My graphics drivers are fine, I was playing the game a few hours before this happened and everything was perfectly running. It all started the moment the twin baby girl was brought out of the hospital and taken out of the basket at home. I deleted all the cache and even removed all creator content just in case, even though none of it had ever been used in that town or family in anything at all, let alone in a newborn straight from the hospital.
The baby was basically born invisible so there is no going back before she was invisible as then she wouldn't exist at all. I have no idea what she looks like but its weird because despite being invisible and glitched I can still click on her and my sims can pick her up and take care of her like everything is fine.
After deleting and clearing everything I went back to the main menu just to check, since my game can take a little bit to load upon restarting it, and in the family photo the baby is still invisible though the mom is clearly holding it by the way her arms are. I closed the game for the night and am currently opening it up hoping a total shut down and restart of it is all that's needed now but we'll see. I'll post an update here.