Author Topic: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (Nov 15)  (Read 169528 times)

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (March 29)
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2019, 08:36:14 PM »
The Goths 1

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I met Cassandra Goth one afternoon when she came home from school with Katrina.  "Is it true that you have a well that grants wishes?" she asked me.
"I do have a wishing well," I said. "It grants some wishes, but sometimes not in the way that the person wanted."
"If there's someone I want to marry, can it give me that?"
I shook my head. "If you want a boyfriend, it can provide that, although possibly not in the way you want. You'd be better off relying on your own abilities and personality."
Katrina soon filled me in on the object of Cassandra's affections. "She's got a crush on Don Lothario," she said. "Totally unsuitable, of course, but that might be part of the attraction."

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Not long after Katrina moved out, I got to meet Don. He was walking by the house when I was surveying my broken clothesline, and he helped me fix it. "You help people who have problems, don't you?" he asked. "Big problems, 'what should I do with the rest of my life kind of stuff,' right?"
"Yes," I said. "Do you have a problem?"
"It's this whole noncommittal mindset," he said. "I'm tired of working sometimes as a waiter and sometimes as a street vendor and sometimes subbing for a lab assistant. And I'm even kind of tired of being a boyfriend to many but a husband to no one. I know you helped Katrina work through some of her pre-arranged issues, and I was wondering if you could help me, too."
I reminded him that Katrina had been regressed to adolescence. "I don't know about that," said Don. "Let me get back to you.
He called me back that very evening. "My draft notice arrived in the mail today," he said. "You can't regress me, but could you help me make a few changes?"
"I can try," I said.
"What I really want to find out is what my future career path should be, once I get out of the military," said Don.
"I can arrange for you to have a dream that will give you some guidance," I told him.
"Excellent!" he exclaimed.

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The next morning I was a little surprised to see Cassandra Goth in my kitchen. "I know you've got Don here," she said. "I want you to make me older so I can marry him."
"Slow down," I said. "Do your parents know you're here?"
"I told them I was going to get you to help me lose my gloominess," she said. "I don't want to be a Debby Downer any more. And I also want you to make me beautiful so that Don will fall in love with me."
"I don't do physical transformation," I said, "just psychological. But you're already quite pretty."
"Pretty isn't good enough," said Cassandra. "I want Don to be filled with overwhelming desire when he looks at me."
"No you don't," I said. "He's already experienced overwhelming desire for a great many women. You want to start out by being his friend."

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I told Cassandra that she could stay only if she agreed to follow my advice. "Try asking him for help with your schoolwork," I suggested. "He can't flirt with you because of your age, so you'll both get a chance to know each other better." To tell the truth, I thought it might cure Cassandra of her crush.

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They finished building her electricity project together. Cassandra was disappointed in the result. "It just gave off a few sparks," she said, "kind of like the way we reacted to each other. Basically a fizzle."

That night Don had the "guiding" dream I'd promised him. He told us all about it at breakfast.

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"I was a pirate, I'm ashamed to say," he started, "and my crew captured a beautiful young maiden who was out on the sea on her yacht. When she was brought on board, she fainted dead away from terror.

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"I caught her in my arms as she collapsed and I gave her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

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"When she regained consciousness, I introduced myself and asked if there was anything she wanted."

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"'My freedom,' she said icily. Her contempt for me and the other pirates was obvious.

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"Stung, I attempted to placate her. I wasn't really a pirate, I told her, but an undercover agent who had infiltrated the gang. I promised that I would restore her to her people as soon as my mission was over. 'See that you do,' was all she said.
"And that was the end of my dream," said Don.

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"What did the young woman look like?" asked Cassandra.
Was it my imagination, or did Don's cheeks slightly redden? "Her hat had a veil on it," he said. "I couldn't see her face very clearly."
He turned to me. "I guess I'll have to have another dream tonight. I really don't want to be a pirate, and that seems to be the only career that was in my dream."
"Not true," I said. "You told the young woman you were an undercover agent. The military will give you some training for that, and you can make even more progress later."
"Hey, that's right," said Don.
With Don satisfied, I made a birthday cake for Cassandra.
"Do you think Don thought the young woman in his dream was me?" she asked.
"I'm sure of it," I said. "I saw the way he blushed."

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With a new hairstyle and an outfit that didn't shout "schoolgirl," Cassandra was enough to inspire passion in any young man, let alone one as susceptible as Don.

