Author Topic: Evil Is Back - An Immortal Dynasty Updated 05/03/2020  (Read 21661 times)

Offline sdhoey

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Re: Evil Is Back - An Immortal Dynasty Upated 08/1/2019
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2019, 03:30:04 PM »
Chapter 1.7

Agnes: I can't believe she will be a toddler soon. So many miles stones coming up. I can't wait.

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Bella is busy working on her writing skills. She wants to get her Life Time Wish out of the way.

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Agnes is busy in the art room in the basement getting her painting maxed.

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Baby Sara is just hanging out downstairs in her swing that her daddy got her.

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Colt: WOMAN! Get that camera OUT of my bathroom. I am trying to take a bath in private.

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Outside, Michael is aging up to a Young Adult while a pap has wandered into the yard. I need to find out how. We have a gate and a fenced-in yard.

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Michael: Oh man!! I can feel it happening. The tingles, the twists..

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Oh man!! The sparkles have started!! This is it, guys!!

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Michael: Uneventful as usual. At least I am not ugly.

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Michael: So what do you think? Handsome?

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Someone else aged up inside at the same time.

It seems that Sara thinks it funny.

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Sara: BAM BAM!!
Me: That's right, bam those shapes and learn stuff girl.

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I wonder if she will look like Colt? *shudders* A female Colt doesn't turn out well.

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Michael: EWWWW!! Dad, you're too old for that. Mom, stop!

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Colt: So, what is up with Michael saying he is blinded for life now?
Simis: OH he caught his mom and I making out.
Colt: hmm, I'd be blinded too.

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Here is our Generation Two Heir in all her glory.

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: Evil Is Back - An Immortal Dynasty Upated 08/01/2019
« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2019, 07:48:26 PM »
Hi Colt ... my you are looking evil!

And what a cutie Sara is.

Also, you are so much more extensive and thoughtful in your upgrades of purchased lots than me! I just go ... oh we need a toilet? done! a sink? done! a table? done! oh still have 10 000 to go? Ok let's just get a couple of those expensive lights that shine up to the sky! oh great, lot is maxed :D

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Offline sdhoey

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Re: Evil Is Back - An Immortal Dynasty Upated 08/01/2019
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2019, 08:07:01 PM »
Hi Colt ... my you are looking evil!

And what a cutie Sara is.

Also, you are so much more extensive and thoughtful in your upgrades of purchased lots than me! I just go ... oh we need a toilet? done! a sink? done! a table? done! oh still have 10 000 to go? Ok let's just get a couple of those expensive lights that shine up to the sky! oh great, lot is maxed :D

LOL I have always made it so the family can use the lots. Brings in the money!!  Yes Colt is evil, Sara has me worried. I am afraid she will turn out to be a horse-faced female!!! 

Offline Trip

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Re: Evil Is Back - An Immortal Dynasty Upated 08/01/2019
« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2019, 09:57:28 PM »
Ahahaha I fear the horse-face in literally every daughter that dares to have a dad. :') Though the doesn't seem to be an easy spouse choice yet...vewy intewesting...
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Offline sdhoey

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Re: Evil Is Back - An Immortal Dynasty Upated 08/01/2019
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2019, 10:14:20 PM »
Ahahaha I fear the horse-face in literally every daughter that dares to have a dad. :') Though the doesn't seem to be an easy spoyse choice yet...vewy intewesting...

Any female offspring that Colt has, needs a little touch-up or major surgery at teen/young adult time. When she ages I'll show the before and after pics. LOL

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Evil Is Back - An Immortal Dynasty Upated 08/01/2019
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2019, 11:12:11 PM »
@sdhoey I always purchase one of the beaches in Sunset Valley (usually the one behind Mr and Mrs Wolff) and plop down a subway station, and the wagon/vault of antiquity/arboreteum on it aka the specialist Supernatural Rabbitholes. Of course it gets sold and I then purchase the wagon as one of my founders' real estate purchases and my real property. :D

Offline sdhoey

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Re: Evil Is Back - An Immortal Dynasty Upated 08/05/2019
« Reply #21 on: August 05, 2019, 04:07:23 PM »
Chapter 1:8

Jocasta: Come on you slowpoke! Everyone is waiting.
Simis: At least I am not the one that is gonna end up on my rear-end.

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After everyone piled into the taxi, except for Colt and Simis. They took the truck. It was off  to City Hall for Michaels Graduation.

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Everyone arrived safely. But Michael refuses to put on his robes.

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Bella: Come on you guys, it's cold and I want to good seat.
Simis: What she said.

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Simis: I'm too blasted old for this mess. I would rather be fishing.

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Michael: See, they let me hold Sara all during the ceremony and they never told me I had to put on my robes. AND I graduated top of my class and I am Valedictorian.

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Simis: I'm going fishing. See you all later.
Sara: Up, up. Cold

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What is that?
Simis: What??

