Author Topic: Alternately - Too Grim for Words - Update 3 - 8/25  (Read 18380 times)

Offline Joria

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Re: Alternately - Chapter 6 new update
« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2019, 08:13:16 PM »
Chapter 6: Time for Fun

Dear Diary, it seems like it's been forever and yet not a second has gone by since I last wrote.  Some of the good things in life just require a giant leap, as you saw when I maxed out cooking.  I just hope it doesn't slow down my chances of advancement in my culinary career.  I've heard it might do that.
   After that great day it seemed like all we did was work, work, work, so we jointly decided a day off was in order.  What could be more fun than, (not at all still working on things, lol), a trip to the Spice Festival in San Mishuno.  We haven't visited there at all and were all excited at the prospect.  Kelly hoped to find some plants he didn't have, (failed in that), and I wanted to taste some new foods and maybe winkle out the recipes by tasting.  Dylan thought this was a great idea so we took ourselves off to the first of several booths.

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Leland had decided to go for the gusto and using his sharp, analytical brain, chose the free plates of curry.  Free is a very good price! I know he definitely planned on being a curry champion this very day.

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He joined Donovan and a very attractive native of San M. and a neighbor of ours with victory in mind.

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He let it be known he was going to be Curry Champion of the day but apparently Dylan wanted no part of this.  I think he knew a fiasco was about to occur and disappeared to another booth.

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Alas!  It was not to be.  No embarrassment though.  It seemed the kindly folk of San M. were quite used to outlanders making the same mistake, and they nicely kept their laughter to themselves.  That stuff was HOT!, and spicy to boot.  (Which doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the heat of any given dish, though there are some who say the hotness "tastes" better.) The flames roared out of his mouth singing his mustache for sure.

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He kind of smirked at me knowingly while on his way for a plate of something less potent.  Meanwhile, giggling like a girl at Kelly who showed up in pj's and bunny slippers.  Never knew what that guy will wear next!  I just sloughed it off and headed for a table.  Worth giving it a try, right?

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Well, dear friend, you know how worried I've been over getting married, or rather NOT getting married, and one of my hopes was I would find an appropriate spouse in San M.  My aim was male, (only traditional spouses for me and mine), tall, or at least as tall as I am, dark, ok, hair color not a biggee, and handsome.  That's the physical part.  Plus at least two good traits and not a hates children or evil in the mix.  Not interested in short, plumply pear shaped and unattractive but ......I'm starting to feel desperate.  So when short, dumpy and, well let's say unfortunately appearanced crossed my path, I figured, "why not"?  Who knows, he could be a Sims gift to womanhood, right?  I followed him to a table with curry in hand and sat down.

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Ok, well, my thoughts of "gift to womanhood", rapidly dissipated as he told me more and more about himself.  The clincher was his career was criminal and he was a klepto!  (shudders)  This was not a group of folk I wanted to be involved with, no matter the things I "can't refuse" from his Don, and to start with I had to find a good way to refuse him.

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Meanwhile, did you notice the hottie tending bar?  More on that in a bit.  The spices in the curry was, as I had hoped, a bit much for me, and as the flames came roaring out of my mouth I saw a golden, if fiery, opportunity.

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"Oh, ha ha.  That was a bit much, wasn't it?  Please excuse me I think I need to get a drink.", I said.  He looked puzzled but I was not taking no for an answer.

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I hot footed it over to the bar and while she waited for her drink, I found out Mr. Hottie was Don Lothario and he lived up to his name.  According to my new friend, he was quite a show off err, man, and he was yet to be caught by any Sim with long term plans.  "Love 'em and leave 'em", is what she said and she bet I couldn't get his attention or get him to go on a date.  "Watch me, I said.  These eyelashes have power!"

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Leland was more than willing to back me up.  After all, he'd be practicing his mixology skills and who knew who he would meet!  I managed to con Don into star gazing with me.  I couldn't help but notice the stars in his sparkly, beautiful eyes.  (sigh)

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Unfortunately for me, I decided to use a bold pick up line.  "Hey look, baby.  This is what you can get if you're lucky."  Oh, dear.  WRONG move.  The look of horror, embarrassment and just plain shock on his face told me I had blown it big time. (blushes with the memory)

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The look on his face as he tried to hide his reaction to my shame told me all.  He was embarrassed for me and there is no way he would ever be interested in any thing resembling a date.  I was too stunned at my gaff to do anything else but call the gang together and head for home.

