Author Topic: Alternately - Too Grim for Words - Update 3 - 8/25  (Read 18841 times)

Offline kattiq

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Re: Alternately - new update 6/20
« Reply #30 on: June 25, 2019, 07:54:43 PM »
Mush fest! Hahaha
I guess it was love at first flirt/blow kiss. Leland should of seen it coming, I'm surprised it took him so long to get out of there! haha

Offline Joria

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Chapter 12 - Eerie Music Beckons On
« Reply #31 on: July 09, 2019, 09:00:13 PM »
Thank you my faithful readers, for your comments and sticking with this.  At times it seems it's kind of a bore but I'm hanging in hoping for more adventures.  And please, accept my apologies for not posting.  Was wafted away on Sulani's breezes.  Now for our story........

Chapter 12 - Eerie Music Beckons On

It had been a long, hard day at work.  When it was over, Amanda found herself tracking down the team at Oasis Park.  It seems they had been busy, both having fun and, incidentally, getting some skilling done.  Don Lothario, now one of her better friends, wasted no time in filling her in on what the club had been doing.

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Don:  Yeah, see, the gang all wanted to have a bit of fun, you know, fishing, playing music, nice ambience, meet girls.....uh....I mean people.

Amanda:  *chuckling*, yeah, I know all about meeting "people".  Take advantage of the tent, did you?

Don:  Well, uh,  uh,  I mean.......we did snooze a bit.

Amanda:  Uh, huh.

After saying her good-bye, and letting poor Don off the hook, Amanda raced away to do some of the stuff she came for.  Maybe use that grill?  Guys have got to be hungry by now. 

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She caught a glimpse of her guys busy trying to catch fish.  Where, she wondered, is Dylan?  Probably reading or using the telescope.  Eh, he was well over the whole fishing gig, having maxed the aspiration eons ago.  Maybe she'd stop in and try out her new rod and reel?

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No, no fishing for her.  Not when she has such a gorgeous hunk of love to watch and listen to.  Heartfelt sighs just kept on coming.  Who knew he would be "the one"?

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A long, long day of fun and frolic, not to mention darned, hard work, had left them all pretty wiped out.  Amanda was drooping with exhaustion and all she could think about was climbing into her cozy bed.

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Just as they started to leave, Amanda thought she heard some pretty creepy, music.  Her whole body was bathed in an other worldly light and panic definitely was setting in.  Didn't the guys even notice?  Can we say, "clueless"?

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Amanda:  Uh,....guys?   Dylan?,   Leland?, Kelly!?   Someone tell me what's happening here.  Guys?  Do you even hear me?  Can you see?  Guys..........?  Um.......guys, what is that thing?

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Amanda:  *gulp*  Watcher!!!!  Help!  I'm not liking this AT ALL!  *whimpers*

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Amanda:  It's so big........Uh, hello?  You guys want to come visit?  Maybe have a little chat?  What's that?

DV:  Yep, you.  Sorry Amanda.  You've been chosen.  Just go with the flow, you'll be ok.  Won't feel a thing.  (I hope)

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Amanda:  I'm scared, DV.  They won't drop me will they?  It's pretty high up there and ..........are they like the monster under the bed?........*gulp*

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Amanda:  Ok, you guys!  You better be nice, ok?  Or my boys will come and get you......I mean.......hello there, friend.  We are friends, right?  No dropping of humans splat on the pavement or anything, right?  Shall we have tea?  I'm a good cook.......

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Amanda:  Yes sir, mam,  er.......whatever.   Please tell my gang I love them in case I don't see them again.  Ok?  Coming right up now........*shrieks like on a rollar coaster ride*

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It really didn't take all that long.  It seemed as if her whole life was passed in front of her eyes.  Everyone was so normal back on earth, but here.....?   Well, Amanda really wouldn't remember much of her time away.  It was as if it never happened.  The PTB, (Powers That Be), gently deposited her, groggy and not quite aware, in the same spot they had taken her from.  Meanwhile, still oblivious to the obvious, Vihan had just paid the bills and was heading back into the house.

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Thanks so much for your input.  There you go, safe and sound.  Oh, one last thing.  *twirls a dial*  You won't remember a thing.  Sorry for the headache.

Amanda: *drools, slurs words*  Sorry for headache.  Safe an' sound.......

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Amanda:....Hmmm?  Wha?..... Did you say somethin'......mmmm.  Must have dozed off.  Dreaming.  Yep....busy day.   

