Author Topic: Creative Story: Larry and Miraj ("Complete")  (Read 11670 times)

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Re: Creative Story: Larry and Miraj
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2019, 07:14:42 AM »

Larry Gandillon and Miraj Alvi live as an unlikely married couple in Moonlight Falls.

Larry is a homeless werewolf NPC from Moonlight Falls and shares his last name with, but is not related to, an NPC woman (Rachel) and grade school child (Hank), both werewolves. Miraj is an original townie child from Sunset Valley who lives with his older brother, VJ, and their father, Iqbal.

Some time ago, Larry and and Miraj met for the first time outside The Toadstool hangout. Kind-hearted Miraj introduced himself to Larry who decided to yell at him in return. Miraj fled around the building to try and shake this unpleasant experience. Very soon after, Larry followed, and I feared he would trash Miraj completely. But no, Larry decided instead to kiss him which Miraj took kindly to. So, in a matter of seconds, they went from having a negative relationship to having a highly positive one as romantic interests.

They are like night and day, and should be astrologically incompatible, but they feel great attraction towards each other. I have never dared to play them with high free will, since Larry can be a very troublesome Sim. But I will try it out and also enabled needs.


Miraj Alvi, the Gentle
Traits: Family-Oriented, Good, Neat, Hopeless Romantic, Brave
Favorites: Pancakes, Kids, Sea Foam
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Species: Human

Larry Gandillon, the Difficult
Traits: Absent-Minded, Gatherer, Daredevil, Inappropriate, Hot-Headed, Family-Oriented, Heavy Sleeper
Favorites: Indie, Sushi, Hot Pink
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Species: Human (formerly werewolf)

Other Family Members

Willow Gandillon
Traits: Absent-Minded, Slob, Looser, Shy, Heavy Sleeper
Favorites: Dark Wave, Veggi Rolls, Aqua
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Species: Human

Cinnamon Alvi
Traits: Absent-Minded, Slob, Light Sleeper, Athletic
Favorites: Indie, Vegetarian Grilled Salmon, White
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Species: Human

Petyr Alvi
Traits: Couch Potato, Unstable, Light Sleeper, Mooch (his traits change sometimes due to his unstability)
Favorites: Classical, Fruit Parfait, Aqua
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Species: Human (formerly witch)

Billy Gandillon
Traits: Slob, Grumpy, Mooch
Favorites: Dark Wave, Cookies, Grey
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Species: Werewolf

Jamir Alvi
Traits: Couch Potato, Light Sleeper, Vegetarian
Favorites: DigiTunes, Grilled Cheese, Lilac
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Species: Human

Zodiac Sign:
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Re: Creative Story: Larry and Miraj
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2019, 11:46:47 AM »
April 17

So far it has not been totally disastrous to play with dynamic needs and high free will. The most I have seen of Larry's at times troublesome attitude has been a brief heckle which was quickly negated by some affectionate interactions. Miraj probably didn't even notice at all, as he was in the middle of caring for their new baby, a daughter. (She is not even a toddler yet, and he already wants one more child.)

Actually, Larry and Miraj don't interact that much with each other, even though I had them both quit their jobs to make sure they could spend time together and care for nooboos, home projects and whatnot. Of course, I may simply not have adjusted to this kind of "natural" Sim life yet. Mostly, they just watch TV and eat together.

Larry takes some amount of time tending for his garden every day. Miraj likes to clean and keep the house tidy. He also cooks, but despite having a high cooking skill, he seems to want only to cook his favorite dish which is pancakes. So, that's all they've been eating. Well, at least now that I've cured Larry of his werewolf curse yet again (can't decide whether he should be a wolf or not). He also ate raw lobsters out of his inventory.

The family's sleep schedule is seriously messed up, plus I've experienced some bugginess with the baby alarm from the store. I will probably get rid of it. The main problem being that my guys seem intent on putting the baby on the floor and leaving it there, when the alarm goes off.

