Author Topic: The Amarantha's Four Immortal Sisters Challenge - Chapter 64  (Read 59433 times)

Offline mpart

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Chapter 57 - Dave's First Love
« Reply #135 on: October 09, 2021, 10:16:07 PM »
Hello there! I finally found some extra time to boot up my Amarantha save file, and we are back in business, everyone! Last chapter, Bellona and Timothy got divorced, Dave the plumbot joined the household, Aries gave birth to a baby boy named Jay, and Antheia's dog and Anatole's dad died.

Dave had finally decided to give up on his crush on Selene: Unfortunately, that was because he had a crush on Aries instead.

Aries encouraged Dave's little crush and eventually, the rest of the household noticed it. 

Hecate was the first to find out, and she was not a fan. She would monitor their interactions and make sure they never went too far.
"Someone has to. Aries will flirt with anything that breathes, and I do not want her heartbroken."
Awww, you're worried about Aries getting her heartbroken?
"He's a plumbot. Who knows what he will come up with."

When Hecate thought Aries wasn't looking, she would glare at Dave. Aries wasn't dumb though.
"Oh stop it, Hecate. It's fine!"
"Uh-huh. Sure it is."

Hecate even went in as far as to have the other sisters babysit Aries when Dave was with her, including Selene.
Selene: "Well, this is awkward. I created him, and he was flirting with me, and then he gave up, and now... he's flirting with my sister?"
Uh... yes?
"How fascinating!"
I think Hecate wants you to babysit them--
"Let me get my notebook!"

Selene may have failed at babysitting Aries, but Hecate didn't.
"Look, Aries, someone is going to get hurt if you continue flirting with the plumbot. He's following you around like a lost puppy, and he lives with us. You need to stop before things escalate."
"Hecate, you have raised too many of my kids to realize it's okay to have fun. It's just a little flirting, that's all."
"I don't believe you."
"You don't need to, but I'll keep your advice in mind. I guess."
"Well, I guess that's all I can ask for."

So, you're going to keep Hecate's advice in mind, right, Aries?
"What? No. I just told her that, so she will get off my back. I'm going to keep flirting with Dave."

And fantastic, just what I wanted to deal with.

"Hey, we're only love interests. That's not even a real romantic relationship if you think about it."
Doesn't matter! You're going to break poor Dave's heart!
"What? Hey! I thought everyone was worried about my heart being broken!"
Maybe Hecate, but not me! Dave is too adorable to be sad!
Dave: "I love Aries, Watcher."
"Woah, woah. Don't go throwing around that word like that, uh, hmm... I forgot his name. Whoops."

Flame, hearing the ruckus, decided to go ahead and investigate:
"Hey, you two! No shenanigans in my garden! Aries... what are you doing? Hecate asked me to keep an eye on you. You aren't flirting with Dave, right?"
"I am not."

Before Aries and Flame could finish their conversation, Dave made a mad dash to tell Selene about his new relationship:
"Creator, I am in love! Aries Amarantha loves me!"
"Oh... that's going to cause problems. Hmm, Dave, how many hours have you been alive?"
"Approximately 23 hours, 12 minutes, 44 seconds--"
"Yeah, we're getting rid of your Capacity to Love trait tomorrow."
Good idea.

The only reason why Selene hadn't gotten rid of it right away was because I was busy keeping an eye on Aries and arranging for her and Flame to go into the future one last time. They needed to catch an Uber nanite for Selene's lifetime wish, and they are only available in Oasis Landing. Dave will be going along with Aries and Flame too to cover more ground and increase the chances of finding an Uber nanite.

"Yeah, yeah. Explain why I am going and not just Flame and Dave."
It could be because I want you to look for nanites too, you know.
"Eww. No. Just explain to them what I will be doing."
Stop breaking the fourth wall!
Fine! I'm hoping that Aries will finally be able to reach the Man Eater's reputation. I have never had a sim romance so many people before.
"Darn right you haven't. I'm special."
You sure are, Aries. You sure are.

With everything packed and ready to go, Flame, Aries, and Dave jumped through the portal and arrived in Oasis Landing.

The first thing I had Aries do before she even took another step in Oasis Landing is break things off with Dave:
"Look, Dave.. .I can't have our flirtations ruin my chance of getting the Man Eater reputation. Hecate also keeps lecturing me, and you keep throwing around that 'love' word so, this isn't going to work out."
"I don't commute."
"I'm not going to be in a relationship with you, Dave."

"Why not?"
"I don't want to be."
"But you were my first love!"
"Nope, nope. Don't go around saying those sorts of things. I'm leaving. Bye."

I have said this before and I'll say it again, but I don't understand why sims always have to yell when they break up. Sometimes breakups can be messy, but not all of them end in yelling, you know? Also, I love Flame. Poor woman was watching the whole thing happen and pulling faces. I kept pausing my game and laughing about it.

Instead of waiting for Selene to do it, Aries took matters into her own hands and got rid of Dave's Capacity to Love trait.
I'm not sure that was the wisest decision.

Hours later, Dave got abducted by an alien.
Poor Dave. His first few days of existence haven't been fun.  :(

Aries moved on quickly from Dave and was intent on getting the Man Eater reputation.

It was going well.

Time passed by fast in Oasis Landing. It was largely uneventful, but Dave and Flame were doing their part, and after a few days, they were able to find an Uber nanite! Here is Dave cradling it in his arms.

"I'll be able to develop Sentience, Watcher."
And complete Selene's lifetime wish!
Are you doing okay with the uh... break up?
"You mean with the fact the only person I have loved has smashed my mechanical heart into smithereens? NO."
Errr... okay then. I didn't even know you had a mechanical heart. I thought it would be a motherboard...

