Author Topic: Untitled Sunlit Tides Decadynasty (Gen 2 Pt. 8)  (Read 45020 times)

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Re: Untitled Sunlit Tides Decadynasty (Gen 2 Pt. Fail)
« Reply #15 on: July 22, 2019, 05:39:20 PM »
If we want nice, or a merciful Dynasty Challenge Coordinator, we'd have @KRae in that role. Just kidding, you like dogs, so of course you are nice, Trip. :)

The touring the rabbitholes method of nooboo production is something that I took advantage of with a grown up Sam Sekemoto and twin game created townies. I forgot which one was his girlfriend and so I sent him to the theatre with both and did the tour/make out interaction with one of them, then the other one just to make sure there was some Sam bald heads going down the generations.

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Re: Untitled Sunlit Tides Decadynasty (Gen 2 Pt. Fail)
« Reply #16 on: July 28, 2019, 05:06:27 AM »
I nearly fell into that trap with the current dynasty.  (A pollinator moving out?  Can't remember.) I only noticed at the last minute that the game was assuming I wanted to swap active families.  It's horribly easy to slip up  :-\.

Also, Greg starved to death?!  EA, of all the Sims to cull!  :'(

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Re: Untitled Sunlit Tides Decadynasty (Gen 2 Pt. Fail)
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2019, 03:20:30 PM »
If we want nice, or a merciful Dynasty Challenge Coordinator, we'd have @KRae in that role. Just kidding, you like dogs, so of course you are nice, Trip. :)

The touring the rabbitholes method of nooboo production is something that I took advantage of with a grown up Sam Sekemoto and twin game created townies. I forgot which one was his girlfriend and so I sent him to the theatre with both and did the tour/make out interaction with one of them, then the other one just to make sure there was some Sam bald heads going down the generations.

Eh I'd consider bringing her on if we were busier! @KRae has been a dream when I haven't been on the forums (though I'm trying to get better)

I've definitely had sims bring multiple girlfriends to the theatre at once (you can't try for baby with two at once but you can have everyone in a group at least to keep them close by). They don't even care! They just don't care!!

I nearly fell into that trap with the current dynasty.  (A pollinator moving out?  Can't remember.) I only noticed at the last minute that the game was assuming I wanted to swap active families.  It's horribly easy to slip up  :-\.

Also, Greg starved to death?!  EA, of all the Sims to cull!  :'(

EA could never kill Greg in our hearts though 😤 I still have all my saves and stuff with him...him being dead of course but that doesn't have to stop me.

Anyways I only bring this thread back up for one reason...
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Re: Untitled Sunlit Tides Decadynasty (Gen 1 Pt. 1)
« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2019, 03:37:02 PM »
Heiva, Part One

Rahiti is a lovely Tahitian name that means "rising sun" but what would have fit better was Heiva, "the athlete training for games". Ah how the turntables turn!

Okay ladies and germs, blame the delay on failure but I'm not documenting those for you. You're just getting my reasons (accidentally let my heir take a mud bath and a day off his lifespan + one bug that I was at least glad to be rid of, and then not exactly failure but my elixir store register borked before I was prepared for it to) As of writing this of course we're in the success zone. Elixir register? It's golden. Mud baths? Never heard of 'em.

Alright so here starts the tale of Heiva, a witch boy (!!!) born on Day 8 to Niles Fitzpatrick and Kaila Swift again. His mum's unhappy pregnancy made him Brave and Grumpy, rounding out the rest with Athletic, Absent-Minded, and Irresistable. Him and his heavy metals ($248,633) say hi.

Why unhappy? Maybe it's because of all the downsizing I did (it's not), so let's get into that discussion...

1. Turned some packs off. Our EPs that have gone into the aether are Generations, Seasons, and Showtime. Even some of our SPs did with High End Loft and Fast Lane being retired for now. I have my reasoning of course

  • Generations: actually I'm kind of regretting this as time goes on because I forgot how many cute and fun interactions came with it. But I don't have to deal with graduations, the chemistry table part of the logic supermax, scolding to some extent, etc.
  • Seasons: really annoying pack for Decadynasties. Holidays make the honor roll more of a squeeze, sickness can sometimes up-end your school and work goals if they happen to be late, and if I wanted to make a realistic climate for Sunlit Tides, I'd need an endless summer (I thought that cutting out winter would make spring/autumn warmer but apparently not). So I could just have a weather-free experience instead, but RIP to soccer and slow dancing.
  • Showtime: idk didn't want to do the professions
  • HELS and Fast Lane: don't really use the items that much

2. No bars or clubs. The only venues I placed were the elixir shop, the fire station, and the retreat venue that came with ST gold because it's not gonna go anywhere else! The autoplaced salon stayed, the consignment shop did not. Now I love bar life but I was noticing some extra lag and MAYBE one of my placed clubs was the culprit. I chose the nuclear option of course. This still doesn't stop me from having a mixology supermax since it can be done with bars placed on other lots.

3. This is minor but I try to limit my pollinators to producing three children. Does it do much for preventing townie baby die-offs? We shall see!

Anyways, game's fired up, all three buildings are placed, and my choices are wide-open because starting with either Niles or Kaila is 100% legal.

