Author Topic: The Drifter Chronicles - House 007 - (COMPLETED)  (Read 35353 times)

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 007 - Updated 8/13
« Reply #45 on: August 19, 2018, 07:30:46 AM »
Journal entry, Sansa Stark

Margaery insisted on working right up to the minute she was in labor, but I think it was worth it, because by the time she came back, we had the shell of what is going to be our home done.

I thought we would have the baby at the hospital.

“Absolutely not,” she said. “I’ve seen what goes on there firsthand.”

I may have freaked out a little when she was having the baby, but in the end everything was fine.

Our daughter is beautiful and perfect. We named her Jonquil.

From: Margaery Stark
To: Kevan Hecking, Drifter Project, No Sim Left Behind
Re: Progress Report 003

We have a daughter. Her name is Jonquil.

As you’ll see from the photos, we have a house. We’re not at the maximum value, but I really don’t think it’s going to be an issue. My mom came over to see Jonquil and she liked what we’d done (she aged into an elder then and there, which was soooo weird).

Dad looked at my spreadsheets and agreed too.

Now if we can just keep the vampires out, we’ll be great.

We’re already on level 3 of the soulmate aspiration. The hard part is just sticking to silver. I’m so used to getting golds on dates.

We went to the von Haunt Estate and also to the Ruins.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 007 - Updated 8/19
« Reply #46 on: August 19, 2018, 11:10:10 AM »
I find it hard to stop at silver for parties/dates, too, even when that's all that's needed.   ;)

And I agree with Margaery on her reason for not wanting to give birth at the hospital.  I've often thought the doctors would be the least likely to allow themselves to be placed in the surgery machine!

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 007 - Updated 8/19
« Reply #47 on: August 22, 2018, 09:16:02 AM »
I find it hard to stop at silver for parties/dates, too, even when that's all that's needed.   ;)

And I agree with Margaery on her reason for not wanting to give birth at the hospital.  I've often thought the doctors would be the least likely to allow themselves to be placed in the surgery machine!

This was my first time playing through the doctor career and I found it...wanting. The staff did nothing. Nothing.

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 007 - Updated 8/19
« Reply #48 on: August 22, 2018, 09:24:51 AM »
Journal entry, Margaery Stark

Roose came by for a visit.

Unfortunately it was on the same day as Jonquil’s birthday party and I think Sansa is still kind of ticked at me.

Jonquil is a toddler now! She’s very silly, but that just makes us love her more. We’re both painting a lot and it’s helped us begin to furnish the house.

Maybe I'm biased, but I think she's the best toddler ever.

My mother and Aunt Myrielle came by for a visit. I think they were both hoping that we were going to have another baby. I didn’t want to tell them—especially not my mother—that it was so refreshing for it to just be the three of us in our little cottage.

I am climbing up the ladder at work. I had to operate on Mya today. The procedure was a success, but it was strange to see someone I once flirted with on the table.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 007 - Updated 8/22
« Reply #49 on: August 26, 2018, 12:09:31 AM »
Jonquil is a cutie!  It's cool that she got Sansa's red hair. 

The little cottage is starting to look really nice.  I like the colors in the living room. 

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 007 - Updated 8/22
« Reply #50 on: August 26, 2018, 10:23:52 AM »
Jonquil is a cutie!  It's cool that she got Sansa's red hair. 

The little cottage is starting to look really nice.  I like the colors in the living room.

Thanks! I think this is my favorite of the houses I've done so far, landscaping not withstanding.

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 007 - Updated 8/22
« Reply #51 on: August 26, 2018, 10:30:35 AM »
Grade school report of Jonquil Stark

My name is Jonquil. Mama says she named me after a beautiful yellow flower. Yellow is my favorite color.

My family came to my birthday party and Mommy made a blue confetti cake. I am now an insider. I do not know what that means.

Grandpa and Grandma came. They also sent me a dragon toy and a carriage. Mama played with them more than I did.

Everyone danced at my party. The cake was very good.