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Amanda:  Hey guys!  Wait for me!  I want some cake too.....

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And so passes another uneventful day in the life of our founder, who has found life lately dull, boring and without adventure.  Heheheh
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: Alternately -Updated 7/9
« Reply #32 on: July 10, 2019, 12:07:02 AM »
Poor Amanda! I do love her cute cold weather outfit. It took me a second to realize Don is not the love interest in this version. I was all ready to be mad at him. LOL.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Alternately -Updated 7/9
« Reply #33 on: July 10, 2019, 05:39:01 PM »
Amanda's doing fabulously!!  Loved Leland's commentary when the happy couple was finally getting together, by the way.  It's like he gave voice to what your readers were thinking  ;=)

Offline Joria

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Re: Alternately -Updated 7/9
« Reply #34 on: July 10, 2019, 07:18:54 PM »
@reggikko :  Thank you.  I love that out fit too and would so wear it for reals.  Cuter than cute.  Yeah, Don is a bit embarrassed by his rep but only a bit.  lol  He's really good friends with Amanda.  The "boys" kind of look at him askance.  I mean, he DID dis her in Myoshuno.  No one gets to hurt "their girl" and get forgiven easily.

@PeregrineTook: (still mumbling about you Tooking your time to call the love interest name),  It seemed like that romance would never start, and then, never end.  I was bored to tears by the time they finally got it together and had a gazillion more pics to sort through.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline kattiq

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Re: Alternately -Updated 7/9
« Reply #35 on: July 11, 2019, 10:55:46 AM »
Something I really wished they would maybe implement is an actual alien spaceship/room for when we get abducted. And like maybe a pop up that asks if we want to join them or not. It would make the whole experience a little more interesting I think.
Did she come back pregnant?? :P

Offline Joria

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Re: Alternately -Updated 7/9
« Reply #36 on: July 11, 2019, 05:43:16 PM »
@kattiq I think only men wind up preggers.  Why they even bother abducting females is beyond me, but it made for some interesting facial screen shots.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Chapter 13 - Realization
« Reply #37 on: July 22, 2019, 03:57:32 PM »
Chapter 13 - Realization

Amanda had a hard time coming to grips with reality for awhile.  She kept having really strange dreams of lifting off to another world that was truly weird and other worldly, a place she felt she really had seen, somehow alien, yet not really threatening to her.  A place where people who looked much like her, yet not like her.  Aliens.  Oh, there had been many rumors of aliens living in Willow Creek and the other town in Simearth, but so far she had never seen any, not even in Strangeville that she had visited briefly.  Of course she had related this to her gang of friends, and the one who took it to heart was Vihan.

Vihan:  I really am very worried and scared.  I think, you were abducted by aliens and the dreams you've been having are just a subliminal memory of what you saw during that brief time.  Amanda, I think I almost lost you.

Amanda:  Really?  You think I actually was taken away from here?  Not just bad, strange dreams?

Vihan:  Really.  There have been other cases you know.  Even among our friends.  Kelly, for instance.  The important thing is, I could have lost you forever.

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Vihan:  When I look into your beautiful eyes, see your love for me shining in your face, my heart just skips and stops.  I really didn't know how much I could love anyone, but you, just stole my heart away.  And to think I could have lost the only chance I ever thought of finding someone so perfect.........

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Vihan:  Look, I know I haven't been the best person in the whole Simiverse.  I acted stand-offish, and kind of cold hearted towards you at first.  Stupid!  I was so stupid.  I guess I just didn't want to get my heart broken, again.  I just can't lose you.

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Amanda:  Vee?  What are you saying?  What are you.....?

Vihand: Ok.  Here I am, putting my heart, my life, my whole everything out to you.  Taking the risk you might say......well,   I'm hoping,  I.......ok,  here goes....

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Vihan:  With all my heart, all my love, all my hope........Amanda Newcombe, will you do me the great honor of joining me forever in my heart, and be my wife?

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Amanda: (gasps) Oh,  oh my.....I.....

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Vihan:  Please say yes, my one and only love.

Amanda:   I.......I......uh.......

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Amanda:  Yes!  Oh, dear plumbob of course, yes! 

Vihand:  You will?  You really will?....

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Amanda:  Oh Vee,   it's so beautiful.  How could you know just what I would love?  Of course, any ring you offered I would have loved, but this one is perfect.  Just perfect.....

