Author Topic: Lasting Legacies: an RKC story- Chap. 1.8 10/16/19  (Read 41858 times)

Offline Shewolf13

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1.2: Like Father, Like Son
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2018, 03:07:57 AM »
1.2: Like Father, Like Son

Last Episode:

When last we saw the Dorans, Blakely and Adisa met with King Darian and the others in the contest for the throne.  Blakely won. He is now King and Adisa his Queen.

They have since moved from Prima Dominus to Castle Newcrest. The household consists of:

  • King Blakely- winner of One to Rule Them All
  • Queen Adisa- his wife and twin sister to Queen Eve Azurite of Oasis Springs
  • Meredith- the housekeeper and the one that raised Blakely
  • King Darian Bulwark- previous king and the one that instituted One to Rule Them All
  • Prince Zachary- Blakely and Adisa's infant son; heir to the throne
  • "Prince" Maxim- Blakely's loyal wardog and companion; he's appointed himself as the protector of the family

My Dearest Amelia

King Darian looked up from his journal page at the picture of his beloved wife, letting out a sigh.

I sit here in the room you and I shared so briefly. I'm finding myself feeling both accomplished and melancholy. The contest is over.  Blakely won. I have to admit, it came as a shock, the revelation about young Adrian... to think, he was the son of my brother all this time. I don't blame Ferina for keeping it a secret, though I wish I had known. I always felt an affection for the boy. Perhaps, I knew or at least suspected.

He pursed his lips and rubbed at the back of his neck.

Though I was still in a bit of shock, the pride in the boy when he knelt to Blakely- I don't know if I can quite describe it. Too many I know would be too happy to take a throne, having no idea what it means or what it should mean. But Adrian does. In fact, I was proud of all of them.  I looked upon them all, the three I hand-picked and those they married with an enormous amount of pride. When it is my time, I can be secure in the knowledge that our home will be well-looked after.

He stopped and stretched a moment, letting out a chuckle. 

You'll enjoy this, my dear. In fact, you may say I deserve it. Though Blakely is King, he and Adisa refuse to take their place in the royal chambers. I thought Adisa would understand, but she backed Blakely's decision. I suppose I understand wanting to be closer to the nursery. Having to feed an infant in the middle of the night is easier.

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But now that little Zach is no longer in need of midnight feedings, you'd think they'd relent! But no... Blakely told me that the chambers reserved for the heir suits them just fine. I may be old and stubborn, my dear, but I'm not completely foolish. I've conceded defeat in that arena. While he may not be completely ready for the transition, he is certainly showing that my faith was not misplaced. The weather is already beginning to change. For the first time, we've had frost. And just the other day, it grew quite hot out, hotter than we've ever seen. So Blakely called a meeting with the other nobles to discuss some steps they could take to help illeviate any issues in the kingdom.

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It did my heart good to see them all working together, coming up with solutions.  Blakely took command easily, but he dismissed no one's suggestions, thought about each one. They did ask me, but only for opinions. I was ecstatic to see that. Blakely and Adisa will be doing a tour of the kingdom, to speak with the peasants and with our merchants. Adrian and Beatrice will be handling things in their own way. All in all, the kingdom is in good hands, my dear Amelia.


For so long, the halls of the castle have been empty of the laughter of children.  If I have one regret, my dear, it's that you and I were never able to have the family we dreamed of. Before, I couldn't think of having a family without you by my side, but having young Zach running around now has been a treat. He's already a handsome lad and keeps his parents on their toes.

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He's almost a spitting image of his mother right now.  But he acts more like his father.

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He already his father's confidence.  And he enjoys doing things on his own, bit of an independent lad. No mystery who he gets that from. But he and I have a little secret. One day, I was relaxing after a bit of a long day, and I heard steps on the stairs.  It was that little rascal!  He'd managed to get the door that I hadn't quite shut all the way open and had toddled right up the steps!

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I'll admit, I was so shocked that I didn't move. He walked over, calm as you please and climbed up onto the couch next to me and then sat there grinning, so pleased with himself.

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I didn't have the heart to scold him.  Truth be told, the little scamp has stolen my heart.  He sat up there with me for a little while and then began to yawn.  So I took him down to the nursery to put him down for a nap.  I set him down, intending to put him into his nightclothes and he had reached up, wanting a hug. Who could resist such a thing? Not I.

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He even managed to get me to read him a story! I'm not an easy touch, or at least I never thought so, but he's managed to worm his way in. I imagine this what being a grandparent is like, wouldn't you?

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Blakely peeked in the door of the open guest room.  "Ah ha!  There you are!"

His son looked up at him, squeeling in delight.  "Papa found me!"

Blakely swooped him up into his arms.  "That's right, I did."

"Papa, swing!"

"What was that?  What did you say?" He was already tossing Zach up into the air, loving the way his boy shrieked with delight as he did it.

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"Plane, papa, plane!"

Blakely grinned widely, obliging as he lifted his son up onto his back and spread his arms out to the side.

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When playtime was over, Blakely took him into the nursery.  "Time for bed, huh, little man?"

Though Zachary tried out a pout on his father, Blakely just laughed.  "Nice try. Hey, look.  Someone's here to say good night.  Look at that, Zach, Maxim's here to say good night!"


Blakely had to bite his lip. Truth be told, he trusted Maxim with his life, but he had been a little aprehensive the first time Zach had run to him  and began to pet him and pull on his ears a bit.  After all, Maxim was a wardog, bred for protection and even attack.  But he'd not only tolerated Zach's attention, but had seemed to bask in it.  So it was almost a nightly tradition now that Maxim would help put the toddler to bed.

Blakely put his son into a jumper to sleep in. Then he set him down so he could give Maxim a big hug.  "Max.  Max," Zach babbled as he ran his hands through the dog's soft fur.

