Author Topic: Beyond Sunset Valley---A Town Jump Story  (Read 142366 times)

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 413: Exploring the Island
« Reply #450 on: August 06, 2024, 03:03:33 PM »

Lee was the first one to hit the pool outside.

"You've really outdone yourself with the house, Watcher. Bedrooms for everyone, two pools with a pool house, and even a place for our sauna! Now if you'll just let me relax, indulge my couch potato, loner self, my life will be perfect!"

"I'm hoping to do just that, Lee. You've accomplished all you needed to as heir and then some, so you deserve to do what you want now. Enjoy your swim!"

Juliette is, of course, making yet another inappropriate forum post.

"Why don't you get dressed and we'll go see the sights on the island?"

"Great idea! I can start taking some photos of places around Sunlit Tides to get more of my collections completed!"

"That's the plan!"

Juliette heads off towards the developed side of the island to the left of their home.

The first place she spotted was the local school, The Island Academy.

She snapped the photo for her collection, worth a nice §1710 simoleans.

That's when I noticed she was still wearing her swimsuit.

A quick scroll through her outfits has me realizing it's the best choice since I hadn't updated her wardrobe for the hot weather here in ST.

Up on the left coast, she discovered the medical center, Coconut Palms Medical Facility.

If you look closely, you can spot Alana just heading inside, eager to start her first shift here on the island.

I check out map view to try and get my bearings in this new world.

And find the Seaside Sports Stadium, where both Cam and Leila will train and show off their talent in weekly games, located just above the medical center, convenient for any sports-related injuries.

Hopefully, they won't be too traumatized by the open field, especially Cam with his neurotic tendencies adding to his hatred of the outdoors.

On the plus side, there are bathroom facilities, so he can check the sinks to his hearts content!

But since Juliette already has photos of these locations from DV, she doesn't bother taking anymore.

She drives across the upper coast by a couple of nice houses with a mansion at the end of its own private drive.

This home is called simply, The Beach House, and its enormous, a 2-story home with garage and in-law unit on a 64x64 lot!

I actually considered using this lot and did a massive renovation to it, removing the in-law unit and the entire 2nd floor.

Unfortunately, I didn't remember to take any photos of it.

But if one of the spare couples decide to buy it, I'll definitely, show it off.

Jules drives across a short causeway and finally stops at Riku's Luau Diner, where her mother, Tabatha, is now their five-star chef!

The diner, like most of the community lots and rabbit holes in ST, boasts a homey thatch roof made of dried native grasses.

Such grasses blend naturally into the surrounding environment, offer excellent insulation and wind resistance, while keeping the interiors cool.

The bright blue doors, with the multi-colored chairs and tables in the outdoor seating area, also follow island tradition.

The pops of color draw the eye and exude an air of lively, inviting atmosphere that begs visitors to relax and hang out.

This place is perfect to help complete the Around Town collection, except it doesn't register as a diner!

A search has me finding out this is a known glitch, one that suggests I build my own lot.

I mull that thought over while Jules continues her drive.

Then she parks and hikes upwards towards the flames of the active volcano.

I shrug as it doesn't look all that intimidating from map view.

Until her hike has her reaching the actual criminal hideout, The Lair, and the entrance is totally creepy!

Just looking at the gaping maw of the skeletal skull would be enough to have me running back down the mountain.

Hopefully, Jaeger's insanity won't have him doing the same or Bella won't be pleased with him.

Though I'm sure she'll blame it on me somehow!

After her trek back down from The Lair in the hot sun, Jules decides to continue her exploration of the island by car.

She winds around the highest mountain but forgoes the long climb up to The Relaxation Station.

The she follows the coast through an area of expensive houses where the most prominent of Sunlit Tides families live.

The Kahale's living on the right coast of the island in The Island Pearl at 9 Paradise Circle.

And the Hale's living right below them at 11 Paradise Circle in Rhapsody.

She passes the road to Mango's Military Base which is located on the southernmost tip of the right side of the island.

And drives by several rabbit holes located on Paradise Circle, the business office, Sand, Sun, and Surf Corp. across from Captain Jack's Theater.

With the Science facility, Serpentine Labs, named after the bend in the road, across the road from Pleasant Pages Bookstore.

Next to the bookstore there's a small park, Seaside Sculpture Park, and then another local eatery, Midnight Moon Bistro.

Then another neighborhood of more homes starting with the Wahine family home, Little Piece of Paradise, located at 25 Paradise Circle.

Our rental home, The Sanctuary, was next door, and modest homes were scattered in this area, along with a couple of hangouts, The Hideaway and The Hotspot, on the lagoon side.

With the day heating up, Juliette was ecstatic when she spotted a sign for Captain Jack's Beach!

She quickly drove down the short side road, heading straight for the cerulean, blue ocean.

After parking, she flashed me a smile, saying, "This whole island is absolutely perfect for me, Watcher!"

"It certainly is beautiful, Jules, and you've circled the whole island, so enjoy your swim."

Back at the house, I find Tabatha helping Aeric with his music skill.

"You might want to push back just a little bit sweetie; you're sitting on the xylophone."

But Aeric remains where he is, so Tabatha lets it go and continues their lesson.

Hard to believe Aeric is actually gaining skill in this position but he is, so not going to quibble about it.

Upstairs, a rousing video game is happening between Jaeger and Cam, with both Lee and Alana as spectators.

Alana's really getting into it yelling, "That's it, Cam! You've got him!"

Jaeger ignores her taunting, just calmly talks about the soundtrack for the game.


I'm just staring at Lee's buff torso, ogling his well-developed muscles.

All that working out with Cam really paid off!

Just looking at him, you'd never believe he was a couch potato that prefers relaxing to working out.

And watching Cam so engrossed in a video game, you wouldn't think he was a fitness nut.

Lee and Cam have truly passed on their love of their preferred hobbies to each other, to the benefit of both of them.

But it's getting dark and Juliette's not home, so I go check on her.

I find her still at Captain Jack's Beach, practicing snake charming, of all things.

But she's also changed into her way-too-hot everyday outfit, pants with a long-sleeve shirt and vest.

So, it's stylist time.

We choose a comfy and casual pair of white shorts with suspenders and a yellow crop top for her everyday outfit.

The black and white checkered pockets and yellow belt tie add a pop of color and style, while the palm tree shows off Juliette's love for the island.

