Author Topic: Small annoyances  (Read 14607 times)

Offline Joria

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Re: Small annoyances
« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2019, 08:01:17 PM »
OK new annoyance, this one is pretty big for me. No building ground floor swimming pools or basements on lots with water. This ruins my plans on building an under water mad scientist  lab. That kills so many of my plans. Grrr.

Edited to add an annoyance

OK now I find fishing on the islands don't count towards the scout badge. It looks like I will need to travel to do that one. Grrr.

Nope, one is spring/fall and I'm playing summer.

@Joria I started play during spring and found all 4 plants fairly easily. Also, by the way, there are two Maxis premade mermaids, a male and a female. They are usually employed at one of the stalls or the bar, but cannot be found in household management just like Erwin Pries from StrangerVille. Their names are: Ukupanipo Hekekia (male) and Kalamainu'u Iona (female).

Thank you!  I actually made friends with both but either didn't ask if they were mermaids or got the stock answer, "What made you say that?"  Lol.    I started playing spring with another Sim and got so bumbed out by the rain I switched Sims and seasons to summer.  Guess I should have stuck it out!

OK new annoyance, this one is pretty big for me. No building ground floor swimming pools or basements on lots with water. This ruins my plans on building an under water mad scientist  lab. That kills so many of my plans. Grrr.

Edited to add an annoyance

OK now I find fishing on the islands don't count towards the scout badge. It looks like I will need to travel to do that one. Grrr.

AHA!  So that's why I couldn't do a basement or pool on my deck!  Probably a bug.  Now that is a BIG annoyance.  I wanted a pool for underwater viewing.  Drat.

The Scout thing is annoying too!  Wonder if that's a bug as well?  Answser HQ here we come!
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Offline reggikko

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Re: Small annoyances
« Reply #16 on: June 22, 2019, 08:58:08 PM »
The biggest annoyance for me so far (and I haven't actually explored Sulani at all) is that when you use the new fishing socials, the fish gets added to your collections even though you haven't caught it. Also,fish from Granite Falls and Selvadorada are able to be caught in the regular neighborhoods. Stop making everything so easy, Maxis!

The Connections reward worked for me today. Maybe clear caches?

Also, @Joria, you can catch batfish in Forgotten Hollow. No need to go to the Grotto at all if you have that pack.

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Offline TomasGrizzly

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Re: Small annoyances
« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2019, 02:56:30 AM »
If you can get fish from "travel" packs anywhere, I'd report it as a bug.

Offline Joria

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Re: Small annoyances
« Reply #18 on: June 23, 2019, 07:39:26 AM »
I was wrong, "Connections" does work~~!  Yay!!  I finally bought the big wreck and haven been remodeling it.  Fun!

Ok, the thing with jobs.  If you want to sign up for part time jobs you can and you can sign up for multiple ones.  In your careers tab it forms a drop down list showing the ones you signed up for.  I tried baby sitter first and got a nice, several hundred dollar bonus, ditto with barista.  So I got bored and thought, "wait, why not sign up for diving, and fishing and life saving, etc. and THEN sign up for conservationist?"  So I did, but again, got bored and went ahead and signed up for Conservationist which removed all the part time jobs.  Ok, no problem and something to investigate/try later. The good/better news is you get bonuses for some of them!!  One gives you a special fish idol which, and this is true for the ones I got, UNLOCKS for extra goodies/magical stuff once you reach whatever level is indicated.  I got a really nice mermaid's chest so will definitely be trying this later.  Now I wonder if teens get these things?

I switched to Liliuokalani, my other Sim playing in Spring.  Yep, found all the plants right away.  Not ready for harvest but just a day or two should do it.  Also, latest find via fishing is an orchid to plant!  Being basically lazy I have to admit I'm loving being able to get all the fish in one place plus really hard to find goodies.  All it takes is patience. Next on my to do list is to find a mermaid, (yes, I know there are two local and I've befriended one as a human).  This pack takes away all the grumbles I had over things like, (arrrggghh), Seasons and (yuck, gross!, creepy), Vampires.  This should make dynasty play a bit easier in some ways, while a bit harder in others.
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Offline Nindigo

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Re: Small annoyances
« Reply #19 on: June 23, 2019, 08:23:28 AM »
@Joria Forgot, there is a third Maxis mermaid - her name is Nalani Mahi'ai. Sounds like you are getting on top of things, I'm happy for you :)
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Offline TomasGrizzly

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Re: Small annoyances
« Reply #20 on: June 23, 2019, 08:31:17 AM »
@Joria Forgot, there is a third Maxis mermaid - her name is Nalani Mahi'ai. Sounds like you are getting on top of things, I'm happy for you :)

She's the 'trailer girl'. I've actually seen her walk around my house, had a chat with her, then invited her as a guest for the wedding in my family.

For some reason, she and one more Sulani townie were the only ones who showed up - none of the invited sims from the non-Sulani towns came. Weird.

