Author Topic: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (Nov 15)  (Read 163101 times)

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (June 29)
« Reply #60 on: June 29, 2019, 02:23:17 PM »
How have you set up the time share? Does Willow Wisely own it and live there and the other Sims visit? Vid as a ladies' man still cracks me up. It looks like you're having a lot of fun with this.

The time-share is actually a generic community lot. My Sims don't have to pay for it at all, but I'm having them chip in something. I'd intended them to give Willow 2000 simoleons each, but it turns out that you can give money in 100, 500, 1000, and 10,000 increments, and I haven't been able to give a second gift of 1000.

Vid cracks me up, too. I imagine he's the kind of guy who's really obvious in his flirtation, but that works with some people, especially some Sims.
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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (June 29)
« Reply #61 on: June 29, 2019, 05:00:23 PM »
Vid's hair and glasses crack me up! He reminds me of that type of guy that thinks he's super suave, but he's really not and scares off most of the ladies. haha

And I'm thinking Sulani is probably one of my favorite maps to date. I'm glad they made their way there- or at least some of them have so far. I like the time-share idea!

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (June 29)
« Reply #62 on: June 29, 2019, 09:26:02 PM »
Vid's hair and glasses crack me up! He reminds me of that type of guy that thinks he's super suave, but he's really not and scares off most of the ladies. haha

And I'm thinking Sulani is probably one of my favorite maps to date. I'm glad they made their way there- or at least some of them have so far. I like the time-share idea!

Glad you're enjoying Vidcund. I tried to make him look like the one from TS2, but none of the hair was quite right.
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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (June 29)
« Reply #63 on: July 03, 2019, 12:30:39 PM »
The Gotharios and Strauds 5

When I talked to Cassandra, she asked if she could wait a bit to pay me for her share of Caldera Camp.

The Gotharios

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"We just added a second story to the house with an exercise room for Don, so money's tight right now," she said.

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"The girls and I actually enjoy winter."

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"We made a snowpal together -- a punk with an icicle mohawk. I don't think they'll be ready for Sulani until they're in their teens."

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"There's a shipwreck near Caldera Camp," I said. "It's not a pirate ship, but they might get a kick out of exploring it."
"Claudia does love playing pirate," said Cassandra. "We'll definitely go sometime.

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"And Don just got promoted, so I should have some money soon," she added. "You know what he said when he showed me his SIB suit? 'I make this look good.' And actually, he does."

The Strauds

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Vladislaus surprised me by giving me 5000 simoleons instead of the 2000 I'd asked for. "It's the least I can do," he said. "Without your help, I wouldn't have Luna and the children in my life. "
"Children?" I said.

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"I have a son now," said Vladislaus. "Francis, but we're calling him Frank."

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"He's inherited some of my features -- the white skin and eyebrows at least. We won't know about the nose and chin until later.

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"He and Hugo have become good friends. Hugo looks after him while I work on my songs.

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"He's a wild little thing, though. We caught him one winter morning running outside without any clothes on."

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"And how is Celeste doing?" I asked.
"Great!" said Vladislaus. "Frank might have inherited my looks, but she got my love for the violin.

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"She stayed up with me to watch the New Year's celebrations on television.

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"And she helped pick out the decorations for the house."
"Any other news?" I asked.

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"I was nominated for some kind of award," Vladislaus said. "I went to the ceremony, but all the awards went to younger people -- Dirk Dreamer and a couple of teenagers from Sulani whose names I won't even try to pronounce.

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"What's more important is that my bees are becoming more cooperative. I think we're actually beginning to bond. There's just one thing --"
"Yes?" I prompted.

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"I'm worried about Max. He still beats up  on Celeste's stuffed bear even though I've told him not to.

