Pam, that event gets cancelled if you don't call the ghosthunter, therefore you can't have the ghosts and not the hunter.
For those who don't know what I'm talking about: sometimes when you start a new game and place a household in a house in the neighborhood, some events may happen, including "your house was struck by meteors", "ghosts have taken over", etc. If you click "Ignore event", evreything caused by it will be cancelled. In my opinion, they are all worth doing, as they take nearly 2-3 hours to clear and can give you quite a lot of extra money to start with.
For the "struck by meteors" one, I recommend only collecting the rocks, analyzing and selling them (cosignment store may be a better option), as all the dust in the floor will later be cleaned by a firefighter who comes to help you. An event that happened to me long ago (when I started my main Sim, so one day after the game was launched), I was lucky to find nearly 10-15 gems and metals in the lot, due to one of those events. Helped a lot.