Author Topic: Seasons - First Impressions  (Read 15890 times)

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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2018, 07:04:09 PM »
@commasplice  umbrella stand in misc appliances: place one on your lot and click on it to get your sims to choose one. A pop up menu appears so you can choose different patterns etc for each of your sims.
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Offline coolsim9999999

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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #16 on: June 22, 2018, 08:48:03 PM »
What an awesome pack!  I love it 8)
I started in Fall, but the first day of Fall was hot in Windenburg. 
Swings, water balloon fights, costumes, rain and Halloween coming on the second day of fall, holiday prep, the toddler pool to play and lounge in, and so many decorations and gameplay objects and new reactions to things like wate rballoon fights during them.  I'm still exploring, so, I'll add to my initial review later.

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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #17 on: June 22, 2018, 09:31:59 PM »
So this is Day 2 of me playing, and so far it's been rain, rain, thunderstorms and heatwave, no decent weather to speak of.. Slight bug I noticed is that if you send a sim to mop puddles, but you have them locked from certain doors, they can still pass in and out of those doors, and that sims will mop puddles during a thunderstorm therefore increasing their chance of being hit by lightning and getting the dazed moodlet.

So far my sims have experience TV Show Premier and Love Day, next holiday to arrive will be harvest day in a few sim weeks.

Playalot, instead of cancelling the holidays, change it so that your sims don't get a day off for those holidays, I've found that to be easier, you can get all the requirements done in no time or just ignore the festival.

The calendar i'm finding is pretty handy but i do wish the constant rain would stop, the next sim fortnight in terms of weather is rain for all but four days where it will just be cloudy. Will probably go and change the severity of the weather in my settings later, just going to grumble about it for the moment.

Getting a bill for 73k simoelons was actually fun, my sims bills are usually around 11,500 simoleons.. so the heating and cooling are certainly costing a lot, probably just as well my household are millionaires.

After a few hours of trying to get the option to show up, you cannot have a child with Patchy (would have been an interesting combo), I will say that Patchy is very very romantic, before he does the weeding, he comes and gives Florence a kiss then he goes and does the weeding before coming back and woohoo'ing with her, before he goes back to his post.
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Offline Playalot

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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #18 on: June 22, 2018, 10:20:30 PM »
@Franki  yep I could do that but then it's not a Holiday, right? By definition a holiday is a day free from work. So yeah, I'm being pedantic about this but imo this calendar needs a bit more thinking from the devs really.

FYI shaping a bonsai bush now grants gardening and floral arranging skill gain, that's nice.
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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #19 on: June 22, 2018, 11:05:29 PM »
@Playalot  a holiday is a holiday, doesn't matter if you get the day off or not... half the holidays in the non sim world someone is always working those days so technically it's still a holiday.

Good to know about the bonsai bush.
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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #20 on: June 23, 2018, 09:07:23 AM »
I started with winter in the city and it was beautiful. I live in a penthouse so i didnt do too many outdoor activities but its cute that they get excited at the first snow of the season.The holidays really make time more meaningful. I'm just starting spring. Fun fact: the Projectotron Outdoor Movie Screen doesn't like rain. Snow is fine, but rain is hazardous  >:(

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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #21 on: June 23, 2018, 05:45:19 PM »
OK summer. It rained a lot, otherwise just normal sims for me. But then again my sims have all the reward traits. So maybe the heat issues that normal smite sims just don't effect my sims. But in my game summer is a bit boring.

Skating seems to be a hidden skill as I can see the growth in the skills by how they skate but it doesn't seem to be listed as a skill in the skill list.

I learned something sad; the infinite water bug is not limited to level one and it may be a plant that is bugged not the sim that is bugged. But found a fix at least it worked for me. I put it in my family inventory for a day then put the plant back and everything was fine again. Will post in the appropriate bug post.

I found a downside to the botanist career. At level 8 "drink cow plant essence" joined the list of possible dailies. That means not only do you have to keep a cow plant, which is a pain, but also constantly feed a sim to it with the long lasting negative moodlet for said sim. This is a huge negative for the career. I felt I must warn people about that.

One more season to go for my final grade.

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Offline Franki

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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #22 on: June 23, 2018, 07:55:27 PM »
Brindlton Bay, I've noticed hasn't really changed with the seasons.. yet to do winter, so that might actually change the scenery a bit. Update: there has been a slight change in the colouring of the trees during Fall.

Patchy is now hated in my family, he hooked up with a stranger and broke up with Florence... at least that's what i think happened.. Florence and the rest of the family had him as an enemy, and Florence was very sad because of the break up, Patchy has disappeared so can't figure it out from his behaviour.

If you want to do outdoor activities, then don't start in Brindlton Bay, it's great for home activities not so much outdoor activities.

Talk like a pirate day was a fun mini holiday but annoying at the same time, as it took longer to complete than a normal conversation would.