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Don soon proposed to her. I overheard some of his speech: "Cassandra, I've played the field so long that I don't even know where the goalposts are..." I quickly withdrew.

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Cassandra accepted.

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They pledged their vows at the arch in my backyard.

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The two of them bought the Oakenstead lot in Willow Creek and decorated it in red, white, and black.

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Cassandra got a job as a critic, while Don quickly moved from raw recruit to private. Hardly had they settled in...

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...but Don was panicking and Cassandra was having a baby.

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He had good reason to panic: Cassandra gave birth to twins, Cornelia and Claudia.

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Don recently assured me that he's very happy, even if he is living with three women again
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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (April 4)
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2019, 11:53:11 AM »
Ooh, this is awesome. It’s good to see Cassandra get her happy ending. I always decorate Don’s house in red and black!

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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (April 4)
« Reply #17 on: April 07, 2019, 05:11:20 PM »
Willow Wisely 3

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Despite missing Katrina and Malcolm, Vladislaus was mostly a happy child, especially when he was drawing or playing his violin. Digesting food was still a problem for him, though, and I began filling his pockets with carrots and strawberries, as uncooked fruit and vegetables seemed to be the only thing that didn't make him sick.

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One day he was late coming home from school and showed up very excited. "I found her!" he told me. "I found her and she doesn't hate me!"
It turned out that he'd been invited to the house of one of his schoolfriends, Max Villareal. "I almost turned away when I realized that the gate was the one I had passed through in my dream," Vladislaus told me.

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"Inside, I met Luna, and she was actually quite friendly to me. Unfortunately, she thinks of me as a child. Do you think I could be aged up to teen now?"

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I didn't think he was ready yet, but his pleas were so sincere that I gave in, only to find that he couldn't become a teen in the normal way, by blowing out candles on a cake. Even the cake at the restaurant didn't work. "It's because I used to be a vampire," he told me. I had to use a stronger spell, but he did achieve the same age as Luna.

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With Vladislaus a teen, I could do a little more without worrying about leaving a child alone at home. I visited Johnny Zest to find out if there was anything he wanted. "I'd love to find out who my own true love is," he said. "I'm doing okay financially, but I do wish I had someone in my life. I want somebody to love; I need somebody to love; I would love..." I left with the chords of Jefferson Airplane throbbing in my head.

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Later in the week I visited Travis Scott and Liberty Lee. They were fine, just fine, they assured me. Travis had to leave for work about an hour before Liberty did. As soon as he was gone, Liberty asked me if I could get rid of Summer Holiday. "In a good way, of course," she said. "I don't want anything bad to happen to her, I just want her out of the house. I'm in love with Travis, and I think he might fall in love with me, but it's never going to happen with Summer around. She's got these big blue eyes and that helpless doe-caught-in-the-headlights expression...And both of them would be miserable if they got involved with each other. Summer would always be pouting because Travis would be playing on the computer instead of paying attention to her, and Travis wouldn't have anyone to explain his strategy for The Refuge to, because Summer would get bored."
I told Liberty that I would see what I could do.

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My third stop was in response to a text from Brant and Brent Hecking. "We heard you were lining up legacy founders," Brent (or maybe it was Brant) said. "We just wanted to make sure you had some diversity."
"Like, are any of them ethnic or gay?" asked the other one.
I confessed that so far the best I'd been able to manage was a cured vampire and a Sixamite toddler and said that I would be delighted to include them if they were interested. "Do you plan on adopting or do you want to take your chances with the Sixamites?" I asked.
"Oh, we'll adopt," said Brant (or maybe Brent).  "I'm assuming we'll be able to keep Rosie?"
"Absolutely," I said. "But you will have to move to a bigger lot."
That wasn't a problem for them.
After I left them, I realized that I now had all my legacies ready to go, except for the one in Strangerville. I wished that Pascal would give me the name of the person who was interested in it. I couldn't think of anyone more suitable for Strangerville than the Curious brothers, and it worried me a little.

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When summer arrived, I was able to go back to Granite Falls to collect more herbs.

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Fireleaf was still harvestable, and I was able to take cuttings of a few unidentified plants. I also collected a few bugs and hoped that I would soon be able to make some remedies.

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On my return home, I added fireleaf, chamomile, and noxious elderberry to my garden.

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Vladislaus was practicing the violin. I'd suggested he do that to develop his emotional control. And he could improve his manners by paying more compliments, I added.

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The person he most wanted to compliment was Luna, so he went over to see her. His warm weather outfit unfortunately betrayed the knobbiness of his knees and the sharpness of his elbows, but Luna didn't seem to mind.

