Author Topic: Life Changes  (Read 6611 times)

Offline Ally3772

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My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Life Changes
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2018, 10:26:16 PM »
Chapter One




The crowd went wild as I walked down the stairs of the bleachers. The sounds of sneakers against the floor squeaked as the ball hit the ground over and over. I reached the bottom step and headed towards the concession stand window. I took a deep breath as I dug my wallet out as I waited in line patiently. I finally reached the head of the line and stepped up to the counter.

"Katrina! We could have sent someone to take your order!"

The girl looked at me like a deer in the headlights.

"It's fine Cindy, I can get my own food." I reassured.

"No no no, I should really get someone to do it."

"I insist." I smiled.

She hesitated before getting out her pad of paper and taking my order. She quickly scurried around and made my nachos with cheese before collecting my order.

"Thank you Cindy."

"You're welcome Katrina."

I grabbed a few napkins before heading back to my seat in the bleachers.


"She was embarrassed!" I scolded.

"Well she was right, you should have had someone take your order!" Kaleb said.

"I was capable of doing it myself!"

"That's not what we do."

I groaned and looked out of the window of the limousine. I hated being treated special sometimes, well most of the time actually.

"You know, I can't worry about you when I'm out there." He scolded.

"I never told you that you had too."

"Well, I hope I don't."

I shook my head and crossed my arms.

We headed up the walkway to the house and I immediately went into our suite/bedroom. I sat on the bed and thought about how I got here.

"I'M IN!!!!"


"This is it baby, I'm taking you all the way to the top!"

He picked me up and spun me around in the living room. He had been working for forever to get onto a pro basketball team and today he passed his interview. He was officially a basketball player for The Panthers and it had been his dream since I've known him. We met in high school where he played for the school team and got a scholarship. Once he was out of college he applied for several different teams without success.

"I cannot believe this is happening!" He said.

"I can, you made it babe." I smiled.

"We're going to live in this huge mansion! We'll have children and they will come to the games with you! All boys!"

"No girls?"

"No! Boys, like their father."

I giggled.

"I want the world for you, and I promise we are going to be happier."

I believed him. I was happy, for the most part, and I did still love him. I just think that the team and the fame has gotten to his head. We lived in a huge mansion like he promised and he was still with the same team. I didn't have many friends in the neighborhood yet because half of my time was spent at games or parties. We have been married for five years now and we still planned on having children. The no girls thing still bothered me, but I tried to convince myself that he was just joking. He was, right?

My name is Katrina Wilder.

I was born into a small family with a mom, a dad, and two brothers. I moved away from them though and I don't seem them much anymore. We talk on the phone every once in a while for catching up. You may notice my outfit, I didn't so much care for it, but Kaleb loves it and says I look hot in it. I was just going with the flow because I do love him and I do want him to be happy. I worked a diner during high school and at the local art museum while Kaleb went to college on his scholarship. I chose not to go to college so that he could focus better, it was fine with me because I didn't mind working.

My husband is Kaleb Wilder

He was a single child raised by his father. His mother had died when he was just a baby so he didn't know much of her minus the stories. His father was hard on him growing up and always pushed him to be the best. Failure wasn't an option. In many ways I could see that it stuck with him through to his adulthood, but I knew better then to push the subject. It only made him angry when I accused him of reading too much into what his father thought of him. He was the star baseball player of The Panthers and a proper celebrity to boot.

"I'm sorry about the argument in the limo last night." Kaleb apologized.

"It's fine." I told him.

"I do love you."

"I love you too hon."

He kissed my cheek and I smiled.

"I hired a new butler today." He told me.

"Okay, when are they arriving?" I asked.

"Tomorrow morning, will you be there to meet them? I have practice."

"Of course."

He smiled and walked away.

I walked into the trophy room. This room held all of his prized possessions and pretty soon we would have to clear out another room so that he could fill that one as well. This house had plenty of empty rooms in it though. We'd soon fill them with children though because we both wanted kids. I just hoped that I could handle it on my own, because I knew that Kaleb would be busy a lot of the time.


"The party is in an hour!" I called out back.


I watched as he dribbled the basketball and jumped to the basket.


I walked back into the house and upstairs to get dressed. The party was at an all exclusive hotel where only the best of the best were allowed. I was only allowed there because of Kaleb and he made it clear that I was to be treated like a queen. It drove me insane because I didn't want to be treated special or different.

"Madam Wilder, is there anything I could help you with?" Mary, our butler, asked.

I turned around.

"Oh, Mary! No, thank you very much!" I told her.

"You're welcome madam." She smiled before dismissing herself.

I smiled as I turned back to the mirror. I had on my red strapless dress that fit me perfectly. I had to look my best out in public for the cameras that would surround us from the limo to the building. I clasped my handbag closed and headed downstairs where Kaleb was already dressed and waiting for me. He held my hand and helped me into the limo. As I predicted the crowd of people were standing and waiting for any celebrity that they could find. We were the next victim in their little game and parade. The limo door opened and Kaleb stood waiting for me, I smiled at the paparazzi and took his arm as we walked inside.

"I'm going to go talk to them, are you going to be okay?" Kaleb asked.

"I'll be just fine."

"Mrs. Wilder, what can I get you today?" Susan asked me.

Susan frequently was the bar tender here, so we got to know each other pretty fast.

"Just the normal please." I smiled.

She began to pour my fruity drink that I always ordered and handed it to me.

"There you go, just how you like it."

"Thank you."

"Just you tonight, or is Mr. Wilder joining?"

"He's outside with the fans, he should be joining."

"I'll never understand how he could leave a drop dead gorgeous girl like you alone."

"I'll be fine, I'm used to it, he's busy and popular." I smiled.

"I was alone all night!" I screamed.

"You know that I have business to take care of Kat!" He scolded.

"What business?! Throwing our money to random people on the streets!"

"They love when I do that!"

"Well of course they do you're giving them free cash!"

He groaned.

"I'm just saying, next time please let me know if I'm going to be alone at a bar."

"You were just fine."

I just looked at him and stood up.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm going to work out." I huffed.