With her new outfits chosen, we both step back and just drink in the view of the sparkly stars in the deep blue night sky.

Framed between palm trees with the bay softly rippling against the shore, it's picture perfect.

When we arrive back home, I find Tabatha in her swimsuit.

"A swim in the cooler evening air?"

"I was going to but, well, I'm a bit mesmerized by the view!"

I check it out from the rooftop deck and it's stunning.

The sun hasn't quite set on this side of the island and its casting pinky-purple shadows along the whole horizon over the rippling waves!

I pan to the right and find a huge nearly full moon watching over us.

Is there any spot on this island that isn't picture perfect!?!

The next morning, as the moon descends and the sun rises, that's not a disappointment either.

The horizon, the lagoon, and the bay all glow, basking in the early morning light of a new day!

But I'm not the only one enjoying the beautiful new morning.

Juliette's up early just taking in the view…

"Really!?! That view and you're thinking about another inappropriate forum post!?!"

"It was just a stray thought. I'm actually waiting for Jaeger."


But my question is moot as Jaeger joins Juliette on the bed, their eyes meeting in a deeply loving look.

As Juliette giggles, they dive under the covers and hearts fly!

And there's no mistaking the lullaby this time or who it's for!

Juliette's started exploring the island to find photos to complete her collections.

We thought the diner would be an easy one, but it doesn't register, which is a bit annoying.

But the views from every part of the island are anything but, they're simply gorgeous.

From whatever angle, any shore, and any time of day, from sunrise to sunset, and all hours in between.

Bella was spot on when she said Sunlit Tides was a photographer's dream!

But Juliette's not just focusing on her photography, she's also taking her role as heir to heart.

Our heirship couple are now expecting their first child!

With so much happening so quickly here in ST, I'm anxious to find out what's going to happen next.

Follow along and find out in Chapter 414: Spirits and Speaking
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 414: Spirits and Speaking
« Reply #451 on: August 17, 2024, 01:35:15 PM »

Down in the nursery, I get another surprise as ghostly Adam is rocking gently as he watches Aeric play on his xylophone.

Tabatha's music lesson paid off as Aeric is now sitting properly in front of his toy and playing a cute tune.

Adam taps his foot as I say, "He's sounding better already."

"It just takes practice, Watcher, like most things in life."

"And death, Adam, as you're the first one to materialize here in Sunlit Tides."

"The others will be along soon enough, especially with the draw of all the rocking chairs. You know we simply can't resist them with their restorative powers."

"Since Grim keeps you exhausted, that's to be expected. That's why I placed all seven of them from storage. Two in here, four facing the outdoor fireplace, and one on the rooftop deck, just for the glorious view. That way there's a chair for each one of you, if you all show up the same night. And you've got choices for either camaraderie or solitude, depending on your mood."

"Grandmother Claire will appreciate that."

"I doubt it, but the options there."

With a chuckle Adam says, "You're probably right about that! She's still as crochety as ever."

A loud cheer from outside has me following the sound.

"There's a ghost on the lot, Watcher, I can just feel it!"

Smiling at her enthusiasm, I confirm it, "Adam's in the nursery watching over Aeric."

"I'm so glad he survived the journey!"

"Me too. Now we just need the others to show up, so I know there's no repeat of the gravestone glitch that happened with Lorelei. Adam didn't indicate that anyone was absent from the Netherworld, so fingers crossed."

I pop back into the nursery to find Aeric alone and happily playing with his peg box.

Upstairs on the rooftop deck, Daeric's finished a small, brightly colored painting of three red birds on a wire.

And before I can even comment, he's placed a large canvas and begun another one!

I appreciate his dedication to his craft as, once he and Leila complete their Lifetime Wishes, they can move to a home of their own.

If I can handle an overstuffed household for that long!

Downstairs, Lee's finished his shower and changed into a ridiculous outfit, complete with cowboy hat!

"That hat again! Why are the default clothes so ridiculous!?!"

Lee shrugs, twisting uncomfortably in the too-tight button down and belted slacks, "No idea, but I'm changing into more comfortable clothes and going fishing!"

"That's a great idea. Go see the sights and catch some fish."

"Really? You don't have something for me to do?"

"Nope. You're on your own. Have fun."

With most of the family occupied, I find Juliette just about to head off the lot and ask, "Going anywhere special?"

"I was just chatting with that cute, blonde Paparazzi and he told me the Summer Festival is in town, so we're heading there right now."

"We? You're going on a date with a Paparazzi you just met!?!"

"Of course not! I'm not that inappropriate, Watcher! I've pulled Jaeger away from an easel so we can explore together! I can't wait to show him all the beautiful places on this island!"

"That's definitely more appropriate! I'll meet you there!"

The festival lot, based on Starfish Sands Playground, is located by the northern coast, just across the causeway, and has yet another gorgeous view.

This one of the lagoon that is enclosed by the surrounding isle.

With nearby swaying palms, the lot is filled with sunshine and a gentle breeze.

The perfect place to relax and have a bit of fun.

Jaeger wants a photo, so I send him and Jules into the booth together.

They look adorable, despite Jaeger's too-hot sweater.

I leave them to explore the festival while I bite the bullet and build a new diner lot, so Juliette can get a photo for her collection.

I started by placing the beached ship from Hogan's Deep-Sea Diner lot on an empty lot on the North shore.

Then I added parking areas and a two-level outdoor seating area.

After that, I went completely overboard with landscaping, absolutely loving the finished lot, naming it Captain Jack's Diner!

Unfortunately, when I sent Juliette here to take a photo, it didn't register as a diner either!

Disappointing, but I've now got a cute new diner lot here in Sunlit Tides, as well as a copy in my library, as I'm not wasting all that time and effort.

A custom diner lot that will definitely be used in Barnacle Bay, if we make it to that town, since that's where the original lot came from.

I check up on Lee to find him completely alone and fishing at The Hidden Fishing Hole.

A secluded tiny pond located on a strip of golden sand near the right coast of the island.

Since he's enjoying the solitude so much, I leave him to it.

Leila's just got off work, a strenuous day of training at the open-air stadium.

Since she's chatting on the phone and not freaking out about being outside all day, I head back to the house.

To find Cam still in his pajamas and grilling hotdogs on the Teppanyaki grill.

I frown as I notice a moonlight mushroom growing out of the stone by his feet.

Looks like there's a spawner I need to relocate.