Whether mechanical or organic, Aries was good at breaking hearts, that was for sure.
She met Atom Beaker, and was surprisingly attracted to him.

His sister, Ceres Beaker, who I actually, uh, thought was his wife because they were sleeping in the same bed together, was not a big fan of Aries. Maybe it's because Aries looks insane in this picture? I don't know.

Ceres. Wouldn't. Leave.
"I'll always keep an eye on my brother. No matter what."
Ookkaayyy. Aries, hurry up!
"Duly noted."

A quick woohoo later in the closet and... no reputation update.
"Wait, what?"
You have officially had fifteen relationships, and the game recognizes it... but the town hasn't noticed it yet. I think.
"Oh, bummer. Anyway, can I break up with this weirdo now?"
Go ahead.

"Yeah, this isn't going to work out, Atom. You're wayyy too close to your sister, and that's something coming from me, who is having my sisters raise my kids. Bye."

After that, Aries went back to the base camp, and the Amaranthas left Oasis Landing for the last time. I don't know if any of them will miss it.

Well, that's where I'm going to have to leave it, folks! I'm going to go do some research and see why the reputation change hasn't registered. My best guess is that it has, but it didn't come up with a notification like normal. Anyway, I hope you are all having a good day! Bye!

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Re: The Amarantha's Four Immortal Sisters Challenge - Chapter 57
« Reply #136 on: October 11, 2021, 02:48:00 PM »
Finally caught up! I've missed Aries so much.

Classic Aries. Meet a guy. Wreck his marriage or relationship. Drag him off to bed, get pregnant. "You're dead to me." Moving on!

I adore her so much.

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Offline mpart

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Re: The Amarantha's Four Immortal Sisters Challenge - Chapter 57
« Reply #137 on: October 15, 2021, 09:39:22 PM »
Finally caught up! I've missed Aries so much.

Classic Aries. Meet a guy. Wreck his marriage or relationship. Drag him off to bed, get pregnant. "You're dead to me." Moving on!

I adore her so much.

Awww, thank you!

Yeah, she really just doesn't care about other people. Other peoples' marriages are just an obstacle in her path....oh, Aries. She's a disaster.  ::)

I'm glad! She's a disaster but she's OUR disaster. Now I need to incorporate quote that into the story...

Offline mpart

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Chapter 58 - The Purple Menace
« Reply #138 on: October 15, 2021, 09:51:55 PM »
Hello there again! Last chapter, a few things happened: The Amaranthas went to Oasis Landing, Dave and Aries got into a relationship and then broke up, and Aries worked towards the Man Eater reputation, which didn't register.  ::)

Once given the Uber nanite, Selene started eagerly working on the Sentience chip.

In the meantime, Hecate whacked Dave with a pillow:
"That's." Whack. "What." Whack. "You." Whack. "Get." Whack. "For." Whack. "Being." Whack. "An." Whack. "Idiot." Whack.
"What did I do?"

Poor Hecate. She's always cleaning up after Aries' messes. Sometimes literally.

Selene finally finished the Sentience trait chip and was ready to equip Dave with it.
"Creator, are you sure that it is safe?"
"Absolutely! I am 75% it is safe and 86% sure that if it isn't safe, I can reverse any damage it causes!"
"Those are not the comforting statistics you think they are, Creator."
"It will be fine, Dave! Just trust me."

Dave--begrudgingly or because he didn't have the Sentience trait chip yet--let Selene install it. Thankfully, nothing went wrong, and she completed her lifetime wish!
"I... don't feel very different. All I feel is needy and the desire to complain more."
"Ah, then it worked, Dave! You have sentience!"
"This is not fun."
"You will get used to it."

Jay aged up! He hasn't gotten much screen time because he was a boring baby, but now he is an ADORABLE toddler. He's an Aries clone with his father's coloring, but I love him! Just look at his little face!

He played peek-a-boo with Sybil and it was the cutest thing ever!

Hecate didn't let Jay have too much free time on his hands though; it was time for him to learn his toddler skills.

Jay mastered walking pretty quickly and then went on to learn how to talk. He wasn't a big fan of it.
"Maybe he'll be different from the rest of Aries' children then."
Oh, you love them all and you know it.
"I do, but it would be nice to have a quiet one."
I get the feeling that isn't going to happen.
Sigh. "Me either."

Hecate breezed by teaching Jay his toddler skills. The moodlet manager probably helped out with that.
"I'm just happy I'm not living purely on caffeine anymore."
Are you though? Are you really?
"Yes. Unlike you, Watcher, I can live without caffeine."
Hey, hey, don't break the fourth wall like that.

Even Flame couldn't resist Jay's adorableness.
"He has a little bunny tail!"
Yeah... I probably should have gotten the matching hat with that outfit--
"It's so fluffy!"
It is cute, yes.
"I want to have a child!"
Flame, no. Not yet, anyway.
Yeah, I know, I know. Just wait.

Speaking of children, it was time for Sybil to age up!

She gained the workaholic trait to add to perceptive and friendly.
"That's not very futuristic, Ms.Watcher."
It was the best idea I had at the time, okay?
"Hindsight is 20/20."

Anyway, Aries has been on her best behavior lately--wait, actually, no, she hasn't--so I decided to get her a long-awaited gift.
That's Spydon Timeless! You actually end up with him in an alternative universe and help start a short dynasty--
"Eww, no, that sounds like a lot of work. I'm just going to hurl insults at him from a distance."
Of course you are.

Spydon: "Hey, random lady, why are you booing me? Is it because I'm more attractive than you?"
Oh no...
Aries: "WATCHER! This has been a HORRIBLE gift! Get rid of him!"
I have heard this before--
Spydon: "Hey, hey. The truth hurts, sweetheart. You're attractive, but I'm more attractive."
Spydon: "I'm a solid 10.5 on the attractiveness scale while you are a 10.49999."
Aries: "I am not!"
I mean, that means that you are higher than possible on the scale, his delivery of the compliment was just horrible.

