Author Topic: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 6.11, Part 2 - They Had Other Plans  (Read 87586 times)

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The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 4.6 - Quarantine Brain Strikes
« Reply #135 on: October 11, 2020, 02:36:05 PM »
I'm going to be completely honest with you guys; I got really bored during quarantine. It drove me a little crazy and I played a lot of generation four during it. Anyways, this chapter was the result of that. I forgot about it and let me tell you, it was a shock looking over it.
You have been warned, but you guys probably expect this from me already.

We start this chapter in a surprisingly normal way. Look at how cute Melinoe is! She has been a toddler for how many chapters? I don't know but I want her to stay a toddler forever. She's too darn cute!

Electra is also cute in her own way.
"Mama, move!"
"Wow, I raised such a rude child."
You didn't raise her at all.

What, why? What's going on this time?
Wait, what?

I paid the bills! I LITERALLY paid the bills!
"That isn't what the game says."
Don't break the fourth wall on me! Stop taking my stuff!

You can't take the book Shark wrote! That's one of the only useful things he did with his life!
"Tough luck. I like this book and the original always sell better."
It's the only item generation three had!
It was about Shark's relationships with Dione and Hestia!

"Sounds like your problem."
So anyway, I deleted the repowoman.
I have no regrets.
I HATE them.

I had Lethe capture a purple butterfly for generation three's museum. I wanted them to at least have something.

It looks nice in it. It will always have an interesting story to it which is a plus.

Now this, THIS is the part where my quarantine brain decided to take control. It said, "Hey, Audrina should have a kid, right?"
Thanks, quarantine brain.

Who better to be the baby daddy than the famous Gunther Goth himself?
"Well aren't you pretty, young lady."
"He's too old for me, Watcher."
You are one day away from being an elder.

"Why are you saying I'm too old for you? Isn't the real issue that I have a wife?"
"Nah, I come from a long line of homewreckers.”
"That's horrible!"
"Not really. Calm down."

While Audrina and Gunther were errr...busy falling in love, Jamaal got a letter in the mail.
Really Dione, really?

It was also time for the girls to age up.  :( Melinoe went first.

She gained the brave trait to go along with grumpy and clumsy. She's still adorable, but not as cute as she had been when she was a toddler.
"Wow, rude."

Electra aged up after Melinoe and was given the shy trait. Her traits are now loves the outdoors, light sleeper, and shy. She looks a lot like Lethe which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
"I...I look like my mom?"
Well, yeah.
"Oh okay."

Back at the Goth mansion, Gunther and Audrina were FINALLY getting along.
"Hey, want to be the father to my kid?"
"Meh, why not?"
"That's the spirit."

Thankfully, Cornelia wasn't home, or that would have been awkward.

I was listening to music so I didn't hear if there were any chimes.
This detail will be important to explain the next picture. Well, as much as I CAN explain it.

My quarantine brain went, "Hey you know what's cooler than a Goth baby? A Goth ghost baby!"
Victor Goth, Gunther's dad, decided to come out of his grave.
Naturally, my response was to send Audrina to flirt with him. I then had her try for baby with Victor while Gunther was sleeping.
This somehow all fits Audrina's character though.

A few hours later, Audrina was feeling nauseous and I sent her to the grocery shop to buy watermelons.
Lots and lots of watermelons.
"What if I don't want a girl?"
You're the one who rolled a wish for it.
"No, I rolled a wish to have a boy!"
Well for some reason my quarantine brain wanted you to have a girl.
"I hate your quarantine brain."

Back at the house, Lethe worked on her sculpting skill.
How exciting.
"Oh, have you forgotten who your heiress is again because it seems like you have?"
You're not being interesting. I only follow sims who are being interesting.
"Well, maybe I would be being interesting if I wasn't stuck to a skilling object!"
Spydon and Hera were interesting even when they were stuck to skilling objects.

Melinoe and Electra gained their first points in the logic skill.
"This is boring."
Chess isn't boring. It actually has a long history behind it-
"-snore. I'm falling asleep already."

So you guys decided that doing your homework was more fun than playing chess?
"Yeah. Get wrecked, Watcher."
That's just depressing. It's not even useful for this challenge. Get back to skilling!