Offline Nindigo

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Re: Small annoyances
« Reply #21 on: June 23, 2019, 08:41:14 AM »
@TomasGrizzly There are some issues with invitations and guests currently. I made a bug report over at EA Answers HQ. Crincrict was responding that others have these issues as well.
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Offline Joria

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Re: Small annoyances
« Reply #22 on: June 28, 2019, 03:50:08 PM »
@Nindigo:  Nalani is my roomie!  She's engaged to my red headed gardener, (who I had intended for my founder!), and my founder is engaged to a merman, name starts with a U but can't remember.  Considering double wedding.  I love the things the mermaids/mermen do and it's surprising how many you can find.  One of these days will do a dynasty but for now just for fun.
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Offline Nindigo

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Re: Small annoyances
« Reply #23 on: June 29, 2019, 12:53:22 PM »
@Nindigo:  Nalani is my roomie!  She's engaged to my red headed gardener, (who I had intended for my founder!), and my founder is engaged to a merman, name starts with a U but can't remember.  Considering double wedding.  I love the things the mermaids/mermen do and it's surprising how many you can find.  One of these days will do a dynasty but for now just for fun.
The Ukupanipo guy? ;D
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Offline Joria

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Re: Small annoyances
« Reply #24 on: June 29, 2019, 10:00:50 PM »
Yep.  Elder brain does not let me remember much of anything from one minute to the next.  Joria?  Who's that?  Oh, wait, me.  Lol.  Thank heaven most folks, including yourself, are patient with my lack of memory.
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Offline SketchElder

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Re: Small annoyances
« Reply #25 on: July 02, 2019, 09:04:50 PM »
4.  If you are on a far away Island you can't travel home.
Quickest and easiest way home is by the travel system. Just send your Sim to any other lot, then return home.

9.  Having fun takes more work than usual.  No libraries so unless you own a bookcase no books.  No random guitars, (at least haven't found any yet), no computers, (no libraries), but there are easels.  Have not found a source for music to dance with, only one bar and it is too small and doesn't seem to have music. 
The swingset at one of the beaches is a quick way to have fun. Building sand statues is another way to quickly have fun and can be done almost anywhere on the islands. I have seen a random guitar, speakers, and easels at one of the island festivals. Of course, you can always bring your own in case it isn't the right day/time for that festival. I haven't tried dancing or fire dancing but those probably build fun pretty quickly too.

Offline Nindigo

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Re: Small annoyances
« Reply #26 on: July 03, 2019, 10:11:44 PM »
The routing issues have annoyed me a lot today. If my Sim is at a beach and sitting down, they "can't" route to the public bathroom right next to her. I have to click on the ground next to the bathrooms (where my Sim doesn't mind going), then click to use the bathrooms. I sure hope the next 'fixed bugs' list is a long one.

Another thing, but that is just the same toddler related frustration over again. The high chair. Had my Sim place a toddler in one. The toddler got to eat half of her meal only, before mom takes her out of the chair for no reason, puts her down, picks her up, puts her down, picks her up, then places her back into the chair. By which point I was ready to be committed to the nearest mental facility. Yet, I like the chair and want to use it.

Sulani is strange. It is currently late summer in my game. In the morning, it is cold and later it is hot. I have to change the Sims' clothing accordingly, but manually, because they seemingly forgot how a thing like that is done.

I have also taken the stereo away, because all my Sim family ever want to do is dance. Even when they desperately need to pee, eat or sleep :-\

Well, I didn't have a great day to begin with. All these little things just didn't make anything better, I guess.
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Offline Joria

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Re: Small annoyances
« Reply #27 on: July 04, 2019, 01:55:43 AM »
Have the same issues with changing clothes according to temperature.  Constantly have to watch for when I get the dreaded, "Sim is dying of....." fill in the blank.  Plus the getting them to go pee in the facilities right next to them!  Nightmare.  Yet, despite all I am still loving it.  Have restarted with new, (old Sim I made, unfortunately modeled after the wicked Mills woman from Once), and giving up my cheating life style.  Might not be as much fun when I have to worry about meeting their needs!
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Offline Playalot

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Re: Small annoyances
« Reply #28 on: July 04, 2019, 03:59:26 AM »

Snip...Another thing, but that is just the same toddler related frustration over again. The high chair. Had my Sim place a toddler in one. The toddler got to eat half of her meal only, before mom takes her out of the chair for no reason, puts her down, picks her up, puts her down, picks her up, then places her back into the chair. By which point I was ready to be committed to the nearest mental facility. Yet, I like the chair and want to use it.

Sulani is strange. It is currently late summer in my game. In the morning, it is cold and later it is hot. I have to change the Sims' clothing accordingly, but manually, because they seemingly forgot how a thing like that is done.

I have also taken the stereo away, because all my Sim family ever want to do is dance. Even when they desperately need to pee, eat or sleep :-\

Well, I didn't have a great day to begin with. All these little things just didn't make anything better, I guess.

Yeah, just deleted a family I was happily playing until I had the same highchair issues. I guess I could have just deleted the highchair but rage-quittings a thing.
The weather in Sulani is actually pretty real to life for the weather I have in my rl home city so I have been really enjoying that aspect of Sulani. I was just thinking today how the devs nailed that.
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Offline Nindigo

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Re: Small annoyances
« Reply #29 on: July 04, 2019, 05:41:50 AM »
@Playalot Your drastic measures make me laugh out loud, because I find it so relatable. Same with logic kicking in afterwards <3

As for the weather. Yeah, I do know that coast climate is usually not extreme due to the body of water. Also, I know you guys have reversed seasons compared to "the rest of us". I guess I was just a little surprised to put my toddler in her cold weather outfit in the morning, and her hot weather outfit in the afternoon ;)
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