Aries: "I already know I am higher than possible on the attractiveness scale! What a horrible man. You! You're going to the bistro with me and paying for my meal to make up for it!"
Spydon: "What? You can't make me! I'm a free sim!"
Aries: "JUST DO IT."
Spydon: "FINE!"

Their time inside the bistro was surprisingly uneventful, and Spydon didn't seem too angry about it. They aren't love interests or even friends, but I consider this a great start!
"I hate him!"
Sounds like a you problem, Aries.

Things were going swimmingly as the two begrudgingly fired a few friendly interactions between one another when a random woman just walked up to Spydon and... started fighting him.
At this point, he had been in the game for only fifteen minutes.
Aries: "Hey! Hey random woman, stop fighting... stop fighting that random purple man I was getting to know!"
Random woman: "He destroyed my relationship!"

Random woman: "You seduced me!"
Spydon: "I seduce everyone! It's not personal!"
Aries: "Watcher, this is embarrassing to watch. She's beating up... what was his name again?"
Aries: "She's beating up Sheldon and I wasn't done yelling at him yet."

Random Woman: "Hmph. He's all yours, random red chick. I'm done with him."
Spydon: "Owww!"
Aries: "Hey, hey, I'm not just some random red chick. I'm Aries Amarantha--"
Random Woman: "Don't care. Bye."

After getting beaten up, Spydon then told Aries that he had to... go to work? And that this wasn't one of the worse outings he had been on?
Aries: "Beats me, Watcher. This guy is weird. Worst. Present. Ever."
Spydon: "Wow. Ouch. I'm hurt, devastated, and absolutely baffled by your harsh words, lady--"
Her name is Aries.
Spydon: "Right, Aries, but I need you to drive me home. I don't have a car. Yet."
Aries: "What? I thought you had to go to work?"
Spydon: "I do. I'm a ghost hunter. I'm going to look for ghosts in my own home. It's fool proof."

Aries: "I can't believe I'm doing this."
Spydon: "Yet you are."
Aries: "You're a menace, Shane."
Spydon: "Not my name."

Before leaving the outing completely, Spydon decided to inform Aries he thought she was a man... and that she had gained the wrong reputation.  :o Thanks, Spydon.

Selene decided to fix the matter by letting Aries know that she was not presumed to be a man, but a woman. Not that it would have mattered much, but hey. Also, Aries now OFFICIALLY has the Man Eater reputation! Turns out that I didn't have to research what was going on with it after all,  as the game just didn't give me the notification that her reputation status had changed. Huh. Oh well, it's not the end of the world.

That's the end of the chapter, everyone! I know it's a bit different than they usually are, but I wanted to introduce Spydon in a special way... which he autonomously helped with because he is not part of the Amarantha household. He's in a completely different household which I don't have control of, which I don't find terrifying at all, but I did disable his aging. He will be around for better or worse for a long time. Thank you all for reading! I appreciate it and I hope you are all having a wonderful day.  ;D

Edit: I decided to put Spydon and Aries' names next to their respectful dialogue because they have similar personalities and it can be hard to tell who is speaking some times. Going forward, I'm just going to label everyones' dialogue (except mine), so that there is no confusion. I hope it will help! If it doesn't, let me know.

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Re: The Amarantha's Four Immortal Sisters Challenge - Chapter 58
« Reply #139 on: October 16, 2021, 07:47:44 AM »
(squeals) OMG!! OMG!! OMG!! SPYDON IS HERE!! SPYDON!!!!!
(fans self after fangirl overload)

Not that I have an opinion on the whole Spydon/Aries ship one way or another. XD
Classic Spydon. Flat out hit on her, forget her name, then get beaten up by some random chick.
While Aries hates on him.

Offline mpart

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Re: The Amarantha's Four Immortal Sisters Challenge - Chapter 58
« Reply #140 on: October 21, 2021, 06:50:23 PM »
(squeals) OMG!! OMG!! OMG!! SPYDON IS HERE!! SPYDON!!!!!
(fans self after fangirl overload)

Not that I have an opinion on the whole Spydon/Aries ship one way or another. XD
Classic Spydon. Flat out hit on her, forget her name, then get beaten up by some random chick.
While Aries hates on him.

He is! I'm so happy to introduce him to the story! I was worried it would be a boring introduction, but oh boy, did he make sure it wasn't. He's been... a mess to say the least ever since he was added to the save file. I love his and Aries' dynamic so much.

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Chapter 59 - A Warning Would Have Been Nice
« Reply #141 on: October 21, 2021, 06:58:38 PM »
Welcome back! Last chapter Dave gained sentience, Jay and Sybil aged up, and Aries had the pleasure of meeting Spydon—a purple-haired sim who was a pain in her bottom. Let's dive into the chapter now, shall we?

Jose (Kesarra's husband) keeps hitting on Hecate, and it's really awkward. Hecate doesn't return—
Hecate: "I'm her AUNT. I changed her diapers. I taught her how to walk. I raised her. He's lucky I can't leave this house or I would be telling him exactly what I think of his letter."
Oookayy let's move on to something a little happier...

...Like Jay! Look at how adorable he is! Look at his little curls! Gah! My heart!

He's just so darn cute!

Sybil: "Why aren't you paying attention to me, Watcher?"
Well, you see, I had a lot of pictures of you, but with the picture limit and all, I deleted them.
Sybil: "I get a feeling you're going to regret that."
Uh... probably?
"Or not. Something else bigger is going to happen anyway."
Okay then... I'll just... be hiding from you if you need anything.

