Author Topic: The Took Another Try IDC--Acting and Reacting  (Read 22765 times)

Offline reggikko

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Re: The Took Another Try IDC--How Decisions Are Made
« Reply #30 on: July 10, 2019, 11:07:12 PM »
My initial thought was Dina Caliente, because of the hair. Looking back though, and thinking about who Elsa would like already for ... reasons, I'm leaning toward the not-the-watcher Elsa.

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Re: The Took Another Try IDC--How Decisions Are Made
« Reply #31 on: July 11, 2019, 07:15:32 AM »
I'm guessing number 5 is Not-Watcher Elsa, I originally thought it was Nancy but given Elsa's dislike of her, I don't think she's an option. Sample 3 is probably Sofia, I've dismissed her as an option countless times for how weird her kids can turn out.

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Re: The Took Another Try IDC--How Decisions Are Made
« Reply #32 on: July 11, 2019, 09:01:51 AM »
I forgot to go to page 2 and was going to call you out on now showing the uglies...I only think the fifth is Sofia because her kids just be homely like that.
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Offline kattiq

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Re: The Took Another Try IDC--How Decisions Are Made
« Reply #33 on: July 11, 2019, 10:50:12 AM »
Just caught up on this story! Simply hilarious, the conversations are so entertaining! Elsa is definitely my favorite.
And such a tease with the samples- I literally have no idea, haha!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Took Another Try IDC--How Decisions Are Made
« Reply #34 on: July 12, 2019, 12:46:34 PM »
Aaaaaarrrrggghhh!   You did this JUST to torment your faithful readers!  No more second breakfasts for you!  I can't really figure out who the candidates are, except for sample four which was my choice to start with.  Sample five?   Hmmmmm, I'm guessing Elsa, but she's just a kid and not even a teen and quite a way to go before you can marry her.  Still, she did have a great sampling.  Hehehe.
Guilty as charged!!  Our young Watcher as sample five?  Interesting out-of-the-box thinking!!

My initial thought was Dina Caliente, because of the hair. Looking back though, and thinking about who Elsa would like already for ... reasons, I'm leaning toward the not-the-watcher Elsa.
Dina wasn't in the options, though I had meant to include Nina since he met her when she was the bouncer at the celebrity club place.

I'm guessing number 5 is Not-Watcher Elsa, I originally thought it was Nancy but given Elsa's dislike of her, I don't think she's an option. Sample 3 is probably Sofia, I've dismissed her as an option countless times for how weird her kids can turn out.
Eh, you can never rule out the possibility of Nancy.  I actually thought her descendants in my first Took dynasty were consistently pretty, but I was never really having her appear as anything more than comic interactions in this one.  Still, if I have some pollinating done...?  And yes, Sofia can end up breeding some unique looking children.

I forgot to go to page 2 and was going to call you out on now showing the uglies...I only think the fifth is Sofia because her kids just be homely like that.
It was just too much of a fun opportunity to share the visuals of the kiddos, so I couldn't help myself.  Created the whole William Nee the Science Fellow thing and played through two days in a spare file just to get the science lab so I could stage the shots  :=)

Just caught up on this story! Simply hilarious, the conversations are so entertaining! Elsa is definitely my favorite.
And such a tease with the samples- I literally have no idea, haha!
Loving how much people are loving the child Watcher  :=)  She's been super fun to write!!

And without further ado, let's present the future spouse...

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took Another Try IDC--The Spouse Is Named...
« Reply #35 on: July 12, 2019, 12:47:34 PM »
We rejoin the Took household only to find that our readers are not being told who the spouse choice was just yet.
Elsa:  Hey, pinky's gotta actually max this career, so no girly distractions from his auditioning!
Yeah, that's fair.

Balthasar:  Hey, I'd like to sell you some drugs!
Elsa:  Ugh, not a smart way to represent a pharmaceutical company, pinky.  And don't you need to leave now?
Balthasar:  Oh my gosh!!
But through his hard work or the fact that his Watcher stood outside threateningly menacing other candidates into leaving the premises...
Elsa: Again, standard Watcher protocol.
the bumbling fool of a Took got the part.  When he returned, we were ready to finally connect him with...
Balthasar:  Hang on, I'm getting a call...Geekcon is happening?  Sure, I'd love to go with you Eliza!

