Author Topic: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 6.11, Part 2 - They Had Other Plans  (Read 87583 times)

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The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.7 - I'm Speechless
« Reply #45 on: July 19, 2019, 01:02:55 PM »
Welcome back everyone! This chapter is a train wreck, so just a heads-up.

"Hahaha, I'm floating. Ah sh-"
-Spydon lived a long life. He reached the end of his life bar a few days ago.

RIP Spydon. :'(

"Hey! You're not allowed to die! I didn't say you could!"

Poor Aries.  :(
I'm sorry dear, he reached the end of his lifespan.

"You forced me to garden to keep me busy and never checked my inventory! I'M LIVING, WATCHER."

"What a gorgeous flower. You know...I'll get you later, Spydon Timeless. You sims drop dead in short dynasties every ten minutes. I haven't felt very APPRECIATED, you know?"
"It's not specifically mentioned in the rules."

This has never happened to me before. What?

"I can't believe my father is dead!"
"He was the only person who talked to me when I was painting."

As Spydon just escaped death, he decided to woohoo with Aries.
So...I'm just going to make sure this never happens again. I didn't even see a death flower growing in the garden. As this was a mistake, I'm not going to deduct points. This is never something I have had an issue with in my short dynasties.
I won't lie, this just makes me love Spydon more.

"I can't believe I'm getting a break from painting!"
"The Watcher is forcing you to help me max logic."
"I get a break from painting. Call it whatever you want, this is freedom."

Hera is steadily increasing her alchemy skill.

Speaking of things related to magic, Ivan the Koi fish has join the household. I know what you're thinking, "this is just another fish that Mpart is going to accidentally kill." No, this fish is going to live! He's going to live! I'm determined.

In case anyone is wondering, Hattie is still adorable. She has a new collar and everything.

"Wait, now I'M floating?"
Aries, no! No! No!

"I'm back. What a surprise."

"I have lived a surprisingly good life. I found a man I honestly love and I'm best friends with all my kids. It's been weird life."
Aries! I'm not ready for you to go!

"Come on. Let's go."
"You have a lot of angry exes waiting for you."
"I'd be disappointed if I didn't."

Spydon didn't handle Aries's death as well as she did.
I think his face says it all.

RIP Aries. Thank you for your sass and for being a surprisingly good mother and girlfriend.

She left a modest medium tombstone to add to her accomplishments.

On another note, Hera is pregnant.

Well, now I'm sad. I'm off to upload more images and write another chapter. Bye guys.

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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.7 - I'm Speechless
« Reply #46 on: July 19, 2019, 01:23:49 PM »
Spydon is such a brat! I guess Aries couldn't stand another second in that saggy elder body.
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Offline mpart

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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.7 - I'm Speechless
« Reply #47 on: July 19, 2019, 09:00:28 PM »
Spydon is such a brat! I guess Aries couldn't stand another second in that saggy elder body.

He is! When he pulled out that death flower, I automatically pulled up the rules. Luckily things seem to be okay. Yeah. She wasn't a fan of being an elder.

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A lot of things happened last chapter! I would tell you guys this chapter is less chaotic, but then I would be lying.

Beatrice and Ivan are both still alive and are looking happy!

Arius isn't handling Aries's death well.
"She was my best friend!"
Yeah, that's still strange to me. I can't believe Aries was best friends with all her children.

I changed up the house a little. There's now an official kitchen/dining area and more space for skilling objects. It's not gorgeous, but it's practical.

Spydon spends his time taking care of Anastos and gardening. He doesn't smile as much anymore. Grief is a weird thing I suppose.

You have got to be kidding me. This always happens in my short dynasties. Always.

"I'm part of this dynasty now."
The repoman has the Timeless eyes! What are the odds?
Luckily, he didn't steal anything that was irreplaceable. Just a few lights and a rug.

After the repoman left, a random paparazzi died on the yard.
"Good luck, lady. I'm not waiting around for the Grim Reaper to get me quite yet."

The grim reaper did his job and then stuck around to build a snowman.
"It's about enjoying the simple things in life."

10/10 snowman, Grim. It fits the house surprisingly well too.

Fog gathered around Aries's urn, but she didn't come out. :'(

On another note, Anastos aged up! He's an exact clone of his father, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Here's a picture of him screaming while Cedrick is holding him for reference. This chapter is all over the place, isn't it?

He got a start on learning how to walk with help from Hattie.

Hattie was exhausted once she was done helping Anastos learning how to walk. She looks so small. Awwwwwww.

Spydon taught Anastos how to talk because he's got nothing else better to do.
It's the truth.

