Author Topic: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (Nov 15)  (Read 163149 times)

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (Sept 10)
« Reply #90 on: September 11, 2019, 06:30:59 PM »
@reggiko, I may start playing Willow more just to have fun with ROM.
@oshizu, most of the heirs are still teens. Cosma came in as a toddler because I had to create her in CAS. And I think all my young adults are going to go into the military for one promotion until we get university.
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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (Sept 10)
« Reply #91 on: September 11, 2019, 07:33:01 PM »
I'm so out of the loop! I've never heard about the future University pack!

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (Sept 10)
« Reply #92 on: September 11, 2019, 08:11:48 PM »
I'm so out of the loop! I've never heard about the future University pack!

As far as I know there isn't one yet. A lot of people are speculating about it, but there's nothing to support that.
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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (Sept 10)
« Reply #93 on: September 12, 2019, 04:02:01 PM »
The Heckings, Newbies, and Calientes 8

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It didn't take long for Grant Hecking to show up on my doorstep. He was full of questions.
"Did you go there? Does it really exist? What was it like?"
I told him to calm down, and I gave him directions. And then I reminded him that tomorrow was a school day. "Maybe you should wait..." But Grant was already gone. I settled myself to read one of the tomes I'd bought and waited for his return.

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"Wow!" was all he could say for a while. And "I did it! I'm really a Spellcaster." I reminded him that he had only an hour before school, so if he wanted to talk about it, he'd better get started.

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"I followed your directions," he said, "and I ran down to the brook. Did you know they have purple mushrooms in Glimmerbrook? I wonder if they do anything.

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"I found the portal and took a selfie before going through. It was my last moment as an ordinary Sim, and I wanted to mark the occasion.

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"Inside that big house, I found the Sage of Untamed Magic, Morgyn Ember. He was standing in a garden upstairs. I told him that I was adopted, that I'd never known my birth parents, but I was pretty sure one or both of them had been something magical. When I finished talking, Morgyn told me that I'd have to find some motes.

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"As I turned to go, I looked over the railing, into a pool that emptied out into nothingness. 'I wouldn't recommend going that way,' Morgyn told me. 'Even with a broom, it might be difficult.'

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"When I returned with the motes, he looked at me critically. 'Your clothes and your hair are all wrong,' he said, 'but as long as you promise not to tell anyone that I was the Sage who ascended you, that's okay.'

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"Morgyn made me promise to come back for more training when I graduated from Sim school, and he showed me how to get to Caster's Alley.

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"I picked up a wand from Juan, and a wooden broom from Brooms, Baubles and Beyond," Grant told me. "They had a rocket broom that looked really cool, but it was expensive, and I figured my dads would have a fit.

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"And then I got something to make a potion with and came home."
"You'd better leave for school," I said, "but come back later. I have a cauldron if you want to experiment with potions. Oh, and did you get a familiar?"
"A dragon," said Grant, "but it's pretty small. I don't know how it'll work out."
And with that, he left.

The Newbies

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As the time of transition approaches, the founders are beginning to give advice to their heirs.
"All I'm saying is that 2 million simoleons would ensure that your mother and I became good friends with the Bheedas," said Bob.
"Dad, I'm not interested in marrying Roy for his money. I don't even know if we'll get married at all. By the time I graduate from high school, he'll probably have found someone else."
Bob could tell that Babs was getting upset, so he switched the subject.

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"Some skills are easier to max than others. Take dancing. If you have some brown paper bags, you can create a dance floor to show off your moves, which makes it go a lot faster. And thanks to your old man, you have such a floor."
Babs gave him a weak smile.

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"And you can combine a two-hour visit to a community lot with making friends," Bob continued. "Looking at clouds or star-gazing is a relaxing way of doing that."
Babs giggled. Only her dad could find a way to go to a gym and spend the time lying down instead of working out.
"And I don't really need the money that Mr. and Mrs. Bheeda made from the lottery," she said, "because I'm going to make plenty from the artifacts I dig up. And if they don't move in with us then we can have a dog or a cat. Roy loves cats."
Mentally, Bob watched two million simoleons go flying out the window, chased by a cat -- a noisy Siamese with a mischievous disposition. Ah well, it would all be up to Babs pretty soon. And once she took over, he could just sit back and watch TV.