But then I see the painting on the nearby easel and realize why it wasn't a challenge for Jules to get Jaeger to explore with her.

He'd already finished the painting he'd been working on, and it definitely shows his improvement as an artist.

Once he gets some intel about The Lair for Bella, I need to have a serious talk with him about his Lifetime Wish.

I know he was given Home Design Hotshot when he aged up, but it's such a glitched LTW, I need to have him choose something else.

Something that takes advantage of his innate artistic ability as a talent like that shouldn't be wasted but nurtured.

Voices nearby have me drifting towards the nursery.

Where I find Daeric teaching Aeric to talk, something they began back in Dragon Valley.

They must have been practicing for some time as Aeric's skill bar is almost full.

"Your Gamma is the best cook, she's a top-of-the-line chef and can even flip pancakes right out of the pan!"

Aeric repeats the last word he heard, "pan," earning him a smile and praise from his father.

Then Daeric chooses a word that's a mouthful, "Astronaut. Can you say, astronaut?"
Looking down Daeric says, "I guess that one is a bit too hard for you, little guy."

Then Aeric surprises us both saying slowly, "Az…tro…not!"

Daeric is startled but pleased as punch as he says, "Good job! Maybe you'll be the first Frio to walk on the moon!"

Aeric says clearly, "Walk, walk, walk!"

And with those three little words, little Aeric Cullen learns to talk!

Daeric is thrilled, exclaiming, "That's it, my boy, you've done it!"

His words are punctuated by ghostly music, and I rush outside to see who it is.

"Lorelei! You made it! I'm so relieved!"

Floating gently behind the back fence, ghostly Lorelei smiles, "Me too, Watcher! But I'm not the only one. Our scenic private cemetery is filled with family ghosts eager to explore our new home!"

I pan over to find Claire, Sam, and Samuel, all floating amongst the tall headstones.

"Welcome, welcome everyone! I'm so glad you've all joined us so soon. First Adam, then Lorelei, and now the three of you. We just need Jared and Rae to show up and our ghostly family will be complete."

"Fancy anyone saying they need Jared, especially you, Watcher!"

"Well, he was your husband Claire and the father of your children, but as long as you're here, I guess we don't actually NEED him, it's more like a courtesy…"

Claire laughs, "I'll love watching his face when I tell him that…"

I laugh with her, "Take pictures! I'll want to see those."

Another picture I can't resist is Lorelei in the rocker in the nursery watching over Aeric.

He's happy and content playing with his IF doll.

He lays down, his eyes at half-mast, blinking sleepily around his room, "G'night ghosties."

I'm thinking he's too sleepy to realize it's just Lorelei, when I hear a triple chorus of, "Goodnight, Aeric."

I pan to the left and find Claire seated in the corner rocker, where Lorelei had been earlier.

Then a familiar thud has me pulling back for a wider view.

One I can only get with the walls down.

Ghostly Claire keeps her gaze firmly on Aeric.

But Lorelei has jumped up from her rocker in the other corner, all concern as she says, "He was doing so well tonight. I guess Aeric acknowledging all of us ghosts in the room was just enough to push him over the edge."

Claire snorts, "At least he didn't disturb Aeric with that graceless thump to the floor!"

Just outside in the courtyard, rocking gently before the fire, Samuel sighs, "Beautiful spot, Watcher."

"It is. I honestly don't think there's any spot on this whole island that isn't beautiful. Even the gaping maw of The Lair has a cruel beauty to it."

"I'll stick with the view from here and the relaxing rocker. I had enough of cruel beauty in Midnight Hollow."

I don't reply as I'm sure Samuel is thinking, not of a mad scientist, but of the daughter and grandchildren they left behind.

Our journey has been adventurous but also a bit sad, separating parents from children and family, time and time again.

Five of the family ghosts have made an appearance, so we just need Jared and Rae to make them complete.

Daeric taught his son, Aeric, to talk, and now the little guy is even speaking with the ghosts!

But how will Aeric adjust when his cousin arrives?

Will the heir couple have a boy or a girl? Multiples?

What other milestones with be achieved in our first week in Sunlit Tides?

Let's keep the momentum going in Chapter 415: Milestones
Coming soon.

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Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 415: Milestones
« Reply #452 on: August 20, 2024, 02:16:14 PM »

It's still dark when I get the message that the Grantham's now have a son, Garth!

I was a little shocked as in other play throughs Alice actually gives birth to twin boys.

Nevertheless, Garth is the official first-born child here in Sunlit Tides, an honor that can't go unrecognized.

Garth is welcomed home by an ecstatic father, Gavin, who's been desperate for a son after the birth of two daughters.

I'm not sure how happy Sophie, who's almost a teen, or her toddler sister Katherine, are at the addition of a baby brother to the household, but they'll just have to deal, like any other siblings.

For me, it meant totally renovating the Grantham house as it was not set up for the addition of another child, even though Alice is already expecting when you arrive in town.

In fact, the house was actually quite small for a family of four, except for the large bedroom on the 2nd floor that the sisters share.

In retrospect, it would have probably taken less time to move them to a larger home than it did to renovate this one, but hindsight is always 20/20!

And as usual, I didn't take any photos of the renovated house.

If one of the kids in the Frio family actually visits, I'll try to rectify that.

Just as I finish the reno, with a frazzled looking Alice holding her son the entire time, I get pulled back to the house.

To see Jules in maternity wear patting her newly expanded tummy!

"Congratulations mommy-to-be! Any thoughts on your new child?"

Sighing contentedly, Jules replies, "I'd love a little girl, but I'm just bursting to tell Jaeger he's going to be a dad!"

With those words, she rushed across the room.

Delirious with joy she blurted, "I'm pregnant! We're having our first child!"

Jaeger was so thrilled by the news that he actually smiled.

Then he pulled Jules in for a romantic kiss, murmuring, "I can't wait to hold our son."

Jules froze for just a moment, then returned the kiss, knowing one of them would get their wish.

Maybe both, if they have multiples.

And with Jaeger being a twin and Jules being one of quads, their odds are higher than usual.

Except there's already nine sims in the household, so that could mess with the odds.

Especially since I have allowed more than eight sims in my households.

In fact, when the quads were born, there were already six sims in the household, so it's anyone's guess at this point.

Downstairs, Leila, still in her little black nightie, was working diligently to earn her last logic skill point.