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"And the other night he threw a fit because the shower needed cleaning. We just never know what will set him off. I'm afraid he's going to grow up to be emotionally unstable and insensitive."
"You might encourage him to do some volunteer work," I said. "That might help."
I thanked Vladislaus again for his contribution to the time-share and wished him a happy Year of the Dog.
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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (July 3)
« Reply #64 on: July 09, 2019, 10:10:55 AM »
The Zests and the Cottoneyes 5

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When the phone rang, and I saw that the caller was Eliza Pancakes, I was very tempted not to answer. The last time we'd talked, the conversation hadn't gone well.

"Why can't you include us in your legacy families?" she asked. "We're almost synonymous with The Sims 4. We're the iconic family."
"You say that like it's a good thing," I thought, but I couldn't say that. "I already have my ten families," I told her.
Eliza, being Eliza, didn't let it go. "Well then, why didn't you include us?"
"Because I don't like you," I thought. "Your lot isn't big enough," I said.
"We could have moved," she responded. "The Heckings moved."
"Well, the name Pancakes just doesn't sound like a legacy family name."
"And Newbie does?"
"Besides, it ends in 's' and that's tricky to work with for a writer," I added.
"Curious ends in 's' too," said Eliza.
"Okay,I'll make you a deal," I said. "If you and Bob have a baby, I'll see to it that the child becomes the spouse of one of the heirs. That way your grandchild will be in the legacy families even if you aren't."

"You'd better come over here," Eliza said when I answered the phone.
I did some mental arithmetic. If Eliza and Bob had tried for baby after our last conversation, she would certainly be pregnant by now. She might even have had the kid.

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"What kind of spell did you cast?" she demanded.

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"Nothing," I said. "I just made it possible for you and Bob to come together."
"Are you sure?" she asked. "No little boost to my fertility? No little extra magic?"
"None," I said. "And judging from this little one, it looks like everything went well."

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"Look around you," said Eliza. "How many babies do you see?"
"Well, three," I said, "but it's not anything I did."
"Do you know what it's like taking care of triplets?" Eliza wasn't interested in getting an answer from me. "All I can say is that you'd better make sure all three of them become spouses. That's the least you can do."

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I was beginning to get tired of Eliza and her whining. "One of them will definitely become a spouse," I said. "Whether the other two make it depends on the heirs. I'm not going to force anyone into a marriage. And if you don't quit complaining, I'll give your house the Grody lot trait."
That shut Eliza up. It also sent her from the room just as the babies began to cry.

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I managed to feed all three of them -- Elsa, Heath, and Ericka -- before they could be taken away.

The Zests

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To cheer myself up after the encounter with Eliza, I went over to the Blue Velvet to catch Johnny Zest's act. He'd become quite the accomplished comedian, and his latest book, Crazies of Sol Valley was moving up the bestseller list.

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I noticed that his fame had even spread to Sulani, because I recognized some of the islanders in the audience.

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It was late when he wound up his act, but I met him the next day to tell him about my trip to the time-share in Sulani.
"It sounds wonderful," he said. "By the way, I have a small favor to ask. I'm running late, but we can talk after the show.

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I had a chance to escape while Johnny was delivering his monologue in the Solar Flare, but I was curious about the "favor." And also, I didn't want to appear in his next book with a thinly disguised pseudonym. I mean, "Throne Laibey" -- who couldn't figure that one out?

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"You know my daughter Mimi?" he said. "She's a great kid, inheriting her mother's looks and talent. But she's still just a kid. And tomorrow evening, I have to go work at 5, Yuki doesn't get home from work until 7, Candy doesn't get home until 8, and Mimi gets out of Drama Club at 5:30. So if you could just look in on her for that hour and a half, make sure she doesn't try to put clothes in the dryer or anything..."

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How could I refuse? And actually we had a great time. She showed me her Sims game and told me all about Bella and Mortimer.

The Cottoneyes

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Soon after I left the Zests, Hunter reported that he had a new addition to the family -- Dale Cottoneye, a surprisingly angelic little fellow. Giving birth left Summer a bit rundown, though.

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Hunter was promoted to lieutenant and said that he looked quite smart in his uniform, although he missed his camos.

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To celebrate, he took everyone to Sulani, where the fishing, he'd heard, was fabulous.