Also, I tried to use the (NRaas) Woohooer mod's autonomous woohoo setting, since I like the idea of my Sims making decisions regarding this interaction themselves. But I quickly regret it. The mod is poorly adjusted unless all you like to watch your Sims do is woohooing. Larry and Miraj woohooed constantly. And at the time, I had put a washer and dryer in their house - laundry items I have never really tried using. It was pure madness. Woohoo-do laundry-woohoo-do laundry...for one eternity. And, of course, they both wanted to do the laundry simultaneously, but couldn't, so the floor was littered for hours with piles of wet clothes that Miraj in particular desperately tried to mop up. In between woohooing.

Ugh. Now, for some pictures.

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I made Miraj make mac and cheese, but they never ate it. Only his autonomously made pancakes are apparently acceptable.

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When Sims 3 couples sleep in their double bed, I find it so much cuter than in Sims 4. I go all 'aww' when they lay close, and their dreams are fun to watch.

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Derpy faced Miraj after a kiss.

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Former secret agent Larry tending his garden while wearing some really nice attire.

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Amidst the laundry nightmare...

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Miraj: No, I wanna do the mopping, Larry!
Larry: No, you go back to bed. I'll be right there!
Miraj: But!

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I find Emit's reaction in this picture rather amusing. He is only acquainted with my guys, but it looks like he has a problem. Whether he finds their behavior inappropriate or is secretly jealously of one of them, I couldn't say. But he was talking with Miraj just prior to this.

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Baby engineered. I'm still not sure about her typical me. Years later - what's your name, girl? Girl: Umm, I...don't know. *Scratches back of head awkwardly*

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I had forgotten that werewolves like to eat raw meat. Here, Larry is consuming one of the fertilizers for his plants, which he carries around in his pocket.

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Miraj: Hello there, really cheap TV. I'm headed for the bathroom.

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Larry's idea of a beekeeping outfit. I'm sure it will keep him safe from the stinging little devils.

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The new family car. Well, it's mostly Larry's. He's a daredevil and simply must have something that can easily exceed the speed limits. He also likes the color hot pink.
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Re: Creative Story: Larry and Miraj
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2019, 06:28:23 AM »
April 18 - Journal Mode

I'm beginning to see more of both Larry and Miraj's personalities and getting a better feel for them. I find that I still need to adjust Miraj a bit to make him be closer to how I envision his person. I have changed childish to friendly, then to loves the outdoors. Sorry, Miraj. It's because you come with only 3 traits as the Sunset Valley child townie you originally are. I'm still not certain if I'm satisfied. Thank goodness for the mid-life crisis LTR. I'm hanging on to the hopeless romantic trait I gave him though. It's helpful in a relationship with Larry.

Larry. He really is almost completely socially inept and not too bright, in fact. He is hot-headed which means that he needs very little or no excuse at all to start yelling at someone (Miraj). He is also inappropriate which means that if he feels like verbally abusing someone (Miraj), he simply does so and sees absolutely no reason to apologize afterwards. The 'not too bright' part is when he starts criticizing Miraj's family which is also his own. Next up is his absent-mindedness which is pretty tragic. He can be famished and be headed for the fridge, then forget midway what he is doing and begin another activity.

Miraj seems fairly bland in comparison. He cooks pancakes (exclusively), cleans and tidies up, and usually feels humiliated and/or sad after interacting with his husband. But he still feels very much attracted to Larry and gets the little heart and magnet moodlet when they are in the same room, and so does Larry. Love hurts sometimes, I guess.

Lastly, I decided to make Larry a werewolf again (aye, roll yer eyes alright). Only this time, I took time to manually design his wolf form in CAS where NRaas Master Controller allows you to see the actual slider values. I copied over his normal facial features, gave him a slight underbite to make his teeth show, made his ears slightly pointed, added my own chosen body, head and facial hair, and made his eyes bright yellow. I think I did a pretty good job myself, and he doesn't look too different from his normal human self. At least this, I can stand to look at:

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By the way:

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I decided to name this little sweetie Willow.
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Re: Creative Story: Larry and Miraj
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2019, 03:04:21 PM »
April 18 - Second Entry

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Miraj: Hey Larry, look! I can fly! *Boing*

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Miraj: Whoo! *Boing*

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Miraj: I can see the neighbors from up here! *Boing*

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Miraj: Owwie-Owwie!!
Mailman: I tossed your bills over there *Points, then yawns*

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Larry very excited about Miraj landing badly.

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Larry: *Grunts*
(Those teeth look very pointy and sharp...)