Last time I started with Kaila because exactly one test file had her retain her celebrity status when I started with Niles (blech), but later ones didn't give me any such issue. I like her gaudy metal shack on an aesthetic level but it was hard to raise one kid in it, let alone host pollinators. I mean, I did anyways, but you don't know my struggle, man. Granted I could have built a second floor and just didn't, but figuring out where to put a staircase would be a whole extra challenge. No barriers to starting with Niles means starting with Niles this time! Larger, more open house. More cash. Larger lot. And room for a spiral staircase, hallelujah!

Oh right, he has a wife too.

Look man, I don't hate Isadora. I actually tried keeping her around in an earlier attempt and she is nothing but pleasant, an excellent cook (maxed out!), and unfortunately very in love with her husband. But in the name of efficiency, I ripped off that bandaid immediately. Nothing like an 8am divorce to energize me when I wake up.

Them broken up and out of the house also meant that there wouldn't be any drama between her and Kaila and Niles, which struck in an earlier attempt as well. But also, more on that later...

Isadora lived though! She was immediately found at a weekend protest and had much bigger social issues on her mind than her ex-husband.

Meanwhile, Niles wasn't going to beat around the bush about Kaila and she took this pretty well. It's all too familiar by now.

Now it's time to party!

This would otherwise be the time I grab Pearl, but during the mud bath attempt, I of course used Pearl as my nigh-immortal friend-maker but also briefly moved in a certain homeless NPC for the purpose of babies of course. It meant getting a look at this NPC's skills: 9 points in gardening, and maxed out charisma. She's an original townie homeless townie NPC, of course, so this wasn't just random luck. Pearl can't brag of such skills. She's pretty, but she cannot! This time, Pearl was left untouched in town and immediately became a vampire, so we'll be seeing more of her one day.

Enter Tinsley Wilson, who unfortunately starts out with just a week left until becoming an elder. Her "roommate", Adolphe Sapota, was also moved in as a pollinator, but fathering only sons means that his legacy is put on hold for a bit. Anyways, Tinsley could become immediate friends with any stranger just with one charming introduction. She could help out Kaila in her garden and plant any rare/special seeds while Kaila was still skilling up (she starts with only 4 points sadly). And of course, her Inappropriate trait would never, ever come back to haunt me.

So I didn't have to mess around with Niles wooing Kaila anymore, but that didn't stop me from taking days for them to make a baby. Here they are in the last hours of Day 5, and in the last we see of Niles' old bed until I renovate the house. We heard chimes on the first try, Kaila wished for a boy and already had a pocket full of apples, and I remembered to make a nice maternity outfit hell yeah! (I have maternity edits of a lot of EA clothes, you see). Anyways, I can explain my procrastination. My lovebirds need time to THEMSELVES you see I had many necessary distractions--

My first three pollinators were busy and I wanted them out of the house before the baby was born. While I failed to get shots of the aforementiond Adolphe Sapota (who had two boys with Rosalind Cruzita), we have proof of Silas Allender (broke up the Pleasants, actually had four kids with Mary Sue and broke my rules, and also is rumored to be the father of Talei Hale's second kid), and I got Keaunu Kailani back with Clementine Parrott. And he followed my three kids rule! They had one daughter after this.

Kaila became a witch before getting pregnant, to answer any questions about how her son is one. While seed hunting, I found out that collectables on the ground can still be converted with the conversion ritual. It's not worth it to pick up any seeds that aren't special (facts!) but leveling up Kaila's magic skill isn't bad.

Tinsley started on her alchemy skill with predictable results. The house gained a second floor with a couple of bedrooms and Tinsley's own home alchemy station.

And of course that inappropriate trait never, ever came back to haunt me.

Jesus Christ Tinsley I already had you kiss Maru Mango...but Maru's not the one hurting here.

I should note that Kaila was very pregnant by this time. And now cursed with 1,000 bad moodlets and a wish to get married that got a whole lot harder to fulfill. Did that empathy for Isadora build up? Who knows, they never met.

Her friendship with Niles was tanked as well. I tried to fix it before Kaila wanted to end the romance entirely, but no dice. She really was done with him. And any friendship or romance AYYYY-- with Tinsley was down the tubes too. I had so many dreams for this household! :'(

I knew Kaila's hopes and mine of a happy pregnancy and choosing her baby's traits were gone, so she skilled up for work a bit in the final hours of her pregnancy. The Fitzpatricks' pool was bulldozed for a large garden and toddler area, and she fished in her swimsuit. No insane trait here; Sunlit Tides has very shallow beaches and sims often go in the water itself to fish and change into their swimwear for it.

It made labor very embarrassing though.

So begins the story of Heiva then! Born with alright traits despite the circumstances (I can deal with grumpy), and at least no pesky husband trying to get mum's attention.
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Re: Untitled Sunlit Tides Decadynasty (Gen 1 Pt. 2)
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2019, 03:46:22 PM »
Heiva, Part Two

Okay so I forgot the best detail about Kaila and Niles' falling out:

They were at a park together and autonomously fought! Niles won by the way. :(

We had a home fire before Heiva's first birthday and Niles and Kaila (both of them!) came close to death, and before I had the LTHP for a good tombstone too. Things were at least looking up for everyone now.

I couldn't take him as a blond, but I had Niles' original hair color saved for moments like this. Then I realized I would get very bored with his toddlerhood once the necessary skills were taught. I know he's cute but for the sake of relevant ops, I'm keeping Heiva entirely away from skills beyond his necessities (it's athletic for supermax and martial arts to make the next house's collection really worth it). He's not supermaxing logic, he's not supermaxing an instrument, he's not touching writing nor painting, and charisma from the playpen is entirely off limits! The playpen is 100% the best and most cheaty toddler container but I didn't even get one until Tinsley had kids (more on that soon!)