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So, Dear Diary, here's where I'm at.  Am I doomed to lose this dynasty because of lack of love life or my own clumsiness?  I feel I've failed you all ready. (sniffs).  Guess I'd better say good night before I drip all over your pages.  'night, my friends.
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Chapter 7: Seek and Ye Shall....
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2019, 09:32:55 PM »
Chapter 7:  Seek and Ye Shall....

DV:  Well, she's not doing too well at the moment, is she?  Everyone is pretty bummed out at her loss of face in San M. and not quite sure what to do about it all.  When in doubt, skill.

Kelly:  Poor kid.  I just know there is something I can do for her.  But what?  I think I'll just make a nice arrangement to cheer her up.

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DV: More skillin'

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DV:  Ok, are we getting bored with skillin' yet?  I know I am!  By the way, have you noticed the moniker they gave me? DV?  Stands for Disembodied Voice.  I think it transported itself through the ether from the "other" reality.  Ah, well, it will do.

Dylan:  Look, I know it's a bummer but she'll work it out.  Meanwhile....take that!

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Kelly:  Yeah.  Well, she's feisty and cheerful and nothing is going to get her down for long.  Kind of nice with both of them at work.  I don't think we've had a chance for any kind of fun in a long time.

Dylan:  Five'll get you ten I'll beat you this time around!

Kelly:  Yer on!

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DV: Later that night, when all was calm and quiet, oh, and by the way it was a tie, no winner to the fooseball game, there was this strange, eerie song heard......

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Kelly:  Oh bloody plum bobs!  Why me?

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Dylan:  Kelly?  Kelly.......oh no.  Nothing left except this little glowing spot. I sure hope he's ok and not.......let's not even think about what it could mean.

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DV:  The next morning......

Amanda:  So are we going to discuss what happened in San M. or.......

Dylan:  Forgotten already Amanda.  The big news is what happened to Kelly.

Leland:  Yeah.  Sport got lifted up into this space ship thingy.  Hasn't said a word about what happened either.

Kelly:  Shut it Leland.  Private.

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Leland:  I'm just saying it had to be something.  I mean, are you, you know, ok?

Kelly:  Private!

Amanda:  Ok, change of subject here.  Guys I've got to find a spouse.  Pickings and my own ineptitude has given me a zero in spousal ideas.  I'm open to anything you guys might suggest.

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Kelly:  We've done some traveling around but nothing much in Willow Creek or Windenberg.  Might be some interesting guys there.

Dylan:  Yeah, why not check out the new library in Willow Creek?  That in itself is pretty interesting.

Leland: Those geeks and nerds at the library can't be too bad.  I say let's do it.  Amanda?

Amanda: Ok, what have I got to lose?

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DV: It took awhile, and time was of the essence since she was due for work, but she did find a nice guy.  A little on the portly, dumpy side but with good traits and once he lost the glasses and some weight he could even be cute.  Besides with all those grilled cheese sandwiches she was a little dumpy/portly herself.  He was a NICE guy, after all.

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DV:  Will she find her true love on the steps of the library or?.......Stay tuned to, "As My Stomach Churns" to find out......See ya!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
My No Buy Story
Joria's Creations on the Gallery

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Chapter 8: Found!
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2019, 05:27:03 PM »
Chapter 8: Found!

Watchers Notes:  I got so wrapped up in what was happening to Amanda I totally did not notice my pc, being angry with me for having too much on it, did not always take the screen shots I 'thought' I had clicked on.   This is a new, ongoing problem.  It also doesn't like me clicking on pause or telling Sims just once, what they need to do. Possibly low battery on the mouse, although it works just fine elsewhere.  So the only possible candidate you guys get to see is the really nice guy, (can't remember his name), she found in Willow Creek at the library.


Dear Diary, After what seemed like an eternity, I finally whisked myself and helpers off to the library in Windermere.  I would have to dash off to work in just a few minutes and hoped against hope I would find Mr. Right and not just Mr. You'll Do. I approached the librarian, who truth be told did not seem like he would work at all.  All that face fuzz and those horrible glasses, not to mention his less than fashionable old man attire.  This guy surely can't be him!  But then, on second look, he was tall enough, dark hair, and what could be seen through those specs, had really warm, caring eyes.  I couldn't help but notice how kind he was to the little ones who came to him requesting his help finding appropriate books.  Also, his slender more or less athletically inclined body, was worth a second glance.