Arius still keeps crying over Aries's death. Man, I must not have used the moodlet manager on him.

Hera is ready to pop any minute now!

Ah, crap.

After a labor that seemed to go on forever, Hestia Timeless was born. Her traits are hates the outdoors and artistic. Her favorites are yellow, tofu dog, and digitunes. She is a witch and since I forgot to mention it, her brother is not. Since Hera is named after a goddess in Greek mythology, every generation the firstborn female will be named after a goddess in a mythology. It won't be strictly just Greek mythology. I'm sure there will be generations where no girl is born and in that case, it won't matter.

Hera wasn't done giving birth yet. She waddled outside and Dione Timeless joined her sister. Her traits are friendly and perceptive. Her favorites are lime, spaghetti with veggie sauce, and latin. She's a witch too.

Now, are either of them the heiress to generation three? Drum roll please! Da-dum-da-dum...
Hestia has perfect genetics. Hestia has perfect genetics. I didn't even attempt to get perfect genetics! Holy crap! Dione also has purple eyes, but as Hestia is born first...she's generation three's heiress. The perfect genetics continue on for another generation and I'm still baffled how that even managed to happen. I remember when I was doing my perfect genetics challenge it was extremely difficult to get perfect genetics. I still can't believe this.

With the generation three heiress born, that's where I leave you guys. Bye!

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The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.9 - Pre-Wedding Insanity
« Reply #49 on: July 25, 2019, 01:56:18 PM »
Welcome back everyone! Last time the generation three heiress, Hestia, was born along with her twin sister, Dione. Anastos also aged up.

I finally got around to changing Hera's hair.
Hey, it's not my fault I played ahead ridiculously. It's not like I did it again.
Laughs nervously.

Here's a picture of Hattie because a picture of Hattie is always needed.

Cedrick had an important question to ask Spydon:
"Can I please, please, pretty please, have your blessing to marry your daughter?"

" want to marry my daughter?"

"Yes, yes, absolutely!"

"Well in that case..."

" have my blessing. Don't make me regret it."
"Of course not! I'll make sure she's the happiest woman alive!"
"You better."

"I hope I don't regret doing that."
I doubt you will. Cedrick is harmless.
"That's what I'm afraid of."

Aries finally came to visit! ARIES! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!
"Yeah, yeah, I'm dead. Where's Spydon?"

Spydon showed her just how much he missed her, and she returned the gesture.

He wanted to make their relationship official again.

Aries had other plans, however.
"What? No."

"You need to live while you still can, Spydon. Go and break some hearts. It's what I would have done, and it's what I want you to do too."
"You think I can after everything? You're ridiculous, woman."

Awwwwwww. This is why I love these two together. They were the couple that I never expected to work, and yet they surprisingly did.

The wedding begins! It'll be focused on more heavily in the next chapter, but the picture limit makes things a little hectic.
I had Cedrick invite the Grim Reaper because you know...he's basically a family member at this point.
"I appreciate the thought."

Pre-wedding jitters can make anyone a little crazy, but for Hera?
It's a whole different level of insanity.

"You're...digging through your own trash."

"I'm showing you how I'll dispose of you if you tell anyone about this."
The paparazzi took the message to heart.

Hey! Cedrick's brother showed up!
"Please put me in this dynasty, please."

The Grim Reaper left before Hera and Cedrick could get married.
"No one died. No reason for me to stay."
You're a bad sport.

That's the end of this chapter. In the next one, the wedding will take place/be finished and some exciting changes will happen! Bye guys!

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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.9 - Pre-Wedding Insanity
« Reply #50 on: July 25, 2019, 03:33:53 PM »
Grim leaving like an untimely death isn't the hallmark of a good sims wedding? At least it looks like he's a fine painter in his spare time with that apron.
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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.9 - Pre-Wedding Insanity
« Reply #51 on: July 28, 2019, 09:23:02 PM »
Grim leaving like an untimely death isn't the hallmark of a good sims wedding? At least it looks like he's a fine painter in his spare time with that apron.

I know, right? He left right before things got good too. Hahaha, he probably is! I'm surprised he has any free time at all.

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The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.10 - At Least There's Cake
« Reply #52 on: July 28, 2019, 09:41:42 PM »
Hello everyone! In the last chapter Cedrick asked for Spydon's blessing, Aries showed up, Hera was...Hera, and the Grim Reaper left before the wedding could begin. I honestly have been trying my best to make sure this generation isn't too long, but so much has happened that I just need to include. Buckle up, this is going to be a long generation!

