Author Topic: The Joy of Riverview  (Read 3344 times)

Offline Deklitch

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The Joy of Riverview
« on: March 07, 2019, 05:15:07 PM »
The Joy of Riverview

What has happened ...
Our current cast

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Joy of Riverview - What has Happened ...
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2019, 05:16:04 PM »
What Has Happened ...

This started as a fun playthrough of the Private Investigator Profession here on the forum. Bill Christie came to town and did the play through and made it to the top of the Private Investigator Profession. He also found love in Riverview in the form of Elaine Joy. They toured the theatre, one thing led to another ... they didn't expect the meaty hand of that security guard to paddle their backsides outside. But Elaine fell pregnant and little Maria was the result. Elaine was forced to raise their daughter through nooboohood and most of toddlerhood, but when Bill finished his profession, he came visiting and proposing and Elaine said yes, and I do and I will become Mrs Christie.
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So they moved to the Christie home where Elaine and Bill tried to add to their family ... several times. Elaine knew her elderhood was coming upon her, and she wanted a little brother or sister for Maria. Bill wanted brothers and sisters for Maria and so get a fertility treatment. Their efforts have had the desired results ...
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Elaine taught Maria to potty and Maria used the walker and the playpen to learn to walk and talk and Bill contributed to the household funds by hacking databases. He wanted to provide a bigger house for his growing family, and he didn't want to stakeout any more properties or investigate his fellow citizens of Riverview.
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It is now Thursday week 4 of the game file ...

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Joy of Riverview - Our Current Cast ...
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2019, 05:19:40 PM »
Our Current Cast ...

Matriarch Elaine (Joy) Christie; Stay at home Mum and Self Taught Chef
Patriarch Bill Christie; Pervasive Private Eye
Daughter Maria (Joy) Christie; Cute Toddler

Offline Nindigo

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Re: The Joy of Riverview
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2019, 08:26:27 PM »
*Bounces happily around*

Thanks for posting Bill's further story, Mister Deklitch!
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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Joy of Riverview
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2019, 07:08:41 PM »
A New Home

After packing up all the rewards including his car, Bill looked for a new home for his family, something a bit bigger, but with character and that was within his price range. One of the houses he was shown was the old Joy house. But one look at Elaine's face made him reject that one out of hand. The house that the three Grandpas lived in was also available, but it was out of their price range and besides ... old man smell.
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Then they were shown through the planned housing estate - the one named after the dogs up for adoption in town and they saw it ... a house with two bedrooms and two bathrooms, and a place for Bill to put up his shingle. The house also had a garage, which could be converted to extra living space if needed. So, they signed the contract and moved in.
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The ground floor.
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And the upper floor
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Before they left the old house, Maria was aged up, but in the excitement of moving, her photo wasn't taken, so here she is in her new house going driving in her car-car.
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Needs may be static and story progression and aging may be both, but you still need to go to school, Maria!
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Time for making sandcastles in the sandpit when you get home.
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Elaine - Dinner! Come and Get it! I made dinner for some reason, macaroni and cheese.
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Maria - Mum, you've changed clothes!?! And you did it right here in front of me! In the middle of dinner! GROUSE!
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Bill - Yes, you are going to have a little brother or a little sister, or more than one brother and/or sister. Excuse me, while I go and earn us more money ...
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Gotta love a man so dedicated to his money making efforts that he'll do it in his dressing gown, no matter how ... questionable they might be. :) The department of Cyber Protection have infected his computer with a virus twice since the move to the new house.

To prepare for the new nooboo/s, Pregnancy Books are being read.
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And now the fireplace was sold and replaced by a tv. And an audio system. Poor Elaine, forced to watch bouncing bunnies and listen to that inane music ... thankfully I can turn off sound!
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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Joy of Riverview
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2019, 11:13:21 PM »
Sleeping Arrangements ...

The tv and the stereo worked well, as Elaine and Bill came home from the hospital with twins! A girl called Jane and a boy called Arthur.

Following her day of school on Friday, Maria was tutored by Bill to an A in between a very quick nooboohood and toddlerhood for Jane and Arthur. The use of the playpen and walker from Aurora Skies helped with that immensely.

So, by Sunday, we had 3 children in the house and two adults. The family members fell into their different roles ...

Having already tutored Maria to an A, Bill turned his focus onto tutoring the remaining children. Firstly Arthur ...
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Bill - then, mum spun around and sparkles appeared and ...
Arthur - but dad ...
Bill - Jane appeared in your mother's hands. She put Jane down on the ground. Then mum started screaming again and spun around again and sparkles appeared and ...
Arthur - but dad ...
Bill - you appeared in your mother's hands. She carried you to a cot, then she came back and got your sister and put her in a cot. And that's how ...
Arthur - but dad ... that's not the multiplication they mean. Look, 5 multiplied by 15 what does it mean by carry?
Bill - well as I said mum carried you and then Jane to cots.
Arthur - *!?#!
Bill - wherever do you learn such language? Have you been reading the forum stories by @LivvieLove ? She uses French in her stories ...

We leave that to see Elaine's efforts with Jane.
A fishing pond appeared in the family yard, and Elaine and Jane congregated there. The conversation of Bill and Arthur floated to them.
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Jane - you want me to get tutored by him?
Elaine - he is really very smart.
Jane - but ...
Elaine - yes?
Jane - I like being a kid! I don't want to grow up ... I don't want to leave you and dad.
Elaine - everyone has to grow up.
Jane - well there is this one boy I know of, Pete, and he never grew up. Why can't I be like him?
Elaine - who's been telling you stories?
Jane - Maria!

Maria turned her attention to her artistic side and told her parents
Maria - if I have to share my room with them, at least give me an easel!
And she got one.
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Neither her sister's 'betrayal' nor the new sleeping arrangements could make her upset ... well almost ...
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Arthur - my name starts with an A, I get to choose beds first! I choose the top bunk
Jane - I have yet to be tutored by dad yet, I should have the top bunk as recompense.
Elaine/Bill - What?
Maria - I was/am the oldest, shouldn't I get the first pick and top bunk?

Bill - should I get back to hacking?
Elaine - probably, yes.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The Joy of Riverview
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2019, 06:33:23 PM »
Haha, I saw I'd been pinged! What an interesting form of French! ;) Je ça aime!

I like reading through this! Is there more/a prequel I'm missing?

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