She's already halfway but those higher-level skill points take some time to achieve.

Through the window, I notice the light in the sky dimming, and soon rain is drumming on the roof.

Even with a torrential rain, the view doesn't disappoint as a perfect rainbow materializes over the mountains.

'Many stories and legends feature rainbows as symbols of divine presence, guidance, or blessings. For instance, the rainbow is often associated with the goddess Ānuenue, who represents the bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds.'*

Of course, the Islands aren't the only ones with legends of rainbows, according to Wikipedia, it crosses into myriads of cultures throughout the world, including here in my own SimLand.

A crossover that helps bridge the gap of cultural diversity, giving them a common belief that brings them together, forming a true bridge of friendship and understanding.

When a rainbow is spotted in the sky, who doesn't stop just for a moment, drink in the beauty, peace, and hope of such a sight?

I know I do.

But Aeric certainly doesn't share my feelings.

Not in the least.

He's frowning and biting the head of the daddy doll quite fiercely!

I seriously hope that being evil isn't in his future.

But only time will shed light on that.

Moments later, not only is the sun shining again, but Aeric's smiling.

Happy and content to be in his grandpa Lee's arms.

I'm glad his mood passed as quickly as that storm.

With the weather clearing, Tab and Jules ride over to the grocery store, Grotto Groceries.

Jules takes a photo that's worth about §218 simoleans; my best guess as my handwriting is terrible.

Tabatha heads inside to pick up groceries so she can make everyone's favorite foods.

Especially since Cam wanted to make friends with all his teammates and invited them over for dinner.

Daeric is chatting with Suzuki Hinata, an all around nice guy who is flirty, a great kisser, loves the outdoors, and athletic.

He has dreams of becoming a Superstar Athlete, just like Cam.

Suzuki's only flaw is that he's a bit of a mooch, something that doesn't seem to bother his RI, Lucretia Parrot, at all.

Since Lucretia is inappropriate, that fits with her character.

Gilberto Gonzalo seems to be blocked from grabbing a plate of spaghetti; a typical sims routing issue that constantly annoys me.

Lee's just gobbled his food quickly so he can escape from a room with too many sims in it.

Cam's heading off into the kitchen to chat with another co-worker.

I pop in first and try to wrap my head around the fact that Mary-Sue Pleasant not only exists in this town, but that SP placed her in the Athletic career.

Quite the twist since her husband Daniel is the athletic one and her Lifetime Wish is to be a Chess Legend.

Sometimes EA's and SP's choices make my head spin, though having Daniel's Lifetime Wish be Heartbreaker is spot on!

And I can't help but think that if Taylee and Jonah had made the journey with us, Jonah would have found the family that his mother has been searching for her whole life, though they wouldn't technically be related, living in different towns.

Again, the time lines and choices EA comes up with can be baffling, sometimes downright mind boggling.

Maybe that's why Mary-Sue is sitting there stock still just staring at her empty plate.

Or it could be she's just a bit nonplussed to find a ghost staring back at her.

Thankfully, Claire doesn't try to make matters worse by coming closer or speaking to her.

Even so, Mary-Sue doesn't waste any time saying good-bye to Cam and leaving soon afterward.

Morning rises on another sunny day, typical for ST.

As is the fact that Jules is making yet another inappropriate forum post.

Boring, unproductive behavior, to say the least, but better than causing family drama.

Downstairs, I find Alana using the PC in the living room, but she's actually working on her first novel.

She's quit her job at the medical center and wants to try her hand at a more stay-at-home career.

One that doesn't involve being blown up as she found that quite unnerving, even though she's eccentric.

So she's now in the writer career and, using 10,000 happiness points, her new Lifetime Wish is to be a Professional Author.

This new LTW works on several levels as it's one I think she can accomplish before she and Cam move out.

And one that fits her couch potato, perfectionist traits down to a tee.

As well as being one that's definitely less work for both of us than Blog Artist.

Leila's back at the chess board again this morning, but before she sits down, she grabs a bright yellow elixir from her backpack and slugs it down.

"Don't want to forget my wish enhancing elixir before my big wishes, Watcher."

"Good idea. I hate when I have that elixir available but forget to have sims drink it."

I hear shouting down in the basement and go check it out saying, "I'll be right back."

To my amazement, not only is Gilberto Gonzalo still visiting, but Cam is training him!

"Work those muscles, Gonzalo! You don't want to be a big fish in a small pond forever!"

I'm surprised Gilberto isn't lashing out at Cam for that comment.

But when I see that bright yellow star flash on the screen, I realize Gilberto is actually pleased with the attention.

He's not only gaining athletic skill but celebrity status as his friendship with Cam increases, definitely appealing to a snob.

Gilberto is also athletic but he hopes to master athletic and logic as his LTW is Perfect Mind, Perfect Body, just like Leila.

I remember Leila…just as the message shows up on my screen.

Since it happens so quickly, I miss seeing her master logic and completing her Lifetime Wish of Perfect Mind, Perfect Body.

But I arrive just in time to see her become a Five-Star Celebrity!
"Congratulations, Leila! You've always been an over-achiever but I never expected both of those wishes to complete at the same time."

Still studying the chess board intently, she mutters, "I've been a workaholic since I was a child and aspired to being a star from a teenager. It's only fitting that I accomplish both at once!"

With Leila's attention still focused on chess, I notice the darkening sky and hear rain drumming on the roof again.

Despite the bad weather, Juliette and Jaeger head over to a party at Forever Tropical, the home of the Beach Bum household.

Juliette received the invitation from Ricardo Gregario, the guy in the goofy hat.

But it's Ricardo's girlfriend, Ursula Lemuel, that's super excited to meet Juliette.

Especially when Juliette gives her an autograph.

Ursula's even more excited when Juliette shares her pregnancy news and reveals that she and Ricardo are also expecting a child!

Me? I'm more focused on the absolute horror of this 'house', which has two separate small buildings connected by a deck!

And all three roommates, Ricardo, Suzuki Hinata, Cam's teammate, as well as Len Tsang, a blonde surfer, share one bedroom with a double bed and two singles.

Which is beyond weird, even for sims, and has me spending way too much time renovating the place.

In fact, this scene is taking place in the newly expanded living room that had once been part of the deck.

With Ricardo furious because the tv has already broken.

The conversation moves on to jobs and careers, with Juliette asking what Ursula does for a living.

