Author Topic: The Lancaster Dynasty (Bugged-)  (Read 89134 times)

Offline Lilygirl

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Re: The Lancaster Dynasty
« Reply #150 on: January 19, 2011, 01:08:06 PM »
And in France you have to watch out for those gorgeous single men, and the old guy Lambert, they might steal an egg and get a child out of you without your knowledge!  ;)

(I think it's a funny bug!)

Although, Egypt has the Hosni guy and I actually had a married male Sim have an unknown child with the elderly Pei lady in China! Explain to me how that happened!

China will be great fun, I've already booked my flight!
You've played too much TS3 when ... your 13 month old's babble sounds like Simlish!

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Offline kattiq

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Re: The Lancaster Dynasty
« Reply #151 on: January 19, 2011, 04:51:26 PM »
And in France you have to watch out for those gorgeous single men, and the old guy Lambert, they might steal an egg and get a child out of you without your knowledge!  ;)

(I think it's a funny bug!)

Although, Egypt has the Hosni guy and I actually had a married male Sim have an unknown child with the elderly Pei lady in China! Explain to me how that happened!

China will be great fun, I've already booked my flight!
Ha! The baby bug I have never encountered! Except Julia has an uncle that's in highschool.. So I have no idea how that happened!
China will be fun if I can ever get them there! I'm absolutely itching to play but I'm booked solid till Thursday night :(

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Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Lancaster Dynasty
« Reply #152 on: January 19, 2011, 05:19:29 PM »
Oh no!! Oh well, bright side, tomorrow is Thursday!!

Offline Bde1225

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Re: The Lancaster Dynasty
« Reply #153 on: January 19, 2011, 05:48:25 PM »

@bde1225 I would take them to France but they've already been to France! That's where Elias and Julia had their honeymoon..:P

LOL it's ok I always say France first cause I love it.
And in France you have to watch out for those gorgeous single men, and the old guy Lambert, they might steal an egg and get a child out of you without your knowledge!  ;)

(I think it's a funny bug!)

Although, Egypt has the Hosni guy and I actually had a married male Sim have an unknown child with the elderly Pei lady in China! Explain to me how that happened!

China will be great fun, I've already booked my flight!

LOL it is a funy bug! The first time it happened to me it freaked me out tho! It was before I found this site and I had no clue.

Dr. Mingbe DeWooLeHoo<---So I don't forget the name of my fav creation! Lol..I am getting old...

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Lancaster Dynasty
« Reply #154 on: January 19, 2011, 11:28:23 PM »
LOL it's ok I always say France first cause I love it.

LOL it is a funy bug! The first time it happened to me it freaked me out tho! It was before I found this site and I had no clue.

I love France too! One day I'm gonna go back and complete all the quests.


Okay guys, so I found some pictures that I did not add in the last update because Vincent and Kalilah were selfish and wanted a post all to themselves.

So, in other news...

Elias aged up to Elder :(

Elias: " hands are all wrinkly now..I like it."

Julia has about 3 more days till she ages up and becomes Immortal #2!
Here she is talking to one of her (new) best friends! I had to get her a new round of them because the other ones she had decided to all die within the same week!
Apparently they became friends because they both had the power to carrying on a conversation through a wall.

Ariana: " So I heard that Alexander has a fish mounted on his wall!"
Julia: " Ohh yeah! Its on my easel..wanna see it?"

Holly also decided to visit that night. Needless to say she hasn't left for THREE days.
I'm really sick and tired of hearing all those ghost noises.

Thankfully I read a post (I think it was RJ) that had the same problem and all I need to do is reset her! PHEW. I was about to go nuts.

Anyways, that was a tidbit of an update from pictures I had already taken prior to the wedding update. :)

Offline RJ

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Re: The Lancaster Dynasty
« Reply #155 on: January 19, 2011, 11:49:07 PM »
Yeah it was me! I was so worried that they were going to stay there forever! Anyway good luck for immortal 2! I always leave the friends part last since they always die unexpectedly.

Offline Bde1225

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Re: The Lancaster Dynasty
« Reply #156 on: January 19, 2011, 11:51:35 PM »
When you said you hate the ghost noises it made me think back to the first time I heard them. I had my speakers all the way up right, and I was sipping on my drink of choice, Pepsi, then all of a sudden I hear that creepy laugh. I nearly jumped outta my skin and I felt my eyes bugged out! I was wondering WHAT WAS THAT?! The ghost was hiding inside some furniture so I started hearing the rattling noise. was pretty sad. Now it annoys me to no end.

Dr. Mingbe DeWooLeHoo<---So I don't forget the name of my fav creation! Lol..I am getting old...

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Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Lancaster Dynasty
« Reply #157 on: January 20, 2011, 11:49:33 AM »
Lol funny stuff Kattiq!

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Lancaster Dynasty
« Reply #158 on: January 20, 2011, 04:16:23 PM »
Yeah it was me! I was so worried that they were going to stay there forever! Anyway good luck for immortal 2! I always leave the friends part last since they always die unexpectedly.
Yeah me too! These were best friends from work. But this time around I made sure I was friends with teens and young adults ;)

When you said you hate the ghost noises it made me think back to the first time I heard them. I had my speakers all the way up right, and I was sipping on my drink of choice, Pepsi, then all of a sudden I hear that creepy laugh. I nearly jumped outta my skin and I felt my eyes bugged out! I was wondering WHAT WAS THAT?! The ghost was hiding inside some furniture so I started hearing the rattling noise. was pretty sad. Now it annoys me to no end.
HAHA! Yes that has happened to me on several occasions. I was in my room with headphones on pretty loud. Normally I always have the radio thing on so the ghost noises don't bother me. But this time it was pretty much silent and it freaked me out! I hate the ghost sounds, I wished that it would happen like the first time they come out of the grave..then after that just quit. That's why I've never married a ghost!