He cautiously responded to my rather clumsy attempts to find out about him, which I did as quickly as I could.  Poor guy must have thought I was some sort of private investigator with all I wanted to find out.  This time, was he single, was a top priority!  He was!  Ok, score plus 1.  And those all important traits?  Would you believe he was Good,(no conflict with me or children),  a Bookworm, (helpful for raising kids), and last but not least, his "bad" trait what he was Neat!!!  Score plus 2! Plus, for some reason he was a Spice Hound and Gregarious from his aspiration and a winning trip to the Spice Festival!  A WINNER!!! 

With only bare minutes left we cloud gazed, to make him a good friend, and I popped the question!  Would he move in?  I did not want this guy to be culled!  Yes!!!  He said YES!  Imagine my relief as work yanked me away, just in time to see him leaving for his new home.

Me and Vihan Basu getting to know each other better:

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Unfortunately, I only had minutes left in the day before, once again work wanted me to show up, to get to know him better and make him feel at home.  I certainly felt a bit of trepidation as I was leaving him in the lion's den and my pride of lions were just a tad protective of me.  I hoped he'd fair well.  Early that morning I had a chat with Leland, who of all them might plot some sort of initiation, or trial for Vi.

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Vihan:  Ahh.....nothing like fresh grilled cheese to make the day start right.  That girl sure has delivered on her promises.  Nice place to live and all the grilled cheese I can eat. 

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Leland:  Well, I see you've started the day off right there!  Getting right into the first mutual aspiration I see.

Vihan:  Yessir!  I actually didn't know it was an aspiration.  I just like a good grilled cheese and that girl, Amanda?, sure is a good cook.

Leland: We all pretty much cook around here so expect it to be your turn one of these days.  Me?, I'm a bar keep.  Mixologist you know.  Be off to work soon so you'll be on your own with the other guys.  Anyway, best of luck to you and welcome to the house.

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Actually, I probably should have gotten all the guys together before I left for work.  The worst of them all turned out to be Kelly!  And Dylan was no help either.

Kelly:  So, waddya think about this new guy? 

Dylan:  I dunno.  Why?

Kelly:  Well, I don't like him, right off the bat.  He's all weird lookin', dresses funny and not real sociable.  I mean, if he thinks he can come waltzin' in here and just take over and maybe even marry Amanda, well, he's got another think comin'. 

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Dylan:  Well, the way I see it, if Amanda needs a spouse for this dynasty thing, it's going to be up to us to make sure it's the right one.  I mean, I know you had your eye on her but dude, we're pushing old age you know and she needs someone who can be with her for the long haul.

Kelly:  Yeah, you're right.  It's just that, well, she's OUR Amanda.  Kind of sweet and innocent, ya know?  We just gotta be careful for her, so she chooses the right guy.

Dylan:  Well, we can put him to the test.  Right?  You know, nothing brutal but just watch and see how he goes.

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Kelly:  I knew I could count on you!  Ok, bro, we'll just check him out, make sure he's good.  Shake on it.

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Meanwhile, unknown to him and my household "guardians", Vihan had been doing a pretty good job on his own.  He got a congratulatory call from, of all people, Don Lothario who managed to drag him out of the house for some fun and games.

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Vee, (I HAVE to find out what his middle name is, Vihan is just too...I don't know,) in the meantime, not knowing my less than sterling relationship with Don, just chatted away merrily, extolling the virtues of Grilled Cheese!  Don went racing off to find less cheesy subjects, taking the opportunity presented by two new comers to the conversation.  Vee just continued on, meeting some of his criteria for Friend of the World AND his tell 3 Sims about grilled cheese in one, fell swoop.

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Later that night, while waiting for me to come home, Vee worked on even more skills, filling his need for fun while working on his Knowledge. 

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Diary, I think I have a winner!  Now all I have to do is turn his, "let's just be friends", into much, much, more.  Wish me luck!

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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: Alternately - new update Spouse? 6/11
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2019, 07:42:42 PM »
Aww the boys are so sweet with their protectiveness! And V seems like a real winner. <3

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Re: Alternately - new update Spouse? 6/11
« Reply #19 on: June 11, 2019, 07:48:46 PM »
Good choice! I frequently scour the libraries for spouse material. All librarians have the neat and bookworm traits, with the third trait being random. :)

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Re: Alternately - new update Spouse? 6/11
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2019, 02:20:36 PM »
The first librarian she met wasn't all that unattractive.  When You got close in and kind of squinted to look past the glasses, he was fairly handsome, just needed to visit the gym a bit.  His third trait wasn't horrible and she really considered him as a possible spouse, I think it was "Jealous" or "Gloomy".  But when she met up with Vihan the traits were perfect, and other than being less than muscular, he was quite good looking.  I just mentally smacked myself for forgetting this unmined treasure trove.
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: Alternately - new update Spouse? 6/11
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2019, 09:46:38 PM »
@Joria Lol! Well good thing is you can fix muscles! I need to find my Ros a good looking male for later too.