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Once their routine of him giving Zach a lick on the cheek was complete, Blakely tucked his son in. He kissed his forehead.  "Night, son."

"Nini, papa." Zach's eyes didn't stay open long and he was asleep quickly.

Blakely looked down at him for a long moment, feeling a tightness in his chest. Though he could be exhausting at times, Blakely couldn't imagine life without Zach now. He gave Maxim a pat on the head.  "Look after him, boy." Maxim often liked to lay on the little carpet for a good part of the night.

Blakely went to join his wife. They took turns tucking Zach in at night. With a precocious toddler and then everything else, especially with all the trips around the kingdom and some of the preperations, he and Adisa hadn't had much time alone of late.  He found her sitting on their bed.  He snuck in and wrapped his arms around her for a moment.  "Hello, my Queen."

"Mm, better be careful.  My husband is a vengeful man," she murmured as she leaned her head back against him.

He laughed as he scooted over next to her.  "I'm vengeful huh?"

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"Aren't you?"

His brow furrowed as he thought about that for a moment.  "Huh... it's entirely possible."

Adisa rolled her eyes and the twinkle of mischief wasn't quite enough warning as she drilled her fingers into the space below his ribs, his weak spot.  "No no no no!"  He tried to grab her hands but couldn't quite manage it as he was laughing too hard.

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"Uncle, uncle!"

Adisa sat back, her smirk very satisfied.

"I'm not the vengeful one, you are!"

She arched a brow at him.  "Of course I am.  I'm a witch."

He opened his mouth, then closed it.  "Ya know... I didn't think about that."

Adisa threw her head back in laughter and then grabbed his hand.  "Come with me, my King."

"Wait, have I done something that requires vengence?"

"Not unless you have something to tell me?"

"Nope, not at all."  He winked at her as they went into the huge watercloset that adjoined their room.  In it was a hottub.  They both climbed in and then let out a sigh as they settled into the hot water. Blakely leaned his head back onto the side for a moment, just letting the water seep into his sore muscles.

He felt his wife run her fingers down his side and so he brought his head back up just as she slid over onto his lap.  "No sleeping just yet," she murmured.  "I have plans for you."

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"I like the sound of that."


"How's that?" Blakely dug his fingers into the knots between his wife's shoulder blades.

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She groaned.  "Thank you." She turned around, rubbing one hand over her rather large stomach. "The little one has been rather active and it's been hard to get comfortable at night."

Blakely leaned down close.  "Hey in there.  Give your mama a little break huh?  You'll be here before we know it!"

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"Mm, yeah."

Blakely frowned up at his wife as he straightened.  "What is it, love?"

Adisa grimaced.  "Most likely just the pregnancy hormones. But I'm worried. Since I've been pregnant, Zach's been having a bit of a temper issue."

"Yeah. I know.  But I think after this latest escapade, I managed to talk some sense into him.  I know he's a toddler, but he's a bright kid. And after I fixed his little castle, we played dolls and he asked me some questions about having a brother or sister."

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"That's good.  And I know it might take a little time for him to adjust. He's used to having us all to himself."

"Mhm.  I think it'll be fine. If anything, he's going to be a protective older brother once they get here."

Adisa smiled.  "You're probably right."


Before long, it was time for the new baby.  It was a quick labor.  In fact, when they got to the hospital, the doctor just said, "Right this way, your highness.  We're ready for you."  It took almost no time at all, or at least that's how Adisa chooses to remember it. But after only a few hours, the newest member of the royal family, Prince Rhys Doran was born (pronounced Reese).

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When they got him home, Adisa had to feed him.  "Mama?"  She looked behind her and saw her oldest.  She smiled.

"Hey, sweetie.  This is your brother."

"Brother? Baby brother?"

"Yup, this is Rhys, sweetie. Your brother."

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Zach tilted his head, his brow furrowing.  He watched his mother put his baby brother in the bassinet.  Then she came and tucked him in, even reading him a little story. He closed his eyes and waited for his mama to leave.  Once he could no longer hear her footsteps, Zach crawled off his bed and went to the heavy door. His parents tended to leave the door open a crack so that they could hear better. Zach used this to push it open and then made his way down the hall. He'd gotten fast at walking and had even mastered running around. Knowing his little excursion would be cut short if anyone saw him, he made sure to move quietly.

Somehow, he managed to get to the first floor of the castle and then climbed down the stairs that led to the very lowest floor, the basement!

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He didn't stop there.  He made his way through the double doors and into the crypt.  The crypt was where the kings of old were laid to rest as well as the small shrine that had been erected to the first Bulwark.  Zach found himself staring up at the painting on the wall, his head cocked to the side.

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After a little while, Zach turned and went back the way he had come. He crawled back up the big set up stairs and then back up the three flights toward the nursery. He had made it back and gotten in the door when he realized that he wasn't alone.  "Zachary!" Oh no!  It was Meredith!  She'd gone in to check on him and had found him gone.  She picked him up.  "Just where have you been, young man?"

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Maxim let out a bark.  He'd come in with Meredith and wasn't overly happy that his young master hadn't been in bed where he was supposed to.  "Zach, no more midnight excursions ok?  Gotta stay in bed," Meredith admonished him gently as she set him down and knelt so she could look him in the eyes, Maxim looking on.

Zach looked down at his feet of a moment, then back up and nodded.  "Ok, Merry."  He couldn't quite handle Meredith yet.

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Meredith gave him a hug.  "Good boy.  Now, c'mon, let's get you back to bed."

Once she made sure the boy was asleep, she and the dog both padded off to their own beds and the castle was quiet once more.


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Offline oshizu

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Re: Lasting Legacies: an RKC Story Chap. 1.1 9/9/18
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2018, 12:33:39 PM »
Oh, Zachary is so beautiful with his violet eyes and red hair against his darker skin!
I notice that he is described as "heir to the throne." So the firstborn automatically becomes the Crown Prince or Crown Princess?
Zach is positively shooting daggers when Adisa is holding Rhys.