The Calientes

Although they're adults now, both Katrina and J are still very attractive.

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They both agree that regular exercise is the key. Katrina likes to jog with Brisbane, while J prefers boxing.

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Perhaps Katrina is focused too much on physical beauty. "My son Hugh has often spoken of you," she greeted Nikita Maas. "He never mentioned what a sizeable nose you have. Are you related to the Strauds, perhaps?"

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Things have not been going well for Katrina at work lately, and she's beginning to consider retirement. For all the movies she's made, she's never once been nominated for an award. And this last time she had so much difficulty getting cooperation from the little people -- the make-up person, the costumer, even the director -- that she ended up walking off the set. She changed her agency. Flowers are nice, but an award would be even nicer. And if that doesn't come to pass, Katrina told me, she will have made her last film.


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After I left Katrina, I decided to continue my education. I sought out Simeon and requested more training. To my disappointment, I didn't learn any new spells, but I did make some progress -- I think.

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I thought I would fly to Caster's Alley rather than use the portal. "Squawk!" Edgar complained, as I veered towards him and then crashed into a bookcase.

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I survived the flight. "Caaaw, caw, caw, caw, caaw!" Edgar commented. I think he might have been laughing at me. "That's easy for you to say," I retorted.

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I was so tired that I forgot about shopping and settled down on a stone bench for a nap. Ordinarily I would never sleep in public, but with Edgar to watch over me, I felt quite secure. Not comfortable, though. I soon woke up and returned home to my own bed. Perhaps I'll try flying at home and experimenting with the cauldron for a while.
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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (Sept 12)
« Reply #94 on: September 15, 2019, 09:12:22 AM »
The Landgraabs, Curiouses, and Gotharios 8

Some of the dynasties are beginning to transition to the second generation, so I'll take the opportunity to summarize the founders' accomplishments.

Malcolm Landgraab was able to max the charisma skill. He has reached level 9 of the Politician career and is an Elder Statesman. He still hasn't finished the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration, but he added 330,000 simoleons to the family coffers and picked up 6000 satisfaction points.

Cassandra Gothario achieved her aspiration of becoming a Musical Genius, maxing the violin skill along the way. She is at level 9 of the Critic career. She has picked up 11,000 satisfaction points and added 90,000 simoleons to her household income.

The Landgraabs

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This was Malcolm's last chance to  educate Sterling about the duties of a dynasty heir.

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"You'll have to start doing repairs," he warned. "Thanks to my efforts, you shouldn't have to worry about the dryer catching fire.

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"Once you finish with the military, I expect you to follow me into a political career. There's plenty of opportunity for a good fundraiser, and you could be a big asset to my campaign.

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"I'm concerned about the environment," said Malcolm. "That's something you should be able to work with. On the other hand, trees don't vote. I'll have to think about that a bit."

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Before Sterling could take over as dynasty heir, however, the Grim Reaper had a few visits to make.

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The first one was to Nancy.

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The next day, Geoffrey was the one to go.

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Even though Malcolm pleaded for his father, the Grim Reaper brushed him off. "I know a political stunt when I see one," he said.

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Both Dominick and Moira came to pay their respects. "I'll see you tomorrow," Grim said, but he didn't specify which one he'd visit.

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It turned out to be Dominick.

Later, I found Sterling looking glum. "Grammo's going next," he said. "I know it. And I have zero interest in politics. Everybody thinks Dad is so charming, but they don't hear the way he laughs behind their back. Can't Mom and Dad just adopt a kid and hand off the dynasty thing to him? I wouldn't mind, honest."
"I think you're stuck with being a dynasty heir," I said, "but your father can't make you go into politics. It won't be so bad -- you might even enjoy it."

The Curiouses

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Brenna was a child now, and her favorite outfit was the space cat one.

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Cosma was working hard on her fitness skill. The sooner she got promoted, the sooner she could get discharged and start working with computers.

