Congratulations Deveroux
Before playing my challenge file,I made a (big!) list of the all the ways to earn money I knew in the sims 4,and thought of which were the quickest ways.
I tried to classify them a little,and realized that some of them could be put together in order to win time. I also made a testing file and realized that I forgot many ways in my list!
So here is my strategy:
I made an alien sim (because of 2 ways of earning money only available for aliens:"transmuting" and "ressurecting") whose traits were genius,self-assured and kleptomaniac. Her aspiration was computer whiz,so that she could have the «quick learner» bonus trait.
I sent her to the cheapest house in Windenburg town (no strategy,just because it’s my favorite town!) and set the lot traits to penny pixies and science lair.
I made some modifications to the house:put away things that were not necessary in order to have more money,bought a computer,an observatory,a flower arranging table,a pumpkin carving station,a video station,a music mixer station,a beekeeper box,a holiday decorations box,a pile of presents,a nano trash can,a washing machine,and a clothesline.
I also bought a bed of good quality so that my sim won’t have to pass too much time sleeping.
I used all the "work from home" careers,but for the other careers only the scientist one,which give many extra ways to earn money.
Here is the list of the different ways to earn money my sim used during the 12 days of her young adulthood. (sorry if the wording isn’t exactly correct;my game is in french):
J1:11 ways-selling a piece of furniture
-working at home in the social media career (instant cash won for all the "home" careers juste by doing the daily task)
-«opening presents with»… from the presents pile (got a microscope!)
-«taking a photo with...»
-«taking a photo of...»
-«taking a selfie»
-«carving a pumpkin»
-throwing something in the nano trash can
-earning $5 with the lot trait penny pixies (when opening the fridge)
-making a drink at the bar
-rummaging in a public trash can (found a garden gnome)
J2 :3 ways-rummaging to find decorations (holiday decorations box)
-«opening a present» (from presents pile)
-«opening a cracker» (got a plushie)
J3 :7 ways-exploring space with a rocket at the GeekCon (got a space rock and an ET)
-asking for a postcard (and selling it when received the next day)
-working at home as a gardener ($10 only…!)
-«stargazing» with the observatory (found a picture)
-«searching pockets» (with the hamper) ($15 found)
-«selling chrysanthemum» from a plant
-«recolting chrysanthemum» from another plant
J4 :13 ways-asking a co-worker for a metal (scientist career)
-asking a co-worker for a crystal (scientist)
-«practicing analyzis» with chemical analyzer (got an element)
-«gathering ideas» with Invention Constructor (got a handiness piece)
-«synthesizing a serum» with chemistry lab
-«analyzing plant sample» with microscope
-«digging» (and selling the metal found)
-«picking up» (an ET in a jar)
-«opening» a time capsule (My Sims trophy)
-working as a scientist
-selling honey
-creating a flower arrangment (and selling it from inventory)
-«selling» a flower arrangment
J5:8 ways-«observing the sky»
-selling an invention (scientist)
-«analyzing a collection» (metal) with chemical analyzer (got another metal)
-selling a career reward
-pick up and put down the clothes from clothesline (got a pile of clothes worth $50)
-winning a karaoke contest in San Myshuno
-taking off a poster
J6 :3 ways-using the microscope (got a picture)
-playing guitar at the cocktail bar in Del Sol Valley
-singing at the micro in the same place
J7 :5 ways-buying voidcritters (and get a rare one)
-searching for frogs
-extracting a fossil
-reproducing frogs
-collecting insects
J8 :4 ways-resurrecting an alien (the alive version is worthier)
-making a serum for pets (veterinarian skill)
-sell a music from inventory
-«burn track» on the mix station (and sell it from inventory)
J9 :3 ways-receiving rights from «release track»
-stealing something (kleptomaniac)
-winning at the humor and hijinks festival
J10 :6 ways-receiving rights from a video released with the video station
-selling something from personal inventory (firework won at the humor and hijinks festival)
-preparing a herbalism recipe
-creating a plug-in (programming skill)
-transform an object with the Sim-Ray
-working from home in the critic career
J11 :8 ways-receiving rights from a self-published book
-wishing for money at the wishing well (it gave me more than $5000!)
-transmuting a crystal (alien power)
-working from home in the stylist career
-working from home in the political career
-«searching for the truth» with the observatory
-making a sculpture on the woodworking table
-making a piece of furniture on the woodworking table
J12:9 ways-hacking (progamming skill)
-selling a mathematical diagram (logic skill)
-selling a painting from personal inventory
-«selling to an art collector» a painting
-selling a party reward
-fishing with a bait
-repairing a sink (got handiness parts)
-creating a virus (programming skill)
-selling a book she wrote from personal inventory
My sim had enough aspiration points to buy 2 moodlet solver potions; she drank it the 2 last days so that she didn't have to sleep/eat,etc...
I had some more ideas in my list,but not enough time!
Thanks to the challenge's creators! It was really interesting.