Author Topic: Seasons - First Impressions  (Read 15894 times)

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Seasons - First Impressions
« on: June 21, 2018, 12:19:34 AM »
We'd like to know what your first impression of the Season's expansion pack is. Let us know.

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Offline Playalot

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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2018, 10:51:36 AM »
It's beautiful! Windenburg pond at night in the first snow.
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**edited after a  much needed few hours of sleep ;)

So, seeing as this is first impressions my overall view of the pack may change a lot but this is how I feel after about 2 hours of play. I had stayed up for the 2am roll out not because I was particularly excited but because having spent the evening earlier playing with the new gardening update I was frustrated as heck and I was hoping that Seasons would make sense of the mess that gardening system now seems to be.

The background: How my evening before Launch played out-
I had a teen who after 4 sims weeks from first planting his garden was at L9 skill and only stage 1 of the Freelance Botanist aspiration due to plants just not needed tending. The one chance he had at weeding and watering his stupid landlord did autonomously and because the 'reset sim' cheat is not working once the landlord started work in the balcony garden I had no way to stop him. So I sat there in utter frustration watching my sims only chance to water and weed his garden in 3.5 sim weeks just waste away. How did my sim get to L9 of the gardening skill? Well by the very over-powered interaction 'research plant'. This needs balancing badly, the gardening system is boring now as there is next to no game play with plants not needing enough tending.

So presently, this garden having been moved to Windenburg and placed into a glasshouse is still at 'normal' quality and despite my sim having now weeded and watered and harvested, the plants at sim week 5.5 still have not needed to be evolved. Sim at L9 skill, now stage 2 of aspiration and plants never once been evolved. I'm not happy.
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The gardening update, in my view is the rug that is ripped out from under your feet, that punch to the guts and that slap to your face.  Although for those two hours of playing with Seasons installed all I did was stare around the world, take screenies and watch my sims skate..delightedly too - for me the pack has already been ruined by the changes to gardening.

I guess for those who really never play a gardener sim then this is all just the ramblings of a bitter simmer, but I have always played gardeners, in fact I am trying to remember any sim I have ever played that has not been a gardener... I can't.

So features I do like of the Seasons pack so far.
The effects are awesome. If you're the kind of simmer who likes to sit back, take your hands off the keyboard and just watch then this pack is pure unadulterated eye candy just waiting for ya. 
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The blizzard in San Myshuno at the Romance Festival was out-of-this-world crazy! Darkened skies, howling wind, freezing snow... wow; amazing to look at for sure. My sims auto-ran for the Karaoke bar and NPC sims ran to get out of the blizzard, some slipped over others leaned keenly into the wind..gorgeous. Didn't have any game play but gorgeous to watch.

I like the new outfits, the winter coats in particular are very attractive. Some of the moodlets associate with first snow and all that good wintery jazz are nice although my sims seemed to spend the whole time Very Happy due to all the wonder and warmth etc which then lead to a bad moment when the playful moodlet from making a 'Snow Angel Together' kicked in.
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I've already made a few errors such as forgetting to make glasshouses for the other households I play in this save. I hope their plants survive this winter as they are all perfect, which judging by how my teen is going, I may never see this level of quality ever again in my game.  :-\
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I like very much how weather is handled across the worlds. Blizzard in San Myshuno, freezing but clear in Windenburg and rainy in Oasis Springs, it's fun to travel around and experience this all as you first explore the pack.
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The biggest feature of all for me is that you can more or less completely disable weather globally. You can turn off the elements and uncheck temperature effects on sims. Sadly, for me, the only reason I wanted this feature was so I could garden constantly - the patch has already ruined this aspect of the game for me so I guess for the first time ever in my history of playing sims I will be playing with weather 'On'.

Options for weather:
Seasons Length: 7 days, 14 or 28 days.
Rain Options:  Rain and Thunderstorms, Rain, None
Snow Options: Snow and Blizzards, Snow, None
Enable Temperature Effects on Sims: checked or unchecked
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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2018, 11:20:03 AM »
It's beautiful! Windenburg pond at night in the first snow.
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That's not fair, but that picture is Beautiful. You lucky dog.

Offline commasplice

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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2018, 12:38:58 PM »
I've been watching a lot of streams. It looks so awesome.

Offline Spiderkeys

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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2018, 02:54:00 PM »
I did the mistake of starting in summer in playing around in Oasis Springs quite a bore really, it's a heatwave, some of the objects I've tried are really neat, but as CAS stuff there's much of interest to say about that.

Offline Franki

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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2018, 10:41:47 PM »
I started playing about 2-3hrs ago, maybe earlier, my first impressions are this:

Backstory: Playing as a family of 8 (7 sims and a dog), in Brindlton Bay. The family did not have a garden before and was kind of boring to the point that I was considering killing off this long legacy story, The family had completed most collections and had over 2 million simoleons in the bank.