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One night Pascal was abducted. Again. Although he didn't end up pregnant from the encounter, he realized that it was a danger. If he had another child, Cosma wouldn't be able to bring her husband to live with them. If he had twins, Cosma wouldn't even be able to have the next heir.

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Unless something happened to Enigma. She was an elderly cat now, but they were all still fond of her, and she had a lot of pep left.

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Tuesday night was alien night at the Rattlesnake Juice Bar, and Pascal took Cosma there to meet some eligible bachelors. Stephon Grant was a genius and an art lover.

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Tom Nulty (pale blue) was self-assured and loved the outdoors.

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On Freedom Day, Pascal invited both of them to join the family at the Enchanted Springs pool. To his disappointment, Cosma spent most of the time chatting with her Uncle Lazlo. "They're both kind of old," she said, when he asked her what she thought of them.
The Gotharios

Cassandra didn't know whether she was ready to give up being the object of the Watcher's attention.

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"I still have a couple of songs to license," she said.
"And you'll be able to do that every time Cornelia accumulates 10 points," I assured her.

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"I don't know whether Claudia will take care of the money tree."
"If she doesn't, Cornelia will. The Watcher will make sure of that."

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"And will I be able to see Alexander again? I hardly spent any time with Mother and Father."
"I don't know," I said, "but you will have those free days."
Cassandra sighed. "I know the way the Watcher works. 'Free' days are when everyone works on skills."

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I admired the mural that she had on the wall. "Cornelia helped me finish it," she said. "She does enjoy painting, so that will help."
"She's going to do a great job," I said. "She's picked out her skill, her aspiration, and her career, so that's all taken care of."

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"I don't know who she'll marry," said Cassandra. "Frank Straud is from a fine old family, but he's still a child. I just hope she doesn't get involved with Eliza Pancakes' son Heath. She is such a social climber."
"I'm sure Cornelia will make a good decision," I said. "And she'll still have you and Don to turn to for advice."

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"True enough," said Cassandra. "Well, I'll have the talk with her first thing tomorrow morning. And I might say something about her choice of clothing for hot weather wear."
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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (Sept 15)
« Reply #95 on: September 15, 2019, 01:22:53 PM »
It's hard how all the starting adults pass on around the same time. Everyone's sad for days!
Oh, I never noticed that the space cat T-shirt had matching shorts. A great look for Breanna!

I hope Pascal escapes pregnancy, for Cosma's sake!
By the way, Cosma, Stephen and Tom are both attractive guys with terrific traits!
Are they both adults? (The game doesn't generate as many YAs anymore....)

Fun update! I laughed at how well Cassandra knows her Watcher.

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (Sept 15)
« Reply #96 on: September 15, 2019, 01:45:41 PM »
@oshizu, the space cat tights came with the most recent patch, I think. And yes, both Stephon and Tom are adults.
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Offline reggikko

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (Sept 15)
« Reply #97 on: September 16, 2019, 07:56:26 PM »
It's both sad and exciting to be moving to the next generation. Congrats on accomplishing so much with your founders. :)

I wish I knew why the game now seems to favor creating adults over young adults. It's been an issue since the Strangerville pack. Whatever the reason, I'd like to see that tuning modified a bit. In Strangerville, all of my scientists and military personnel are adults. In my experience, aliens have always been adults more frequently than young adults.

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (Sept 15)
« Reply #98 on: September 20, 2019, 01:03:33 PM »
It's both sad and exciting to be moving to the next generation. Congrats on accomplishing so much with your founders. :)

I wish I knew why the game now seems to favor creating adults over young adults. It's been an issue since the Strangerville pack. Whatever the reason, I'd like to see that tuning modified a bit. In Strangerville, all of my scientists and military personnel are adults. In my experience, aliens have always been adults more frequently than young adults.

I don't know whether the game just created Tom and Stephon or whether they started as young adults and got older -- I age up everybody during the first week of rotation.
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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (Sept 15)
« Reply #99 on: September 20, 2019, 01:13:03 PM »
The Strauds, Zests, Cottoneyes, and Lee-Scotts 8

Vladislaus Straud, Johnny Zest, and Liberty Lee- Scott were the next founders who were ready to let the younger generation take over.