Vihan:  Not as perfect or as good as you are.  You have made me the happiest guy in the world!  I'm grinning from ear to ear.

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Vihan:  Put it on.  Let's see if it fits.  I want it to be just right.....

Amanda:  Ok.....

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Amanda:  Pefect!  Oh, it's so beautiful.......I....Vihan,  I love you so much.  I was hoping one're amazing.

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Vihan,  so you really like it?  We're actually going to get married?

Amanda:  Like it?  I'm so happy I don't have any more words....

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Amanda:  Whoo hoo!!!  I'm gonna be married to the man of my dreams! 

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Well, it sure took them long enough, but Vihan came through in the end.  If he did this so well, one has to wonder just how great the wedding will be?

Editor's Note:
  I should apologize for how many screenies there are for such a simple thing, but their faces were too priceless to not take shots of them.  Lately it seems the Sims are just so much more expressive, it is actually hard to not take pictures of them.  Be forewarned, the wedding is going to be long and photo intensive, so my apologies beforehand.
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline kattiq

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Re: Alternately New 7/22
« Reply #38 on: July 25, 2019, 09:34:18 PM »
Never apologize for too many screenies!! I love them and helps tell the story even better. So please go to town on the wedding screenies, can't wait!
Vihan and Amanda are just too cute. <3

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Alternately New 7/22
« Reply #39 on: July 28, 2019, 12:28:54 PM »
A swimwear-clad proposal accompanied by alien conspiracy theories.  Delightfully unique!

Offline Joria

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Chapter 14 - Preparation
« Reply #40 on: July 31, 2019, 05:27:42 PM »
Chapter 14 - Preparation

Amanda wasted no time at all.  Since the Realization of their mutual love for one another it was a big and dizzying whirl of dates, romantic interludes, and above all, Preparation for the big day.  This was going to be a wedding par excellence.  A wedding that could possibly set the standard for all the days to come.  Somehow Amanda managed to pull it all together, and with the help of her faithful Watcher, the evening was about to begin.  The guests were all assembled, all the party goers and part makers were there.  They arrived en masse for the biggest blow out of the year.

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The park in San Mishuno was groomed and had now become the one and only extravagant site for all weddings.  The Reception Room was more than ready.  The kitchen was refurbished and carried all the updated equipment.  Rest rooms were plentiful and could take care of all the guests needs.

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The newly redecorated Bridal Chamber was romantically perfect and ready for the new bride and groom.  It was as if it was holding its breath, hardly able to wait for the festivities to begin.

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The garden path was well lit, leading the guests to their chairs and beckoning the bride and groom on towards their destiny.  Their unity.

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The excitement and anticipation in the air was palpable as the guests filed in and took their seats, anxiously awaiting the moment when the wedding couple would arrive.  Somehow it was a quiet moment, as if they all were holding their breath.

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They arrived, quietly, joyfully.  The fears they may have had put aside for the moment.  The bride was beautifully gowned in a lace and tulle creation from the very best couturier.  The delicacy of the dress pointing out the delicacy and charm of such a lovely bride, never overwhelming her appearance, but somehow subtly enhancing it.  The groom, handsome as ever, sported the latest in fashionable men's wear.  The most charming of couples for certain.

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As Vihan gently took Amanda's hands, they both had such looks of love.  If we listened closely we would have heard.......

Vihan:  My beloved, are you ready for this?  No doubts?

Amanda:  None.  I can barely breathe I am so full of love for you.  Do we have our vows ready?

Vihan:  Yes.  Have I told you yet how much I love you?  You are so beautiful.

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Amanda:  I loved you from the first time I saw you.  I always want to be with you, for all of your days.

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Amanda:  No turning back?  No regrets?

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Vihan:  None.  Let's begin our adventure together, for as long as I live I will love you, and beyond.

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And so, with this sweet embrace, they were ready to begin the next stage of their adventure,  The Celebration.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: Alternately New 7/31 Preparation
« Reply #41 on: August 04, 2019, 05:48:29 PM »
I like the changes you made to the park.  It never would have occurred to me to make that upstairs room into a bridal suite.  Very convenient.  ;)  All this time I've just had couples try for a baby in the observatory, but your way is better. 

Congrats to the happy couple.  Amanda's dress is beautiful.