Caregiver of the Year (tm) went to Bae Ling, another original homeless NPC, this generation. Niles stuck to his Dislikes Children trait for once and didn't really pay attention to Heiva unless directed (or for simple things like putting him to bed). Note that I didn't call him father of the year. He ignored his actual kids with Maggie Strong for a while, and was later caught kissing his father-in-law during a visit.

Tinsley was absolutely not putting on "girlfriend of the year" behavior though, during one of her many dates with Maru Mango. Even he had something mean to say about it! She at least used the method of rabbithole woohoo that I love, to be discreet of course. I wasn't exactly sure how it'd be explained to Niles, but maybe me as a watcher could bust in and say "Maru's genes are better tho" and hope for the best.

Now Tinsley and Maru got along fine and she popped a few romantic wishes for him, but her real love was for Niles. She even immediately got a wish to kiss him after moving in at first (which I cancelled because that seemed ridiculous but clearly I couldn't stop her) and their autonomous romance was stronger than any other.

While I always leave Kaila's heir up to her wishes, Tinsley was going to have a boy no matter what and I even had his partner locked in. We had her witch powers (just to make that clear) and a few apple trees in the backyard, so why even bother with anything other than a boy? In a previous attempt, I deliberately made her have twins so I could choose the better of two for pollinating instead of settling, but this time, I figured she would have a singleton. If I didn't like him, he would get a younger brother. And if I liked the first one, maybe I'd subject Niles to parenthood one more time. God forbid!

Anyways, Tinsley went to bed after her date with Maru and woke up to another big date with Niles. Or so I think the order goes. It took ages for her to actually get pregnant.

Niles was none the wiser about anything, and even alright with being a father. A "father" I guess.

But his own kid was doing pretty well. Niles got the wish to potty train Heiva and even let him on the spring rider (thankfully all the "Generations content" that got released as Store DLC still worked!) And Kaila was back at her job and working on her LTW for most of this. Niles had already completed his LTW of Super Popular by then, or was close to it. I dropped the ball with it on my first attempt but he became the prime candidate for this gen's tombstone.

Our house was going to descend into baby chaos though, when Tinsley gave birth to Amedee, and Talei Hale decided to bring her balding sprog to visit. Her name is Ginny, she's just a day or two older than Heiva, my collection of bad CC dies with me, and she totally was not the product of an affair with Silas Allender!

Okay so I'm one of those people who will indeed save right after a birth, make a copy of the save, and use cheats in the copy to see what my babies look like. Amedee is a cute kid! But he was mostly a copy of Tinsley. Tinsley is also a beautiful sim (in my humble opinion but that's the only opinion that matters during gameplay), but I was angling for Mango genes.

That oughta do it.

Niles and Tinsley still had their wishes to get married though.

So here's my blunder: I had Niles throw the party at The Overlook, which is a nice park that gives the Beautiful Vista moodlet too, oh hell yeah. I figured that he could buy it, I'd do the renovations I needed for a wedding/requirements/my own enjoyment but I was also $50,000 short. No canceling now though.

I felt like there was nothing to do, but the park has a stereo and people danced like it was a wedding. Parties are a great excuse to show off townie children but I didn't have any that were past toddlerhood yet. Courtney Grantham is the sole one here and his back is turned to Kaila and the recently-divorced Daniel Pleasant. His sisters are in the background.

In my heart I still wished it could be Kaila's wedding instead. But maybe it wasn't in hers. She was smiling for them. I wondered if maybe Niles was more trouble than he was worth for her, deep down. She had been through early heartbreak with him in one attempt, and another cheating scandal but with Isadora (!!!) in another.

Okay, stuff to close the chapter with isn't gonna be sappy. Last four screenshots go go go-

They adopted a fuzzy baby dog angel named Tama! She loves to sing along to the radio and when Niles plays guitar, and play tug-o-war with him.

Tinsley visited another potential spouse for Heiva: Iris Ling. Moments after Bae and father-in-law Julian Strong shared a kiss right in front of them (Rahiti weeps!)

And we gained a new temporary housemate in Nina Aolani, as in "maxed logic skill original homeless NPC and beautiful person" Nina least she is that in my head. Heiva had a mere five school days to get on the honor roll, after all.

Yeah this was pretty skimpy on funny, weird strategy but who knows the hijinks Heiva will pull now? And what's my current townie baby census anyways? (I started writing it down in the next update don't worry!)
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Re: Untitled Sunlit Tides Decadynasty (Gen 1 Pt. 3)
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2019, 11:57:31 AM »
Alright gonna spare you the details of my nasty weekend bug until we get to the updates affected by it. It's a doozy. I fixed it legally. Bottom text.

Heiva, Part Three

Let's cover all the growing up that went on, because there was a lot.

Heiva gained his Athletic trait at last! He stuck with the bright and sunny fashion that he tolerated as a toddler and also was a chubby little boy, as the Swift kids tend to be. While he'd be subjected to the athletic supermax, it was entirely because it's an easy supermax to ease me into a decadynasty and not as punishment for being a fat kid. Heiva could be the size he's meant to be once I finished the cardio challenges anyways.