Goodness, all those stairs! Zach must have maxed his Movement by now, lol.
Will you be buying Age-Down Treats for Maxim so that he'll live at least as long as the reigning King Hotness?
(When taken by an adult dog or cat, the treat extends life by roughly 20 days.)
Hah, here I am worrying about Maxim's longevity...

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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Lasting Legacies: an RKC Story Chap. 1.2 9/17/18
« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2018, 11:16:24 PM »
Oh, Zachary is so beautiful with his violet eyes and red hair against his darker skin!
I notice that he is described as "heir to the throne." So the firstborn automatically becomes the Crown Prince or Crown Princess?
Zach is positively shooting daggers when Adisa is holding Rhys.

Goodness, all those stairs! Zach must have maxed his Movement by now, lol.
Will you be buying Age-Down Treats for Maxim so that he'll live at least as long as the reigning King Hotness?
(When taken by an adult dog or cat, the treat extends life by roughly 20 days.)
Hah, here I am worrying about Maxim's longevity...


Yeah, soon as I saw him, I started squeeing XD  Yes, as the rules state, first born becomes heir, at least with nobles and royals. Merchants are also first born, except if the children and parents ever become disliked and then it can go to the next born. Peasants aren't necessarily first born.  Yeah, that was in his anger phase from just having discovered an unwanted sibling XD

Ha, yeah, he's maxed movement already lol.  It's one good thing about huge houses hehehe. Well, I'll be honest, because of the settings I have for aging set to, Maxim will be around for a while, no treat needed.  To be quite honest, I am NOT looking forward to losing any pets...

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1.3: Two + Two (+ One) Makes a Family
« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2018, 11:22:45 PM »
1.3: Two + Two (+ One) Makes a Family

Last Epidsode

When we last visited the Campbell's, Lady Beatrice and her husband Lord Gunner (of the Villareals of Windenburg) had twins.  Lady Beatrice also informed her fellow candidates for the throne that one of their number was of Bulwark blood.  But when it became apparent that Lord Adrian was more than happy to swear allegience to Blakely, she and Gunner did so as well.

Shortly after, the Abbess of Newcrest Abbey, Mother Marian, met with Lady Beatrice in a bid to gain an audience with the new King about the coming weather changes.

Now, the household awaits the coming of these changes.  They reside at Scholarly Sway in Newcrest and the household consists of:

  • Lady Beatrice- matriarch and head of the Campbell line
  • Lord Gunner- Beatrice's husband, illegitmate son of Ezekiel Villareal of Windenburg, though he was acknowledged, he couldn't inherit. Also played an important role in the civil war, helping ensure King Kellen's survival and eventual return to his throne
  • Lord Chase- the first born child, older twin to Lady Zuri and heir to the Campbell title
  • Lady Zuri- the second born child, younger twin to Lord Chase
  • "Lady" Mira- a cat that adopted Beatrice and now has four humans to look after

Taking care of twins was definitely a two person job.  Luckily, Beatrice and Gunner had gotten fairly adept at it. That and their children decided to give them a break by syncing their schedules.

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Beatrice settled their daughter back into her bassinet as Gunner put Chase back into his.  The two smiled at one another.  "Think we can fit in a small nap?" Gunner asked hopefully.

"Knowing them?  I doubt it." Beatrice grinned.  "But we could certainly try!"

It was one of the few times they managed to catch a little sleep.  In between both of their duties, Beatrice's volunteering at the clinic, and trying to find time for each other, Gunner and Beatrice were quite busy and sleep seemed to be a distance memory at times. Naps were a rarity. After a short nap, Beatrice got up, refreshed for the first time in a while.  She padded down to the kitchen in her dressing gown. "Merow!

Beatrice looked down, smiling at Mira.  "How's my girl?" she cooed, reaching down to give Mira a scritch under the chin.

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She picked her up and gave her a little snuggle.  "That's my little girl."  Mira mewed and lifted her head up to nuzzle against Beatrice's cheek.

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Heavy footfalls on the stairs made Mira wriggle.  Beatrice set her down and the cat let out a meow of greeting as Gunner enetered the kitchen.  "Hello, my loves."  He bent down to give Mira a quick scratch behind the ears and then went to his wife and kissed her cheek.

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Beatrice smiled at him and they both took a seat at the counter.  Mira, not to be forgotten, jumped up on the counter in front of them, giving them both a coy look.

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Gunner laughed.  "Show-off," he accused the cat.

Beatrice grinned when he still gave an adsent-minded rub down the cat's back.  "We probably shouldn't let her on the counter," Beatrice mused, looking at Mira.

"Why not?" Gunner asked.  "This is her house too." He reached over rub his hand on the top of Mira's head.  "Isn't that right?" She purred in answer.

Beatrice laughed.  "You have a point."  A cry split the air.  "Oo, that's our cue."  The two slid off the stools, gave Mira one last scritch each and then went upstairs to see to their waking children.


Time has a way of going far more quickly than anyone realizes until they look back and wonder where it all went.  It was no different for Gunner and Beatrice when they realized their little babies were toddlers already. Toddlers with their own little personalities already.  There was no doubt that they were twins.  The two were very close.

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They're not quite identical, but it's fairly close.  They definitely have their father's eyes, at least their color.  Only time will tell as they develop which of their parents they resemble more.

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One thing is for sure. The two are very different in personality.  Little Zuri was a talker.  In fact, she'd talk and babble your ear off, given half a chance. And she loved hugs.  Whether it was her papa, or her big dino, hugging was her favorite pasttime.

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Her brother, on the other hand, was more of a rough and tumble sort. He loved to play. But he didn't have a temper.  In fact, he was more apt to cry when upset then have a tantrum like his sister.

