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2019 Sims 4 Challenge Tournament Schedule
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Topic: 2019 Sims 4 Challenge Tournament Schedule (Read 13627 times)
Metropolis Man
Posts: 11533
2019 Sims 4 Challenge Tournament Schedule
December 15, 2018, 02:54:54 PM »
2019 Sims 4 Challenge Tournament Schedule
IMPORTANT: Players must participate in 3 regular events to earn a 2019 World Ranking. Both Major events count as two events each, so 1 Major + 1 regular event also earn a player a World Ranking.
January 4 - January 27
Flip the Crick.
The Tournament season kicks off with a simple two-Sim event focused on increasing the lot value of Willow Creek's Crick Cabana home via paintings and woodworkings.
Rule Set
January 28 - February 17
Let Me Count the Make Money.
It's not just finding which ways of making money is most profitable -- household income is part of your score -- it's also engaging in as many
ways to make money to rack up your multiplier.
Rule Set
February 18 - March 10
Perks and Traits Obsession.
A similar event to past challenges where players attempt to amass as many traits as possible. But, with so many perks now in the game from all the expansions, the team thought it would be fun to also throw all the perks into the mix.
Rule Set
March 11 - March 31
Let's Get Mystical.
A brand new event exploring the relic content from Jungle Adventures — your Sim will attempt to assemble all 27 possible relics as quickly as possible.
Rule Set
April 1 - April 21
The Dynamic Skilling Duo
What would the Tournament season be without a skilling event? And since Vampires are the Kings and Queens of skilling speed, we're allowing everyone to create a Vampire. You'll also make a Human or Alien to add to your score multiplier.
Rule Set
April 22 - May 12
Social Media Star 2.0
This is a simple, but an updated event from a few years ago -- climb the Social Media career, and get as many followers as you can. This time around also incorporates the celebrity fame system from
Get Famous
Rule Set
May 13 - June 23
Mid-Season Major: Striving for Major Achievements.
Get all your ducks in a row as your household shoots to get the highest achievement score. Simple in theory...not so simple in execution as you'll need to do lots of juggling and coordinating between Sims.
Rule Set
June 24 - July 14
Stay-at-Home Parent.
A brand new event from the creative mind of MarianT. You're a single parent with one starting toddler. Gig income from the new Freelancer career is going to be a big part of your score, but your multiplier will be boosted via your child learning various skills. Here's the thing: you can only control your parent!
Rule Set
July 15 - August 4
The Simazing Race: 5 Worlds, 5 Challenges.
If you're a fan of the reality show The Amazing Race, then our spin on that will be right up your alley. Your Sim must complete one of 5 different tasks in 5 different worlds. The clock is ticking.
Rule Set
August 5 - August 25
Baby Boomer 2019.
How many of you were here in 2009 when Carl and Pam posted the first Baby Boomer rule set? I cannot believe it's been 10 years. This event has always been a forum favorite, so without further ado here are the specifics...
Rule Set
August 26 - September 15
10th Anniversary Scavenger Hunt & Party.
To celebrate the forum's upcoming 10th anniversary (August 31), the forum team put together a special and very unique event -- you need to find 10 handpicked items, bring them to your event where you must host your own gold medal party. The clock is ticking.
Rule Set
September 16 - October 6
Honey Money.
A simple and sweet brand new event centered around
beekeeping content.
Rule Set
October 7 - October 27
Restaurant Simpossible.
Reality TV is all the rage these days, and just like the Simazing Race, the team is putting our own Sim spin on the popular show Restaurant Impossible. Over the course of two weeks, you'll need to transform 5 different restaurants into awesome establishments.
Rule Set
October 28 - December 1
2019 Tournament Finale: Let's Play Bingo!
Another Tournament season is quickly coming to a close, so the team is bringing back a unique idea we had for an old Sims 3 challenge -- printing out a bingo card and working on various things in the game to make your bingos. Lots of fun guaranteed and this Major event is worth two normal events, so jump in give it a shot.
Rule Set
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2019 Sims 4 Challenge Tournament Schedule