Starting the game:

I started the game in Spring, and have gone for each season lasting 14 days. The family lost 2 million simoleons but quickly made it back from their jobs and authenticating artifacts, a little too quickly in my opinion. Money certainly is far easier to earn now than before the pack came out. what used to take a few sim weeks, instead took 4 and a half sim days to make back. 

So once, I stopped watching the rain and fixing my sims clothing, the gameplay became kind of fun. I started a garden out in the open and brought in Patchy to assist, my family other than the two kids are level 10 in everything. Anyway, I started out with one little thing for garden, and evolved into various plants. I've gotten most of my plants to evolve to the nice stage and I found that if I spent the time talking to the plants they were more inclined to evolve than those that I didn't talk too.
I do agree with Playalot, in that there is less maintenance of the plants, like less clearing of weeds, I don't know about watering yet as it's been a rainy spring so haven't had to water plants yet apart from when I first planted them.

When Patchy has nothing to do, he will come inside and dance to the stereo or play on the computer like any other NPC will do when they come over. so if you don't want him inside then lock off areas, but not had a lot to do with him yet. 

I enrolled my kids into scouts and we are at the second scout level and working our way to the third level. This I'm finding a bit of a challenge, as I can't repeat the same activity for a couple of days, if I want it to count.. still working on the ins and outs of it so it could just be that I wasn't doing it for long enough.

The Holidays are interesting, we had our first holiday (season premiere of a game of thrones like show), which was fun, we had to watch tv and then had a couple of whims to blog about it and talk about it to other sims, again a little tedious but kind of fun for a quick event.

Skill Gains: Learning from books is kind of slow, even if you have the speed reader trait, it's still very slow, if you try and learn video games from the computer, it's a bit hit and miss, sometimes it's fast, other times it's really slow. Been far too wet to go out into the world and try some of the outdoor activities.

Umbrella's: They are a pain sometimes, if my sim goes to stand outside in the rain ready to go to work they won't put their umbrella up, even if directed, but if they come home from work again they occasionally put their umbrella up. so my sim goes to work soaked and uncomfortable or comes home dripping wet cause they don't want to put their umbrella up. The umbrella designs are cute, but the umbrella action of it going up to protect the sim from the wet weather, needs a little fine tuning.

I'm not sure if this is just my game, or another of those bugs, but sometimes when someone comes home from work or school and I direct them inside either by telling them where to go or by clicking that little house button you see on their picture, they will go to the spot you directed, then walk right back outside to the front of the pathway, to then walk right back to the spot I directed them to in the first place, the only way to cancel that bit of randomness is to direct them to do something else, like homework or dancing, anything quick and near the front door.

The clothes are great, but I've found my sims don't automatically change into they warm or cold gear unless directed (livestream suggested they automatically change when they walk outside), still figuring it out, so it's possible that I'm missing the obvious.

I am really liking it so far, currently on day 12 of 14, of spring, so will update again when I get to the next season.

Update 1: Day 5 of 14 of Summer, Brindlton Bay is very wet and very humid, think tropical type area, the thunderstorms seem a little violent, and have made me jump a couple of times cause they were quite loud compared to the rest of the scenery.. also partly because I had my computer sound turned on for a change, so wasn't expecting it.

The plants are loving the rain and storms and are evolving fairly quickly when they are soaked in the rain.
Currently attempting to romance Patchy, so we shall see how that pans out..

Scouts are getting there, finding the outdoors badge to be the trickiest due to the weather, out of 9 badges, my child sims have all but 3 of them, so getting there.

Best tips for the scouts, is when doing fitness combine swimming and dancing, socialising is easy and you can get the good deed one fairly easily at the same time, just do a mix of friendly and funny interactions and stop to check your progress after every eight or so actions, to be sure they are counted. the gifting is also fairly easy if combined with the creative badge, get the crafting table and craft as much as you can, then gift those crafts, the science badge, well if you start with a child sim, you just have them do experiments on the mini lab table (the one that gives you mental skill as a child).
Honestly, most of the scouting badges are straightforward, even doing your homework, extra credit and extra projects count towards the studious badge.

Flower Arranging is an easy career, but getting the skill high enough to please people enough to pay more than 12 simoleons is a little tough, fun but tough, will be experimenting soon with the botanist side of the career as well, to see which side of the new Gardening career is the more interesting branch to complete.

will see what happens next in the morning, for now, it's my bedtime.
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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2018, 01:47:05 AM »
I played about an hour and a half. Had winter fest as I started in winter. And here is my thoughts.

Well bees are out for the season yet they still got mites interesting. As an amateur beekeeper myself I never developed a pest issue in winter as well bees aren't truly dormant as they huddle and more to keep warn eating the honey they made all year but most of the pests for the hive are. This is sims and nothing is too realistic. But haven't really got to do much with them. I will reserve judgement tell spring.

