"Sitamat's Hunting Trip" (and a minor mystery)
Sitamat is now a teenager. Which means the world of romance is opening up to her. Which means it's time for our girl to get out and meet all the eligible males in Sunset Valley. She goes to the park on Saturday afternoon and has an unpleasant surprise.
She finds Damion, her first love, sitting with his family and he refuses to even get up and greet her. She learns that he is in a relationship with some other girl! The unfaithful scum. But don't waste any tears on him, Sit - there are lots of fish in the sea. You'll find someone better. Look, who's that fellow walking past? Run over and introduce yourself.
She discovers that he has a new trait called Split Personality. Next!
She meets her schoolmate Rahsaan with his father. Rahsaan and Sit have been very good friends, but he seems a little young to her at this point. She tries talking about marriage but he just isn't interested.
This is Osvaldo Hart. Not bad, not bad ...
But there is more to being a Dynasty teenager than boys and romance. Sit also has to do well in school. Her family really knows how to motivate a teenager. Guess whose hand is holding the wrench:
After Asa's death, Atauserk, Malrok and Sitamat get a wish to visit the graveyard. I'm not sure why, since Asa's remains aren't there (they don't seem to be anywhere, but that's another story). But it's an opportunity for Sit to try out her driving skills and her new car, so off they go:
See those two blonde heads? Sitamat driving, Malrok sitting beside her. But where is Atauserk? That's her plumbob, but she can't be seen. When they arrive at the graveyard, all three get out:
Obviously Atauserk was in the car, too - but where? Do you think they stuffed the old lady in the trunk? Is it possible the family members are getting tired of having that wrench held over them and are rebelling? I think our founder needs to do some soul-searching or she may find herself locked in the trunk permanently.