Hecate maxed the athletics skill! Look at her go!
"Now it's time for me to go after Jose—"
Hecate, no. You'll get the mourning moodlet, and I don't want to deal with that.

Wait, why do you already have the mourning moodlet?

..And that's how the game decided to tell me that Aidan had died of old age. No notification. No "he's getting older." No warning at all. All of the sisters just got the mourning moodlet except for Aries. I have no clue why she didn't get it.

RIP Aidan. I was genuinely distraught when he died and I still am. He was the first baby in this challenge. I can't believe he's gone. :'(

Now, I'm not good with mourning in the Sims 3, but for Aidan, I made an exception. I didn't just use the moodlet manager on everyone like I usually do. No, I made them actually MOURN him. I built him a fancy crypt(?) in Roaring Heights and everything. He was a wonderful sim, and he deserves it!

I even made a little corner of the crypt for Antheia's dog, Rusty. I know a lot of you don't remember who Rusty is (and that's okay! he was only mentioned a few times) but I wanted to honor him a little too.

Now, Selene and Hecate couldn't leave the house, and I didn't want to drag the kids out at night, so I sent Aries and Flame to the graveyard to mourn Aidan properly. It went as well as expected.
Aries: "Ugh!! I can't get to his grave!"
Aries just—

Aries: "Johnnie, what do you think of this?"
Flame: "Aries, Aidan just died!"
Aries: "Uh... oh. I didn't get the moodlet for—"
Flame: "Just shut up, Aries!"
Aries: "Did... did you just seriously tell me to shut up, Flame?"
Flame: "Yes. I'm leaving now too."
Aries: "But I drove you here!"
Flame: "So? I can walk."

I, well, to let Flame calm down and keep Aries away from her for a while, I sent her to go fishing for death fish. I had to place a spawner inside of a random park because Roaring Heights' death fish spawner is broken.
You okay there, Flame?
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need some time away from her. I'll apologize to her... later."
Why are you smiling?
"I like fishing. Now, go away."

I panned back to the house and Aries was... willingly helping raise her children. She snuggled Jay and waved to Sybil.
Nope, nope, nope. I should have used the moodlet manager on everyone. This is too strange.

Thankfully, or not, Hecate and Selene grieved in normal ways. Hecate cried and drank a lot of coffee. Selene brooded.
Hecate was probably the one that cried the most out of all the sisters which made me feel INCREDIBLY guilty.

When Flame did eventually come back home, Aries hugged her. Flame accepted it, and it's probably for the best that Aries didn't say anything.

Wow, this chapter is depressing, isn't it? Well, here's a picture of Dave playing the bass. He autonomously picked it up and seemed in awe of it.

Here's another picture of Dave. He met Argus, Flame's dragon. They chatted for a bit in a language only plumbots and dragons can understand, apparently.

And here—
Sybil: "Dave! I have been looking for you."
Dave: "Yes, small family member?"
Sybil: "What is Oasis Landing like?"
Dave: "It is a futuristic city surrounded by wasteland, small family member. It appears that in the future most land as sims know it will be destroyed."
Sybil: "Neat. Are there any other plumbots there?"
Dave: "Yes, but there is a dangerous wasteland—"
Sybil: "Aunt Hecate! I want to go to the fuuutturrreee!"
Hecate (in the distance): "You got money to go into the future? Then no."
Sybil: "Awwwww!"

Speaking of the future, all the crystal planets died. Thankfully, Selene has plenty of crystals her inventory, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

It was time for the sisters' to eat ambrosia again. Selene went first and looked incredibly smug about it.
Selene: "There aren't many perks with being the oldest, but at least this is one."
I'll have to let my sister know that if either of us ever find the secret to immortality, then she gets first dibs.
Selene: "Exactly."

Spydon was home from... whatever Spydon does... so I had Aries go visit him.
Spydon: "Oh hey, it's the lady who watched me get beat up and then drove me home. What can I do for you?"
Aries: "Yeah, yeah, Shane. I'm just here so that I don't get the stir-crazy moodlet. Are you going to invite me inside or something?"
Spydon: "Nah."
Aries: "Nah?"
Spydon: "I mean, you can come in if you want, but I'm not inviting you in."
Aries: "Well, aren't you just—"
Just go in, Aries!
Aries: "HMPH! Fine."

Spydon: "Hey, wanna hear a secret?"
Aries: "Ooh, something I can use against you if needed? Gladly!"
Spydon: "Well, it's not my secret, you crazy person. It's someone else's secret."
Aries: "Oh, fine. What is it?"

Spydon: "There's a woman going around destroying everyone's marriages. Apparently, they are calling her a "Man Eater" now—"
Aries: "Yeah, that's me. Got anything else interesting?"
Spydon: "Wait, really?"
Aries: "Yeah... are you judging me?"
Spydon: "No, that's hilarious. Anyways..."

Spydon: "Look at this bird I got. Isn't it a nice bird?"
Aries: "Huh. I had many ideas about where I thought this conversation would go, and this isn't one of them—"
Spydon: "I'm a Disney princess. I can sing and everything. Do you want to hear me sing? I'm going to start singing."
Aries: "Not at all... I'm just... going to... leave."
Spydon: "Wait!"

Like any sane person would do, Aries ran.

You know, I didn't plan any of that. Spydon is just weird. I was trying to build Aries' friendship with him, and he just kept... pulling out random birds. I have no idea why.

Good call on running, Aries.
Aries: "Yeah, yeah. I'll just call him and apologize...."
Wait? You? Apologize?
Aries: "I can apologize! Just watch me!"

