"Sit"(Don't worry, the title will make sense by the end of this post. I hope.)
Pingasut is so excited about the baby! You'd think she was the first Sim to ever have a baby. She heads downtown to spread the news. This is Christian Bachelor, one of her colleagues from work:
Christian: Oh, hi, Ping. Just started the new job and taking maternity leave already, eh? Is that a real baby in there, or is your shirt stuffed with pillows?
Ping: Feel the baby.
Christian: Ow! The little beggar kicked me. Ok, so you're not faking pregnancy to get maternity leave. Boy, can that kid kick!
Ping, smugly: Bishop takes head kick, Chris.
Huh?But Ping has moved on to her next target. I have no idea who this guy is, but from the look of amazement on his face, I think he's just learned where babies come from.
A few days later, Ping goes into labour.
She really had started labour at this point, honest! Lesser sims may allow themselves to be overwhelmed by labour pains, but Ms. Ping seems to feel it is a good time to practice martial arts. However, Otis reminds her that it's his baby too, and it's not going to be born in the middle of a sparring contest. So off they go to the hospital.
As soon as Ping and Otis disappear through the hospital doors, who should arrive but Ping's Uncle Mortimer. He's the only one from either family who turned up for the birth. I think the woman is Mortimer's girlfriend.
Soon the happy parents emerge with baby Sitamat ("four"). Feel free to call her Sit. I think that name will suit her, as her traits are Couch Potato and Friendly. Everything possible is done to keep baby Sit in a good mood. Mother has the fridge moved next to the crib (who knew that babies like being next to the fridge), and serenades the baby.
Since I don't have a lot of toddler pictures, I'll include them here. Sitamat modelling her new outfit:
Mother insists on being the one to teach Sit her toddler tasks.