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I do wish he'd said something to me first -- I could have warned him that hanging around in the yard of Caldera Camp might be dangerous. Luckily, there was no eruption while the Cottoneyes were there.

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And Hunter assured me later that he cleaned up every bit of the mess that Dale made.

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He apologized for taking the family there before paying his way, and I told him that was fine. "We added a potty chair to the back deck," he said. I told him that was fine, too.

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Hunter went on to tell me about their Wonder Day. He had helped Hank build a medieval castle, which had boosted Hank's academic progress.

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Hank had successfully appeased a gnome.

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Hunter had been less than successful with his gnome, who had broken the television set in addition to giving him a nasty shock. But Hunter said the gnomes that Summer and Hank appeased provided plenty of seed packs that he could use for bait. "I sold the gnome who stung me," he said. "That should teach him a lesson.

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With a little help from Hank and Dale, Hunter was able to amass a collection of decorative eggs that rivaled Malcolm Landgraab's. "You managed to get both bonus eggs, while he got only one," I said, "but don't tell him -- he'll be jealous." It was hard to tell what Hunter was thinking behind those sunglasses, but I got the impression that Malcolm's jealousy was something he didn't intend to worry about. And when Hunter said, "He's a politician, isn't he?" I realized there might be trouble ahead. Politicians and the military don't always get along.

We had another lottery drawing, and none of my families won. Jesminder Bheeda was the lucky recipient of one million simoleons. But it occurred to me that she has a son...

I think I have a tentative list of future spouses:
Brendon Rosa, Nikita Haas, Claudia Gothario, Frank Straud, Dale Cottoneye, Hope Lee-Scott, Elsa or Ericka Pancakes, Heath Pancakes, and now Roy Bheeda. I'm hoping that Cosma can find some nice blue, green, or purple young fellow from Sixam. Of course, that's all subject to what the heirs want.
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Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (July 9)
« Reply #65 on: July 09, 2019, 02:52:56 PM »
Eliza is a hard sim to say no to.  Congrats to Willow for standing her ground.   :D

I enjoy seeing all these townies through Willow's eyes.  Cottoneye is my favorite right now.  I never had the Sims3 so he's new to me.

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (July 9)
« Reply #66 on: July 09, 2019, 03:24:09 PM »
Eliza is a hard sim to say no to.  Congrats to Willow for standing her ground.   :D

I enjoy seeing all these townies through Willow's eyes.  Cottoneye is my favorite right now.  I never had the Sims3 so he's new to me.

Not to toot my horn or anything, but Hunter Cottoneye was the founder of my Sims 3 Townie Decadynasty. He appears in the first few chapters of my story, When the Zombies Come. He was great to write about.
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Offline kattiq

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (July 9)
« Reply #67 on: July 11, 2019, 11:07:18 AM »
Man, Eliza is something else. Haha I guess that's what she gets for complaining- triplets! I haven't had many sets in my game, just mostly twins and those are hard enough.

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (July 9)
« Reply #68 on: July 14, 2019, 08:52:47 AM »
The Lee-Scotts and the Heckings 5

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It didn't take Liberty long to show up with her payment on the time-share. "The girls will love it when they get a little older," she said. "And maybe it will help Travis and me get some exercise. Travis really needs it now that he's middle-aged."

The Lee-Scotts

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The children were doing well, she told me. Faith's friendship with Babs Newbie was solidifying, especially since both of them were in Scouts together.

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Little Hope wasn't so little any more.

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"Summer says she looks just like I might have looked as a child," Liberty said. "Except for the hair color, of course."

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But the real focus of Liberty's life recently has been her rocket ship.

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She finally finished it.

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Once it was finished, she had to take it for a test drive.

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Out in space, she was challenged to a race by a couple of aliens. "It was my fault," Liberty said. "I tried to make the ship do more than it could."

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But any crash you can walk -- or in Liberty's case, crawl -- away from is a good crash.