Before Ursula can reply, Ricardo asks, "Now what are we going to do for fun!?!"

Jaeger smiles, whips out his guitar, and says, "I can entertain you!"

I'm thinking I should take pictures of my extensive renovation, but it's dark and getting late.

So I have Juliette and Jaeger head home.

But Juliette only makes it as far as the newly renovated eat-in kitchen when she goes into labor!

For some reason, she's now dressed in a puppy dog nightie and Jaeger's in a tux!

"Really Watcher!?! I'm in labor for a child that could be the next Frio heir and you're focused on what we're wearing! That's so, so….inappropriate!"

Jaeger, his eyes darting frantically around the room, adds, "Not to mention insane!"

"Okay, okay, I get it. Clothes not important. Baby important. Go to the hospital!"

As they race frantically towards the hospital on the left coast, the sky lights up as the morning sun rises.

The suns rays cast a beautiful glow over our expecting heir couple as they walk through the front doors of Coconut Palms Medical Center.

And I gasp when Juliette comes outside holding her new son!

"I was expecting a pale or dark skin tone, hoping for green, but he's pink!"

With a smile, Juliette says softly, "Yes, he is. Pink and perfect, just like his cousin, Aeric. He's also a couch potato, like Dad, and excitable, so pretty good random traits. Say hello to Fallon, Watcher!"

Beaming almost as big as Juliette, I murmur, "Welcome to Sunlit Tides, Fallon."

What a chapter!

Garth Grantham is born, the first baby in Sunlit Tides, but he's a single not a twin like I expected.

We've had our first stormy day complete with legendary rainbow.

Cam introduced us to three of his and Leila's teammates; Gilberto Gonzalo, Suzuki Hinata, and Mary-Sue Pleasant.

Alana has begun yet another new career, this time as an author, which I feel actually fits her perfectly.

Leila not only completed her Lifetime Wish, but is now a Five-Star Celebrity.

And our heir couple, Juliette and Jaeger, are the parents of a pink and perfect son, Fallon!

After popping Jeager into CAS, I discovered he's on the light rainbow slider, just like Daeric, so maybe we'll have more brightly colored Frios.

We've already accomplished so much and there's still one more day in our first week in Sunlit Tides.

What's in store next?

Keep reading and find out in Chapter 416: A Baby and a Birthday
Coming soon.
Author's Note
*From <>

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Chapter 416: A Baby and a Birthday
« Reply #453 on: August 23, 2024, 03:35:28 PM »

Leaving Coconut Palms, our new parents are beaming, filled with pride at the birth of their new son.

But when they arrive home, Fallon starts fussing and crying so loudly that Juliette is beside herself.

Her face clearly showing her distress, and she confirms it, asking, "What do I do, Watcher!?!"

"Didn't you read that baby book, Totally Preggers: An Expecting Mother's Tale? "

"I did! But it only talked about what happens during pregnancy, not after!"

"Oh, right. Well, he doesn’t have a dirty diaper, so try a bottle. With newborns, when they're not sleeping, they either need to be fed, changed, or snuggled."

Juliette pops out a bottle from the unending supply available once a nooboo is in a household.

One of the many miracles of living in SimLand.

The effect on Fallon is almost miraculous as well.

His crying stops as he places his tiny hands on the bottle and eagerly sucks away!

This has Juliette going from distressed to happy as she croons, "That's it, sweetie, drink it all up."

A cuddle and a burp later, Fallon is ready for his crib.

In the kitchen, Tabatha's helping Aeric blow out the candles on his birthday cake.

Leila is super excited to see her young son grow up and claps and cheers, "You can do it, Aeric, blow out your candles!"

As Alana blows a noise maker, little Aeric is twirling around amidst the birthday sparkles.

And then he's a child with the same crossed-eyes and derpy face that occurs at every Sim age up.

He's also become a light sleeper, just like his great-grandmother Bella did when she became a child.

And with the same bad timing, right after the birth of a new baby.

She'll be pleased that he got one of her traits, though I'm sure she was hoping for evil.

The rest of us are just grateful he isn't!

I let him enjoy a piece of birthday cake at the counter with his mother, Leila.

But that buzz cut he aged up with just isn't cutting it for me.

That's better!

A proper little boy haircut as well as summer pj's in his favorite color, orange.

In the nearby dining room, Alana's joining Lee, Jules, and Cam, for a piece of birthday cake.

Jules quips, "I hope little Fallon has the same sense of style that Aeric's developed, staying true to his favorite color."

Cam shrugs, "He's just a kid, he likes what he likes. It's later on that you start second guessing and worrying about others' opinions. Unless you end up being neurotic as a kid, like I did."

Lee frowns and adds, "And don't forget the Watcher's input. Sometimes it's her choices not our own! Jaeger's favorite color is red, but he never wears it!"

Jules replies, "That's because he's trying to avoid attention, Dad! It's difficult enough with his green skin and hair, if he wore red he'd look like a tree all decked out for Snowflake Day!"

Lee blinks, "Oh, I hadn't thought of that. I guess that's a pretty good reason to avoid that color then."

I'm hoping no one notices that I haven't added my own two cents to this conversation.

If I'm being honest, Lee actually had the right of it, I didn't care for the color combination of red with his green skin and hair.

Though I'm glad Jules came up with a reasonable explanation for my decision.

Since Tabatha has to head off to her shift at the diner, Jules tags along.

And miracle of miracles, the Diner actually registers, and Jules captures the photo worth §855 simoleans!

Back at the house, Jaeger gets in some play time with his newborn son.

While I get a message that prompts an even more satisfied smile than getting the Diner photo.

The Kahale's added another daughter, Liliana, to their family!

And yes, I'm already matchmaking!

Leila isn't concerned with that at all, just tapping her foot as she waits impatiently to hold her new nephew.

The baby swing is great for keeping infants and toddlers happy and content, but it also draws everyone in the house like a magnet!

Everyone but our birthday boy, since it only effects teens and up.

Now that he can do it on his own, Aeric takes the opportunity to ride the buzzy bee spring rider.

Hearing his loud, excited laughter and whoops of delight, it's plain to see he's enjoying it even more than he did as a toddler.

"Happy Birthday, Aeric! I'm glad you're having fun."

"Thanks, Watcher! This thing is still a blast. Too bad it doesn't build my athletic skill."

"Your mother said the same thing about the rockin' rider. But if you're really interested in building your athletic skill, you can either workout to the stereo or go for a swim."