Patches ran away. I befriended it and he wandered off and can't find it anywhere. This is disappointing as I may have to replay it if it don't come home soon as there is no way to summon it. Honestly the idea of a scarecrow running around is cool, but only if I can find it which I can't. Which I guess is cool in it's own way.

The weather machine is cool! I caused a heatwave midwinter! Now that is cool. Raked some leave my sims enjoyed a midwinter frolic is them. I need to experiment more with it.

I have a money tree. That is cool. Haven't started finding the new plants other than that but I always loved the money trees from other sim games and now we have one for Sims 4.

I know I said I wanted to kick Father Winters rear, but I read something that changed my mind. I read that there is a something special about his children. I am experimenting with that..

So far so good. I will have a final grad one I go through all the seasons.

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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2018, 09:10:19 AM »
The one chance he had at weeding and watering his stupid landlord did autonomously and because the 'reset sim' cheat is not working once the landlord started work in the balcony garden I had no way to stop him. So I sat there in utter frustration watching my sims only chance to water and weed his garden in 3.5 sim weeks just waste away.

Did you try going into Build/Buy mode and moving the plants - preferably closer to your sim if there's room for that?  Generally, if you move the item an NPC is trying to act on, their action will cancel.  They might try to start it up again, but often you can get in there first.

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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2018, 01:38:52 PM »
I'm probably going to follow @Playalot's and @Franki's lead and update this several times. There is so much in this pack that by the time I've explored all of it I will have forgotten my initial reactions.

I'll begin with birthdays. When I saw that my Sims had birthdays I thought at first that the game had randomly assigned days, but then realized that these are the days when they will age up. I found this out because my Sim gave birth, and the baby's birthdate was not the day it was born but the day it would become a toddler. Since I've worked out a system of assigning traits (and Sim zodiac signs -- Penguin, Llama, Dog, Womrat, Cat, Raccoon, Freezer Bunny, and Bear) based on day of birth, I'll look at these as age-up days rather than actual birthdays.

I set up holidays on the calendar -- I'm playing with 28 day seasons, so have plenty of room. It was fun picking out the traditions for each. My New Year's Eve, for example, is based more on some Asian traditions, so will include Cleaning, placating the spirits (Gnome Appreciation), and Fireworks, as well as Making Resolutions and Counting Down to Midnight. I moved Love Day to the Saturday where it will coincide with the Romance Festival. Since I'm playing 10 families in rotation, I'm thrilled that each family can have different traditions even though they'll all have the same holidays.

Next up, I set up warm weather and cold weather outfits. Raincoats don't show up in either category, so I added one to everyday. I love the raincoats, and all my Sims are going to get one. The hats look nice on them, too. The bobble hats are kind of tricky, depending on hairstyle, and I wish that adult Sims could have something that would cover their ears, like the hats children got with Jungle Adventures. My current family doesn't have much money, so all I added in build mode were the umbrella stand (100 simoleons) and thermostat (75, I think).

My current family lives in Oasis Springs where the early spring weather has been rather dull, mostly sunny and cool in the mornings, warm in the afternoon. The lemon trees are in bloom and harvestable, but the blackberries haven't come up yet. I'll be moving along to Willow Creek and a well-to-do scientist, so weather should get more interesting.
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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2018, 02:11:35 PM »
OK I done another 2 hour session and made it to mid spring.

Learned something painful. Gust like real life rain ruins electronics. I am needing to read do my lot as my dance party area and my launch pad computer need to be moved more sheltered. But I kinda like that who has a PC in the elements anyway?

Rain is fun. Umbrellas unfortunately do not protect vamps from sun though. They do work for rain though.

Bees are so cool. I lost track on how many time my poor sim got stung. They go into your innovatory for a limited time then you can have them do things for you like attack, woo, make you happy or get you a gift. I am sorry to report my scarecrow never returned and I had to replace it. The new one returns so all it good.

Plants are now seasonal so it gardening is going to be a major source of income for your sims a greenhouse is a must. Money trees are cool and lucrative. I am a bit let down about the gardening career. I have a sim working the botanist side of it. It take no time to do the dailies leave tons of  spare time to garden as it literally takes almost as much time to leave for work as it takes to do thing like fertilize a plant or write a paper. I wanted a bigger list of things to do.

Up date on the getting my female sim pregnant by Father Winter. She is now knocked up but haven't given birth. I will keep you posted.

Over all I am happy with this expansion but waiting for a whole years worth of play before I give it a grade though.

P.S. The fireplace now works as intended. One new bug gone. Sadly the others survived.

