Author Topic: Alternately - Too Grim for Words - Update 3 - 8/25  (Read 18936 times)

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Alternately - Too Grim for Words - Update 3 - 8/25
« on: May 31, 2019, 10:08:26 PM »
Introduction and Background

The background is pretty simple.  One day my son and I were talking about what if there were alternate universes where the same basic person, looks, age, and whatever you wanted, lived a life like yours but somethings were different, changed.  For instance, instead of going to buy groceries and getting your favorite steak, you were a vegetarian and chose tofu.  Would it make a difference in life?
With this in mind, I had so much fun playing my second, save file for Amanda Newcombe, I decided to do an alternate world for her.  She is basically the same, her first three helpers are basically the same, but her life just might turn out different.

I'm not always good at taking screenshots when I get really involved in game, so there may be a few gaps.  When I do take shots, I often take too many.  I hope they won't be overwhelming.   Let's go meet our Amanda.....


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Mandy:  Ok, I'm here.  I hear voice in my head and here I am at a big, empty lot which I believe I need to fill with a house, people other than heirs, a husband and kids.  Right.  Check.  Long list of things to do and to get, and for this I get to live forever.

Watcher:  Don't forget you are the ONLY one, except for the first born heir, who will liver forever.

Mandy:  Right.  I get to watch my friends and family die off one by one for this, right?  For eternity?

Watcher:  Well, nothing is forever.  Who knows, you might blow it like so many others I've watched.

Mandy:  Glutton for punishment.   Ok, moving right along, I'd best go get my first  Let's see, one fisherman, one gardener and possibly a wealthy family.   On it!


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What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Chapter 1: Days Have Moved On
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2019, 11:06:16 PM »
Chapter 1: Days Have Moved On

Watcher:  Well, you've done pretty well for yourself so far!  I'm almost proud of you.
You've got, not two but three helpers, all males who think you're wonderful.  First you got Kelly Coughlin, as Irish as can be with that dark hair and dreamy eyes.  Don't let him fool you though.  He's an adult with years of the Unflirty trait behind him, as much as he'd like it to be different.  He's Cheerful though, and Neat.  Might make a good butler in another life.
     Then you nabbed Leland Britt:  He's pretty Self Assured and a Geek, might think of doing logic things with him, but whatever you do keep him away from kids.  He Hates Children and can be a bit of a butt head about it.
     Last but not least, is Dyland Crabtree.  He's rather a Gloomy gus but his Self Assured attitude and Ambitious leanings make up for it.  Way to go!  So, now what are your plans?

Mandy:  First of all, you, and everyone else, can call me by my given name, Amanda.  Thank you.  Next, Watcher does not really suit you, so DV it is.  Disembodied Voice.  And for now, we're just going to try to build up our reward markers so we can get Connections.  Got a house to build, after all.  So, leave me alone and let me fish!

DV:  Hmmmpf.  Grumpy, grumpy, grumpy.  See if I praise you again!

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Leland:  So Amanda, tell me again why we're out here in the cold and rain trying to catch fish?

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Amanda:  Get used to it boys.  It takes a lot of fishing to increase our skills so we can get connected and make us all a lovely, dreamy house.  Living in a field or tent is no ones dream life.

Kelly:  It's ok, Amanda.  We'll manage.  We've done worse when we were all homeless.  At least you saved us from being culled.

Amanda:  Thanks, Kelly.  You know, maybe we should move along.  How about a vacay?  I'll get us tickets and we're off to the wild and wooly woods.  Catch some whoppers there and maybe find some great treasures. 

Dylan:  I heard there's a hermit lives somewhere there.  Might check it out.  Who knows, she might like us.

Amanda:  Hmmm.  Ok, first up, we stop at the gym, grab a bite to eat, a shower, and bulk up a bit.  Ok?

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Leland:  Bulk up my sweet patootie!  This hurts!

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DV:  Let's just leave them at it, shall we?  Not a terribly auspicious start!

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Chapter 2: Off to See the Hermit
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2019, 11:16:22 AM »
Chapter 2: Off to See the Hermit

DV:  So, on another of those dark, gloomy, not to mention rainy days, that the Simiverse is cursed with now that it has Seasons, our intrepid little gang called up appropriate transportation and were off to "See the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard....", wait.....that's another story.  Ok, so they traipsed off to the Deep Woods in hopes of finding fish and treasures galore, and hopefully the Hermit of the Woods.