"A swim!?! That sounds great! It's pretty warm out here."

Aeric doesn't waste any time and I watch as he paddles around the pool in the backyard.

I don't see a skill bar but a message tells me he's already gotten to level one.

Being athletic really helps increase learning that skill.

I hear mumbling nearby and find Jaeger scrutinizing his small painting on it's easel.

Since he's also thinking about his new Lifetime Wish, Master of the Arts, which will mean maxing both the painting and guitar skills, it's no surprise when he plucks the small painting off the easel and stashes it in his backpack.

And immediately begins another painting; this time on a large canvas.

The first few strokes he makes reveal the zebra painting, even though Jaeger's actually thinking about his child.

Not sure how those two things are connected, but since Jaeger's insane, I'm sure it makes complete sense to him.

Whatever his reasonings, it's nice to see he's already bonding with his son.

As is Daeric, who's grabbed a snack and is chatting with his own son, Aeric, at the kitchen counter.

"Key Lime pie is your Uncle Cam's favorite food, you're athletic like him, and have the same auburn hair. Your mother's got those last two as well, so I guess it's not surprising you've inherited them. But that doesn't mean you have to follow in their footsteps, you get to be your own person, Aeric, and can follow your own dreams."

Aeric thinks about that for a moment, his fork poised above his plate, then says, "I like being athletic like Mom and Uncle Cam. In fact, I wouldn't mind becoming a Superstar Athlete just like he wants to be. Is it okay to have that be my dream too?"

Daeric nods his head, "If it's what you really want, then it's perfectly fine. More than fine, actually, if you're following your own heart, your own dreams."

And with his father's words and support ringing in his ears, Aeric pops a Lifetime Wish to become a Superstar Athlete.

I hesitate for just a moment, as I don't typically choose lifetime wishes this early, but with Aeric being a spare and at the mercy of SP when they move out, I click on it and it pops into place.

Better to choose something now, something that Aeric's actually wished for, then to have SP give him a random ridiculous Lifetime Wish.

But the kitchen wasn't just the place for deciding lifetime wishes.

Earlier today it was the place for something far from positive.

Lee was repairing the dishwasher when he touched a live wire and electrocuted himself!

Lee was shocked, literally.

But so was I, as I never dreamed that could happen to a sim who had mastered the mechanical skill.

I decided we should call a repairman, but Lee's response was popping a wish that was even more interesting.

So while Lee showered, I moved the fritzing dishwasher out to the front yard.

Then Lee came out and set the charges and ran for cover.

And blew the danged thing that had nearly cost him his life to bits!

Well, it was definitely a more exciting solution than calling a repairman.

Inside, Juliette was snuggling Fallon, "It's okay sweetie, mommy's got you."

To me she added, "What was Dad thinking setting off an explosion so close to his own grandson!?! Little Fallon was trembling with fright when I got to him!"

"It wasn't the explosion that had him fussing and crying, Jules, the swing just stopped."

"Seriously? All that fuss because the swing stopped?"

"Yup. The fussing gets even worse if someone turns the swing speed to fast. Nooboos and toddlers can even get sick and go into the red if it's stays on fast for too long."

"But that's ridiculous!"

"Tell me about it. Another game mechanic I could do without. The magnetic draw of the swing to everyone else in the household, along with the negative aspects of fast speed and stopping, are definitely drawbacks. But with such limited interactions available with nooboos and swings keeping newborns and toddlers needs up indefinitely, it kind of balances out." 

With Fallon back in the swing, and happy with the slow speed and gentle lullaby, Juliette is struck by a sudden thought.

"You said the swing draws other household members like a magnet. So though that could be annoying for you, having everyone just standing around waiting to watch or play with the baby, it also means the nooboo is getting constant attention. Attention I wouldn't have to provide since everyone else would be."

"I see where you're going with this and that's not a bad idea! Especially since you really can't do much with nooboos anyway. And time actually stops…"

"That's enough information for me, Watcher! I'm going to do it!"

Juliette flips out her phone and soon has a travel agent on the line.

"I need two tickets…"


Her face glowing with excitement, she corrects herself, "Make that three tickets to Champs Les Sims. Yes, the base camp hostel is fine. I'll be so busy taking photos, the accommodations won't matter."

With one last look at her adorable sleeping son, our photographer heads off to pack for her second foreign photoshoot.

Jules, Cam, and Alana, are off on an adventure in France!

Hopefully, Jules will get some needed photos for her collections and more importantly, her Lifetime Wish.

And maybe, just maybe, a romantic rendezvous in France will work its magic on Cam and Alana!

Join me and find out in Chapter 417:  Champs Les Sims Part 1
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 417: Champs Les Sims Part 1
« Reply #454 on: August 26, 2024, 12:55:56 PM »

The first thing Cam does at the hostel in France is check the kitchen sink!

"Cam, the sink is fine. We have more important things to do here and a limited time to do them in."

"Right. Jules is probably chomping at the bit to get started."

"I'm sure."

But she's not.

Juliette is standing outside in the street chatting with Ember!

"Why did you bring a baby dragon to Champs Les Sims!?!"

"Don't look at me, Watcher! You're the one that left them in our inventories."

I check and she's right. Both Jules and Cam have baby dragons with them!

This is going to be fun, every moment I don't keep them busy, they'll be pulling out a baby dragon to play with!

So, I better keep them busy.

I start by sending them to the French market for a photo.

And I'm pleasantly surprised when Jules pops into a motive mobile.

At least they brought something more useful than baby dragons along.

Cam rushes out and gets quickly into the vehicle, so his hates the outdoors trait does come in handy sometimes.

Jules takes her first photo, French Market worth §1911, before they head inside to explore.

Alana follows closely behind, eager to check out the items for sale from the general merchant.

She's looking for an incense holder, specifically the Little Boy Soldier, sold in France.

We've got several at home, but with all their simoleans, I'll let her buy another one as it's an easy wish to complete.

Safely inside the store, Cam gives an autograph to the Special Merchant.

Being a celebrity does have its perks as they've already become friends.

Then it's off to the Nectary deep in the French countryside.

It's Autumn in France and the trees are filled with leaves in shades of yellow, orange, and red.

Pops of vibrant color against the verdant hills and valleys. 

The Nectary is a beautiful two-story brick manor filled with fermenting grapes and bottled nectar.