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Your hair? Did it freeze like that?
Simis: I aged up with this mess. When are you gonna fix it?
When you get home.

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Back home, look who finally decided to change into his robes!

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Awwww!! Aren't you just the cutest?
Sara: Back off. Daddy said you are evil.

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You told your toddler that I was evil?
Colt: *snickers* Oh me, she will believe anything I tell her.

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Just wait till I tell her some of your secrets. *coughs* Artie!!
Colt: You better keep that red madman to yourself. I will fix this soon.

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Sunset Valley is so lovely. I miss playing the sims 3 so much.

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Simis: Here you hit the little bar and music comes out.

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Sara: *giggles* I like music.

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Sara: baby shark
NOOOOO.. Not that song, anything but that.

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Jacosta: Ohhh, guess what?

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Jocosta: Hello little one. I hope you're nice and warm in there.

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Bella called it a night and went to bed.

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Jocosta went out to the greenhouse and decided to yell at her plants for a while.

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Michael is cooking some more recipes so he can max cooking.

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Now that Sara has maxed the xylophone, she is learning her shapes.
Simis: At least I am good for something at my age.

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Simis: No honey, the square peg can't fit in the round hole.
Sara: Why not?

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And with that plate, Michael has super maxed cooking.

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Offline sdhoey

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Re: Evil Is Back - An Immortal Dynasty Upated 08/05/2019
« Reply #22 on: August 05, 2019, 09:04:00 PM »
Chapter 1.9

Everyone, meet Sara Brooks. She has aged to toddler. As you know, she has learned her xylophone, her peg box. Now she is learning more.

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Simis: Now, daddy is at work, can you say "work"
Sara: Daddy is a nice boss.
Simis: Daddy isn't even a boss yet, much less a nice one.

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Sara: Uncle Simis better be glad he is old. I should bite him for that.

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Such an innocent face.

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Jocosta: Well, if the pole is in the way, go thru it.

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Jocosta: WHAT?? I have to take care of my garden. No one else if doing it.

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Jocasta: Ahh, the nice warm glow of the flame fruit. I love it's warmth in the winter.

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Jocosta: It is a little warm to be picking up without gloves.

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Agnes: Another book is off to my editor. I hope they like it.

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Bella: I am almost done maxing my painting skill. Between writing and painting, I should make a good career of something.

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Sara is almost done learning to talk. As the sun goes down the sky, an eerie glow starts to settle over the town.

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A full moon is out tonight.

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I believe this child is just as evil as her daddy.

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That eerie glow doesn't help either.

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Agnes has come and taken her daughter to the art room for her picture, painting and ice sculptor.

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The old ones have called it a night.

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Agnes: Okay my girl, I need you to sit still for mommy.
Sara: Lalalala

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Chainsaw buzzes

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Sara: Mommy is scary too.

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All finished.

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Sara's toddler pieces are completed for her museum.

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Now it's time for the best part,

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Potty Training. Agnes is doing such a great job.

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Colt: You do know, you will have to get a job? I mean, I'm glad you can cook the ambrosia now, but you still have to work.
Michael: You are such a ball of fun and love Colt.

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Offline Trip

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Re: Evil Is Back - An Immortal Dynasty Upated 08/05/2019
« Reply #23 on: August 05, 2019, 10:46:45 PM »
Aww Artie...I leave out offerings of red items in hope that Rica will come back. But that just means that Colt gets all the glory to himself for now. >:)

The forseen Bachelor kid finally arrives! Kind of. Not yet. Someone tell Sara anyways. :P
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Offline Trident

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Re: Evil Is Back - An Immortal Dynasty Upated 08/05/2019
« Reply #24 on: August 12, 2019, 02:20:21 PM »
Good luck to Sara! With Colt as a father.....ooof. At least her coloring's nice?

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Evil Is Back - An Immortal Dynasty Upated 08/05/2019
« Reply #25 on: November 10, 2019, 10:28:15 PM »

What a blast from the past! I get a hankering for the Sims 3 only to find that Colt is back. Woot!

Offline sdhoey

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Re: Evil Is Back - An Immortal Dynasty Upated 08/05/2019
« Reply #26 on: November 10, 2019, 10:33:30 PM »

What a blast from the past! I get a hankering for the Sims 3 only to find that Colt is back. Woot!

Thanks Rhoxi, I need to get busy and do an update and play some more. I have been so busy lately, UGH!! NO playtime lately it's driving me crazy.

Offline Chubling

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Re: Evil Is Back - An Immortal Dynasty Upated 08/05/2019
« Reply #27 on: December 02, 2019, 11:54:57 AM »
Colt is amazing and I look forward to seeing what Sara turns out like!

Offline sdhoey

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Re: Evil Is Back - An Immortal Dynasty Upated 08/05/2019
« Reply #28 on: December 02, 2019, 07:29:00 PM »
Colt is amazing and I look forward to seeing what Sara turns out like!

Thanks. I love Colt out of all my sims. I am in the process of getting a new update out.