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"Zuri Campbell! Stop right there young lady!" Gunner's eyes were narrowed as he looked down at his daughter. She looked up at him with that sweet smile, but he had to grit his teeth. He had to be strong with her. "Inside, now, young lady.  There will be no more messes!" When her lower lip protruded, he almost caved. He hated seeing her upset! "C'mon, Zuri.  Inside now." His voice was gentler than he wanted, but he figured he'd scolded her enough.

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How did other parents do this?! If this kept up, by the time they were teenagers (something he was trying very hard not to think about), he was going to be a gibbering mess! Hm... he'd have to ask.

"Hey Triss?"

She looked up from where she was working on her computer.  "Yes?"

"What do you think about having some of the others over?"

She frowned.  "Others?"

He nodded.  "Well, I was thinking of their kids, specifically.  Thought it might be nice for the kids to meet others their own age.  Prince Zach is their age. Adrian's little girl is too.  In fact, I could invite my little brother and even Dianna's little one is close in age."  The fact that his baby sister had a baby of her own was still taking some getting used to.

Beatrice pursed her lips.  "I don't see why not.  We'll have to get some equipment.  I've been meaning to get something for the kids to play on in the yard. We could have it later in the week, though I don't know how many of the others would be able to join us."  She stood up, thinking.  "Why don't we invite King Kellen as well? His little boy is also about the same age."

"Hey, you're right!  I haven't seen Kellen in a while.  Not since his boy was born, even."  He kissed her cheek.  "So, we're doing this, huh?"

"Seems we are," she confirmed.  Their home wasn't meant for entertaining, but it seemed they were going to be doing so anyway.  "I'll begin planning."


Gunner flopped on their bed.  "Wh-what did we just do?"

Beatrice was already there.  "We lost our minds, that's what we did."

He groaned.  "I didn't know toddlers and their parents could make such a mess."

His wife grunted in response, too tired to articulate much of anything.  "Least the twins went down to sleep easily," he murmured.  In fact, it had been the easiest bedtime ever.  They had both nodded off before either of their stories were finished.

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At least everyone had enjoyed themselves.  All the kids had played on the equipment that Beatrice had managed to get.

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And everyone had come, at least all the kids. Prince Zachary came, with King Darian of all people!  His nephew, little Ronan, was a right gentleman and accompanied by his mother and grandmother who had also brought the twin's uncle, Anthony. Prince Jalen and his father both came. And Adrian came with his daughter, Jayda.

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Gunner had to admit that helping Zuri up the slide for the first time and catching her at the bottom had been a highlight.

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Of course, having to chase after their future king to make sure he didn't hurt himself had been both fun and nerve-wracking.  That little boy was a bit of a handful already, but a good-natured one.

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Gunner sighed as his eyes closed.  Beatrice had already dropped off to sleep.  It had been quite a job to get everything cleaned up and a lot of it had fallen to her while he'd run herd on the toddlers while they bid their caretakers and escorts goodbye. 


"Ya know, I'm not sure having a meeting with my boss- who happens to be my wife- is any more comfortable here at home," Gunner joked as he sat down across from his wife at the chess board. "Of course, being that you're in your dressing gown, it makes it all worth while."

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Beatrice let out an unlady-like snort.  "Down boy. I know you're kidding.  Though I do have an assignment for you."

He frowned.  "You do?"

She nodded.  "I do. Kellen contacted us. He has some information I've been looking for. I'd like you to meet with him."

Gunner arched a brow.  "An assignment huh? Triss, I've earned my way to being a field agent.  I even went through the hoops you had me jump through.  This wouldn't be a way to keep me out of the field, would it?"

His wife's smirk came quickly, far more quickly than it once would have.  "The thought has crossed my mind, I'll admit. But no.  Kellen has information and has offered to share it.  Sending his friend seemed like a good idea.  And I figured it would be good to take the kids, too."

His eyes widened.  "Wait a minute... you want me to take the kids? With me? Alone?"

Beatrice's smirk became a full-blown grin.  "My dear, you aren't scared to take the kids on an outing by yourself, are you?"

"N-no, of course not."  He pursed his lips. 

His wife laughed.  "You'll be fine, big strong man that you are."  She patted his hand.

He glowered at her.  "You're enjoying this a bit too much."

"Never too much, dear.  Never too much."


"You two behave.  You stay here with Prince Jalen, ok?  King Kellen and I have something to talk about," Gunner told his twins as they entered one of the parlors of Windenburg Castle.

"I'll keep an eye on them," Queen Emilia told him with a smile.  "Go on."

Chase made a beeline for the opposite side of the room, curious and wanting to see everything.  But his sister loved having an audience, so she went right to Prince Jalen, babbling excitedly.

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In fact, when Gunner came back in after his meeting (and a bit of reminiscening and catching up), he found Zuri dominating the room as both of the boys nodded along to what she said.

Queen Emilia laughed.  "She's quite the little entertainer already."

Gunner grinned.  "Yes she is."  He bid his thanks and his goodbye to the Queen and collected his children.  "Ok, c'mon you two.  Time to go home!"

"Home, home!" Zuri babbled.  "Papa, bring J'len home with us?"

Gunner blinked.  "No sweetie.  He stays here.  But he can come visit, ok?"

"Ok Papa, ok."

Emilia laughed and she and her son waved to them as they left.

"No, Zuri.  He lives here.  No, Zach can't come live with us either.  They have their own homes, child!" Gunner's voice echoed back as he took his children home.


In the other kingdoms"

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Lasting Legacies: an RKC Story Chap. 1.3 9/27/18
« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2018, 03:08:27 AM »
The Campbell twins are adorable with Papa's green eyes!
Except for their eyebrows, they look quite similar.  Can't wait to see if/how that changes on their next birthday.

