Author Topic: Baby Boomer 2019  (Read 23885 times)

Offline Rainbow Dash

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Re: Baby Boomer 2019
« Reply #60 on: August 25, 2019, 07:51:38 AM »
Halfway through this challenge my laptop broke down and I was unable to play for a week, my Sims weren't even halfway there at the time. :( I finally got my laptop back a few days ago and have been trying to catch up, sadly I was unable to finish but Metro is kindly letting me post a partial score.

Just so you guys know my Sims only made it until the end of week three, so this is only a partial score, this was all I could manage, it's almost midnight here so I had to wrap it up.

YA moved out: 11
YA in: 2
Teens in: 2
Total: 69

I wish I could have done better but I really had to rush this at the end, it's been a really rough week for me, quiet frankly, I'm surprised I didn't snap and kill all my Sims as I was this close to breaking down at the end, ugh. >:(

I'm so glad this is over and that I participated, I always wanted to try this one but oh man I kind of want to just curl up in a corner and die a little right now, lol. xD The next challenge however is one I am very much looking forward to!  :)

Offline titaniadioxide

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Re: Baby Boomer 2019
« Reply #61 on: August 25, 2019, 04:14:44 PM »
I'mma mark myself as a DNF.  I tried, I had fun, but man I've been going for about 6 hours today and 4 hours yesterday, and I'm only a week and a half in.  I should have started sooner.  I'm at 3 kids and 1 toddler now.

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Offline LenaLJ

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Re: Baby Boomer 2019
« Reply #62 on: August 25, 2019, 04:18:54 PM »
I managed to move out 17 young adult, had 1 teen at home and 2 children.
That should end out in 92 total points.

My favorite challenge, would which i had more time for it, but the score came out great anyway.

Offline Nandarelle

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Re: Baby Boomer 2019
« Reply #63 on: August 25, 2019, 05:57:56 PM »
Ok, this was intense! A lot of fun too, though.
I have a few Sim-days left, but I've run out of real time.

Sam and Rose did their best to raise Elanor, Frodo, Rose, Merry, Pippin, Goldilocks, Hamfast, Daisy, Primrose, Bilbo, Ruby, Robin, Tolman, May, Hamson, Marigold, Halfred, Andwise and Hobman.

YA moved out: 14
YA still in: 1
Teen: 1
Child: 1
Toddler: 2

Total score: 81

Offline mismck

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Re: Baby Boomer 2019
« Reply #64 on: August 25, 2019, 07:57:40 PM »
Freddie and Fannie Furtull are exhausted!
Pretty sure that this was my first Baby Boomer and it was super fun - I don’t believe I’ve ever had so many kids in such a short amount of time!

12 Young Adults Moved Out: 12 X 5 = 60
1 Young Adult Still In: 1 X 4 = 4
3 Children: 3 X 2 = 6
2 Toddlers: 2 X 1 = 2

Total: 72

Offline SIMantics101

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Re: Baby Boomer 2019
« Reply #65 on: August 25, 2019, 10:22:18 PM »
Hello everyone,

For this challenge, my sim parents only managed to raise 2 young adults that moved out, 2 young adults that stayed home, 2 teens, and 2 toddlers.  It was still a fun challenge that let me try out some of the kid and family features that I don't use very often.

My total score was 26.
((2 YA moved out x 5) + (2 YA x 4) + (2 teens x 3) + (2 toddlers x 1) = 26)

Congratulations to the top scorers!  And thanks to the moderators for another fun challenge!  I'm looking forward to the scavenger hunt!

Offline Syrcen

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Re: Baby Boomer 2019
« Reply #66 on: August 25, 2019, 10:35:13 PM »
Well, I finally finished a baby boomer challenge.

YA moved out: 6 x 5pt
YA in House: 1 x 4pt
Teens in House: 2 x 3pt
Children in House: 2 x 2pt
Toddler in House: 1 x 1pt

30 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 1

Total 45 points

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Offline SoulGal7

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Re: Baby Boomer 2019
« Reply #67 on: August 25, 2019, 11:13:05 PM »
This one was driving me crazy. I was so glad to be done!
YA Moved Out -4
YA at Home-1
Teen at Home - 2
Child at Home - 2
Toddler at Home - 1
Bun in the Oven - ??? lol
Total: 35 points

Vivian & Brent Brady are still alive to tell the tale

Offline Eighty8Keys

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Re: Baby Boomer 2019
« Reply #68 on: August 25, 2019, 11:52:02 PM »
I really didn't think I was going to finish. For some reason I thought this ended next Sunday until I re-read the rules before starting on Saturday and realized it was this Sunday.

