Author Topic: An Apocalypse - Story Notes  (Read 7207 times)

Offline Sonshine

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An Apocalypse - Story Notes
« on: May 12, 2019, 04:06:18 PM »
Hi, I've been continuing an apocalypse challenge that I started a long time ago. I'm currently on generation 3 and  have been trying to get the heiress' intended over so she could romance him up. He is technically homeless. I had her call him over and he said "sure I'll come over," but he never made it. I was wondering what's happening here so I peeked at him and he was at the hosp. At first I thought he worked the medical career and was at work, but when I got there w/my sim, he was doing magician tricks. I tried to have her talk to him, but he just stood there and continued. : /  I peeked again and he was at lev 4 magician. I *was* going to have her sister clear Paranormal via magician, but changed that. I just peeked again almost a week later and he's still stuck there doing tricks, lol. He's leveled up a couple of times. When she is allowed to call him, I'll reset him that morning so I can get him over. It will be nice w/him coming in at lev 6 magician! For this time, a stuck sim is going to be beneficial to me, lol.

Offline Sonshine

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Re: An Apocalypse
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2019, 02:15:11 PM »
Well, it turned out that I had to reset the entire town b/c my sim tried to invite her alien friend over and he was even stuck. : /

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Re: An Apocalypse
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2019, 02:26:02 PM »
I've experienced the invited Sims not show up before. When it's not that they're busy at work or at the park and has happened more than once or twice, I usually reset everything via MasterController. The potential spouse being stuck is -so- not cool!!

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Offline Sonshine

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Re: An Apocalypse
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2019, 02:39:22 PM »
I agree!

Offline Sonshine

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Re: An Apocalypse
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2019, 03:00:11 PM »
UGH! She had just gotten promoted and needed one more interview for her job so I decided to take her to the stylist b/c many sims seem to hang out there. I peeked to see how far he had gotten in his magician career and found out that MC/SP had switched him to music!! I'm going "nooooooooooo" and took him to CAS and took the virtuoso trait off and gave him natural born performer instead (to try to prevent SP from putting him into music again). Hopefully, he'll stay there in the magician career until she can marry him. Not only that, but he is now a resident in town and partnered up w/her mother who is 4 days past kicking the bucket! going to have to keep an eye on him as soon as I get the msg that she is "getting pretty old."

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: An Apocalypse
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2019, 09:50:08 PM »
Wait, what?! Your Sim's potential spouse has partnered up with -her- mom?!! Am I reading that right? Can't that be stopped with Nraas SP? Hopefully that can be stopped?

If not, get in there and break 'em up yourself.. Let the mom know that man's taken. *Snicker*
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Offline Sonshine

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Re: An Apocalypse
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2019, 10:01:01 PM »
It was a huge surprise for me! I looked at why he was partnered up w/her and I must have missed the notice or something or maybe I just don't remember it, but her dad did die.

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Offline Sonshine

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Re: An Apocalypse
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2019, 08:01:37 PM »
I directed her to have an alien baby which is the tried and mostly true method of clearing alien tech. I took her sister to the future to try that method also. I'm not that familiar w/that method so I'm doing both. She is just about ready to engineer a baby w/her love interest. I found out that our active sims cannot marry or make the other sim a boy/girlfriend, or get engaged to any sim in the future. The option just is not there. They can do everything else romantically, but not that. I put a small house down and will move her into that and then have him move in w/her. I want to see if I can take them back to the present, get them married, then come back and engineer a baby w/him. If that doesn't work, I will go back to my current save.
If anybod is interested in looking at this challenge, you can find it here: It is much more difficult than Marian's version.

Offline Sonshine

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Re: An Apocalypse
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2019, 01:44:40 AM »
Success! The only actual glitch I had was that I couldn't get him to move in and had to use the cheat to move him in and add him to the family. Went back home, got them married, then back to the future to engineer the baby. The three of them are headed home now. The child has to grow up and top the second half of the Astronomy career. Her mother did Astrophysicist and so she needs to do Space Explorer.  Her mother has passed on now so I'm keeping an eagle eye on her potential spouse. I'll get him moved in asap and then have them become engaged. Once she tops her career (she's lev 7 now), they can get married and start their family.  Her alien child will invite his father to move in and then upgrade the spacecraft and travel to the three destinations to get collectibles.

Offline Sonshine

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Re: An Apocalypse
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2019, 08:00:04 PM »

Sonshine's Apocalypse Resort

The reason for so many rooms is b/c according to the rules, each bldg can only be 8x8. This is why there are 2 entertainment rooms b/c I couldn't fit all of it into one 8x8 room. Once the resort becomes 5 star, it will clear the resort method of clearing politics. Politics is needed to "clear up all the red tape and corruption in the govt before anybody can live in spacious houses or stay in spacious resorts. Then the resort will be remodeled.