For explorers, there are many adventures to be had here.

But Jules is here for photos, some to complete collections, others to fulfill her Lifetime Wish.

So, it's shocking when her photo of the Nectary, doesn't register as one, but as a hotspot!

WHAT!?! Seriously?

I check and find out this is yet another glitch with the photography career. Blast!

World-Class Gallery requires 10 photos from each location, Egypt, France, and China be placed on your lot and having a photo collection worth §25,000.

So, completing the collections isn't actually required for Juliette's LTW, but it would still be nice to have them register.

To help that happen, my research suggests I place an actual 'hotspot' in town.

I'm sure that will work just as timely as making that second diner lot did back in ST.

I sigh and head inside to give Juliette the bad news.

As I explain, she resignedly sips her nectar.

"How does it taste?"

"This one is a bit sweet, but all nectar tastes pretty much the same to me!"

"I feel the same way. It must be an acquired taste."

Cam drank a glass of nectar down in the basement.

But then he worked off the sugar rush by working out to the stereo.

Back at base camp, Alana and Cam played a game of chess.

So far, two of the reasons for coming here haven't been very successful.

Juliette's Nectary photo won't register, and chess isn't very romantic.

But just as I'm thinking that Cam and Alana finish their game of chess and head upstairs.

I follow along to find Alana giving Cam a backrub and a flirty look as she says, "Let's get a little more comfortable, shall we?"

Now that's more like it!

The next day, I don't bother making my own lot, I just place down a nightlife spot and call it done.

It looks so out of place here in the French countryside but I'm hoping with an actual 'hotspot', the Nectary will actually register as it's supposed to.

Unfortunately, a quick trip over there, shows me it doesn't.

The Nectary is still a 'hotspot', even though it's before 3 pm, which my research said was a key time!


Maybe it's because I haven't given it enough time for it to register since it's still early?

To kill time, I send our travelers over to have some fun.

Jules and Cam play foosball.

Then they decide to give shuffleboard a try.

And that's when it happens!

Grim materialized just as the elderly paparazzi woman that had been following them around turned ghostly white!

A tragedy for her, of course, but an opportunity for Juliette that I never expected to happen.

Capturing Death on Vacation!

I set Jules up to take the photo and it actually registers.

Then, just before Jules clicks the shutter, Grim vanishes!

Of course he does.

I'm disappointed, actually quite miffed at the missed opportunity.

But then I see Cam standing stock still, frozen in place at the sight before him.

How on earth will he ever get over witnessing such a tragic event?

Apparently, by donning a cowboy outfit and riding the mechanical bull!

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have never believed it.

They say they people work through grief in different ways, but this has got to top them all.

Alana's reaction is a bit more typical.

She pulls Cam into her arms and reaffirms their connection to each other, to life.

The compassionate hug leads to a passionate kiss, which leads to…

Using the nearby photo booth for a romantic interlude!

Complete with red petals drifting out through the curtained entry.

Alana was so shocked by the photos that she tore them to pieces!

"What happens in Champs Les Sims stays in Champ Les Sims!"

Not exactly.

I mean, how could I not share this!

To take their minds even further off of the tragic event, Cam helps Jules explore a tomb.

Cam's athletic skill quickly reduces the rocks to rubble with Juliette snapping photos.

Nothing new, but since we need at least 10 from each travel location, I want to be on the safe side.

But when a hidden wall switch is discovered, it's Jules that has to explore it.

Cam can't even bear to look while she does so, averting his eyes to stare blankly at the wall.

And his fears are realized when, with a shriek, Jules pulls her arm back out shaking creepy crawlies all over the floor!

Cam twists away in alarm, a look of consternation on his face, "Don't throw them at me!"

"I'm not, I'm just trying to get them off!"

Horrified, Cam adds, "They're disgusting!"

Unable to hide her own terror, Jules shrieks, "Tell me about it! It was me they were crawling on!"

And when the wall switch reveals a hidden door with a dried skeleton inside, they both decide they've had enough for one day.

Instead of taking their minds off death, exploring the tomb has made the possibility of their own all too real.

In fact, Cam didn't even stick around to discuss it.

As soon as he spotted what was left of the unfortunate explorer, he was off and running for the surface!

Juliette paused for just a moment, snapped a few more photos, and followed him.

So far, this trip to France hasn't been overly successful.

Jules has definitely taken more than 10 photos, so that should help with her Lifetime Wish.

But the Nectary won't register as one even with another potential 'hotspot' in town.

Jules missed the Death on Vacation photo, a rare opportunity that probably won't happen again.

Cam and Alana have had a couple of romantic interludes, but no lullabies have been heard.

And neither one of them has popped a wish to get married or even engaged.

But they've got one more day here in France, so maybe we can accomplish at least one of those things.

Let's find out in Chapter 417:  Champs Les Sims Part 2
Coming soon.

Offline deedee_828

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Chapter 417: Champs les Sims Part 2
« Reply #455 on: September 08, 2024, 03:23:37 PM »

I've been over to the Nectary many times, but since it's our last day in France, I send them over one more time.

This time early in the morning, even though my research into the glitch stated you just had to take the photo before 3 pm.

And while Alana's inside buying a bottle of nectar, Jules actually captures a photo of the Nectary!

I'm so excited that it actually registered as the appropriate building for the Architecture and Buildings collection, that I don't even write down how much it's worth!

Frankly, at this point, I don't even care, I'm just glad we're one step closer to completing this collection.

All we need now are two photos in China, Academy and Chinese Garden, if they'll actually register.

Then Jules pops a wish to visit the art museum, La Galerie d'Art.

Since Alana was already part of the group, she joins them but doesn't stay long.

Preferring the peace and quiet of base camp, to a building filled with paintings.

Juliette takes the opportunity to snap a few more photos.

Which is when I notice a small card atop a pillar.

Clicking on it tells me that you can actually donate items to the museum!

How have I never noticed this before!?!

I've been to Champs Les Sims in almost every game I've ever played and I'm just now finding this!?!

Definitely have got to give this a try.

Since Juliette is busy taking photos, I have Cam donate one of the two Prom King crowns he has in his backpack.

It may not be worth much, but it looks pretty cool on display here.

Then Cam gets an unexpected call to search out the noises in the museum.

I hadn't planned on doing many adventures, but one at the museum seems safe enough, even for Cam.

