Author Topic: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 6.11, Part 2 - They Had Other Plans  (Read 93982 times)

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.14 - Who Knows With Hera?
« Reply #75 on: August 24, 2019, 03:12:54 PM »
Such beautiful Simmies!

R.I.P. Spydon, you should never keep Aries waiting!

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline mpart

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The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.14 - Who Knows With Hera?
« Reply #76 on: August 24, 2019, 11:02:22 PM »
Wow, the girls are drop-dead gorgeous. Dione looks like she popped right out of an '80s chick flick or something.

:O Hestia is gorgeous! The Timelesses certainly know how to make beautiful babies.

When they aged up I was shocked even though I took a peek in CAS when they were born. For all intents and purposes I shouldn't have been shocked, but it's the Timeless genes, I tell you!
I can definitely see Dione in an 80s chick flick. She's got so much character, but it's hard showing with how fast-paced short dynasties are. Her personality will probably come out more once generation three hits.

Such beautiful Simmies!

R.I.P. Spydon, you should never keep Aries waiting!

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Thank you!  ;D

He really shouldn't have. She's not the most patient person in the world.  ;)

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Welcome back! Chapters may be less frequent for a while.

I can't believe Macey and Ace are having more kids. They have triplets already. Triplets! I shouldn't be complaining though. I love when spares have kids.

I love the faces Hestia makes. She's so expressive, but in a way that is different from Aries and Hera.

She also seems to share Spydon's love of gossip. I miss him so much.  :'(

Arius got invited to a party hosted by Ace.
"Do I have to go in?"

The party wasn't a party at all, but more like a desperate plea from Ace to Arius to get him out of this house. The house is waayyyy too small for three toddlers, two adults, and a new baby on the way.

It was time to fix it.
"The Watcher is going to let you and your family move back in for a bit of time. She's got a plan."
"The house is so small and I can never sleep. Never."
"Yeah, yeah she's going to fix it."

Meanwhile Hestia decided to take a nap behind my back when there was skilling to be done!
Hestia, get up.
"Fight me."

Instead of fighting Hestia, I decided to focus on moving Ace's family back in. Diddy had to walk across the whole town because the game is cruel.  :'(

Here's the pictures of Ace's triplets as toddlers that I took for the family tree, and I thought you guys would like to see them. This is Harmony.

Here is Rayne, who has Spydon's hair color!

Last but not least is Brittany, who I absolutely adore.

With a hectic night behind Ace in which I had to juggle too many sims, it was time for him to move out. Again. Luckily, I had a plan this time in getting him a proper house.
"Uh...hi Mr.Racket. My Watcher told me to throw this at you. Please don't kill me."
"What in--"

"Ah, Ace! My new best friend! What do you need, lad?"
"I want to move in with my three kids and heavily pregnant wife."
"Well of course! My home is your home! Wait... this doesn't sound like me."
"Too late now."

As Ace and his family moved out, it was time for a vacation! Of course when the Timeless family got there, my game decided not to work properly.
"I thought we had a house..?"
"We did, Hestia, we did. That's where your father and I-"
"-Nope, nope. I don't want to know."
Let's keep this family-friendly, people. FAMILY-FRIENDLY.
Anyways, apparently the Timeless family lost their vacation house in their move. As I have never heard of this bug, I had to get it back with mods.

I wasn't able to get the exact vacation home back for some odd reason, but I was able to get a vacation home for them. I redid the exterior a little bit too. *Throws confetti.*
I have a feeling the neighbors aren't going to be the most ecstatic about it.

It was time for the skilling to commence!

"Hey Watcher, is the ice suppose to turn red and start flashing?"
Probably not Arius, but I'm too lazy to make you start another one. Now sculpt!
"I hate my life."
That's nice, Anastos.

Pretty picture of Hestia because my computer is probably slowly dying on the inside.

Dione spends her time working on her alchemy skill.

Hestia plays chess to work on her logic skill.

Hera paints... weird stuff.
"It's a llama."
I can see that.
"Then why are you acting like it's weird, Watcher? I'm just drawing an animal in it's natural habitat, doing natural things."
I'm going to assume you have never seen a llama before.
"Your point?"

Dione maxed alchemy and was rewarded by working on maxing her logic skill with Hestia.
"You know, I feel like I should say something sassy here, but I really love skilling."
Sniffles. That's my girl.

Guess who also maxed another skill? Cedrick! Time to work on your fishing skill, buddy!
"It's so cold out here though."
You're fine. You won't freeze to death... probably.

Here's one more picture of Hestia for the road. She reached level nine of the logic skill. I'm telling you guys, tabcasts are the way to go in short dynasties.

That's the picture limit! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Bye.

