of your choosing. I'm not judging you, but remember it's more fun the more challenging it is). If they have kids/pets, they don't count towards expansions/heirs. Keep the puppy/kitty for free!
-Have at least 3 children each generation, the heir can be chosen as you wish. Make them help on the farm and with chores, but they still need to do relatively well in school. Only one will stay on the farm after all. Traits can be randomized or chosen.
-You MUST use the Clothes Line in Spring and Summer, swapping to the dryer in cold months.
-You can go to University, but not on trips.
-The challenge ends when you feel like it, but try to make it to at least 10 generations.

The Expansions:

-Herb Garden for University Herbs (can be small, but at least five must be growing)
-Vegetable Garden (only vegetable crops, at least five)
-Fruit Orchard (trees and crops count, at least five)
-Nectary Shed + Wine Cellar
-Barn (add horse stalls if you like)
-Memorial Garden for the Founding Sim and Spouse (includes their graves)
-A Stocked Pond
-An Expansion on the House (no more than two rooms, or expand pre-built rooms). Can be done more than once.
-Beekeeping Area (at least one hive)
-Horse Training Area
-Decorative Flower Garden
-Wedding Grounds
-Wrap Around Front Porch (preferably when the house is to your liking)
-Adopt 2 cats/dogs or 1 cat and 1 dog
-Be creative! Add whatever you think is necessary!

-Optional (if you have the Store Content)

-2 Chicken Coops
-A Cow Shed
-A Tractor Course
-A Berry Garden
-A Greenhouse (make sure to flat roof it before adding the greenhouse roofs to make it work properly)

Daily Chores:

-Tend to crops daily
-Tend to animals and hives daily
-Make Nectar once per week once you obtain the nectary shed
-Clean up the house (beds made, clothes washed, etc)

Here is the backstory:

When she lived in the city, Evie Nirel met up w/a guy of a pretty unsavory character, but she didn't know that at the time and fell head over heels in love w/him and went across the country w/him.

She did know that he was involved in some shady deals, but as they say, love is blind. When they landed in Aurora Skies, he just dumped her b/c her usefulness to him had ended. She was totally and completely devastated!
However, her mom and dad taught her that once she left home, she was on her own to sink or swim. She was determined to "swim." She had very little money, but w/what she did have, she went looking for a house to rent.

All she could find was a VERY rundown, ramshackle house w/weeds all over the place and a very run down building in back. It looked abandoned. She went to the bank to see if they knew anything about it and they did.

She begged them to give her a loan to buy the property. They relented b/c they were desperate to do something to get rid that property and if this young lady wanted it, she could have it. She promised that she would make installments for paying for it, little by little. She would fish and farm to earn her money.

She starts out w/0 simoleons b/c she spent every penny she had on a down payment (familyfunds 0). She knew that eventually, she could do *something* w/it. Fortunately, it did have an old toilet and sink of sorts in it and a little more than a pipe for a shower.

At least it would do the job in cleaning her up after a day of working on her farm. The only other thing she had was her sleeping bag. It would do for now. There was no other furniture in the house at all.

She saw that there were several fishing holes around town and even a community garden! She was in heaven already! Now starts the arduous task of fixing the place up and getting an income.

She is only allowed 2 "expansions" so it will be a veggie garden and eventually a couple of bee hives for her. As she gets the money, she will fix up the place and pull the weeds.

Her traits are loves outdoors, good, gatherer, green thumb, and angler. The "holes" in the walls are special windows and the wallpaper is the freebie one in the miscellaneous section. The fence is by Cyclone Sue from TSR and the bldg in back is The Old Mill.

Here are some pics of it.

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Offline Sonshine

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Re: Grow as You Go Farmacy
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2019, 12:10:30 AM »
The two smaller rooms are the bedrooms and the area next to the bathroom will be the kitchen/living area.

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Offline Sonshine

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Re: Grow as You Go Farmacy
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2019, 12:38:32 AM »
Evie has been steadily working on her farm and earning quite a bit of money w/it now. I forgot to mention last time that her ltw is a perfect garden. She has 6 of the 8 perfect plants now and most of her honey is perfect. I bought another beehive and that one will be perfect  in one or two more harvests. The poor girl has a bee sting every day though, lol She called the city and asked if they had anybody who could remove that old mill from the back of the property and they gladly agreed. I allowed the repo man to come so she could build a relationship w/him. They just became friends and the next time I have her call him, she will invite him over and go from there. I'll have to have him move in first though b/c there are no romantic actions above kiss until he does. Currently, she has $20,532 in funds and some nice furniture. The bldg in back is the green house. It is currently fall time. This is all she can do right now. Her son or daughter will expand the house add one more item to the farm.