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Willow with her face buried in Larry's shoulder. Not a very graceful carry in wolf form.

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Larry: *Growls playfully*
Miraj in pretend-distress: Oh no, are you going to eat me now, big bad wolf?

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Willow has aged up to child. She is a little Miraj...I love her. She's was engineered as absent-minded and slobby. For this birthday, she rolled the looser trait. Poor girl.

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After a makeover. She played catch with Miraj here.

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After that, she tried the future's spring riders and had fun.

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She has a sad air of hopelessness about her. Maybe she'll roll unlucky next time?

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Larry is a green-eyed monster. Literally.

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Willow doesn't care. She loves both her dads and to splash outside in the rain 8)
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Re: Creative Story: Larry and Miraj
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2019, 06:56:25 AM »
April 19 - Completing Miraj


Meet the new family member who ended up making it obvious what Miraj's last trait should be:

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Bug Husky bringing the newspaper to Miraj on a hot summer's day. Miraj's final trait has to be, of course, Dog Person ::)

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Miraj: Sit, Bug, sit...good boy. (Bug has learned to sit on command)

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Furry, warm, at times loving, very destructive...reminds Miraj of someone he cares very much about.

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Also, he continues to fail...

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In this situation, I feel bad for not giving the family something besides skill books. It looks like Willow is just focusing on the loving attention, though, not the subject of the read.

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Willow:, where should I put you?

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The kids are playing, how cute.

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Larry and Bug get along famously. No rivalry so far.

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Hmm. Bug deemed it fit to steal Larry's half of the bed which forced Larry to steal Miraj's half. Where's Miraj sleeping then?

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Just follow Willow's pointing dream bubble.

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Going to the summer festival. I hope you don't mind heavy dog panting in your neck, Mister Taxi Driver.

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Miraj: your name Larry by any chance?
Larry NPC: Yup. Your watcher forgot to delete me when she moved you guys into this parallel Moonlight Falls. Say hi to Larry!

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Bug is watching TV. He rolled a wish to do so.

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Since Larry seems to prefer being in his sleep wear, I decided to make it a little more interesting to look at. That's a puddle of rain water, by the way. Not pee.

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Meet the new helper, Bonehilda. Miraj loves doing the cooking and cleaning, but it's also practically all he ever does. Well, cooking is just fine. But man, everything keeps breaking and gets dirty constantly. I need Larry to make the house unbreakable ASAP.

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Bonehilda is a darling though, but not very handy. It took her a couple of hours or so to fix this sink.

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A real sweetheart. And she comes out of her coffin all on her own and gets to work.

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She also teaches house pets tricks. I already knew this, but had forgotten. It's very cute.

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Bonehilda: Speak, Bug. Woof!
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Re: Creative Story: Larry and Miraj
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2019, 12:17:19 PM »
April 21

I'm glad I decided to leave my comfort zone and play with needs and free will. Though I only enable aging when I feel kids should age up, since I don't play a challenge.

Larry and Miraj are a strange couple indeed. I find it rather intriguing to be honest. They don't have a sappy, rosy red relationship, and most of the time they don't seem to really connect. They tend to keep themselves busy with whatever interests them. Which is rarely the same. They talk over meals, watch TV together and such. With autonomous woohoo enabled, they woohoo a lot.

Willow is also an oddball. She cries sometimes because of her loser trait. But she also does her own thing a lot of the time. She often connects with Bug Husky though. She gets on best with Miraj whom she has played catch with several times. Larry seems more fond of the new baby girl though. Also, if there is a computer in the house, you can bet that Larry is glued to it, making inappropriate forum posts. Gets a little annoying sometimes. Well, any obsessive behavior tends to annoy me, I suppose. The whole family enjoys the trampoline. I should probably experiment with more activity objects.

Miraj has maxed painting, but if there is an easel around, he doesn't use it. He seems to like exercise even though he isn't athletic. I think he is poking me to get a career as a secret agent. I always assumed he'd prefer the forensic branch, but I may have assumed wrong.

I have been wanting to get Larry to be an alchemist, but it's coming around slowly. He has maxed gardening, but it doesn't really seem to suit him. It's very obvious to me that I'm still trying to get comfortable with these Sims, their free will, and the process of getting to know them.