Offline Sonshine

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Re: An Apocalypse
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2019, 12:57:53 AM »
My resort just made 5 star so politics is clear now. I'll probably remodel the resort and definitely give my sims a bigger house!

Offline Sonshine

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Re: An Apocalypse
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2019, 03:20:47 PM »
The reason I was able to get to 5 star so fast was b/c I was able to have spa services and hot tubs (medical and architect (more than $1k)) and maintenance (business) and more than 4 buffet tables (culinary). Without these lifts, it is very difficult. Basically, all I had to do was just sit back and play my household and almost ignore the resort, lol.

Currently, I have Medical, Military, Espionage, Business, Culinary, Architect, Athletic, and Symphonic lifted. I'm working on Paranormal (Charla's husband),  Education via base game method (Raviv (Charla's  youngest brother), Alien Tech w/Charla via alien baby and Hava (Charla's sister) via ITF method, and Leighton (Charla's brother) is working on Naturalist via Ecology Practice method and Entertainment via Stylist w/Hava's husband. Hava and her husband currently have a little girl I named Flora who is a child right now. The child is in accordance w/the ITF method of lifting Alien Tech. The reason I'm doing 2 methods of AT is b/c I'm not totally familiar w/the latter one so I'm doing both of them. I am familiar w/the alien child method.

Offline Sonshine

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Re: An Apocalypse
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2019, 01:27:07 AM »
I'm still plugging away at generation 4. Hava just about has her version of Alien Tech (AT) done. She turned the future to dystopia and still needs to turn it to utopia and then back to normal. Once that is done, her version of AT will be done. Her engineered daughter is a child now, just a couple of days to teen. Her husband is lev 5, almost 6  in the stylist career to lift entertainment, Charla is just a tad over halfway in lev 9 in Journalism, and her husband is lev 9 Magician to lift Paranormal. Her brother Raviv who is lifting Education via base game method is lev 9 painting, just about 10 and has athletics mastered. He has only jogged 196 km so far. It's winter right now and not real good to be out very long. He still needs to master writing and get the Book Store Clerk job. Hopefully, he'll make it. Once he clears Naturalist, I won't have to have winter and can put plants and decos outside. Charla's other brother, Leighton who is lifting Naturalist via Ecology Practice is currently in the Mausoleum and needs to get to lev 3. He just about has his 8 perfect plants and still needs to get out fishing. Charla's alien son just turned teen so he will invite his alien father over and get him to move in and then explore the cosmos and bring back rocks and gems to total $2500. That will lift Charla's version of AT. As soon as Charla and Anson (Charla's husband) have topped their respective careers, I'll have her have one more child and then they will move out, leaving the baby behind for the rest of the household to raise. So far, I only have Communications, Criminal, Forensics, Master Thief and Science and it will be done and life will be restored to normal again. Just for the fun of it, here are some pics of the family. First is Charla, Anson, Hava, and Christian

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Next is Leighton and Raviv

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and last are the kids Starlight and Flora

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As soon as Starlight aged up to toddler, I saw that he inherited the family red hair. I didn't think the red hair went very good w/the green skin so I took him to CAS and made his skin normal. He is still half alien though.

Offline Sonshine

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Re: An Apocalypse
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2019, 12:41:57 AM »
Just to let you know, I'm still working on this. This is the family where I've been struggling to learn how to work the Stylist career. I believe I've learned it now. :)  I have alien tech clear now. I sent the alien dad (who is 242 days old w/aging on!!) out to find some gems and he found a Tanzanite I believe. I had him transmute it a few times. The next to last was a Bloodstone and I was thinking that it might become a Smithsonite. I about fell off my chair though when he finished transmuting it for the final time though. It was upgraded to Tiberium!!!!! I've never had that before. Now, when Flora grows up and enters the science career (I have all lifts cleared now so hat I can choose the career for her), she will be able to clone  that Tiberium and ten Starlight (who is just about to grow up) can cut it. In other news, Leighton is just 2 fish away from getting his perfect aquarium part of the Naturalist lift. He has the Ecology/gardening part done as well as the mausoleum job. Raviv just needs to get 2 more best seller non fiction books and then work on his cardio to get it up to 60 hrs. He only has 8 hrs left of that, then he'll be done w/the base game method of lifting education. He has his 500 km's done in jogging. Since Starlight and Flora do not go to school, they're working on their logic. Starlight for the criminal career and Flora for science. After this generation, I'll only have Communications, Master Thief, and Forensics left.

Edit: He just passed on and of course the whole family was there and swarmed Grimmie while he was collecting him, lol

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Re: An Apocalypse - Story Notes
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2019, 10:51:20 PM »
Wow Sonshine, I just read over part of the set up of the game and this is an extensive challenge! How long have you been playing to lift so many restrictions? I don't like playing with too many rules so I'm not sure I could ever do this one, but kudos for doing so well!