That is where this chapter ends, dear readers. Who do you think Audrina's baby daddy is? I didn't update the family tree because I was lazy so you can't look either.  :P Sorry about that.
On another note, I did update the family tree fairly recently before Audrina got pregnant. I was trying to take pictures of Ace's family in Twinbrook and my game crashed. Several times. I kept getting updates about them in Sunset Valley and that was messing my game up. Anyways, I aged them and took as many pictures as I could before my game decided to die. I then went in and deleted the world file which they were in. I have another save where they still exist, so they aren't completely gone, however I will no longer be updating that side of the family tree. It's way too stressful for me to do and the game can't handle it. My game has also been running better now that I deleted that file. For future reference, when/if the Timeless family moves again, any side of the family that is left will not be updated past that point. It aggravates me, but the Sims 3 is a game built with duct tape that really shouldn't work in the first place. I love it, but it seems like it's only goal sometimes is to self-destruct.
Alright, ramble over. I hope you guys are all having a great day. Thanks for reading. Bye!

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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 4.6 - Quarantine Brain Strikes
« Reply #136 on: October 11, 2020, 03:22:43 PM »
No problem about the family tree, they get super-overwhelming the moment you decide that the spares need kids too. Audrina's adventure has me anticipating some crazy things too! I want ghost baby for the coolness but a Gunther baby for the genes so I'm not sure what I'm rooting for.

And children are the weird ugly duckling life stage, keep your head up and the birthday cakes well-stocked.
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Offline mpart

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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 4.6 - Quarantine Brain Strikes
« Reply #137 on: November 08, 2020, 02:05:34 PM »
No problem about the family tree, they get super-overwhelming the moment you decide that the spares need kids too. Audrina's adventure has me anticipating some crazy things too! I want ghost baby for the coolness but a Gunther baby for the genes so I'm not sure what I'm rooting for.

And children are the weird ugly duckling life stage, keep your head up and the birthday cakes well-stocked.

Yeah they really do. I think it would have been more doable if Ace just hadn't had five children, but he did. I love big spare families but even that was a little much for me. Either way, Audrina's baby will be a Goth, that's for sure!

Thank you. I wish EA had just made the kids a little bit more unique to be honest. They all look the same unless they have drastically strange genes.

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The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 4.7 - The Aftermath
« Reply #138 on: November 08, 2020, 02:06:11 PM »
Welcome back, everyone! So I went back and checked to see how long this generation has gone on and we have reached over six months. I do plan on reaching generation five by the end of this year though so don't worry. We are getting there one way or another.

Audrina helps to start this chapter off by being sick.
Ah, the joys of pregnancy I'm sure.

She then officially does the pregnancy spin.
Okay, so I know how I said that she wished for a boy last chapter, but technically, this was the exact moment where she wished for a boy. My timeline was a little bit off, but I'm just blaming my quarantine brain.
"You can't blame it for everything!"
Sure I can.

"Lethe, did you hear? I'm pregnant!"
"I'm sorry for your loss. We can get you through this, I promise. We just need to find another person to move in and raise-"
"-No, I'm happy! I want a kid."
"What, why?"
"I want to raise a tiny person."
"Sounds boring."
10/10 mother, Lethe. You take after your great-grandmother Aries. It's weird writing that Aries is a great-grandmother.

"Hey, Electra? Our mom hates us."
"No-no she doesn't!"
"Yeah, she does."

"Let's just focus on the game."
Poor kids.

Hey Jamaal, how do you feel about Lethe hating your kids?
"She doesn't hate them. She just doesn't understand them."
That's not much better.
"She'll grow closer to them when they are teenagers. That's how the dislikes children trait works."
Did you just break the fourth wall?
"What? Me? Never."

Speaking of the girl's teenage birthdays, it's about time!
"We weren't even children for a whole chapter!"

"This is ridiculous!"
Melinoe's traits now are clumsy, grumpy, brave, and angler. I love her and tried to incorporate a lot of white into her outfits.

Isn't she just gorgeous?

Next up was Electra.

Electra gained the no sense of humor trait which is honestly pretty funny.
She also looks like a murdered victorian child in this picture for some reason.
It's oddly fitting.

Dione finally kicked the bucket and with her death generation 3 is completely gone.  :( I put her next to Shark because I think she would have wanted that. Hestia wouldn't have though.