Vladislaus has maxed the violin skill and become a Musical Genius. He is still at level 8 of the Gardener profession, a Flower Fellow. He has added 90,000 simoleons to the Villareals' income, and has picked up 7000 satisfaction points. To his delight, he can now eat cooked food, thanks to a recent patch.

Johnny Zest completed the Joke Star aspiration, maxed comedy, and reached the height of the Entertainer career. He also has completed the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration, brought in 150,000 simoleons, and picked up 12,000 satisfaction points.

Liberty Lee- Scott completed the Nerd Brain and Renaissance Sim aspirations, maxxing five skills -- cooking, logic, parenting, rocket science, and handiness -- along the way. She added $30,000 to the original household income and picked up 18,000 satisfaction points. However, she's only at level 3 of the Astronaut profession, partly because of spending so much time as a freelance writer.

The Strauds

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With the end of his time as a designated Sim approaching, Vladislaus decided to interview the prospective candidates for his daughter's hand. He found Heath Pancakes to be quite a self-assured young man.

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Celeste had already picked out her prospect -- Brendon Rosa.

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"But you don't know anything about him," Vladislaus objected.
"We're friends," said Celeste. "If he were a terrible person, I wouldn't like him."
"Well, I just want you to know that I'll be here for you once you take over," said Vladislaus.

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"You might have to take care of the bees -- I'll do what I can on free days, but the rest of the time, they'll be your responsibility," he added.

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"Your Uncle Hugo will be helpful. He's on pace to become a Master Chef and maybe to reach the top of his career.

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"And don't overlook the contributions of your brother Frank. He'll eventually leave to get married, but that won't happen for a while."
"And Uncle Max?" asked Celeste.
Vladislaus sighed. "Maybe he'll marry one of your schoolmates and move out. Anyway, I should be able to help out quite a bit. I'm not getting any older, so there's no telling how many skills I'll be able to pick up."

The Zests

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Johnny was taken by surprise when I alerted him to the fact that he'd be transferring his power to Mimosa.

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"I don't think she's ready for that," he said. "Her biggest concern is getting a zit on her face."
"But are you ready?" I asked.
"Does this mean I won't have to write any more comedy or motivational books?" he asked.
"Only on free days," I said.
"Then I'm ready.

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"And Yuki is ready, too," he said. "Candy still has to work on her piano-playing."

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That afternoon Johnny took Mimi along to entertain some elders at a nursing home. She dozed off while listening to one of them describe the time she went to see Elvsim perform "Hound Dog."
"It was just so boring," she complained.
"You're going to have to get used to doing volunteer work," said Johnny. "The Watcher will want you to develop some character. "And you'll have to start making progress at Drama Club and bring your grades up -- it's not easy being the designated Sim."
Mimi gave him one last eye-roll before going inside.

The Cottoneyes

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Hunter's way of preparing the next generation to take over is to bark out a series of orders. Needless to say, Hank does not respond well.

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One thing Hunter has been working on is developing his parenting skills. Even though his only strong subjects are fishing, military history, and ballistics, he still helps Hank and Dale with their homework.

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One of Hunter's jobs has been to recruit new soldiers. Aleki agreed to join the military, but once he'd gone jogging for an hour, he decided to go back to being a movie producer. "Too bad," said Hunter. "The military would have done wonders for those shoulders."

The Lee-Scotts

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To celebrate Travis's promotion, the family decided to take advantage of the Night on the Town offer and have dinner at L'Attente Bistro.

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Back at home, Liberty started upgrading objects. With any luck, her descendants wouldn't have to repair anything.

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Even so, Faith decided to help out by repairing her dad's laptop when it broke down. "I could have done it in half the time," Liberty grumbled, but she praised Faith for not electrocuting herself.

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Faith wants to be a painter, but she's drawn to rocket science, too. And with a working rocket on the premises, who can tell what she'll do in the future?