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Re: Alternately - new update Spouse? 6/11
« Reply #22 on: June 14, 2019, 03:48:38 PM »
Try Selvadorada if you have that pack.  Lots of decent ones there.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline kattiq

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Re: Alternately - new update Spouse? 6/11
« Reply #23 on: June 14, 2019, 11:18:36 PM »
I got her a good looking one finally, I just need to write an update! haha ;)

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Chapter 9: Surprise!
« Reply #24 on: June 17, 2019, 05:55:54 PM »
Chapter - 9- Surprise!

DV: Once again things seemed to be going swimmingly well for Amanda and crew.  Some aspirations were maxed, career well on the way with promotions coming in for all concerned, and the new guy who Amanda hoped would become the dynasty spouse living in her house.  Unfortunately, at this point he seemed reluctant to commit and was not entirely pleased with no longer have his job as librarian.  Time was once again of the essence as Amanda's birthday was here.  No more waiting.  With her lifespan bubbling away pointing to her impending adult status, she knew she'd have to get this settled.  The "boys", on the other hand, were just focused on a birthday surprise.

Kelly:  Leland we gotta talk.

Leland:  So talk, only don't mess up my moves.  Gotta practice bar tricks.

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Kelly:  So what are we doing for Amanda's birthday?  You know it's today, right?  Missed the opportunity to do it before she took off for work and we're in crunch mode now.

Leland:  Yeah, so?  We all have birthdays coming up.  Which I personally am not looking forward to.

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Kelly:  Dude, this is Amanda we're talking about here.  It's her birthday, like TODAY as in right now.  We gotta have a party or something.  Make a cake, have friends, you know.  Celebrate!

Leland:  Kel I'm not sure what we can do at this late hour.  We'd be having a party like at 2 or so after she gets off work.  Gonna be pretty tired and all.

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Kelly:  So, we call the club together, that gives us at least one more guy, that Don Lothario dude, you mix drinks, I'll make a cake, Dylan will make sure everything works.  What do you think?

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Leland:  Well, I'm not sure we can all get it together on time but it's worth a shot.  At the very least we can do the cake and drinks thing.  Ok, I'm in.  Not skedaddly so I can practice my bar tricks while I can.

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DV: So all the plans were made, but little did they know there were "other" who also had plans, none of which were particularly good.  Later that night, Amanda came home from work.  She was pretty tired but happy and confident that all was well with her world.  As she was about to enter she heard a strange, musical noise, accompanied by a sort of roaring, like engines and a humming sound.  At this point she noticed she was surrounded by an eerie light that seemed to go right though her.

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DV:  Amanda felt rather disembodied.  It was as if she could see all the bones in her body.  This was unreal!  What was happening here?  Sure, she'd heard about aliens.  Who hasn't?  But in her mind they were of the stuff fairy stories were made of with witches, and vampires and unicorns and stuff.  Slowly, unbelievingly, Amanda looked up.  For the first time in her life they were real, and they were coming for her!

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DV: As time passed things were moving along as far as the party went.  Kelly had turned in what he thought was the perfect cake.  Leland was not too sure!

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DV:  Don, not wanting to be too late, nor too early, rushed up to the door.  He was particularly pleased that he and Amanda had made up.  Their rocky friendship was in a good place now, although he secretly had a longing for what he thought he once saw in her eyes.  Ah well, too late now, he thought as he hurried inside.

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DV: Of course he was just too late to see Amanda, descending like an angel from above, to touch down right where she had been picked up.

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DV:  Dazed and disoriented she lost her awareness of time.  It all had to have been some sort of dream, right?  Or maybe it was just a wish she was making just before she did what anyone faced with a birthday cake would do.  She blew out the candles, and with them, all memory of what had gone before.

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DV:  Don, on the other hand, seemed to be listening to a distant sound of eerie music.  He was certain he had heard it before.

Don:  Hey hear that?

Kelly:  Hear what dude?  Must have been the noisemakers making your ears ring. 

Amanda:  Come on, Don.  Sit down and have a bite of this lovely cake!  I do so love strawberry cake!!

Leland:  Me too! 

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V:  You ok, Amanda?  You look, sort of.....I dunno, different?