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I'm a fan of Bug Husky. He is especially cute when he is watching TV :)

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Miraj thinking about his being eternally faithful to Larry. Don't mind the simple rendering - makes it easier for me to spot collectibles around town.

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Oasis Landing. I really appreciated this moment. They were sleeping in seperate beds, electronica music was pounding nearby, then Larry woke up and called to Miraj for some autonomous morning woohoo :)

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The NRaas Woohooer mod adds a pleasant level of romance to a challenged marriage sometimes. Except when it becomes a compulsive act...then I take a break from it.

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Miraj: Oof, Larry must be shedding again.

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The plan was to get another baby engineered in the future, but I decided to have my guys stick around and enjoy their stay. Had Miraj do some Emit tasks, too.

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This bot jam session actually sounded very cool.

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Larry: Hmm, nah. You'd be unpleasant to woohoo with...Miraj likes fluffy.

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The Larson couple decided to woohoo at the bot shop inside the bot-constructor. Yes, autonomous woohoo can be an entertaining addition to the game.

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This is what Larry most often occupied himself with while Miraj did quests for Emit.

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When Miraj one night came home with a tan from the wasteland, Larry simply swooned at the sight. Miraj already has a nice natural tan. The sun just made him more yellowish. But whatever.

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Back home, I found Willow skipping school and playing catch with a friend in the school yard instead. When she came home, Larry scolded her. A little show of her ballet moves seemed to soften him up though.

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Willow who is a losing, absent-minded also a graceful ballet dancer. Because why not?

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Larry was impressed with his daughter after that and let her of the hook.

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Bug guarding his bed in the midde of the night.

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This here is little Cinnamon who came home with Larry and Miraj from the future. No matter what anybody says, I think Miraj is an incredibly adorable Sim.

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As a family-oriented guy, he is very attentive to the needs of his small ones. There's definitely a motherly quality about him. But his voice is rather deep, and I don't feel he is feminine per se. He just seems...soft and kind.

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Cinnamon's imaginary friend, Rags, is keeping watch over her.

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Miraj experiencing the effects of hot and sour soup. That ghost chili is really something.

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We have a new Bonehilda. This one is also fond of teaching Bug new tricks.

Until next time...
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Re: Creative Story: Larry and Miraj
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2019, 05:03:11 AM »
April 22

I'm so in love with little Willow. I remember when I once turned Miraj into a woman (s)he was the cutest thing ever. Everything is dandy in Moonlight Falls. Aging is on since I want little Cinnamon to get older. I will probably throw a Fountain of Youth elixir at both Larry and Miraj at some point. By the way, they both want more children. Specifically with each other which is so sweet. They may not be a match made in Heaven, but they seem to want to cultivate the few shared interests they do have.

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*Cuddles* I don't know which pack allows kids to use makeup, but I had Willow try and apply some. Little doll.

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Here is little Cinnamon playing with her toy boat in the middle of the night while everyone else is asleep.

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The boys have new vehicles featuring their favorite color. The car with hot pink is Larry's, the MC with sea foam is Miraj's.

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Larry doing daddy things after being nudged by me. Normally, I would just grind the toddler skills, but with dynamic needs that's not possible. I keep forgetting to teach Cinnamon her skills.

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Vrooooom! Miraj was late for work, so he had to transport himself. He's a cop again.

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Darling Willow rolled Shy as her fourth trait. As soon as she had aged up, she beelined for her little brother, Petyr, to care for his needs. *Hearts coming out of my head*

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What can I say...I adore this girl.

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I realize this is a private moment, but look in the background. A bottle in Miraj's dream bubble. I switched to him and sure enough, he wants more babies. Three are not enough apparently.

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Cinnamon is a Larry mini-me. I feel she'll grow to look like Mirlar...her older sister from when Larry and Miraj lived in the previous Moonlight Falls. Perhaps I should put their former three kids into this MF? Then they'll have seven kids all in all.