From: Margaery Stark
To: Kevan Hecking, Drifter Project, No Sim Left Behind
Re: Progress Report 004

Sansa aged up to adult today.

We’re making good progress on soulmate. This isn’t something that takes a lot of effort because we’re both still crazy about the other.

The house is going to be at full value, no problem.

I know it’s not a goal, but I’m doing really well at work. I just wish I had more time to be with Sansa and Jonquil.

Journal entry, Sansa Stark

Margaery stayed late at work again. She told me it’s because she wants to get another promotion.

And then I heard her answer Jonquil’s question about her day.

I guess Roose came into the hospital and collapsed right there in the waiting room.

“He’s with Walda now,” Margaery said when I brought it up. “You have nothing to worry about.”

“And that sim you were talking to just now? Who is he?”

Margaery just laughed. “Chi Flint? Well, if I have the family tree straight, he’s my first cousin, once removed. He's Breanna's brother.”

"Hey," she said to me. "I'm with you and I love you and only you."

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 007 - Updated 8/26
« Reply #52 on: August 29, 2018, 10:58:56 AM »
Text conversation between Garlan Tyrell and Breanna Flint

Breanna: Those are the ugliest pants I have ever seen. Do you think Roose just has a closet with 7 identical pairs or what?

Garlan: Probably. Don't be so obvious that you're texting me. Want to get a drink after this?

Breanna: We still have the cake and the presents. OMG

Garlan: What?

Breanna: Good thing Aunt Cersei is dead. WTH is that hairdo?

Garlan: Well, that was quick.

Breanna: Mom always said it was a family tradition to do makeovers after any birthday.

From: Margaery Stark
To: Kevan Hecking, Drifter Project, No Sim Left Behind
Re: Progress Report 005

Thanks for the commemorative plate in honor of Jonquil’s birthday. She got the unflirty trait. Sansa is terrified that means she’ll never fall in love. To be honest, I’m relieved.

On a different note, is No Sim Left Behind at all involved with public health? We’ve had another spate of Triple Threat and sims are collapsing all over the place. The hospital is just not equipped to handle the workload. Now Garlan isn't feeling well.

I’ve had to operate on my ex’s far too often because there just aren’t enough qualified physicians around.

In answer to the message you left on the phone when you called the other day to remind us about the soulmate aspiration, we’ve received a gold on our date at the new restaurant. BTW, you should check it out. It blows the Green Grille out of the water. It’s called Fruitti de Mer which I guess is Italian for seafood.

And lastly, we’ve spoken to Jonquil about the Project. I hope you’ll understand when I say that we need as much information as you can possibly impart before Sansa and I can recommend her participation.

Offline Tynynounours

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 007 - Updated 8/29
« Reply #53 on: August 30, 2018, 05:22:20 PM »
Wow, the house is very pretty.
It makes me smile to see Roose still around, and causing jealousy.

And Jonquil is beautiful.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 007 - Updated 8/29
« Reply #54 on: August 30, 2018, 11:48:54 PM »
I'm all caught up!  Wow, so much has happened!  I give you so much credit for this challenge.  Controlling only one Sim makes me crazy XD I'm such a micromanager (even if I'm terrible at it more often than XD) Love that she ended up with Sansa. Heh, having to keep seeing all her exes has to be hard XD Jonquil is gorgeous!

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 007 - Updated 8/29
« Reply #55 on: August 31, 2018, 10:11:49 AM »
Wow, the house is very pretty.
It makes me smile to see Roose still around, and causing jealousy.

And Jonquil is beautiful.

I have a weakness for Sim!Roose who really was kind of sweet in a way. And thank you--this has been my favorite house so far. (I hated what I did with the pool though).

I'm all caught up!  Wow, so much has happened!  I give you so much credit for this challenge.  Controlling only one Sim makes me crazy XD I'm such a micromanager (even if I'm terrible at it more often than XD) Love that she ended up with Sansa. Heh, having to keep seeing all her exes has to be hard XD Jonquil is gorgeous!

You know....I am a micromanager too, but I found that I kind of liked generally only been able to control one sim. It started to make me nuts when I had to control more than the one.