Amanda:  I'm pretty sure that ranger said it was this way.  All I see is a tangle of pretty thorny vines.   Hmmmm.....

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Amanda:  Ok, nothing ventured, nothing gained, I'm going in.  Hopefully they won't find a moldering pile of my bones somewhere.  Sheesh, can't even leave a note for the guys.......

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DV:  Sooooo, waddya think of that?  Pretty cool huh?

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Amanda:  No thanks or help from you DV.  Yeah, it's cute.  Now please move out of the way I have GOT to go potty!

DV: (Giggles) l...Potty?  What, are you two?  Not even a hello there, Hermit lady how are you, and oh, by the way, can I use your facilities while me and my guys take over your place?

Amanda:  There are SOME things that take priority and this particular call of nature is one.  I'll mind my manners as soon as I wash my hands. 

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DV: You gotta admit, it is really beautiful here, even in the rain.  Just look at that waterfall and the rainbow!  This gal really knows how to live.  Fishing near by, not to mention all the food to grow and.....well, everything she needs.  Maybe I'll just go and be a hermit myself one day.  No Sims to watch and be a pain in my neck.  Yep, peace and.....

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DV:  At least the "boys" seem to be with the program and are having fun.

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Amanda:  (sotto voce)..*Yeah, peace and quiet, which you seem to be short of.  Now hush before she hears you.*  Hello!  My name is Amanda Newcome.  I've heard so much about you.  Is it ok if me and my guys stay a little while, check out the fishing and just visit with you?

Hermit:  Hello, dear.  Welcome to my piece of the forest.  Please, do make yourselves at home, *and hopefully cook something good for me, I'm tired of my own food*.  I see you brought tents and everything.  No problem at all.  Just park them out there and be welcome.  Oh, and, don't feel embarrassed about talking to yourself.  I do it all the time.

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DV:  (chortling), tol' ya.  We all hear our *angels*, if we listen.

Amanda:  Hope you don't mind but I'm starving.  Help yourself to some grilled cheese sandwiches. wouldn't have any tomato soup, would you?  No? (sigh)  Well, these are pretty good without.

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Dylan:  Hey, Amanda!  She's got a cool work bench!  I'm gonna start on some sculptures.  You know, for the house.  Maybe could be a gift or a trade or something.

Amanda: Yes, Dylan.  You go right ahead and enjoy.  Meanwhile I think I see some.........(wanders off out of hearing)

Dylan:  Whistle while you work......just whistle......

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DV: The days and nights seemingly flew by.  It was cozy here and comfy.  The Hermit, while a bit strange, was actually quite a nice lady and a good friend.  But time somehow got the better of them and they knew it was time to head home....

Amanda:  It's so peaceful here.

Hermit:  Yes, it is.  I've actually enjoyed your stay you know.  The cooking has been pretty good too.  You've gotten better at grilled cheese, and cakes and all.

Amanda:  Well, it's been my pleasure to cook for you.  Lady Hermit, I want to thank you for the recipe and all.  I'm not into herbalism yet but you've inspired me.  I hate to say this, but we've got to be moving on. 

Hermit:  Yes, I know.  Let's just look at the heavens and contemplate the beauty of the stars above us.  Time for good-byes later.

Amanda:  I'll just finish up this last batch of grilled cheese, and maybe make a nice cake for you as well.  Just a little thank you.

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Hermit: beautiful......

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DV:  Time for good-byes indeed.  See you all soon.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Chapter 3: More Fishing? Really!
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2019, 04:36:00 PM »
Chapter 3: More Fishing? Really!

DV: More gloom and rain, even in the high desert of Strangeville.  Now, you're asking, why on earth would they be going there?  People are weird there.  They walk funny and talk nonsense, so why?  Guys.  Yep, it's gotta be new guys.  Still, in some of the hidden back paths and unknown places there are spots of beauty.

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Amanda:  Will you quit blithering on?  Yes, I came here to check out the male population and found NONE of them acceptable.  grrrrrr  They were either too old, (adults), too ugly, (only found one), and had really bad traits, unless you don't consider evil a bad trait! 