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"Travis was very upset," she said. "He said he hoped I wouldn't try to go up in the rocket ship at GeekCon. He said they weren't well maintained, and they were always having equipment failures.

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"I didn't even know they had a rocket ship at GeekCon," she continued, "so of course I had to try it. It handled pretty well, but the GPS system broke down, and I had to ask some aliens to repair it for me." Liberty is thinking about going back to her job as an astronaut as soon as Faith becomes a teen.

The Heckings

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It's not often you get to see Brent, Brant, and Grant all together, so I got this picture when I went over to tell them about Sulani.

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They're doing well -- Grant is a B student at school now and a Griffon scout.

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He's made friends with Brendon Rosa, who seems to have Vidcund's coloring, but his mother Jade's features.

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Brent has become good friends with Penny Pizzazz, who's a frequent visitor to the house. I thought they might make a cute child together, but Brent says that Brant is his one true love, his soulmate.

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Maybe Brendon will become another charmer like his father?

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The only real news at the Hecking household was that Rosie is now an elderly dog. She's still learning new tricks, though. Besides being able to fetch, she can also roll over.
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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (July 14)
« Reply #69 on: July 26, 2019, 09:09:09 AM »
The Newbies, Calientes, and Landgraabs 6

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As it turns out, my visits to the Newbies, Calientes, and Landgraabs fell neatly into the first quarter of the Year of the Dog. I look upon this as the lull before the storm. Next time around, there will be lots of teens.

The Newbies

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Bob and Betty celebrated Love Day.
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Babs worked on her drawings, trying to become an Artistic Prodigy before aging up.

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Bob tried to teach Buddy how to play dead.

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When he succeeded, he suddenly realized how terrible he was going to feel when Buddy actually succumbed to old age.

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Bob went back to work and finally maxed his skill as a veterinarian. Now he could make an ambrosia treat for Buddy if he needed to.

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To celebrate, Bob decided to take up bowling. His first attempt brought up a picture of a long-forgotten former acquaintance.

The Calientes

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Katrina is an adult now, and trying out a new hairstyle. "I don't like this one," she told me. "It makes me look like I have wrinkles." I refrained from pointing out that actually she did have a few wrinkles, which in no way detracted from her beauty.

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Hugh celebrated becoming a teen.

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He looks just like his father, but with his mother's red hair.

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Katrina started helping him improve on his acting.

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She also worked on learning the guitar for her upcoming movie about zombies. Brisbane is the only member of the family who enjoys listening to her at the moment.

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She also worked on her action scenes, not wanting to embarrass herself by losing a fight with a zombie.

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After practicing, Katrina and the whole family went to the Pectoral Fitness gym, where Katrina caused a fan to faint. Ah, fame!

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The actual movie went well, and Katrina's guitar-playing was deemed acceptable enough to win her a promotion. More important, she found a hairstyle she can live with.

The Landgraabs

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Malcolm made his first speech -- to several rows of empty chairs. He made a few promises, told a few lies, and declared it a huge success.

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At home, it was time for birthdays. Dominic became an elder first.

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He was followed by Moira.

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Malcolm was next.

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Siobhan and Morgan came last. Sterling became a teen as well, but his exploits will have to wait until the next update.
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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (July 26)
« Reply #70 on: August 01, 2019, 03:34:50 PM »
The Curiouses, Gotharios and Strauds 6

I had brief reports from everyone this summer. They're all busy with work and children.

The Curiouses

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There's no doubt about it: Pascal's been working hard. His slob brother Lazlo seems to leave a grimy ring every time he uses the tub.

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There's always some project that needs to be done at work.

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And Cosma can't zip through her homework any more now that she's a teen.

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So on Freedom Day, Pascal decided to cut loose. Relishing the wind as he ran, he finally responded when Vidcund reminded him that the rest of them would like some fun, too.

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They all went to Desert Bloom Park where they enjoyed the water slide.

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The next day was a different holiday, Night on the Town. Pascal took advantage of the offer of free food at Chez Llama to improve his relationship with his co-worker, Zoe Patel.

