Author Topic: Here I Go Again! More Cuteness 8/27  (Read 19607 times)

Offline kattiq

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Re: Here I Go Again! ID try
« Reply #30 on: May 30, 2019, 09:02:57 PM »
Darn work always ruining the fun. Haha!
Hopefully she can find the right one next episode that work doesn't interrupt, I'm still rooting for Kelly :D

Offline Joria

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Chapter 9. Success!
« Reply #31 on: May 31, 2019, 03:14:13 PM »
Chapter 9 Sucess!

Sometimes sticking with a great plan has its ups and downs, which is exactly what the three amigos discovered.  They all had been working so very hard.  Leland was hard at work becoming a mixologist, and was beginning to think his career choice was not the best.........

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Kelly had seemingly fallen in love with flowers as he did his darndest to make arrangement after arrangement while enjoying the time with his garden.......

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Even Dylan had begun to enjoy crafting garden pot after garden pot.......

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Kelly, worn out from sneezing, (he was allergic to the flowers which he insisted on smelling!), decided an afternoon nap was just what he needed........

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And later that evening as night drew on, tired from their work but determined to make the best of their time..........

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Leland:  So what d'ya think?  She gonna make it home on time or what?

Kelly:  She's got the night off, remember?  Said something about another date...

Dylan:  Right,  'nother date.  WHAT?!!...............


Amanda:  Oh, was so sweet of you to ask me out again....

Don:  Ummm, I believe you asked me out, but I was more than happy to oblige.  You really are the nicest girl you know.  I really like being around you.

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Amanda:  Don, you know I'm a watched Sim, and.....well, because of everything that happened before,  I really can't waste any time. 

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Don:  Whoa! 

Amanda:  Relax, I'm stronger than I look and far more determined.  I'd never drop you, Don.  I've really fallen for you in a big way, and the watcher had nothing to do with it.  It's all you.  Your beautiful eyes, your handsome, muscular bod, your loving romantic soul.   Don, please say yes.  Marry me?

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Don:  You've literally swept me off my feet......yes my love....I've been well and truly caught.  I'll marry you.

And with that, dear friends, history may have been made once again.  Heartbroken Kelly, cynical Leland, overworked Dylan and you all will just have to wait to see what's next.

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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Here I Go Again! ID try
« Reply #32 on: May 31, 2019, 03:52:02 PM »
Well, I didn't see that coming. Not in the least bit. But Don does make for some pretty babies.

Offline Joria

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Chapter 10. No Bells, Just Wedding
« Reply #33 on: May 31, 2019, 05:20:22 PM »
Chapter 10  No Bells, Just Wedding

It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood, sunny and bright.  Warmth and romance was definitely in the air.  No rain, at last.  Amanda had a beautiful dress all ready and waiting, courtesy of that emporium of CC, Mod the Sims, a lovely head piece, and a man waiting.  What more could she want?  There was no time to waste on trying to get him to a wedding, so she decided to bring the wedding to him!

Amanda:  So my love, what do you think?

Don:  Are you kidding me?  Ummmm, you're gorgeous of course.  I thought I wasn't supposed to see the dress till the wedding.

Amanda:  Yes, and.....?

Don: Um,......we are getting married, right?  Big wedding, flowers, bridesmaids, me in a tux........

Amanda:  Almost.  The getting married part is right.  Look, honey, I know in your big, romantic heart you want the whole shebang.  Me?  I just want the groom.  So I thought I'd bring the wedding to you and we could elope.

Don:  Elope?  Now?  Uhhhhhh, here?  In front of the entire neighborhood?

Amanda: Well, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, so why not?  I mean, if you don't want......

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Don:  Amanda.....the only thing I want right here, and right now, is you.

Amanda:  Then....I didn't do the wrong thing?

Don:  For now and always, Mandy....

W:  Amanda, Don.  A-man-da.

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Don:  I love you, princess.  My lovely, lovely, bride. 

Amanda:  Oh, Don.  You've made me so happy.

W:  Sheesh, will ya get on with it?  (I'm NOT going to cry....)

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Amanda:  Will you Don, be my Simfully wedded husband, for now and always, forever in my heart?

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Don:  I will.  And will you Amanda, the love of my life, be my sweetheart, my wife, my best friend for now and always in my heart?