Oh right, kids' workouts don't count. :( Is this why this chapter will just introduce potential spouses for Heiva? Of course.

Amedee became cute and bald and a lot like mum. They even share the same favorite color, orange, but I let Amedee express it more.

Tinsley's second son, Auguste, was thankfully the last she'd ever need to have. He had his dad's eyes and his mum's mouth! Two for one! I'm sure this is when Niles had to pick up on something fishy about her babies, but he spared me any of his feelings on it. He actually got to be good friends with Amedee without much interference from me. This is definitely more than he gave for his actual son.

Anyways, we got the baby jail all set up at last.

Lastly, Tama remained a very small dog and learning how to hunt was planned for some time after Heiva was done walking her.

The house was close to full yet kind of boring. Nina had already snagged Gilberto Gonzalo as her boyfriend, and they'd be switching spots as soon as I moved her out and moved Gilberto in. But then again, I mentioned that Nina had duties...

Call them practice for when she was out of the house. I had tried to get her to gain some weight and it worked if you noticed that! She ate lots of food at a party to get there. And then she slimmed down fast. :( (I actually have a lot of observations about townie weight for the future lol) The story of Nina ends with staying as Kaila's coworker and moving to Pearl Yang's old house. Pearl started to room with the Granthams for some reason.

And the story of Heiva continues with townie babies, because many of them became townie children around when he did. I guess that's my story too. My only lasting legacy on this forum. :') (nah I'm proud of it I promise!)

Let's just census them so far as a reminder and to not clog up the narrative with them:

1. Keaunu Keilani and Clementine Parrott had three kids: Omar, Aaron, and Mitzi
2. Adolphe Sapota and Rosalind Cruzita had two: Harold and Wilfredo
3. Silas Allender had Ginny with Talei Hale, and Tamera, Alvaro, and Marcello with Mary Sue Pleasant (they had a fourth brother who died as a teenager)
4. Bae Ling and Maggie Strong had four who all survived!! Taurus, Cody, Iris, and Nicholaus

I was scared of encountering a running bug with him playing tag so much and used to discourage it, but I decided to let this boy have some fun since I was lacking a lot of things that came with Generations. Also, of course, it made for easy best friends. A teenaged Kiwi Hale down (just kidding! They didn't like each other as teens), many more to go.

Wilfredo Sapota loved to come out to play when his brother, Harold, rarely did. He dragged along Ginny Hale, who would be far more useful to the dynasty, in theory (not in practice thanks to half-siblings on both sides, but I'd let Heiva do what he wanted)

Niles and Tinsley traded off with throwing parties. They'd often do it just for the heck of it, which translates to "oh please I need more friends for my dynasty requirements please please please". Tinsley often caught NPCs upstairs (the wonky aging of service NPCs means that someone's gonna live from Heiva's childhood until moving time, right? To be continued!) while Heiva found Courtney Grantham (Alice x Grant Grantham, pre-made pregnancy) before school the next day. Omar Keilani ignored him for homework.

Courtney has a very "pretty boy" face like his mum and sisters, and I was legitimately unsure if he was a boy or a girl...I mean I was 98% sure he was a boy but a lot of children's stuff in TS3 is as unisex as the name Courtney. This actually isn't my first gender confusion this generation! We'll catch up with Taurus Ling and his or her's girly hairstyles later, because they're a week younger than Heiva.

Ginny showed up for video games this time too!

Heiva invited Omar and his younger brother, Aaron, over for a game of tag, and he even got a hug out of it! He might have felt bad because their dad died sometime around then, and that continued to haunt Heiva about his own dad too! I think, anyways.

Omar and Aaron were thought to be just brothers. While Keaunu and Clementine tried for a third baby and had Mitzi, I couldn't find her at home or anywhere for a while. But suddenly I kept seeing a girl with the family at the park and stuff, and the big challenge now was actually introducing the family to her.

We're throwing a party because we finally found Mitzi!

My anticipation paid off a little because she was cute, if looking just like her mother.

Heiva had only one question to ask a friend at that point.

Harold Sapota (the kid) and Aaron Keilani (the baldie) actually stayed still for a shot, along with a grown-up Courtney Grantham and his older sister Katherine in the background there.

Hector Hoffman also found a way to play video games over only skill too.

This was all well and good but there was another wave of townie babies I was waiting for. Putting all my eggs in a basket with Ginny, Mitzi, or Katherine (or Kiwi, Omar, or Courtney; if our boy was gay then he had a much wider range of husbands with eligible houses and childless sisters than Rahiti ever could dream of) wasn't the smartest move when I was waiting for the Ling kids (Bae Ling x Maggie Strong again) and the Allender kids that weren't Ginny to grow up. I kept seeing Maggie Strong carrying around a toddler, so I had to wonder when this would ever happen. Then the other challenge was finding them too once they were grown. Mitzi was proof of that much for me.

Tamara Allender and her brothers remained elusive for an update longer, but someone new was cheering on Kaila as she returned a stereo to Talei, now her boss, and also aged up to elder.

Heiva was a sweet, social kid who was allowed to surprise me. Enjoy the spring rider before I sell it, son!

The townie baby census for this chapter concludes with Nina and Gilberto Gonzalo's two daughters: Corrine and Krista. Their only son was seen once as a child before death.
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Re: Untitled Sunlit Tides Decadynasty (Gen 1 Pt. 2)
« Reply #21 on: October 07, 2019, 03:19:37 PM »
This is all somewhat confusing to me, but that's okay. I'm just going to go with the flow.