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While waiting for her to return from the ladies' room, he noticed the Gotharios sitting at the next table. He and Zoe had a lovely dinner, and no one stole anyone's food.

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Tired after a long week of work and play, Pascal went to bed as soon as he got home. But only a few minutes later, he was awakened by some strange lights outside. Had he forgotten to adjust the satellite dish?

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A few hours later he was returned to earth, dazed and oddly happy.

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Would there be any lasting results of Pascal's abduction? Only the cat Enigma knows, and she's not telling.

The Gotharios

Raising twins has had its difficult moments.

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Upset in being left out of the dinner at Chez Llama, Claudia acted out a bit.

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Cornelia found a television program that neither of her parents would have wanted her to watch, as they found out when she asked, "When people bounce around under the covers, does that mean they're trying to have a baby?"

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But Cornelia, or Corny, as the kids at school call her, is a good kid most of the time, helping out with the laundry.

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With help from Cassandra, she's developing her creativity.

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Although she's not an A student like Claudia, or Cloudy, she's making progress in her drama club. Here, she's using the thunderstorm to work on her fearful expression.

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Both girls are fond of each other. Cloudy, in orange, is a Unicorn Scout and working on her motor skills.

The Strauds

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As far as Frank is concerned, every day is Freedom Day, even when there's a thunderstorm raging outside.

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His father is usually quick to retrieve him.

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After being scolded for stuffed animal harassment, Celeste had to explain to her bear that when she yelled at him, she was really yelling at her teacher.

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Later, Corny Gothario came over for a visit.

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Vladislaus has been making progress at becoming friends with the bees, although he still gets stung a bit when he removes their honey.

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But Luna makes him forget the pain with a kiss.
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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (Aug 1)
« Reply #71 on: August 05, 2019, 09:43:05 AM »
The Zests, Cottoneyes, Lee-Scotts, and Heckings 6

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"So once again I'm putting you four together in a single chapter," I told Johnny Zest. "I hope you're all right with that."
"No problemo," said Johnny.
"I'm planning for next time around to let everyone have a full week. Some of you make your point totals so quickly that you really don't get much time."
"Sounds good to me," said Johnny.
"Good," I said. "What's been happening in your world?"

The Zests

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"For starters, my money tree is starting to produce," he told me. "It seems to attract a lot of bugs, though.

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"Mimi is now officially an Artistic Prodigy.

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"She's working on becoming a Rambunctious Scamp as well.

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"I gave her a push on the swing, but after that, she took off on her own.

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"And, oh yeah, I'm a full grown-up now. I'm thinking my next comedy book will have a title like Mid-Life Crisis -- How to. Something like that."

The Cottoneyes

Summer was my informant on the Cottoneyes.

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"Hunter went fishing over in Desert Bloom Park the other day and caught an enormous tuna. I've been making variants of tuna noodle casserole ever since.

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"His fishing time was cut short, though, when some teen heartthrob from Sulani showed up. He said their photo shoot made so much noise that they scared all the fish away.

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"Hunter has been good at looking after the boys while I work at night as a mixologist.

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"He runs a tight ship, making Hank clean up his own messes.

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"But he also takes time to read Dale to sleep.

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"He's been promoted to Captain now, but it's led to a very bad habit. He starts giving me orders. 'I'm not one of your recruits,' I remind him, but a couple of hours later he's ordering me to clean the house again. You need to talk to him, Willow. If he keeps this up, I'm leaving."
I told Summer that I would see what I could do.

The Lee-Scotts

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At the Lee-Scotts, Faith is a teen now. Her ambition is to become a Painter Extraordinaire, and she's become a bit squeamish.

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When the family went to Sulani for Sun 'n' Fun day, she didn't enjoy it much. Wet sand was too squishy, there was no telling what was lurking in the water, and don't get her started on the insect life.

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Actually, no one enjoyed Sulani much: it was the monsoon season.

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After some discussion about all the things they could be doing at home:  Hope could draw pictures and Travis could work on his mobile app, for example...