Leland:  Too much cake is all!  (nom, nom)

Dylan:  Well, we hope you've had a happy birthday Amanda.  Surprise!

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DV:  Well, I think this is time for me to leave our little group of party goers.  Happy birthday, and let's work on the getting to know each other better.  Much, much, better.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
My No Buy Story
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Chapter 10 - Birthdays Galore
« Reply #25 on: June 18, 2019, 07:19:35 PM »
Chapter 10 -  Birthdays Galore

Respected Watcher of All, It seems our Amanda truly has a heart of gold.  After the strange and wonderful birthday she had had the night before, she took it upon herself to rise even earlier than usual and began a marathon baking stint.  There was no way even a single member of her little household was going to miss their very own birthday.  Unfortunately, not much time to be able to have the big party they all deserved, but at least there would be cake and celebration.  The first to wake up, being the early bird gardener type, Kelly was the first to arrive to find his cake ready and waiting for him.

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He was surprised and touched deeply by her kindness and wasted not a second in doing what was required!  Taking the deepest breath possible........ 

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and ignoring the inevitable consequences.....

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our handsome gardener became a silver fox, which is just a kind way of saying he aged up to an elder with all the hopes and dreams of his youth behind him.

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The look of shock and horror on his face was heart breaking.  Amanda had forseen this, of course, being the sensitive person she was, and came prepared with a gift to soften the blow.  Perhaps a new hobby so he wouldn't mind quite as much?

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He opened the carefully wrapped package at once and discovered, to his great delight, a prepaid gift of a brand new stradivarius violin!  Amanda had seen how much he admired her and often caught him humming a tune or listening to music and felt this was the perfect gift.......

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And it was!

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At that moment, Kelly spontaneously reached out toward Amanda, to give her the big hug she deserved, only to pull back as quickly as he started.  Darn that unflirty trait!  He felt so bad and it really showed.

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Once again Amanda to the rescue!  No way she was going to allow something as silly as being unflirty spoil the moment.  She reached into her pocket and pulled out her camera!  Why not celebrate the moment with a selfie?!!  Much more lasting than a hug, after all.

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It seemed like the crowd was about to descend on them.  First, or should I say next, was Leland Britt.  Always the skeptic he pondered as to why there was a yet unclaimed birthday cake sitting on the table right in front of him.  Hmmm, could it have been Amanda making one for his birthday?

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Apparently so!  To the tune of great fan fare, provided by Amanda of course, he blew out the waiting candles.

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Somehow Amanda's rendition of the Happy Birthday song didn't quite make up for the results of that mighty blow!  If only she would take voice lessons perhaps it wouldn't be quite as painful.

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The next one to wake up was Dylan.  I rather think he thought Amanda would do something of the sort, he had the most faith and trust in her, so it didn't come as a big surprise to him.  While a choir of noisemakers cheered him on he contemplated what his life was going to be like next. 

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You know, oh leader of us all, I've often wondered why our Sims make such funny faces when doing something like that.  Really, does it take such an effort?  Something to ponder as I watched Dylan blow out his candles.

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What a joyful positive man he is!  Well, after that they all sat down to eat the wonderful cake Amanda had made.  Kelly was on his way out to the garden but was convinced to come back and join them all.  After all, it was the last birthday celebration they would have, and in their shorter Sim life, had probably been the first celebration.  Unwatched Sims don't always get the advantages our Watchees get. 

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There seemed to have been an undercurrent of something really big and wonderful about to happen.  They dug into their cake, and never minded the calories at all.  Kelly sort of cleared his throat as if signally for someone to speak up and just say it.

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Leland took the hint and began one of his longer dissertations on how wonderful life had been here and how much they have appreciated, yada yada yada. 

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Finally it was said.  Two of the three of them had gotten "Connected", but one had not.  Through accomplishing many things, whims and aspirations there were plenty of reward point they could harvest.  They had chosen one to save them all to be able to give to Amanda as a thank you for all her caring, shown even more so by this birthday event.

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Dylan modestly told her, he was the one.  The one to not get a career.  The one who would spend his hours working on the house, maxing handiness for their good, building one thing after another so that Amanda's future would always be safe and secure.  He gave almost all his reward points to gift the girl who had made life worthwhile for them all.  Amanda was over come and darned near speechless.  (Yes, I know I should shut up now!)

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That, oh benevolent Watcher of All, is a picture of Amanda, tears streaming down her face as she plants her first and most precious Money Tree Seed the boys, especially Dylan, had given to her.

 I leave you joyfully,
 DV (Disembodied Voice, how cute is that?)

