Author Topic: The Garnet Immortal Legacy  (Read 3605 times)

Offline Sonshine

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The Garnet Immortal Legacy
« on: January 30, 2019, 10:33:06 PM »
Hi, I've not posted any pics yet except for my remake of the graveyard which Molly Garnet, the founder bought. I'm not really a story teller so I'll just  give a narrative of my game play. Molly moved into town and bought 325 Riverblossom Hills Drive across from Jon Lessen. Since Jon is single and rich I took her over there immediately and started working up the relationship. It wasn't long before romancing began. She stayed overnight at his place to make sure he didn't wander. They were married the next day. He brought in some much needed money. I designated Jon as the painter since he already had points in creative. I also changed his ltw to Rock Star which was much easier to achieve and since he was already in the music career. I decided to go w/flowers for a theme. They had 2 sons, Avens and Blue Star (both flower names). Avens was the firstborn and so is the heir. Avens married Faye Shelley who was the daughter of Constance Shelley and Billy Caspian. They had 1 daughter named Candytuft. I chose logic for Molly's supermax and learned some things along the way since I have never done the logic skill challenges before. In hindsight, I probably should have had Molly do cooking, but oh well. When Candytuft became a teen, I had her listen to cooking tabcasts while reading cooking skill books, thus cramming to make lev 10 cooking before Molly passed on and ended my run. She just barely made it. Avens' supermax is fishing and his wife, Faye's ltw was to become a "Creature Robot Cross Breeder" and is in science. Avens caught some death fish and Faye got high enough in gardening to be able to plant some Life Fruits. What I mean by "barely making it" is that w/the death fish, life fruit, and getting lev 10 cooking was when Molly was at the end of the elder life span and was on borrowed time. I did make it though. Avens and Faye's daughter, Candytuft married Chaim Lobos who was the son of Deangelo and Alicia Lobos. His ltw was to be the Descendant of Da Vinci and one of the traits he had was unlucky. I swapped out the unlucky for eccentric since we're not supposed to have a non immortal w/the unlucky trait. I've never done that ltw, but thought I'd give it a crack. Unfortunately, he got to about lev 6 inventing and I wasn't paying attention and he caught fire. He died that night just as Candytuft gave birth to twin girls that I named Dahlia (the heiress) and Daffodil. Right now, Blue Star is doing the painting right now. At the current time, I'm choosing painting for Dahlia to supermax and Daffodil will also do painting simply b/c somebody has to be around to get portraits of Dahlia after Blue Star is gone. Dahlia will be my designated painter starting w/the next gen. I'm not sure of which career I'll put Daffodil in yet though. I'm not even sure where I'll stick Dahlia, lol. Maybe the painter career. They just aged up to children. here is a pic Molly
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Offline Sonshine

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Re: The Garnet Immortal Legacy
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2019, 12:42:23 AM »
I'm still working on this from time to time. Molly is now an immortal. Jon passed on and left a medium sized tombstone. He came in just shy of getting the big one, lol. Avens is very close to becoming an immortal. He only has 1 more opportunity to do so. Have to work fast though b/c technically, he only has about 4 days left of the elder life span. His ltw was "Perfect Aquarium" which was very easy b/c of him being the fisherman in the family. The last opportunity involved bringing a written book to China. I took him to China, but alas, I forgot to put the book in his inventory. Duh! I have just enough time to get him back to China to deliver his book, then he can eat the Ambrosia. Faye will be passing very soon. She is totally maxed out in science and I have her analyzing and cloning gems according to wishes. Blue Star maxed  his Pro Sports career and right now I have him painting up a storm. Candytuft is lev 8 in Culinary now and this is also her ltw. It won't be long before she maxes out her career. I'm working on the skill challenges now. Dahlia and Daffodil are teens now. Blue Star will be painting a pic of Dahlia when she becomes an adult in a few days. I have Daffodil skilling up her painting so that she can paint Dahlia when she becomes elder. After that, Dahlia will be the designated painter. Dahlia went to the prom and came away w/a love interest, but unfortunately, the game crashed. The next time around (I had saved the game just after she went to the prom), no love interest. : / She has a few more days so the possibility of another prom could happen. Otherwise, I'll pick out a young man my self, lol. Anyway, here are some pics of the 4th generation girls:

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Offline Sonshine

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Re: The Garnet Immortal Legacy
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2019, 11:09:05 PM »
Here is an update. Blue Star finally passed on and Faye, Aven's wife is still hanging on at 98 days! Dahlia and Daffodil are grown into YA's now. I chose painting as Dahlia's supermax b/c somebody has to do it who will be around for a while, lol. Somebody like Daffodil also has to paint portraits of Dahlia as she gets older. I need to get YA, Adult, and Elder portraits of her. She has topped her skill and is working on the skill challenges now. I had her join the Painter career. I'm not sure what Daffodil will do yet. Daffodil is almost maxed on her painting skill. Dahlia is also now married to a young man named Cliff who is a 3rd generation descendant from Marisol and Angel Lobos. Hunter Cottoneye is his grandpa. Candytuft has maxed her career now and is working on the skill challenges. Now that they have the super fridge, she can stuff the fridge completely full w/o any worries of the food spoiling. I'm waiting on children for Dahlia for a little bit until she gets closer to Adult. Here are some pics of the girls and of Cliff.

Offline Sonshine

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Re: The Garnet Immortal Legacy
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2019, 10:19:35 PM »
Just a little update. Dahlia, Cliff and Daffodil are now adults and Dahlia now has a little girl I named Peony. I put Cliff into the PI career b/c that was his ltw. It's been a little buggy w/one case involving the questioning of a homeless sim so I just canceled that one. He currently has one where he had to wait out the weekend b/c he is supposed to confront the suspect while she is at work. Dahlia is in the Painter profession and has topped that career. She has also made her supermax for painting. I found that by selling paintings at the consignment shop is much more profitable and so she topped her career fairly fast. Daffodil is in the Journalism career (she finally rolled a wish for it) and currently at lev 4. Both Dahlia and Daffodil have maxed their painting skill. Daffodil will paint Dahlia's remaining portraits as an adult and elder (she already did the YA and I believe Blue Star did her as a toddler, child and teen). Faye lived to a ripe old age of 108. Again, since I'm on gen 5, Dahlia will only have the 1 child. Avens pretty much whiles away his time either by holding meetings for his career or fishing. I sometimes have Molly make a bunch of sleeping potions for when they don't get to bed before 2am and have to be up by 6. Sometimes also a little ride in the motive mobile works wonders too, lol. Right now, Daffodil and Cliff are the only mortals in the household. On a bit of a side note, the family has a butler now and I found out that in the Fall, he pretty much spends 100% of his time raking, lol  Everything else goes begging. : /  Anyway, here is a pic of Peony.

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Offline Sonshine

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Re: The Garnet Immortal Legacy
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2019, 08:57:42 PM »
Cliff is now lev 9 in the PI career. Here are some funny pics I got while he was searching out the mail and rummaging thru the garbage for clues. These are all at night so it might be a bit hard to see. The next to last one she has a very upset expression and the last one if you can see it, she's sticking out her tongue, LOL. I had to make the pics a little smaller to get them to fit.

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Offline Sonshine

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Re: The Garnet Immortal Legacy
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2019, 06:59:05 PM »
I don't have too much of an update here. Peony is now a teen and Candytuft is now officially an immortal. Cliff has reached the top of his career, but still has 12 more cases to do to reach his ltw. I'm going to do the same as Dek and give a run down on my progress.  Here is pic of Peony as a teen.

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Here are my stats so far:

Founder and Generation 1

Molly Garnet - Married Jon Lessen

Molly's ltw was World Renowned Surgeon (completed) and Jon's ltw was Rock Star (completed) I changed it from his original of Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers b/c Rock Star was much easier to attain and he was already in the career.

Children Avens and Blue Star, both male

Molly's portraits - YA, Adult, Elder

Career - Medical

Building - Business Towers, Property - Fully upgraded Graveyard

Opportunities - Surgeon Super Chef
             Equipment Needs
             Clinical Studies
              Senet Strategy
             Taking Down Sinclair
             Neighborhood Outreach

Best Friends   Deangelo Lobos
              Bob Grisby
              Cori Spenster
              Avens Garnet
              Shirley Lin
              Delores Shelley

Three ltr's
               No Bills Ever
               Collection  Helper
               Learned Relic Hunter

Supermax            Logic

Generation 2

Avens Garnet - Married Faye Shelley

Child - Candytuft - female

Avens ltw was Perfect Private Aquarium (completed) and Faye's ltw was Creature Rbt Crsbrdr

Portraits - Toddler, Child, Teen, YA, Adult, Elder

Career - Business

Building    Book Store and Property    Fuly upgraded Lost Willow Park

Opportunities   The Research Project
              Outside Reading
              Bathroom Gallery
              The Focused Athlete
              Pure Pomegranate
              Deliver Book to China

Best Friends   Rufus Spenster
              Kenisha Yamamoto
              Priscilla Overstreet
              Molly Garnet
              Milton Dawkins
              Penny Rowley

Three ltr's           Jetsetter
              Time Remote Control
              Portal Immunity

Supermax   Fishing

Generation 3

Candytuft Garnet - Married Chaim Lobos

Children   Dahlia and Daffodil, both female

Candytufts ltw was 5 Celebrated Star Chef and Chaim's ltw was Descendant of
      Da Vinci, but he died trying to achieve that.

