Ok none-Learned Relic Hunter (LRH for short later in the post) is done with her boardbreaking.
The result of that sim week is as follows:
Soulpeace gem - 11
Tiberium - 9
Septarian Nodule - 9
Yellow sapphire - 9
Fluorite palmstone - 8
Diamond - 8
Lapis lazuli - 8
Pink diamond - 7
Opal - 7
Vampire's Eye - 7
Luminous gem - 7
Torquoise - 7
Quartz - 7
Rainbow gem - 6
Alabaster - 6
Citrine - 6
Geode - 5
Smithsonite - 5
Tanzanite - 4
Amethyst - 4
Ruby - 3
Blue topaz - 3
Jade - 2
Emerald - 2
Smokey quartz - 2
Ok looking it over the none LRH sim got 145 gems while the one with LRH got 168 gems. Seems like the one with LRH got more gems, but that sim has also broken alot more boards.
The sim without LRH got 4 more Soulpeace gems, 1 more Tiberium, 4 more Fluorite palmstone.
No difference between the amount of Pink diamonds, both got 7.
The sim with LRH got 2 more Opals, 1 more Rainbow gem.
The sim without LRH had a percentage of 7,58% for getting Soulpeace gems, 6,20% for getting Tiberium, 5,51% for Fluorite palmstones, 4,82% for Pink diamonds and Opals, 4,13% for getting Rainbow gems.
The sim with LRH had a percentage of 5,35% for Opals, 4,76% for Tiberium, 4,16 for Pink diamonds, Soulpeace gems and Rainbow gems, 2,38% for Fluorite palmstones.
Seems like the difference from getting LRH isn't very big since getting the high lvl gems is rather random as it is.
I could continue to give percentages for how big/small the percentages was for getting each game, but not right now...