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She came back to the house with him and blew out the candles on the cake while I aged up Vladislaus in the only way I could. It turned out that all his work on developing good manners had been for naught as they didn't show up as part of his character. Indeed, I could have spared myself the trouble of regressing him entirely. But he thanked me anyway for trying to give him a proper upbringing and said he would always look upon me as his mother.

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The Romance Festival was going on in San Myshuno, so the two of them took off for that. The love guru, or whatever he was, told them they shouldn't waste any time.

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So Luna and Vladislaus got married, right there, at the Festival. And I do hope they'll live happily ever after.
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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (April 7)
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2019, 11:38:16 AM »
The Strauds 1

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I didn't see Vladislaus for a while, but one evening I got a phone call from him. "I'd like to see you," he said. "I'll be at the Shrieking Llama, if you have a chance." When I arrived, he was playing the violin.

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"Thanks for arriving so promptly," he said. "I picked this bird-of-paradise flower for you, to add to your garden. I can't stay long, but I wrote you this letter to let you know what was happening in my life." And with that, Vladislaus left. Curious, I opened the letter on the spot.

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Dear Aunt,
As I'm sure you've heard by now, Luna and I had a heat-of-the-moment wedding at the Romance Festival.

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Luna is adorable, beautiful, loving, and affectionate. Although she is not my intellectual equal and is somewhat childlike, I truly feel blessed that she agreed to marry me.

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And I am making friends with the rest of the family. She has two brothers, Hugo and Max. Hugo loves to cook, but Max's favorite activity seems to be trolling the forums.

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Her father Jacques has retired from his criminal activities, which is a relief. He is what is described now as "erratic."

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I would be inclined to use the term "totally bonkers," myself.

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During one particularly electrifying thunderstorm, I noticed him taking a shower in the rain.

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To my horror, when I looked out another window, I saw that my darling Luna was doing the same. I very much fear that she has inherited her father's condition.

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While she doesn't go out in public in her nightwear, Luna is disinclined to take an umbrella with her, even in a heavy and thunderous rainstorm.

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And the day will soon come when we have a little one to take care of. I don't need to tell you, Aunt, that I am very concerned. Your servant, etc., Vladislaus

There was a second page to the letter -- a second letter, I discovered.

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Dear Aunt,
I missed my chance to give you my first letter, so I'm adding this one to it. I've decided against becoming a professional musician, for several reasons. Instead I took a job as a gardener, with an eye to becoming a botanist. I doubt that my digestive system will ever adapt to normal food, so I've decided to grow my own fruits and vegetables. And as long as I'm doing that, I might as well make money from them.

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I'm also raising bees. Bonding with them means that I get a few stings, but I'm sure it will be worth it.
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As you've probably guessed, though, ensuring a steady food supply isn't my only reason for becoming a gardener. With Jacques and Luna both erratic, that means there is no one that could really be trusted to leave with a baby. Hugo and Max are both in school much of the day, and Max, I have to tell you, worries me. He has a laugh much like Malcolm's.

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I'm doing what I can to give him a good upbringing -- tucking him in at night and helping with his homework (he's currently getting D's) -- but he'll never be someone who's good at looking after children. With the garden, I can stay at home as much as I want. And to be honest, I don't really enjoy playing the violin in public. I worry too much that people will be whispering, "Isn't he still a vampire?" "No, they say he's cured, but I don't know." "Once a vampire always a vampire," etc.

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Anyway, children there will be. Luna let out a cry of shock and pain the other night.

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When I arrived on the scene, she had already given birth.

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We have a beautiful little girl, Celeste. Looking at her, I don't regret anything.
With gratitude and love, Vladislaus

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (April 10)
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2019, 02:07:38 PM »
Sweet! I'm still anxiously awaiting the StrangerVille Sim! I want to see if my hunch is right. :)

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (April 10)
« Reply #20 on: April 10, 2019, 04:28:56 PM »
Sweet! I'm still anxiously awaiting the StrangerVille Sim! I want to see if my hunch is right. :)

All in good time! ;)
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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (April 10)
« Reply #21 on: April 12, 2019, 04:09:45 PM »
The Zests 1

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When Vladislaus left, I invited Johnny Zest to come for a visit, and while he was with me, I arranged a little "blind date" dream for him with Summer Holiday.

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She came over to see me one afternoon. "Ugh," she said to Johnny. "You sound just like this guy who was in my dream last night.