Zuri is quite the socialite. Is she a charmer? Is Chase a wild child?
I've never hired a butler while playing rotationally before. What would happen, I wonder, if the Campells hired a butler.
Would Ferina's love interest show up? That really wouldn't do!!!
My RDC spawned 3 different nannies, so I'm just curious whether rotational gameplay results in multiple butlers as well.
Haha, I'm not asking you test that for me. I'm just thinking out loud!

Zachary is so cute in his black short-pants suit! I can't figure out who Ronan and "the twin's uncle Anthony" are.
Ronan is Gunner's sister's son? But when you say "his grandmother" do you mean Gunner's biological mother or the Villareal patriarch's wife?
Then, is Anthony technically Gunner's half-brother? Is he the one in the turquoise shirt?

I am loving Beatrice and Gunner's rapport these days. I guess the twins leave them no energy to disagree.  ;)

Look at those newspaper clippings! All the households are growing like crazy!

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Lasting Legacies: an RKC Story Chap. 1.3 9/27/18
« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2018, 03:03:15 PM »
The Campbell twins are adorable with Papa's green eyes!
Except for their eyebrows, they look quite similar.  Can't wait to see if/how that changes on their next birthday.

Zuri is quite the socialite. Is she a charmer? Is Chase a wild child?
I've never hired a butler while playing rotationally before. What would happen, I wonder, if the Campells hired a butler.
Would Ferina's love interest show up? That really wouldn't do!!!
My RDC spawned 3 different nannies, so I'm just curious whether rotational gameplay results in multiple butlers as well.
Haha, I'm not asking you test that for me. I'm just thinking out loud!

Zachary is so cute in his black short-pants suit! I can't figure out who Ronan and "the twin's uncle Anthony" are.
Ronan is Gunner's sister's son? But when you say "his grandmother" do you mean Gunner's biological mother or the Villareal patriarch's wife?
Then, is Anthony technically Gunner's half-brother? Is he the one in the turquoise shirt?

I am loving Beatrice and Gunner's rapport these days. I guess the twins leave them no energy to disagree.  ;)

Look at those newspaper clippings! All the households are growing like crazy!


Yeah, I can't wait to see them when they get older.  I have a feeling, just looking at their profiles, that the Villareal genes will be strong.  But we'll see, they might surprise me.  I do love their eyes, though. Actually, Zuri is Silly, but she loves to talk to people. She's always talking, wishing to talk and share jokes, etc. Chase is angelic, but his whims are all about the playing XD lol so he doesn't throw tantrums, but he does cry.

Ya know, I think it would be a different one.  But I can't absolutely confirm it XD

Hehe, I think that the twins have given Beatrice some perspective.  For one, she doesn't have time to be insecure like she did.  And as she and Gunner tackle parenting together, her trust has gone up quite a lot.  Kids change a lot of things hehehe.  Now, that being said, doesn't mean they still don't disagree XD boy, do they still disagree, but that's a couple thing.

Oh tell me about it XD this is after I lowered the percentages with the new MCCC lol.

Update incoming!

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1.4: The Jungle Calls
« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2018, 03:08:43 PM »
1.4: The Jungle Calls

"Pierce, have you read this paper?" Krista Abbott looked up from the paper she had been reading.

"No, I haven't had a chance."  Her husband strode over and dropped down on the couch next to her, a bowl of fruit in his hand.

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She passed the one paper she was reading to him.  He frowned as he read.  "Wow, this is crazy.  I know the King sent out annoncements, but still.  Hard to believe huh?"

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Krista nodded.  "Yeah.  It's crazy."  A shiver went down her spine.  "Good thing we'll be leaving in a few days for a sunnier climate, huh?"

"Well, we hope so," Pierce corrected with a grin.  He sat back, reading more of the papers that Krista had scattered around.

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He and Krista enjoyed traveling and they liked staying abreast of the news so they had subscribed to as many papers as they could, even paying the extra to have some sent from the other kingdoms.  It was well worth it.

"Anything from our destination?" he asked his wife.

She shook her head.  "No.  So that's something, at least, though you know the Selvadoradians are a bit- insular."

"That's true.  Well, we'll certainly see when we arrive."


Getting to Selvadorado was always a long trip, but it was well worth it to Pierce and Krista.  It held a special place in their hearts, since it is where they met. Unlike then, however, they worked together now. But first, it was time to settle in. Their little two bedrom bungalow was ready.

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Not that they would stay there long. As soon as they acquired sufficient supplies, they'd be heading out to the jungle. "It's so good to be back." Krista pulled in a deep breath.

Pierce looked over at her, grinning.  "It is, isn't it?  Been too long."

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"It really has."  He stood up, bouncing on his heels.  "I think I'm going to head to the marketplace.  You want to come with me?"

Krista thought about it for a moment.  "I think I may stick around here.  But you go on.  Enjoy yourself."

He kissed her cheek.  "I'll be back soon, sweetheart."  Pierce changed quickly and headed to the marketplace.  Even this late in the evening, it was full of life.  He looked around, smiling.  It really was good to be back.  He often felt as at home here as he did in Newcrest.

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His first stop was at the statue of Madre Cosecha in the square.  He remembered the first time he had stepped foot in Selvadorado.  She'd caught his eye then.  Of course, Krista had been the second woman to catch his eye and that had stuck. But still, he had to pay his respects to the founder of Selvadorado.

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Once he had done that, it was time to peruse the stalls at the marketplace.  That was the best place to find things that they would need in the jungle. The locals knew more than anyone about what could be found out there.

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After greeting the vendor (a lovely lady by the name of Maria), Pierce perused her wares, pursing his lips. There were a few things that would definitely be useful.  A few of the dolls would fetch good prices back at home, so he bought those. It was a good way to make sure the locals here were paid well and those who weren't quite brave enough to make the trek themselves would still get a taste of what Selvadorado had to offer. Once he had bought what he thought best, he returned back to the bungalow.  There, he found his wife happily digging in the dirt. 