Elsa:  Umm, the married lady who asked you to Geekcon is currently checking out your caboose, pinky.
Balthasar:  Wha?
Eliza:  I just Took a glance at the Took tooshie.  No harm done.
Elsa:  Run away, pinky!

Balthasar:  Hey guys, I'm an up and coming actor.  Can I sit with you?
Darth Vader:  It'll be your death, star.
Dominic:  Good one, Sith lord!
Balthasar:  Never mind, I see my good friend Akira!
Darth Vader:  ...I was kidding.  Please come back...

Balthasar:  Hey, buddy!
Akira:  So, are you going to marry Miko and have me be your pollinator extraordinaire?
Balthasar:  Oh, that.  No.  No, we decided to go a different direction.
Akira:  You're dead to me.
Balthasar:  But if we decide we need pollinating later on, I might still move you in.
Akira:  Have I mentioned you're my best friend?
Elsa:  Well, that was a quick turnaround.  Anyway, it's getting late, Pinky.  You should get to bed and we'll save the courting for tomorrow.

Balthasar:  Yeah, I am tired and...ooooo, nicely staged shot!
Elsa:  I am kind of an awesome Watcher, so yeah.  It's no surprise that I managed to do that.  Now go straight to bed and get good rest, pinky.  Sleep tight.  Don't let the bed bugs bite.

Vlad:  All this talk of sleeping and biting is making me hungry!
Elsa?  Elsa?!?!?

Balthasar:  Oh...I'm...quite stand here...while you bite me...
Vlad:  Oh, thank you, young man.  Most polite of you.

Vlad:  Omnomnomnomnom!
Elsa's going to be so mad at you!
Vlad:  Eh, I have the nose, so I'm trusting she'll be thinking ahead and realize she might need me later.
That's...kind of rational, actually.

He might not be quite as fresh as one might want for wooing his future spouse tomorrow.
Balthasar:  Uhhhnnn…
And the next day...
Elsa:  Time to put my plan into action, pinky!

Balthasar:  I certainly hope Papa Villareal gives me his blessing.
Elsa:  Just ask him like we practiced, pinky.  Stick to the script I wrote you and you'll be fine.  It's just like another acting gig.
Balthasar:  Acting.  Just like acting.

Jacques:  Hold on just a moment so I can turn off "Simerica's Most Wanted."
TV:  So be on the lookout for Jacques Villar *click*
Balthasar:  Hey, that sounded like he was gonna say...
Jacques:  Now, what was it you wanted to talk to me about, young dynasty founder?

Balthasar:  (to himself) Remember the script.  (to Jacques) Sir, it has come to my attention that one of your young teens could have, I guess you could say, a profound role in my dynasty.  Specifically, being the basis of the success for my family lineage.  I'm not greedy, I'm not after your fortune.  It's just the aforementioned teen I'd move in once young adulthood hits and I give you my solemn vow that only loving appreciation and care will be shown in my household.  So, may I have your blessing, sir?
Jacques:  You smooth talker!  I'm so delighted!  I expected you might be after her, but I'd expected a money-grubbing approach.  She gets to be part of a dynasty household and I get to keep my nice home and not live out my days as a helper.  Yes, you absolutely have my blessing, young man!  Luna will be delighted!
Balthasar:  Well, Luna must be a great sister.  Thank you for your blessing and I'll be back to collect Hugo when he hits adulthood. 

Jacques:  My little Luna, the spouse of a...wait, what did you say?
Elsa:  Great work, pinky!  Now that the ambrosia chef's in place, let's go get your spouse!
Balthasar:  Ok.  This just seems a little less romantic than I thought it should be.
Elsa:  Psh, William Nee the Science Fellow assures me she's your soulmate.
Balthasar:  Well, that seems legit.  Let's go!

Balthasar:  Hi, Elsa, not my Wacher Elsa, but you Elsa.
Elsa:  Hi!  You totally have my permission to just call me Elsa instead of "Elsa not my Watcher Elsa, but you Elsa."  I think that will save a lot of time.
Balthasar:  Wow, you're really smart!
Elsa: And a smart dresser, amirite?
Watcher Elsa:  We'll fix that later.  Now, less fashion, more socializing!
Elsa:  Yeah, and do you want to come inside to chat?
Balthasar:  Sure!  So, my Watcher took a sample of your DNA to see how attractive our babies would be...
Watcher Elsa:  NO!