Offline Nevermore

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Those triplets are adorable! :O
Bwahahaa! Taking over the Racket mansion! XD

Timeless awesomeness as always.

Offline Magpie2012

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Lol Trip will get a kick out of the Racket Mansion becoming "Timeless" lol

Those triplets are epic! I love this Mpart!!!

Sent from my SM-A605FN using Tapatalk

because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline mpart

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Those triplets are adorable! :O
Bwahahaa! Taking over the Racket mansion! XD

Timeless awesomeness as always.

Thank you! Harmony and Rayne seem to favor Macy's genetics while Brittany favors Ace's.
It was the house with the most rooms that I could find. XD I haven't played much in Twinbrook, but so far the Racket's are being quite the characters.


Lol Trip will get a kick out of the Racket Mansion becoming "Timeless" lol

Those triplets are epic! I love this Mpart!!!

Sent from my SM-A605FN using Tapatalk

Hahaha! Yeah, I can definitely see that! I still haven't decided on Hestia's spouse, so we may have more Racket antics yet.  ;)

Thank you, Magpie!  ;D

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The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.16 - She Was the Best of Them
« Reply #81 on: September 01, 2019, 03:19:23 PM »
Hello everyone! Let's dive back into things, shall we?

Okay so, I know you're probably wondering "why are you showing us a bunch of maxed out skills, Mpart?" Well... these are all the skills Hera has maxed out so far. I know it's a lot and the score count for this generation is already 40+ points. You heard me right. I know that never happens in short dynasties and I have never seen someone get that high before in a single generation, so I thought it might need a little proof. This is only Hera's skills and she will be maxing out even more skills before she passes away.  I double checked the points and my sims's panels and yep... it all matches up. I'm telling you, having moodlet managers, tablets, and going on vacations really adds up. It might also help I'm crazy about keeping things orderly and I express that in the sims.
Laughs nervously.
Anyways, I just wanted to show that, and if anyone is skeptical, I'll take more pictures!  ;D It would be completely fine by me, I just don't want you guys to feel like I'm lying to you. I've attempted this challenge more than five times over the years and have learned how to nearly perfect it.

Now that all the technical stuff is out-of-the-way, it was time for everyone to return home. Some were happier about it than others, but in the end, it was time.
"What do you mean 'some were happier than others?' You worked us like slaves!"
YOU'RE NOT EVEN IN THIS PICTURE, ANASTOS. This is a picture that's supposed to show how much Hera and Dione look-alike, not a picture for my sims to argue with me!
"Well I like my version if it better!"

Hattie was happy to see the Timeless family was home and was literally bouncing. She's so freakin' adorable.

Hera gets stuck in the garden the moment she got home, as is dynasty custom.
"I'm going to find a death flower."

Cedrick is working on maxing his fishing skill before he kicks the bucket.
"I thought the fish would be bigger."

You know the saying "be careful what you say?" Grim decided to act on it except he didn't take Cedrick. He took darling Hattie!
"I'll take good care of her."
I don't care! She gets taken care of good here! Take Cedrick instead!

"That's not how it works, Watcher."

Hattie lived a long life, but not long enough. She was the light of this generation.  :'(

Cedrick didn't take her death well, which makes me feel really bad for offering him up instead of her.
"Yo-you did what, Watcher?"

On a happier note, look who aged up! Anastos gained the frugal trait to add to disciplined, good, loves the heat, and night owl. His lifetime wish is to become CEO of a Mega-Corporation. It's a plausible goal.
"Hey sorry for the broodiness in my teenage years... please don't kill me."
What? Me kill off spares? Never.
"Somehow I doubt that claim."
I feel attacked.

Luckily, Hera and Cedrick's relationship is going well. It seems to have gotten better even over the years.

Dionne finally gets to put her eccentric trait to use and work on maxing the inventing skill. Butt fires are coming in the near future. Luckily her crafting table is near the all-in-one bathrooms.

Anastos gets a job in the business career to start working on his lifetime wish and to get him out of my hair for a few hours each day.

It's Arius's birthday!
"What? No! I just aged up. I just aged up."
T'is the way of Short Dynasties.

"Ugh, I'm old! Old!"
You are now officially old, yes.
"Nooooo! I do not accept this! I refuse to accept this!'

Instead of ending this chapter with Arius's self-denial about his age, here is a picture of Hera playing with magic and being scary looking. It's beautiful.

Bye everyone! Sorry for switching from the past/present tense so often this chapter, I just seemed to struggle grammar wise this time. If it bothers anyone/if it was noticeable please let me know so I can fix it! Thanks!  ;D

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Offline Nevermore

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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.16 - She Was the Best of Them
« Reply #82 on: September 01, 2019, 05:55:21 PM »
Shane Snowe has a bone to pick with Hera. She's achieved more in her short life than he has in his. XD (Though, to be fair, he has got more than his fair share of distractions with a family like that. Too much time cleaning up their mess, not enough time skilling.)
Seriously though, that is awesome. :O So many skills! You really have perfected this challenge, huh?