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Re: Untitled Sunlit Tides Decadynasty (Gen 1 Pt. 2)
« Reply #22 on: October 07, 2019, 03:25:45 PM »
This is all somewhat confusing to me, but that's okay. I'm just going to go with the flow.

Aww at least I'm here to explain! Questions are welcome.
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Re: Untitled Sunlit Tides Decadynasty (Gen 1 Pt. 2)
« Reply #23 on: October 07, 2019, 03:32:47 PM »
no explanation's just keeping the massive numbers of kids straight.

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Re: Untitled Sunlit Tides Decadynasty (Gen 1 Pt. 2)
« Reply #24 on: October 07, 2019, 08:16:35 PM »
no explanation's just keeping the massive numbers of kids straight.

Oh boy is it! The worst part is that I tend to move my guys out after their last successful baby/before that baby is born, so there are a few kids who truly catch me off guard because I don't get the notification that they're born.
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Re: Untitled Sunlit Tides Decadynasty (Gen 1 Pt. 4)
« Reply #25 on: October 09, 2019, 02:53:47 PM »
Heiva, Part Four

Mystery child revealed! It was Iris Ling all along, complete with subtle purple hair. She wasn't the only kiddo cheering on Heiva's birthday, but she definitely became a child to keep an eye on.

Oh wait, that was lost in a game crash, never mind! Heiva aged up normally the next time around.

We even remembered Amedee's birthday this time too.

Heiva added more black to his turquoise wardrobe, and his grumpy trait appeared far more often. Inappropriate Tinsley barely helped with that, though. I was not shocked to see that they disliked each other as time went on. :(

While most of my supermax work was going to be reserved for Heiva's adulthood, he was going to be bored without starting it. Plus, he could slim down and impress some girls early on, though I wasn't having high hopes for that. All my other attempts were full of heirs who wanted literally everything under the sun except for a teen romance. Yep, even the straight ones.

I kicked back and let Heiva take the wheel. His teen trait was indeed Irresistable. I figured I'd give him that one helping hand.

And if nothing else, Heiva was cultivating an extremely active social life.

Since he lived near Starfish Sands Playground, I had Niles carry a gnubb set there so Heiva could have some team fun (practice for his career of course). He hung out with the Granthams and Hales and Keilanis a lot, since other kids were lagging behind him in age. And the Sapotas, his best friends apparently, mostly ignored him.

Alright here is where I document stuff lost in another game crash. Heiva was hanging out with the Hales and fell for Ginny. While she was probably last on my wife list (again, just the logistics with half-siblings, not to mention the whole unavoidable Hale/Wahine/Kahale cousin web), I think they were both fellow grumps. He and Kiwi got into a spat over it too, not the first nor the last nor even something that was undid by a game crash. Kiwi got saddled with the Mean-Spirited trait at some point. It would be a shame if he fell in love with another household member, wouldn't it be?

But my game crashed. I forget why, probably something dumb of course. He and Ginny were still close friends but the sparks didn't fly again.

Heiva was free to explore again. He seemed to want to try things out with Alvaro Allender (who had a sister so he was on the spouse list!) but Alvaro showed me THE most hilarious animation in the game (maybe): rejecting a blown kiss. Auguste is in the background there with his homework.

Anyways I was stalking the school like a total creep.

Taurus Ling revealed himself to be a boy with a bad taste in hairstyles.

And Iris Ling revealed that she indeed grew up.

Heiva took her and her brothers out one night and the "Kiss Iris for the First Time" wish came instantly. Yes, she was my top pick because she is absolutely gorgeous and her house has a lot of space, but I did little to encourage it. For once, my heirs are in sync with me. My last one wanted to be with Edmund Carnegie, who was not only homely but a vampire who would leave dates early (but of course I let her try).

Unfortunately, Heiva had a chaperone. All of the teens saw through Niles' ruse though, and he got no tips.

He learned to ignore it.

Niles very likely died of the stress of his actual son growing up, leaving behind an eligible tombstone, or urn, so Kaila didn't have to. She "died" (air quotes to be explained later) very close to Heiva's adult birthday, which made this alternative so much less stressful. Tinsley may not have agreed! Dying is hungry work for her.

We obtained Tiffany the pup through not a pollinator, but a momma I moved in and out to split up her household (it was Ursula Lemuel, who shared a house with Theodora Jayne; I don't like having more than one mum in a house) Tiffany was prancing around at the park a lot and I wished I could grab her, only for my wish to come true.

A teenaged Amedee started to make a friend with Kiwi Hale, and probably didn't talk to Heiva much about it. Sorry for the lack of childhood shots. Amedee only became interesting when he grew up because guitar could help us make friends.

Kaila gained a boyfriend, which is usually a good thing, but not always when he's the grandpa of your son's new girlfriend...

Let's leave all the lovebirds alone. Townie baby census!