YA moved out: 8 x 5 pt = 40
YA in House: 4 x 4 pt = 16
Teens in House: 0 x 3 pt = 0
Children in House: 0 x 2 pt = 0
Toddler in House: 2 x 1 pt = 2

40 + 16 + 2 = 58

Total 58 points

Offline Deveroux

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Re: Baby Boomer 2019
« Reply #69 on: August 26, 2019, 12:21:25 AM »
I did... not leave enough time for this challenge, rest in pieces.

8 YA moved out: 8 x 5 = 40
4 toddlers at home, yikes: 4 x 1 = 4

44 points

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Baby Boomer 2019
« Reply #70 on: August 26, 2019, 06:29:25 AM »
This event is now closed. 29 participants decided to toss their hat in the ring for Baby Boomer. Awesome. :) Last year's overall champ, GlazeyLady, proved she still has serious chops and came out on top. Thanks to everyone who participated. Feel free to talk strategy.

Offline Elinoee

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Re: Baby Boomer 2019
« Reply #71 on: August 26, 2019, 01:42:58 PM »
Congratulations to everyone and especially to GlazeyLady,LenalLJ and Nikitachi who got some impressive scores!

RainbowDash,it's sad that you din't manage to end up on time. 69 points is an impressive score for 3 weeks! I had 54 points at the end of week 3 and finally scored 77 points.

It's the first time I try this challenge and I didn't realize it would be so long.  Four weeks managing such a big family with such goals was exhausting,but finally really fun!

The key for me was a family club always running. At the beginning of the challenge it was a painting club,in order to make money.
Then,every time a toddler grew up,I kicked up a club member so that the new child could be in the club.
None of my family members has ever slept,except sometimes the toddlers who fell on the floor by exhaustion. Everyone leveled up their need bars by "rally the troops " interaction.
The other tips I used:

-fertile trait lot
-fertile traits for both of the parents when they had enough points
-fertility massages at the spa before each pregnancy
-adopting the 2 babies per week as soon as possible (preferably to pregnancy because it's not tiring for the mother)
-pregnancy test to shorten the lenght of pregnancy

I had 4 pregnancies with twins,and the last one with a single baby (no more room in the family for two!) = 9 babies
I adopted the 8 other,2 adoptions each week.
As soon as the babies were born or adopted,the parents interacted non stop with them,without doing anything else until they were both good friends with the babies and could make them grow up. It takes a few sim hours.

When I had toddlers at home I put the Child's play lot trait.
Nearly as the babies,the parents were always sticking to them,to help them increase their skills quickly.
The first toddlers sometimes napped on the floor because they were exhausted,poor babies! But when the parents had the parenting skill high enough,they had a parenting social interaction that leveled up the toddler's energy bar (I don't know how to say it in English,sorry)
My toddlers mostly became children the day after their birth/adoption.

As soon as the toddler became a child,he/she was invited to join the family club.
I set up the focused mood with the club and made the child do his/her homework,helped by a parent.
Then I made him/her do a school project with a parent.
I was careful to fulfill all their needs before going to school,and to set up in a focused mood. I then made them "work hard" at school.
I also put the "Godd schools" lot trait when children or teens had to go to school.
By doing so,my children always had B at school in one day.
Their aspirations were mostly the creative one,that I find quicker to do. One of the children had the active one because I planned her to do the Bodybuilder aspiration as an adult. Another one had the mental one because I planned him to do the nerd Brain aspiration.
They took 1 to 3 days to become teenagers,depending on the week days (no school on week ends!) and on the time I spent managing them.

I did the same as for children with homework and a school project,so they had B in one school day too.
Once they have B,they automatically got a teen job level 2 and never went to the job.
Their BFF were always Mummy or Daddy,that was instataneous,just before it was time to blow out the candles  ;D
As for the children state,the teenage one last approximately 1 to 3 days for my teenagers,depending mostly on the week day.