NNNOOOOO!!!! NOT HATTIE!!! *cries*

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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.16 - She Was the Best of Them
« Reply #83 on: September 02, 2019, 12:40:03 PM »
Shane Snowe has a bone to pick with Hera. She's achieved more in her short life than he has in his. XD (Though, to be fair, he has got more than his fair share of distractions with a family like that. Too much time cleaning up their mess, not enough time skilling.)
Seriously though, that is awesome. :O So many skills! You really have perfected this challenge, huh?

NNNOOOOO!!!! NOT HATTIE!!! *cries*

To be fair, Hera is forced to skill and Shane isn't. The fact he enjoys it means more than the amount of skills he has maxed out. Plus, you're not wrong about him constantly cleaning up his family's messes. XD
Thank you! Yeah, I guess it's strange that failing so many times actually helped me out. I'm sure there's a life lesson in that.

I know! I'm devastated.  :'(

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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.16 - She Was the Best of Them
« Reply #84 on: September 02, 2019, 12:43:21 PM »
Hi guys! I'll be taking a small break from this story as this generation has ended up being much longer than I thought. We're nearly at the end of generation two, but I want to tie it up nicely and not rush it. I'll still be taking a break once this generation is over, but I thought a small one before that would be good too. Bye guys and I will see you soon!

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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.16 - She Was the Best of Them
« Reply #85 on: September 09, 2019, 01:48:39 AM »
Y'know, I've been thinking about trying a Short dynasty.

Then I saw Hera's skills.

I could never top that. Holy moly. You have my upmost respect, that's insane.

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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.16 - She Was the Best of Them
« Reply #86 on: September 09, 2019, 08:19:08 AM »
Y'know, I've been thinking about trying a Short dynasty.

Then I saw Hera's skills.

I could never top that. Holy moly. You have my upmost respect, that's insane.

Right? It's the kind of stuff you don't even do in a normal legacy.
No respect, no chance, cease and desist when I chant-

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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.16 - She Was the Best of Them
« Reply #87 on: September 20, 2019, 09:37:27 AM »
Y'know, I've been thinking about trying a Short dynasty.

Then I saw Hera's skills.

I could never top that. Holy moly. You have my upmost respect, that's insane.

You should! It would be wonderful.
Hahaha, thank you! I didn't mean to intimidate anyone, I just felt like I needed a little proof for when I posted this generation's score, you know? I'm not sure how I even managed it.

Y'know, I've been thinking about trying a Short dynasty.

Then I saw Hera's skills.

I could never top that. Holy moly. You have my upmost respect, that's insane.

Right? It's the kind of stuff you don't even do in a normal legacy.

Thank you! ;D I'm a bit crazy when it comes to trying to collect points.

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The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.17 - She's Just a Little Old Lady
« Reply #88 on: September 20, 2019, 01:48:22 PM »
Welcome back, everyone! I'm back from my break and ready to dive back into this story, but first, we have several notifications and additions to the family tree we need to get through. I also have a new grammar program, so my grammar from now on should be improving in this story. Yay!

Anastos maxed out sculpting right after he aged up. He'll be doing everyone's sculptures once Arius passes away.

Speaking of Arius, he completed the skill challenge needed to have ice sculptures last! I was worried he wouldn't complete it in time.

Another thing that happened was Ace aged up and had twins. That's right. Twins. Their names are Tamara and Elena. Not bad, Story Progression. Not bad at all.

It's not all sunshine and rainbows sadly. Diddy, Ace's cat, passed away. Rest in peace Diddy. :'(

With all the notifications and talking about Ace's new kids out of the way, it's time to jump back into the story! Man, I say that a lot.
Hestia has been rolling several wishes to start learning how to paint lately and I finally caved in. If she wants to be chained to the easel, so be it.
"Thanks, Watcher!"

So... at this point I was bored in-game. Dangerously bored. Hera had a wish to go to the festival and I had Anastos go with her since he had a day off before he started work. He met Shark Racket who was carrying little Rayne around. She's in the bottom right corner, in case you guys can't find her in the picture.

Hera had other plans for Anastos' day, however.
"Anastos, this is Lolly. Lolly, this is Anastos. Now I better get going. I'm senile now, you know."


"Oh, I can't hear you. I can't even remember my name. I'm just a helpless little old lady."

If you weren't so scary Hera, maybe people would believe you.
"Hmph, where's the fun in not scaring an octopus or two along the way?"
I have no idea what that means, but okay.

