Author Topic: One of my twins is seriously glitched  (Read 5695 times)

Offline Pinko Sacredheart

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One of my twins is seriously glitched
« on: December 05, 2018, 12:30:36 AM »
Parents are vampire and mermaid, mermaid has fertility treatment and she just had twins. Got to name both and give traits but the girl twin's photo wasn't showing up but figured it would once the baby was taken out of the basket. Nope. Minute she was held baby is still either invisible or is this grey line across the screen. Tried resetting her, just had to search for an invisible baby on the floor but found her when I zoomed in to this point and saw this. Help??? I've never had this happen before. Built the home on an island already in the game- there is no custom content on the lot or anything.IMG_20181204_212724983.jpg

Offline Pinko Sacredheart

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Re: One of my twins is seriously glitched
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2018, 12:34:16 AM »
And now the lot is doing this. The game has been completely fine and now since the twins were born and the girl was taken out of the basket its all gone crazy.


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Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: One of my twins is seriously glitched
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2018, 10:56:52 AM »
Invisible Sims are usually due to corrupt outfits. Graphic glitches like that on the lot may be due to graphics drivers needing to be updated.

Try these tips:

1. Take Sim to the dresser or into CAS and change their outfit(s).

2. Reset Town, Individual Sims and/or Evict household

** If evicting household doesn't work, move the family to a different town to test.

3. Delete Game Cache Files (What & Howto)

4. Go Back to a previous save from before Sim became invisible.

5. Make sure drivers are up to date

More Tips can be found on Crinrict's Blog:

Invisible Sims
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Offline Pinko Sacredheart

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Re: One of my twins is seriously glitched
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2018, 11:40:45 AM »

My graphics drivers are fine, I was playing the game a few hours before this happened and everything was perfectly running. It all started the moment the twin baby girl was brought out of the hospital and taken out of the basket at home. I deleted all the cache and even removed all creator content just in case, even though none of it had ever been used in that town or family in anything at all, let alone in a newborn straight from the hospital.

The baby was basically born invisible so there is no going back before she was invisible as then she wouldn't exist at all. I have no idea what she looks like but its weird because despite being invisible and glitched I can still click on her and my sims can pick her up and take care of her like everything is fine.

After deleting and clearing everything I went back to the main menu just to check, since my game can take a little bit to load upon restarting it, and in the family photo the baby is still invisible though the mom is clearly holding it by the way her arms are. I closed the game for the night and am currently opening it up hoping a total shut down and restart of it is all that's needed now but we'll see. I'll post an update here.

Offline Pinko Sacredheart

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Re: One of my twins is seriously glitched
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2018, 02:55:39 PM »
So the baby is still invisible. I guess I'll try aging the twins up to toddler and hope that fixes it.

Offline Pinko Sacredheart

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Re: One of my twins is seriously glitched
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2018, 03:04:36 PM »
Once I loaded into the family the mother is now all black, the boy twin is all black, and the twin girl is still invisible. What the heck!

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: One of my twins is seriously glitched
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2018, 04:16:56 PM »
At some point there may have been some custom content on your Sim and it became corrupted some how. It's one of the causes of invisible Sims.

You may need to take each of your affected Sims into Create a Sim and change their outfits making sure not to use anything that is custom content related. This is to rule out any problems with cc.

When I've had issues with custom content relating to their outfits or skin taking them into CAS and changing their outfits or changing their skin color seems to help.

If anyone in the family is still invisible, you might try evicting the family and moving them back and/or saving them to the library and loading them in a new town to test.

How To: Save a Household
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Offline Pinko Sacredheart

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Re: One of my twins is seriously glitched
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2018, 10:26:23 PM »
So I fixed the parents in CAS, aged the toddler boy up but it didn't fix the shadow problem and I can't get him into CAS with the cheat but he is playable. This is the update thus far:

The twin girl that is invisible is not nowhere to be found. She's just completely gone. The father supposedly picked her up but there was nothing and no one in his arms. Then he put her down and all of a sudden all my doors inside the house were completely gone- NO idea what happened there. And shortly after that all my sims' needs were suddenly and magically filled completely. No idea what's going on anymore...

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: One of my twins is seriously glitched
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2018, 11:22:01 AM »
It just might be something is corrupt in the family and/or house or possibly the saved game itself.

If you have the two adults saved as young adults in your library, you could create a new game with them as a test to see if that helps.

You might try resetting your Sims 3 folder, and try a new save, new family and no mods or custom content to test. This rules out that it's something within the Sims 3 folder that's causing the issue.

Sims 3 Factory Reset (What & Howto),20732.msg401814.html#msg401814
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Offline Pinko Sacredheart

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Re: One of my twins is seriously glitched
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2018, 01:38:13 PM »
Wouldn't a reset remove all my saved games and everything?

Everything between the couple and the first son they had went perfectly. All of it started as soon as the twin girl was born, I think she's the one causing everything else but I don't think there's a way to remove her without having all the kids taken away. The boy twin is playable and normal despite now being a black shadow but that can be fixed once he's a child and I can change his skin back. Is it possible just for the one baby to be glitched and cause all these problems? If I somehow can figure out how to go back to the save before the babies were born would it still end up the same way after they're born?

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: One of my twins is seriously glitched
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2018, 02:21:37 PM »
If you move the sims 3 folder to the desktop, you wouldn't loose any of your files. They'd be on your desktop. It's all explained in the link above.

It could be the the baby being glitched is causing problems. It might be possible to go back to a save before the babies were born to see if that helps.

If that doesn't help you might try deleting the babies, and having the couple try for baby again.

Whenever I'm troubleshooting my game, I backup the family and their house, just in case. That way if something doesn't go well, I can go back and test some more if needed.
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Offline Pinko Sacredheart

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Re: One of my twins is seriously glitched
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2018, 06:28:24 PM »
Considering the glitches got worse after I removed any downloaded user created content that I wasn't even using or had any problems with before, I'm not eager nor do I feel safe to reset my Sims 3 folder. Based of what happened before who knows what other problems that can cause.

 I'll see if I can go back to a different save file. If that isn't possible then how could I delete the babies so I can try again?

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: One of my twins is seriously glitched
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2018, 07:52:35 PM »
You delete them buy using testingcheats.

Once in live mode, press Shift-Ctrl-C together and type in testingcheatsenabled on.

Right-click-Shift on the first baby and select Object > Delete it. Do the same for the 2nd baby.

If that doesn't work. You'll need to move in or add a Sim temporarily into the household. To do this - Using the Edit Town screen select a Sim from the library. Right-click on Sim and select Place Copy into your family's house.

You'll then want to split up household. Do this by clicking on the family's house and select the Split up Household button which is the 3rd button from left, after you've selected the house.

Leave the baby or babies with the Sim just you added to the family. Move everyone else out.

It will move the Sims to the clipboard. Once on the clipboard, click them to save them to the library. Click the folder button to save them.

If you want to keep the family home, evict the Sim and babies. Click on the family's house and select the Evict button which is the 1st button on the left, after you've selected the house. Click Move Out.

It will move them to the clipboard. You can delete them from there if you choose by clicking on them and click the garbage can to delete.

Click the family's house and click the folder to save it to the empty houses library.
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