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 007 - Updated 8/29
« Reply #56 on: August 31, 2018, 04:11:20 PM »
From: Kevan Hecking, Drifter Project, No Sim Left Behind
To: Jonquil Stark
Re: House 008

Hi Jonquil,

Your parents have asked us to talk to you about House 008. Certain elements remain. If you choose to participate, you will need to earn enough to construct a house with certain specifications and a minimum value.

You will need to enter the Writer career.

This house will require you to adopt 3 babies at specific mandated points. You will also need to have a biological child who will be your heir.

We’re very interested in exploring childhood development so each of these four children will have to achieve an aspiration.

Let us know what you decide.

Journal entry, Jonquil Stark

I spent the last few days reading through the archives of our family’s participation in the Drifter Project. When I got to Mom’s stuff, I almost threw up. She asked me to talk to Kevan Hecking and he was reassuring.

I like writing. I like the idea of starting with nothing and making something that’s my own. I love the idea of giving orphan sims a home. I love the idea of a child.

The thought of having to flirt and kiss and woohoo though…

From: Margaery Stark
To: Kevan Hecking, Drifter Project, No Sim Left Behind
Re: Progress Report 006

Jonquil is giving the Project some thought. We are both pretty sure she’s a yes, but in the meantime, we are throwing a party for her, just my brother, Garlan and my cousins Breanna and Chi and also Roose, who has become a really good family friend.

I’ll send the updates and photos of our house in the next report.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 007 - Updated 8/31
« Reply #57 on: August 31, 2018, 04:41:35 PM »
Hm... suspicious that Roose is a family friend lol actually, that's cool. Oh dear, that unflirty trait may prove to be an issue, though using some good flirty decor and steamy showers work wonders.

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 007 - Updated 8/31
« Reply #58 on: September 11, 2018, 11:24:33 AM »
Hm... suspicious that Roose is a family friend lol actually, that's cool. Oh dear, that unflirty trait may prove to be an issue, though using some good flirty decor and steamy showers work wonders.

This was my first time working with an unflirty sim...

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 007 - Updated 8/31
« Reply #59 on: September 11, 2018, 11:35:44 AM »
Apologies for the delay in posting the update--this is my busy time at work.

From: Margaery Stark
To: Kevan Hecking, Drifter Project, No Sim Left Behind
Re: Progress Report 007

The house came in around $50K. It’s all Sansa’s doing.

This is the front of the house. I didn’t bother with photos of the living room or kitchen as I know you’ve seen lots of those.

Sansa says it might make sense to explain the floor plan. As you enter the house, to the right is the living room. Directly ahead is our kitchen/dining area and there’s a little hallway to the patio and back yard.

This is the back.  I’m still not sure about the pool design (that bit was mine).

To the left is our bedroom.

Then there’s a 4-piece bathroom.

I took a couple of shots so you could get a sense of it.

In the back is Jonquil’s room.

The curtains do not match the wallpaper, but she said she liked it like that and it seemed easier to just let her live with it.

I think that’s it. I know it’s not part of the requirements, but I’m now level 10 in my career. Sansa and I are going to miss having Jonquil living with us, but we’re excited to just be on our own with no more pressures. We’re going to Granite Falls for a little vacation tomorrow.

Thanks for all your help.

Margaery and Sansa

Journal entry, Jonquil Stark

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about having to be in a romantic relationship with a partner, but I had a long talk with Garlan at my birthday party.

“Honey, traits are not … they’re not absolutes. I’m technically ‘evil.’ Sansa is ‘childish.’ But that doesn’t mean I go out and murder people or that she isn’t a good and capable parent. There are ways to get flirty. You’ll figure them out when and if you decide that’s what you want to do.”

Mama said he’s right. Mom said the same thing. Chi said something about aliens irradiating our food, but then he said I can do anything to which I set my mind.

So I guess I’m ready for an adventure.

I emailed Kevan that I’m in!

Note: pretty sure the majority of the CC is all peacemaker.