Ace didn't show up for the actual ceremony. Boo.

Most of the people who were invited to the wedding left. The only two people who stayed were Cedrick's brother and some random pregnant woman. Lucky Palms has also been replaced by mostly pudding sims. It's so early in the dynasty that it's ridiculous. I can't believe Story Progression has failed me.

Now it's finally, FINALLY time for these two to get married.
"With this ring I pledge my undying love."

"With this ring I chain you to me forever. Oh, and I love you."
"Awww. It's so shiny!"

Look at these happy weirdos. This is not a couple that should work, but surprisingly does. Also, if the vows sound familiar, it's because I got inspiration from Corpse Bride...except these vows are less romantic and more disturbing.

Aww, heck yeah. I want large tombstones.
Hattie also showed up to watch the wedding. I love that dog more than I should.

"Great, those two idiots are married now. Where's the cake?"
An important question.

Spydon, what are you doing?
"I'm throwing rice."
At the alchemy shelf?
Whatever makes you happy, I guess.

"I had work!"

Apparently Hera confessed to watching Cedrick sleep when I wasn't looking. Yeah, I can see Hera doing that, but why is this interaction even in the game? I get a feeling it's because of Twilight, but I could have lived without it existing.

The important thing was that it was time for cake. Cedrick started crying...probably realizing what he was getting in to.
"I'm just going to pretend he's not doing that."
Yeah, me too.

Cake fixes everything.

Remember that random pregnant lady that was invited to the wedding? Apparently it was time to go into labor.
"This is the PERFECT time to play my guitar."
Ace, no.

"Son, this is NOT the time."
This wedding is going terribly.

"At least there's cake."
True. At least there's cake.

Cedrick is looking dapper in his tuxedo.
"I can't believe I married the most beautiful woman in the world."
You were crying.
"I married the most beautiful woman in the world."
Sweet gesture, but I'm not sure I believe that's why you were crying.

"Hey Ace, move back in. The Watcher wants to fix your love life."
"Shouldn't we help that woman in labor?"
"Nah, I'm sure she'll figure something out."
The woman did eventually go to the hospital.

Diddy, Ace's cat, moved in when Ace did. I absolutely adore him, and he's on the family tree.

Back to speaking about Ace's love life though. It's horrible. I'm not even sure how he managed to get in the negative with his fiancee.

It was time for him to break up with her.
"Are you sure this is wise?"
Yeah, you guys are skipping town soon anyways.
"We are?"
The rules don't really deal with moving towns, but I'm only in generation two and it looks like in order to stay in Lucky Palms and get interesting genetics, the Timeless family will be marrying NPCs. As I don't want that and the most important thing for me in this challenge is to have fun, it's time to move towns.

Cedrick and Hera seem to be back to their normal selves after the wedding. Weddings are stressful, even the best ones.

On that note, it was time for the Timeless family to move.

It's sad to see the first purple house go, but it's time.

I'll see you guys in the next town. Bye guys!

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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.10 - At Least There's Cake
« Reply #53 on: July 28, 2019, 11:20:18 PM »
Yeah I noticed the lack of townie breeding the one time I played on a short lifespan. Wasn't a short dynasty at all, but I ended up starting pregnancies with MasterController, and maybe it's shady rules-wise but good faces must prevail instead!

The world is wide open for them now!
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The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.11 - Back from the Dead
« Reply #54 on: July 29, 2019, 05:35:01 PM »
Hi guys! In the last chapter Hera and Cedrick got married, Ace moved back in with Diddy, and the Timeless family left Lucky Palms for good.

The Timeless family has officially moved to Twinbrook! My friend Nevermore recommended it to me and as I haven't played much in it, so it's pretty much a whole new town for me! I moved the Timeless family into a house I built a few years ago and have been dying to use. I redecorated it to fit them too. I know, I know that the rules specify to start on an empty dynasty lot, but this house took me months to build and is perfect for the Timeless family, and they had the money for it.

I'm ridiculously happy with how it turned out. I knocked down a ton of walls.
This is the first floor of the house.

This is the second floor of the house. It's not as heavily decorated as my houses usually are. I wanted to go for practicability.

This is the greenhouse. I put Aries's grave by it because Spydon will likely spend most of his time there. I'll be moving all the graves to a specific lot made for them later.

Everyone settled in surprisingly well. Hattie and Diddy made introductions to one another.

Cedrick took care of the twins.

Hera worked on her alchemy skill. Ace played his guitar and Arius painted, though it's not shown.

Spydon, however? He was working on Ace's love life.
"I'm resurrecting people from the dead."
He's resurrecting people from the dead.

