Author Topic: The Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge, Please Graveyard  (Read 13160 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge, Retail Stats
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2018, 09:07:10 PM »
Retail Bloodline

Founder-Kasandra Took (Daughter of Gaivan Took and Saanvi Mahajan-Took)

Career:  Business-Management (5/10)
Bloodline Requirements: 
-Store resell value of 100K (yes)
   * Serious Shopper (yes)
   * Sure Sale (yes)
   * Faster Checkouts (Large) (yes)
   * Faster Restocking (Large) (yes) 
   * Cheaper Restocking (no)

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Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge, Mansion Baron Stats
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2018, 09:07:46 PM »
Mansion Baron Bloodline

Founder:  Bianca Took (Daughter of Her and Abernathy Took)

Career:  Business (5/10)
Bloodline Requirements: 
-Complete mansion baron (3/4)
-Gold Medal Parties 0/3
   * Frugal (yes)
   * Carefree (yes)
   * Connections (yes)
   * Professional Slacker (no)

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge, Vampire Stats
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2018, 09:08:03 PM »
Vampire Bloodline

Founder-Herbert Took (Son of Saanvi Mahajan-Took and Gaivan Took)

Career:  TBD
Bloodline Requirements: 
-Complete Vampire Aspiration:  0/4
-Obtain 2 level 5 powers:  0/2 
-Portraits:  0/2
-Garden with plasma fruit (no), wolfsbane (no), Sixam mosquito trap (no), dragonfruit (no), a cowplant (no), and death flowers (no). (vampire family aspiration)

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge, Just Getting Started
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2018, 09:09:31 PM »
In the town of Oasis Springs, inside the Rattlesnake Juice Bar, a monumental event was unfolding...

Herbert:  Phwew!  Thank goodness we made it inside before I burned to ashes!
Bianca:  Aww, poor wittle vampire can't take the heat?
Kasandra:  I got picked!  I'm a founder!

Eliza:  That's right, all three of you are founders for a Rivalry Dynasty Challenge!  You're each a little bit familiar to those who read the Took Immortal Dynasty, but Pippin thought it would be great for each of you to introduce yourself to let the readers get to know you better and to know what type of bloodline you'll be doing.  Herbert, why don't you start?

Herbert:  Oh!  Umm, hey.  I'm Herbert.  Wait, I guess you already knew that.  I'm a vampire.
Bianca:  Yeah, I think the earlier sizzling already gave that away.
Herbert:  Oh.  Right.  Anyway, I'm doing the vampire bloodline.  Actually, you had probably already guessed that.  I...don't really know what else to say...
Eliza:  Well, you were described as eye candy by Watcher oshizu.
Herbert:   Really, I'm eye candy?

Eliza:  Well, I mean, yeah.
Herbert:  (blushes) So...I guess...yeah, I'll be vampiric eye candy for you?  Thanks?  Why don't you two talk now?

Eliza:  Excellent suggestion, Herbert.  So, let's turn our attention to the founder who got the most screentime in the IDC, Kassandra.

Kasandra:  Ohmygosh!  This is so exciting!  I was worried that I wasn't going to get to be a founder there for a while, but here I am as the founder of a mansion baron bloodline!
Eliza:  Retail.

Kasandra:  I'm sorry, what?
Eliza:  Yeah, you're the founder of the retail bloodline, not the mansion baron bloodline.
Kasandra:  There must be some mistake.  I'm a princess, you see, so I must be in a mansion since that's the modern version of a castle.
Bianca:  Aww, the spoiled baby has to work for a living.
Kasandra:  Can it, harpy!  I am a princess and I want my castle!
Eliza:  Actually, couldn't you just reign over a retail empire, and therefore, have employees who you lord over like an empress?

Kasandra:  Oh.  Yes.  That sounds nice.  Let's do that!
Eliza:  Sounds like a plan.  Finally...
Bianca:  Saving the best for last, no doubt.
Eliza:  We turn our attention to Bianca.