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Meanwhile, Hope has joined the ranks of teenagers, and is now a music lover who wants to be a friend of the world.
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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (Sept 20)
« Reply #100 on: September 24, 2019, 05:26:47 PM »
The Newbies, Calientes, Curiouses, Cottoneyes, and Heckings

This will be the last chapter for the first generation. It so happens that the Watcher started this exactly 6 months ago. At the rate of one generation every 6 months, it may take her 5 years to finish. She's going to have to pick up the pace a bit -- fewer pictures and chapters, I think.
To summarize the accomplishments of the last five founders:

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As an Animal Lover, Bob Newbie maxed the Veterinarian skill and also pet training, teaching his dog Buddy 7 tricks. He picked up 14 satisfaction points and added $30,000 to the Newbie household.

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Katrina Caliente has not been able to become a Master Actress, never getting nominated for an award. But she maxed the acting skill and reached the top of her career.  She picked up 9 satisfaction points and added $90,00 to the family income.

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Pascal Curious completed the Renaissance Sim aspiration, maxing logic and cooking. He also reached level 8 in gardening, charisma, parenting, and programming. He made it to level 8 of the Scientist career, and picked up 13,000 satisfaction points. Pascal is the first founder to become an elder.

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Hunter Cottoneye maxed fishing to complete the Angling Ace aspiration. He's at level 9 of the Military career. and picked up 8000 satisfaction points. He added $30,000 to the family income.

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Brent Hecking maxed painting, dancing, and cooking and completed the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration and the Soulmate one. He picked up 19,000 satisfaction points and added $120,000 mostly through painting. He was at level 5 of the Painter career, but also worked as a freelance painter.

The following is a comparison of all 10 families:
Most Skill Points: Bob Newbie
Most Household Promotions: Malcolm Landgraab
Most Satisfaction Points: Brent Hecking
Most Money Added: Malcolm Landgraab
Most Good Friends: Pascal Curious
Most Lots Visited: Hunter Cottoneye
Most Negatives: Malcolm Landgraab
Least Negatives: Hunter Cottoneye and Brent Hecking, tied at 0
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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (Sept 20)
« Reply #101 on: September 24, 2019, 05:27:21 PM »

Sterling Landgraab 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Corn Gothario 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Celeste Straud 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Mimi Zest 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Faith Lee-Scott 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Babs Newbie 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Hugh Caliente 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Cosma Curious 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Hank Cottoneye 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Grant Hecking 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Table of Contents for Generation 3 can be found here
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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (Sept 20)
« Reply #102 on: September 24, 2019, 05:32:40 PM »
STATS, Generation 2

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Sterling Landgraab
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Total = 100

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Cornelia Gothario
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Celeste Straud
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Total = 100

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Mimosa Zest
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Total = 100

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Faith Lee-Scott
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Total = 100

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Barbara Newbida
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Total = 101

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Hugh Caliente
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Total = 100

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Cosma Curious
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Total = 100

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Hank Cottoneye
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Total = 100

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Grant Hecking
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Total = 101

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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (Sept 24)
« Reply #103 on: September 25, 2019, 04:26:34 PM »
Sterling Landgraab 1

Willow Wisely told me that she's going to step back and let us tell our own stories for a while, at least to introduce ourselves.

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My story starts off on a real down note, with Grammo dying. It was the 9th of Fall in the Year of the Womrat, I'll never forget that. Grammo was the one who took care of me when I was little, when everyone else went off to work.

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We all knew it was going to happen, the Grim Reaper having given us fair warning when he came for Mom's father, Grandom. That didn't make it any easier.

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They all died one day after each other: Grancy first, then her husband Granfrey; they were Dad's parents. Then Grandom and Grammo, Mom's parents. I go past their headstones every time I go out to my rooms. I took over the little cottage that Dad built for his parents.

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For a while I felt pretty blue. Dad has all these plans for me, none of which I liked, but I didn't know what else to do with my life. The only alternative I could think of was to maybe run off to Sulani where maybe the sun would be shining instead of this everlasting rain. And I knew Dad wouldn't follow me because he doesn't like beaches. He says that once you get sand in your clothes it never comes out, no matter how many times you run it through the washer.

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Anyway, I discovered that I could write songs. I started writing one for Grammo:

Moira was her name, and she loved gardens.
Onions, daisies, anything that grew.
But one day, her season ended for her.
Now she's gone, I feel oh so blue.

That was as far as I got when I found something else to keep me going.