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Selvadorado was rife with things left over from the first people that had settled there.  And at no time was his wife happier than when she got to uncover some of their secrets, even if the secret was a piece of their pottery or one of the many pieces of artwork.  Of course, there were also the forgeries that cropped up every now and again as well.  Some of the locals were more unscrupulous than others and too many tourists weren't very discerning.

"Are you done playing in the dirt?" he called to her, grinning.

She wiped the back of her hand over her forehead and smirked up at him.  "Not yet.  Find anything good?"

"A few things.  Will have to head back in the morning.  There's a few more things I'm looking for.  Maria said she should have some tomorrow."

Krista stood up, brushing herself off.  "Sounds good.  There's a few fun tidbits here, but they'll take some more study."

Pierce took her hand.  "Well, let's go inside.  We didn't escape the rain, you're soaked."

She grimaced.  "Yes, I suppose you're right."

He laughed.  "Too adsorbed in your work.  You didn't even notice!"

"Guilty."  Her grin was rueful.  "What can I say? I'm as bad as you are when we're exploring!"

His outrage was spoiled by the way his voice cracked at suppressing his laugh.  "I never!"  The two walked arm in arm back  to the bungalow to get ready for bed so they could be up early the next morning.


It was a scorcher of a morning. The rain had stopped, but it had left the humidity and temperature sky high. It didn't stop Pierce from going to the market, though.  Maria wasn't there.  "She said you would be by.  She had a few things to take care of this morning, so I said I'd bring the items."

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After negotiating, they were finally equipped for their trek in the jungle.  Krista and Pierce loaded up each of their packs and then headed to the trail head.  "Ready?" he asked his wife.


He grinned at her enthusiasm.  With the familiar excitement spurring them both on, Pierce began to hack at their first obstacle: a wall of vines that blocked their path into the heart of the jungle.

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Pierce never got tired of it.  There was always something more to discover in the jungle. The scenary itself was spectacular.

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One of their favorite things was the waterfall.  It never failed to move them.  As he moved across the bridge toward it, Pierce couldn't help but keep his eyes on it.

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At the far side, even Krista stopped and went toward the edge, her husband right behind her.

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They stopped, admiring it for a long moment. Then Krista looked at Pierce.  "Do you remember?  When we first met?"

He smiled down at her gently.  "Of course I do.  As I recall," his voice was teasing, "you told me go away and find my own dig site. Though you used stronger words at the time."

There was a glint in her eye.  "Oh, I'm sure they were much stronger. But then again, you never were all that good at listening. You didn't go find your own dig site.  Instead, I found you in my temple."

Pierce threw his head back and laughed as he pulled her close.  "Never change my dear."

She lay her head on his shoulder.  "Of course not."


Trekking through the jungle wasn't easy, but the two of them loved every minute of it.  Even the attacks by lightning bugs and spiders were an exhilarating experience for both of them.  But the best part was the arrival at the temple. Local legends said that it changed every time.  Others said that there were multiple temples, but the path to them changed periodically.  It was hard to say, and not even Pierce and Krista, who had made many trips, could say for sure.

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It was pretty late when they got there, but that didn't stop them. Krista was in her element as she began excavations in earnest, being sure to catalog and record everything.

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Meanwhile, her husband was in his element as he explored the temple, pitting himself against the traps, figuring out how to get passed them, using his wits and his strength.

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Eventually, it lead him to the heart of the temple and to the treasures within.

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But as all such things must, their trip had to come to an end.  After all, they had a business to run, even if the business was mainly to keep financing their trips and digs. As the two trekked out of the jungle, Pierce stopped and gave a wistful look back.  "We'll be back soon," he murmured as he slid his arm around his wife's waist.

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Their little shop, Selvadorad-Ho! did a brisk business, for all that they only opened every so often.  They preferred running the shop themselves, though Krista had been toying with hiring someone.  They saw all sorts of people that came in to peruse their wares and to ask questions about what the jungle was actually like.  Even the former King Bulwark made a stop, asking the two of them if there was anything they would be willing to donate or that could be purchased for the museum.  They were still in negotiations.  Honestly, having something they found and studied in the museum was a highlight, but it was making the decision on which piece should go in there.

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As Pierce and Krista got home after a late night, they got ready for bed.  They crawled in next to one another and Pierce wrapped his arms around his wife.  "Don't worry dear, we'll be going back soon," Krista murmured to him, grinning.

Pierce chuckled.  "Oh I know. I do enjoy being home, too, ya know."  She pulled back enough to look at him, arching a brow.  "Krista, wherever you're at, I'm happy.  Do I love the jungle? Of course I do.  You do too. But it's nice to come home, just you and me, huh?"

"Yeah, it really is."  She cuddled close.  "It surely is."

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Re: Lasting Legacies: an RKC Story Chap. 1.4 10/3/18
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2018, 03:48:09 PM »
Oh, we are meeting the first merchant household!
What a great couple--they seem like the type who might often finish each other's sentences, hehe.
So many lovely shots of Selvadorada!

Would love to see more of their shop!
I wonder if Brindleton Bay experiences less of the weather-related deaths than other areas.
Though I only recently disabled thunderstorms/blizzards in my game, I haven't had a single climate-related death in my game yet.
And there I go, jinxing myself.

Looking forward to reading more about the Abbots!

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Lasting Legacies: an RKC Story Chap. 1.4 10/3/18
« Reply #23 on: October 21, 2018, 04:09:33 PM »
Oh, we are meeting the first merchant household!
What a great couple--they seem like the type who might often finish each other's sentences, hehe.
So many lovely shots of Selvadorada!