I changed into my work out clothes and threw my hair up into a messy bun. I went into the deck where we transformed what used to be a gardening area into a personal gym. Kaleb used it mostly but I came out here every once in a while to blow off steam.

"Here is your bottled water Madam Katherine." Mary said.

It was even on a tray.

"Thank you Mary."

"Everything alright?" She asked.

"Just fine."

Things weren't all bad, I think that I was just going through a tough period in my life. I knew that Kaleb loved me and that he was happy with me, but it was almost like I was his arm candy sometimes. I just didn't know how to address it or if I was just being crazy. I sometimes wished that I could have my own hobby or career but I knew that it would never work out. I needed to be there for Kaleb. He would be disappointed in me if I were to stop doing the things that he was used to me doing.

I was lucky.


There we go! The first chapter to my new story! I'm quite proud of it actually! I hope you guys like it!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

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Offline Ally3772

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Re: Life Changes
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2018, 07:47:43 PM »
Chapter Two

Dear Madam Wilder,

It is with deep sorrow that I must inform you of my resignation. I enjoyed my time here with you, but I cannot handle the pressure anymore. Mister Wilder has put me in this position with his extreme requests and I cannot fulfill them anymore. I will think of you while I look for another job because you made each day bearable. Please don't take this the hard way, I really tried. I did. I will miss you deeply. You were kind to me.



I sighed and laid the note down on the counter.

"Well, you chased Mary away." I told Kaleb.

"I'll phone a new butler." He told me, not phased at all.

"You don't understand it do you? You cannot treat the help this way."

"They're here to work for us Kat, not to be our friends."

"Let me hire the new one, I'll take care of it tomorrow."


He walked out of the kitchen.

I was embarrassed by having help in the first place, but that didn't mean we had to treat them horribly. I felt bad for butlers because they were treated like crap on a show. Kaleb didn't think they had feelings but I strongly believed that if you treat them with kindness and fairness that they would be happy and stay. I walked into the living room where Kaleb was watching TV.

"What's on?" I asked.

I already knew the answer.

"Sports news, they're talking about my last game." Kaleb said.

There it is.

"Nice things I hope." I said sitting down.

"They loved my new dunk I came up with."

"That's good babe."

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Simbook.

"Hello! Welcome! My name is Katrina Wilder!" I greeted.

The new butler arrived.

"Hello Madam, my name is Jackson." He smiled.

"Now, we set up a room for you upstairs. Please tell me if there is anything more you need and I will gladly get it for you. Usually Kaleb takes care of assigning tasks, but I will be handling it this time around. I promise to treat you with kindness and fairness, so if I fail in one of those please let me know."

"I'm sure everything will be fine here Madam."

"Kaleb will be home from practice around five tonight, do you think you could have dinner done by then?"

"Of course."

"So I was thinking." Kaleb said.

"About what?" I asked.

"Well, the off season is coming up soon so I'll have a few months of free time. Maybe we should start having children."

I looked at him for a moment.

"Are you serious?"


"Because we had this discussion last year, and it didn't work out."

"Well, I think we can handle it now."

I thought about it for a few moments.

"Okay, we can start trying."


I did want children and I secretly hoped that he would be ready for them this year. I wanted to be someones mom, it would be nice for someone to need me in something other then basketball. Again, I loved my husband. I walked back inside and helped Jackson clean up, after he insisted on letting him do it. I finally got him to let me help. I wanted to still do things around the house even though Jackson was there to help.

"If you don't need anything else Madam, I think I may retire to my room." He announced.

"I think we will be fine for this evening Jackson, thank you so much." I smiled.

"You're welcome."

He walked upstairs into his room. It wasn't a big room and Kaleb didn't strive for the best bed either. It had a small bathroom attached with a shower and toilet. I made a mental note to sneak a decent bed up there at some point. I hoped that Jackson would work out, because he seemed nice enough and I didn't want to keep retraining butlers every time Kaleb pushed too hard.


"I think practice went very well today, the guys really loved the cookies you sent with me." Kaleb told me.

"That's good, I picked them up from the bakery." I smiled.

"Tomorrow we're going to this party downtown, it's suppose to be the hottest spot in town."

"Is there a dress code?"

"Your red dress should be fine."

"Okay, I'll be ready."

"Thank you baby."

I smiled and took a bite of my dessert.

"Big game next week."

"Do I need to make sure your uniform is ready?"

"If you could."

I nodded.

Jackson cleared our plates and started to do the dishes.

"Well, I'm going to head to bed. Are you joining me?" Kaleb asked.

"In a moment." I smiled.

Kaleb walked upstairs.

"Everything alright Madam? Jackson asked.

"Fine, it's fine." I told him.

"I don't believe that for a moment."

"I just forget who I am sometimes."

"I know that feeling."

I smiled a little bit before excusing myself for the night.

Things would get better, I was just in a rough spot at this point.

Now to get through this stupid party.

Poor Katrina! Hopefully things turn around soon.
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline KTK10

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Re: Life Changes
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2018, 03:41:52 AM »
Excellent writing as usual, I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out.

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Life Changes
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2018, 06:42:50 PM »
Chapter Three

"Andrew told his wife that we could go to dinner tonight." Kaleb said walking into the bathroom.

"And you're just now telling me this?" I asked.

"Well, what else do you have to do?"

I just looked at him and continued to put my lotion on my face.

"Nothing. I will be ready soon."

"Thank you."

I sighed and looked back into the mirror.

"It was nice dinner." Kaleb said.

"Yes, I liked the restaurant." I said.

"Hey, thank you." He said pulling me in his arms.

"For what?"

"For continuing to support me and go to all of my events."

It took me by surprise. He very rarely thanked me for everything I did and when he did I was reminded that he actually did appreciate me.

"You're welcome babe."

I gave him a small kiss.

"Now, go take a bath."

I walked upstairs and went into the bathroom. A nice mud bath sounded wonderful.

"You're doing it wrong!" I giggled.

"This is how the video said to do it!" He told me.

"The video told you to dance like that?"


We were practicing our dance moves. Not really for any reason at all, but we could need to know how to dance at some point.