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Alternately - new update 6/18
« Reply #26 on: June 18, 2019, 09:24:52 PM »
Aww Happy Birthday to all the boys! They seriously are all the sweetest, Amanda included! I've been bad about keeping track of my sims birthdays lately, just had to deal with the sad moodlet. Oops!

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Re: Alternately - new update 6/18
« Reply #27 on: June 20, 2019, 08:27:51 PM »
When I saw how many points he had racked up I was over the moon delighted!  Had to get a money tree and work it in to the story.  Oh, if it were only true in RL!!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Chapter 11 - Reluctant Romance
« Reply #28 on: June 20, 2019, 09:53:09 PM »
Chapter 11 - Reluctant Romance

After all the birthdays celebrated and enjoyed, not to mention the gift of the money tree, the only fly in Amanda's ointment was there still wasn't any romance.  Oh sure Vihan was gorgeous, and kind, and doing his best to fit in, but in the romance department it was a big zilch, nada, no body home.  Nooboos, or at least one nooboo and an heir, was not just something desirable but also completely necessary.  Amanda decided something had to be done.

Amanda:  Uh, Vihan, could we talk for minute?  It's kind of important.

Vihan:  Hmmm?  Oh, sure Amanda.  Any time.

Amanda:  Like, now?

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Vihan:  Sounds serious.  Is anything wrong?  Did I do something....?

Amanda:  No, no, not at all.  You've been a wonderful addition to our group.  Very helpful and a good influence on the others.

Vihan:  Phew!  Had me worried there.  Ok, so what's up?

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Amanda:  Well, you know I told you about the whole dynasty thing, right?  You know, that day at the library?

Vihan:  Yeah, *chuckles*, I sort of remember.  Like, just before you dashed off to work?  Seems you do that a lot.

Amanda:  Yes, I do.  Again, it's all part of the dynasty thing.  There are rules to follow. 

Vihan:  And?......

Amanda:  Well, we've become very good friends, you know.  Almost best friends.......

Vihan:  And?........

Amanda:  Ok, about the rules.   I personally have to max out my career, max several skills, have friends, do parties, all kinds of things.

Vihan:  And you are doing a great job so far.......

Amanda:  And I have to have an heir.  With luck I'll find someone who is the love of my life, get married, and .......well.......part of why I searched till I found you was I was kind of hoping you might fit that bill.

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Vihan: Why me?  I mean, I guess I'm not all that bad looking and I think I'm an ok guy but, why me?  I mean, I'm flattered, and honored that a watched Sim like you would choose me, but....?

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Amanda:  Why not you?  You've got all the traits I could want in a husband, you're attractive, you're kind, hard working, and.......well, I did look around.  There were a lot of guys that might make my day, but you do.  You've gone out of your way and.....I......well.....(blushes)

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Vihan:  But, Amanda.......didn't you figure it out anything I've done I've done to impress you?  Hoping you might.....well......

Amanda:  You,  you mean it's ok?  You might be interested in....well.....moving the friendship to something a bit.....more?

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Amanda:  Oh, Vihan, you don't know how happy you just made me.

Vihan:  Not half as happy as you made me.

Leland:  Oh, for heaven't sake.  Just kiss and get over it!  Honest to Pete you guys have been dancing around this like it was something scary. 

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Amanda: ( blows kiss hopefully)

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Vihan:  Why, Miss Amanda!  Are you trying to flirt with me?  It's working.

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Leland:  Oh, for heavens' sake!!  I'm out of here.  You two better figure this out on your own.  Kids, nowadays.  Don't know which ends up.

Amanda:  Can you see my heart? It's beating just for you.

Vihan:  Can you see mine?  I think it's joined yours in perfect harmony.

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Amanda:  This is so sudden, and yet, I feel like I've known you forever.  I'm so happy it's like floating in champagne bubbles.

Vihan:  We're made for each other aren't we?  I just so much want to kiss you right now.

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Amanda:  Well, what's taking you so long?  (giggles)

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Amanda: I.....I think I'm falling in love with you.

Vihan:  Well, what took you so long?  I've been in love with you forever.

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I really hate to end this mush fest, but let's just say they spent the rest of the night talking, really getting to know each other, and saying the goofiest, mushiest things ever, before finally going to their own, separate as yet, beds to dream dreams and plan on making them real.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: Alternately - new update 6/20
« Reply #29 on: June 22, 2019, 11:46:28 AM »
That was adorable.  And Leland's commentary was perfect.  Best of luck to those crazy kids.