Death by heatwave is lots of fun, but if you section off the sims you wish to kill, you need to make sure other members of your household are outside of the house, cause the thermostat will reflect the main house.
To explain it a little better, death by heatwave is caused when you coming a heatwave day, with warming a sim by the fireplace while wearing winter gear and have the thermostat set to heat. I originally had the sims I wanted to kill in a walled off section of the garden, in attempting the death, I almost accidentally killed off the sims I wanted to keep, as the thermostat reflected the heat from the walled off area into the main house. so one quick run to the front to save the sims I didn't want to kill and all was fine. It's just something to note when using the thermostat on your property, don't use it to kill sims if you are trying to protect other sims.

Gardening is getting there, still not needed to water the garden once, other than when they were planted not needed to water, due to all the rain Spring, Summer and now Fall have given me. The plants are evolving at a slightly rapid rate but the super sell option is hit and miss, it doesn't always sell all the plants, I'm finding that I tend to have one plant that doesn't sell when I click the super sell option, as to if that's a bug or the plant just flowers at a different time, I don't know.

Will update if anything interesting happens in fall and with whatever happens in winter.

Fall was a lot of work, if you have a small lot, it probably won't be an issue, but if you have a large lot like a 64x64 type, with a number of trees, fall is hectic.... if you don't clean up the leaves you get some sims who don't mind and others who want it cleaned up, the problem is if you have 7 sims raking leaves, on a large lot it can take a few days to even look like you are making a dent in all the leaves... burning them while fast leaves residue that you need to throw away, whereas raking them into piles, takes forever and throwing them away has it's own issues.
If you decide to rake your leaves into piles, in my game it meant my sims got a little stuck, they would pick it up, it would turn to trash and then they would drop it, so you'd have to do throw away another pile to get that original pile.. I think it may have something to do with the game issues but it's something to be aware of until we see what the patch brings.

Harvest Fest was kind of fun, gnomes were easy to please, the meal was simple and being thankful was simple enough, I do wish more gnomes had shown up, was nice to have 3 gnomes but would have loved some more to show up. The gifts they gave for keeping them happy, were fantastic and very handy.

Started the first day of winter, so will post again with my thoughts on winter, will certainly be getting knocked up by Father Winter, as I am very curious about this special trait.
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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #23 on: June 25, 2018, 09:32:32 AM »
Overall, I'm just glad Seasons is now a reality. I have faith that most (or at least dire) bugs will be fixed along the way. I'm done dwelling on all the shortcomings.

I haven't tried out everything yet at all, but so far, I enjoy beekeeping and the new gardening system. I'm also happy with the new build and CAS items. My favorite season in real life is autumn, so that's what I'm exploring at the moment. It's very nice that you can manually set the length of a particular season. I don't think I will be using the calendar much since I rarely do social events with my Sims and also play with ageing off. The rinks are surprisingly customizable and that's really cool and fun.

I have resorted to create my own park in order to fit in all the new outdoor items - it's placed in Forgotten Hollow where Wolfsbane Manor was and is called Wolfsbane Park instead. It is appropriately autumn-themed.

Like coolsim, I'll add more opinion later when I have explored and discovered more :)
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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #24 on: June 25, 2018, 10:35:12 AM »
I'm enjoying this quite a lot. There are still some very annoying bugs, but so far none really game-breaking for me, although grafting not working properly comes close for a gardening-focused household (I can take cuttings and graft, but the grafted plant, although it will say it is a spliced plant, doesn't actually produce anything different than it did before).

I've only been through two seasons so far, since I got a late start. Patchy is either helpful or annoying, depending on whether I want to do the gardening myself that day, and the bees have been interesting, but a little unpredictable. Sort of like real bees. The holidays have been fun, although I canceled the "season premier" because my sims couldn't afford a television.

I really like the gardening update, for the most part, although it does seem like it's more work to improve plants than it used to be, while everything else is less work. Sending bee swarms to pollinate seems like it should help, but I haven't really tested that yet. Fertilizing and talking to plants both seem helpful, though. I have had very little trouble advancing my sim's aspiration, possibly even less than usual, since often my sim's gardening skill has been what is holding back progress for me. I haven't completed it yet, though.

I found it a bit jarring, once I entered the botanist branch of the new career, to suddenly be required to purchase a microscope. Fortunately a single round of harvesting and selling from my extensive garden was enough to purchase the microscope, and a few hours using it got my logic level high enough to take a plant sample and complete the work assignment. Still, my sims now have a very expensive item stuck out in the back yard, which seems...unwise. Maybe I can expand my greenhouse again and put it in there, but I'm running out of room.

The new gardening career does also have a problem I've noticed before with work from home jobs: the instant the game informs me I have received a promotion, I get a new task, but then when my job actually starts, the task is reset and my sim is considered to have "failed" that assignment (since there was only about an hour to complete it in). Not a huge deal, but annoying.

My sims went skating on their date in the park, and gained athletic skill and also a moodlet from being sore from exercise, which I thought was funny. I would have expected sore from falling on their butts, but no, they were sore from working out.

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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #25 on: June 25, 2018, 06:09:23 PM »
OK now I have played a full year it is time for the grades.