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Offline Sonshine

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Re: Grow as You Go Farmacy
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2019, 02:08:54 PM »
I don't know who has gone to the link and read the rules, but the founder must start out w/a small, 2 bedroom house w/a small living area. The heir will expand the house. This is why the house is so small. :)

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Grow as You Go Farmacy
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2019, 06:09:37 PM »
I don't know who has gone to the link and read the rules, but the founder must start out w/a small, 2 bedroom house w/a small living area. The heir will expand the house. This is why the house is so small. :)

Me raises hand *me, pick me* I went and read them! :D Do I get a cookie?

Offline Sonshine

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Re: Grow as You Go Farmacy
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2019, 01:33:28 AM »
ROFL Dek! The link is in the first post if you would like to.

Offline Sonshine

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Re: Grow as You Go Farmacy
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2019, 12:10:03 PM »
Well, this will be interesting. Three children and 2 parents in a small house, LOL. I'll be shuffling things around b/c I have the playpen which takes up most of the room in the second bedroom. Already, they have another baby girl who is in the swing in the living area. I use those b/c it keeps most of the baby's needs full green while the parents work in the garden or whatever. They currently have a little boy named Gardener and a girl named Fleur and they will need to have at least one more child. When they're grown, I'll probably keep Fleur around for a little bit to help out. After that, the two younger kids will be kicked out once Gardener marries and starts his family. I can't imagine more than that in that house! The kids will have bunk beds of course b/c they'll all be in the same bedroom.

Also, I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but Timothy (the husband) is much older than Evie so he'll pass on before she will.

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Offline deedee_828

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Re: Grow as You Go Farmacy
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2019, 04:41:20 PM »
It sounds like a nice challenge Sonshine and a great beginning for your story, but I can't read the rules for it. The link doesn't work for me. :(

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Grow as You Go Farmacy
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2019, 05:06:49 PM »
@Sonshine Do the rules prevent you from putting the playpen outdoors?

@deedee_828 I think I typed in "MTS Farmacy Sims 3" into my search bar and got to the rules that way.

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Re: Grow as You Go Farmacy
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2019, 06:18:55 PM »
Thanks. MrsFlynn sent me a different link to try as well! :)

Offline Sonshine

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Re: Grow as You Go Farmacy
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2019, 07:03:14 PM »
Deedee, if that doesn't work, go to MTS/Sims 3 Challenges/Legacy. It's called Grow as You Go Farmacy. If that doesn't work, I'll post the rules here. Thanks for the compliment. :)

Dek, I don't see why you can't put the playpen outside, but for me it was winter and that just would not work, lol Their daughter when she becomes a toddler and their next child would be able to stay outside though, maybe even sleeping outside b/c it will be warm!

** Challenge Rules and Info in the top of the first post.

Offline Sonshine

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Re: Grow as You Go Farmacy
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2019, 07:50:15 PM »
Wow! It's been about 3 days since she went to the consignment shop to sell things. She got rid of most everything except for a few plants that she plans to replant. She had 9 bees wax and 16 honeys as well as over 100 Red Berry Beans and some Spotlight and Truffle mushrooms and a few other crops as well. I just got the notice and she made just a bit over $38,900!!!

Offline Sonshine

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Re: Grow as You Go Farmacy
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2019, 08:02:40 PM »
Here are some pics of the family. First here is Evie holding Gardener, then we have Gardener, and last Timothy the dad. It's not very good lighting around Gardener, but you can still see him pretty good.

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Offline Sonshine

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Re: Grow as You Go Farmacy
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2019, 09:45:41 PM »
Gardener just grew up to a child and Fleur just grew to a toddler. Now it's time to get another baby going, lol  Also, Gardener wanted a bedtime story so Timothy obliged. :) I didn't get a pic of Gardener just yet, but I will when he wakes up the next day.

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Offline deedee_828

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Re: Grow as You Go Farmacy
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2019, 02:28:04 AM »
The kids are so cute! I love Fleur's name and hair---what a cutie! I was able to use the link MrsFlynn gave me and I really like this challenge. Hoping to give it a try soon now that my ghost baby testing has been successful. As well as making ambrosia and transforming the ghost dad into his human form.