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They decided to go home. Liberty upgraded the dishwasher, washer, and toilet.

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That evening she maxed her requirements for becoming a Nerd Brain, and Travis got to the point where all he needs to do is spend another 30 hours on the computer to become a Computer Whiz. Be it ever so humble, etc.

The Heckings
It was birthday time at the Heckings':

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Brant became an adult.

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As did Brent.

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And finally Grant became a teen. A Rambunctious Scamp no longer, he loves music and wants to become a Friend of the World.

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Brant isn't sure whether he approves of the earrings, but on the whole, Grant seems to be settling into adolescence.

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They all went to the Burners & Builders gym to celebrate. Brant is still trying to reach level 8 Fitness so he can get a promotion at work.

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While Brent is trying to find out if dancing will make his wrinkles disappear. He had a disappointment at work: Electrified Artists wouldn't give him credit for the gig he completed. He had to cancel that gig, which lowered his progress. So he decided to go back to the Painter career as a palette cleaner. He's been promoted once already, and figures he'll make rapid progress.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (Aug 5)
« Reply #72 on: August 08, 2019, 07:34:37 PM »
Willow Wisely 6

With most of the heirs teens now, I decided to hold a party so that they could all meet each other before becoming young adults. Corny Gothario and Mimi Zest were still too young, but all the others were old enough. I invited:

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Babs Newbie, who wants to become a Jungle Explorer;

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Hugh Caliente;

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Sterling Landgraab;

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Cosma Curious;

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Celeste Straud;

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Hank Cottoneye, who is an outdoor enthusiast, like me;

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Faith Lee-Scott;

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and Grant Hecking. I also included Nikki Haas and Brendon Rosa, Vidcund's children, and Roy Bheeda, offspring of the two lottery winners, Arun and Jesminder.

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Even though it was a little early for Spooky Day, I decided on a Spooky Day party. I asked Celeste to start carving a pumpkin.

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Sterling Landgraab began work even without my asking. They both look so much like their parents that I kept thinking of them as Luna and Malcolm instead of Celeste and Sterling.

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I didn't do much in the way of match-making. I did encourage Babs to become acquainted with Roy, and I may have introduced Nikki to Sterling -- or was it Hank? But mostly I just wanted them all to get to know each other.

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It was difficult to tell Hank and Brendon apart because they both wore helmets that completely covered their faces.

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Neither of them had any reason to hide his face. Hank has Summer's coloring and his father's features, and Brendon is an attractive mix of his mother Jade Rosa and his father Vidcund Curious.

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Mostly all the teens danced, but Nikki Haas and Celeste did talk to each other.

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I noticed them sharing pictures later.
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On the whole, a good time was had by all, and I got a prize for a gold party at the end of it. As soon as some of the younger children become teens, I'll try another party for them.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (Aug 8)
« Reply #73 on: August 10, 2019, 12:26:34 PM »
The Newbies and Calientes 7

Before the party ended, I told the teen heirs about an idea I'd had. I wanted each of them to write me an essay on one of three topics: "An Emotional Experience," "My Most Unforgettable Character," or "The Most Important Thing is..." Anyone who got an A on their essay would get a prize of 1000 Simoleons.
It wasn't long before the essays started rolling in...

An Emotional Experience, by Babs Newbie

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When I was growing up, our dog Buddy was like my brother. My older brother, because there never was a time in my memory when he wasn't there, and he was part of the family before I was even born. Buddy was always ready to play, and he was smart, too, learning how to fetch and roll over and shake paws.

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As a child, I had friends and activities, but Buddy was always there for me when my friend Faith couldn't come over or when I was having trouble learning the violin.

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Buddy was getting old, though. One day my dad, who's a vet, had to take him to work to find out what kind of illness he had. Dad cured him, but Buddy was soon sick again.

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And one day he died.

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When the Grim Reaper came for Buddy, I wanted to plead for a longer life, but the Reaper shook his head. "He'd only get a few more hours," he said in that horrid growly voice. "Don't waste my time."