"You look silly doing that." I told him.

"You're just jealous."

"Madam, is there anything I can make for you?" Jackson asked.

"Some tea would be lovely, but I have another half an hour to go." I told him.

"I will have that ready for you."

"Thank you."

I finished yoga and washed up before making my way to the kitchen. Kaleb was at practice so that was usually when I did my own things like yoga or just watching television. I sat down at the island and Jackson placed my cup of tea in front of me.

"Thank you Jackson." I smiled.

"You're welcome Madam."

"What did you do before coming here?"

"I worked for another family. They weren't very nice."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"I'm having fun here though, you have been very nice to me."

I smiled.

"What about you, what do you want to do with your life?" He  asked.

"It doesn't matter, Kaleb is pretty busy so I need to be there for him." I told him.

"Well you must have something you want to do."

I sat and thought about it for a moment.

"I've always wanted to try to paint."

"You should do that!"

"No, Kaleb wouldn't approve. He needs me."


"I love you." Kaleb said.

"I love you too." I told him.

"Is your TV show on tonight?"

"Yes, in about an hour."

"Can I watch it with you?"


Something had seemed to change this week, he wanted to spend more time with me and seemed more loving. But then again this seemed to happen when he had good games back to back.

"Stop it!" I squealed.

He started to tickle me in my sides.

"What's wrong?" He laughed.

"Stop!" I screamed.


"Madam Wilder, what are you doing home? Weren't you and Mister Wilder going out for that party?" Jackson asked.

I was sitting in the dining room eating some pie.

"He decided it would be best to go alone." I sighed.

"But you are already dressed and ready."

"I know, but it's fine."

"No it's not."

"It is, I'm used to this."

I could see the sadness in his eyes, but I was too far into my own pity party to try to cheer him up.

"I will be in my room if you need anything." He told me.

I nodded.

I'm glad you guys are enjoying the story so far! =]
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline TheGoat

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Re: Life Changes
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2018, 10:59:40 PM »
I like where this is going, Ally. Very different from your previous work, but in a good way.

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Life Changes
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2018, 11:03:12 PM »
"Madam!" Jackson said.

I had just returned home from a walk.

"Hello!" I greeted.

"Where is Mister Wilder at?"

"He's at the gym, why?"

"I have a surprise for you! It's in my room."

I followed him all the way up to his room. He closed the door behind him and led me to something that was covered by a blanket.

"You talked to me about wanting to paint but knowing that Mister Wilder wouldn't approve. You should go after your dreams Madam Wilder and not let anyone tell you otherwise."

He lifted the blanket to reveal a painting easel.

"What?! Jackson! You shouldn't have!" I gasped.

"It was my pleasure. I just request that you hang your first painting on the wall up here."

"But Kal-"

"He doesn't come up here, does he?"

I gave him a look, he was a genius.

"He'll never know..." I whispered.

"Nope, and if he does I bought it with my own money and these are my living quarters. For all he knows it is for me."

"That's smart."

"I will leave you to it. I will let you know when he gets home."

"Thank you so much Jackson."

He smiled and left the room.

I picked up the brush and looked at it for a moment. I took a deep breath and dipped the brush into the black paint, here went nothing. I've always wanted to try out painting but now that it was actually possible I was nervous. What if I wasn't good at it? I slowly started to paint whatever came to my mind. I had no idea how much time had passed but I managed to finish the painting before Kaleb got home. It was a type of fox, or at least that's what I was calling it.


"I'm going to the gym." I told Kaleb.

"I can come with you." He said.

"No, I would like to go on my own."

I left before he could argue with me. I walked down the path towards the limo driver standing against the limo that was always in front of the house.

"I won't be needing a ride today, but thank you." I smiled.

He nodded at me and I walked down the street before hailing a taxi cab. Once I got to the gym I tipped the cab driver and walked into the gym not caring if anyone recognized me. I went into the room with the mirrors in it and practiced dancing a bit more. I enjoyed dancing as well now that I started to learn. It wasn't any good but it was a way to unwind.

I got home from the gym and headed to the computer. I wanted to go out and do something fun, like an event or market of some sort. I ended up finding a goods market where people were going to sell all of their homemade things. I signed up for it, but only put my name down because I knew that Kaleb wouldn't want anything to do with it. If it wasn't sports related or revolved around him he wouldn't be interested. The morning of the event I got up and got dressed. Kaleb had already left for practice so he wouldn't be questioning me on where I was going.

"I'm going now Jackson!" I called out.

"Okay! Your painting was great by the way!" He said.

"Thank you!"

I got to the event and there were so many vendors! People selling furniture, art, crafts, and so many food carts! There were people standing around playing guitars and singing for tips. I stood around and listened to several awesome people playing music.

"You were really good." I smiled.

"Thank you!"

I threw some money into her case.

I walked over to the sidewalk that had the blue tape in a rectangle.

"Excuse me, what is this for?" I asked someone walking by.

"Oh! People can paint on this part of the sidewalk!" They said.


They nodded before walking away.

I thought about it for a few minutes before taking one of the spray cans of paint and started painting.

"It's looking good!" Someone said as they headed home.

"Thank you!"

Pretty soon I finished my painting and it was just in time too because it was starting to rain. I took my umbrella out and started to walk home, it wasn't far away and I didn't mind walking in the rain. Kaleb was asleep when I got home, I had left him a note telling him where I went and to not wait up. Jackson was still awake and reading a book in the living room so I decided to go up to his room and paint a little bit more. I enjoyed painting the sidewalk, but it was huge and took forever. It was nice to be able to paint something smaller.

Maybe I could have my own life and my own dreams.


I'm glad to see so many people are enjoying the story so far! Thank you for taking time to read it!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

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Offline Nindigo

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Re: Life Changes
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2018, 11:37:06 AM »
Hey there, @Ally3772 , I've been reading too :)

I'm glad to see Katrina getting a taste for growing a backbone. That "it's fine" statement of hers is getting on my nerves. In fact, it doesn't even call for pity, just irritation :P

Personally, I wouldn't waste a minute of my life on a guy like Kaleb. Unless it was to scoff at his self-important attitude.