The girls didn't waste any time after their birthdays and went back to skilling. It's not like I would have given them an option, but I still appreciate their determination.
Melinoe rolled the Tinkerer Lifetime Wish and I locked it in. It's 100% doable before she comes a young adult if I time it right.

Audrina mastered the pregnant waddle.

It wasn't long after that she was giving birth.
Tough luck.

Audrina gave birth to Caden Racket-Timeless. His traits are disciplined and good. His favorites are soul music, fish and chips, and seafoam. His father is...
..Victor Goth making him Gunther Goth's brother.
I thought this dynasty couldn't get weirder but somehow it has. Caden is not a ghost baby but he does have some Goth genes. All in all, I'm pretty happy about his existence.

Melinoe was busy fishing while her second-cousin(?) gave birth.
"Shouldn't I be working on my lifetime wish?"
Yes, but for some reason past me wanted you to fish instead.
"Past you is dumb."
Fair enough.

Electra was doing what all heirs/heiresses have to do in a dynasty: spouse hunting!
Sam Sekemoto is around Electra's age which is perfect. He is a townie and I have honestly never seen him as a spouse before in a dynasty because he's a toddler when the game starts. I'm super excited that he's going to be part of this dynasty.

"Wait, what?"
Congratulations on becoming part of the Timeless dynasty!
"Uhm...uhm Watcher you are making this...awkward."
Just throw the potion at him.
"Oh okay."

I actually had Electra flirt with him until she could get the first kiss option because I'm not a complete monster, everybody. Also she's shy and it seemed fitting to me. I would have rather her done the heat of the moment kiss though.
"Uh..sorry things might not be going as planned for you, but I hope you like my family when you move in, okay?"

So maybe these two are being forced together, but it looks like Sam doesn't mind. Electra even had a wish to ask him to prom and he said yes.

I mean, look at how cute these two are together.
I have no regrets.

Lethe aged up into an elder.
"Ewww...I'm officially old."
That's how being an elder works.
"All I have left to do is kick the bucket."
Don't think like that. You still can earn me many points.
"Wow, you sure have a way with words, Watcher. I'm feeling so comforted right now."
You're welcome.
"That was sarcasm."
I know.

Audrina also had to age up too.
"Wait, no."
Too late.

Awwww! You're such a cute elder!
"Leave me alone."

That's the end, everybody. I hope you enjoyed it. I know that Sam and Electra met in a pretty stereotypical dynasty way, but I'm hoping that they will be an interesting couple. I know no couple will beat Aries and Spydon, but I have my fingers crossed these two will be interesting. 

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Chapter 4.8, Part 1 - Midas Touch
« Reply #139 on: November 10, 2020, 10:00:52 PM »
Hello again! This chapter is going to be split into two parts because of... reasons.  :-X This is the second to last chapter of generation four. Buckle up because this is sure going to be one heck of a chapter.

The Timeless family is back in China to do some skilling!
"I'm so excited, Watcher."
Don't sass me, Lethe.
"Aren't we getting too old for this? I have an infant at home."
You guys are no fun.

I redid a bit of the vacation home. One of these days I am going to completely remodel it but today is not that day.
It's getting there though. Slowly but surely.

The whole point of the vacation was to make sure Melinoe completed her lifetime wish before she aged up.
"Why do I have to upgrade ten sinks again?"
Your lifetime wish, Melinoe.
"Well, I don't want it anymore."
Too late.

I made Electra start learning the sculpting skill.
"I don't like this."
You will grow to like it.
"No, I won't.
Not with that attitude.

Audrina completed her lifetime wish!

Meanwhile, Lethe and Jamaal were currently spending time together not skilling because I am a nice Watcher. I bought a magic 8-ball to see what wishes Lethe and Jamaal came up with and...
...Lethe wished to be worth one million simoleons.
It was a 70,000 lifetime happiness wish and it was completely doable.

Even Audrina rolled a similar wish after using the magic 8-ball.

I had Audrina buy a Philosopher's Stone with her lifetime happiness points to make quick money. The Timeless family was only 75,000 simoleons away from being worth one million. The Philosopher's Stone can be used to make money but it does come with some slight....risks.
"What do you mean?"

