Realm of Magic brought me back to this house. This started in Seasons. You may remember a bug at the time, in the big gardening overhaul, that caused wild plants to spread. Where there was one onion plant, there were now 9. That was the case in this save, and that was frustrating. But the spells infurniate and scrubaroo can solve that, as I learned from the many wild trash plants in my Eugenics II save.
So I made Bab's daughter a spellcaster to do the magical cleanup of wild plants. I first thought I'd just try be a spellcaster without a cauldron, but the scientist in the house soon died and a few of the science items were no longer needed. That became the magic room.
The second picture, showing the whole floor, is slightly older. Fewer potions on the shelves. For decorative flavour, those two handmade pots will be for mandrake and valerian.
I had duplicates of some flowers in front, and I ended up changing the entrance to the gardening area. It's no longer through the dining room, sims have to go outside.
So the dining room now has some big windows and curtains, and no door along that wall. So I think this looks better, cleaner, neater, more elegant.
And the stairs to the skating rink (this is just the coolest house) now fit into the corner of the room. Looks better, and now there's room for 4 potted (fake?) trees. Park benches were also changed.
Unrelated to a building thread, but this save also has an alien toddler by abduction.
Also, use magic to improve poor quality honey. If you want.