You write very convincingly and I look forward to read on *thumbs up*
A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear
Time enjoyed is never time wasted

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Life Changes
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2018, 06:23:51 PM »
"You have no authority to talk to me like that!"

"I LIVE HERE!" I screamed.

"Well I am just doing my job!"

"Do it somewhere else before I call the cops."

"Go right a head."

We stared at each other for a moment, both not willing to budge, until I took out my phone. He then retreated and left the property. I hated the paparazzi constantly being on the property because I never felt safe. I always was worried taking a shower which was why I usually did it upstairs because they would need a ladder to get to the windows up here. Kaleb insisted that it was fine and that they would never publish any photo that was inappropriate but I knew he was delusional. I walked back inside and changed into my work out clothes and went into the gym. I stretched before sitting on the little stool and started to meditate.

"I'm not going to be able to make it to the game tonight. I'm not feeling well." I told Kaleb.

"What? You have to go to the game!" He gasped.

"I don't feel well! They won't even notice that I'm not there."

"They will too."

"Well then they will survive."

He just looked at me angrily before leaving. I wasn't lying when I said I didn't feel well, but what I really wanted to do the most was paint. I waited until the limo pulled away before telling Jackson that I was going upstairs. I eagerly gathered all of my paints and put up a new canvas before picking out my colors. I started with yellow and just let my hands do the painting. It ended up being a worried lemon.

I decided that after painting I would relax in a lavender bath. I passed Jackson who was acting strange and distant for a few days now. I smiled before going into the bathroom and starting the water. I thought about how the game was going for a split second but at the end I didn't really care. I turned some music on and closed my eyes.

"Do you need anything Madam?" Jackson asked through the door.

"I would love a cup of hot chocolate!" I replied.

"I'll have it ready for you."

"Thank you."

I finished up the bath.

I walked out of the bathroom with a smile on my face feeling completely refreshed.

"Jackson?" I called.


He must be upstairs in his room. I walked into the kitchen and found my cup of hot chocolate that was still steaming hot. I noticed a piece of paper folded up and I grabbed it.

Dear Madam Wilder,

My father has fallen ill. I must leave you now. I have been thinking of leaving anyway as I have given you all I can give you. I am thrilled to see you shining with your paintings and I will miss you the most. You were my favorite employer by far. I will keep in touch, but at this moment I think that it is best that we part ways. Please continue with your paintings, you are the talented one, not him. Do not let him cover up your sun. I look forward to seeing your paintings in the gallery someday.


It wasn't until after the letter that I realized that I was crying. I softly wiped my tears away and put the letter in my pocket. The hot chocolate suddenly didn't sound good anymore so I poured it out into the sink. I changed into my swimsuit and went and sat on the edge of the pool. I swung my legs back and forth in the water and just stared blankly ahead. Jackson was gone, and I couldn't blame him for the reasoning but I was still going to miss him. He had became my best friend and I already felt lost without him. I'm sure we could find a new butler but it wasn't Jackson, and would this new butler keep my secret about painting? I sighed.

A Few Months Later

"It's not my fault Kaleb!" I screamed.

"Well the doctor told me that I'm fine." He told me.

"So that automatically means it's on me?! What kind of crap is that!"

"Watch your tone."

"NO! I am sick and tired of following in your shadow! I'm done!"

"What is that suppose to mean?!" He screamed from the bed.

"The moment you became serious about your career I stepped back! I stepped back for YOU! So that I could support you and help you with anything you needed. I've gone to every game, every party, every event under the sun! Every time I am left alone at the bar, so much that the bar tender has become a close friend! Well I am done, I am done being the shadow of the great Kaleb Wilder. I am your wife and I barely get a thank you for everything that I have given up!" I screamed.

At this point I was shaking with rage. He stared blankly as he let everything that I've bottled up sink in. I should mention that we were waiting for the results of a pregnancy test, we had been trying for a month with no results which has led to this argument.

"You didn't have a problem with it in the beginning." He snapped.

"Well of course not! The beginning is always the best part! You treated me like a princess and now I'm just some arm candy that has to make an appearance! I have my own dreams Kaleb!"

"So you're saying that you aren't happy?"

I took a moment and just looked at him.

"I didn't say that, but things need to change Kaleb. I'm a human being, not a toy you can pick up and put down."

The timer went off before he had the chance to respond.

I walked into the bathroom to look at the test before coming back out of the bathroom.

I looked at him, "It's positive."

He got off the bed to come look at the test that I was holding.

"You're pregnant?!"


He looked at me and I wasn't sure how things were going to go.

"This will be the change we need! It will! Things will be better I promise!" He told me.

"It will?"

"Yes! I cannot wait for our son!"

I ignored that comment as he pulled me in a hug and I looked at the floor, and something told me that behind the rainbows and butterflies led the same dark cloud. I was done being his piece of candy though.


"Are you okay?"

I looked up.

We had hired a new butler and like I feared he was nothing like Jackson. He was standing in front of the table waiting to take my plate.

"Yes, just feeling a little sick."

"Would you like me to call the doctor?" He asked.

"No, this is normal."

I was trying to convince myself that the situation wasn't as bad as it seemed, but my eyes were finally opening. It happened at the worst time though because now there was going to be a baby involved. All things considered I couldn't wait for this baby and becoming a mother, just the thought of it made me smile. I just hoped that he or she was going to be healthy and happy. 

I have been trying to get this chapter out for a few days! I've wanted nothing more to finish it but things kept stopping me haha. I am glad that so many people are enjoying it! Thank you so much! I will try to get another update out tonight, but if not for sure tomorrow!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Life Changes
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2018, 01:41:49 AM »
"I think you should call someone." Kaleb told me.

"I'm fine." I groaned.

"This is the fourth time, today. It can't be normal."

"Well it is."

He was sitting on the bench that we had in the bathroom while I spend quality time with the toilet.

"Fine, don't call then."