Jamaal and Lethe were flirting and rolling wishes to spend time with each other like crazy, so I decided it was time for them to get hitched.
"Lethe, I know we are old now and when I first met you we both almost died to a meteor, but will you marry me?"

"Of course I will. Now, put that ring on my finger."

Right after they got engaged, their wedding ceremony began.
"You're stuck with me forever, Jamaal."

"There is no one else I would rather be stuck with."

Awww. That's surprisingly sweet and also kind of disturbing. I guess that describes the Timeless' families relationships pretty well though.

Melinoe finished her lifetime wish right before the Timeless family had to leave China.
Go, Melinoe!
"Can I stop being enslaved now?"
Hahaha, good joke!

When the Timeless family arrived home, I placed down the Philosopher's Stone in the front yard. I had Audrina try to turn the newspaper into gold and she...

She LITERALLY died and turned into a gold statue.
This is the SECOND time this has happened in one of my short dynasty attempts.

Sadly, that's the end of part one of this chapter. I'll be posting the second part... soon. Hopefully.

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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 4.8, Part 1 - Midas' Touch
« Reply #140 on: November 13, 2020, 01:32:13 PM »
Crazy to leave us off on that! I did look through Audrina's traits again as she was aging up and my hope for a save from the Unlucky trait is dwindling. :(
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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 4.8, Part 1 - Midas Touch
« Reply #141 on: November 13, 2020, 03:22:56 PM »
Crazy to leave us off on that! I did look through Audrina's traits again as she was aging up and my hope for a save from the Unlucky trait is dwindling. :(

Hahaha, sorry! I had to split up the chapter into two different parts so that I didn't go pass the picture limit. Sadly that was the best place to end it. Yeah. She doesn't have the unlucky trait.  :(

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The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 4.8, Part 2 - Whoops
« Reply #142 on: November 13, 2020, 03:24:36 PM »
Sorry for the cliffhanger on part 1 guys. Hopefully, this makes up for it.

The whole household excluding Caden gathered outside to watch as Audrina died.

"Please! I just want to raise my son a little longer. I don't want to die because my Watcher is an idiot!"
I wasn't planning for you to die! I'm only half an idiot at best!
"Man, your Watcher is mean, isn't she?"
Oh, come on, guys!. I just wanted more points. I wasn't actually planning on murdering Audrina! It just happened.

After Audrina died, Lethe fainted. Probably because her cousin had turned into a gold statue.
"You got to fix this."
No, I don't, Jamaal.
"Yes, you do."

I had Lethe bring Audrina back from the dead.

So I know what you readers are thinking; "That doesn't seem like it's within the rules." Occults aren't allowed in a short dynasty if they do not age. My plan was for Lethe to bring Audrina back as a playable ghost. When Lethe passes away, Audrina will go back to the Netherworld. It's something I did in my last short dynasty attempt when I accidentally killed my sim using the Philosopher's Stone. I don't recommend trying to use the Philosopher's Stone to make money in any challenges unless you are okay with the sim dying in the process. I'm not even sure why I did it in the first place.

Audrina came back shortly from the dead and Lethe was...not happy with Audrina's new form.
"Did she have to come back as a ghost?"
There is no pleasing you people, is there?

As Audrina walked back into the house, officially a ghost, I sold the gold statue of her. It fulfilled Lethe's lifetime wish and granted her a whooping 70,000 lifetime happiness points. There was an error last chapter that I fixed. It said that the wish she rolled was 50,000, but it was actually 70,000.
"Wait...WAIT. You planned on Audrina dying, didn't you?"
Well...not necessarily!
"Sounds like a confession to me."
Everything turned out okay and that's what matters.
"Hmph. You murdered Audrina for points!"
Not intentionally.

No hard feelings, right, Audrina?
"You literally murdered me an hour ago."
That's the spirit! I mean, uh...
"Just go away."
That works too.

Audrina decided to try her luck using the magic 8-ball. Electra and Melinoe weren't a fan.
"The...only thing it...the magic 8-ball has done is lead to death. Get rid of it."
Electra has a point.
"Give me a second. I'm wishing for a dog."
Wish denied.
"You killed me!"
Still, wish denied.
The magic 8-ball was sold. I feel like the fact that Lethe rolled such a high wish because of it made it a little cheaty so I don't plan on using it again.