This one has him finding hidden wall switches and hidden doors on the upper floors of the museum.

Then it moves to lower levels where Cam, despite his fear, explores a hidden floor switch behind a moveable statue.

Fortunately for Cam, the switch is bug free and simply unlocks the nearby door.

But Cam's not convinced of his safety and wrings his hands, his confidence leaving as quickly as it appeared.

He's trembling as his eyes dart to each of the dark corners, trying to spot the danger, and avoid it.

He mutters, "I have a bad feeling about this, Watcher!"

And as Cam goes through one of the doors, he stops dead, just staring at the bolts of electricity blocking his way.

"You've got to be kidding! There is no way I'm going through that!"

"No one could. There must be another way. Try one of the other passages."


The next few rooms don't hold any obvious dangers.

Even so, Cam creeps toward the sparkling green lights highlighting a gravestone with a small hole in front of it.

His nervousness is apparent with every step.

He raises his dread-filled eyes to mine, wringing his hands again.

"I've never lost anyone exploring a tomb, Cam. Ever."

"Yeah, but there's always a first time…and that would be just my luck."

"But you're not Unlucky, you're just Neurotic. Big difference."

My words seem to have the intended calming effect.

But Cam still can't bring himself to reach into the hole in the floor.

Putting off the inevitable, he explores a side room and is soon bending over a chest filled with treasure.

Deliberately ignoring the skeleton laid out on a shelf of rock on his left.

With no negative consequences, his confidence builds.

And he actually explores a sarcophagus, despite the golden glow emanating from it.

All the while, Jules is snapping photo after photo.

Again, nothing new to add to her collections, but all taken in France, so helping her complete her LTW.

Then with no other options available, Cam reaches nervously down into the hole in the floor.

Where he finds the remains of a previous explorer and a message to reunite him with his one true love.

Jules is eager, "That sounds easy enough and I can take some more photos of the French countryside on the way."

"Easy? I thought this would all take place here at the museum, I wouldn't have accepted the adventure if I'd known I had to go outside! And to a cemetery, which is even worse!"

Jules responds with, "Better a cemetery in daylight that one a night. Let's go before it gets dark."

Cam shakes his head saying, "I'm probably going to regret this…"

But he reluctantly follows his sister.

At Eastern Hill Cemetery, Cam and Jules search around for a way to enter at least one of the four locked tombs.

Cam's hating every moment of being outside.

So, when he finds a hole in the ground near the fence at the back of the property between two tombs, he quickly explores it.

He heaves a sigh of relief as it triggers the chained locks on the tomb doors, and they fall away.

Jules quickly places a heat-shaped key into one of the chests, finding treasure.

And unlocking the key tomb.

Cam rushes to the chest within, opens the lid and places the remains inside.

Glad to be indoors for even just a moment, but equally glad to be rid of the urn.

And almost done with the adventure.

Racing to the marketplace, he explains all to his contact.

The museum noises being caused by a ghost only wanting to be reunited with his love in a proper tomb.

The contact is grateful, and Cam earns simoleans and visa points for his trouble.

Then the two weary explorers head back to base camp.

As soon as Cam gets into the living room, Alana embraces him, crooning, "My poor baby. Was it horrible?"

Safe inside and, better yet, in Alana's arms, Cam circles her waist and murmurs, "Now that I'm with you, everything's okay."

Jules smiles at her brother and friend, pulls out her camera, and captures Lovers in France, worth §1782 simoleans!

But the two lovers only have eyes for each other.

And quickly head upstairs for a private moment.

Well, as private as it can be with me taking photos.

Again, no lullaby and none of the wishes I'm hoping for are triggered.

And then the peaceful evening is shattered!

Low burning embers from the fireplace have erupted into flames!

Flames that set off the smoke alarm and have both Cam and Juliette grabbing extinguishers to put them out.

Finally, the flames are contained and Jules makes sure to put them out totally.

With the danger past, Alana chats with a paparazzi.

Upon discovering they both can't stand art; a new friendship is formed.

But it's late, so Alana heads back upstairs and joins an already sleeping Cam.

I watch over them for a bit, hoping their dreams will show me what's in their heads and hearts.

But when Cam's dreaming of teddy bears, Alana's dreaming of cooking.

And when Alana finally starts dreaming of teaching a child to walk, Cam's awake by the side of the bed!

Will these two ever be on the same page at the same time?

"It's really not time to get up yet, Cam. Go back to bed."

"Um, something feels off. I better check the fireplace."

"Jules put it out completely before she went to bed."

"Oh, well, then I better check the sink."

Sniffing he adds, "After I shower, I stink!"

In the kitchen, sink checked and fine, Cam turns to Alana, who's woken and followed him downstairs.

He pulls her in for a dip kiss and soon they head back upstairs, away from the paparazzi.

Since it's their last night and the trip will be over soon, I'm okay with where this is heading.

They snuggle together on the four-poster bed, yet again.

And despite the paparazzi intruding, it doesn't stop the two of them from enjoying another woohoo.

Intimate giggles erupt sporadically from under the covers.

While romantic red petals float up into the air, twirl for a moment, and fall gently down to the bedspread.

Definitely the best way to end a vacation in Champs Les Sims!

Though I still don't hear a lullaby and no wishes to further their relationship appear.

Jules finally managed to capture the Nectary photo!

And she obtained way more than 10 photos of happenings in France.

So only one more trip, one to China, should complete her LTW, once the photos are placed on the home lot.

At least, I hope so.

I've never actually even tried the World-Class Gallery LTW before, so this is all new territory.

As is having a couple be so slow in wishing to further their relationship.

But since neither Alana or Cam are family-oriented and they have one conflicting trait, that could explain the delay.

Or maybe I'm just too impatient!

Wanting them engaged, married, and producing children!

I had such high hopes for DV adding some color to the Frio genetics.

Especially after so many MH white/black slider heirs and spares.

I never dreamed that Rory's skin tone, only passed on to Odette, would stay in the family for five generations!

Of course, Cassidy, Luci, Kaitlyn, and Trey, all inherited the HS greenie skin tone, but they all ended up being spares and staying back in Monte Vista.

But now we have pink and perfect Aeric and Fallon, not just a spare, but a potential heir!

Will more colorful nooboos arrive? Will they all be pink, or will we obtain a rainbow of colors for this generation?

Follow along with me and find out in Chapter 418: Nooboo News
Coming soon.