Watcher Elsa:  Should've written him a script.
Elsa:  Ohmygoodness!!!!  Those are such cute babies!
Balthasar:  So, would you like to move into my house along with your household so we could get more simoleans to finish the house and we could eventually have really cute babies?
Watcher Elsa:  You are the actual worst, pinky.
Elsa:  That is the least smooth approach I've ever heard.  Absolutely yes though!!!

Alina:  Really?  You live in the drywall palace over there?
Messiah:  Not to worry, this pollinator will make sure lots of lovely future spouses bring in money to fix up the place.
Watcher Elsa:  No one said Messiah was pollinating.  Totally not a thing.  No worries about the house, though.  You guys had a really expensive house, so we're kinda loaded now.  And...

Watcher Elsa:  magic!!  You're welcome, everyone.
Elsa:  Wait, when did you get here?
Watcher Elsa:  Magic!!  House tour time!!

Watcher Elsa:  Well, no.  Glorified top down view of the house time.  Tours take too long.  So, the house got a makeover...

Watcher Elsa:  time for the future spouse to get a makeover and ditch the safari dork look.
Elsa:  But, this is a really awesome look, right, Alina?
Alina:  No, I'm with her.  Go do your magic, weird little child.
Watcher Elsa:  Since you're agreeing with me, I'm gonna let the "weird little child" comment slip this time.
Alina:  ...I'm sorry.

Elsa:  Last chance to stick with this look, Watcher.
Watcher Elsa:  Pass.

Watcher Elsa:  I must be magic.  I made you attractive!
Elsa:  Maybe I was just a hidden gem all along?
Watcher Elsa:  No, this was totally me.
Balthasar: look...
Watcher Elsa:  (sigh) I'll go write him a script.
And with that, we leave the Took household a now much larger household with great potential for success.
Watcher Elsa:  Ahem?
Great potential for success all thanks to the tireless efforts of their adorable and brilliant Watcher.
Watcher Elsa:  Thank you, narrator.  Thank you!

Offline Joria

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Re: The Took Another Try IDC--The Spouse Is Named...
« Reply #36 on: July 12, 2019, 02:46:55 PM »
Should not have read this BEFORE I made a bathroom stop, absolutely should not have.  Hilarious!  So, I'm confused, (not abnormally so, just typically so), so WHO exactly is the spouse?  Luna?  What was with the chat with Jacques if she is not the spouse? Elsa Who Is Not the Watcher, Elsa?  I mean, she's moved in and lookin' fine, (thanks to magical efforts of benign and brilliant Elsa the Watcher), so is she the spouse or the just till death definitely parts, spouse?  And dear heavens, what happens when Elsa the Watch ages up?  Will she still be as cute, adorable and awesome or just a cranky, mood swingin' teen with tons of angst and bad advice, not to mention inability to write good scripts?
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Took Another Try IDC--The Spouse Is Named...
« Reply #37 on: July 12, 2019, 07:27:51 PM »
Should not have read this BEFORE I made a bathroom stop, absolutely should not have.  Hilarious!  So, I'm confused, (not abnormally so, just typically so), so WHO exactly is the spouse?  Luna?  What was with the chat with Jacques if she is not the spouse? Elsa Who Is Not the Watcher, Elsa?  I mean, she's moved in and lookin' fine, (thanks to magical efforts of benign and brilliant Elsa the Watcher), so is she the spouse or the just till death definitely parts, spouse?  And dear heavens, what happens when Elsa the Watch ages up?  Will she still be as cute, adorable and awesome or just a cranky, mood swingin' teen with tons of angst and bad advice, not to mention inability to write good scripts?
Yeah, I tried to sucker everybody by sending him to the Villareal house first.  He's just going to bring in Hugo to be the ambrosia chef.  I mean, that boy already has almost mastered the cooking skill, so why have one of my new helpers learn BOTH cooking and gourmet cooking when I can just abduct move in Hugo once he hits YA?
Non-Watcher Elsa is the designated spouse.  We'll be developing that love story as we go forward, but they're just friends with no romance bar when the update leaves off.
Glad you enjoyed the update!