Aspirations and skills: I completed the following ones,in this order:
1)Bodybuilder + fitness (teached by the coach of the fitness center,who came at home)
2)Leader of the pack (the quickest one!)+ photography (only 5 levels)
3)Musical Genius+ violin (the sim began leveling this skill in her childhood)
4)Renaissance sim+ video gaming
5)Chief of mischief+ mischief
6)Grilled cheese + bowling (5 levels)
7)Painter extraordinaire+ painting (teached by the mother)
8)Angling ace (the father already had the 20 types of fish to give him) + fishing (teached by the father)
9)Nerd  Brain+ Logic
10)Serial Romantic+ dancing (5 levels)
11)Mansion Baron+ media production (5 levels)
12)Freelance botanist (the family already had the plants ready to evolve in their inventory,and the cowplant fished in the magical tree in Willow Creek)+ gardening

I also completed the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration for one of my 4 YA in,but she didn't have the time to max a skill so I couldn't move her.
Another of the 4 YA in maxed the programming skill but didn't have enough time to complete her Computer whiz aspiration.
The 2 other YA in were far away for being moved out  ;)
The last baby (the single one!) became a toddler 2 hours before the end of the challenge!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Baby Boomer 2019
« Reply #72 on: August 26, 2019, 06:27:19 PM »
Kudos @Elinoee for the awesome, detailed account of your strategy!

I did a lot of the same things this year as last year, so I've copied that entry and modified where I did differently:

-  Start - Fertile Lot Trait, Try for Baby, Pregnancy test, adopt 2 babies, including at least 1 boy.  Get to be Good Friends and age them up asap.
-  I had Adam Boomer (the patriarch) learn enough Vampire Lore to make plasma packs from fish, and then had him create enough plasma packs and sell them to get most of the way through Fabulously Wealthy.  He finished that aspiration by buying several of the really expensive violins and selling them back through inventory - that counts as money earned.  Then he made enough plasma packs for Eve to do the same.  This is VERY TEDIOUS and takes a long time, but it gives you unlimited money as the entire buy fish, make and sell plasma packs happens while the game is on pause. 
-  I used the money from the plasma packs to build out the house enough to get Mansion Baron, and then sold off one column - as each child aged up, I assigned the aspiration they'd really do to get the trait that came with it, but then immediately switched them to Mansion Baron.  That got them a lot of satisfaction points immediately and let me buy whatever rewards would be best - mostly Night Owl and Morning Sim, but Connections for anyone who needed to get a job for their aspiration, Incredibly Friendly for Friend of the World, etc.  So Adam and Eve both completed Fabulously Wealthy and Mansion Baron on the first day, giving them plenty of Satisfaction Points for the Fertility Reward, Night Owl, Morning Sim, etc.
-  I hired a violinist and a guitarist right off the bat, added them to the Boomer Club, made playing the violin, the guitar, and playing an instrument all club activities, and locked them in separate rooms with their instruments.  I made made violin and guitar boosted activities as soon as possible to raise their skills quicker.  Every so often I pulled a violin or guitar out of family inventory and had a family member play it and check to see if they could mentor yet. Occasionally I saw the little broken heart in their thoughts, but I pretended not to notice. ;)  Once they mentored their skills, I let them go. 
-  I needed one of the boys in the first adoptees to complete the Serial Romantic aspiration - he Tried for Baby with all of his girlfriends - the goal was to get Mom and Dad grandkids for the Big Happy Family aspiration as soon as possible.  The skill boost for kids with a parent who's complete that aspiration is significant.  It is really amazing how fast Creativity is mastered for a Very Inspired child being encouraged by a parent who has finish Big Happy Family.
-  I made all the children get to 'A' in school - when they aged up, they already had a B in school and were Level 2 in their job.  All they had to do was make a BFF (in all but one case this was either Mom or Dad - whichever their relationship was  highest with at the time) and then they aged right up to YA.
-  For the kids that needed a job, I got them Connections and had them join and quit all the careers.  I kept some of the emotion-inducing items, but sold a lot of them.
-  I made extensive use of the Wishing Well for school advancement and job promotion - I made sure all the tasks were done, and had my sim drink a Moodlet Solver before wishing.  If the Wishing Well wasn't already happy, gave him a $5000 offering. In that situation, the response was almost always green or white (green = advancement after next school day or work shift; white = immediate advancement).  I had my sim wish as soon as possible so there'd be time to wish again if need be.  If they got the green the first time, meaning the bar was full and the box was checked, they often got the white when they wished again. So most of the kids never had to go to school.
-  For Renaissance Sim, I used all mentorable skills, but only to level 8, except Handiness, which was the unique skill for that sim. By the time I did this one, I had a few broken items, so it was easy to hire a Handyman, add him to a club and keep him on site to mentor until Handiness was mastered.
-  I had the parents teach skills to the toddlers as much as possible, but when I had three toddlers at once, they'd each work with one and the third would use the tablet nearby (to get the Big Happy Family buff for learning skills faster).
-  When the YAs were ready to move out, I had them spend all their remaining Satisfaction Points on Moodlet solvers and emotion drinks and give them to Eve (matriarch) for use later by whomever needed a little help.
-  Used the Boomer Club for boosting skill gains and Rally the Troops - no sleeping or eating in this family other than babies and toddlers.  Toddlers had no beds - they slept by napping in their highchairs, which based on previous research seemed to be the fastest way for them to gain energy.  (I never tried the parenting option mentioned by @Elinoee - that might have been better, although sleeping toddlers gave time for the parents to Encourage, Help with Homework, and build skills for later mentoring.)