OK lets start with what I was least looking forward to in this pack Holidays. I give them a solid "A". I was expecting to hate them. I don't. In fact some are quite enjoyable. Destroying my home with gnomes was fun. Word of caution get everyone in on it and try to keep your homes small or this could wreck you home bad. I learned the fun way. Plus they are both ignorable and cancelable.  Both pluses. Those surprise holidays well add a bit of silly randomness something I look for in a sims expansion.

Seasons well they too grant a change of pace. I give them a "B+". They look great. Add a few options to game play like woohooing in the leaves. But some tasks are never done like raking those leaves. There was some let down in the fact snow does not accumulate. All and all a good add to the game.

The calendar gets a "D". I found it buggy and couldn't do everything I wanted it to. I was let down by it as a whole.

Weather gets an "B". It rained too much for my taste. Thunderstorms in the to saves I played since launch never produced a single struck sim and in one game I made it thunder from spring to fall each and every day and made my sims play out in it to get them stuck down with know luck. I like a bit of a challenge though so it isn't all bad. The weather machine is fun to play with. Who doesn't want to control the weather?

Other objects get a "B". I loved Patchy. Bees are great fun. After all I can weaponize them. Everything else I could do without.

I love scouting so that is a huge plus. The gardening career was alright but had some issues. So the careers get an "B-"

Gardening is buggy and everything being seasonal means greenhouses are a must. I give it a "C-"

My official over all grade is a solid "B-". It is one of the better ones but it seems a bit buggier than most. It add lots of randomness. Scouts is great. Holidays are better than I expected. I recommend getting it.

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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #26 on: June 25, 2018, 08:03:32 PM »
@Franki  yep I could do that but then it's not a Holiday, right? By definition a holiday is a day free from work. So yeah, I'm being pedantic about this but imo this calendar needs a bit more thinking from the devs really.

Only problem is, in my game, had it clicked off so no on went to school or work and they ended up going anyway, which kind of defeated the whole purpose of a holiday, lol. 
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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #27 on: June 26, 2018, 09:54:26 AM »
These have been very interesting to read through! I've got three Seasons saves going, one in Brindleton Bay which didn't get too far - I have a toddler and two child boys in that save and it takes too long to get through a flipping day just looking after everyone.  ::) I then went to Oasis Springs, where I have a couple who maxed a lot of their skills with the Jasmine Holiday boosts pre-Seasons reelease. I had to totally re-arrange their outdoor garden so all the plants were in season order around a circle. Little OCD. :D

I agree with what many have said here - while I sort of like the idea of seasonal plants, since the rest of gardening has been simplified, it takes no time at all to do the gardening chores now. Leveling up a sim must be torture! And for my sims, who are already maxed, it ends up being boring. I thought about a greenhouse, but it won't work on that lot, it would just look ugly (house is in back), so they'll just have to get mooooore plants. ;)

My third save has been totally fun! I am running a test for a new version of my Land Lubber's challenge, which I created (and then friends helped come up with different versions) for TS2 waaay back in the day. Spring, Summer, and a wee bit of Fall has been do-able so far, but challenging. Had a major thunderstorm to deal with that put me in a panic - I thought my sim was a goner for sure! But she survived, even if she did have a quite a few things to replace later after they were zotted!

So all told, my first impressions of the pack is generally good. I think it will depend largely on the way you play the game and/or a certain save, as to how enjoyable it is. It may also depend on which world you're in. Windenburg, my Land Lubber's choice, has had a wide variety of weather. Oasis Springs, well, other than a huuuge thunder storm, not too changeable. While it's cool that rain waters your plants, that gives one less thing in the gardening skill for sims to do. :( If you need to get those skills up, then a greenhouse will indeed be a must, as others have mentioned.

I've not tried bees yet, I'm looking forward to that! Only did one holiday, it was easy, but a nice addition to their lives. All in all, soooo much to learn and discover in this pack. I really appreciate that part immensely.

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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #28 on: June 27, 2018, 09:31:55 AM »
Day 2 of winter in Brindleton Bay, I've already found a few holes in the roof and discovered that if I put curtains up, and have the thermostat set to heat, my sims seem to think that it's summer, whereas before when no curtains were up, they thought it was winter inside the home.

No holidays have happened yet, up to two teens and a child, instead of two children and a toddler. Father Winter arrives next week, so you bet I'll be getting one of my sims knocked up.. might even have two of them have a child with Father Winter.. will see what I decide as the day get's closer.

Snowdrifts, haven't done much except block the doggy door temporarily. Got me thinking, does the postie ever get cold, or overheat, never see them outside of their uniform, which must be freezing in winter and maybe a little boiling in summer.
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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #29 on: July 12, 2018, 03:32:48 PM »
I play on 28 day seasons, started in Spring and am 2 days from Summer.

I like the variety it adds to the game, and I like the changes to gardening.

One thing I wish is that the clothing was further broken down into Cold & Wet vs Regular Cold/Cold & Snowy.