Jamaal was working Jamaal! No!

"Can I see my wife and children one more time? Please?"
"Sorry, man. I'm just here to do my job."

I'm going to miss Jamaal a lot. He was a great spouse for Lethe and helped to shape generation four. It's a shame he couldn't see the end of it.

Audrina was busy trying to ask Gunther on a date. Cornelia had passed on and Audrina had a wish to marry someone. Gunther agreed to go on a date with her but never showed up. It was not until an hour later when Audrina got the heartbroken moodlet that I learned it was because he died.  :( Man, this chapter is just depressing.

"Rough day, huh?"

Lethe and Audrina comforted each other as they grieved.

Audrina then went to snuggle Caden as I deleted her wish to marry someone.

That's officially the end of this chapter now. The next chapter will be the last chapter of generation four. I have already started working on updating the family tree to where I am currently in game so beware of spoilers. I hope you guys are all having a good day. Bye.  ;D

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The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 4.9 - Hey, We Made It!
« Reply #143 on: November 22, 2020, 10:12:03 PM »
We are almost at generation five, everybody. That's the farthest I have got in a fully documented story yet. I'm not going to lie, there were times where I worried I was never going to finish this generation. This year has DESTROYED my creativity so this is a huge deal to me. Thanks for sticking by my side everyone.


Sam aged up and it was time for him to join the household.
" with me and my"
"I'm guessing I don't have a choice in this?"
"Sure you do!"
"Oh well...I don't think living with you and your family would be that bad."

I gave Sam a makeover and I feel like he has been hiding this entire time. He has great genetics!
"Ah parents gave them to me?"
No, EA did which is what makes this even more surprising.
Sam's traits are absent-minded, animal lover, snob, excitable, and artistic. His lifetime wish is Master of the Arts. His favorites are green, kids music, and French toast.
I had him join the self-employed painter career as it felt fitting for him.

Audrina started working on Sam's sculpture right away.
"Hey...lady, I don't mean to be rude, but why are you a ghost?"
"I was sacrificed."
"You were what now?"
"The Watcher sacrificed me so that she could get more money."
"Uhm I'm not sure I feel safe here anymore..."
Stop scaring away Sam, Audrina! You have had a good life!
"Well I did before I was sacrificed."

Sam bonded with his future mother-in-law who was doing his portrait.
"Woah, woah. I don't even know Electra that well-"
"-Listen, kid. I want ten grandbabies. Do you hear me? Ten grandbabies."
"Ma'am, with all due respect, I'm not even sure-"
You have the dislikes children trait, Lethe!
"So? I won't be raising them."

While Sam was trying to make a run for it, the girls were going to prom. Woo!
Go get yourself a love interest, Melinoe!

Electra was far more excited for prom than Melinoe was.
"It's not going to be as fun...because Sam isn't here...but..."
You'll still have a good time. I remember my prom. It was...something.

Time to play the game "guess who had too much fun in their editing software when the girls went to prom?" The answer is me. For some reason, the game registered Sam as being at prom when he was clearly slaving away at a painting easel instead. What?
Melinoe also got voted prom queen which wasn't that much of a surprise, but I was too focused on the fact Sam showed up to prom...somehow.

You know what? I'm done questioning how this game works. I clicked yes and Electra and Sam were going steady.

They even got a picture together even though...he wasn't there.

Melinoe got a prom picture too.

Back at the house, Caden aged up.

Audrina rolled a few wishes to toddler train him so I let her get right on that.
"You're really feeling guilty for sacrificing me, aren't you?"
"Hah. Good."

After the prom, Electra and Melinoe aged up. Electra aged up first which was strange while Melinoe aged up at home.

Electra's final traits are loves the outdoors, light sleeper, shy, no sense of humor, and sailor. All in all, they are completely useless. Her lifetime wish, however, is going to be a lot of fun for me. Electra's lifetime wish is Bottomless Nectar Cellar. It's going to require a trip to France and it's something I have never tried before. I'm super excited.

Melinoe's traits are clumsy, grumpy, brave, angler, and snob. She has already completed her lifetime wish The Tinkerer. She'll be moving out of the household soon so she can go and live her own life free of being a dynasty slave.
"Seems like there's a catch here."
Not really.
"There's a catch."
If you say so.