Leland:   I told you so.  I knew there was nothing good in a place called Strangeville.

Kelly:  Except for the fishing.  *Is she talking to herself again?*

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Leland:  She does that from time to time.  You just have to ignore it and carry on.  It's harmless.

Amanda:  I do NOT talk to myself.  There is a perfectly good reason for it which you would understand if you would focus.........on fishing.

Kelly: Focusing!....

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Amanda:  See?  A....nd, I think with this batch we've got enough points to get connected!  Hey look?!  I caught one!  Ta da!

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Leland:  Does this mean no more grilled cheese?

DV:  In your dreams, baby.  In your dreams.  Now, as I've often said before, " meanwhile, back at the ranch"............

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Kelly:  Well boys, we did it.  Connected, got jobs, got a pretty nice house for starters and a wonderful start to the greenhouse as well.

Leland:  And more, (groan), grilled cheese.  Well, maybe I'll make a difference when I hit the ol' Culinary Career.  Yessir, right up my alley.

Dylan: Somehow being a bartender isn't going to do a thing for grilled cheese or lack thereof.

Leland:  You got no right to talk!  Where were you when we were freezing our tushies off in Strangeville?  Huh?  Checking out the local ladies?

Dylan:  Nah, working on my handiness.  Besides, I already maxed out the Angling Ace aspiration.  Now I want handiness to be at level ten so I can open up that mine in the back of Landgraab's house, and the other one in the park.

Kelly:  (sigh), More places to fish, oh goody.

Dylan:  Somehow I think Dylan has the wrong idea.  Mixology = work.  Not his cuppa tea. 


Kelly:  I'm tellin' you there is nothing there!  It is just a big, fancy tree.

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Leland:  Well, it does look pretty obvious, bro.  No doors or such.

Dylan:  I'm telling you guys this is the place.

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Neighbors:  Should we tell them?  I mean, I hate to make my new neighbors look the fool but they are pretty clueless.

Marcus:  Nahhh.  Let 'em find out for themselves.  They'll be ok.

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Dylan:  C'mon already!  I watered you, told you how great your roots were, commented on your leaves and you got nuthin?

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Dylan: OPEN! Sez me!.......................WHoo hoo!

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DV: Oh, yeah, it's always the magic words. (snickers)  Still, it is lovely in Sylvan Glade.  Fairies, sprites, and spooky eyes watching you.  What's not to like?

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Dylan:  The next time you choose to mock me, remember this!

Leland:  Ok, ok.  I admit it, and I apologize.

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Dylan:  Be still my beating heart!  Did you catch that Kelly?

Kelly:  Shut it Dylan.  You're done, you're maxed, now let us have a chance.  Speaking of which, where is Amanda?

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DV: That's it, that's it!  Now, fortissimo!! 

Amanda:  Will you shut it?  How would you like to wear this violin?  That's it.  I'm done.

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DV: But.....but......

Amanda:  Nope.  You blew it for today.

DV: (sigh), Temperamental artists.  Guess it's time to call it a day.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Alternately
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2019, 09:24:58 PM »
I love how Amanda is so stylish with any outdoor activity. Fishing in a suit jacket, or playing the violin in the middle of the woods in a mini skirt! haha!
I also really like how you incorporated the hermit, I haven't been out there in awhile or even played an extended about of time there. Now I'm interested in finding it again.

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Re: Alternately
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2019, 10:45:11 PM »
I almost always go to the hermit pretty quickly.  Why?  Ok, leveling up cooking/gourmet cooking, leveling up fishing and while we're at it fish up showers for that empty lot, plus a few bugs and plants for the garden like blackberries etc. and not last nor least, there's the workbench so a good grip on handiness immediately plus a lot of stuff to sell from sculptures to fish and veg.  I got in the habit when I did a no buy and pretty quickly had things going on for my Sim.  Also, if you are into it, you can work on herbology and/or that outdoor thing.  Easily sleep five nights in  tent!  With Seasons buggering up so much stuff, at least garden and fishing wise, you can ALWAYS get stuff from the hermit no matter the season.