Anyway, that's the picture limit! I hope you are all enjoying this. I know the story has changed a bit, but I have been having a ton of fun with it. I hope you all are too. Have a good night/day, everyone! Bye!  :)

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Re: The Amarantha's Four Immortal Sisters Challenge - Chapter 59
« Reply #142 on: October 21, 2021, 07:13:46 PM »
Oh Spydon....  ;D ;D ;D
"Look at this bird I got."
Totally turned the mood around from getting all emotional over Aidan... then Spydon...
The Amaranthas are a wild ride, that is for sure.

Offline mpart

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Re: The Amarantha's Four Immortal Sisters Challenge - Chapter 59
« Reply #143 on: November 25, 2021, 10:36:16 PM »
Oh Spydon....  ;D ;D ;D
"Look at this bird I got."
Totally turned the mood around from getting all emotional over Aidan... then Spydon...
The Amaranthas are a wild ride, that is for sure.

It was crazy to play, that's for sure! I was all sad about Aidan and then Spydon...oh boy. He always manages to do something when I'm not watching.  ::) Oh, Spydon. I love him.

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Chapter 60 - Losing the War (On Bugs)
« Reply #144 on: November 25, 2021, 11:39:46 PM »
Hello there! Last chapter, Aidan died, Selene ate ambrosia, and Spydon revealed that he was a Disney princess.
It was a weird chapter.

We start this chapter off with Aries eating her annual dose of ambrosia.
I know what you are all thinking: "Mpart, we're proud of you for not starting this chapter off with something about Spydon."

Yeah, no.
Spydon: "So... why are you eating that weird plate of sparking cheese in front of me?"
Aries: "To assert dominance."

Spydon: "Cool, cool. Well, I thought we were going to hang out after, you know, you apologized for running away because I showed you my pet birds, but I guess not. It's fine. It's totally fine."
Aries: "I don't believe you, Shane. Anyway, this 'weird plate of sparkling cheese' gives me immortality."
Spydon: "Okay... I'm just going to read while you eat that."

Aries: "Wait, look, look! I sparkle after eating it and everything."
Spydon: "M'kay."
Aries: "I'm immortal!"
Spydon: "Me too. Anything new?"
Aries: "What?"
Spydon: "Yeah. Why are you eating weird plates of cheese for immortality? You could just drink potions instead."
Aries: "I... never thought of that."
Spydon: "So the plate of cheese was your first idea?"
Aries: "Well it wasn't my idea—HEY! I'm young and beautiful, so why does it matter? This "weird sparkling cheese" works, Shane."
Spydon: "Why not just drink potions out of suspicious bottles instead? It's faster, more efficient, and you only turn into a toad two-thirds of the time."
Aries: "That... doesn't sound efficient at all."
Spydon: "Bah. There's always critics."

After arguing about their different ways of obtaining immortality—or what would be Spydon's preferred way if I hadn't disabled his aging—Aries decided to make a move... or she would have if the option had shown up.
Aries: "Uh, Watcher?"

I may have... accidentally.... broke Spydon. Whoops.
Aries: "Well, fix him!"
I am, I am!

I was able to get things back on track finally after messing around with several settings. Somewhat. The flirting began with mixed results.
Is Spydon happy that Aries blew him a kiss or slightly disgusted? I'll leave that up for you guys to decide.

In response to being blown a kiss, Spydon decided to tell a ghost story. I have no idea why. I tried to get him to stop by having Aries interrupt him multiple times, but he was too darn determined.

In one of Aries' desperate attempts to get Spydon to stop telling a ghost story, Aries saw Hallow!
Hi, Hallow!
Hallow: "Mom, what the heck are you doing?"
Aries: "Seducing an idiot. You?"
Hallow: "Wow, that's more information that I wanted to know. I'm just hanging out with my wife and children. Who I love... and aren't crazy."
Aries: "Yeah, yeah. Good luck with that. Sounds boring. Bye!"

Spydon finally finished telling a ghost story and Aries was free to talk to him. Another attempt at flirting was made:
Spydon: "Why is your hand on mine?"
Aries: "We are watching the stars together, aren't we? You know, because we are on a date?"
Spydon: "Wait, what? We are? I thought you were just listening to my ghost story?"
Aries: "Why can't I be on a date with you and listen to your ghost story?"
Spydon: "But... my ghost story... is is so good..."

They finally headed back inside and Aries gave him a kiss. Unfortunately, a paparazzi was watching, but all in all, I think Aries and Spydon's first official date went well!

Wait, what?

It was at this point that I started reevaluating my decision to add Spydon to the game.

Aries returned home to lick her wounds and I checked in on the rest of the household. 
Sybil was sleeping with her eyes open. Fantastic.

Selene gave Dave a tune-up and they did this cool gesture. I'm not sure what it is, but it's adorable.

Flame was about to age up and I didn't want to bother having her fish for any more death fish. She had over one hundred life fruit in her inventory, so I just had her eat twenty of them.

Flame: "I... I didn't realize I could eat so much..."
Don't you feel younger though?
Flame: "That's not what my stomach is telling me. I'm going to go... lay down."
Errr... you go do that.

Aries was taking a much needed mental health day—she was suing someone for slander—when she ran into one of her exes. She tried flirting with him and he wasn't impressed.
Poor Aries. She's just not having a good time.

I was going to send her home when I saw Spydon protesting... bugs. I, uh, sent her over just to see what the heck was happening.
Spydon: "Who are the enemies? THE BUGS! What are we going to do about it? ASK THEM POLITELY TO LEAVE."
Aries: "Spydon—"
Spydon: "I once squashed a bug with a shoe and guess what? His death encouraged MORE bugs to come to my house! We are LOSING the war, people, and there is no way we are going to win! WAKE UP, ROARING HEIGHTS!"