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Amanda:  I Amanda Newcombe, take thee Don Lothario, to be my dynasty spouse, now and for always, and I give to you my love, fidelity, trust, and friendship, for as long as I live.

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Don:  With this ring, an unending circle of my love, I choose you as my wife, and I give you my love, fidelity, trust, friendship for as long as I live.

Dina:  NINA!!!  KATRINA!!!  You gotta come stop this now!  He's marrying her!  O' my plumb bob!

(Girls, muted by distance):  What?  Oh no!  Be right there Sis.

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Dina:  He's putting a ring on it!!!

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Amanda:  Oh, Don, it's so beautiful.

Dina:  Will you please hurry?!!

Nina and Katrina:  Coming!  Oh, for heaven's sake, I think it's too late! 

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Don:  Don't look now but I think we have company.

Amanda:  Umhum.  Just please kiss me and make it official.

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Amanda:  I love you, Don. 

Don:  Confetti.  It's official.  I love you, Mandy.

W:  A-man-(sniffle)-da!

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Don:  Love of my life, here is where I leave you to deal with these three hellca......uh, ladies.

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Amanda:  You go, big guy.  I got this.

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W: And off he went in a cloud of dust, leaving my girl to deal with three sad, enraged ladies on her own.  Check in next time to see how that worked out!

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Here I Go Again! ID try
« Reply #34 on: May 31, 2019, 05:23:52 PM »
@sdhoey:  I hadn't planned on it, but I was getting kind of desperate.  And....he does make some pretty nooboos!  Once caught, he actually is a good spouse.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: Here I Go Again! ID try
« Reply #35 on: May 31, 2019, 08:04:10 PM »
Well ... he's (Don) left 3 ladies behind who are probably just a bit ... upset ... and she's (Amanda) got 3 men at home who are likely to be ... upset ...

Is pollinating out of the family into the wider world of Sims 4 a thing like it is in Sims 3? If so ... 3 men and 3 ladies could woohoo and be a lot less ... upset.

Also, Amanda looks very pretty in that dress ... and Don's wedding attire is also truly Don :)

Offline Joria

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Re: Here I Go Again! ID try
« Reply #36 on: May 31, 2019, 09:16:36 PM »
@Deklitch :  I'm sure they could go and pollinate the entire world but so far the three guys, (upset), at home have struck out repeatedly, and Kelly has the unflirty trait so he's hopeless.  As for Don, his offspring will strictly be with Amanda and vice versa.  Of course, there are always alien kidnappings.  I'll try to keep them too busy to be "upset".

Poor Don was totally blindsided by the wedding, and since I did not have the sense to invite him to move in BEFORE the wedding, his very handsome suit was not available. 

Amanda, file 2, "Alternately", is coming soon to your local forum!  No trailers available, (or motorhomes, or rv's or.....).
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Here I Go Again! ID try
« Reply #37 on: May 31, 2019, 11:31:13 PM »
A shame about the suit; and after she had such a lovely dress! They'll probably have a really nice-looking kid! Farewell to the Caliente sisters for Don... It's... Probably for the best.
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Offline kattiq

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Re: Here I Go Again! ID try
« Reply #38 on: June 02, 2019, 09:30:02 PM »
Love me some Donny though. Hes spicy  ;D
He definitely handled the sidewalk wedding well! Can't wait to see the nooboos!

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Chapter 11: Making a Friend
« Reply #39 on: June 02, 2019, 11:30:07 PM »
Chapter 11: Making a Friend

W. Ok, Amanda, you took the bull by the horns and brought the mountain to Mohammed, or rather the wedding to Don, now look what you've done!  Broken hearted Dina and she is such a sweet thing!

Amanda:  Right.....sweet, like when she looks at me with death in her eyes?  All right.....all right......making nice with Dina........

Amanda:  Uh, hello.  I'm Amanda Newcomb and .........

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Dina:  I am NOT speaking with you, thief you!

Amanda: *clears throat*......You must be Dina, right?  Don has said so much about you!

Dina:  He did?  I mean,  hmmmpf, what would you know about anything anyway?  Did he also tell you how much in love with him I am?  Or the romantic times we spent together?

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Amanda:  *Poor kid.  She really did love him.  She was available  No wonder he didn't want her.*

W:  Gently, Amanda.  She's really hurting.

