I guess one is probably a bug, but apparently someone forgot to program the Climbing Wall to let a lvl 10 fitness sim mentor someone using the wall, which mentoring someone while they are on a climbing wall is actually more realistic than mentoring them on some other workout item. If you think about it the climbing wall is the only one I know of that most states require by law someone else to be a mentor/coach/safety relay for someone on the wall. Probably a bit too indepth analyzing the bug but there it is....
Also I noticed that Casandra Goth was revealed as a "Known Alien" to one of my sims when they started making friends with her, but now that i've asked her to move in and she's part of my household the game seems to have just automatically removed her alien status in CAS and she has no alien interactions. Is this a bug also or is learning about someone and finding out the "Known Alien" trait not always a 100% guarantee that the person really IS an alien?
<Update for Discovery> I've found that the "known alien" trait being applied to someone in a group conversation with an actual alien is a known issue.
https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-GTW-quot-Known-Alien-quot-applied-to-human-sims-during/m-p/6513217#M55498 I had a birthday party recently and the sim with the "known alien" and the actual alien were both there, and I added everyone at the party to a social group to get the "have 3 sims do this" requirements out of the way ASAP. So I believe this is what's happened in my second problem.