1. Griffin Alto and Tenika Wahine had only two kids (Griffin has the Surrounded by Family LTW, sigh, but they'd get culled!): Rachel and Arron
2. Ursula Lemuel and Alonso Candeleria had three kids: Casey, Marco, and...I kid you not, another Marco.
3. Daniel Pleasant and Tonya Tamarind had three as well: Claire, Leann, and Allen.
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Re: Untitled Sunlit Tides Decadynasty (Gen 1 Pt. 5)
« Reply #26 on: October 10, 2019, 03:19:12 PM »
Heiva, Part Five

Julian was definitely and autonomously unhappy with Heiva. This is The Sims 3 after all, it's not like Heiva could do anything more lewd than giving his granddaughter a smooch for now. It may have been about the age gap, because Heiva was about to age up to young adult and Iris still had a ways to go (she also got a makeover, just to make it worse)

Or was it? I just realized this is an ancient screenshot. Hi child Amedee (kid in the orange hat). We celebrate your YA birthday at the end of this chapter.

We finally bought The Overlook and set it up for Heiva's birthday party. If you can cough up the cash, it's an easy property to buy and upgrade in a dynasty, as all it needs are some picnic tables and grills. I added a gnubb set (yea) and a makeover station (can't use it to makeover other sims without a stylist, so that's a huge nah). Heiva was in the bushes talking to the local fairy squad: Ramona Parrott, Helen Hoffman, and Katherine Grantham. Local werewolf and possible secret admirer Hector Hoffman joined in.

Okay so here's a side story about Hector: I noticed that he was living with the Parrotts/Keilanis since sometime when he was a teen. I had my suspicions as to why but I didn't assume anything until I had Heiva ask him about his partner (while he was still a teen)

I almost never get any autonomous relationships through story progression, let alone an autonomous, teenage, gay romance that includes a house move. So happy for them!

Oh yeah, I also added a bonfire. Heiva practiced his lifting with some big logs for fuel, and Kaila reminded us that she's a high-ranking scientist (I think very close to finishing her LTW at this point).

Alonso Candeleria decided to ruin the vibe by getting married (this action actually got interrupted by Heiva, ya know, growing up, but I just consider that karma)

Heiva had a little fun and also immediately got a job in professional sports (I put a newspaper in his inventory to make this fast) Athletic would be easy, the career would be harder, and waiting for his teenage girlfriend to grow up would be the hardest of all.

Amedee became another victim of Kiwi's meanness before hitting him with a gay spell (both Amedee and Auguste are witches thanks to both Tinsley and Maru being witches) all seriousness there was some chemistry between them in spite of Kiwi's temper. He wasn't gay in Rahiti's attempt but as karma would have it for Rahiti, he made up for it in every other attempt. Including when he married Pearl's son once. Maybe that was weighing down on my mind a little.

Auguste got the Gatherer trait as a teen, and was tasked with collecting metals (when the two dogs didn't) and smelting them. Auguste got some nice Pluotniums but Tama got a bunch of Supernovium ores. I was hoping for Auguste to get multiple ingots when he smelted them since he finished the metal collecting challenge, but it was a little hit-or-miss for the Supernovium.

Heiva pretended to be a football star while running. I don't know what kind of sportsball the professional sports career is supposed to be, besides all of them at once. Also, those national football jerseys from The Store aren't flagged to be used for career outfits! How can I pretend that Sunlit Tides belongs to a real nation now?

He and Tiffany became best buds, though I was slipping with keeping in touch with his human friends and scratching any romantic itches he had. I was pretty intent with keeping him with Iris, but they were actually only romantic interests, so I lied when I said "girlfriend". Plus, Kaila was still with Julian and that could get awkward really fast.

Heiva also got date calls between work hours and stuff, so I followed up on them.

Leilani Kahale needed a hug after the death of her father.

Courtney Grantham might have considered a second date.

Mitzi Keilani made me ashamed, because her awful athletic wear actually matched colors.

However, Iris was anything but a shut-in and Heiva had to be discreet if he actually wanted another chance with her once she grew up. I didn't show much of her teen makeover but she got a lot of purple to match the tips of her hair. Following Heiva to the gym also meant that Iris lost a lot of weight, but I have a full write-up on sim weight coming up.

Funny enough, for Tinsley being an inappropriate kisser, she was getting the least action of anyone in the house.

Amedee and Auguste weren't born to be celibate either. Obviously Auguste would have kids and carry Maru Mango's squinty eyes into the next generation, but I wasn't going to leave Amedee alone unless he wanted it.

Auguste found Corrine Gonzalo at his brother's birthday party. They were friends from school, even if I liked her twin sister a little better (sorry Krista!)

Uh, moving backwards a little...

Kaila singed Julian with a fire blast one day (gotta keep those skills sharp). Him somehow not showering for a week didn't stop Kaila from popping the question. I actually did intend to marry and move him in at some point. It wasn't going to invalidate Iris as a spouse in any way, through rules or Heiva being his step-son. Or it would, I didn't get to test. Before that date, I got the notice that Julian was going to die, and I had Kaila propose anyways.

And after their movie and possible theatre woohoo, it was right on cue.

Claire Tamarind was there to comfort Kaila, thankfully.

Back to the present-ish, Amedee became a young adult and had only one wish at his birthday party: to kiss Kiwi Hale. Right after a keg stand with him, of course. I'd show a screenshot if I had it, but it was before Amedee got a much-needed adult makeover and it was dark outside. Anyways, Amedee having a husband would actually be great. Kiwi could still be a pollinator without needlessly crossing family lines anymore than I have to (while his whole family was a mess), and the more the merrier in the Fitzpatrick house (not really)

Anyways, the most cursed phone call I got was one with a blank notification message. The only thing scarier in this dynasty so far was, well, actual bugs. I had no clues to go on until I saw that Amedee had the Heartbroken moodlet...woops.