I can't think of anything else, but if anyone has any questions about I did something, feel free to ask.

Offline SoulGal7

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Re: Baby Boomer 2019
« Reply #73 on: August 26, 2019, 06:52:49 PM »
Congrats to the winners! My poor toddlers were always in the red and having tantrums. That was the hardest. I was so happy when the aged up to child and they could be part of the "Family Club" that I created. It was just so exhausting, and I had started this challenge late, so was worried I wouldn't finish in time.

Offline Nikitachi

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Re: Baby Boomer 2019
« Reply #74 on: August 27, 2019, 03:15:50 AM »
Wow, this has really been my best Baby Boomer attempt so far. Of course, it's all because we have a lot of brilliant detailed strategies from past years here which I followed as closely as I could. And GlazeyLady's one from 2018 was the most important one, so no wonder my 2019 attempt is very similar. I will break the strategy down by points and make notes what was the same and what was different.

-  Start - Fertile Lot Trait, Try for Baby, Pregnancy test, adopt 2 babies, including at least 1 boy.  Get to be Good Friends and age them up asap.
Same for me.
-  I had Adam Boomer (the patriarch) learn enough Vampire Lore to make plasma packs from fish, and then had him create enough plasma packs and sell them to get most of the way through Fabulously Wealthy.  He finished that aspiration by buying several of the really expensive violins and selling them back through inventory - that counts as money earned.  Then he made enough plasma packs for Eve to do the same.  This is VERY TEDIOUS and takes a long time, but it gives you unlimited money as the entire buy fish, make and sell plasma packs happens while the game is on pause.
I am very unfamiliar with this aspect of the game, so I used the SimRay instead. Our father went to work as a Scientist, assembled the SimRay and quit the job right after that. To get high enough in a career in advance, I bought Connections for him and made him join and quit all the other careers before the Scientist one. Although, actually, I ended up never using any reward objects he got and just sold them all before the end of the game.
-  I used the money from the plasma packs to build out the house enough to get Mansion Baron, and then sold off one column - as each child aged up, I assigned the aspiration they'd really do to get the trait that came with it, but then immediately switched them to Mansion Baron.  That got them a lot of satisfaction points immediately and let me buy whatever rewards would be best - mostly Night Owl and Morning Sim, but Connections for anyone who needed to get a job for their aspiration, Incredibly Friendly for Friend of the World, etc.  So Adam and Eve both completed Fabulously Wealthy and Mansion Baron on the first day, giving them plenty of Satisfaction Points for the Fertility Reward, Night Owl, Morning Sim, etc.
Didn't bother with Mansion Baron, because the children actually never needed any extra skill boosts after the parents got Big Happy Family. Usually, the children had enough points after completing their childhood years, and if not - I made them complete some vampire-related aspiration steps (read book/earn skill/browse the computer) because these are quick and easy.
-  I hired a violinist and a guitarist right off the bat, added them to the Boomer Club, made playing the violin, the guitar, and playing an instrument all club activities, and locked them in separate rooms with their instruments.  I made made violin and guitar boosted activities as soon as possible to raise their skills quicker.  Every so often I pulled a violin or guitar out of family inventory and had a family member play it and check to see if they could mentor yet. Occasionally I saw the little broken heart in their thoughts, but I pretended not to notice. ;)  Once they mentored their skills, I let them go.
Didn't bother with that as well, see reason above.