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"He was a terrible guitar player. He thought he was a singing cowboy or something, but he was totally out of tune and looked more like someone from a dude ranch than an actual cowpoke.

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"And then he started hitting on me. Luckily I woke up before it could get any worse."

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"Oh really," said Johnny. "Well, I dreamed I was in this old-time Western saloon, waiting for the barmaid to show up so I could wet my whistle with some sarsparilla.

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"And when she did show up, she had this stream of excuses and kept saying 'Lips that touch wine will never touch mine,' even though I told her it was sarsparilla I wanted, not wine. She looked kind of like you only prettier."

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"I do hope that's not who you're trying to hook me up with," Summer said as she joined me in the kitchen.

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"I heard that," Johnny called over his shoulder. "'Bye."
Summer had to go to work, but she confided that she was moving in with me for a while. "I think Liberty and Travis might get something going together if I'm not around. And yeah, I'm hoping you can work the same kind of magic for me that you did for Katrina and Cassandra. Only I'm looking for someone with a little more swash to his buckle than Johnny if you know what I mean."
To say that I felt like a failure was putting it mildly.

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A couple of hours later, I got a text from Johnny. At Mus in DSV. Just met fantastic woman.

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I should explain that although I don't have electricity (which makes it really hard to get clothes dried), I do have a modern phone. Anyway, a few minutes later another text came through. Name's Candy Bear, Beer? Whatev. She laughs at my jokes. I'm in love.

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A few days later, I got a very long text from Johnny:
Got a house in Del Sol Valley & moved in with Candy...

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Also her sister Yuki. Last name is Behr... Yuki's in high school.

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Candy & I got engaged...

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And Candy's pregnant.

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This is our house. Come see us! Thanks for everything.

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Johnny paused before adding a P.S. I do mean thanks. If I hadn't had the nightmare with Summer, I wouldn't have realized how lucky I am with Candy.

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I didn't know how Summer would take the news that Johnny had gotten married to someone else. True, they hadn't seemed to hit it off, but lots of romances start with conflict. "It's no big deal," said Summer. "He wasn't really my type. I'm looking for a guy who's more heroic, if you know what I mean. Someone epic, legendary."
"Oh," I said. I racked my brains, trying to think of someone in Willow Creek, Oasis Springs, Newcrest, or Brindleton Bay who was single and heroic. I couldn't think of anyone even remotely close to epic or legendary.

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"Ding dong," someone called from the front door. "I heard y'all have a little problem down in Strangerville with zombies. No, it was triffids. Something like that."
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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (April 12)
« Reply #22 on: April 12, 2019, 06:34:29 PM »
Well, I guess my hunch was wrong! I was thinking maybe Nervous, but I guess I should have realized you wouldn't pull two families from Strangetown. I don't even know who that is. :D

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (April 12)
« Reply #23 on: April 12, 2019, 09:01:49 PM »
He's from TS3 and likes to live in a bunker, if that helps.
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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (April 12)
« Reply #24 on: April 12, 2019, 09:19:16 PM »
He's from TS3 and likes to live in a bunker, if that helps.

Ah. I never played TS3.

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (April 12)
« Reply #25 on: April 12, 2019, 10:42:42 PM »
HUNTER COTTONEYE!!! Not gonna lie though, I was also hoping for Nervous Subject. As much as I love the Curiouses he was always my favorite in Strangeville lol

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (April 12)
« Reply #26 on: April 13, 2019, 07:51:12 AM »
HUNTER COTTONEYE!!! Not gonna lie though, I was also hoping for Nervous Subject. As much as I love the Curiouses he was always my favorite in Strangeville lol

Welcome to the forum! And apologies to you and @reggikko for it's not being Nervous.
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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (April 12)
« Reply #27 on: April 13, 2019, 12:00:04 PM »
It sounds like Hunter is perfect for Strangerville. I'm still looking forward to the story!

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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (April 12)
« Reply #28 on: April 13, 2019, 03:36:21 PM »
Oh, that'll be a fun blast from the past! That really will fit. The military career would fit his camo-heavy fashion sense.
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Re: The Wisewoman of Forgotten Hollow -- Legacies in Rotation (April 12)
« Reply #29 on: April 14, 2019, 12:05:20 AM »
Welcome to the forum! And apologies to you and @reggikko for it's not being Nervous.

Thanks!  :) :) :) And no worries, I have him in my game so I can always put him in Strangerville myself. The poor lad could use a win lol