It really was gonna be Rahiti and Greg all over again, huh? And how did he die anyways?
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Re: Untitled Sunlit Tides Decadynasty (Gen 1 Pt. 6)
« Reply #27 on: October 11, 2019, 02:37:20 PM »
Heiva, Part Six

Oh wait, Kiwi's dead? And I have a house of five witches?

I mean obviously my first thought was the long and hard way to get Kiwi back in the flesh. Kaila and Tinsley were evenly skilled in spellcasting (a.k.a. to the level of dueling and nothing more) so I spent a few days queuing up duels for them. I thought I was getting somewhere until I referred back to the list of spellcasting levels/unlocks and boy, it was gonna be a long journey. If nothing else, though, they mended their friendship. Niles was already a distant memory for both of them.

Also check out Tinsley's elder makeover! One of my favorite ones yet.

However, Tinsley loved to cast love charms on herself. As long as she didn't mess up her NPC friends (Heiva had the best friends for the most part, and she had the NPCs), I didn't care what she did.

Kaila was often the only person around to smooch, though.

And Amedee regretfully told his mother that all her hard work may have been in vain.

He got Oh My Ghost a few days after Kiwi died, and I figured I'd let the weirdness of The Sims take over this soon into the dynasty. Kiwi still loved him but understandably, he was feeling crappy after getting resurrected. And I didn't know he was a mermaid or that he dehydrated...possibly because of the bonfire I placed at The Overlook. Woops.

Kaila took all the credit for this either way.

And so we had Kiwi Hale, who was a mean genius who wanted to be a doctor. His boss was also Heiva's possible future father-in-law, Bae Ling. Bae still showed up as an adult in the relationship panel, but I hadn't seen him around town at all either. I had Kiwi have dinner with his boss so I could answer this question. If he was stuck as an adult, it didn't mean anything good for marrying Iris.

So he turned out to be an elder after all (phew!) and ready to take Kiwi's place in the netherworld.

He also was taken to the dresser and turned out to be visible there. Was it because he was made playable? I had a whole life states dynasty of ghosts and even though I can't remember much from 2013, a few of them looked normal at the dresser but it was a crapshoot as to whom. I think at least one spouse did as well as my second generation heir, but only after her adult birthday. Anyways, it made it easy to make Kiwi look a little...shipwrecked. He had been through a lot after all!

Amedee was more than happy to have him back, in whatever form it took. They could still get married, adopt a kid, fulfill wishes, and be accepted by the family. After the first initial reaction to having a ghost in their house, everyone accepted Kiwi, or at least stopped being disgusted with him.

Now I loved Amedee because he's my sim, but he was pretty useless in hindsight. He was supposed to play guitar and make friends that way (it's a super easy, passive way to do it) but I often left him on free will, which meant playing guitar at home instead. Heiva was holding onto friends as well, if having to call them every few days or throw parties (I'm leaving this to a charismatic housemate exclusively now) His brother at least was a pretty good collector and smelter, even if the dogs did most of the work. But Amedee would also get the house to himself and his husband once the elders passed on, so perhaps he was the real winner here.

Meanwhile, Heiva's life had gone to the dogs!

Also, Iris grew up. She was a little sore after another gym session, but a lot of Heiva's team was too. He wanted to go on a date with his boss, Martin Pepper.

The pitch was to show off how those muscles worked, I think. Anyways, Martin made a lot of faces during his deep-tissue massage and the retreat was absolutely eerie at night. Since the venue is only marked as "Visitors Allowed" and no, you cannot change it for a dynasty, it's usually pretty quiet. Visitors whom?

Saunas are banned for Heiva for now, but things were getting steamy between him and Martin anyways. If he wasn't still getting lots of wishes for Iris, it was more than possible to switch gears and make Heiva a Pepper. Martin had a sister, after all, and I haven't gotten any ugly babies from either of them yet!

But yeah...Iris...Heiva was racked with enough guilt to invite her to the gym again.

She didn't find out about Martin, but her dad died. And Heiva's friend's ghost boyfriend did nothing to stop it! And worst of all, it was a feeling that Heiva understood deeply as well.

Maybe messing around with Iris' feelings wasn't going to be good for anyone.

He apologized about...stuff...or just talked about losing a parent. But it hit Iris in a good place.

And finally, she was a real-deal official girlfriend and I got to see her family tree. No partners for any of her brothers I'm afraid. :(

So hopefully the rest of this chapter is kind of consistent, because there was a lot of repeating stuff thanks to an aging bug that hit Heiva before his adult birthday. If you want to know my solution: there was none. I manually counted the days to his birthday (like all two of them) and it resolved once he became an adult. Moving houses might have helped too but I was a ways away from that at this point! He was only at level six or seven of his career and that was gonna become my only real regret.

Heiva had a trip to China that I didn't have to repeat, praise the lord. I was waiting on a career op for him that involves going to China and learning martial arts. While I didn't want to supermax it in a decadynasty (with these vacation days?), I knew that martial arts could be useful for the next house's gem collection.

He came with a moodlet manager and also spent some of the time lifting weights, of course. He finished the Timber Terminator challenge for those space rock gems, but not the actual Bodybuilder one that he had to do.