Writer's Note: I have decided to try and play Larry as evil since that seems to be a hidden trait of his. Just because. Also, I'm seeing a pattern here. Larry is suddenly very similar to VJ, Miraj's older brother. They even both like sushi :o Looks like Miraj and I are sticking to the familiar, without realizing it.
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Re: Creative Story: Larry and Miraj
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2019, 07:22:59 AM »
April 23

Doreen Caliente. She cast the Pestilence Curse on Larry, who proceeded to go home and spread it to Cinnamon. They have both been sick for days and it's not over. In fact, Cinnamon still has two days of sickness left. On top of this, she glitched after using the potty chair:

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Cinnamon suddenly having a Santa beard, and a green stench ascending from her own poop. Thanks to Doreen, she has a -30 moodlet from Pestilence Plague. Thanks, Doreen.

On a brighter note, I learned that Willow has acquired a few skill points in gardning during a school trip to somewhere, likely the science lab. She can help Larry tending the garden I keep forgetting about.

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On a related note, I had to stash Bonehilda in the family inventory, because out of nowhere, Willow decided to be scared of her, making it impossible to do homework. Willow kept storming out of the house with her arms flailing above her head. Sorry, Bonie. Bug Husky was very fond of you.

Speaking about Bug...he is on vacation somewhere, learning not to wake up Sims in the middle of the night.

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You'll rarely see Larry in something not his PJs when he's at home. He even showers in them. At least, he is definitely not one to create piles of laundry.

Some pictures of Bonehilda before she moved to the inventory. I put her back in the house, but not on duty. For now, at least.

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Diligent woman, here repairing a computer.

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Miraj and Bonehilda are both upset that Larry got to Cinnamon first.
Larry to Miraj: Slowpoke.

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See? There was a time when Willow had no problem with Bonehilda. Then all of a sudden, she does. Is she telling me to give her the Coward trait next?

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Look what suddenly appeared - a freezer bunny gnome :)

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Riding a llama - yeehaw! Also, those are my favorite toadstools. I know they are poisonous, but they are also very pretty.

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Larry aged up to Adult and seemed to reflect upon that.

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Cutie Willow doing homework away from Bonehilda.

Until next time :)
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Re: Creative Story: Larry and Miraj
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2019, 02:14:59 PM »
April 23 - Second Update

I have to find a cure for this darned Pestilence Curse. It doesn't seem to go away on its own, but rather have a rotating cycle which alternates between a Sim feeling sick and tired for 24 hours, and an actual Pestilence Plague outbreak lasting 2 full days.

Nobody is sleeping as they are constantly waking up having coughing fits, and making runs to the bathrooms in order to vomit profusely. However, somehow, Miraj and Willow still manage to go to work and school in the midst of this chaos. I didn't expect a witch's curse to have such an impact. Maybe I should have one in the family study witchcraft.

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Cinnamon has left her toddlerdom behind. It didn't cure her, though. Also, I find it funny that she was dressed all in purple despite her favorite color being white. I often feel my Sims have their displayed personality as well as a hidden one.

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Petyr, the youngest and only boy, has passed out on the ground before Larry could get him to bed. For some reason, I often discover he is outside - even in heavy rain. Don't know how he manages to end up out there. Perhaps it's the glitchy coughing fits that teleport him to the other side of the wall.

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Larry getting a foot massage in the new chair.

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This is how Willow looked for her prom. She ended up becoming the romantic interest of the babysitter, Sammy Dupham. He denied her a dance that night, though. Just her luck.

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She rode home on Miraj's MC. Funnily enough, driving a car requires a licence, but riding a motorcycle doesn't. It's probably scripted as a regular bike.

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Still very sick, coughing up green vapor. Ick :-\

It's not easy being Cinnamon these days:

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- Exhausted, very hungry, pestilence plague, nauseous, upset, rude awakening, got in trouble, grungy...
- Tragic clown, got put in time out for bad grades (had been too weak to go to school), disgusted by sick Sim's presence...

At least, she's started to build up some immunity to some of the plague's effects.

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Cinnamon bathing in her tragic clown outfit...
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Re: Creative Story: Larry and Miraj
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2019, 03:32:55 PM »
April 24

I think the family is cured. Larry was able to make some potent cures, finally. He has nearly maxed his alchemy skill. Since winter is coming (...), I have build a greenhouse for the plants. Honestly, I've become very fond of this strange family. They've been through a lot, and I decided to return Larry to his non-evil ways. He is so handy now, that anything he repairs won't ever break again. That is seriously cool. He is not so bad afterall. I've kept the Woohooer mod, but made some adjustments to its settings, so that autonomous woohoo will happen at more realistic intervals. I've installed a bunch of other NRaas mods as well.