Spydon resurrected Macy Clay from the dead first. She shares two of the same traits as Ace does.

Macy isn't conventionally beautiful, but I love how unique she looks.

It was time for Spydon to resurrect yet another sim.

Next up was Lacy Darer, who looks exactly like Macy Clay.

"I never get any thanks. Hmph."
Thank you, Spydon.
"I don't want thanks from you."

One quick phone call from Spydon and Macy Clay came over. Lacy Darer on the other hand, seems to have disappeared. :(

"He's attractive and from a dynasty family! Woo!"
Well, that's definitely a good sign.

There was no time for a regular whirlwind romance, so a jar of friendship had to do.

"You know...I feel like we are best friends now."
"We are, uh, best friends. You should move in."

Macy got a makeover which I'm happy with. Her favorite color is grey, so the majority of her outfits are grey.

Her lifetime wish is to be a Home Design Hotshot, which will likely will never be completed, but I wanted to give her a good head start skill-wise anyways.

Diddy was busy guarding the fish. It was quite suspicious.

Spydon was being a loving grandfather and managed to befriend Anastos.

It was time for Anastos to age up!

He gained the loves the heat trait to add to disciplined and good. I forgot to add purple to his outfits, but he's only a child for two days. Oh well.

Anyways, that's the end of the chapter! Bye guys.

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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.10 - At Least There's Cake
« Reply #55 on: July 29, 2019, 05:36:17 PM »
Yeah I noticed the lack of townie breeding the one time I played on a short lifespan. Wasn't a short dynasty at all, but I ended up starting pregnancies with MasterController, and maybe it's shady rules-wise but good faces must prevail instead!

The world is wide open for them now!

Ah, what we must do in the name of sim genetics! I didn't think of doing that...hmm.

It is indeed!  ;D

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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.11 - Back from the Dead
« Reply #56 on: July 29, 2019, 08:49:14 PM »
Resurrecting ghosts is also fair game if you ask me. ;) I adore Macy. She had a life as an undead lesbian in my immortal dynasty (in love with a distant descendant of her supposed ex-husband) and I love every life she gets.

Twinbrook is fun! I can only hope for original townie babies to proliferate but the town performs as well as one can under the stress of a few generations.
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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.11 - Back from the Dead
« Reply #57 on: July 29, 2019, 10:26:36 PM »
I just caught up on over a month's worth of posts in this story, and oh how I wish I'd caught up sooner! This story is absolutely bonkers in the best way. I love it so much.

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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.11 - Back from the Dead
« Reply #58 on: August 01, 2019, 05:42:50 PM »
I miss this many chapters... Aries, the most beautiful flame widow of awesomeness, dies. Hera has babies! :o
AND they move into a gorgeous new house. This challenge has everything. Aries, Spydon, and your amazing house designs!
YAY! I got a mention! :D I love Twinbrook so much. Wait... I recognise that lot. I'll have to check my game to make sure, but I think that is on Puddlewick Drive.

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Re: The Timeless Short Dynasty - Chapter 2.11 - Back from the Dead
« Reply #59 on: August 10, 2019, 04:50:45 PM »
Resurrecting ghosts is also fair game if you ask me. ;) I adore Macy. She had a life as an undead lesbian in my immortal dynasty (in love with a distant descendant of her supposed ex-husband) and I love every life she gets.

Twinbrook is fun! I can only hope for original townie babies to proliferate but the town performs as well as one can under the stress of a few generations.

Man, I would have loved to see/read that! Macy is a wonderful sim. I love how unique her genetics are.

I hope so too. I should really consider pollinators, but the house is chaotic as it is. Maybe next generation.

I just caught up on over a month's worth of posts in this story, and oh how I wish I'd caught up sooner! This story is absolutely bonkers in the best way. I love it so much.

Awwww! Thank you! The Timeless family is...insane. I love them, but they're nuts and it makes them so much fun to play.

I miss this many chapters... Aries, the most beautiful flame widow of awesomeness, dies. Hera has babies! :o
AND they move into a gorgeous new house. This challenge has everything. Aries, Spydon, and your amazing house designs!
YAY! I got a mention! :D I love Twinbrook so much. Wait... I recognise that lot. I'll have to check my game to make sure, but I think that is on Puddlewick Drive.

It's been crazy. I did not expect Aries to pass away when she did, but I guess it was her time.  :'(
Aww, thanks Nev! I have played ahead a lot (again) so I hope I can keep the pace going story-wise.
I'm 90% sure that's the lot! It's the one across from the karaoke bar.  ;D