First post ... hope I'm doing this in the right place!!
We have been testing various transfigurations on the Carter XL display, and came up with a couple of interesting results.
COPPER. You can end up with masses of the stuff when in Egypt, and it's cheap. Place 5 bars on the top left space on the Carter, then one bar in each other location. Transfiguration gives you a large copper bar and a FREE large PALLADIUM worth around $3000.
IRIDIUM. We've only done this once, so still under test. Place 4 bars in the top left corner, and one on each other location. That's 11 bars worth in total about $1500 and the $500 cost of 'Irreversible Trasfiguration" This resulted in ...
One Large Iridium $747
One Large Copper $196
One Large Supernovium $81,191. Yes, over 81 thousand!
Another test on that one later today, once our Sim has been to France, and spent the entire trip using the Collection Helper to find metals ... with IRIDIUM at the top of the list!
EDIT --- YES, not a random result.
Stack the Iridium bars in the correct pattern
4 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
The output seems to be:
One Large Iridium [worth roughly 8 bars]
One Large Copper worth about one Iridium bar.
And each time we got a Large Supernovium worth about 80,000