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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2018, 06:07:15 PM »
@scoed good to know about the botanist side of the gardening career, I was curious about it.. looks like the flower arranging is a little more time consuming but again still leaves lots of time on your hands.
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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2018, 06:24:07 PM »
Yes While I am not at the top of this career yet, but so far the average stay at home task takes about one sim hour. In short next to no time at all. Given how simplified gardening is as long as you have a huge green house for all the plants there is time to make real money with gardening and have it as a side or great for a stay at home parent.

I can now confirm being born with Father Winter does indeed give a special trait. What that trait does I have no idea, but it is there. I know as my sim gave birth to his daughter. He is a home wrecker. Also you can flirt with patches I do not know if "try for baby" is a thing with it, what sex it is, nor if there is a trait for it's offspring if even possible. I equally lack info on the Flower Bunny as it apparently is not a Lovefest thing.

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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2018, 06:36:37 PM »
So far, you can woohoo and have Patchy as your boyfriend, still working on the try for kids option, need to reduce my household a little, to know if it's possible.

Father Winter sounds interesting, haven't met him or the Flower Bunny yet.
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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2018, 06:59:28 PM »
I started a new save with a new sim rags to riches style in Willow Creek. I opted to start with Autumn on 7 days per season and played my way through most of Winter. Father Winter is now my sim's boyfriend. Intrigued by this "special trait" business so maybe I'll have her try for baby with him. I do like the calendar a lot so far.  Still figuring out the decorations and holiday activities--the gnomes are pretty strange even if I did end up with a lot of seeds that way.

What I am really liking is the new realism with the gardening career. I still wish the plants looked more like their real life counterparts, but I love that they all have specific seasons in which they grow. Experimenting with the hives.

I am mystified by the umbrellas. Do I need to purchase a stand for them to work? How do they work?

Did not have time to experiment much with the new build/buy items beyond buying a few doors and windows.

In general, I love the detail with this pack. The visible breath when it's cold. The way the windows frost over. All the different retexturing for the plants. It's gorgeous.

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Re: Seasons - First Impressions
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2018, 07:03:06 PM »
FYI fireplaces only work if you have Seasons installed, without seasons they still can not be lit so the bug remains, sadly.

Bonding with your Bees increases your relationship and so the quality of your honey. At full relationship with a few Bee Boxes your sim can make a fair bit of money, remember bees are seasonal though. Also full relationship with Bees makes it almost impossible to bee stung. (sorry-not-sorry.)

Work at home is definitely the best option for the new Gardening Career, especially when taking the Florist branch. I'm a bit fan of this option and have maxed all the City Living careers by only ever taking the Work At Home option. In my experience your sim gets promoted quicker and they can spend all day doing other tasks etc while still getting their pay at the end of their 'work day'.

There are a ridiculous number of options when it comes to making the floral arrangements. I keep thinking this could have been toned down and the money spent on other assets, but it is what it is. There seems to be a bug though as any flowers stored in the flower arranging work station do not get used when making the arrangements even though the cost of making would suggest the flowers are actually being consumed.

I am still absolutely loathing the changes to how plant evolution works now. I think I am at week 7 or so of my save now and still only have had to evolve my plants once. It is so annoying and frustrating and really irritating seeing as I am waiting to get Excellent flowers so my sim can progress with his flower-arranging skills.

Also not being able to harvest wild plants is making it pretty impossible to get some flowers I need. The seed packets are bugged and do not unlock when your sim hits L7 gardening skill so I'm at a loss as to how to get these plants I am missing. I know I could do Patchy and it might give me those seeds but tbh I see Patchy as a cheat and I don't want to play that way.

So... not exactly first impressions now, I'm about 6 hours in or so, maybe more but the game bugs are annoying and hopefully they will be fixed quickly. I'm still enjoying the actual weather, it's still neat to see the worlds changing dynamically around your sims as you play. Still hate the gardening "update". Like the swing set a lot even though none of my sims use it as they are too busy skilling-up (of course). It's a great addition and I just need the ability to play catch with a ball to be content in that aspect of the game.

I guess I'm not a big fan of the scheduled Holidays using up one of my sims holiday days. I've been canceling the holidays because of this as I am saving them up for a trip to Granite Falls so it's a bit of a catch 22, I want to play through some of the holidays but don't want to 'cheat' the game by taking my sims to a vacation world if they actually have no 'annual leave' so to speak. In my rl work experience these kinds of Holidays (Christmas, Queen's Birthday and Various Cultural Festival days etc) don't actually consume any of my annual leave (count as Paid Time Off w.e.), I get that the calendar could be used as a exploit but this is The Sims! So long story short, I've been cancelling all the scheduled holidays which removes the main game play feature of the calendar. So this renders the calendar kinda pointless for me at the moment. Also not a fan of the +3 Happy moodlet for 12hrs that is received on completing a successful holiday.
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