Anastos decided to take his mother's not-so-subtle advice about Lolly. He threw a friendship potion at her to break the ice.

It worked wonderfully.

"Everything is going to plan. Yes, yes."
Well that's not ominous at all

"I'm just a little old lady. Stop questioning me."
You know, the more you say that the less I believe you.

Things are going well for Lolly and Anastos. A little too well.

Hi Ace!
"I hate to be the bearer of bad news Watcher, but you do realize that woman is pregnant... and married?"
Oh. Oh.

Hey Anastos?
"What now, Watcher? I'm wooing my lady friend."
I think we need to talk about that.
"What? Why?"
No reason. No reason at all.
"Then we don't need to talk."
Laughs nervously

Let's see what's going on at the house. Hestia is... smiling? Maybe?
"I don't know what you're trying to do, Hestia, but it's scaring me."
"I'm trying to smile for the camera!"
"Like a mom smile or an actual smile?"

Hestia was soon back to normal, however, and got back to painting as Dione whined about her homework to her.

That's the end of the chapter everyone. Don't worry, there will be plenty more Anastos shenanigans next chapter. Bye guys!

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The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.18 - Anastos Destroys His Love Life
« Reply #89 on: September 21, 2019, 09:50:48 PM »
Hey guys! I promised you more Anastos shenanigans and I'm going to deliver. You can probably already guess that from the title, but hey, part of the fun is acting like you're surprised, right?

Last chapter, Anastos was missing some key facts about his lady-friend.
"Why does that matter? I think I'm in lov--"
"Woah, woah. You can't just go hugging a married lady! Just because we tried for a baby and spent the last few hours making out, doesn't mean we are anything more than just friends! The indecency!"
"Wait what? I might have a kid with you and you're married?"
Don't worry, Anastos. She is pregnant, but she's not pregnant with YOUR kid.
"H-how does that make it better? How does that make any of this better?"

"Also, our date sucked, Anastos!"
I mean, it can't get any worse, right? It can only get better? Maybe?

Oh look, here's another lady for you, Anastos! She's stable, single, and most importantly, she has townie genetics! Her name is Emerald Greenwood.
"I-I guess. She is pretty..."
That's the spirit!

"Are you pregnant too?"
"Haha, you're super funny!"
I would never advise asking a woman if she's pregnant, but I'm glad it worked in this case? They also share the good trait. This is a match made in heaven.

"I'm going to marry her and have kids with her! Take that Lolly!"

"Oh, flowers! They're beautiful, Sapphire!
"My name is Emerald."
"Oh, right."

Spydon is rolling in his grave right now. ROLLING. Aries is probably telling him to shut up and to go get more popcorn before anything more interesting happens.

I love how Lolly just doesn't care at all about any of this.

"No, no, Watcher. I do care. This is my best shot to get into a dynasty family. Hey Anastos, I have my husband, you have you're... whatever she is. What about we cheat on both of them? Together?"
"Yeah, that might work."
"Glad you agree with me."

Okay, well, this is happening. Okay. This is fine.

Emerald became angry at Anastos, rightfully so. She accused him of cheating and he dared to shrug it off. I'm dying.

Lolly decided it was best for her to go back to flirting with Anastos. Anastos agreed.

That was the last straw for Emerald.
"Do you care about no one but yourself? It's bad enough you're cheating on me, but do you have to do it in front of me too?"

"We've only been together for an hou--"
"I don't care! I thought you loved me, Anastos!"

"Woah, woah. Love is a strong word. How about you just calm down--"
Everyone is just going to have to guess what Emerald said next because I bet it wasn't family-friendly.

At this point Anastos and Emerald weren't exactly on friendly terms, so he got a wish to befriend her again.

The elixir worked as well it could, but Anastos officially has the cheater's reputation.

What's with the stink face, Hera?
"I have a feeling my son is destroying his love life."
You may be correct.

Things in the Timeless household are never boring. Just as Anastos was heading home, Dione experienced her first butt fire.

Spydon decided to show up as he wanted to witness the Anastos drama himself in person.
"Wait... it's not happening here yet? Awww."
"Sorry, dad. I know he's your favorite grandchild and everything, but he hasn't filled us in on what has happened yet. All Hera does is mutter about it."
"He's not necessarily my favorite. He's just the one I got to know the best before I died."
"Sure dad. Sure."

Speaking of Anastos drama, Lolly is officially pregnant! With her husband's child, but details, details.

Cedrick finally reached the top of his career! Careers are hard for me to have my sims reach the top of, so I'm super proud!

Everyone was proud when Cedrick retired too.
"Congrats dad, you're officially old!'
"Thanks, kids and strange neighbor."

That officially wraps up this chapter! The next one will be the last chapter of this generation. :'( Bye guys!