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Willow is trying to subdue the noisy washing machine. I didn't know that was a thing. She is still, as the only one, afraid of Bonehilda.

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Larry in his alchemy room upstairs. The gemcutter is a great thing. Getting pieces of gem dust to use in several elixirs rather than just a single chunk to use in one.

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This is Willow's scared face. Is it normal for loser Sims to be that afraid?

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Now that there's an alchemy setup on the lot, collectibles and pets have begun to spawn around the house. This cockatoo, for instance, along with insects and more.

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Miraj had his adult birthday on a full moon. It triggered a mid-life crisis, so now he is concerned about his weight and wrinkles. Poor Miraj. I have lifespan on the Long setting.

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Here is Cinnamon playing princess in Larry's fenced-in garden during heavy rain. It was incredibly adorable as well as hilarious. That little royal walk of hers made me go seriously 'aww'.

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The two sisters, Willow and Cinnamon, bonding over a pillowfight during a brief respite from their coughing fits - this also took place in Larry's garden bed in heavy rain, of course.

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Larry is showing affection for his loved ones, despite being hot-headed and inappropriate. It seems that the more time pass, the more some good behaviors surface.

I'm really hoping the days of constant vomit trips to the bathrooms and aggressive coughing fits are over. I've been feeling so sorry for them all, getting their sleep interrupted every 5 seconds and not being able to do anything without coughing up their lungs, also every 5 seconds. What a stupid, stupid witch (Doreen Caliente)! If she's still alive, I think I'm going to try and mete out some justice >:(
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Re: Creative Story: Larry and Miraj
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2019, 12:01:07 PM »
April 25

The family is cured, and the foul witch is dead. Hmm, what else is new? Oh, right - Miraj wants more kids. And he wants them with Larry. So, they have a new baby whose name is Billy. Petyr has grown into a child and is a little Miraj look-alike only with black hair instead of brown. Cinnamon is on the verge of becoming a teen, and Willow has some days left before she becomes a young adult. Willow has taken a job at the mausoleum. Larry and Miraj are both unemployed again - it happens when there are young children in the house. I get stressed out easily, and then I make them quit their job to care for the little ones.

Larry is no longer a werewolf. I'm sick and tired of his wolf form getting reset, and his face reduced to a squashed pudding version. The latest thing which did it was the removal of NRaas' mods. I put them back in, but the damage was done. I just can't be bothered restoring his wolf face anymore. What's more, he would fairly quickly and autonomously change back into his human form despite his being in werewolf form provided a +30 moodlet. I simply take it he doesn't really want to be a werewolf. So, that's that.

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Charming. I will miss everything about Larry being a werewolf. Because of a stupid glitch that was never looked into.

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The kitchen with some gifted furnishings from the store - Bayside Kitchen Set.

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Petyr Alvi as a child. Cute as heck just like Miraj was <3

More update later...
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Re: Creative Story: Larry and Miraj
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2019, 03:19:05 AM »
April 27

*Gasp* A day went by without an update! /sarcasm

I'm having a blast with my little Sims family. Well, aside from certain frustrating aspects. But that's beside the point!

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First, I am so proud of my girl Cinnamon here, who, as merely a teen, took it upon herself to kick a burglar's butt. And she did it efficiently!

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Also, Willow has had her young adult birthday. This is exactly what Miraj looks like if he is gender switched. I know because I've tried it :) *hearts out of my head*

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I did her a favor, though, and gave her Miraj's hair color instead of that unappealing, um...turd green shade.

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This here is Jamir. He is the latest nooboo in the house. Larry and Miraj have 5 kids now - and Miraj wants more still! And that's 5 added to the 3 first from the previous save.

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Much can be said about wanting so many kids, but Miraj is at least willing to deal with all the cleaning that comes with a house full of children.

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Recently, he has even taken an interest in caring for the plants in the greenhouse. I updated the greenhouse to look more futuristic as that is my new theme of passion.

