Chapter 41 - Birthdays, Hot Dogs, Repossession, and Some Other Stuff
Right! It’s been a while. Well, okay, I posted a chapter a few days ago, but I’d actually written that a couple months ago and just failed to put it up in a timely manner. These next two chapters I am writing loooong after actually playing the game. Which means I have a bunch of screenshots that I have no idea how to caption! Because I don’t remember what was going on! Come on, this is going to be fun. Like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Of random things that make no sense.
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Okay, some things make sense. Like this sweet picture of Shawn and Rosie rubbing noses. So cute! So sensible!
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This is a picture of Rosie taking a bath. That makes sense.
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This is Bonehilda trying to teach Rosie how to sit. Rosie is indeed sitting, but she still looks very confused.
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Here is Cricket grilling up some hot dogs, whilst the ghost of Misushi struggles to get unstuck from the deck railing.
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And here’s Cricket crying over his hot dogs. I vaguely remember having a clever caption for this. Of course it’s gone now. Which is probably why Cricket is crying.
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Everyone is having a hard time with hot dogs this chapter. Rosie is just...struggling on a whole different level.
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Here are Fern and Kelvin being freaked out at each other as ghosts.
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Oh, phew! An actual event! It’s Finch’s birthday already. I’m sad he’s losing that adorable floppy hairdo. Why don’t they have that for all ages, hmmm?
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Here he goes!
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And here he is! He’s a looker, this kid. Naturally, he picks up a terrible trait to go with his good looks. We have another Mean-Spirited sim, everybody! *sigh*
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He’s also a Neurotic wimp. Looks like we might have to put Bonehilda away again. *sigh*
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Here’s Finch after a trip to the mirror. Why did I put him in overalls? Why? Oh well, he only has to wear them for two days before it’s his birthday again. *sigh*
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This is Finch learning to bake. Ooh, I think I might have had cooking in mind for his maxed skill! Yeah, that makes sense, I suppose. Or maybe I just wanted some muffins for the family fridge. Who knows.
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I imagine this was supposed to be a “look, a future spouse” picture. But I have no idea who either of these people are. So I don’t know what to tell ya.
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Oh look, Shawn is going into labor! Did anyone else forget she was pregnant? I know I forgot she was pregnant.
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Whilst his mother is at the hospital, Finch makes it known to the world that HE is the heir, HE is the eldest, and HE is the one in charge.
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Finch’s new baby brother will just have to deal with that. Everyone, welcome Clay Honeyheart to the family!
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Ah, another future spouse! Wait, is this the same one? I think this might be the only human child in town anywhere close to Finch’s age. So this unnamed little lady is basically guaranteed to be Finch’s future mate and the mother of the last generation of Honeyhearts. Unless something crazy happens.
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Wow, another birthday? This time it’s Shawn, aging up amid her eccentric social circle at the Toadstool.
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The next photo I have is of the Shawn extinguishing a grill fire. Cricket must have tried to make hot dogs again. Can everyone just STOP INTERACTING WITH HOT DOGS, PLEASE.
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Finch: “Mom! Why can’t you put it out?! Mom! Hurry! The house is gonna--”
Shawn: “Fire extinguishers are VERY COMPLICATED, young man! Give me a moment!”
I guess the fire gets put out eventually, but that’s not the end of our troubles. Nope!
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This is a picture of the family garden. This is interesting for several reasons. First, look at how badly I arranged the family tombstones! I may as well have dropped them from the sky. Second, for some reason, the family bills have been piling up--or rather, lining up very neatly in a row--in the middle of the garden, nowhere near the front door, and nowhere I would ever actually notice them during everyday activities. I have no explanation for this. Third, when was the last time anybody pulled a weed around here? And fourth, look, it’s Stella the vampire gnome! At least I think her name is Stella. I’m probably wrong.
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Those lined-up bills are significant, because we get a visit from the repo-man that very day. Of course he goes for the valuable gems that have been sitting in the martial arts garden ever since Fern broke them out of a space rock decades ago. Thankfully, we’re filthy rich, so it’s not really anything to worry about.
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Our final event of this chapter is, ahem, another birthday. Clay’s!
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Boy, do Shawn and Cricket make cute kids together, or what? Clay is Good and Absent-Minded, and he likes Roots, Pancakes, and Purple. (I did manage to write those things down. But nothing else about this whole chapter.)
And that’s it! That’s our jigsaw puzzle. One more rather chaotic chapter to go and then we’re back on track for the home stretch of this dynasty. Toodle-oo! *collapses on floor in exhaustion*