Amanda:  Dina, I'm so sorry this has upset you.  You know, we can't always choose where our heart goes.  He was blind to not see someone as wonderful and sweet as you right there in the same house.  Maybe he felt, I dunno, like you were too sweet and special to be approached by someone like him?  He really does have a tender, protective heart about you, you know.

Dina:  Protection isn't what I was after!  (sigh)  You're right though.  He was always the gentleman with me.

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Amanda:  You see?  There is absolutely nothing wrong with you.  Nothing you could have done once he thought of you that way.  He's really worried about you, you know.  He wants the very best for you.  He just feels it isn't him, that you deserve more.

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Dina:  Yes, but.....what do I do now?   I mean, he DID marry you, and I must say, that was pretty spectacular you bringing the wedding, gorgeous dress included right to his door step.

Amanda:  Well, if you don't mind advice from "the other woman", I'd say first of all, let's become friends.  Not necessarily besties or anything, but let him know you're ok.

Dina:  Well, you aren't as bad as I thought and....I do kind of like your, ok.  Friends for now.  Then what?  I mean, I DID lose the love of my life.

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Amanda:  For starters, don't think of it as a loss but rather as an opportunity for bigger and better things in your life.  Don't let him see you all mopey and grieving over him.  And then, girlfriend, you and I are gonna make you a new Sim so he can think he did a good thing.  Ok?

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Dina:  Ok, I guess.  You know, I actually feel better all ready  We can do this, can't we?

Amanda:   He will have no idea, and you, you are going to have such fun!  He'll never know what hit him!

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W:  Well now.  How you gonna handle that one?  No using "Manage Worlds" or fiddling with people.

Amanda:  I'm gonna bluff and stall till she finds someone new and forgets!

W:  Right!  Let's see how that works out for you.  Meanwhile, don't you have a honeymoon to go to?

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And we can just assume it was everything she dreamed it would be.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline kattiq

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Re: Here I Go Again! ID try
« Reply #40 on: June 03, 2019, 09:58:40 AM »
Amanda:  For starters, don't think of it as a loss but rather as an opportunity for bigger and better things in your life.
I somehow imagined her saying that with a bit of sass? Or maybe she was completely genuine, and in that case, next up is Amanda the life coach! hahaha
Dina will get over it...hopefully.

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Re: Here I Go Again! ID try
« Reply #41 on: June 03, 2019, 01:52:37 PM »
@kattiq:  Nah, she saves her sass for the watcher.  Lol.  Her cheerful personality came out here and I pretty much had to go with nice instead of take her down with extreme prejudice!  Sometimes she's just TOO nice.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Chapter 12: It's a New Day
« Reply #42 on: June 03, 2019, 03:06:00 PM »
Chapter 12:  It's a New Day

The day dawned bright and clear, much like the joy in Amanda's heart.  She had a great job, good friends, and best of all, she thinks she met the love of her life, short as his might be.  Nothing can go wrong on a day like today.  Even I, your humble Watcher, am full of optimism.


Leland:  Yeah, right.  Optimistic.  That's the way to look at things.  Why not?  She meets this local heart throb, elopes with him and we're supposed to be overjoyed.

W: Leland?  Are you actually hearing me?  I'm blown away!

Leland:  Been hearing you all along.  Just real good at ignoring disembodied voices.  Don't want folks know, think I'm weird.

W:  Leland, my dear,  you ARE weird.

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Kelly:  Well I'm not weird.  I just like gardening in my bunny slippers.  Makes them feel right at home in ol' McGregor's garden patch ya know.

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W:  Oh dear.  They aren't supposed to.......

Dylan: What?  Hear strange voices telling people what to do?  Not me.  I just like sitting out here on the back porch enjoying my morning nosh.  No voices heard here.

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W: *checks audio settings*  (sigh) That's what went wrong.  Oh well, maybe I should keep them in the loop.

Amanda: * Loop?  What loop?  Oh, W. I am so happy.  Just gonna whip up this cake for my love and then bop off to work. *  Ok honey love, I do have to go to work today.  You'll be ok on your own with the boys, right?

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Don:  mmmm,  Sorry, mouthful  Ya know, these are the best grilled cheese ever.  Too bad no tomato soup.  Say what?  Work?  Awww, hon.  I thought we'd spend the know.....  Yeah, I'll be fine.  I'm sure they will all come to like me, for your sake if nothing else.