I decided to call the doctor and set up an appointment, but not because of Kaleb. There had to be something I could take to ease the nausea feeling and I didn't want to look it up. I've heard the internet can be your worst enemy when looking up symptoms. I didn't want to go down that rabbit hole especially with a baby involved. They were able to get me in pretty quickly which was a good thing. Believe it or not I was almost in my second trimester which was crazy.

"Good evening." Chad, the butler, said.

I smiled as I walked into the gym.

I took a deep breath and started to meditate. I was going to try to meditate more now that I was pregnant because it relaxed me. Lord knew that I had a lot of stress in my life so I was going to do all I could to relax. After meditation I stretched and did a few yoga poses that I researched that were safe to do while pregnant. I took a deep breath and grabbed my toes and brought my leg out in front of me. I wouldn't be able to do this once I got bigger, I was going to miss my feet.

"I've made some mash potatoes for you." Chad said.

"Thank you."

My latest craving, well my first one, has been mash potatoes. I could not get enough of them and I often craved them around the same time which was right now. I sat at the table with my bowl filled to the very top and dug my spoon in scooping a wonderful cloud and putting it in my mouth.

"Where is Kaleb?" I asked.

"Unexpected practice."

I nodded.

I was nervous for the appointment. I felt healthy and fine so I was sure that the baby was fine as well. I bought a few pregnancy books because I had never dealt with babies before and I wanted to do it right. I just hoped that I would get more information tomorrow and hear that everything was fine. I finished the potatoes and put my dish in the dishwasher.


"Thank you for making time to come here with me." I told Kaleb.

"The game isn't for another two hours so I should have plenty of time." He said.

"That's good."

I was laying on the table with my shirt rolled up and waiting for the doctor. The nurse did the ultrasound but wanted to check something and went to get the doctor. I was nervous, but I was telling myself that it was fine. Kaleb didn't seem worried but then again it was hard to tell with him. I took a deep breath and looked around the room at the pale yellow walls. Along the walls there were several informational posters about pregnancy accompanied by small pictures of landscapes. I tapped my stomach as the door to the exam room opened, the doctor stepped in as she closed the door behind her. She smiled as she walked around the bed and took a seat on the stool by my bed. She reviewed my ultrasound silently before turning to me.

"Is everything okay?" I blurted out.

"The sickness you've been experiencing is totally normal to start out with. I will give you something to take to see if it will ease it up a bit." She told me.

"Thank you."

"There is something else we have found."

"Is something wrong with the baby?" Kaleb asked, taking me by surprise.

"No, in fact it isn't just one baby."

My eyes widened.

"What?" I asked.

She turned the monitor to us so that we could see what she was talking about.

"Congratulations, you are having triplets."

She pointed at three little babies on the screen.



A word that has yet to sink in. Kaleb was excited but he was disappointed that we couldn't figure out the sexes yet. He, of course, was hoping for all three boys. He already had his mini basketball team planned and all I could do was smile. I just wanted three healthy babies, it didn't matter what sexes they were to me. I was going to be their mother and I wanted to be there for them. I finally started to show and I was excited about that. The doctor was right about giving me the medicine because it did ease the sickness a bit. I still had puking spells but they happened less frequently now.

Of course the news of my pregnancy and the triplets was on almost every newspaper stand. Everyone already had predictions of names before we even found out what they were going to be. It bothered me, having strangers contemplating, even betting, what my children were going to be. Kaleb didn't see it that way though because to him it was just business. I told him that they were going to stay out of the lime light for as long as possible and no one was going to be allowed to photograph them. Surprisingly he agreed with me and hired extra security for around the house. He did have moments of caring and loving acts, I just wished that they would come more often. Chad agreed to keep my secret quiet about the painting and didn't mind me being in his room. I was spending a lot of time up there now because I was getting better!

It was crazy to think that I only had one more trimester to go before the babies would be here. Babies. I was about to become a mother of three, but I guess this way I could get it all done in one go. I wasn't completely shutting the door after three kids, but I would have to see how everything went before I even thought about more kids.

I could do this, right?

Three babies on the way! How will Kaleb and Katrina handle them? Find out soon! =D
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Life Changes
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2018, 04:26:06 PM »
The third trimester was here and it was kicking my butt. I swore I couldn't get much bigger but the babies seemed to prove me wrong everyday. As much as I didn't like Chad he became a big help towards the end. I didn't move much because it hurt to walk some days so he waited on me hand and foot. He wasn't a horrible human being but he wasn't Jackson for sure. I had random days where I felt amazing though and I decided to go to an event with Kaleb one last time before the babies arrived. It would be nice to see a few people that I had made friends with while Kaleb did his thing. I somehow also squeezed into a dress for the occasion which was amazing all together.

"How was the event?" Chad asked.

"It was fine." I said.

I sat down at the table.

"That's good, tonight it is taco casserole. Is  that okay?"

"That sounds wonderful."

He placed a plate in front of me.

"Will Kaleb be joining you?"

"No, he's still at the event."

He nodded and walked back into the kitchen.

I was starting to make some money for my paintings which was exciting. I was thankful that Kaleb barely paid attention to the bank account because some of the paintings sold for a decent amount. A few of them I donated to the art gallery which made me feel better because I didn't really need the money. Chad had found a stool for me to sit on so that I didn't have to stand for very long. I placed my hand on my stomach as I painted, they were very active for having very little room to move around.


I was walking down the hall when I heard the voices of Kaleb and his friend from the team Matt talking. I stopped just before the door and listened to what they were saying.

" are you excited for the babies?" Matt asked.

"I suppose, I wasn't expecting three but I guess this way I'll be off the hook in the baby department." Kaleb chuckled.

"Do you guys know what she is having?"

"No, but they'll be boys. I'm sure of it."

"What if they're not?"

"I don't know man, I really don't want to deal with girls."

Matt laughed, "Yeah, girls don't play sports."

"I can't have children who don't carry on my legacy."

My mouth was hanging open at this point and my heart sank. I put a hand on my stomach and looked down, he didn't really want them. I turned around and walked downstairs and went into the backyard. I covered my mouth as the tears fell from my eyes.

"Katrina?" Kaleb asked.