-  I needed one of the boys in the first adoptees to complete the Serial Romantic aspiration - he Tried for Baby with all of his girlfriends - the goal was to get Mom and Dad grandkids for the Big Happy Family aspiration as soon as possible.  The skill boost for kids with a parent who's complete that aspiration is significant.  It is really amazing how fast Creativity is mastered for a Very Inspired child being encouraged by a parent who has finish Big Happy Family.
Did the same. Too bad I forgot to check how many grandchildren it brought in total! :D
-  I made all the children get to 'A' in school - when they aged up, they already had a B in school and were Level 2 in their job.  All they had to do was make a BFF (in all but one case this was either Mom or Dad - whichever their relationship was  highest with at the time) and then they aged right up to YA.
I pretty much see no difference in getting up a grade for children and teens, so didn't do that either.
-  For the kids that needed a job, I got them Connections and had them join and quit all the careers.  I kept some of the emotion-inducing items, but sold a lot of them.
Didn't bother, see reasons above.
-  I made extensive use of the Wishing Well for school advancement and job promotion - I made sure all the tasks were done, and had my sim drink a Moodlet Solver before wishing.  If the Wishing Well wasn't already happy, gave him a $5000 offering. In that situation, the response was almost always green or white (green = advancement after next school day or work shift; white = immediate advancement).  I had my sim wish as soon as possible so there'd be time to wish again if need be.  If they got the green the first time, meaning the bar was full and the box was checked, they often got the white when they wished again. So most of the kids never had to go to school.
I always use Wishing Well in all the challenges where reasonable. Unfortunately, mine has been acting as a badass and only gave me white maybe twice in the whole game. And it ruined one of my teen's plans (the only teen in my score) because he lowered his grade instead of raising it and I didn't have enough time left to get him back on track.
-  For Renaissance Sim, I used all mentorable skills, but only to level 8, except Handiness, which was the unique skill for that sim. By the time I did this one, I had a few broken items, so it was easy to hire a Handyman, add him to a club and keep him on site to mentor until Handiness was mastered.
I did this aspiration when the parents already had Big Happy Family reward, so getting all these skills was easy anyway. I used Cooking and Gourmet cooking instead of mentorable ones because they're quick anyway.
-  I had the parents teach skills to the toddlers as much as possible, but when I had three toddlers at once, they'd each work with one and the third would use the tablet nearby (to get the Big Happy Family buff for learning skills faster).
I only had three toddlers once, and some of the elder children helped there.
-  When the YAs were ready to move out, I had them spend all their remaining Satisfaction Points on Moodlet solvers and emotion drinks and give them to Eve (matriarch) for use later by whomever needed a little help.
Same. Although I stopped at some point because they were too much of them and I realized I won't need them in such quantity.
-  Used the Boomer Club for boosting skill gains and Rally the Troops - no sleeping or eating in this family other than babies and toddlers.  Toddlers had no beds - they slept by napping in their highchairs, which based on previous research seemed to be the fastest way for them to gain energy.  (I never tried the parenting option mentioned by @Elinoee - that might have been better, although sleeping toddlers gave time for the parents to Encourage, Help with Homework, and build skills for later mentoring.)
Also used the clubs (my all-time trusty method - join The Good Timers, make Bjorn give up on leadership, then remove the non-family members and tailor the activities to my needs). My toddlers didn't have the high chairs because it's mostly an annoying trap for them rather than a good thing. They had beds (I needed them anyway for the parent to sit there and read a book for the toddlers), but they almost never slept there in fact. I tried to complete Potty first because when the baby grows up and becomes a toddler, his needs are all green and I can raise the skill faster. All the other four skills only need a bit of time, so even red mood didn't make much difference, but learning Potty while in red is a total nightmare.

In total, I think that the reason for me not making it to first/second place was the fact that I just made a few stupid mistakes along the way. Like, once I just blatantly forgot to try for baby when some YAs moved away and only realized it a day or two later :D