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Don: me.  Easier said then done.  Ok, how to impress the  Skillin' yeah.  That's the ticket.  Wonder what's up here....

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Don:  Easels!!  Yeah, I can DO this.  I will so impress them with my artistic endeavors they'll have to like me.

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Don:  Too bad I can't paint yet.  Oh well.  Maybe I can do a seascape.  Nice view out there.   (sigh)  Wish Amanda hadn't gone off to work.  She's the one I have to impress. (sighs and picks up brush)

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Meanwhile, downstairs, plots are afoot.

Dylan:  I tell you it's gotta work.  We'll get together, like we're all bros, and put temptation in his path and voila!  He'll either be a smuck or a hero.

Kelly:  And all I've got to do is sound sympathetic and propose, I dunno, a bonding experience?

Dylan:  Right!  He's been moping upstairs ever since Amanda went to work so it will be easy.

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Dylan:  Be cool.  Here he comes.

Kelly:  Hey Don, I'm feeling kind of bad here.

Don:  Bad? *I'm feeling pretty bad myself*  Why's that?

Kelly:  Well, we didn't exactly make you feel at home.  You know, no friendly "hey how ya doin'" or anything.

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Leland:  That goes for all of us bro.  Bad on us.  Amanda wouldn't like it.

Dylan:  Yeah.  Apologies all around, big guy.

Kelly:  So we thought we might just get together and, you know.  Hang out.  Bachelor stuff a bit belated but fun anyway.

Don:  You mean it?  Like.....just go somewhere and hang?

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Leland:  Sure.  Why not?

Dylan:  I've been wanting to get out a bit anyway.  Why not do it together?

Leland:  Kelly, out of grilled cheese here!

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Don:  I dunno guys.  What if Amanda comes home and wants to be with me?  New bride and all...

Kelly:  She's never home till way late at night.  I'm tellin' you we can do this.  She'll never even know we've skipped out on chores.

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Leland:  Look, this is our golden opportunity.  She's so over the moon after the wedding she wouldn't even care.  What have you got to lose?

Dylan: Besides you can chat about grilled cheese and tick off that requirement, not to mention maybe meet some new people.  Get known as someone who is more than just a.......

Kelly: *kicks Dylan under table* I sure there's a lot of places we haven't hit yet, right Leland? 

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Don: Ok, I'm in!  Let's do this!

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Don:  Boys!  You really know what I'm about!  (huffing)  Pumping iron is where it's at.  I'm really digging this guys night out!

Leland:  *oh, I'm gonna regret this tomorrow*  Right, (huff, puff), pumping iron.......(huff, puff) right there for that......(groans)

Dylan:  Yeah, this is great.  Take off those grilled cheese pounds, eh chubby boy?

Leland: And I thought we were friends.......(huff, puff)

Don:  snickers

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Liza:  So what's up with Don?

Kelly:  Just a little test, to see if he's worth our fearless leader.

Liza:  So, no girls?

Kelly:  None.  So far he is so absorbed in pumping iron he hasn't even looked twice.  No flirty, no looking, nuthin'.

Liza:  Guess he makes the cut, eh?  I knew he had it in him.  Once that boy is taken he's loyal to the end.  Wish I had that.....

Kelly:  The bad news is I'm so gonna hurt tomorrow!

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Well, I guess we've all misjudged Don.  Despite his flirting with Dina and totally avoiding Amanda at her dinner party.  Maybe he's a hero in the making.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline kattiq

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Re: Here I Go Again! ID try
« Reply #43 on: June 03, 2019, 03:43:27 PM »
Yay go Don for being committed!
Also I'm scared for Kelly, it seems as if he's letting himself go..bunny slippers and all (Maybe I'm in love with him.. or it could also just be the hair :P) Glad to see all the boys are making an effort to get along. Just hope Amanda is okay with them putting off some chores.

Offline Joria

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Re: Here I Go Again! ID try
« Reply #44 on: June 03, 2019, 04:33:20 PM »
I had SUCH a time posting this one!  I think I modified the pictures like 10 times because they were all messed up.

I really wish Kelly had been younger.  It's not just that he was an adult but he's already heading toward elder and I didn't want that for Amanda.  He's so good looking and is a Maxis Sim!  You don't get that often.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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