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Re: Alternately New 7/31 Preparation
« Reply #42 on: August 05, 2019, 03:08:16 PM »
Thank you @BallerinaHippo !  I had fun remodeling the place for sure.  Remodeled all the rooms, not that they would need to use them.  Makes me think it could be quite a fun remodel if placed elsewhere and became a Victorian mansion somewhere.  Her dress is CC.  I'm ashamed to admit I don't remember who posted it but I found it on Mod the Sims.
  Coming up, the wedding, "Confirmation", and the reception, "Celebration".
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Chapter 15 - Confirmation - The Wedding Vows
« Reply #43 on: August 05, 2019, 04:02:56 PM »
Chapter 15 - Confirmation - The Wedding Vows

Amanda:  "Wherever you go, I will go....."

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Amanda:  "Wherever you live, there shall I live....."

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Amanda: "Your people, will be my people, and your God, will be my God too."

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Vihan:  "Whenever I die, I shall die...."

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Vihan:  "And there, will I be buried with love for you...."

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Vihan:  "We will be together, forever....."

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Together:  "And our love, will be the gift, of our lives"

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Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Mr. and Mrs. Newcombe.

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And with all the drama and preparation done, the happy couple greeted their friends who came to share in their joy this day.  May they have many more.

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Now let's PARTAYYYY!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Chapter 16 - Celebration! - The Reception
« Reply #44 on: August 10, 2019, 05:55:33 AM »
Chapter 16 - Celebration! - The Reception

Well, I must say the wedding was well done and well planned, and of course the reception after was a huge success as well, as a matter of fact, it counted as a gold medal Wedding Party!  Of course there was plentiful food and drink, and everyone danced and made merry.  The only slow down was getting the two love birds to stop kissing each other!

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No one really minded much, after all, this was truly a match made in heaven.  Finally the guests got them together to do the traditional cake cutting amidst much celebration and noisemakers waving.

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Amanda was really pleased with how the cake turned out.  She'd made several in reserve, just in case, but this one was absolutely going to be scrumptious.  The groom, of course, was nervous and not too sure about what to do and how to go about it.

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Amanda, secure in her new role as wife, knew just what to do.  All those culinary videos certainly helped as she showed her love which fork to use.

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Nobody missed or poked out anyone's eye and the cake was consumed with as much love and fines as possible.

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Dylan was ecstatic.  For once, no grilled cheese, and boy was this cake a treat!  He thought maybe more folks should get married more often, or at least find a good reason for cake.

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Amanda:  I love you so much.  I'm getting a little tired though, aren't you?

Ihvan:  Tired?  Uh, yeah.  Getting really tired.  Great party but maybe it's time to wind it down a bit?

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Random townie child:  I know what you want.  You want to go, you know,  and do grown up stuff.

Don:  Uhm,.....shouldn't you find your parents?

RTC:  Why?  Do they want to do grown up stuff too?  Maybe give me a sister?

Don:  Say......why don't you get rid of that trash bag you're toting around?  Ok?

RTC: giggles

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Amanda:  She's adorable.

Ihvan:  Uh, huh, and maybe a bit too wise?

Don:  That's a girl!  You run along now! 

RTC: (more giggles)  Mr. you are either clueless or trying to get me to leave.  That's ok.  My parents do it all the time.  See ya, oh, and happy wedding day you two! 

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Don:  (thinking)...Well, there they are.  What was I thinking?  I turned down the prettiest and best chance of my life.  (sigh)  This could have been me standing there looking so goofy, and so darned happy.

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Ihvan:  So, my love, shall I start to round up the stragglers and close things down?

Don: (thinking)  Yeah.  You go close things down.  Make the most of my breaking heart why don't you?  (sigh),  If I had only done things differently I'd be the BEST man, and not just the Best Man at someone elses wedding.

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Amanda:  I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, darling, but I am getting a bit tired.  It's been a big and busy day.  You'll be kind won't you?

Ihvan:  Kindness is my middle name, but it's time to call it a night.

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Ihvan:  No worries, my love.  Let the man of the house handle it.

Don:  (thinking)  Man of the house.  That could have been me.  I was such a stupid idiot.  (sigh)  I just hope she'll be happy.  I never realized how much I cared.

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Amanda:  All done?

Ihvan:  Yep.  In just a few minutes we're going to be one our own.

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Amanda:  Rowrrrrr.  Any plans in mind, big guy?

Ihvan:  Let's go find out, shall we?

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Everything had been planned ahead.  Everything well prepared.

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I think it's time to let them have some privacy, don't you?

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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