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I pleaded with my dad instead. "You're a vet. Can't you make some kind of medicine that would bring Buddy back?" Dad was sympathetic, but he shook his head. "That's possible, but I'm not going to do that," he said.
"Why not?" I demanded.
"Because we would have to let go of Buddy sometime. Suppose the day came when you had to choose between having a grandchild and letting Buddy die? Would you want to have to make that choice? No, it's better to let Nature take its course."
Dad was right, but that didn't mean I was happy about his decision.

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For a few days I moped around. Even watching my favorite program, the one about ancient China (I'm going to explore jungles when I graduate), couldn't cheer me up.

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Then one afternoon, when Mom was at work, Dad suggested we go bowling. I didn't want to go. Having fun seemed like it would be disloyal to Buddy. But I knew that Dad missed Buddy, too, probably even more than I did.

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The first time I bowled, I knocked down almost all the pins, and that was cool. The second time, I fell flat on my face, and the ball just slowly rolled into the gutter. But I was laughing when I got up, and Dad was laughing, too. And it was totally my imagination, but in my head, I could hear Buddy barking excitedly, the way he did when he was wildly happy about something. I miss Buddy. I probably always will, but the missing doesn't hurt any more.

My Most Unforgettable Character, by Hugh Caliente

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Lots of people know my mother, or at least recognize her name. She's even been the answer to a few questions on Jeopardy!

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But mostly they only know her as that detective on TV...

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Or as Lady Lilith in the movie Battle for Advorton.

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In fact, most people who think they know her think she's a brunette. They don't realize that the make-up person changes her hair color "because redheads are thought to have fiery tempers, dear, and the characters I play are usually supposed to be cool, competent, and emotionally stable." That's what she told me when I noticed that her hair color was always different in the movies.

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Don't get me wrong -- she can act emotionally unstable with the best of them, especially when she's coaching me for the drama club.
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But mostly she only loses her temper when trying to fix the toilet. Something most people don't know is that she's actually quite handy around the house.

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Also, she loves to play the guitar (but our dog Brisbane is the only one who enjoys listening to her).

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She also likes going to festivals in San Myshuno, especially the flea market.

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And lately, she's started throwing parties for charity. So, that's my mom. And if you ever meet her, you won't forget her.

Later, when I read them, I wasn't surprised that Babs's essay received an A, or that Hugh's got a B.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (Aug 10)
« Reply #74 on: August 11, 2019, 12:45:49 AM »
First of all, I love all the make-overs, second chances, and oftentimes surprising pairings.
How wonderful to see all of the now-borderline-overly-familiar premade sims looking younger, fresher, living new and unexpected lives.
Second Chance Corral.

Not surprising (to me, at least), Katrina Caliente is my least favorite character.
I am sad to see that Malcolm--who was a bit of a cad to your lovely scientist lady character with Vlad's nose and chin (I can't remember her name)--manages somehow to flub his second chance and ends up disappointing Willow anyway.
Many great creative decisions, such as the time-share in Sulani!
I laughed at how you had Willow spouting flimsy excuses to Eliza for not including the Pancakes as a founding legacy.
It's great that all your households (except the Newbies & Curious Brothers?) are newly formed.

And now my questions: I see that the subject heading is Legacies in Rotation.
Is this self-created challenge an extension of your ten-gen dynasty challenge but played with 10 different households?
You really know how to ramp up the complexity of a challenge for yourself.
In fact, I have yet to install Get Famous,have never played a game which includes washing machine & dryer, and giggled that the addition of a pet rewards the school-age children but makes the game harder for the player.
Looking at your household stats, may I assume that you are playing your 10 households like your Ten-Gen Townie Challenge?
Whether your answer is yes or no, you make this playstyle look deceptively easy. I will enjoy it vicariously, thanks to you!
Wonderful storytelling and great screenshots, Marian!

P.S. I didn't mean to write so much but I ended up binge-reading the entire story so far tonight, hehe.