Portraits - Toddler, Child, Teen, YA, Adult, Elder

Career -  Culinary

Building - Grocery Store   Property  Fully upgraded Performance Park

Opportunities   A history of One
              Young Politician's Club
              The Writing Club
              View Gallery
              Felafel Portfolio
              Learn a Recipe

Best Friends   Jasen Orlando
              Judd Friend
              Omar Hoffmann
              Gabriela Lobos
              Israel Grigsby
              Daffodil Garnet

Three ltr's   Office Hero
      Born to Cook
      Moodlet Manager

Supermax   Cooking

Generation 4

Dahlia Garnet   Married Cliff Joy

Child - Peony Garnet

Dahlia's ltw was Master of the Arts (completed) and Cliffs ltw is Pervasiive Private Eye

Portraits - Toddler, Child, Teen, YA, Adult

Career - Painter Profession

Building Hospital and Property - Fully upgraded Consignment Shop

Opportunities   Pile of Permission Slips
              Cultural Interview
              New High Quality Ingredients
              Assemble Puzzles
              Networking is the Key

Best Friends   

Three ltr's   Suave Seller
      Long Distance Friend
      Extra Creative

Supermax   Painting

Generation 5

Peony Garnet - Married ?

Child ?

Peony's ltw is ?

Portraits - Toddler, Child, Teen

Career  Probably science

Building - ? and Property - ?

Opportunities  ?

Best Friends ?

Three ltr's ?

Supermax  Either Science or Gardening. haven't decided yet

Offline Sonshine

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Re: The Garnet Immortal Legacy
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2019, 03:39:38 AM »
I have an update. Molly is still working (all immortals are to get them out of my hair, lol) and brings in about 9k + for each day. The family has $1.5 mil now! Dahlia, Daffodil, and Cliff are all elders now. Dahlia does almost nothing, but paint and then sells them at the consignment shop. I have Candytuft drilling w/the miner in her spare time. So far nothing real valuable. Cliff topped his PI career and then quit to satisfy his wish to join the medical team. He'll never top the career, but it has a much better income than the PI. Dahlia is also working on her best friends now. She has every other requirement finished. Once she gets the best friends, she'll become immortal. Peony is a YA now and pretty much looks the same. I kept the same hair on her as before. She met and married her now husband Perry Joy who interestingly is related to Dahlia's husband. It turns out that he is the grandson of Cliff's uncle! He also has red hair which is why I picked him. I'm hoping to get some more red hair in this family. If you remember, Molly had red hair, but nobody else has inherited it. Keeping my fingers crossed for when they have their child. He's a little older than Peony, but that's just fine. They can't have a child for quite a while yet though b/c I have a full house. Cliff and Daffodil have to pass on first. I only hope that neither one of them live to 108 like Faye did. Cliff rolled the wish to throw a birthday party for Peony and so he did. It turned out to be a "killer" party. The thing that puzzles me though is that he also had a wish to throw a great party, but it never got satisfied. All of the guests were wowed. I decided on science for Peony. Her ltw is Scientific Specialist and she will top the Science career. She already has fishing lev 5 and gardening lev 6 so she should just breeze right up very fast. I'm going to start her on her science studies the next day. I don't have any ltr's just yet for her and haven't bought any properties yet. Here is a pic of Perry right after they were married.

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Also, here are Dahlia and Daffodil

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Since Daffodil had black hair, I made it a little bit darker shade of gray.

Here are Peony's stats so far:

Peony Garnet - Married Perry Joy

Child ?

Peony's ltw is   Scientific Specialist

Portraits - Toddler, Child, Teen, YA

Career  Science

Building - ? and Property - ?

Opportunities  Work/School Learning Project
                      Scavenger Hunt - Beetles

Best Friends ?

Three ltr's ?

Supermax   Science

That's all for now.

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