Brindlton Bay, I've noticed hasn't really changed with the seasons.. yet to do winter, so that might actually change the scenery a bit. Update: there has been a slight change in the colouring of the trees during Fall.
Patchy is now hated in my family, he hooked up with a stranger and broke up with Florence... at least that's what i think happened.. Florence and the rest of the family had him as an enemy, and Florence was very sad because of the break up, Patchy has disappeared so can't figure it out from his behaviour.
If you want to do outdoor activities, then don't start in Brindlton Bay, it's great for home activities not so much outdoor activities.
Talk like a pirate day was a fun mini holiday but annoying at the same time, as it took longer to complete than a normal conversation would.
Death by heatwave is lots of fun, but if you section off the sims you wish to kill, you need to make sure other members of your household are outside of the house, cause the thermostat will reflect the main house.
To explain it a little better, death by heatwave is caused when you coming a heatwave day, with warming a sim by the fireplace while wearing winter gear and have the thermostat set to heat. I originally had the sims I wanted to kill in a walled off section of the garden, in attempting the death, I almost accidentally killed off the sims I wanted to keep, as the thermostat reflected the heat from the walled off area into the main house. so one quick run to the front to save the sims I didn't want to kill and all was fine. It's just something to note when using the thermostat on your property, don't use it to kill sims if you are trying to protect other sims.
Gardening is getting there, still not needed to water the garden once, other than when they were planted not needed to water, due to all the rain Spring, Summer and now Fall have given me. The plants are evolving at a slightly rapid rate but the super sell option is hit and miss, it doesn't always sell all the plants, I'm finding that I tend to have one plant that doesn't sell when I click the super sell option, as to if that's a bug or the plant just flowers at a different time, I don't know.
Will update if anything interesting happens in fall and with whatever happens in winter.
Fall was a lot of work, if you have a small lot, it probably won't be an issue, but if you have a large lot like a 64x64 type, with a number of trees, fall is hectic.... if you don't clean up the leaves you get some sims who don't mind and others who want it cleaned up, the problem is if you have 7 sims raking leaves, on a large lot it can take a few days to even look like you are making a dent in all the leaves... burning them while fast leaves residue that you need to throw away, whereas raking them into piles, takes forever and throwing them away has it's own issues.
If you decide to rake your leaves into piles, in my game it meant my sims got a little stuck, they would pick it up, it would turn to trash and then they would drop it, so you'd have to do throw away another pile to get that original pile.. I think it may have something to do with the game issues but it's something to be aware of until we see what the patch brings.
Harvest Fest was kind of fun, gnomes were easy to please, the meal was simple and being thankful was simple enough, I do wish more gnomes had shown up, was nice to have 3 gnomes but would have loved some more to show up. The gifts they gave for keeping them happy, were fantastic and very handy.
Started the first day of winter, so will post again with my thoughts on winter, will certainly be getting knocked up by Father Winter, as I am very curious about this special trait.