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Took Another Try IDC--The Spouse Is Named...
« Reply #38 on: July 12, 2019, 11:15:33 PM »
I like Non-watcher Elsa. She has a nice sense of innocence that pairs well with Balthasar's dorky personality.
Congrats on getting him a spouse- now Watcher Elsa needs to shape him up into a better Actor so people won't mistake him for a drug dealer!

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Re: The Took Another Try IDC--The Spouse Is Named...
« Reply #39 on: July 12, 2019, 11:42:39 PM »
A nice little fake-out! And a good choice of helper(s), too. I look forward to seeing how the romance developed: it's good to know he has someone who's not scared off by the knowledge of the baby lottery.
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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Took Another Try IDC--The Spouse Is Named...
« Reply #40 on: July 13, 2019, 10:23:42 AM »
I like Non-watcher Elsa. She has a nice sense of innocence that pairs well with Balthasar's dorky personality.
Congrats on getting him a spouse- now Watcher Elsa needs to shape him up into a better Actor so people won't mistake him for a drug dealer!
Glad you enjoy them together.  I think they're a pretty cute pairing.  Of course, William Nee the Science Fellow assures me they're also a glorious genetic pairing as well  ;=)
And yes, I plan to have some fun with Balthasar in the acting career!

A nice little fake-out! And a good choice of helper(s), too. I look forward to seeing how the romance developed: it's good to know he has someone who's not scared off by the knowledge of the baby lottery.
I'm glad you enjoyed the little misdirection there  :=)  I did seriously consider Luna, but ultimately, I think non-Watcher Elsa was the best choice...though Hugo will make a nice cooking slave once we move him in  ;=)

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Re: The Took Another Try IDC--The Spouse Is Named...
« Reply #41 on: July 13, 2019, 10:25:06 AM »
This is not the update.  If you have not already read "The Spouse Is Named..." do not read this yet.  It has spoilers for that chapter!!

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Offline reggikko

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Re: The Took Another Try IDC--The Spouse Is Named...
« Reply #42 on: July 13, 2019, 01:35:48 PM »
For what it’s worth, I did not pollinate at all for my recent dynasty and had no trouble at all finding spouses. There were no housed Sims in any neighborhoods, but the game generated lots of NPCs. I also didn't repopulate because it wasn't necessary and I couldn't be bothered.

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Re: The Took Another Try IDC--The Spouse Is Named...
« Reply #43 on: July 13, 2019, 03:23:59 PM »
Always love seeing a Took dynasty story. The Elsa-as-Watcher twist was sheer brilliance! I recomend calling Spouse Elsa by a nickname like Els or Ellie or Elsie so there's no confusion in the future.

I found getting the Fame stars to be the most tedious part of the acting aspiration, but, if Balthasar takes up painting, he can sell his painting and get fame points too.

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Re: The Took Another Try IDC--The Spouse Is Named...
« Reply #44 on: July 14, 2019, 12:39:56 PM »
For what it’s worth, I did not pollinate at all for my recent dynasty and had no trouble at all finding spouses. There were no housed Sims in any neighborhoods, but the game generated lots of NPCs. I also didn't repopulate because it wasn't necessary and I couldn't be bothered.
Thanks for the input.  It's definitely helpful to know that the non-pollinating route has been done successfully.

Always love seeing a Took dynasty story. The Elsa-as-Watcher twist was sheer brilliance! I recomend calling Spouse Elsa by a nickname like Els or Ellie or Elsie so there's no confusion in the future.

I found getting the Fame stars to be the most tedious part of the acting aspiration, but, if Balthasar takes up painting, he can sell his painting and get fame points too.

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So glad to see you back on the forums, my friend!! 
I've been going with "Elsa" for the spouse one and "Watcher Elsa" for the all-powerful child.  I think that could work and should help me avoid accidentally typing Elsa instead of El or some such.
Oooo, painting to get extra fame!  That's pretty clever.  Between that and his acting, he should probably be able to finish it.  I'm keeping "Friend of the World" as his back-up aspiration, but this just might make the acting one a legitimate option!  Thanks!!