Spydon: "Say it with me people: WE MUST ASK THE BUGS TO LEAVE! POLITELY. Killing them just makes it worse!"
Aries: "SPYDON—"
Spydon: "THE BUGS—oh hey Aries, didn't see you there. Wait, did you actually call me by my actual name?"
Aries: "Absolutely not, Spider, I mean, Simon."
Spydon: "Right... what do you need? I mean, want?"
Aries: "You said our date sucked. I don't like that. You need to take me to the bistro to make up for it."
Spydon: "Our date did suck... but I'll take you to the bistro. I guess. Even though you're the definition of crazy, you're the most beautiful woman I have ever met."
Aries: "I know."

The meal, thankfully, went well and afterwards they watched the stars.

Instead of doing the polite thing, Aries did what she was best: kissed people in the heat of the moment while I crossed my fingers that nothing went wrong.

Thankfully, nothing did and Spydon appreciated the gesture.

He really did.

That's all for this chapter, folks! We have reached sixty chapters! Thank you so much for reading all these years. I appreciate it and so do the Amaranthas (especially Aries). Happy Thanksgiving to all my American readers! :)

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Re: The Amarantha's Four Immortal Sisters Challenge - Chapter 60
« Reply #145 on: November 27, 2021, 01:41:08 PM »
Spydon and Aries finally together!  ;D  :D
60 chapters already? :O Woah!

The best possible chapter for the Amaranthas! Aries seducing her last challenge required lover.

Offline mpart

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Re: The Amarantha's Four Immortal Sisters Challenge - Chapter 60
« Reply #146 on: April 23, 2022, 06:34:33 PM »
Spydon and Aries finally together!  ;D  :D
60 chapters already? :O Woah!

The best possible chapter for the Amaranthas! Aries seducing her last challenge required lover.

They are! I'm so happy about it!
Yeah... this challenge has been going on for a couple of years but I'm still impressed by how many chapters I/we have reached. It's been quite the accomplishment!

True, though it's bittersweet. It's definitely signifying that the end of the challenge is coming soon

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Chapter 61 - The Last Baby is Born
« Reply #147 on: April 23, 2022, 06:45:26 PM »
Hi again! I have had this chapter in my files for a couple of months and never got around to posting it because… I have no idea. I think it’s maybe, because as this challenge is coming to an end, I’m dragging my feet because I don’t want it to end. Ever. At the rate I’m going though I’ll finish it in two years, so I don’t need to worry about that.

Anyway, in the last chapter, Aries went on two dates with Spydon: one went well and one went horribly, and Flame ate too much life fruit. That's about it…. from what I can remember.

After their date, Aries brought Spydon home for some… quality time.

Lots and lots of quality time.

Thankfully, there were chimes! Poor Spydon, he doesn't know what he is getting into.

Spydon then decided to… check himself out in Aries' mirror.
I take it back, he probably knows exactly what he is getting into.
Spydon: "Darn right I do."

He was strutting around the house, acting like he owned it, before he saw Hecate...

...and ran away.
Hecate: "Why are you running? Why are you running? We haven't even had a chance to talk yet."
Spydon: "ARIES, HELP."

Hecate: "Watcher, what is his name?"
Hecate: "Spydon… why does that sound familiar?"
Probably because Aries has been obsessed with him lately?
Hecate: Yeah, probably."

Hecate: "Anyway, Spydon, why were you running?"
Spydon: "It was just instinct, ma'am."
Hecate: "Why are you calling me ma'am?"
Spydon: "You scare me."

Hecate: "Fair. What are your intentions regarding my sister? The fact I know your name is… strange."
Spydon: "Well, Aries kinda of just barged into my life and I have no idea what's going on anymore."
Hecate: "What?"
Spydon: "I'm just going with the flow. Protesting bugs and stuff, you know?"
Hecate: "You're a strange one. You can leave now, Spydon."
Spydon: "Okay."

So… what do you think of him, Hecate?
Hecate: "He's… fine, but I'm busy doing something important, Watcher. Selene is showing me pictures."
Selene: "It's an ink plot test. Do you see anything specific?"
Hecate: "Well, if I squint closely enough, I do see some of Aries' exes."
Selene: "Uhm...."
Hecate: "Is that a good sign?"
Selene: "Sure! Sure. Let's move on, shall we?"

It was Jay's birthday!

He aged up with the kleptomaniac trait to add to artistic and loves the cold.

He started working on his block skill right away… mostly because he didn't have a choice.
Jay: "Can I steal something after this?"
Jay: "Aww."

The Amaranthas earned enough points to get new stuff again and Hecate reacted strongly to a certain object hinting at an inevitability:
Hecate: "I don't want to clean up after a dog! I already clean up after an Aries!"
Flame will take care of it–-
Hecate: "But I'll have to clean up after it, won't I? I am always cleaning up after everyone."
Now, now, you guys won't get a dog and until all the kids are in school, including the last one. It's just something to keep you guys busy for when that time does happen.
Hecate: "Ugh, fine."

Speaking of kids, Aries is officially pregnant for the last time. It definitely feels strange to be typing that out.
Aries: "Well, I, for one, am happy that this is the last time."
That's completely fair.

Hecate was taking a much needed break and challenged Dave to a water-breathing contest.
Dave, a plumbot without lungs.
Hecate won.

During a field trip, Jay stole a genie lamp.
A genie lamp.
I'm so done with these Amaranthas.

Jay, of course, showed it off to Hecate:
Jay: "Aunt Hecate, I have a genie lamp! Look, look!"
Hecate: "Uh huh, that's really neat Jay… wait a minute. WATCHER?"
Uh… yes?
Hecate: "Is that.. an actual genie lamp?"
Jay: "I said it was, aunt Hecate!"
It is. I have no idea how he got it.
Hecate: "Okay then. This is fine. This is fine."
Yeah, I'm just going to ignore the genie lamp. I suggest you do the same.
Hecate: "That's not really a solution."
It is right now.
Hecate: "Fine."