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Isn't she lovely? That's Claudia Gothario, and I'm going to write a song for her as soon as I can think of some lyrics that no one else has used. The most beautiful girl in the world -- taken. She's so fine (dulang dulang dulang) -- taken. She's so pretty, oh so pretty -- taken. She loves the outdoors and she's into gardening, so I figure I've got something to offer right there -- besides lots of money. Oh yeah, Isn't she lovely? has been taken, too.

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Her dad stopped by while I was jamming outside the library, just playing chords, not singing. He gave me a tip, and I almost fainted when I realized how close I'd come to singing about trying to catch my lovely elusive cloud. He might not have guessed it was a song about his daughter, but you never know.

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When I went home, it was time to blow out the candles on my cake. Hopefully, I won't have to wait too long for Claudia to catch up to me. So I'm well-mannered and responsible now, but on the downside, I'm noncommittal. It could have been worse, I could have turned out unflirty. I'm also cheerful and a music lover with the aspiration to become a Musical Genius.  I don't plan on going into the Entertainment career, though. I'm not interested in joining the symphony or becoming a stand-up comic.

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Being responsible means that it's no big deal fixing the toilets. Besides, I have a plan -- as soon as I'm handy enough, I'm going to make them all unbreakable.

That's all for now.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (Sept 24)
« Reply #104 on: September 28, 2019, 10:17:21 AM »
Corn Gothario and Celeste Straud 1

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Sterling was right. A big, tiresome part of being a dynasty heir is repairing stuff. I haven't had to do a toilet yet, just the washer and dryer.

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Sterling came over to say hi but mostly just stared at Claudia. I played a video game to give them some privacy. Sterling isn't my first choice for Claudia, but there is all that Landgraab money. And he's definitely smitten. "Do you like him?" I asked, after he left. "If I say yes, will you laugh at me?" Claudia asked in return. So I said of course not and hugged her. I just hope my niece or nephew ends up looking like our family and not the Landgraabs.

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Speaking of looks, I met one of my spousal prospects. Frank Straud is still a kid, but it's obvious he's going to look like his dad when he grows up. He's a nice child, but...

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I also met his Uncle Max. He gave me a totally inappropriate once-over look even though I'm still a teen. I can't help wondering what he'd have done if I'd been a young adult already -- tried to kiss me maybe? Celeste says he's evil, so is off the list of possible dynasty spouses. It's easy for her to talk -- she's the one who wrapped up the dishy Brendon Rosa. Not that I would want to marry someone who's evil, but Max is intriguing

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Anyway, we celebrated Spooky Day with costumes and roasting marshmallows over a fire. Grandmother Bella had died recently, so Mom was pretty sad.

Over the weekend I made a lot of progress on my painting. My grades aren't up to an A yet, and I might graduate before I get to an A. I did get moved up to Junior Artiste at Drama Club, though.

Celeste Straud

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I saw Willow Wisely on my way to the fishing spot. Corn Gothario had told me that it was easy to get the Outdoor Lovers badge for Scouts -- all you had to do was cast your line to fish  or 6 times. You didn't have to catch anything, she said.

Willow is kind of a mother hen to all of us dynasty heirs so when she asked how it was going, she wanted to know.

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"I'm tired all the time," I told her. "Besides school work, I have to work on my aspiration and do repairs around the house."
"It's the same for all the other heirs," she reminded me.

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"Yes, but I also have this huge garden to take care of," I said. "And the bees. They don't like me and I keep getting stung."
"Don't you get any help from the rest of the family?" she asked.

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"Yes, I do," I admitted. "Dad got a promotion, and Uncle Max got two promotions. And I figured out how to get Dad to work on increasing his logic skill, which he'll need for his last promotion.

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"And Frank has helped out by getting an A.

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"But what I'm really looking forward to is becoming old enough so that Brendon and I can get married. He is so good-looking. And he has an interesting personality, too. He's self-assured, like me, but also active and can get gloomy from time to time."

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Willow wished me luck and went on her way. While I was fishing, the moon rose, and I realized what a beautiful place this was. I think when it's time to get married, I'll bring Brendon here.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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