But here he is finishing his supermax at home. The face of victory.

So this is barely covered in the rest of this update or the next but bear with me: Heiva still had to marathon through the rest of his career. It's a rabbithole career, he wasn't required to exercise anymore, he had a lot of our gen's best friends through his co-workers there already, etc. It was not interesting AND took up most of Heiva's time anyways. Pro. Sports had him working six days a week, even if just for a few hours at a time. I wish I could say I had a fun strategy but I didn't.

Here's some fun strategies to mention though:

1. I mentioned off-hand that Tinsley started making NPC friends early, as a bit of an experiment to myself. Because of her maxed charisma, if it didn't pan out then she could easily make more friends later on. Anyways, she made a lot of early NPC friends, hence why you'll see quite a few original NPCs on the list once I post it at the end. My experiment was to see how long they would live. Again, these are largely NPCs she met when Heiva was a child or even earlier.

Now my strategy was to befriend them and then never invite them back again. Tinsley could afford to do this, as her friendships never decayed. She got multiple "x is about to die" notices for many of them, but they continued to live and stay in her relationship panel. They could be called and chatted to, and invited over if need be, even though that may kill them soon after if they are getting the death notice.

While service NPCs might show up at the park, they are definitely held in some sort of stasis. It works to our detriment when we're desperate in an immortal dynasty and need to turn to NPCs for spouses (because they don't age conventionally and will skip to the next stage at will), and it works to our benefit here for keeping NPC friends, it seems. At least I wasn't scrambling at the last minute I guess!

2. Sunlit Tides has three Big Parks (as in the lot designation but they are all also quite big, yes), which is the only lot that service NPCs will visit on their own. I actually was able to meet NPCs at the park and pretty often too, but I think having three parks increased the chances of seeing one. I didn't change any lot designations here, but for towns with only one big park, it might be worth it to change some eligible small parks to big parks per dynasty rules. (@hazelnut brought up how few NPCs were at the park in her base game decadynasty in a private message and maybe this is the explanation, who knows though!)

3. My experiment with limiting couples to three babies as much as possible may have worked. This isn't to say that sims never got culled, but I never quite divulged the sort of rampant death I got in previous attempts where I didn't give myself a limit. We're talking about story progression hitting two or three kids in a family instead of losing one sometimes. It was hard to get out of the immortal dynasty mindset where quantity is king, because breeding just isn't anywhere near as rapid as it can be here, and also I would sometimes spread out one pollinator across several partners, so maybe everything was looked at on a per-household basis. I might be the master dynasty pollinator (I guess) but we're all still learning.

4. Heiva never was starving for ops by keeping his skilling strict before moving (he got a handiness point when he was young, and picked up some cooking skill after getting married, but nothing to scare me yet) and also by having a rabbithole career. I know there have been successful decadynasty heirs who were self-employed but I changed one plan for the next gen thanks to Heiva. Again, the loose approach to skilling before is definitely an immortal dynasty leftover. I actually did play very fast-and-loose with immortal dynasty skilling, with everyone learning athletic, logic, instruments, and charisma throughout their journey. Fewer ops = less incentive to stay strict to get ops. It's the opposite here.

Where was I?

With Kaila and Tinsley both wanting to get married to someone, I decided to save some space and give them a beautiful beachside engagement. I could also spy on Amedee, Auguste, and Kiwi's family trees for a while until either elder died.

Amedee and Kiwi opted for a bedroom engagement instead.

Heiva celebrated his adult birthday.

And...uh...Kaila died?

We also arrive at the final townie baby census for this generation. Only two to talk about.

Suzuki Hinata and Helen Hoffman had two kids: Antwan and Venus. They were both fairies like Helen, though Venus was a rare sim culled as a young adult.

Tamera Allender (Silas x Mary Sue Pleasant) and Harold Sapota (Adolphe x Rosalind Cruzita) had three sons: Ken, Karim, and now the worst child name I have ever seen in the game, Bimble. I also haven't seen Ken and Bimble around, so maybe my anti-culling practices are just an illusion.
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Re: Untitled Sunlit Tides Decadynasty (Gen 1 Pt. 6)
« Reply #28 on: October 14, 2019, 01:32:22 AM »
Always nice to read more of Trip's Pollinating Adventures. I'm excited to the looks of future kids!

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Re: Untitled Sunlit Tides Decadynasty (Gen 1 Pt. 6)
« Reply #29 on: October 14, 2019, 08:29:21 PM »
Always nice to read more of Trip's Pollinating Adventures. I'm excited to the looks of future kids!

Just finished up with heir #2 and that question still remains for #3. Get born please. :(

The Decadynasty and the 4x4 are a pollinator's dream, mostly because moving in and out and aging down non-heirs is largely unrestricted (the 4x4 has even fewer restrictions because you can add former household members back in and age up at will as well but I don't need either that much). Also I attempted the Immortal Dynasty for TS4 back in 2016 and just kind of ran out of steam, but I liked the freedom to edit the appearance of whoever (in the household) I wished, because dragging them to CAS via the mirror/dresser gives you some degree of face and body editing and no one's age gets reset unlike here. I also pollinated around quite a bit, but frankly I don't care about the TS4 original townies much at all. At least in the Decadynasty I usually can fork over the money needed for a non-heir's plastic surgery (just for generic new sims right now), and have some original townies that I like.

In short, I'm having a good time right now. :P
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