I jumped and quickly wiped my tears away before turning around.

"What?" I asked.

"You should be resting."

"I'm fine."

"No you're not, what's wrong?"

Option A would be pretend that everything was fine and just along with it. Option B however was tell him how I really felt and hold nothing back. Before I would have chosen option A and felt okay about it but now I didn't care.

"You know what, no. I'm not okay! Because I'm pregnant with your children! Children that you don't even want! Not unless they are boys and you only want them then because they can fulfill your dream of having your legacy carried on! Like you think that I would even allow that! I heard you talking to Matt so don't you even think that I'm just being crazy and paranoid!" I screamed.

"You were listening to a conversation that was private?!"He yelled.

"Try closing the door next time!"

"You can't be mad about something you weren't suppose to hear!"

"Wrong! I have every right to be mad! It's not just us anymore Kaleb, we have babies on the way! Imagine how much it would hurt if you knew that your parents didn't want you!"

"I was just letting of steam."

I looked at him for a moment before shaking my head and just walking away.

"Don't you walk away from me!" He screamed after me.

I walked past Chad who had caught on to our screaming and went upstairs to take a shower. I was so angry that I was shaking and I was hoping that a shower would help me calm down. I would love to take a bath but there would be no way I would be able to get out of it again and I was not about to have Chad help me. I stepped out of the shower and got dressed before I felt a sharp pain followed by a gush of water.

"Oh no."

I looked down at the puddle at my feet.

"Kaleb!" I screamed.

Chad came rushing in, thankfully I was already dressed.

"What do you need?"

"I'm in labor. Where is Kaleb?" I asked.

"He said he was going out for a bit."

"Get him back here."

A Few Hours Later

"It hurts!" I cried.

"I wish there was something I could do for you." Chad said.

"Where is Kaleb?" I asked.

"He should be here soon."

Just as I asked Kaleb walked into the room where we planned on keeping the babies in.

"Do you want to go to the hospital?" Kaleb asked.

"No, I want to have them here."

"Are you sure?"


I hissed in pain.

Before I knew it the babies arrived.

It was a long and painful process but in front of me laid three healthy baby girls.

"Girls." Kaleb said.

I smiled down at one who was kicking her legs.

"I think I have names already." I told him.

"That's great." He sighed.

I looked at him.

"You know, if you aren't happy you can leave the room. Because I want nothing but love around them right now." I snapped.

He just looked at me before leaving.

"Hello my beautiful baby girls."

I never told Kaleb that I had names picked out for no matter what they were.

Welcome Sophie, Grace, and Clara.

Three babies oh my! Katrina's life just got interesting!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Life Changes
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2018, 05:36:51 PM »
"I need your help."

"Are you okay?"

"No!" I cried.

"What can I do?!"

"Get me out of here."

One Week Earlier...

"Clara! What is wrong?!" I cooed.

I picked her up and rocked her and she cried in my arms. She wasn't hungry and I knew that I had just changed her diaper so that wasn't it. I rocked her and just hummed quietly.

She ended up falling asleep and I quietly placed her back in her bassinet.

"Everything okay?" Chad asked walking in.

"Yeah, Clara was fussy."

"Not Clara."

I giggled because Clara had been the one that was the most fussy of them all. Half of the time I thought she did it just so that she could be held.

"Feeding time is soon, shall we do it now or wait?"

"Let's see if we can wait and let them all sleep."

"Alright. I'll get started on dinner."

"Thank you."

I watched Chad walk out of the room and smiled. He had been such a big help this first week that we even had a schedule down. Kaleb and I were barely on speaking terms and I set up a cot in the babies room to sleep on. I didn't want to be near him and he didn't seem to mind that. Maybe once or twice he would come check on me, but I think that was only because he was waiting to see when I would "come to my senses" as he told me. I felt guilty at times for the girls because their father didn't want them and that tore me up. Was it selfish of me to have children thinking that it may change something? The thought never stayed very long as I would be lost without these little girls. They were only a week old and they already had their own little personalities. I could not wait to see what they would grow up to be.

"I have the bottles!" Chad said an hour later.

"Perfect timing!"

All three of them had started crying at once and I was stressing out.

"Come here Grace." Chad said.

I picked up Clara and looked at poor Sophie.

"Hang on Soph!"

It was three in the morning when I heard a cry that made my heart stop. Sophie.

"No no no!" I whispered.

I quickly got out of bed and picked her up.

"Shhhh, Sophie."

I looked at Clara and Grace who thankfully didn't stir.

"You're going to wake your sisters!" I giggled.

I fed her and changed her before she went back down to sleep. I sighed and went to bed myself.

"Good morning." Chad said as I walked down stairs that morning.


"Sleep well?"

"It was fine, Sophie almost caused a war last night."

"Oh boy."

I looked at him.

"Their skin, it's darker then Kaleb and I. Should I be concerned with that?"

"I don't think so. I have a niece who was dark like that and once she grew up to be a toddler her skin lightened up. "

I sat down to my breakfast and thought about what he said. It took me by surprise when I first saw them how dark their skin was. Not that I didn't love them just as much if their skin was different. Part of me worried about what the media would say if pictures did get out. Would they accuse me of cheating? Even worse would they go as far as to accuse me of cheating with Chad? Somehow we've managed to keep the pictures away and it helped that we were on the second floor. They've gotten pictures of me through the windows, but nothing of the children which I was sure ate them up inside.

A baby cry came from upstairs and I sat and listened for a moment.

"Clara." Chad said.

"Yep." I giggled.

A Week Later

"Clara you are a bottomless pit!" I giggled.

She looked up at me as she drained her bottle.

I placed her back down before heading downstairs. I was looking for Chad but found Kaleb instead.

"Have you seen Chad?" I asked.

"Why? Missing your little buddy?" He snarked.

"Excuse me?!"

"You and him have been close."

"Because I need help Kaleb."

He rolled his eyes.

"I need help and you refuse to be in their lives!" I screamed.

"Well you have completely shut me out!" He yelled back.

"Well I am sorry that I haven't had the time to cater to your needs!"

"Stop being like that."

