Chapter 9 - The Girl Next Door
Now that Hickory is a young adult, it’s crunch time for spouse hunting. Master Controller is a lifesaver in this type of dynasty––I can figure out who’s eligible without so much as a friendship elixir. As it is, there is exactly one young lady in town who is the proper age, the proper occult type (that is, not an occult), and, somehow, still single: Kylee Hoppcraft.
Hickory waits for her outside the high school. Today is her last day as a teenager, so she’s only one day behind Hickory. Perfecto.
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They cross paths, but she escapes before Hickory gets a chance to say hello. It turns out, though, that Kylee Hoppcraft has lived right next door to us all along.
Just as Hickory is invited inside, the camera pans back over to the house. Another birthday I’m forgetting about…?
Nooo! Gino, nooo!!!
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I didn’t even realize his age bar was full. And he was probably one big gardening session away from maxing gardening. GAH. Grim, why do you have to show up the second somebody’s old enough to die?! Can’t you just chill out?!?!?
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Well, Gino is gone. Poor Ruby is heartbroken.
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Hickory gets the news while he’s next door, moments after throwing a friendship elixir at Kylee.
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As a first demonstration of their new closeness, he cries on her shoulder.
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The poor girl looks a little overwhelmed that this slightly older young man is soaking her shirt with his tears. Maybe even a little...excited? It’s really hard to tell what she looks like at allwith that hairstyle. (That horrible, horrible hairstyle that I will never not hate.)
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Anyway, even though Kylee is exhausted and about to pass out, she agrees to come over and meet the rest of the family--such as it is. Minus Gino. Man, Gino was about one hour away from getting to meet his future daughter-in-law. Come on, Grim! *shakes fist*
“I’m sorry you won’t get to meet my dad, Kylee.”
Kylee: “Not even as a ghost? ‘Cause that would be super coo––I mean––an honor.”
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Gabe to the rescue! He revives poor sleepy Kylee with an invigorating elixir. Then it’s time for Kylee’s birthday! (Don’t worry, I checked––it’s her birthday anyway. But if I can beat her automatic birthday by a couple of hours with a cake, you can bet I’m going to do it.)
Please get a different hairstyle…?
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No? Okay.
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It is indeed a little hard to tell what Kylee looks like under that hair, but I get the sense that she’s an unconventional beauty. The hair also gives her a sort of shyness that may or may not be a real part of her personality. In any case, Hickory is stuck with her. He asks her to move in, and she agrees.
Here is Kylee after a bit of a makeover. She’s quite beautiful, though a little strange-looking. Her cheekbones are particularly odd. But she has very lovely eyes and a unique white-streaked hair color that I’m a fan of. Her traits, if you’re curious, are Virtuoso, Never Nude, Charismatic, Hates the Outdoors, and Handy.
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I looked back through Kylee’s family tree, and I’m having trouble figuring out where her strange facial structure came from. Her grandparents are the original Hoppcrafts (Miriam and James), and Argus Brown and Haley Sumari. Argus is a werewolf (and still alive, I believe), but when he’s in human form, he looks relatively normal. Haley, meanwhile, is a very pretty and normal-looking sim. Argus and Haley gave birth to Kylee’s mother (whose name is, hilariously, Kiley), who is VERY strange-looking. So it must have been the combination of their genes. All speculation.
In any case, Kylee is infatuated with Hickory. They have their first kiss, go steady, and get engaged in a typical rapid fashion.
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"I know we've only just met, Kylee, and about an hour ago you were underage, you want to be my girlfriend?"
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"...and my wife?"
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Once they’re in a steady relationship, I get a notification that Kylee now has a Manipulator reputation. I’ve never had a Sim with that reputation...a glance in her relationship panel tells me that she has THREE romantic interests?!? Good lord, woman! I got the impression that you were shy!
At any rate, these two are happy to be together. Kylee doesn't seem to mind the breakneck speed at which their relationship has progressed. I think she had a crush on Hickory from the moment she first saw him.
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We've got momentum, so let's not stop now! After a quick sleep, Hickory and Kylee are up early-ish for a wedding outside under the trees, near Hickory's martial arts practice area.
They say their vows and exchange rings.
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Congrats, Hickory and Kylee! (Hickylee?) Poor Gabe cries like a baby through the whole ceremony.
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The newlyweds head straight upstairs to celebrate and get some alone time. Except...why hello, Bonehilda.
"Hey, Hildie. you think you know, leave the room for a bit?"
"I beg your pardon, sir, but I don't think so. Your bed is unmade and it's my job to make it."
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"You can leave it. It's fine. Really. We're trying to...we need some alone time, Hilda."
"Of course you do! That is why I INSIST on making this bed. You can't woohoo on a wrinkled duvet!"
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Thanks, Bonehilda...I guess.
Alone at last, the kids get busy.
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Later that day, Glen ages up to child. His evil birthday giggle is moderately terrifying.
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Here’s our evil little sneak. He gains the Light Sleeper trait and dresses in his favorite color, red.
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Next time, we'll see Kylee settle in to life as a Honeyheart. And we'll find out why she suddenly can't seem to keep her lunch down.