Now, this is where I would usually end the generation and save the of the pictures for the next one, but I haven't reached the picture limit yet. Let's just say that since the next generation will be generation five this is a special occasion.

Electra and Melinoe had their sculptures done by Audrina. It took a couple of tries.

I feel like the expression Electra made for her sculpture really doesn't fit, but hey, if she's happy, I'm happy.

Electra, Sam, and Melinoe all graduated even though they didn't attend the ceremony. Naturally, I had too much fun with Gimp (my editing software) again.

Once Audrina was done with the sculptures, she was back to teaching Caden his toddler skills.
"Can you say 'mommy,' Caden?"
"That's not 'mommy,' but I like your spirit. We come from a line of sassy spares that are forced to sculpt. Do you want to sculpt when you get older, dear?"
Jokes on you, I wasn't planning on him staying in the household.  :P
"Then who is going to be your spare?"
That's for me to find out...and you to also find out.
"That doesn't sound like a plan!"
Bold of you to assume I had one in the first place.

Meanwhile, Electra was busy wooing Sam.

Sam was trying to woo Electra in return.
"See that star right there? That's part of a huge constellation that makes up most of the sky."

They were soon forced encouraged to go back to skilling.

Lethe finished Electra's portrait and it turned out great.

I decided to take a screenshot of all the heir/heiresses portraits together since we have officially reached generation five.
We made it, everyone.

As is the theme for the end of generations, I'll be taking a break to update the score count/family tree, etc. I will also be getting rid of the property score added in generation three to avoid any confusion. For those of you who don't remember, I decided to only record the property score for the Timeless family once generation ten is over. The reason for that is because I doubt Sunset Valley will be the last town the Timeless family live in due to the amount of strain I put on this game.
That's it for generation four. I hope you all enjoyed it. I know I certainly did.

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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 4.9 - Hey, We Made It!
« Reply #144 on: November 23, 2020, 11:07:09 AM »
This generation got crazy so going to the next one is highly necessary. Sam's been an immortal dynasty spouse a few times in the challenge's history, so I've experienced his genes by proxy + he also makes a great painting slave and you're in the same sort of special hell.

Thanks for sticking with this for so long! You might even get the satisfaction of ten generations, at least the time on them is limited. ;)
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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 4.9 - Hey, We Made It!
« Reply #145 on: December 11, 2020, 04:55:21 PM »
Yesterday I finished reading the 1st gen. Love your founders! Such beautiful sim and their children? Wow.

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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 4.9 - Hey, We Made It!
« Reply #146 on: March 14, 2021, 12:02:20 AM »
This generation got crazy so going to the next one is highly necessary. Sam's been an immortal dynasty spouse a few times in the challenge's history, so I've experienced his genes by proxy + he also makes a great painting slave and you're in the same sort of special hell.

Thanks for sticking with this for so long! You might even get the satisfaction of ten generations, at least the time on them is limited. ;)

It just seems to get crazier every generation. Sometimes I think I'll have a calm one and then the game says "nah." It's what makes it so fun though. Ah, I didn't realize Sam has! He seems like a good dynasty spouse. I agree with you that he is a great painting slave. His artistic trait ended up helping a lot to get the museum pieces done.

Thank you for reading!  ;D I'm surprised I have managed to be honest. This is the farthest I have gotten in my short dynasties attempts. I never meant for each generation to be long, but so much happens that I can't help but add to the story. All my sims are insane.

Yesterday I finished reading the 1st gen. Love your founders! Such beautiful sim and their children? Wow.

Thank you so much! They ended up making prettier children then I could have imagined. Hera ended up being one of my favorite sims ever.

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The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 5.1 - An Interesting Beginning
« Reply #147 on: March 14, 2021, 12:45:03 AM »
Welcome back, everyone! It's time to start generation five! Woo! I have a confession to make: I have already played through all of generation five...and half of generation six. On that note, if you don't want spoilers, I urge you to avoid the family tree. It's updated to the point where I am in game now and the generation seven heir(ess) is a toddler. If you have any questions about what the heck happened in the family tree, I'll answer them as long as they are marked as spoilers. I'm not a psychopath and what happened was technically not my fault.
Anyways, I updated the score count! Also, I have decided in the spirit of fairness that at the end of the challenge I will be taking one point off for every town the Timeless family moved to. I know that every time they moved was due to the games showing signs of breaking, but it feels fair to me to take points off for moving. A lot of bugs prevent short dynasties from being able to reach their full potential point wise and the fact I moved to prevent them should probably be address, you know?
I think that's enough wall of text. Let's get into generation five!