Sorry for so many fishing scenes, it literally was pretty much all they did that I could take shots of.  (Forgot to take screenies, again.)
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Alternately
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2019, 05:15:56 PM »
In Strangerville, I find Mark pretty cute, YA'd, and Good-traited; I take it he didn't click?
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Re: Alternately
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2019, 06:01:26 AM »
Didn't meet him.  We were kind of short on time so just went to the bar and either he didn't show up or was just one I didn't catch.  Pity!
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Alternately
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2019, 02:27:54 PM »
I like the idea of alternate realities.  Kudos to you for writing both stories.  I don't think I could keep it all straight.  I look forward to seeing who this Amanda chooses for a spouse.

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Re: Alternately
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2019, 03:21:03 PM »
@BallerinaHippo :  I AM finding it hard to keep track of who is doing what and in which dynasty.  I've done two before but never with the same founder in a different time/place.  I don't keep things for Alternate1 very neat but for THIS one I put all my screenshots in individual folders with chapters numbered in hopes I can keep up without getting messed up.  The folders help but my pc is not happy with all this info on it.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Chapter 4: Skills and House
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2019, 05:17:15 PM »
Chapter 4:  Skills and House

Dear Diary,  So much has already happened in my life.  First of all I got my helpers, which was a really good thing.  They are great guys and we all get along well.  We've managed to get "Connected", all but one of us, and with the cash and items sold from this I've started with a local contractor to build the house I know I'll eventually need.  Photos of the work in progress below:

This is the front of the house.  Pretty grand, eh?

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Right side of house showing greenhouse and unfinished porch.

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The rear of the house with a view of the pool.  Fancy that?  A pool!

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A shot of the landscaping we've just begun.  I do love flowers and can hardly wait till we have a real garden.

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As you know, my hopes for finding "the one" has been less than wonderful.  I just don't want the same old guys that look good, but........well, you know.  I struck out in Strangeville, though did find a great place for fishing, and, the day we went to the Secret Grotto, I made a HUGE fool of myself by trying to strike up a love interest with someone already married!!  Yikes!!!  I felt so embarrassed I just had to make a self deprecatory joke over it!  Still felt awful though.  Best left alone for now.
    Meanwhile, oh wise volume of my sad and hopeful reflections, Leland and I have both joined the Culinary career!  He will be a Master Mixologist, (we hope), to match up with my Master Chef.  At least the family will be well fed and watered!  Here we are discussing our careers:

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and waxing enthusiastic over the Cooking channel.  Will we ever be as good as the French Chef Julia Simchilds?  She's even written books on it!

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Leland says it boggles the mind, but I think we'll do just fine.

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Kelly and Dylan are hard at work as well.  Kelly is working on paintings which he thinks Dylan can use if he joins the scientist career, and anyway he needed three emotional paintings for his aspiration.

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Dylan is hard at work and totally focused on handiness.  We all could use that and if he is to open the mines he'll need to max that skill.

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Here's a shot of Leland and I after our first day of work.  Wow it was harder than either of us thought.

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Well,Dear Diary, my faithful friend.  I am definitely too tired and relaxed now to continue on.  See you tomorrow and, good night.

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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Chapter 5: The Hidden Grotto
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2019, 03:17:49 PM »
Chapter 5:  The Hidden Grotto

Amanda:  Are you sure this is going to work, Dylan?  We aren't just trespassing on Landgraab land are we?

Dylan:  I worked my fingers to the bone to max out handiness skill, Amanda.  Do you think it was just so I could fix stuff in the house or make sculptures?  It's for this!  This is a hidden mine, girlfriend!  I just know it is going to be full of treasures.

Leland:  Yeah, like more fishing I suppose.

Kelly:  I'm ok with fishing, if that's all there is.  Besides, consider it an adventure and being somewhere besides in the house.

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Kelly:  You know Lee, you have a really bad reputation around town.  Could it be because you're always so negative, hating children, putting down Dylan, your best friend no less.

Leland:  You think you are doing better?  Always so darned cheerful, sucking up to Amanda and all.  At least I have a best friend.

Amanda:  Boys!  Shut it!  You're distracting Dylan.  We're all friends here, remember?

Leland:  Sorry, Mandy.  Just woke up in a bit of a grump this morning.  Hadn't planned on haring off to some dusty ol' mine for my day off.  Besides, from the looks of things, we'll never get in at the rate he's going.