Would love to see more of their shop!
I wonder if Brindleton Bay experiences less of the weather-related deaths than other areas.
Though I only recently disabled thunderstorms/blizzards in my game, I haven't had a single climate-related death in my game yet.
And there I go, jinxing myself.

Looking forward to reading more about the Abbots!


Oh yes, that happens sometimes lol They work really well together.

Thank you!  I was having fun having them take photos of Selvadorado to sell in the shop.  I hope to do a tour of their shop, their house, etc at some point.

Hehehe, let's just say that those deaths were engineered by their terrible Watcher for story purposes XD You'll see some more of that in this next update!

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1.5: The Witch of Newcrest
« Reply #24 on: October 21, 2018, 04:12:53 PM »
1.5: The Witch of Newcrest

Author's Note: Allow me to apologize.  Somehow, I managed to get through the Grable's first week with far less screenshots than I realized.  So this will be a short chapter and might seem to not focus on a lot of what she's doing. Sorry about that!  But hopefully you'll enjoy what I do have.


"Hm, that's an interesting combination."  Makayla looked down at the vial in her hand as she placed it in the mass spectrometor.

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She pushed the button to finish the analysis.  It would take a little while to finish.  She wiped the back of her hand over her brow and headed upstairs. Her little home never failed to excite her.  It was hers. She had never had anything of her own before.  Growing up an orphan in Oasis Springs, she had been well-cared for, but everything had been a gift from the Crown. Oh, they were generous and she had rarely wanted for anything, but it had been drilled into her by those that ran the orphanage that everything she had, she owed to the Royal family.

When she came of age, rather than find her place somewhere in Oasis Springs, Makayla decided she had a place elsewhere.  There had been several possibilities. San Myshuno would have been a good choice.  After all, the thing she loved most: sciene was much like magic.  They both had rules and were a terrific way to understand the world around them.  But it had been too busy for her, too chaotic.

Windenburg was still recovering from the war. There had always been something about Newcrest.  The stories of the Bulwarks had always fascinated her. When she had arrived in Newcrest and saw the small abandoned cottage, she knew she was finally home.

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Though it was less developed than San Myshuno and many held an innate caution toward magic, Newcrest suited Makayla quite well. It was still a bit hard to believe that she was on her own.  That she could provide for herself, make her own food when needed.

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It was all so different to what she had grown up with.  But she was quickly getting used to it. Pursing her lips, she went to the little garden she kept in the basement.  Her yard was plenty big enough, but since she often used the plants in her experiments, she preferred to keep it all inside where it was much easier to control and keep track of it. She picked out an assortment. Loading them into a basket, she left her home and went across the street.

The Abbey was always so serene. She held the basket under one arm and used the big knocker.

"Oh!  Makayla!" Randall stood there for a moment, blinking.

She smiled at him and held up the basket.  "I come baring food."  Her smile faded.  "How are the kids?"

He took the basket from her.  "Thank you."  He set it on the counter top, sighing.  "They're as good as could be expected," he murmured.  "Neleesh- his mother's death is hard on him. He doesn't speak much.  He spends a good bit of time near her graveside."

He motioned for her to sit on the pew.  He joined her, dropping down onto it.  He leaned his head back.  "In some ways, it's harder to deal with Maki and Ataksuki. They lost their mother too, and their father had to leave them here for their own good.  We don't even know if he's still alive."

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Makayla swallowed.  She knew that feeling all too well.  "Those poor kids." Due to the weather extremes that had cropped up, there were many families that were struggling.  No one had been hit as hard as those that traveled between the kingdoms. Many had perished during the cold temperatures.  Others had been too weak due to hunger and illness.  Three families had come to the Abbey for help. One of the adults, a single mother with a young son, had already been ill and she had passed away.  The father who had lost his wife shortly before arriving in Newcrest had dropped his two children off at the Abbey, unable to care for them.  The other father and his daughter were recuperating, trying to figure out what they could do.

She'd been bringing them extra produce to help out, and spend time with the kids, do what she could.  After all, she knew too well what it was to be alone.

"We'll do what we can," Randall murmured.  "Thank you for your help.  Though the Abbey is self-sustaining, we haven't had this many to accomodate in a while."

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"I'm happy to help.  More than."

"We appreciate it more than you know."

She put a hand over his.  "I enjoy doing it.  Plus, it gives me an excuse to come and see you."  She couldn't help herself. The way he blushed and stammered a little never failed to delight her. She laughed, then stood up.  "I should be going.  Next time, I'll say hello to the kids." 

Randall stood up with her and walked her to the door. "Makayla?"

She looked at him, tilting her head to the side.

"Thank you.  Truly.  I-"  He pulled in a breath.  "Makayla, I want to get to know you more. But I don't know what's going to happen.  With the children-"

Makayla stopped him with a gentle finger to his lips.  "Randall, you don't have to worry. I can wait.  I'm just glad that you haven't taken a relationship completely off the table."

He wasn't sure what to say to that, so he just gave her a quick peck on the cheek.  She blew him a kiss before she walked back across the street to her own home.


Several days passed in which Makayla spent with her experiments. Truth be told, she could lose quite a bit of time when she was working.  It was a bit of a shock when she heard a knock at the door.

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"Oh, Randall!"

He stood on her porch blinking, his cheeks stained with pink as he averted his gaze.  "Randall?"  She looked down at herself, realizing she was still in her nightgown.  Rather than be embarrassed, she looked up at him, smirking.  "Is there a problem?"

"N-no, not at all," he managed.

Makayla laughed.  "Come on in."  She stepped back to allow him inside.

He sidled past her, still looking down at the ground.  He stood in her little living room, looking around while she sat on her couch.  "Randall?"  She waited until he finally looked at her, being very careful to keep his eyes on her face.  "You can sit down, you know."

