Author Topic: The Amarantha's Four Immortal Sisters Challenge - Chapter 64  (Read 53913 times)

Offline mpart

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Chapter 64 - I Miss Aidan
« Reply #150 on: January 13, 2024, 07:59:46 PM »
Hello everyone! In the last chapter, Spydon refused to leave, and Jay aged up. That's about it. It was a short chapter. Also, please bear with me. I wrote this chapter six months ago.

Now, remember how I mentioned that the game broke all my store content, and I was going to have to move the Amarantha family? Yeah.... the fact I was able to boot up Roaring Heights to grab the Amaranthas at all was a miracle. The save was a disaster. When I tried to troubleshoot it, most of the buildings in Roaring Heights were GONE. It was horrible.

The EA launcher issues really did a number on my save, so I lowered all my graphics, packed everyone up, and set about fixing everything I could. Once I was able to finally fix everything with ~ MrsFlynn's help, EA decided to roll out their store content fix. Oh, well.

So that's how the Amaranthas ended up in Barnacle Bay! Another store content world that has its own fair share of issues. Huh, I really didn't think this through. It's too late now.

I made some minor changes to the Amarantha's house in an effort to replace the store content I was unable to recover and just make the house better in general. It turned out that I had enough points to enter buy mode again, and I decided to make the most of it. 

I also decided to give the sisters and Dave a slight makeover because, after a year and a half of not playing in my save, some of my CC had gotten shuffled around. Aries, naturally, got the most dramatic makeover and was ecstatic about it.
Aries: "I have two snake accessories. FINALLY."

Hecate got a new necklace, and that's about it.

Flame now has her branches and leaf accessory for her everyday outfit.

Selene, well, I gave her a new hairstyle, changed up her accessories, slapped some new face paint on her, and now she gives me unicorn vibes, which was not intended at all. Oh, well.

Dave got a new paint job, which he was ecstatic about, and honestly? He deserves the world.

Moving over forty sims to a new town is never an easy task, but I'm sentimental and hate to leave sims behind. So, everyone who lived in Roaring Heights was lovingly encouraged forced to move along with the sisters to Barnacle Bay. For me, that meant a day in game of having to deal with the majority of the Amaranthas living underneath one roof.
It was chaos, everyone.
Hallow, my beloved, got kicked out along with the rest of his family early on. The teenager behind him in this screenshot is his daughter, Cheyenne.

Other Amarantha family members lingered like a bad smell. Anatole and Tabitha, for example, refused to leave and kept serenading each other.
Anatole: "Babe, I love you."
Tabitha: "Almost as much as you love yourself?"
Anatole: "Yes, babe."
Tabitha: "Wow, babe. Wow."

Okay, get out already, you two.

Aries: "Child, I can't deal with this."
Sybil: "Deal with what?"
Aries: "All my children's spouses and offspring running around my house. It's making me feel uncomfortable. It's making me feel old."
Sybil: "Well, the only promise in life is the inevitable fact that time marches forward whether we like it or not, and we are simply puppets on a string being tugged along—"
Aries: "Wow. That's the worst attempt at comforting someone I have ever heard."
Sybil: "I wasn't trying to comfort you. I was trying to educate you."
Aries: "Are you sure you're my kid?"
Sybil: "At this moment? Yes. In the next moment—"
Aries: "Okay, I'm leaving. Bye, strange child."

Eventually, all the stragglers moved out of the Amarantha household, and things were peaceful. Jay and Sybil worked on their skills.

Selene read to Alistair.

Flame spent time with Argus.

While everyone else was being productive, Aries and Spydon flirted. Spydon, by the way, is here to stay. I moved him in because there was no way in heck I was leaving him in Roaring Heights. When I was moving everyone else out, I didn't want to go through the trouble of customizing my mods to make sure he stayed out of trouble, so I decided it was easiest to just let him stay. He basically already lived here anyway.
Flame: "Isn't that against the rules?"
It's against the rules to have Aries invite anyone to move in. Technically, since I moved him in, it's fine.
Flame: "Oh. So you are bending the rules?"
Wait, what, no—
Hecate: "She's bending the rules."
It's for a good cause! Plus, Spydon was here all of the time anyway!
Spydon: "She's not wrong. It's just more official now."
Flame: "Can I get a boyfriend and move him in now?"
Flame:  :(

Flame, in retaliation or because she was bored, decided to flirt with Spydon. Continuously. Most of the time he rejected her, but his flirty trait caused a lot of problems. It got to the point where I had to constantly micromanage her to keep her from sprinting to wherever Spydon was to flirt with him.

Poor Flame. I guess she's just tired of her sister having all the fun, but Spydon can't be hers.
Flame: "Why not?"
You aren't insane enough to handle him, and in the long run, you two aren't compatible.
Flame: "But I like flirting with him, and I find him attractive."
He's a male Aries. Never forget that.
Flame: "He doesn't seem like a male Aries."
That's because, in this save file, he's being kept on a tight leash. If I let him run free, he would have at least ten kids by now, and twelve failed relationships underneath his belt. *Shudders*

Spydon may have occasionally flirted back with Flame, but he was crazy about Aries. They were constantly rolling wishes about each other and autonomously making out. Sometimes I worried they didn't come up for air enough.

In the rare moments when Aries was sleeping and eating, and Spydon couldn't make out with her, he sprinted towards Alistair's crib to take care of him. Hecate allowed it begrudgingly.

Aries: "Hey, I heard you were trying to steal my man."
Flame: "No..."
Aries: "Look, Flame, I love you, but I don't share. I don't share my food, I don't share my clothes, and I certainly don't share my men. The only reason I give Hecate my kids is because I simply don't want to raise them. It's too much work, and I hate babies."
Flame: "Why can't I have Spydon? You can always get a new boyfriend, Aries. You have had more relationships than anyone can count!"
Aries: "Look, Flame, one day you will find somebody that you love very much. If you steal Spydon from me, I will make it my personal mission to undermine that special relationship of yours, destroy any hopes and dreams of it going anywhere, and then take the person you love from you. I will make them fall madly in love with me and then break their heart into itty bitty pieces to the point where they believe that love is a lie. You won't be able to pick up the pieces once I'm done. Oh, and, I will set all of your plants on fire."
Flame: "Not my plants!"
Hecate: "Okay, you two, that's enough. Let's all remember that Spydon is a person, not an object. Also, Aries, stop coming up with an elaborate revenge plot against Flame, or I will make you change Alistair's diapers."
Aries: "I would NEVER!"
Flame: "You would if you wanted to eat any of my cooking again, and you can't even boil water on a stove. Now, Aries, don't threaten Flame. Flame, stay away from Spydon if you can't resist flirting with him. Are we all on the same page?"
Flame: "Yes, ma'am."
Aries: "Yes, ma'am."

Man, you can't make this stuff up. I just saw these three gathering in the corner, and I knew INSTANTLY what they were talking about. Hecate has a tendency to hover over her sisters protectively when they talk to one another, and now I know why.

Dave has also taken a special interest in Spydon—not romantically, I think he just likes the guy—and Aries made a beeline to talk to him after threatening Flame. She probably threatened Dave too based on the look on her face. Aries is nuts. Absolutely and utterly nuts.

We end this chapter with a picture of Jay and Sybil to remind us that there are normal sims out there. Sure, it's not Jay and Sybil—Jay is constantly stealing things and Sybil is... Sybil—but there ARE normal sims out there, darn it! Like Aidan.
I miss Aidan.

That's it for this chapter, everyone! I hope you enjoyed it and I hope to see you in the next one. Bye!  ;D