Lol funny stuff Kattiq!
Thanks Esther! I'm off to FINALLY play now!

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Lancaster Dynasty
« Reply #159 on: January 20, 2011, 04:52:11 PM »
You're welcome! Yay finally sims time!!

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Lancaster Dynasty
« Reply #160 on: January 21, 2011, 12:13:04 AM »
And now.. Here's the update you've all been waiting for!!

Kalilah had asked me if she could give you guys the update this time. So, without further a do here is Kalilah's take on their honeymoon in China!

Kalilah: Hey guys! Well as you know my love and I went to China for a week for our honeymoon! Well, I just got done making our scrapbook full of all our adventures! I am very proud of the pictures I was able to capture during our trip.. I hope you all appreciate them as much as I do. :)

Our Honeymoon Scrapbook

As we were flying into China's national airport I managed to capture our base camp from the my airplane seat window!
Gosh, it's so beautiful already!

Soon after we landed I could not wait to get out and explore! So we made a trip down to the market to buy some supplies.

Vincent was so good with the store keepers they even gave him a discount! 
Checklist: High-quality food, Tent ;) , Shower in a can, and some dragon figurines!

We finally got unpacked and went out on the balcony to have some fresh air and romance...

I love him dearly..look at that face! He's so adorable. His smile is so cute, it makes me melt in side --- Oops, sorry I'm rambling I just can't help it!

While I was getting ready, Vincent decided to go downstairs and check the Adventure Board to see what things we could venture out and do that day!

Here we are on our first adventure. If you're wondering how I got the camera at such a far angle, I asked Vincent to climb a really tall tree and hang it on a sturdy branch. Then he set it to an hour timer! Then he set a timer on his watch so we'd know when to start kissing! As you can tell it worked out quite nicely :)

The next day we decided to visit the Terra Cotta Army! Now I really wasn't planning on putting this one in my scrapbook but Vincent insisted the picture was too hilarious to pass up and that one day I'd see the humor in it.

As you can tell I look completely retarded. But before you start lashing out blonde jokes hear me out. I seriously thought Vincent had the camera! So just as I turned to pose at him the camera went off before I figured it out!

Later we decided to go roll around in Hans Orchard...

Needless to say it caused quite a scandal when a pesky paparazzi showed up and we we were to busy to notice!
Eventually we had to tell people we were on our honeymoon and the rumors quit spreading. Thank goodness too because I was tired of being stared at!

But just as I thought the paparazzi were gone..I soon realized apparently our bedroom wasn't any more of a safe haven than Hans Orchard..
Luckily, I sleep with my camera so I was able to take this picture while still in bed. It made for a great shot yes?

After they left Vincent came in a little bit later and got in bed. I told him all about what happened and here's what I said: "Oh my goodness honey! So I was sleeping and heard this huge flash go off and when I opened my eyes these two coneheads with cameras were taking pictures of me!"
Then we both just giggled off to sleep hoping they didn't come back..

I also learned how to use chopsticks while on this trip too!

And that concludes our Honeymoon!
Vincent bought us some Chinese fireworks to celebrate our marriage and our time spent in this magical country. :)

The End!

Aw, isn't Kalilah so sweet? Oh and she wanted me to tell lilygirl and bde that she enjoyed seeing you two in the market place that one day. She also said she appreciates you guys teaching her some martial arts and that she used it on Vincent when she got back to camp! :P

And Vincent is still waiting on the Pangu's Axe Adventure to come up..But so far the same one keep coming up even if I accept them then delete them. Even the next day it is still the same. Oh well! I hope you guys enjoyed this special update :) Thanks for reading!

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Lancaster Dynasty
« Reply #161 on: January 21, 2011, 12:18:05 AM »
Awesome pics Kattiq!! Nice honeymoon! Did you by any chance hear chimes in Hans Orchard?  :P ;D

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Lancaster Dynasty
« Reply #162 on: January 21, 2011, 12:20:49 AM »
Awesome pics Kattiq!! Nice honeymoon! Did you by any chance hear chimes in Hans Orchard?  :P ;D
Thank you!! it took me like 2 hours to just do 3 days in China because I took a million pictures!
And No :(  I did try for a baby like three times too. So, I'm hoping once they get home she really is preggers!

Offline Bde1225

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Re: The Lancaster Dynasty
« Reply #163 on: January 21, 2011, 12:20:59 AM »

Aw, isn't Kalilah so sweet? Oh and she wanted me to tell lilygirl and bde that she enjoyed seeing you two in the market place that one day. She also said she appreciates you guys teaching her some martial arts and that she used it on Vincent when she got back to camp! :P

Are you talking about the martial arts that she did in the tent? ;D

::Does the miss america wave:: Yes...I am the woohoo Specialist Dr.Mingbe DeWooLeHoo ::bows:: Thank you.

Dr. Mingbe DeWooLeHoo<---So I don't forget the name of my fav creation! Lol..I am getting old...

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Lancaster Dynasty
« Reply #164 on: January 21, 2011, 12:27:06 AM »
Thank you!! it took me like 2 hours to just do 3 days in China because I took a million pictures!
And No :(  I did try for a baby like three times too. So, I'm hoping once they get home she really is preggers!
Fingers crossed!!