Sybil's birthday was only a few days after Jays. It was time for her to age up into a teenager, much to Hecate's dismay.

Her traits now are perceptive, friendly, workaholic, and bot fan. She's also super gorgeous! I used some CC I usually don't use for her makeover and I love it!

As is tradition, I had one of the sisters ask Sybil her gender preference. Hecate was the one who did the honors:
Hecate: "Alright, Sybil, do you like girls, boys, both, neither, or more?"
Sybil: "Uh… I don't know??"

Oh. Huh. That's new. I guess that gives me a lot to work with.

Aries spent a lot of time talking to Spydon during her pregnancy… and rolling wishes to hang out with him.
Aries: "I'm just giving him an update. Leave me alone."
Alright, alright.

Her pregnancy went by quickly and soon she was giving birth to the last baby of the challenge.

Alistair Amarantha was born with the virtuoso and grumpy traits. His favorites are pink, soul music, and firecracker tofu.

On that note, I'm going to end the chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it and have a great day/night. Goodbye and see you soon! =D

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Chapter 62 - Back in Business
« Reply #148 on: July 02, 2023, 12:48:15 AM »
Hey, everyone, so it's been a while, hasn't it? Between life being life and my Amarantha save being nearly unplayable because of the EA launcher breaking my store content... this story has been on a longer hiatus than I EVER intended. Sorry about that! Thankfully, everything has been sorted out, and I am determined to finish this challenge.

I had the lovely MrsFlynn drag this story out of the graveyard, and I decided to reread ALL of it to try to fix as many grammar mistakes as possible and refresh myself on what the heck was going on. I also edited the sisters' trait pictures in chapter one so they are easier to read. At some point, I also plan on editing or redoing the title picture to make it more readable, but one step at a time!

I want to make it clear that I played these last two chapters over a year and a half ago, so bear with me. Also, in chapter 64, the Amarantha family will move again. This is because the EA launcher broke Roaring Heights for me, and I started the process of moving the Amarantha family a WEEK before they rolled out a store content fix.
*Shakes fist*
Oh well, a fresh start was needed anyway. At least it allowed me to use my store content world again semi-safely.

Now, where were we? In the last chapter, Jay aged up and stole a genie lamp, Sybil also aged up, and Aries had the last baby required for this challenge, Alistair.

Alistair's birth ushered in a new age for the Amaranthas: aka the age of "Aries isn't going to be pregnant anymore."
Hecate: "Yay, I don't have to raise any more of Aries' children! Yay!!"
Oh, don't lie. You love it.
Hecate: "I do, but I haven't had a full night's sleep in DECADES."
Fair enough.

Here is a picture of Jay looking all fancy. He gives me Roaring Twenties vibes. He always has.

Argus decided to babysit Alistair so that Hecate could take a nap. Awwww. I love him.

Flame trained Sybil in martial arts.
Flame: "You can do this, Sybil!"
Sybil: "I know. I will. I must."
Flame: "That's the spirit!"

Now that Aries was no longer pregnant, she was free to harass Spydon again!
Aries: "Hey. Hey you."
Spydon: "What?"
Aries: "You. I had your kid. You owe me money now."
Spydon: "Wait, you had the baby? Can I go see them?"
Aries: "I mean, sure. I'm not sure why you would want to, but you can see him. His name is Alistair, by the way."
Spydon: "I'm going to go see him now—"
Aries: "No, no. I have been trapped in the house for DAYS. You are taking me on a date first."
Spydon: "Well—"
Aries: "Date and then you can see our spawn."

Well, these two are weirdos. She did miss Spydon a lot though, and before their date, let him know just how much.

If you get pregnant again, Aries, both Hecate and I will kill you.
Aries: "No thanks. I'm DONE."

Aries and Spydon went to the Summer festival and ran into Kesarra! She was pregnant, and for some reason, Aries wanted to touch her belly.
Aries: "Wow, so, like, if I touch your belly, it won't spread, right?"
Kesarra: "What?"
Aries: "Your pregnancy. Is it infectious? I don't want to get pregnant ever again."
Kesarra: "Mom, you have been pregnant eleven times. You know how this works."
Aries: "You can never be too careful."

Kesarra: "I promise you'll be okay if you touch my belly."
Aries: "Good. Don't worry. You won't have to be pregnant forever. It will just feel like forever."
Kesarra: "Thanks, mom."
Aries: "You're welcome."

Aries and Spydon danced together, and Kesarra waddled over, probably confused as to why Aries was still with Spydon. Aries DOES have a tendency to get pregnant and then never talk to her baby daddies ever again, so it's understandable.

Spydon and her are cute together though.

Back at the house, Sybil was working on her laser-rhythm-a-con skill.
Sybil: "Must. Skill."
You okay there, Sybil?

Sybil: "Right now? Yes. Soon? No."
That's nice...

Selene and Dave had a water-breathing contest, and Dave won! Finally, things are making sense around here.
Selene: "Hey Watcher, I got the mourning moodlet."
What do you mean you have the mourning moodlet?

Oh. Oh no.

I checked Hecate's mood, and noooo. She had the mourning moodlet too. It was the final nail in the coffin (pun not intended).

Antheia was insane, and I loved her. I will miss her dearly. I'm not okay with the children in this challenge dying. I am not okay at all with it.

I had Flame mourn her, and while, at some point, she wandered away to go swim in one of the graveyard's fountains, I'm sure Antheia would have appreciated it nevertheless.
Agh. My heart.
I know this challenge has been going on for years, but I was not ready for Antheia to die!

Sybil was busy working on her gardening skill while I whined about Antheia's death.

Sybil then went to prom, and I couldn't help but hope that she would find herself a romantic interest so I wouldn't have to.