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I tried one last time to make Larry a werewolf. Didn't notice it was to be a full moon that same night. Miraj got to be romantic with his bestial spouse one last time.

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Because the next morning, Larry changed out of his canine form once again and with the words: Get it into your thick skull, Watcher, I don't want to be a werewolf!
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Re: Creative Story: Larry and Miraj
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2019, 01:35:25 PM »
April 27

I have moved out Willow Gandillon and left her in the hands of NRaas Story Progression. As a first thing, she got a job in Business. Also, before she left, I turned her into a witch and seemed to like that a lot.

It's almost Petyr Alvi's teen birthday. I kind of see him as an 'heir' with him being the oldest boy. I wish that child engineering would produce kids with better starting traits. Couch Potato along with Slob and Heavy/Light Sleeper seem to be my game's top picks. Also, the rolled traits have been so-so. Those would be Mooch, Grumpy, and Absent-Minded. I don't quite get it, because the kids do get taught their toddler skills and are well cared for. Still, I like to hit the randomize button, because it makes the Sims seem more like their own persons. Poor neat Miraj. Good thing we have Bonehilda who is now dressed in dark blue and gold.

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Is it normal for her to eat, by the way?

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Billy (brown hair) and Jamir (black hair). Billy was able to play like this with the xylophone behind him.

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Cinnamon apparently got dizzy thinking about fish.

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I've given Larry sideburns. I think they suit him now that he's a mature adult.

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Gemhunting using his windcarver.

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A little father-son bonding time over a meal. For some obscure reason, Larry felt creeped out by Petyr afterwards.

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Willow displaying her slobby tendencies before moving out.

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No matter what happens during the day, these two always cuddle up at night. It's very sweet, I think.

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Willow the Witch. She spent almost all of her time practicing spells or conjuring apples (poisoned ones, too).

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Here she is as an NPC and just hired at the Van Gould business office. I hope that Story Progression will give her lots of babies.

Update! The game has paired Willow with Jules MacDuff - he and his twin brother are also witches (warlocks). Both have such a cute, sleepy look *dances*
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Re: Creative Story: Larry and Miraj
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2019, 04:57:18 AM »
April 28

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Just for the heck of it, I used NRaas Master Controller to make Bonehilda a regular family member for a short while. She is only bony when wearing her Everyday outfit. Otherwise, she is a normal pudding-faced Sim.

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Jamir is already getting into physical abuse...

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Hello, Miraj...oh, wait. That is black hair. Hello, teen Petyr! In keeping with this family's tradition of rolling poor traits, Petyr rolls Unstable.

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Being unstable means that Petyr has to stop to take deep breaths in order to stay sane. Or he can frequent the hospital across the street and get professional help. Daily.

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Willow came by to visit. Unfortunately, this was on one of Larry's bad days. On those, he goes into a kind of "Seek & Destroy" mode.

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Billy aged into a child which he didn't seem too thrilled about. He is a werewolf. During the last few of his toddler days, he was fussy as heck.

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The all but happy family gathering ensued. Here, Larry is telling Willow bad things about Miraj's parents.

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Willow: I don't want to hear it, dad.
Miraj: Was that really necessary, Larry?
Larry: What?

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Sweet Cinnamon joined and gave her sister a compliment. Everyone agreed that was a nice thing. Even Larry.

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Then Billy decided to complain to Willow about the hour of her visit which was indeed pretty late.

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Something snapped in Larry's mind again, and he began to mock Miraj in front of everyone. Miraj was, as always, unprepared for the projectile coming his way.

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Miraj: What gives, Larry?! I've done nothing to annoy you!
Larry: Not listening!

Phew, family union over at last.

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Miraj treated himself to a relaxing foot massage after all that. The socially inept Larry proceeded to be sad for 24 hours, because he had lost his grown daughter's friendship. He also rolled a wish to woohoo with Miraj, and Miraj one to hug Larry amorously. I could read into this, that they were wanting to move past that nasty business earlier. Larry is likely without remorse, though. And not very bright, sabotaging his own interests. As usual.

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Look at that stride. Cinnamon is athletic and late for school the next morning. Probably because she spent the night working out in front of the stereo and neglected all her other needs until they were in the red...

Family Dysfunctional will be back with more later - until then!
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