Bianca:  Thanks, Liz.
Eliza:  It's Eliza.
Bianca:  Whatever.  Now, unlike these losers, I actually know what I'm doing and I know how to do it well.  I'm going for the mansion baron line...
Kasandra:  Aww, no fair!
Bianca:  and my mother, the glorious entity known only as "Her," prepared me quite well for this and even passed along her mean trait.  I'll be like what that wicked witch Lily Feng could be if she actually had some ambition.
Herbert:  Oh...umm...that is...she's standing right behind you...

Bianca:  Yeah, so?
Lily:  I'll get you my pretty!! (walks over to sit down)
Kasandra:  Oooo, I'm pretty!!  Pick me!  Pick me!!!!

Bianca:  Seriously?  Alright little miss ditz.  It's about time for you to shush...

Bianca:  the adults are speaking.
Eliza:  Anyway, you said you had things well in hand, Bianca?
Bianca:  I sure do, Liz...
Eliza:  Eliza.
Bianca:  I plan to just marry into money.
Eliza:  (sigh) Of course you do.  Anyway, there you go.  For our founders, we have Herbert...

Eliza:  doing the vampire bloodline and bringing in the hot-headed, kleptomaniac, and geek traits.
Herbert:  Hot-headed is a bit overstating it.  I mean, everybody gets mean...flustered?  Is that right?
Eliza:  Next up, we have self-proclaimed "princess" Kasandra...

Kasandra:  I'm the pretty one!
Eliza:  doing the retail bloodline...
Kasandra:  Starting a retail kingdom!
Eliza:  and bringing in the cat lover, creative, and in a surprise to no one, the materialistic traits.
Kasandra:  Hey, a princess deserves nice things!
Eliza:  And lastly, we have Bianca...

Bianca:  Thanks for saving the best for last again, Liz.
Eliza:  (sigh) who is going for the mansion baron bloodline by trying to marry into money and brings in the loves outdoors, ambitious, and mean traits.
Bianca:  The perfect triple threat.
Eliza:  Though she mostly just brings in the mean trait.

Eilza:  Herbert, Kasandra, or Bianca.  Choose your bloodline and start your cheering, because this dynasty challenge is going to begin...NOW!
Herbert: we leave now...?
Bianca:  No, loser, you can stay here while I go get a head start.
Kasandra:  Oh.  Okay.  Can I do that too?
Lily:  Ugh, no, you losers, go stomp her into the ground!

Pippin:  And thus begins the Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge!

Offline sdhoey

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Re: The Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge, Just Getting Started
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2018, 11:37:33 PM »
Wow, that was fast. Good luck to all, and Bianca better watch out for Lily. That one is a mean one. Herbert is a cutie for a vampire. I'm kinda rooting for him.

Offline Vesper

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Re: The Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge, Just Getting Started
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2018, 01:28:57 AM »
You don't waste any time huh? Am looking forward to the further adventures of prevously side-character Tooks, they're all great choices.

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Offline Tynynounours

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Re: The Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge, Just Getting Started
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2018, 03:44:59 AM »
Oh, yes!

Rivals Tooks offspring as founders! No need to choose!

Well, I'll probably be Team Herbert for first gen. Despite being a vampire, he seems the most normal.

And great that one of Abernathy's many offspring made it to the next part. She'll probably be surprised to not run in anymore of her siblings every three steps.

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Re: The Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge, Just Getting Started
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2018, 04:03:40 AM »
Ohh 3 lovely founders, glad you are giving another dynasty a go, this will be hilarious, just like your other story i am sure of that.

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Re: The Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge, Just Getting Started
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2018, 08:04:20 AM »
I'm rooting for Kasandra because she has the best nose.
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Offline HelenP

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Re: The Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge, Just Getting Started
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2018, 11:02:49 AM »
Team Herbert here, I love vampires and that chin is quite special.

Offline Deme

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Re: The Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge, Just Getting Started
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2018, 11:14:26 AM »
Well, this certainly answers the "Who's going to be the next founder" question; it was hardly exclusive to begin with! I don't have a rooting interest just yet, but I wish them all the inevitably-chaotic best.
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Re: The Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge, Just Getting Started
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2018, 03:08:16 PM »
Good luck to all three founders!

