Thanks for your help! I've removed all mods but this one hair and it's still resulting in fine white lines. I've also deleted the localthumbcache.package before and it didn't help. i feel like if it was the mod, the creators would know about it and others would have the same issue. i cannot find one person with the same issue. The blonde streaks that other people have had are very different than the ones happening in my game. In some other cases the lines will show on the seams of cc clothing, when i zoom out. Also, i have a very good graphics card and my default settings are on ultra. I've tried lowering my graphics and nothing worked. If the mod is broken, then why does it look fine in other people's game and it seems to just be me with this specific issue? I don't think its the cc nor the game i think it's something going wrong on my end. I've been trying to find a solution for weeks and cannot find anyone who knows what the problem is. Also, the creators will not get back to me so they are of no help.