"Stop acting like a child! I have three to take care of, I don't need another one!"

"Good, because I don't want anymore kids."


"Keep your voice down."

"Why?! Because your precious fans may find out?! OH NO!"

"That is enough!"

"I think you're right, it is enough." I snapped.

I walked away.

"What does that mean?!" He screamed as I slammed the door to the gym.

I ran upstairs and checked on the children before going back into the hallway. I dialed the one person that I knew would help me.


"I need your help."

"Are you okay?"

"No!" I cried.

"What can I do?!"

"Get me out of here."


"Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"Yes, thank you for helping me."

"I can stay, it's been a long few days."

"No, really. It was very nice for you to house me while I found a place."

I was standing in the doorway of our new home.

"Well, I think I will be going then. Call if you need me."

"I will."

I walked down the walkway and waved goodbye to them.

"Goodbye Jackson." I whispered.

I panicked that night that things blew up between Kaleb and I. It was that moment I knew that I couldn't do it anymore so I called the one person I knew that I could count on to get me out of it. Jackson was always that person for me and he came through for me. He housed me for a few days while I searched for a home for me and the girls. I still had the credit card to Kaleb's bank account so the house was charged there, he caused all of this so he could pay for it. I shredded it afterwards because I didn't want his money. I was going to see if I could become a painter and make money that way. I was going to provide for my girls and be the best mother I could be. I was scared as hell though but I was up for the challenge. The house was small, but it was perfect for now. When the girls grew up we would probably need to find another home, but probably not until they were teenagers. Who knew what life would hold at that moment.

I especially loved the nursery that Jackson helped decorate, it was decked out in pink and the perfect size for the three bassinets.

Single motherhood here I come.

Please don't be too hard on me.

Kaleb is out of here! I for one am not sad about that! It's time for Katrina to stand on her own two feet!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Life Changes
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2018, 11:32:32 PM »
The first few days in the new house were hectic. I didn't have Chad here anymore and truth be told I missed him. I had no extra room in the house for a butler, and now that I am by myself with little to no money I could not afford the extra expense. Especially since I had to hire a lawyer for the divorce papers which I've signed and sent to Kaleb. I'm sure he'd be very happy to never have to deal with me again. The first thing I did was go clothes shopping and gave myself a makeover so I could look the way that I wanted.

"Good morning Sophie!" I cooed.

She kicked her legs as I picked her up.

"How are you doing?"

I laid her on my shoulder and rocked her a few times.

I smiled as I checked on the other two who were still sleeping.

"Shhh, be quiet for a little bit longer."

Today was a big day. I had the application filled out and I was sending it in to become a self employed painter. I wasn't sure how much money I would make by doing it this way but I was interested to see. I had to do something because it was up to me to provide for three little girls and I wanted to make them proud. I checked everything over before faxing the application in, and from what the website said I should have an answer by the end of the day. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out leftover taco casserole and heated it up before sitting down at the island in the kitchen.

It was a bit lonely, but it was healthier this way for me and the girls. Being alone would be a nice change anyway and I would no longer have to deal with any parties or events. I loved the little house so far, it may be small but it was beautiful. The way that the kitchen and the living room all flowed together was amazing. I couldn't believe I found it for such a great price and on such short notice. It was going to be cramped with the girls once they got older but I needed to make it work until we couldn't anymore.

"Clara! Why are you fussing again, huh?" I said.

I picked her up and fed her a bottle and just held her.

"You are so beautiful."

She looked up at me and smiled.

"I know we're doing this alone, and I wish it was different, but I will do my best."

I smiled at her and kissed her forehead.


"Oh come on! You can't be serious!" I screamed at the TV.

I was watching a movie. I know, it's crazy that I had the time for that but the girls were sleeping and I didn't feel like painting at this very moment. I did hear back from the place and they accepted my application. I didn't know how much I would need for bills because the statement hasn't arrived but I hope that it wouldn't be too much.

"You've already tried that!" I groaned.

After the movie I decided to do some cleaning around the house. I had about a half an hour before the kids needed to be fed so I needed to get a few things at least started.

"I don't know why I have a dishwasher for one person." I told myself.

I looked around the house for more things that needed to be done before I realized that there wasn't any. I sighed and went back to painting. I did print out a few posters to hang around town advertising my paintings and hopefully someone would bite and want me to paint something for them. For now though I would continue to paint for different galleries that I've sold to in the past. They always said they would be glad to buy them from me.

I heard cries from no one other then Miss Clara and sighed. I put my paintbrush down and walked into the nursery.

"Little miss! It is not feeding time!" I told her.

She continued to cry.

"It is my painting time sweet girl, and I can't paint with a crying baby."

She just looked at me unimpressed.

I couldn't wait to see what they looked like as toddlers. It wouldn't be long before I would find that out though because they were going to become toddlers soon enough. I was hoping they would be a little more independent with a few things. Trying to juggle three babies was difficult at times by myself but it was a challenge and I was glad to do it. They were on a schedule now though and I had it down pat so that was good. Being a mom wasn't so hard so far but I'm sure that I would have more challenges to face as they got older.

Since I got busy a little while ago I thought I would treat you guys to three updates today! That and I've felt like playing a lot today! Thank you for all the viewers, it means a lot to me! =]
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Life Changes
« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2018, 06:22:40 PM »
Being a parent involved a lot of trial and error, and I meant a lot. The girls were now toddlers and I liked to think that it made it easier. In some ways it did, because they could keep themselves entertained but I had to help them a lot still. It was fine though because I loved my little girls with everything I had. I registered as a painter, but honestly wasn't even sure what that meant. I didn't seem to get any extra cash coming in besides of the paintings that I sold.

This is Sophie, she is my angelic child. I hear very little crying from her and she just will sit and peacefully play with a toy.

Grace is my little wild child. I wish I was joking, she is insane! She has so much energy that my energy drains just watching her tear through the house. She keeps me grounded.

Then there is Clara, my dear dear Clara. Still the fussy one like always, she was constantly crying it seemed. It was okay though, there was nothing wrong with showing your feelings and I would make sure she knew that as she grew up.