What am I saying? My well-wishing is reserved only for the watcher!
No amount of luck will help Bianca and Kasandra beat Herbert's line!
Looking forward to all your builds that this challenge entails, Pippin!

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Re: The Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge, Just Getting Started
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2018, 06:29:49 PM »
Whoa! Totally missed that. But yay! All three of them are amazing! The interactions between the three founders was amazing, especially Bianca and Kasandra. And, yeah... still team Kasandra.
stories coming soon... my sims 3 is working again!
I am a pro lurker. If you are reading this right now, I have most likely read your story. Maybe I'll comment. No promises...

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge, Just Getting Started
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2018, 12:29:48 PM »
Wow, that was fast. Good luck to all, and Bianca better watch out for Lily. That one is a mean one. Herbert is a cutie for a vampire. I'm kinda rooting for him.
Haha, Lily does always come across to me as being evil and hateful, but I think Bianca can take her ;=)
Thanks for the good wishes and it's nice to know you've already found a favorite  ;=)

You don't waste any time huh? Am looking forward to the further adventures of prevously side-character Tooks, they're all great choices.
Thanks!  I really enjoyed some of the side characters towards the end of my IDC (when everything was getting finished and the challenge was transitioning into a waiting game), so I was really eager to get going with them!  I'm glad you liked the choices!  Abernathy particularly gave me lots of great choices, so it was definitely a lot of decision making to narrow my options down to these three!

Oh, yes!

Rivals Tooks offspring as founders! No need to choose!

Well, I'll probably be Team Herbert for first gen. Despite being a vampire, he seems the most normal.

And great that one of Abernathy's many offspring made it to the next part. She'll probably be surprised to not run in anymore of her siblings every three steps.
Ah, so going Team Took.  Clever  ;=)
Yeah, Herbert is a sweet, if awkward, fellow.
And yes, Bianca will greatly enjoy not being related to half of the population for a change  ;=)

Ohh 3 lovely founders, glad you are giving another dynasty a go, this will be hilarious, just like your other story i am sure of that.
Thanks!  I had actually tried the RDC a couple of times before I shifted to the IDC, but crashed and burned each time.  I'm hoping that my successes with the immortal Tooks will give me a good basis from which to ensure these Tooks are equally successful.

I'm rooting for Kasandra because she has the best nose.
Right?!?!  Kasandra is truly gorgeous in her own unique way.  I just adore her!

Team Herbert here, I love vampires and that chin is quite special.
Ah, the rugged chin won you over, eh?  Yeah, I think  Herbert and Kasandra are quite interesting as they're both clearly blends of their parents' features, though they kind of went the opposite direction on just about everything other than the hair.

Well, this certainly answers the "Who's going to be the next founder" question; it was hardly exclusive to begin with! I don't have a rooting interest just yet, but I wish them all the inevitably-chaotic best.
Inevitable chaos is probably a very accurate way to describe how I write my stories in general and the Tooks truly embrace it  ;=)
It was hard to narrow it down to three, but since you haven't been able to choose a favorite yet, that must mean I chose a good grouping  ;=)

Good luck to all three founders!

What am I saying? My well-wishing is reserved only for the watcher!
No amount of luck will help Bianca and Kasandra beat Herbert's line!
Looking forward to all your builds that this challenge entails, Pippin!
Yeah, the building aspect is definitely a big draw for me in this challenge!  15 houses I get to build!!  And 3 museums!!!  Building is fun.
Team Herbert is showing up in force, but don't count out my girls just yet  ;=)

Whoa! Totally missed that. But yay! All three of them are amazing! The interactions between the three founders was amazing, especially Bianca and Kasandra. And, yeah... still team Kasandra.
Aww, thanks!  So glad you're enjoying them!  And it looks like Team Kasandra is picking up some momentum too.  Poor Bianca.
I'm glad you enjoyed their interactions.  I thought about having each one do an isolated introduction, but decided that showing them contrasted with each other would be a better way to show the variation in their personalities.