I'm still plugging away at generation 4. Hava just about has her version of Alien Tech (AT) done. She turned the future to dystopia and still needs to turn it to utopia and then back to normal. Once that is done, her version of AT will be done. Her engineered daughter is a child now, just a couple of days to teen. Her husband is lev 5, almost 6 in the stylist career to lift entertainment, Charla is just a tad over halfway in lev 9 in Journalism, and her husband is lev 9 Magician to lift Paranormal. Her brother Raviv who is lifting Education via base game method is lev 9 painting, just about 10 and has athletics mastered. He has only jogged 196 km so far. It's winter right now and not real good to be out very long. He still needs to master writing and get the Book Store Clerk job. Hopefully, he'll make it. Once he clears Naturalist, I won't have to have winter and can put plants and decos outside. Charla's other brother, Leighton who is lifting Naturalist via Ecology Practice is currently in the Mausoleum and needs to get to lev 3. He just about has his 8 perfect plants and still needs to get out fishing. Charla's alien son just turned teen so he will invite his alien father over and get him to move in and then explore the cosmos and bring back rocks and gems to total $2500. That will lift Charla's version of AT. As soon as Charla and Anson (Charla's husband) have topped their respective careers, I'll have her have one more child and then they will move out, leaving the baby behind for the rest of the household to raise. So far, I only have Communications, Criminal, Forensics, Master Thief and Science and it will be done and life will be restored to normal again. Just for the fun of it, here are some pics of the family. First is Charla, Anson, Hava, and Christian
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Next is Leighton and Raviv
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and last are the kids Starlight and Flora
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As soon as Starlight aged up to toddler, I saw that he inherited the family red hair. I didn't think the red hair went very good w/the green skin so I took him to CAS and made his skin normal. He is still half alien though.