My first trial and error were high chairs. I had to store the stools to the island in my bed room to be able to fit three of them. It went okay in the beginning, but it was still a lot of work to get each child into the high chair, feed them, try to go to do something, and then get them out. It just too a long time and added an extra cleaning duty to my already long list. So we did high chairs for a while but then I ended up selling them and putting the stools back. Now I just set out food for them and hand it to them to eat on the couch.

"Potty!" Sophie said.

"You have to go potty?" I asked.

"Mama! Potty!"

"Okay okay!" I giggled.

I picked her up and carried her to my room, it was the only place I had to put the potty chairs because the bathroom was much too small.

Painting was going much slower then I wanted it too. The kids took a lot of my time and energy so when they were finally in bed I had very little energy to anything. I finally managed to figure out that nap time was the best time to work on paintings. Sadly no one has contacted me about any of my posters but I'm sure that would change over time. For now I continued to sell to collectors and was making a little bit of money for them. I managed to be able to pay the first month of bills so that was good enough for me for now.

"Bed time story mama!" Grace cheered.

"What will it be today?" I asked.

"The one about the three little birds!"

"Okay, girls! Bedtime story!" I called.

Sophie and Clara came toddling into the room and climbed into bed. I sat on Grace's bed and started to read to them. One by one they slipped further into their covers and fell asleep. I kissed each of their foreheads before shutting off the lights and closing the door. I sat on the couch and flipped the TV on but didn't really pay much attention to it. It was crazy how my life had changed in such a short amount of time. I was now officially divorced from Kaleb and the media had a field day. It was all over many of the front pages, but I didn't care. It was his problem now because I no longer had to deal with the paparazzi or the media interfering with my life.

"Mama loves you little girl." I told Clara.

"I lob you too."

I giggled.

"Where is your duck?"

"Right here!"

She managed to fling water at me as she brought her duck into sight.

"Sowwy!" She said.

"It's fine."

"Baf time."

I smiled, Clara loved bath time.

I sometimes missed having a butler around. I don't remember the last time I had talked to an adult. I was a single mother in a house of toddlers. I amazed myself a lot of the time how well I was dealing with the stress. None of it was as easy as I thought it would be and things could easily pile up if I didn't stay on top of everything. I couldn't even imagine having laundry to do, I could just see the piles and piles of clothes everywhere.


I put Grace down and ran into their room.

"What's wrong?!" I gasped.

Sophie was standing by the toy box just crying.

"Baby! What's wrong?"

"I scared!"

"Of what?"


I looked out of the window, it had been storming a lot lately.

"Aww, it's okay. It won't hurt you!"

I managed to calm her down and I spent a little time with her playing with toys.

Taking care of three kids! Yeeeessshh. Also, does anyone know what good it is to "register" with the labor whatnot? She doesn't seem to get paid like a normal job...
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Life Changes
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2018, 10:47:45 PM »
To my dear daughters,

You don't know this yet, but one day I am going to have to break your heart.

One day you will come to me and ask me a question that will kill me inside. One day you will come to me and ask me where your father is. You'll notice all the other little boys and little girls get picked up from school by their mommy and daddy and you'll wonder why you just have a mommy. The truth will be this, I don't know why. I don't know how anyone in this world wouldn't want to be in your life. I don't know how someone could willingly choose to walk out of your life and never look back.

You see, your father was swallowed by the fame and the fortune. He grew up to become a professional basketball player known by all in the town that we lived in, in fact a well known person in the world. I married him thinking that my life would be perfect and that he would love me forever. I married him thinking that one day we would settle down with all the fame and start a family. That was my dream all along, to have children of my own. He wanted children too, and believe me I do not wish to ever tell you girls this, but I will always be honest with you. Your father wanted a son and when we found out we were having triplets he really hoped for three boys. He wanted to pass down his legacy. So when we found out you were girls, he just chose to walk away. For that, I am deeply sorry.

But I promise you this girls, I will be here. I have enough love for both parents and then some.

You are never alone and I want you to feel like you can come to me, with anything. You will go through challenges in life, some because of being raised by a single parent, others by it being just life. I promise that I will do my hardest to be the best mother that I can be. I may screw up sometimes but I hope that you will forgive me. It's okay to be mad at me and it's okay to even hate me, but I will still be here. You have an advantage though because you not only have me here but you have each other. So lean on each other because you aren't just sisters, you are best friends. Together I believe that you guys have the power to conquer anything that you put your hearts too. Never forget the bond that you have had since birth and everything will be fine. I love watching you guys grow up and I regret the day that you are fully grown.

You will make mistakes in life. Some big, some small, and some where you think the world is crashing down. It isn't. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are strong, and when you aren't strong I will remind you of that strength. It's the same strength that got me through the decision of leaving with you into this new house. I made a decision that this was the best thing for you. I made a mistake girls, and I'm sorry that you have to pay for it. The best thing we can do as human beings is learn from our mistakes no matter the size. We learn from them and we move on and be better at it the next time. Just remember who you are and what you want to become and you will be fine. Just never make a big mistake that you cannot fix or clean up. An eye for an eye is never the answer.

This life can be crazy, scary, and overwhelming. But if there is one thing I've learned from watching from being your mom is that it is also rewarding. You guys keep me on my toes, but you also challenge me to be a better mom. He may not want you, but I do. He may be okay with not seeing you, but I would be lost. You girls are my world and my entire life and imagining a world without you waking me up every morning is not a world I want to see. I will forever cherish the time we get together and all the mornings I get with your beautiful faces staring at me.

Together we can do this.

Just promise me not to grow up too fast. Being a young adult is not easy all of the time. I am glad I had you young though because that means that I have that much more time with you.

So, when I have to break your hearts with the truth, remember all of the good things that come with it. I will be there to hug you and wipe away your tears because it's okay to be sad and hurt by this. I know I was when I found out how he felt about you. It's not a life I wanted for you girls but it is the life that we were given and we only have one life. So we need to make the best of it.

All of my love,

Your mother.

A little different chapter, but this idea suddenly came to me so I decided to run with it! Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