Unfortunately, she didn't. She had a pretty stereotypical Sims 3 prom experience: she got into two fights, was rejected for a dance, and ended up being prom queen. Man, I wish my prom had been that interesting.

After prom, I had her talk to a few of her classmates and see if there were any sparks. There weren't any which turned out to be a good thing because the Amarantha's would have to move soon. No, no, I am not still angry about the fact the EA launcher broke my store content worlds. Not at all. Nope.

Spydon was finally invited over to the Amarantha household where he met his son. It was adorable and I wish I had gotten a picture of it before Aries dragged him away to woohoo.  :-\

Alistair aged up with Spydon's hair and Aries' eyes. I'm excited to see who he takes the most after. My money is on Aries.

That's it for this chapter! Sorry again for the long hiatus. I will finish this challenge though, and I am happy to have you all along for the ride.

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Chapter 63 - Hecate Is Always Right
« Reply #149 on: July 04, 2023, 11:59:23 PM »
Welcome back! This chapter will be shorter than usual because it's right at the point when I stopped playing a year and a half ago. The next time I had booted up the Amarantha save, EA had broken all of my store content. ::)

Anyway, in the last chapter, Spydon and Aries went on another date, Antheia died, and Alistair aged up.

Since Aidan's death, Frieda has been dating every possible bachelor in Roaring Heights. Her relationships usually only last a few days, but it looks like one has had unexpected results. Whoops. She may no longer be with Aidan, but I still consider her a part of the Amarantha family. I hope things work out for her.
That being said, the next notification I got about her was about her and Elliot breaking up. :-\

The game is trying to kill me. First Aidan and Antheia, now Draven too? No. I refuse to believe it. He's safe back in Monte Vista, where he is ruling unhappily and getting into fights with his ex-wife, Fantasy. Draven is NEVER allowed to die. Ever.

Sybil worked on her athletics skill while Flame cheered her on.
Well, that's not aggressive at all.
Flame: "I am sorry! I am trying to be motivational."
Uhhh... maybe just tell her she can do it, then?
Flame: "Oh. Okay."
Well now I feel bad. Continue on. I'm sure the motivational passive-aggressive... I mean super motivational comments work.

Instead of going home after meeting Alistair and spending time with Aries, Spydon simply decided he was never leaving. Alistair was a fan of this plan and decided to follow his dad around.
My heart.

Jay asked Selene for a bedtime story, and Selene was more than happy to oblige:
Selene: "First, you must prepare your soil and make sure it's just right for your plants. If you don't prepare your soil, then your plants may not be able to receive the proper nutrients. It's important to test the pH of your soil—"
Uh, Selene?
Selene: "Yes, Watcher?"
I thought you were reading Jay a bedtime story.
Selene: "I am reading Jay a bedtime story."
Right. I'm just going to move on...

Hecate became temporarily possessed when she was attacking Alistair with the claw. The spirit in question probably saw the amount of childcare Hecate had to do and noped out immediately.
Hecate: "I would have put them to work too. They would have had to earn their keep."
I think they realized this, and you scared them away.
Hecate: "A shame really."

Without a spirit to boss around, Hecate was left to do all of the toddler training. Poor Hecate.
Hecate: "This is the last one, Watcher."
That's right, isn't it? Aaaaah.

At least Alistair is adorable.
Hecate: "They are all adorable."
You are right.... which seems to be a theme for this chapter.
Hecate: "I am always right."
Yeah. You do tend to be.

Spydon continued to refuse to go home. He decided to sleep in one of the spare bunk beds and cause messes.

Hecate was not amused.
Hecate: "I'm going to start charging him rent."
You guys are already rich.
Hecate: "Fine. I'm going to start making him clean."
Fair enough.

The days flew by as everyone settled into a routine. Sybil and Jay would go to school and skill, Hecate would do Alistair's toddler training, Flame and Selene would hop in and out of the hot tub, and Aries and Spydon would make out. Constantly.
Hecate: "Do that somewhere else you two, or I'm going to make you clean."
Spydon: "Yes, ma'am."
Hecate: "Spydon, stop calling ma'am."
Spydon: "Yes... Hecate?"
Hecate: "Okay, that just feels weird. Let's just pretend this conversation never happened."
Spydon: "What should I call you then?"
Hecate: "Nothing. Just... go take out the trash."
Spydon: "Okay."

In the rare moments when Hecate and Spydon had a conversation, it ended with Hecate telling him to go clean and honestly? I'm here for it.

Sybil and Aries were bonding! Yay, Aries is actually being a parent!
Aries: "Hey, I like my kids when they aren't so small and angry."
Aries, are you feeling okay? You just said you liked your kids.
Sybil: "It's character growth, Watcher."
Aries: "Thanks, kiddo. You're great."
Sybil: "Mom, you don't remember my name, do you?"
Aries: "What? No. I totally remember. I'm just testing you."
Sybil: "On what? My name?"
Aries: "Yes."
Sybil: "It's Sybil. Don't worry. I'm not surprised you didn't remember my name. I don't get surprised."
Aries: "Riiiight. Right."

Jay created this gorgeous painting. I ended up putting it in Flame's section of the house.

Soon it was his birthday.

He aged up with the star quality trait to add to artistic, loves the cold, and kleptomaniac. He didn't seem too impressed with being a teenager.
Jay: "Boo. This sucks."
Wait until you have your first mood swing.

He is a cutie though. He's a great mix of both Aries and his father. I also adore his everyday outfit because I have found yellow to be such a difficult color to work into outfits. Not sure why.

As expected, Hecate asked Jay what his gender preferences were:
Jay: "Uhhhhh... I don't know."

You know what? That works.

That's the end of this chapter! Next chapter, the Amaranthas will be moving. Have a great day, everyone! ;D