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Amanda:  Come on Dylan!  You can do it.  You've got it in you, I know you do.

Leland:  (sotto voce)  Yeah, but where has he got it? 

Kelly:  (sotto voce) Don't knock it.  He's been putting a lot of muscle into that work bench.  More than we have, oh chubby one.

Leland: Chubby!?  I'll have you know it takes a lot of muscle and skill to toss those.....

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Kelly:  Sorry, man.  My bad.  Let's hug it out.

Leland:  Well, maybe it would work better if he used a hammer instead of a wrench?

Amanda:  *plays encouraging music*

Leland:  You can hang around if you want, dude.  I'm outta here.

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Kelly:  Dude.  You might want to come on back.  He's done it!

Dylan:  Tol' you.  Wow!  Pretty creepy in there.  Dark.  Can't see much.  Uh, Amanda, less creepy music please. 

Amanda: *giggles*

Dylan:  Ok, I'm going in.   I think......

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Dylan:  Amazing!!  Kelly, take a look!

Kelly:  You're sure about this?  I mean, it's ok.  No trolls or goblins or orcs?

Amanda:  Leland I know you've had your disappointments but you really need to be a bit nicer to the "Family".  It's all you have you know and it is forever for us all.  Now we should all go in and support Dylan.

Leland:  Uh uh.  No way I'm letting you go in that creepy hole in the ground.

Kelly: *muffled voice*  Guys!  It's amazing!  Come on!

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Kelly:  Wow!  I've never seen so many fish!  Can't quite get a reading on this water though.  Leland, you?

Leland:  Yeah, I dunno.  Something about frogs I think.  I'm going for it.

Dylan:  Yep.  Frogs for the big ones.  Pretty weird fish in here, just as I suspected.  Can probably finish up a collection of fish in one spot.

Leland:  That's what you said the last time.

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Amanda:  DV, how long do I put up with these guys? 

DV:  Till death do you part and guarantee you'll bawl like a baby when Grim comes for them.

Amanda: Yeah, you're probably right.  I just feel like I'm failing them.  I haven't maxed anything, job is going slow no matter how inspired I am, garden is still not ready.  (sigh)

DV:  Amanda you're doing ok.  No worries, yet.  Although I am a bit concerned about the lack of a spouse at this point.

Amanda:  Yeah, I.........I got one!

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Dylan:  I'm telling you guys, this place has it all.  I'm done with fishing.  I'm gonna go dig up treasures while you slog it out.  Simple pleasures for simple folks I guess.  (chips away)
You know, we could actually live here.  Bring in tents, a shower, there's already a toilet, lots to eat.  Yeah, maybe I'll become a hermit here.

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Amanda:  DV you're sure we have to do this? I mean....ewwwww.  These fish are weird.

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Leland:  I have to admit it.  Dylan was right.  Place has everything.  Wish we had brought a shower though.  I'm starting to get a bit ripe.

Kelly:  Yeah, and food is not ready for picking.  Maybe we should pack up and head out.

Leland:  Not till I land this whopper!

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Amanda:  Boys must be getting pretty hungry by now.  Don't think this health potion will help much.  Let's travel DV.

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DV:  Head out to the park in Oasis Springs.  I set it up with showers and everything you'll need to catch up on needs.

Following my directions the entire gang went to the park.  Leland got a shower, Dyland, exhausted from all the mining headed for the tent, Kelly  caught up on making friends and Amanda.......

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Amanda:  WHA HOO!  Maxed cooking at last!!

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Yes, Amanda maxed cooking.  Let's leave her to celebrate, shall we?
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Alternately - Chapter 6 new update
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2019, 05:48:40 PM »
That's a fantastic jump for a fine milestone met! Still, she really is taking a while on the spouse in this timeline. I hope that'll turn out OK.
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Re: Alternately - Chapter 6 new update
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2019, 05:33:47 PM »
Thank you, Deme!  I was lucky to be really paying attention and quick hit pause to get that shot of the jump.  Well, she doesn't just want same-ol, same-ol for a spouse and so far she hasn't even had much luck with those.  Next chapter will clarify.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
My No Buy Story
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