He hesitated, but finally, he did join her on the couch, looking anywhere but at her for a moment.

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"Marian wanted me to thank you for the produce," he mumbled.

Makayla bit her lip to keep from laughing.  "She's quite welcome. Did you really come here just to tell me that?"

"No, not exactly. Marian also told me I was a fool." There was a rueful hint to his voice, some self depreciation as well. "I happen to agree with her."

"You do, hm? And just what are you being a fool about?" She batted her eyeslashes at him innocently.

"You really want me to say it?"


It surprised a chuckle out of him.  "I'm a fool for letting someone like you go."

Makayla hid her surprise- and delight- by looking down at her hand for a moment.  "Is that so? Do you agree?"

"I do."  He looked at her now. "Makayla, I want to find out what we can be together.  But- I can't just leave the Abbey.  Not now.  Even with Hector there, I don't dare leave Marian alone. Not with all the children."

"Oh Randall, I would never ask that of you.  And I will do everything I can to continue to help. In fact, why don't I go get dressed, then we can both go over?  I have some more fruits and veggies I can give.  My plants have been producing really well, far more than I will be able to use."

"Ok.  Thank you, Makayla."

She blew a little kiss to him as she went upstairs to change.  When she came back down, Randall looked almost relieved.  "If I didn't know any better," she told him, "I'd think you didn't like the way I look."

"What?  What?" He looked so bewildered, Makayla couldn't hold in her laugh.

"Randall, you make it too easy, you know that? I'm just having you on. You take things so seriously." He looked so cute, so flustered.  Before she knew what she was doing, she'd taken a step toward him and pressed her lips to his!

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She pulled away.  He stood there for a moment, dazed. Then everything came back into focus and he blinked, looking at her with a dopey grin. She took his hand.  "Let me get the food.  Then let's go."


"Mizz Makayla?  Are you really a witch?"


Makayla waved away Hector's concern and she smiled at the young boy.  She thought it a good sign that he was curious.  His grief would come and go, but at least he could still ask questions. 

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She leaned down close to him.  "I am, Neleesh.  I am a witch.  You aren't afraid of me, are you?"

He shook his head vigorously.  "No, course not!"

"Good boy. Magic isn't something to fear, only something to respect. After all, isn't the Queen here also a witch?  Do you fear her?"

He shook his head again.

"Good. Where's everyone else?"

"They're around. I think Akatsuki is in the kitchen, Maki's in her room and- oh, there's Maiah now."

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Makayla's afternoon at the Abbey was a pleasant interlude.  She was a distraction for the kids and gave the other adults a break. Marian looked a bit haggard and poor Hector was still trying to recuperate from near starvation. He was doing better, but it would take time.

When she left, all the children gave her a hug and even Randall gave her a light peck on the cheek.  "Do you want to go out sometime?" he asked, looking down at his feet.

She smiled.  "I'd like that very much. I still have my little project yet, but I'm very much looking forward to going out with you. We should take the kids out too, get them out and about. Will be good for them."

Randall nodded.  "Yes, I think you make a good point." He pulled her to him with a tight hug and gave her a quick kiss.

Makayla left the Abbey with a smile on her face and a spring to her step.

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Announcement for November
« Reply #25 on: October 21, 2018, 04:34:13 PM »
Announcement: Ok, again, apologies for the update and it being quite a bit shorter and not as focused as it should be. Now, November is coming up which means NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) which takes up my entire November. I will be attempting to write at least 50k words of a novel during this time as well as run events for my region so not a huge amount of time for Sims, though I will be getting Get Famous and I will test that out first before booting up my RKC.  Plus, there's the whole Python upgrade, so not sure how it will affect MCCC which is imperative for my RKC. Because of all those factors, this will be on hiatus until after November.  I may get some build interludes up, but I'm not sure.  Will all depend on time.

Don't worry, they will return! And I do apologize. I was hoping to get through one whole rotation before November, but unfortunately, my time was just a bit chaotic. Keep an eye on this space anyway because I will try to have some other things up at some point during November.

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Re: Lasting Legacies: an RKC Story 1.5 10/21/18 and Announcement
« Reply #26 on: October 21, 2018, 05:18:16 PM »
Announcement: Ok, again, apologies for the update and it being quite a bit shorter and not as focused as it should be. Now, November is coming up which means NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) which takes up my entire November. I will be attempting to write at least 50k words of a novel during this time as well as run events for my region so not a huge amount of time for Sims, though I will be getting Get Famous and I will test that out first before booting up my RKC.  Plus, there's the whole Python upgrade, so not sure how it will affect MCCC which is imperative for my RKC. Because of all those factors, this will be on hiatus until after November.  I may get some build interludes up, but I'm not sure.  Will all depend on time.

Don't worry, they will return! And I do apologize. I was hoping to get through one whole rotation before November, but unfortunately, my time was just a bit chaotic. Keep an eye on this space anyway because I will try to have some other things up at some point during November.

Good luck with NaNoWriMo! I did that a couple of years ago. Won't be doing it this year, though, because of too much Sims stuff, lol. Your readers will wait for you.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: Lasting Legacies: an RKC Story 1.5 10/21/18 and Announcement
« Reply #27 on: October 21, 2018, 07:08:23 PM »
Makayla and Randall are awfully cute together.
Good look with NaNoWriMo, both for yourself and for your region!

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Re: Lasting Legacies: an RKC Story 1.5 10/21/18 and Announcement
« Reply #28 on: October 21, 2018, 08:44:58 PM »
Woah good luck with Nanowrimo Shewolf! Hope you enjoy doing it lol
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Re: Lasting Legacies: an RKC Story 1.5 10/21/18 and Announcement
« Reply #29 on: October 22, 2018, 10:53:08 AM »
Have fun writing!  I'll be all caught up by the time you get back and ready to more about your kingdom.   :D