For the most part, Electra's traits are useless. Utterly useless, but her lifetime wish is a lot of fun.

This is Electra's generation picture. Looking back, I added far too much lightning, but it's fitting for her.

I added another level to the house because according to my game, my intention for it is to die a long, painful death. In reality, I just needed more space.

Audrina is having her portrait added to the generation four museum even though it won't count for points. She died so generation four could get more points so she deserves to be in the museum.

Melinoe is looking gorgeous as usual. Sadly, this is the last picture I have of her before she moves out.
You are moving out soon.
"Something bad is going to happen, isn't it?"
What? No.

Sam and Electra began to work on bringing in generation six.
"Good. I want ten grandbabies, do you two hear? I'm not helping raise them either. I just simply want them."
"Chop, chop, you two. I'm not going to live forever."

After trying for baby, Electra was sent to watch the kid's channel.

She was provided a steady diet of apples because I want a boy.
"Why...why not a girl?"
I want some variety.

Audrina continued to teach Caden to talk:
"Remember, Caden. The Watcher is not your friend."
That's not fair.
"She'll sacrifice you if she sees fit."
Not true!

Audrina managed to completely finish toddler training Caden. I think that's the first time a toddler will age up with all their skills learned in this challenge.

She then rocked with Caden. She's one of the best mothers in this challenge so far.
Well, the standards aren't that high...
"..I'll take it."

Lethe, what are you up to?
"I just don't understand why you aren't paying attention to me."
You're technically no longer the heiress.
"I can't believe you don't love me."
That's not true.

Caden aged up!

His traits now are disciplined, good, and brave. Those are all surprisingly good for being rolled.

"I..don't feel so well."
Probably because you are pregnant.

"Oh! I am!"
I thought you already knew that?
"I...did. It's just different...when it's confirmed?"
Fair enough.

Lethe and Audrina are occasionally allowed to take breaks now that they are elders.
"Do you remember when we were young, Audrina?"
"You mean two weeks ago?"
"I remember when I wasn't dead."
"I remember that too."
Well, that's depressing.

Electra was allowed to stop watching TV to tell Sam about her pregnancy.
"I... I know you aren't going to believe this, but...I'm pregnant!"

"That's great! Good for you!"
You do realize it's yours, right?
Your baby.
"Oh. Yes?"

This chapter couldn't be all happiness, however. It is a short dynasty after all.  :(

"Huh. Is this how you feel all the time, Audrina? I could get used to this."

"Come on, Grim. I want to see my husband."
"Don't you want to talk about how you have had a good life?"
"Oh, I have. I'm just not the type to stick around for too long. I have things to do, you know."
"In the afterlife?"
"Didn't you hear a word I said? Let's go."
"Yes ma'am."

Audrina left shortly after Lethe did. She lived longer than she would probably have as a human, but it still wasn't fun watching her young son cry.  :(

Generation four was so much fun. All the sims had such great personalities. I was genuinely sad when Lethe and Audrina died. They both really came to life in game. I didn't struggle developing them as character because they both made it loud and clear what they were like. 

I hate to end the chapter on a depressing note, but I have to. I'm at the picture limit. I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of generation five. It gets more cheerful from here, I promise. Have a good day!  ;D

Offline Chubling

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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 5.1 - An Interesting Beginning
« Reply #148 on: March 15, 2021, 05:01:30 PM »
Congratulations for getting so far! The quarantine has really made creativity hard. And you have been managing to still create and post! The dynasty is looking great! I can't wait to find out who is moving in

Offline mpart

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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 5.1 - An Interesting Beginning
« Reply #149 on: April 03, 2021, 11:41:50 AM »
Congratulations for getting so far! The quarantine has really made creativity hard. And you have been managing to still create and post! The dynasty is looking great! I can't wait to find out who is moving in

Thank you!  ;D It really has. I appreciate the support!